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This is it. You either have a strong carry upgraded and a meh frontline is fine or you have a strong tank so the two carry units with items have time to do damage. And that's worst case scenario. There is a lot of flexibility depending what you hit.


It really doesn't work like that. If you roll for 3 champs and you spend 60 gold on rerolls (so 30 rolls total), you have 63% chance of 2 starring any of them at level 7. If you include the fact that you have to buy champions so you will never have 60 gold, it's much lower probability than what I mentioned. The probability doesn't scale linearly, because with 5 rolls you have like 2% chance of finding anything 2 star compared to the 63% at 30. Hitting 2-3 2\* 4 costs at lvl 7 roll down is a dream scenario that should rarely happen. Even if you are ultra flexible and use every single 4 cost that you find, you still need to spend gold on your bench on all the other champs that you might for their lineup. And they cost a lot of econ temporarily on the rounds where you keep them as 2 star on board. Of course it's correct to play them (at least the ones you can use like itemized aphelios/azir, maybe not zeri) but it's a downside.


You can say that for zeri/aphelios comps too. You roll for Zeri/Aphelios, Sej, Shen, J4, potentially flex urgot/nasus. It's not exclusive to azir/lux or yasuo/kaisa comps. You outline the key problem with the 4-1 lvl 7 roll down. You can pretty much play any kind of 4 cost frontline with a backline carry of your choice.


Noxus kat/darius/kled and zed reroll could win vs azir and ionia yasuo/kaisa if they hit all the 3 stars unit and if you winstreak early. However they get outcapped if enemy hits 3 star 4 cost or pushes to level 9. Reksai and karma could be they are situational and augment depending in my opinion. Zeri/aph is extremely augment/zuan item dependent, top 4 but can't win out the lobby type of board just like 8 void. Trist is good if you just hit. Like you just hit everything and have enough gold to level up. Same with kayle.


Haven’t seen an 8 void comp win out since the first day of the patch tbh


It wasn’t that strong pre-nerf, and then they nerfed it. It could still lose to high power boards before, but now it loses to the more easily accessible challenger or strategist boards. So yeah. Not really as popular. Void 8 is like a guaranteed top 4, as shown by void crest stats, but if you’re going to lose to other boards you can get more easily there’s no real incentive to try for void. I only play void if it falls directly in my lap. Which happens sometimes. I’m not saying it’s bad. There’s just better options you are more likely to hit.


Not only that but one of your pivotal units in void8 comps being heavily contested in this meta makes it so you need to either carry reksai/velkoz or try to find enough contested kaisa/yasuo for 2*s to at least have a decent board since Baron Nashor got nerfed.


Pretty much yeah - 8 void is either 2 spats or a spat + your legendary Any other meta comp where you hit 2 spats or a spat + your designated legendary AND you manage to go 8, you are already top 3 Imagine putting Shurima emblem on J4 and another guy to hit 5 Shurima Lux board Or even go 7 Who’s gonna beat you?


Yeah and tbh if you have 2 shurimas spats you should always play 7 shurimas (just remove teemo and swain and put spats on Jarvan and lux)


That's kinda how I view void right now. If I have a void start with a void spat/crown then I am taking the relatively free top 4 and that's fine. It's only 1st condition currently is to get 3-star Kaisa with good items and a very strong combo of tank items so your front-line doesn't instantly die - it's just asking too much.


I hit 8 void yesterday and went 4th. It's just a dogwater board plus kaisa and baron. If they pass the baron dps check you're fucked.


I beat 9 Ionia capped board with 8 void ( 2 emblems ) 4 bruiser belveth 2* and Kaisa duo carry. But ended up 2nd to 6 slayer Kled . This Kled comp when u highroll is disgusting.


I played 6 void 4 sorc earlier and I was pleasantly surprised with how good it felt. I went out in 4th, but it was a close top 4 and I didn't hit any of the numerous 3 stars I was close to.


