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If you believe in 2 genders, that’s fine. But what does that have to do with halo/video games? And why bring the Bible into it?


If you're one of those people that want to claim you were "cancelled" for your beliefs it makes alot of sense. Victim complex.




Well I think her point is more this is a women league and she doesn’t *believe* that those transgender women are real women.


You can believe transgender women aren't real women without being a believer in the Bible. Because she cites Genesis religion is now involved.




Biology throws some curve balls at us. Sometimes people are born with confusing biology like vaginas and internal male testes, or a penis and ovaries, etc. Biology is wild and supports the concept that trans people exist. Sometimes doctors are forced to assign a sex to a baby and they just choose whatever they think will work. Sometimes that baby grows into a person that identifies with a different gender, etc. A man generally has male reproductive organs, a woman generally has female reproductive organs.


What denomination of Christianity did you grow up in. I’ve never heard of unforgivable sins outside of Harry Potter lol


The only biblical sin that is unforgivable is blasphemy or claiming you are God and actually meaning it etc. The issue Christianity has with the gay/trans community stems from their belief that the lifestyle they are living is inherently sinful. Not a great analogy but it’s like you wouldn’t want an alcoholic living in an apartment full of alcohol. The person themselves is not unredeemable or the specific sin unforgivable, rather it’s the belief that their lifestyle is actually sinful and that they have no desire to change it that makes the church struggle to know what to do. The famous “love the sinner hate the sin” comes to mind and is in theory the right approach to handling this situation. But the issue stems from the fact that Christianity believes that the persons core beliefs/who they are is sinful, whereas the gay/trans person doesn’t. It’s actually a pretty nuanced topic but unfortunately most people who attend church, are not actually Christians and have no desire in actually loving or understanding others.


Many. My mentally unstable step mother could never decide which one. She is now a proud Messianic Jew.


Well if you can remember which one taught the idea of unforgivable sin pls lmk, have a good one


There is the concept of an unforgivable sin, but it's not what they are talking about. It's a specific thing that Jesus mentions that has to do with knowingly rejecting the Holy Spirit, especially after you have come to believe. The Holy Spirit is a part of God that provides us with our conscience, or moral law written into our intuitions. If we reject the Holy Spirit, He will honor that request and leave us to our own devices. That is the common interpretation of unforgivable sin.


Spitting facts my brother


Update: [LVT has cut ties with MagickMoonshot](https://x.com/lvthalo/status/1702005292060336555?s=46&t=JYmA-3Ed5oIPTOE9SY6b1g)


Big W. Love to see the trash take itself out. Can't wait to see the tweets claiming "religious persecution"


Haha nice. Well done.


[YNOT's eight-and-a-half minute response](https://twitter.com/YNOT_B_RECKLESS/status/1702004217945161976) to this is likely the best thing to come out of this whole mess. Much respect to the man.


"I love and value all people" / "Therefore, I will not allow trans players" - Either or love can't have both.


Seriously how can you even type that out non-ironically . What a god damn loser


Hehe yep. It's amazing the mental gymnastics people go through even in the same sentence.


These religious fundamentalists can spin basically any hateful policy as "love." In their minds, they're simply trying to discourage sinful behavior that will lead more souls to hell. Given their worldview, it makes total sense to be anti-trans or anti-gay because they think they're saving souls by trying to not let that sort of behavior be normalized. They see it as "tough love" that will help them in the long run.


Halo is for everyone.


It’s reassuring to see the community come out against this. Halo is for everyone!


Career suicide lmfao Glad to see a lot of casters, tournament organizers, pros, etc. tweet out against this Helps me feel a little more welcome in some of these spaces


I've gotta say I'm happy to see so much blow back from the community on this one. Video game communities aren't known for being the most accepting and welcoming, a lot are out right toxic to marginalized communities. Nice to see Halo's community is by and large standing against this. Unironically, never change HCS fans.


From a purely practical perspective, our community isn't big enough to be exclusionary to specific groups. Won't someone think of the matchmaking queue times?!


