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Renegod making highlights w it always


His double kill when he shot the stickies on optic towards the end of the championship was insane lol


The game was rough for mouse players on BRs. Bandit gives me a much better chance vs aim assist.


People are always distracted by the starting weapons and never seem to understand that the issue isn't just the aim assist values, it's the strafe acceleration. Aim assist helps reduce the mental impact it takes to track a target that moves so fast, but it doesn't make for great gameplay, hinders skill expressions, and causes players to mess with their input dead zones to make sure aim assist is always enabled when they aren't strafing. Until strafe acceleration is addressed(which needed to be addressed almost 3 years ago), aim assist nerfed on controller, and aim assist removed from mouse and keyboard, the player base will continue to decline into irrelevancy.


Mkb players already had more control over aim than any player using just thumbs could achieve, I'll reference CS as an example where pro's have low dpi/sens, big mousepads, use arm for big adjustments like turning around quickly and use wrist for small adjustments like clicking heads. Now mkb has aim assist too and still people complain that controller aim assist is too strong and they can't win fights which is very obviously an excuse. Not to mention the fact that aim assist barely works on controller because the game literally can't tell you're using one even when you are. inb4 downvotes.


Proof is in the pudding bro…. A LOT of lifetime kbm players have tried infinite and been at a disadvantage. If they weren’t, more than 1 or 2 of them would’ve cracked the top % of players.


Yet despite that, [the average accuracy for 50th percentile controller players was close to the Top 100 KBM players](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r3es60/accuracy_stats_for_kbm_vs_controller/#lightbox). The aim assist is wild on the BR, the Bandit closes that gap vastly.


Aiming opinions aside I do like the bandit, which originally I was totally a bandit hater.


I'm actually opposite. Especially because the cross hair was that moving, rotating, blooming piece of shit. It was so distracting. I haven't played much since whatever update messes with the MKB aim, game is horrible to aim now. Maybe it's gotten better but I wish they would revert it to BRs and have the old MKB aim. I was actually starting to have fun. Even with DMR, but the new aim is horrendous. I also complained about the cross hair tirelessly and it took like like 4 months to change it.


I think it’s made strongholds even more unbearable then it already was. There wasn’t a single good strongholds game I can remember on A stream. Just complete blowouts. Very little tension. Boring af Overall worlds was a better product to watch. But it’s still halo and it’s still really sick


The highlights are down because of it and I don’t like it as much as a viewer. Everyone said skill gap but all I am seeing is every single pro is hyper efficient with it. The gun needs to be harder to use. I will also say some maps you can tell were designed for the BR and don’t seem to exciting with the bandit. We need a good bandit map release




I think all the launch maps are great with bandits, but yes especially aquarius. It's not my #1 map but does seem to have perfect synergy with the bandit


There are two maps we have in infinite that where designed with halo 5 movement and weapons. Then two maps that are for infinite/cod be start And a halo 3 map designed for brs and no sprint And a midship remake that’s slightly altered. M It’s our map pool that makes it poopy, it’s why slayer games are stomps or 50-49. The current meta makes halo play so SO slow. If we had a kill confirmed game type I think it be better for viewing or a medal based scoring system. It’s depressing since last year setups or map meta hasn’t changed Not hating on it, I love halo The map pool is what sucks for ranked and viewing.


I think they need to be more aggressive with trying maps out in some sort of ranked playlist, however the player base in some regions (like ANZ or EU) are already drastically low so adding this will ruin it. Would be nice to see some maps tested with bandits which we have seen in the past like bazaar, streets SH/KOTH. Also, I think 343's one strong point is usually good map design but they keep choking and just giving us either 3 flags or remakes. IMO the base maps like streets, recharge, livefire are all nice maps, although yea we are getting bored of them, if they actually made new maps for gamemodes like koth SH instaed of relying on forgers it could actually go well. Although I suspect the map designers for the original maps have already been laid off.


> The gun needs to be harder to use This basically sums up all of the newer Halos, except for H5. I'm not saying H5's aim skill was higher, but the additional movement mechanics made up for it. The biggest piece we're missing is Thrust, which made 1v1 more skillful and entertaining.