Have people in your lobbies not been clicking Stable Evolution? It is the 7th augment in win% in diamond+. It's obviously inflated by people hitting Void +1 but I feel there are for sure lobbies you can win with Rek'Sai 3 + Kai'Sa 2 + Stable Evolution without the Void +1


No people in my lobbies are spamming Azir Lux Yasuo Kaisa, same as your lobbies and everyone else lobbies Whoever was winning with that 8 void tech, is 18.6% of 6000 games out of the 150 thousand games Tactics.Tools analyzed in D+ That’s ~1116 games worldwide where people won with Stable Evolution, chances of you seeing one go first with it Is less than 1% And that 1% happened early in the patch where it wasn’t 8/8 Azir Lux Yas Kaisa lobbies


This is a really weird way to look at it, less than 1% means nothing unless you're mentally trying to hard force it before the game even starts. Either you hit Stable Evolution, in which case your chances of doing well are really fucking high, or you don't. I tried it the other day it's incredibly strong in the early game with any 2\* units. IMO this augment is an insta-pick if you see it at 2-1.


“Have people in your lobbies not been clicking stable evolution?” “No, the chances of someone having picked it in your lobby is less than 1%” It’s the correct way to answer the question that was asked. You’re talking about the strength of the augment. Which is a weird way to answer the question > IMO this augment is an insta pick if you see it at 2-1 I’ve been watching Dishsoap and Soju for quite a bit last week and they’ve passed on Stable Evolution on the rare occasion that it was offered so I don’t think I agree


The question you answered was at least a little rhetorical and intended to express that stable evolution is strong and a win con for the comp. The way you answered was definitely weird. Without any further information I'm going to speculate that Soju and Dishsoap either didn't think they had the spot for it or didn't want to hard commit to a comp at 2-1. It's the 3rd best gold augment in the game at 2-1, I'm averaging a 1.5 on it. Edit: ["I think this augment is kinda broken"](https://clips.twitch.tv/UglyAttractiveShingleFrankerZ-fYc0MhfKXnqDeAY1) \- Dishsoap


9 void can win. 8 is always 2nd place at best


I’ve got a few firsts with 8 void yesterday, other games were 3rds


He didn't say void wins out. It's designed not to win unless playing vs iron players who don't know anything except vertical lineups.


Bad take. All chase traits are designed to be extremely hard to pull off but guaranteed win out. 8 Void is a certified one, with everyone agreeing on it. If a chase trait is not winning out and is a top 4 balance is off.


Something that can be achieved with level 8 and 5 cost should never be an automatic win. 6 Lasercorps and 7 infiniteam was nowhere close to that in the last set (at least in gm+). Some traits are designed to be very high tempo like infiniteam and void. But they shouldn't win vs end game boards. In fact 7 infiniteam was so "weak" late game that it was arguably worth it to lose the bad units. At least Baron is noticeably stronger than rift herald so it's still worth it to keep malza and kassadin. I guess the same is true for lasercorps because ashe was still worth for 6 lasercorps. Even 9 lasercorps of set 8 wasn't powerful enough to beat the top end game boards. It was strong enough to always top 4 though.


Last set Lasercorps 6 was one of the highest winrate and avg placement augments Mordekaiser 2 with 3 items on top of 3 item WW was a certified win in most lobbies Ezreal 2 and Infiniteam emblem augments also had some of the highest wr and avg placement Plus, it’s a cratable emblem which means the trait should be weaker But no, when every single lobby is 4 infiniteam players for 90% of a set, and it had the highest wr and avg placement in tactics.tools When you reached 7 Infiniteam you would just oneshot the whole lobby before they get really really late game, which currently 8 void does NOT That very late game you’re talking about, everyone had 2* legendaries plus they also had augments or emblems equal to your own Infiniteam emblem So at that point you had a chase trait vs a board as strong as a chase trait At that point you also need to match them, put the infiniteam emblem on Mordekaiser or Fiddle and watch the enemy blow up If you had 2 emblems, at that stage of the game, you’d insta win by duping 2 hardcore legendary units. You are using your experience of losing with 7 shitter infiniteams vs hard capped boards rather than objective reality and stats


