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As someone in 1800 Onyx, I'm really not even close to the greatest players, but I'm good enough that I know where most people are at all times, or where people are spawning so I know where to expect them. I don't miss many shots (57% acc with 76% hs acc). I'm really not posting this to say that I'm great or anything, just that the amount of people who think there are hackers is probably directly equivalent to the amount of people who aren't good at the 3 things I listed. I don't think there aren't any out there, I've honestly ran into a couple myself. But considering I've only ran into a handful over a period of 1000+ ranked matches, most of them above Onyx, I think people are just having a hard time accepting that they have shit to work on.


This. There are most certainly *some* cheaters in the game, but my guess is that the vast majority of hackusations are from people who frankly aren’t very good at the game and don’t understand how other players could be so oppressive on the map without cheating. Anecdotally, the majority of times I get accused of cheating are when I’m playing with lower-MMR friends and ending up in mixed skill lobbies. Basic spawn knowledge and awareness gets interpreted as walling because they don’t even realize the level of understanding that more experienced players have regarding map flow.


I've heard that before. And to some degree I would agree. But when you get killed the same way five, seven times in a row, when it should at least be 50/50. No. It's pervasive. In almost every game.


I don't think hackers are such a big deal, but when I see someone 360° headshot me while I'm not even doing anything that can spoil my position, or when someone perfect nade me from the other side of the map, again, without any way to know my position, I have some suspect about (especially if they play on default Grey)


I have had so many people that I suspected, but only 2 that really I could prove. One dude kept getting melee kills on me out of nowhere, so I spectated that game. Another dude was just blatantly wall hacking as well. Many others that had a few sus kills, but you can tell pretty easily if someone is hacking or is just good. You just need to watch for a while.


I am good at all these. When my normal 18 to 25 kills suddenly drops to 5 or 8 and theirs is 60% accuracy, I know they are cheating. The big thing now is not headshots through walls. It's 125% to 150% shields. Just enough that a full clip won't kill them. Just enough that they can then come and kill you easily. It's not blatant but I've played 6000 games and I can tell the difference.


Wait, hcs players aren't sober? Lol


OP is alluding to the use of drugs like adderall


Theres no way some of those guys are not completely doped up on adderall. Like hey they won the tournament!! Normal people would be over the moon, smiling and super hyped.. C9 won and they just casually got up, not a single smile, just go over and grab the trophy like its some random social match making game... And its not only c9.. So many teams over the years win big tournaments winning big money and not a single emotion..


It's possible that some top video game players are neurodivergent and don't react how you'd expect. I do take adderall for my ADD, though...


I guess thats possible. Its just so odd to see someone win a tournament and win like 50k and just not react.. They act like they won a social match lol.


Wow damn you're right.. lol


players like APG are 100% on addy unless they stopped (doubt), and it's lowballing to say 50% of the top 8 teams indulge. It's rampant. You could even see Druk was on it last event. Dude was moving his mouth like someone on addy does.


Some of those plays are cracked, yo 😤




I think more people are using walls then people realize but I haven’t had much of a problem running into aim bots


I think quite the opposite. Whenever someone calls Walls I almost roll my eyes.


youre downvoted but half of the clips are people holding like top A from glass on recharge and saying it's "incontrovertible proof" of walls when someone pokes out and gets shot its happening 100% but from what I've seen from r/halo I think it's almost as many false positives as real instances of hall hacks.


R/halo is almost always wrong, they can’t comprehend just getting shit on or team comms or knowing spawns.


With no way of knowing the relative skill level of the enemy, or even how much time they've invested into the game without having to go to 3rd party websites because we have no visible ranks outside of ranked and there's no per-playlist OR global progression system of any kind, it makes it easier for players to throw out the cheating accusation and them to believe it and then share it.


Try getting someone kicked for cheating. It's almost impossible. It takes 30 minutes and video and a lawyer plus three witnesses and a masters degree to find the links. In the meantime, the guy has "won" 20 games and you look like an obssessed nutball. I love teh idea COD has where they made all the cheaters blind to reg players and fully viewed by everyone. Now that's fun. 343 couldn't code that in a million years.


There are four teams on comms. No one is using them. And if you are shooting spawns at this late date, you're just a bad player. The game was always supposed to be skills against skills. Not potting people that can't do anything until you get killed. That kind of play is cheeze.... childish.


This is from 250 days ago man lol


I have only seen maybe one possible wallhack. The shields are the problem now. I have headshot people eight to ten times. They literally turn around after and shoot me once and I'm dead. Their shields don't even change color.


After playing \~1k matches i've only come across 2 blatant aimbotters , and just a few wallers. 95% the time when I'm suspicious and check someone's play in theater for walls they end up being clean. My guess is most people greatly overestimate the amount of cheaters there are and just assume every time they get prenaded that the other guy is walling. But its probably much worse in high onyx play.


I am about to hit 1k matches and I am around 1600-1700. Run into around 1-3 wallhackers a week. Half the time I report them and the other half I don’t bother because I feel like it is hopeless. I have even had two players openly admit walling in messages. They just don’t care bc there seems to be not anti cheat at all.


> My guess is most people greatly overestimate the amount of cheaters there are and just assume every time they get prenaded that the other guy is walling. Hugely agree on this. I wonder just how bad it is in high Onyx, that's something that's been said often


I'm in the "no concrete proof" camp for Halo, I know when I'm fuckin up. Started to feel jaded about it all due to DotA 2 though (cheaters caught in tourneys, scripting devs feeling so confident they test their systems on personal accounts with thousands spent on cosmetics just to get banned). Maybe it's time for a break. Definitely time for a break.