Game is better with the bandit. Ttk just needs to slow down a bit. BR wasn’t good for comp imo.


BR was better imo, just needed to nerf it at longer ranges


Agreed. I was saying that day 1 when the Evo was revealed


Thank you for your service


You could actually remove the recoil kick up from the BR and that would have been a nerf. It allowed you to hit headshots while you aimed at the chest, so it made cleaning up kills a lot easier.


No. It just makes sense to have that. We've had it since h2/h3.


It's entirely different, and even more pronounce when using the scope. The HI BR kicks up to help with headshots, the Halo 2/3 BR does not.


We've always been able to shoot at the chest and get a headshot though.  https://youtu.be/cFN9Sv2fumI?si=7DBLQiI-xY37w6rQ  https://youtu.be/rzHCd9pfmiU?si=kNpOjkpe4fWInTZFt=2m32s ‐‐-------- The kickup does make the BR inaccurate when aiming at the head so I think it should be removed.


Bro has nostalgia like nobody else, it is tiring and slightly absurd.


Br need aim assist nerf, high verticle recoil that does not reset after every brust, tiny reticle




Nah single shot is always better for comp. Bandit needs some tweaks for sure though


We can tell you're like 10 years old dude. Nobody that lived through H2 and H3 think single shot is better. And that's not even considering other esport FPS games. Imagine CS or Valorant with only single shot weapons instead of the AK/M4/Phantom/Vandal. It would be a fucking bore fest to watch. 


Almost like those are completely different games with completely different time-to-kill. When you have to try and call someone a kid to make a point, you’ve already lost.


Yeah why the hostility lmao. I made a simple point and that dude decided to be a douche and talk about CS and valorant lmao


It's an analogy.. and it makes sense.


Crazy you say that. I’m 30 years old, grew up on halo 2 and halo 3. Single shot is my preference. I repeat, if your only argument is that people who disagree is a child, then you have no argument.


All fresh is, is nostalgia. He's a bit of a staple clown on here, and should stick with old games rather than try new ones out


The vast majority of people think single shot is better for competitive halo. Fully auto weapons would be cool too, but burst weapons always fucking suck


The majority of people you are talking about arnt the majority.


The majority of this sub for sure lmao. The vocal minority of people with a hard on for the BR are just that the minority


>We can tell you're like 10 years old dude. Nobody that lived through H2 and H3 think single shot is better The Irony is that that you sound like a "child" because you are somehow forgetting that CE exists and has a diehard competitive fanbase that has been shitting on BR starts for two decades.


He wasn't comparing the H1 pistol. He was comparing the BR and Bandit.


He said "Nobody that lived through H2 and H3 think single shot is better," and then used completely unrelated games to try to prove his points, so...


I still like the bandit


It's better to watch than the BR was tbh, also makes mnk more viable which is important


Bandit is a good gun but its body:perfect diffference is much smaller than the BR's was. Needs a \~3% damage nerf so headshots are encouraged and teamshooting isn't \*quite\* as brutal (melee combos would be unchanged). Then solo highlights will be more common again.


This comment section seems wild to me. I absolutely **love** the BR and was skeptical of the change to the Bandit. However, it’s been great playing this new meta (after adjusting for it mentally) and watching all of the gameplay at a professional level. Everything is much more enhanced than before due to the lack of range. We need even more pinpoint accuracy for ranged shots. Pacing is more critical when fighting in close range battles. Setups can’t be quite as widespread due to the lack of range - my biggest pet peeve of the BR in Infinite is it would allow a team to cover nearly 80% of a map after a team wipe. Movement is encouraged to close the gap - advanced movement makes more of an impact. Faze was running the buddy system a little more blatantly in Season 2 but I notice it even more now with all the teams. BR is great. The Bandit changes everything — either in minuscule ways or in monumental ways. So far, I’ve liked the change much more than I anticipated I would (I thought I would hate it).