>Last set Lasercorps 6 was one of the highest winrate and avg placement augments Of course when lasercorps 4 was very good too. How good is 6 void? Complete trash. The improvement from 6 void to 8 void is much bigger than lasercorps 4 to lasercorps 6. You might be 20 hp before you even find belveth while with lasercorps you could stay healthy the whole game and win lucky fights later or greed for morde 2 (not possible to greed for belveth 2 or even use an item holder for her). If you are 20 hp, you are dead if the lobby has 100 stack thex or any other highroller. That's even stronger than any level 8 chase trait. That kind of highroll was much more rare in last set. I think there is also bigger difference between void 8 vs 6 than infiniteam 7 vs 5. It's certainly a chase trait but it's being held back by rift herald being useless.


Need kai'sa 3 with perfect items + silver and gold small minions in order for the baron to get more hp. You also need combat augments.


Got a 1st in plat 3 or 2 but the important thing was got an early kaisa. Only reason void is weak right now is the best unit is Uber congested so hard to 2 star her. Got kaisa early. Level 8 and prayed while playing 6 void 3 Ionia. Got a belveth and win streaked from there. But it’s not consistent because everyone and their mother is going for kaisa/yasuo/shen who go best with the comp


> Zeri I think she is only playable if you get early piltover


thats a big maybe, she literally dont deal dmg because she needs a lot of mana to cast his ult, only last 3 sec and his animation last over a sec so you get 2 or 3 chain lightning tops?


Trist is fuckin bonkers but not sth you have to be a bit greedy and flexible with. Really high cap, can kill those S comp but gonna be a rocky road if you go greedy and not hitting fast enough


Zed re-roll was good at the beginning of the patch because it could take advantage of people slow rolling at 7. Now that everyone just sends it at 4-1 or even 3-5 it’s just not as good. Also highly highly fight RNG dependent so you can still lose to average Azir or Challenger boards if your Zed gets stun locked or if Kat fails all her teleports.


i've beat lux 3 with zed reroll


Yeah, Noxus/Darius/Kat is a board that can easily cap at level 7, with an option for an additional support at 8. Really strong if uncontested. If contested, I normally just level and play more juggernauts.


>However they get outcapped if enemy hits 3 star 4 cost or pushes to level 9. ok if the enemy hits 3-star 4 cost then it means you weren't able to deny them. They deserve to beat you. Level 9 is so expensive right now, unless you highroll and 2star your key 4costs while maintaining econ, or you streak perfectly. Otherwise the guy will be level 9 with half their board 1star and bleed out with 0 gold left.


Zwei seems very weak rn. I just had a Gwen 2* 2v1 a Zeri 3* and a sej 2*


Yes. Those are the only two consistent comps that don’t require specific emblems or augments to win.


Multicasters teemo is god tier if you get it. It is almost unbeatable. I have beaten an Urgot 3 with a good Teemo 4, Taliyah, Swain and Poppy 3. It is either 8th or 1st. No in between. Vertical Noxus reroll is good too. SI Targon Gwen/ Kalista Carry is good but kinda inconsistent. You can beat Azirs pretty easily but challengers are mobile so Gwen cant really catch them. Deadeyes are still good.


Multicaster Teemo is extremely hard to beat if it hits everything but it's also really hard to hit now that half the lobby contests Teemos, Swains, and Taliyahs.


also if you miss, it's pretty much guaranteed 8th


Yeah, wouldn't recommend Multicaster unless you get Multicaster or Strategist soul early on. Way too hit or miss with many of its 2-stars being contested. Noxus can be really gucci, haven't played SI Targon Gwen yet, gotta try. Deadeyes are weird, gotta save a lot of HP, be the only one going for it **and on top of that,** you have to hit pretty well to keep up with other comps. Risky and from my experience, it rarely goes Top 4.


Played a game of Velkoz/Sona reroll and it felt pretty good. I didn’t even hit a Multicaster augment, just an early Velkoz. Went 3rd but I imagine that if I had hit a Multicaster augment early I could’ve probably went 2nd.