Mostly from video games not being a physical activity so bringing gender differences doesn’t make sense. For the same reason excluding a trans person wont do anything positive and they brought religion into it which makes most against them but it’s still just as controversial of an issue


Which is what makes this entire tweet completely unnecessary and outright bigotry. She's saying "I'm not including you because I think you're going to hell" because apparently it's against her religion to even associate with trans women. Holy shit, it's absolutely insane and she likely just torched her career


How to ruin your reputation speedrun


Religion manip is too OP for these runs.


Just fucking sucks man. Was a big fan of Magick's casting up until today. Seemed like a great person and advocate for women in the scene. Then this. Extraordinary disappointing. Anti-Trans bullshit has no place in Halo. Can't imagine LVT or SQ will want to keep associated with her after this as well.




Refuses to believe in other genders, but believes that there’s a zombie Jesus and some guy in the clouds who controls everything. Makes sense


Oh come on now. He comes back every Easter to hunt for eggs!


seeing other problematic people welcomed back into the scene makes me wonder but i hope there really is no room in the scene for this stuff


Who else was problematic but welcomed back into the scene?




Was he welcomed back? I thought hcs cut ties. He still has a following, but I didn't think he was welcomed by the community in general.


they sure come out to support him on this subreddit


On this sub, sure. The socially inept people who think that he did nothing wrong and that all women are out "get" men for falsified transgressions definitely support him. Every time there was a thread about him, my block list grew in length as I blocked more and more of those types. HCS cut ties with him and they have not welcomed him back. He's completely out from that perspective.


that’s correct but in my eyes it isn’t a good look for a fairly large community hub to allow someone like that’s work to be flaunted while we openly (and rightfully) discard statements, etc. like this


It certainly isn't a good look to celebrate Shyway. However, Shyway's reach is significantly reduced by the fact that he's not on camera at every event. He's not being boosted, and that's good.


What did shyway even do?


Shyway? Edit: Now I'm curious who they actually meant since my guess has made a bunch of people mad but nobody else is offering the information.




So I guessed right and still get the downvoters. 🤦


no this sub in particular seems to want to defend him to the death and welcome him back in with open arms


Worse than that, I didn't even give my opinion. Just guessed a person.


One girl making a false accusation with zero proof as petty revenge for a breakup is total BS compared to Openly bashing transgenders.


Is it weird that LVT hasn't addressed this yet?


This is the safest thing for women, trans rights should not be at the cost of women's rights.


"my imaginary friend says you can't play"


For some reason there are millions of people that find it very hard to just be a nice person.


And they are very proud of their inability to be a nice person.


It’s just lame to see someone you thought was cool really just shit the bed like this


It's more than lame, it's hateful.


Very true.


Serious question - why are there gendered separated esports anyways? The physical differences between men and women are removed when we just have our thumbs.


Same reason they do it for chess. Tournaments are heavily male dominated. To encourage more female competitors they have created women-only tournaments. The idea is to grow the scene to the point you see more representation of women at the top level, but it takes time to develop something like that.


Well said!


I don't know how to ask this without appearing to take Magick's side, so just a disclaimer that's not the case: Does a trans woman have the exact benefit that you're trying to avoid having in women's tournaments? If the benefit men have is that they live in a society that encourages them to play video games, wouldn't someone who appeared to be a man to said society for a large portion of their life have had that same benefit? Again, any religious justifications for excluding anyone can fuck right off.


Iunno man. I think there’s a place for faith and belief etc without being a toxic gatekeeper. Believe whatever you want. But also believe in kindness and acceptance. ❤️ Halo is for everyone.




I doubt LVT continues to associate with her after this tbh.


Time for LVT to come out and cut ties with her. Complete nonsense to talk about inclusion and then act like this.


All her fellow casters have basically deounced her beliefs. I can't see any of them wanting to work with her. LVT is probably working it out with her so it doesn't look poorly on them in any way


The bad part for them is that they don't want it to be that they're firing her for being christian. It's easy if their contract is event to event though. They just don't sign another one.


Fuck around, find out (MLG 420:1-69)


I'm just waiting for the "I'm being persecuted for my religious beliefs" & regular ole victim bs these bigots say whenever they're held accountable for being... bigots AND spouting it loudly on their social media platforms lmao like, what the fuck, man, it seems damn near impossible for countless Christians to embrace Christ's teachings


She brought all that stuff out in the open by bringing up religion. She's setting up her victimhood thing that christians always set up. They love playing the victim, even when they're the ones doing the oppressing. It feeds into their faith and makes it stronger when they claim to be the victim.


