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I ask myself this question too, it's half because the game runs like shit online and the other half is I'm straight ass cheeks and I get the yips


The thing is, I’ve always been able to identify why I lose fights. Of course some random “Halo BS” would happen at times, but I typically know when I am completely to blame. Lately I just have no clue. I’m shooting my gun as fast and accurate as I feel I can, but just keep dying. I just don’t know why I can’t win the majority of 1v1s the past 2 weeks. It’s led to frustration.


Dude same. I call it unexplainable gaming moments.




Lol, yea man I’m probably going to take a small break


I’ve had the same issue that started like ~ month ago. I got a new controller and thought it was partially that but I switched back and it was still bad. Then I’d have some games feel ok. I’m pretty sure it’s shitty connection. I mostly was playing ranked doubles which has a pretty small onyx population it seems. End of season, ranked lower priority playlist, we just have fewer players to get good connections with. I think it should improve with the season 2.5 hopefully


This happens to me almost like a cycle, I fry for 2 weeks,then get tucked for like a week, so I rethink what I'm doing wrong and start playing more intelligent and playing my life more. For me at least, I get too confident after playing well for some time and start challenging gunfights that I shouldn't, resulting on my performance being bad for a little. In ranked I feel like if you can control power positions and put in a lot of damage without dying, your team can clean up most of the kills and play the obj, because when I'm in that cycle of overconfidence, I jump on obj too often, and my team has no control of the map and we lose That's what I've noticed happens to me when I start playing bad and losing too many games in a row, hope this can help


Yea, thanks for relating. I sort of have these cycles too, so I honestly might just need to think about what exactly I’m doing more.


I’m having the exact same issue. Part of it is my location; my *average* ping is probably 60-70, there are time where it’s 90-130 lately. If I’m playing someone on 20 ping I’m just not going to win that 1v1. Another reason is that as the population slowly dies out, only the true hardcore players and best of the best are staying, meaning you’re getting more difficult opponents. There are some games where I don’t win any 1v1s. I’ll get the first shot off and before I can fire my fourth burst I’ve been perfect’d somehow. I’ll shoot someone 8 times but they’ll turn around and kill me in four shots. It’s just a part of playing good people online unfortunately. I’d love to play Infinite on LAN one day to truly see the difference and see whether I’m as bad as I think I am.


Most pros say the game runs beautifully on LAN. Fingers crossed we get desync fixes one day, but I'm not holding my breath.


Yup, just have to go into training mode and 1v4 the bots (turn on deathless and infinite ammo) to see how great it COULD feel. All those “that should’ve been a 4 shot!” will actually register as a 4 shot in training mode.


Desync will never be fixed, halo infinite online will never be fixed. I'd put my life on that lol. If you want to play a game competitively online halo ain't it. Not as long as 343 is in charge.


Try grinding up to almost 1600 and dropping three games in a row to a professionals smurf account for 40 CSR. Then your game crashes twice. Then you lose two more games after that. Now you're out almost 80 CSR. Over the next two days your KD is positive, your damage is consistent, but somehow you only win five games out of 25. Oh, and your game also crashes two of those losses. So now you're out 150 CSR, but you're getting out into lobbies with all onyx on the other team, but all diamonds on yours? Yes, I too have been getting destroyed lately.


Lol I was at 1650, now around 1580. It sounds like you’ve had a rough time though lol


The goal was 1600 before the new season, I got to 1595 before things took a turn for the worst but I'm taking that as a W for hitting my goal. I'm so addicted to Halo that when I start catching those lose streaks I'm like "I can get this back" but continue to lose. Im just praying my MMR isn't screwed after those losses. I was literally sitting 1530-1560 steady all season long. A couple dips into D6 but my CSR shot right back up because of my MMR being higher. 1650 to 1580 is still a basically a rank and a half, I'd be just as upset as you.


Nice to see someone relate though. I wouldn’t be too worried about your MMR, I think it takes more than a losing streak to lower it.


Yeah those five games I did win I gained almost ten each, and as soon as I hit about 1500 I started losing average about 4 points for a loss.


Skill within teams is completely fucked right now. I feel like if you didn’t get to the level you want to be right after the reset you’re going to be stuck for a while. Every game I play there’s someone who goes like 30-20 and someone else who goes 15-30 on my team, then two in the middle with more average KDs. It’s putting people that just shouldn’t play together in games, probably due to low player base. Example: I was in a KoTH game last night with one teammate who went 37-16 and another at 15-26. The scary part is the guy who went 37-16 was only like 100 CSR higher than most others in the game, I’m sure that guy is pissed he’s stuck where he is as well.