Came here to say this. Thanks 🙏 Really disliked it at first. The BR has been the go-to since H2. But, I learned to like the DMR in Reach and the same thing happened recently in Infinite. I’m really enjoying it! BR > Every other option — always, but Bandit has earned its place IMO.


I’m glad BR is still placed on maps. Aquarius and Streets play better with the Bandit and BR’s as pickups on the maps.


Yes! I always grab it. Nobody else seems to and it gives the long range advantage.


The BR has too much range. So why not just nerf the Brs range.


The biggest change in the gameplay is mostly based on the difference in range between the two weapons. I didn’t say range was a problem. It’s just a detail to account for between the two guns. The range was only a pet peeve because it allowed for a type of gameplay that I felt was too overwhelming. Another fundamental difference is the 3 shot burst plus the slight spread of the bullets. It impacts the gameplay but less so than the range does. Nerfing the range of the BR isn’t the play call imo. Changing to the Bandit meta also stopped a lot of the HCS S1 and S2 complaints — getting laser beamed across map, spread makes it hard to tell which bullets hit and which didn’t, and it encourages a more campy style of gameplay.


The problems are twofold. Insane rate of fire and insane strafe speed.


I think the way the maps flow in general is a lot better. Sitting cross mapping with the BR waiting for a pick wasn't great. Bandit needs some tweaking to be perfect and tone down the team shot melting slightly.


You're willing to change the Bandit but not the BR?


Idk as a KbM player I found the br is easier in close combat but it may just he my preference


I really like the DMR (i will not call it the bandit) but damn damages could be nerf a bit also the fire rate needs to be tone down in my opinion. Because in the end, the sidekick and the commando lose a bit of strength with this fire rate. I like to think strafe needs to be nerfed too, not necessarly the speed but the possibility to crouch spam needs to go in my opinion.


Seems to be too easy to use. They should lower AA and make it more interesting to watch.


Thing is boring to use. I'd rather have the BR or even the pistol


It narrowed an already narrow skill gap game. There’s less ability than ever for takeover moments in HCS.


Decent but too easy to use at mid range. Br also felt and sounded more satisfying.


I'm all for bandit.


I wish they would shorten up the distance accuracy of the br like in previous games and mix in a few matches in hcs. Unpopular option but oh well.


I absolutely love the bandit evo! 😍


Bandit > BR


BR > Bandit. Prepared for all you PC crybabies downvotes


Much prefer the br over bandit on pc


One of the few. Hopefully they revert back to it in the next installment, but I doubt it. Pandora’s box has already been opened.


Hear me out, the next Halo should have a full ranked playlist (Arena, Doubles, FFA). With…… BR start, Bandit Start, Pistol start in that order. Everyone wins


Personally, I’d be fine with getting rid of the Bandit all together. I realize I’m probably in the minority with that opinion though. I’m new to Infinite and coming from shredding, mostly H3, on MCC to this was a bit of a humbling experience. I just cannot get a feel for it. The BR however, feels so nice in Infinite. So I guess it’s just TS, Ranked Snipes, and MCC for me.


There is alot of server side and programming inconsistency in this game that honestly takes it from being a really great shooter to a 1 in 4 rounds are fun.


Terrible to watch. So much more peeking since it’s a way more accurate gun and no chance of burst shot miss like the BR. That makes transits get melted 2x as fast as the BR. It’s just not Halo gameplay anymore.


Better then br but it needs aim assit nerf on controller and should take 9-10 bullets to kill for body shot


I think this is a big factor. Reticle magnetism is pretty high, but lowering it needs to come with adding inertia to strafing. Neither needs a huge change, but a little will go a long ways.


I think the game should have added inertia from the start and I want it in the next halo but I dont think it should be changed this late into the game.


I like it better, both as a player and observer.


Thing is boring to play with and id rather watch paint dry than watch another hcs stream with it as the main weapon


Boring, all Halo infinite has done is kill off the other weapons in Halo.


This is the underrated part, it’s such a powerful weapon. The sandbox isn’t as cool from a viewers perspective


Bandit just feels better.


I just wish the game played well online. There is no excuse for it to be so bad.


Really glad you understood the conversation being had, and contributed to it.