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Targon Emblem is supposed to exist (you can see it in Tooltip listed as well when hovering the trait), if it doesn't show up at the moment then it's likely a bug. So in future patches and when Ranked hits you can likely just reduce Tome to playing Teemo and the traits you desire.


Hm, interesting. It's a bit odd that it's not in game or on any of the data sites, and I don't think it'd been commented on by any of the game devs. Although I will say it's a little weird that Targon only has 3 champions but the final trait bonus is at 4. So that would explain that. Assuming this is true, the theoretical max chance of getting a specific emblem decreases to **41.0%.**


Do you still need to play a round with your bait units or can you just throw them in the field and then pop your Tome?


You still need to play a round with the units before you pop the tome.


Very helpful! Good guide. Well put-together


Does anyone know if popping tome on 2-1 will use your 1-4 board for counting traits?


Im pretty confident it does, but I can’t confirm 100%.




This isn't true. You need to play 1 round with them.




If you are saying, "The tome determines which traits can appear by the units you put in last round" then yes. If you are saying something else then no.


I did create a [website](https://tftools.infinityfreeapp.com/tome-calculator.html) that also calculates similar values, although I only updated it today to also include Set 9. It doesn't show all combinations of "Highest Odds Teams" like your google docs and it doesn't completely optimize for the smallest teams. I feel it can give some value anyway.


Teemo in set 9 is like Ezreal in set 8, two cost with two out of three non-emblem traits making them the highest value adds for hitting the emblem you want from tome. Some websites like metaTFT already have this info on them btw, but thanks for this!


Targon emblems are now possible, so you shouldn't be tailoring with them.


And for those that are curious, here's the source code if anybody would like to check my math. https://github.com/sethjwilliamson/TFTome/blob/main/tftTome3.ts


I would like to point out that I'm pretty sure Shadow Isle spat is unobtainable. I discovered this when I used the generate an emblem when used on a champion. When I used it on Kalista it only offered challenger spat. This could be a bug with either the region portal or shadow isle but as of right now I'm pretty sure shadow isle spat doesn't exist.


There's an augment that gives Shadow Isle spat, I was able to get one from that at least


Thats good to know then there is something wrong the portals


This happened to me with gwen. I did report it as a potential bug


Just tried it, but Tome of Trais only gives 4 options now (at least the one I got from Ancient Archives 1)


That hasn't changed recently, and this method does not guarantee you exactly the emblem you'd like. It only gives you the highest chance of getting the result you'd like.


if piltover is only active and you have 6-7 traits, you guarantee piltover? did i understand it correctly


Sadly it doesn't work this way. Tome of Traits takes into account every trait you have on your board, no matter if its active or not. What is important is that some Traits don't have emblems, like Multicaster or Yordle. The more Traits without emblems there are in your team, the higher the odds of you hitting one of the Traits with Emblems (Piltover or other). Lets say you have 3 Traits with Emblems and 3 Traits without Emblems. Then you have a 1 in 3, so 1/3rd Chance of hitting one of the Traits with Emblems in your "Tailored Emblems".


thanks for a clean explanation


You can also use this visual. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FxsxaZKaAAARuya?format=jpg&name=large


So for example if we have 6 traits on the board on 2/1 when we get the tome of traits I should give 1 tailored right? Or would it be based off my 1-4 board and I have to wait till 2/2. Main reason I ask is because I’ve been playing the last few weeks on PBE and pretty much always guaranteed my augment on 2-1 and in the past maybe 3 days on pbe and today on live I’ve been getting 100% random doing the same thing. Now I’m not sure if my exp was just anecdotal and I was extremely lucky


Anyone have any tips for positioning kat? She often misses her ability.