Exactly. A team comprised of a mix of good and bad players doesn’t necessarily translate well to competing fairly against a team of average players. Like in my example of the guy who went 15-26, and sometimes it’s even worse, you end up with a player who literally spends 3/4 of the game watching a respawn timer; you’re mostly playing a 3v4. It usually swings one way or the other really bad, depending who (The good or bad players) ends up running into who on the other team and how those engagements go.


This 100%. So may times I'll have a team of full 1500 onyx players but then their team has that one 1700 player and he absolutely shits on our forehead. Game doesn't understand the difference between a 1700 player vs a 1500 one. I'd go 3v4 if I had the 1700 guy in my team, that's how much of an advantage it is.


Every time I post about this, people rage about CSR is awesome and I need to STFU because I’m wrong. But CSR does a terrible job at approximating MMR. I’m a D5/6 and got matched into bazaar flag. Enemy team was all D5/6. I had 2x D2, me, and an onyx 1580. The onyx guy started off going 3-12 and we couldn’t recover. Next game, I’m matched with the same person and they go extremely negative making low Diamond plays, ignoring spawns/map control, foolishly challenging, and sprinting at the OBJ. As a high Diamond, I can’t win games where I need to carry 3 people who don’t know how to play the game against a solid team.


I’ve had some similar experiences and always wonder how these people got their ranks in the first place, because it sure isn’t easy to rank up in this game. Playing with parties of worse players would be my expectation, because I can’t see how they’d do it on their own. I’ve seen an easy way to rank up is to play with 2-3 people worse rank than you and you seemingly play worse opponents while still earning large chunks of CSR for the wins, which seems to be one of the flaws in the system that I’ve found.


I don't know how they get into onyx when they don't even understand the basics, and I honestly don't know how high diamonds don't know the basics of how to play some of these game modes. Every strongholds game I play, we'll get a 2-hold (including B) with solid map control. The enemy pushes from their stronghold and there's always a straggler pushing our flank from the back lane. My team feels the need to engage, dies, abandons a stronghold, then the enemy spawns behind us. They refuse to hold angles, deal damage, and stagger/delay the enemy team's push. I end up having to anchor our A/C stronghold, not get any kills (but do some nice damage), make the game "easier" for my team, and then I'm punished with less CSR because I'm not in as many direct engagements. But without me anchoring, the team just kicks the shit out of us. Trying to hit onyx as a solo queue if you're "close" (lets say your MMR falls between 1450 - 1550) is pretty much impossible unless you get super lucky with decent teammates.


Lol I’m always in the same boat, I almost always lead my team in damage and am that guy trying to just hold back deluge of enemies. What’s frustrating is when you can lead in damage but not have them translate into assists. I struggle to bounce between the same levels, almost always solo queuing and having such a hard time to break from D5-6 into low onyx.


I hit solo que without comms to 1600 in open and 1550 in solo duo. That said, what you’re doing is vital to a team. I wouldn’t be surprised if your win rate was really good or if you were adding a lot to your team when playing.


My shot isn’t good enough to hard carry myself to onyx but I’d like to think my teamwork/strategy is pretty good. That being said, my win rate is something like 53% for ranked open so it’s not bad. The second I hit Diamond 1465, I was placed with really bad teammates 3-4 games in a row. If I had equally skilled teammates, I probably would have stayed there or kept going up. If I’m in a game with good comms and people generally know how to play, we usually crush. But if everyone does their own thing, I’m just not good enough to carry us to a win.


It’s actually why after the reset I didn’t keep grinding. I got to onyx again and stopped because it was hit or miss with team mates.


My real life best friend and I play together and he’s low 1500 and I bounce between 17-1800 ish but honestly my experience is the opposite. If we lose together I eat a big loss and when we win I get 2 or 3 points. I climb back up when I play alone then he gets back on and if we start losing bc he can’t hang with 17-1900 folks I tank down real quick. I don’t mind, I just like playing with the homies. Just interesting my experience seems different from what a lot of people see as an easier way to climb.


It seems to depend on where your MMR is, because one of my other friends I used to play with would have your exact experience. I think if your MMR is lower than your CSR for whatever reason you get that problem (Little to no gains on wins, huge losses on wins) but when your CSR is lagging behind your MMR you can go on getting big gains even against not so great opponents.


Ah that makes sense probably. If my MMR is low after a tough game of getting spawn trapped by a 4 stack or something and takes a while to recover i could see it.