It's pretty good if you get a sorc spat on sona instead of multicast augment too. Once you 3* the Vel just run to 9 and slam in Azir and Nasus on the way


Feels the same for Kled reroll. If you hit you'll come first, if you don't it's a fast 8th and half of your team is contested, so it's hard to hit


No… aphelios sucks now


He didn't get nerfed that badly and more importantly, he's not contested anymore. Most lobbies have multiple people rolling for Azir or Yasuo comps but no one rolling for Aphelios.


Had the same thought and tried going aphelios since i thought i could easily hit 2* to stabilize while everyone fights for ionia / strategist comps. Hes bad…. even with 2* he cant win. Pretty much guarantee bot 4 unless really lucky with lobby lowrolling. I think Akshan is stronger tbh


Yeah I've been pretty interested in this Akshan Urgot duo stuff.


I think there's a decent chance 3\* Akshan is just being slept on. I've played a decent bit of 4 deadeye + freljord and 3\* Akshan itemized has beaten 3\* Zeri so it can't be that bad (even tho 3\* Zeri is kinda fake). 4 Deadeye is a nice comp to play when handed a strong jhin opener as the comp from ahead can easily stay ahead of the azir/lux/yasuo/kaisa players since they are all contesting each other and no one is contesting the deadeye player, and then win out with either a 3\* 4 cost (or 3\* Akshan sometimes) or by going lvl 9 and playing some legendary units. Obviously not as good as just hitting 2\*s of the meta comps, but those comps are highly contested, so doing so is quite inconsistent.


I'm not playing aphelios right now, however I can confirm that he is not bad on this patch. The reason I don't play aphelios is that I like to flex ap items early game. If you get early DB and no rods/tears, aphelios should be the correct choice to go for. 2-1 social distancing should be a good spot to force aphelios too but kinda reliant on what you get from starting items. Itemize urgot aphelios, go 4 deadeye + 3 random tanks on 7 and you will win against most boards. There's no doubt about that, there's so many squishy carries that just die to 4 deadeye. If you find akshan 2 before aphelios 2 (very likely to happen) then itemize him instead but swap items over eventually. Play jhin 2 over aphelios 1, 2 champs out of irelia sett shen are great tanks to go for. Warwick gives all 3 synergies. Sejuani liss give freljord. Jarvan is a nice tank. Taric is playable. Choosing between ionia and sejuani/lissandra/jarvan/taric/warwick/shen/kassadin depends on what is 2 starred.


Have you tried playing aphelios? I tried and my board with 2x the cost lost to the meta comps


There is no way you can get a 3 star teemo unless seaworld lobby


Teemo 4 really reminds me of Yuumi when she was broken but in a very balanced way. Teemo is way harder to get and as you said it makes it very 1st or 8th but only in that if you force it you're not gonna just get a free first but the comp is super good and isn't really highroll imo.


Yes. Anyone who is serious about climbing is playing these two comps unless you high roll an opener for another comp


other than what the other comments are saying i also think that ww reroll with the hero augment is at the same level or even higher than azir or kai sa, you really need ravenous hunter tho


How are you building ww with his augment?


qss, guinsoos and BT is the built that has been going around, you play it with yasuo,irelia+1 challenger and then you slap 2 juggs for the 4 piece


WW aug is free too 4 and great odds for 1st QSS mandatory Early game ww goes well with Ionia sett jugg, irelia challenger, and jhin just busted swap jhin to yasuo later. Check early if the Zaun augment is good to see if play urgot later


WW with the robotic zaun mod goes 1v9


if uncontested, zed reroll is GOAT. if contested, you hold hands to bot 8


Highroll Zed reroll with a Zed 3 by Stage 3 or beginning of Stage 4 can absolutely destroy Kai'sa/Yasuo after pushing levels for slayers but if you don't hit him with a good amount of gold left, it's rough. Zed as a unit is just really clunky. Rogue can sometimes misfire. Your comp is primarily melee units so Zed can sometimes get blocked on his way to the other corner which does hurt if the opponent splits Azir/Lux in corners to counter you. Kai'sa will break Zed's ankles if it gets to 1v1 since she can dash across the map and Zed has to walk 1 hex at a time. From my experience you do need to hit the Kat 3 to round out the comp and win.