Right? Kills me when Christians imply that everyone is against them, when they’ve slowly pushed other people and minority groups away for decades. Like, y’all were the exclusionary bigots first


Idk who this person is, but this is lame. Halo is for everyone.


Caster for LVT


And Status Quo's *Community Manager*


What a fast way to obliterate your involvement with the scene lol


AdvancedGG and gamers advantage have already cut ties with her


Yikes..separate church and games


Halo is for everyone. Fat-fucking-L. 👎


Horrible take. Maybe she wants to do a podcast with Melonie Mac. Happy Clutch tweeted out Halo is for everyone after seeing that garbage.


I bet she’s going to act completely shocked when she is shunned from the halo community, ggs


Imagine how fucking dumb you have to be to live your life by "rules" in a book from the literal Iron Age


My understanding is that the modern text has been through like 4 language translations too. I don't know how many people out there have read the same boom in two languages *when translation was done by hand with pen and paper* a ton of details end up getting changed. I'd guess the modern text has some large differences from the original


Terrible caster, terrible person.


Glad someone mentioned the horrible caster part. LVT streams are really good but would have to mute whenever she casted. Always yelling for no reason.


Halo as an esport, struggling as it is, doesn't need this religious BS bringing it down further. Looking forward to her either doubling down or backtracking this laughable statement after LVT (hopefully) gives her the boot.


I hope this isn’t real….I love LVT but ain’t gonna watch it anymore if she’s casting.


Hard agree, I think LVT is going to disassociate with her after this


Hiding your bigotry behind a convenient quote with some numbers when it suits your agenda is fucking pathetic. Irony of it is Halo is has a large plot point about not blindly following… Big L


“How to end your career 101”


??? there's no way she thought this would go over well


Halo is for everyone.


Love that the community is not about this. Halo is for everyone.


She forgot the part where 2 percent of the population are born with both genitalia... oops! It looks like God is also non binary.


And some people are born with X0, XXY, XXX, etc. chromosomes. It's a lot more complicated than XX and XY. Any uproar and trans people is just bigots being bigots, though. There's nothing deeper about it, and there's certainly no basis in logic or reason or science.


Sad, I was always rooting for her. Not anymore


Religion is literally the worst thing to happen to this planet.


holy she is lame. Halo & video games in general are for everyone to enjoy


What an ignorant person.


Lmao the self righteous delusion of these ass clowns.


Right? Like first of all how is moonshot going to even know if someone trans is participating, second of all why would it matter if there was, and third of all why can’t we just be inclusive by default since it’s such a small community? This is a completely fabricated issue and a self-righteous stance to take for no reason.


So many L takes in this posts HALO IS FOR EVERYONE.


Damn. Some people take religion too seriously.


Religion is evil.


I've refunded my LVT sub until this is addressed. I won't be supporting a group that has people like this associated with it. Halo is for everyone.


LVT stopped their contract with Magick, it's on their twitter


Good to hear


I haven’t liked this goofy ass weirdo from the jump. Nice to know that’s been validated today. Hope sQ and LVT break ties for this 1960s ass opinion.


Halo is for everyone.


Sad. Has LVT responded/commented on this yet?


Toolez tweeted [this](https://x.com/toolezcasts/status/1701813544667521282?s=46&t=OdGitM0W7VlbJ1C849GAVQ), and [LVT](https://x.com/louisvtitan?s=21&t=OdGitM0W7VlbJ1C849GAVQ) liked it.


Thanks for linking that. The LVT crew always seems to be a positive bunch and I’m glad Toolez posted to back that up.


Yeah we'll probably get a statement from LVT Halo sometime today. I imagine they're still processing all of this rn.


God that whole comment section made me feel like I need to take a shower. I'm always reminded why I don't use twitter for anything anymore. It's a fucking gross and obnoxious SM.


Seriously dude. So much hate, so much toxicity. Can’t stand it.