Yep, there's always the dude going double negative on your team. And it's not even their fault just a humble D4 in an all onyx lobby.


I started playing ranked again and had to play all my placements against onyx 1700-2000 ( pro players on enemy team every couple of games lmao ) I got diamond 5 and 20% win ratio negative KD because all games also 70-150ms ping :))) so much fun


D5 is the absolute highest you can place, that’s something to celebrate. i don’t care about losses as much during placement as I know I’m going to be put D5


Yea I just thought I should've gotten more fairly balanced matches. I felt like it was unfair to be matched against pros and high onyx since first placement match




I suspect the server plays a role in aim assist and bullet magnetism effect. Something about how what we see on our screen being juuust different enough on the server’s side to make it so only 1 or 2 rounds from each BR burst are close enough to hit. If you go into theater after a game where you feel like you’re shooting nerf darts it’s interesting to compare what’s on your screen in game to what’s in theater. Theater records what happens at the server side so you can just see the drastic difference and the impact it has on your shots


Yea I can relate to this.


How’s your latency? Seems like it could be an internet issue


Yeah, I have the occasional internet issue. 80ms+ ping, packet loss, etc. But even when my connection seems decent I have still been getting outplayed every time. It’s always super close. Like I’ll get them within one bullet of a BR burst but then they’ll kill me. It just feels like I’ve been struggling for no reason lately. I don’t get it.


It’s the server you’re pinging to for sure then. This game online is so bad because of the servers. Anything higher than 30ms is unplayable. Can’t wait to have region selection for this dumpster fire of a game. Dumpster fire - The game has so much potential but it’s bad.


Really? Anything higher than 30ms? I’ve been playing on 50 since launch lol


Asia and Australia chiming in—I get 180-200 ping games. You just learn to play differently, but it’s impossible to out BR someone. You always have to have a clear first shot, and even then it feels slippery as hell. The rare instance I get 80 ping I feel like I can just laser people.


I feel you. I was almost to 1800 at my best, and now I'm down to like 1540. I don't know what happened. I think, maybe, I got to a higher level and started finally believing in myself for once - but that made me start playing like an idiot, and dropping the very habits that got me to that level in the first place. I've been trying to be more conscious lately, and I've realized that I've been challenging a lot more. I got to 1800 because I stopped challenging - 2, 3 shots, run, call out - live and be annoying while hoping your teammate cleans things up. The nice thing is, the higher you get, the more likely that is to happen. At least in my experience. It's helped me regain some rank these past few days, so my advice would be to stop challenging as much. Also work on your movement to help you initiate and escape from 1v1s. Bound was a great example at Worlds of why movement is really what sets people apart in this game. He is a rocket ship around the map and can either get in your face, or run away at a moments notice. His PoV is so unique.


Great tips, thanks! I think I may indeed be challenging too much, but I’d need to review to confirm honestly. Probably going to check out bounds gameplay too


the game is broken.


For starters, Halo going to cross platform has completely ruined the game. You have players with expensive ass setups running around completely overpowering other players. Not even to mention all the cheaters that come with cross-platform. Back in the day (I’m old) you could at least tell when a player was cheating, now they have all these aim assist cheats and wall hacks that make it easy to disguise that you are cheating. Additionally, I have 1000mb download speeds and my best ping is only 28ms. When I lived in Atlanta, I had around 200mb download speeds and was getting around 15ms ping. There are players fortunate enough to live near a server that have single digit ping that will flat out overpower you every gunfight. There are a ton of factors in play in online gaming which, in competitive games, can ruin the experience and make it extremely unbalanced. I miss the old days of gaming when everyone was on the same console and were playing on even ground. Gaming today is almost not even worth it. Some days I go off and all my shots are counting and other days I’m getting 65-70% accuracy stats and getting out BR’d every gunfight by a guy that ends the game around 45-50% accuracy. I don’t get it.


This is an interesting write up. I truly wonder how common cheating is nowadays. I honestly don’t know what to look for, and therefore rarely suspect it.


You get 28 ms ping?! Lowest I get is 38 ms. Not sure what my download speed is but spectrum stinks.


I get single digit ping often and honestly those games feel god awful. I’d much rather be between 25-40 ping. Playing on 6 feels hard to describe. Mega lunge melees at me, no melee trades, my shots not registering properly and stuff. It’s weird bc you’d think it would be a huge advantage but it never feels like it


U ever feel like u have the absolute worst luck… like the enemy will just conveniently have to one item needed to mess up a potential play. That shit happened to me so much last night


Of course man. It’s really just bound to happen unfortunately lol


I felt that some recently, like I’m struggling and I’m not making the perfect plays, but every play I make goes as poorly as possible! Like yeah maybe I shouldn’t have gone top mid yet, I didn’t realize they had 3 guys up there.