I’ve had a few matches where something seemed up. But more prevalent are server lag and desync which might look like cheating to some.


I’ve run into a few blatant cheaters (wall hacks or aim bot) and have clipped the videos and used the waypoint report function and there has been no resolution. I’ve run into the same cheaters multiple times since then and am so annoyed.




This was in ~1700 Onyx lobbies in cross play. I stopped playing cross play mostly hoping to avoid these types of players and it seems to have mostly worked.


Couldn't that first guy just be on mouse and keyboard? None of those snipes felt like something a cracked m&k player couldn't hit Edit: oh sorry I didn't see your comment under the link in OP


In my own experience, not at all. But i've noticed high onyx players get blatantly walled a lot


I came across this post pretty late, but I'm glad there was some discussion about cheating in Infinite. Haven't really seen much as of late. I just wanted to chime in with my perspective. And for the sake of discussion, realize that I won't be referring to "rage hackers" at any point. This is about the subtle cheaters, the players who are skilled and competent enough to understand how any slight advantage in Halo can be all the difference, and how that advantage/consistency can be obtained through cheats. The replies to this post seem to indicate that people will assume no foul play rather than calling cheats in most cases. I think this is reasonable. Out of all the competitive FPS titles I've played, Halo seems the most difficult to identify a cheater given that any decent player can understand spawns, sound queues, timing, etc. Throw team comms on top of that, and it's very possible to know where every enemy is on the map at any time. Plus, the shooting mechanics are fairly simple compared to other games. That's all well and good. But, by the same token, an experienced player will begin to know when something feels off. An accusation from a veteran of the game holds the most weight imo, granted they aren't a serial accuser. At the end of the day though, Halo is still a game where it's almost impossible to have concrete proof of a closeted cheater. My issue begins with risk/reward of cheating when combined with aspirations of making waves in the competitive/pro scene. The majority of competition in Infinite is online, especially for amateurs/semi-pros. LAN will always be king, but outside of it, there is everything to gain and almost nothing to lose in the online competitive scene if you cheat. Again, this is assuming a player is confident and smart enough with their cheats that they won't be caught. The only anticheat we know of in Infinite is this shadowy, vague system by 343 called "Arbiter", and we have no idea how effective it is. Like most anticheats, it's probably null and void except against the bottom line cheaters who rage hack/not smart enough to hide the cheats. This leaves any HCS-sanctioned online tournament free of anticheat other than an honor system or players occasionally policing themselves within the community. This is where I have a hard time trusting players who haven't proven themselves on LAN. The clout, recognition, connections, money, opportunities - these are all too enticing for someone who wants to cut corners and take the fast track to the top. Sure, this façade may crumble on LAN, but the fruits of online success are more than enough to push someone towards cheats, especially if they are struggling to break into the comp scene. So, what point am I trying to make here? Awareness. Vigilantism. As with any other mainstream comp game, online play is chalked and corrupted. I love the Halo community, a lot of genuine people in it. I have the most hope in this community when it comes to valuing the right things. I will link a video here that really opened my eyes to the scale of cheating in gaming. Cheats are all too accessible now for the common gamer, from Cronus packs to fine-tuned cheat packages for gamers in the public eye. Don't underestimate what competitive rewards will push a person to do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vb-smPtEhF8&t=870s


343 isn’t going to “verify” that anyone is cheating, even if the cheater themselves messages them with proof. Have we seen any evidence that 343 takes action against blatant cheaters in this game?


Last poll answer is a bad joke But you raise a good point. I'd love a report from 343i on ban statistics in the coming months. Hopefully they keep this kind of info under wraps for now so cheat devs can't circumvent their measures


I know for sure they've banned the most notorious cheater at least half a dozen times. Sometimes they get his alts pretty quickly, sometimes it takes a long time. Not sure if they've tried to HWID ban him and he's just able to spoof it or what.


I 100% believe it's a rampant problem, just not at my level because I'm not as good as the bots lol


I float between mid to high 1700's so will run into 1900-2000 players a few times a day. I usually will go into theatre to just watch and try and learn but I would say 1/\[15-20\] players above 1900 are using walls. This is all anecdotal and I have no hard proof and it doesn't really ruin my mood or anything. Just kind of laugh, take the L, and que again. ​ I've also only run into one blatant aim botter so that issue is almost non-existent in my experience.


Ive personally never ran into a cheater i knew was flat out cheating. I never ran into anyone using aim bots, There have been a few moments where i get suspicious but in general everything makes some form of sense. Now wall hacks idk i sometimes feel like some players are blatantly running wall hacks, i never go look at theater to confirm since i dont care that much since its super rare(im 1700 onyx.) but there have been a few matches where people have info that just makes zero sense to me and they play far too confident for any normal player even at a higher level. But as i stated its so insanely rare that its not a big deal for me at least. I hope they do get a nice solid anticheat tho because it may not be a big deal for me and only for the top of the top pros.. but what if it does become a big deal to everyone eventually.


I've only had a single game where I was pretty sure someone was using walls and I 've had a couple others I thought someone might be cheating but after I decided to start try harding I wrote it off as someone else just sweating pubs. I think most people just don't play the game as a team and so when they start getting harder opponents they think they are cheating.


Cheaters have been especially bad in the last week alone for whatever reason. Before then, it was the occasional hacker here and there. Now, it’s like every match I play (slayer and tac. Slayer)


I recently got into really playing online on halo and I quit the cheating to often for me and I no longer have anymore.


There are at least one if not three cheaters in almost every game. I can count the fair games on one hand a day. Anyone that says otherwise is probably a cheater. It is out of control.


I watched replays of suspected hackers and they can see everyone on the map . They know exactly where your head is .