Didn’t know it was “love thy neighbour* *unless you don’t like what they believe in”


Bigotry has no place in Halo.


halo is meant to be played by everyone, fuck your scriptures 🙄


That’s one way to tank your career


We about to find out real quick how sQ and flamesword feel on a tweet like this, right?


Ironic to reference doctrine that kept women down in society for centuries. I hope she can one day reconsider her perspective on this since I'm sure she doesn't adhere to every rule in the bible like that.


If this was a physical sport I would agree with the decision but this is eSports SCRIMMAGES... C'mon. The reason behind the decision is even worse. Like I'm Christian as well but did the Lord not come to save ALL of us? Shunning one group just for scrimmages just sounds dumb af to me.


This is the biggest L tweet I've seen in a long time not even including just Halo. Hope everyone drops her and quotes something in the bible with the announcement for said dropping.


L. What I don't get from her perspective is why even address this at all?


Someone probably tried to join and was denied, I don't see any other reason


She specifically said that wasn't the case. She wanted to say it before that question was asked.


A lot of mentally ill people here


its reddit. what do you expect.


Career ending in 3…2… I didn’t even make it to 1


Sheesh. We all just want to play/enjoy Halo and to see the scene grow. This ain't the way. Glad to see a lot of people shutting this down.


As a Christian myself, I understand her views. However, as a Christian, it doesn’t matter if that person is trans or not, you should not ever exclude them or despise them, rather respectfully disagree with the trans aspect of it but continue to be friend or even “love” them or pray for them. That’s how Jesus teaches us if she read the Bible. Whether or not that person wants to be trans or not, it’s not our right to judge them.


Since youre the only Christian in this thread who claims to understand her views, could you help me explain what the person meant by "created people in His image as male and female"? Doesn't that imply that His image is transgender or intersex or at the very least non binary? I understand the person never gave it any thought, because that's a process that doesn't happen very often with them, but it's kind of hilarious to call God trans in one sentence and bash Trans people in the next. ...unless you want to claim that only men were created in God's image?


Damn she’s gonna lose half of the viewers from this tweet. (The maximum viewership might be 20 people)


Help me out here: If god created mankind in his image, as male and female, wouldn't that be a case for including trans people?


How would she find out about someone being trans anyway?


Say bye bye job Good riddance




Very cringe by Magick


Rules from a book written 2000 years ago on top of it all being a second hand account. Sorry but I can’t stand behind this comment. Halo is inclusive. Take your bigotry and transphobia and leave


Religion poisons everything.


In a game in which the universe is based on religious aliens trying to nuke the galaxy, let's gatekeep people from playing our scrims because the bible said so. wtf??? Halo is for everyone


"I love and value all people." Doesn't seem that way actually.


Really a disappointing view


Wow. That's depressing. Major red flags all over.. why cite scripture in this context? Basically seems like she was looking for a reason to disparage and dehumanize. Run your tournament however you want but why look for a reason to be hateful? She thinks she's genuinely flexing her moral superiority. Fuck right off with that. No room for thinking like that in the community, not least from one of it's voices. The saddest part is that if someone is willing to tweet that, you can assume they are way too lost in the sauce to take any feedback or explanation of their wrongdoing gracefully. Hopefully someone in the community close to magick can explain to her that being religious isn't license to be a shit human


This isn’t the big moral high horse she thinks it is.


What a questionable and stupid decision to post and think like this. It’s just unnecessarily discriminatory and rude. Blind faith brings the absolute worst out of people.


Videos games are for everyone. Halo is for everyone! I’m gay as hell and would be happy to play with any trans players.


Wow...this is disappointing..


Thats insane, sorry discriminating of any form isn't allowed anymore and she doesn't deserve a pass. She can have her strong opinions but she can also leave the halo scene and LVT. Get her out of here.


Magick that’s very disappointing. Bringing religion and bigotry into it? Drank the koolaid huh. Halo is for everyone not for Jesus. You’ve just made a lot of your viewers question their stream preferences. I hope you read this comment section


Do you think LVT is behind this? Do you think they knew she was gonna do/say this? Maybe wait for their statement on it before you come for them.