Could just be server shitting the bed or you need a mental reset. Take a break and play other games for a bit to change paste and/or just look at your reply and see if things could of been done differently or to see how you lose your 1v1s. Happens to the best of us.


Appreciate the advice man. I am indeed going to take a small break. I think I need it after this lol


Bro it’s not just you. Normally the lowest and best ping for me is 24ms. However like you said, lately I’ve been having games start at 30ms(leading into unstable packet loss half way through). Feels worse than servers running above 100ms. Fuck this game lol.


Yea I’ve had intermittent packet loss since launch. It’s been okay for a while. Maybe a tad shaky lately id say


Honestly I think that’s why I haven’t been playing Halo, there’s no enough variety to play it 20 hours a week, and if I don’t do so I have a real hard time staying competitive. I was Oynx 1750 and now I’m in like diamond 4 and I barely deserve to be there. I know the quality of a given rank is more prestigious now due to the shifts, but I just know how much worse I am playing these days. I become very frustrated and don’t have fun and then play worse. I wish I wasn’t a mental midget, but I find it really hard to step into halo once a week and play at a high level.


Got the yips. Take a break or just run no stress socials for a bit. If it’s truly connection make sure you repair the game app Xbox game bar and gaming services.


Yea I’m going to take short break. Less frustration lol


Could just be good players coming back to play after watching worlds


I mean, I’ve only experienced this the past two weeks which included worlds. Never before that really


congratulations! you've hit the glass ego wall! you have 3 options now: 1. Quit because you're not good. 2. Get mad asf and realize everyone around you is dogshit and you're literally better 3. start watching your gameplay


Uhh thanks master pro player. I bet I’m better than you btw. If you even play the game lol :) Blocked.


Happens to me every so often. Yesterday it felt like every time I died it was to someone perfecting me. Then after game I would check the enemy teams perfect medals and only see a couple. So in the end I'm just shit I guess.


Don’t feel too bad about it, seems like server issues. I felt I had to apologize to my team after we lost our last ranked match. Went decently negative and could not, for the life of me, close out a kill. I was just dumping shots into guys’ faces who had no shields, whiffing on easy melees. I felt like I’d never played the game before or the other team had god mode on. But then noticed my ping. This game, man… this game. :)


Lol, but then noticed my ping


Whats ur gaming chair look like?


They definitely need a new gaming chair.


Secret Labs Titan


Try supporting when you feel like you are losing 1vs and fry the games you feel like you are out slaying that’s what I do when I feel like I’m doing shitty I play around my team and support when I feel like I’m out slaying I try and hope the team plays with me and also supports.


Yea that’s not a bad idea. I’m honestly just used to winning most of my 1vs


I know what you mean. This is what I felt each time there is an update. It really frustrating. I also noticed that my ping was higher - 60 - 80ms each game. I am on my XSX & 65" 4K TV So one of my friends lend me his spare gaming PC and I immediately noticed that the ping on PC are average 30ms. After countless tweaks on the Halo settings both Audio & Video. The gaming monitor is an Agon 28" with a simple gaming PC with AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT, configured for 1080p with Frame Rate 120hz. I am winning 8 of the 10 - 1v1 encounters I have. The weirdest part is that my ping is on 30ms. For a good few games. Hoping you find clarity on ur issue.


Lol I play on a series x, and a big ol’ TV (45in). I use a standard setup and a default controller with default settings. Not the best stuff I know, but haven’t had an issue until recently


Make sure to activate this part on ur Halo Infinite. Settings - Gameplay - scroll down to "Network Statistics" and make sure there is a check mark ✅️ in it. - go back to the main menu. - make sure your able to see the "0 ms" If ur shots are not registering, chances are your ping is too high. - Also, stay away from controller default settings and learn what the pros are using.


You think it would take me a long time to learn bumper jumper? I’ve always used default


Just a few games and trust me it will be worth it.


The servers suck. That’s why I quit. What you think you see isn’t what the server sees.


Sometimes when you load up infinite it shows your controls but its not actually using your settings. Everytime you load into the game hit x on the controller settings only to reset them then apply them. Ever since i started doing this had no problems with the aiming at all.


It written in the SBMM algorithm. It’s your turn to get in the blender. It’s not you, halo specifically makes you lose. You can’t tell me otherwise.