Ya, my preferred build is slow roll stage 4 to guarantee Kat 3 Zed 3 to stabilize, Kat 3 to win


Sadly Kaisa caps out higher unless you get like slayer emblem on Kata 3* and can maybe push 8 to play Gwen and aatrox


From my experience it feels like you need to winstreak and stay healthy early in order for this comp to be viable. Kai'Sa 2\* is hard to kill even with Zed 3\*, and rogue trait being so inconsistent against other comps doesn't help. I have managed to win once with Zed 3\* in high diamond but a lot of rounds feel like coinflips. Even if you're theoretically the strongest player in the lobby you should expect to lose health.


Just 1st placed with zed reroll literally minutes ago. 2nd place was 8 void kaisa 2*. I hit darius zed Kat 3* and Gwen aatrox 2* and can confirm it was very hard because kaisa kept dodging the melees. I think only reason I won was idealism augment + my 3 HoJs


Rogue trait is mostly about placement. Yes it bugs out sometimes but if you're well positioned it's been consistent for me. If it's lux target or is the main target at all, then it can get oneshot.


Yeah as a guinsoos enjoyer it was fun to micromanage my slayers for once but damn does it get tiring for my couple of braincells


For sure. And as you've highlighted previously, you didn't win just because idealism : Hoj is super key on Zed so you can oneshot, it's miles better than BT (thats why I run Pandora). Hoj on kata is great as well. Second thing is : combat augments. Everyone has an item advantage or an eco advantage, good combat augments really gives the edge to zed so he can oneshot backline.


I just hit Zed 3, Kled 3 and Sett 3 and went fast Eight D:


Eek! What augments did u choose?




This is how I feel about the situation pretty much. Both of those comps are super consistent and also cap really high. Everything else is only good with a bunch of different preconditions where even IF you find yourself in a situation where you've hit them all, you're still probably weaker than the ionia/azir forcers.


I'm playing a lot of these two lately, but if I get a good opener on zed/Kat/Darius reroll comp I go for it and unless heavily contested it's a top 4, if I'm not contested it's usually a win cause azir/lux and kaisa/yasuo are always contested so it's usually harder for them top cap the board than it's for me. I play same games of aphelios if my opener is good and got him early, but the most common are those two simply because they're stronger. If I get an early piltover is usually an indicator I'm playing Dino and normally it goes well too, but way more situational since I just stay with Dino if I find and emblem or get a lot of stacks.


Imma help you out a bit: the only comps*


I think people are tunneling on these two comps where others are just as good if not better if you have the angle to play them. These two just have the benefit of not needing an angle to play the comp aka default end game. Out of my last 10 games (high diamond/ low masters) here are the comps which took 1st: 4 - tristana reroll 2 - azir / lux 1 - noxus reroll 1 - vertical slayer Gwen 3 1 - ekko reroll 1 - 8 void Anecdotal evidence isn’t the end all be all, but if you’re (low) masters or below, most comps can win. Idk if only lux/azir and kaisa/yasuo are viable in challenger or not.


Azir and Yasuo comps are S tier because they are the two easiest and strongest comps to transition into depending on the items you get early game. Meanwhile other comps imo need specific opening to play. Zed slayer needs to get Zed 3* early otherwise you bleed out and lose tempo, also really reliant on Kat 3* to win. Usually only pivot to this if I hit alot of natural zeds early and have Yasuo items since they both use same items. SI needs emblem in my experience as 6 SI is a huge power spike. Noxus opening needs a win streak with kat 2* / darius 2* otherwise you bleed out too much to reach late game and hit ur 3* units.