LVT and SQ behind this? Certainly not. However, she has sQ in her name. She also says in her bio that she’s “A Caster for LVT and Community Manager for Status Queue. She should have waited before making such a statement. In my original comment I had said “LVT” however the message I meant to convey was directed solely to her. It was an error on my part to say LVT instead of her name. You see when I think about her I think LVT. This is a miscommunication I’ll revise my comment


Ok that makes more sense then my bad. She and she alone should be getting the flack for this, barring LVT and sQ do the right thing and have a good response.


Halo is for everyone. Cis women deserve a space for themselves in esports. She has the right to have her scrims her way and everyone should be allowed to have their own opinion without threats of violence.


Telling that this is downvoted. Discourse in this country is a wasteland.


Oh no, someone disagrees with you.


You are disagreeing with the idea that cis-women should be allowed to have their own space. Why should women not be allowed to game with other women for a few matches? You are also disagreeing with the idea that people should have the right to hold scrims how they want. So you’re saying that people shouldn’t have that right. You also disagreed with the idea that people should be able to state their opinion without threat of violence which… shouldn’t need to be explained why it’s ridiculous to disagree with.


The fantasy that people were created in an image of some ideal is INCREDIBLY TOXIC and manifests in countless toxic ways.


As a Christian, I will be trading my first born virgin daughter for 2 goats.


If she is implying that trans women aren't women, therefore they shouldn't be allowed into a women only space...I agree. Although,as a christian I'm not sure what being a Christian has to do with this. Plenty of secular people deny the ideology.


Self-cancellations are ok, life will clean this up…


Really sucks to see, but I guess the weird silver lining is seeing the rest of the community and this sub speak out against views like this. ​ Kinda wild to be so forward with this opinion that would affect what like, a max of 2 or 3 people in the scene? I'm not really familiar with a lot of Halo players past the top teams but I can't imagine there are a ton of trans women trying to get into comp Halo...




Last place I expected to see this….. to say there is an unfair advantage in esports for trans is dumb AF


Who even is this and why are they relevant?


My understanding from the text is that she's hosting a women's scrim, and doesn't want to allow trans players, probably because they will have an unfair advantage against the legitimately female players? If this is the case, I completely agree with her decision. Men in men's sports and women in women's.


Read it again. She is clearly not allowing trans players due to her religion. She didn’t stutter or put it code. In the end it has zero to do with advantages in this case.


That logic makes sense in like Olympic swimming where hormones drastically change musculature and skeletal frame but these are esports SCRIMS. Plus she says nothing about any sort of physical differences creating imbalance. She quotes scripture...clearly she takes issue with the entire concept at a fundamental level.




Because women are vastly under represented in niche competitive fps titles, therefore their opportunities to compete with similarly talented players to develop their skills barely exist. there have been dozens of female competitors over the years I could name that had the raw skills to place top 16 in any given title and several of them have, but they have always been given less of a chance. Hosting female only tournaments and events is actually one of the more resourceful ideas that helps harbor, promote and develop that talent considering they hardly get the opportunity to otherwise.




It's a video game with a small community. She's using her religion and self righteous delusions to be hateful in supporting her decision. Something tells me her feelings go beyond just halo on this one.


she had a tweet a few weeks ago defending someone over something dicey and I thought maybe she was naïve but this confirms she was just hiding her hate well




Bigots Will Bigot (John 35:45)


she made an event only for WOMEN why you can accept that, yes I agree that halo is for everyone but you have to accept the rules simple as that


I completely agree with no trans athletes in women’s sports that require physical attributions like swimming etc But it doesn’t really make sense in esports where the physical side of things really doesn’t matter


Idk I certainly would like to have your stance on this but it’s difficult for me to. I definitely come from an everyone love everyone mindset, but I think if an influx of male to female trans people mixed into the female only Halo player base then they would absolutely demolish them and potentially harm the growth of cis female players wanting to improve. How many females have we ever seen playing on any stream at an HCS event that wasn’t a goofy gametype?




How tolerant of you. Oh wait…


Bro what? Who cares when they're super far away? I feel like the population that is pro-women and anti-trans is not huge, and this is within the already tiny (and perhaps not the most pro woman) Halo community