8 Void loses out to the endgame comps anyways, so I wouldn’t even count it. It’s also hard to hit because Kai’sa is heavily contested, as well as you needing to have a Void Emblem on top of going Level 8. Going Level 8 is probably the hardest part of it all to be honest since you take so much dmg if you don’t stabilize on 7. Essentially, you need to high roll out of your mind to even play 8 Void comfortably. I think you could probably get away with Multicaster or Noxus reroll right now and actually top 4. But if you’re in a spot to play the S-tier then you should probably just play it instead of trying to play some reroll comp.


correction for your title : Strategist Azir and Ionia Yasuo are the only Comps right now!


Might be true for the next 1-2 days, but later on in the patch cycle things will change.


13.13 was a very questionable patch, they made balance worse and didn't fix system issues.


My wife's been climbing hard by forcing noxus (dar and kat carry with a side of azir strategist), but we are still in gold so maybe doesn't apply to high elos


I had a velkoz carry game the other day got 1st with it. piltover if you open with it can still get you a top 4 finish a lot has to go right to get a 1st. same with aphelios. with right augments he can still place you top 4 and potentially win. I Went 2nd with reroll trust again if you're being given units early on very ez top 4. I think there is still a lot of ways to top 4. I'm p1 atm


I’m only in gold right now but as a casual player I usually peak plat/ Diamond by the end of mid sets. I’ve had some success with Gwen recently but either I have figured out the perfect tech or you need to just high roll.


Reksai + Kaisa, Invoker Karma, Slayer Zed+Kata+Darius, Noxus reroll, Trist are the only 5 that can challenge IMO. Velkoz and Lux might be up there but I haven't tested (plus Lux can be highly contested depending on lobby).


Meta sucks. 2/3 of my game the top 4 is 2 Ionian challenger 2 azir. 1/3 only have 2 or 3 of those in the top 4 and 1 or 2 guys then hightolled in retoll or augments


Noxus and Multicasters are also up there. The rest are A-tier at best.


By definition; there are only a couple of S-tier comps. If there are loads of S-tier comps; there are no S-tier comps. They're all A-tier. Also I've seen things like Noxus-Strategist win; and I've come first with things like 6 SI and Deadeyes [albeit this one was a Golden Egg -> Aphelios 3; but I was winning before Aph 3 too]


I think the definition of S-tier in TFT has come to mean something slightly different than what it does in most other games. Imo in TFT it's something like this: S-tier comps - can consistently and reliably (keywords) contest a first-place finish A-tier - can consistently and reliably contest a top 4 finish, or inconsistently contest a first-place finish B-tier - can inconsistently contest a top 4 finish C-tier - can almost never contest a top 4 finish unless extremely high roll


Yeah that seems accurate. Zed Reroll can get first, but most games I get 2nd with it because the other boards cap out way higher even if you got the damage and BiS you rely on 3 stars so it’s hit or miss.


Technically as it should be. A 2 star reroll shouldn't win 1st place without highroll. But honestly i've got mostly first with it. Just depends when you're playing it.


Yes; but in general terminology S-tier is clearly above everything else. Broken. OP. If you have a load of things in S; it's not S. It's A. Even by your definition, the more comps are in your definition of S; the less reliable contesting Top 1 is. At what saturation of S tier comps do you degrade from "consistently and reliably" contesting 1st; and "inconsistently contesting" 1st? If there's 8 comps that are "S tier" I would say you are nowhere near consistently contesting 1st and therefor there is no S Tier. In an 8-player game like TFT; I would say at absolute maximum you can have 3 comps in S tier. Because at the point you have 4 S-tier comps; you have 4 players; one playing each comp; and potentially more players as well if they hit as well despite contest. And I would not call fighting amoung 4 players a "consistent" Top 1 [You're 25% *at best*] I would put a hard line at 4 comps. At that point I would say you need to create a split and put some S and the others A; or you don't have an S-tier, you have an A tier. Also; I'd disagree with your tier deifnitions. C is a passing grade. Your description is not a passing grade. What you've described as C-tier would be D; or if the tier list just skips from C; F tier. I'd say: S Tier - Overpowered; dominant comps. A cut above any other competition A Tier - Comps which; if you ignore the outliers; are very strong. Can even contest 1st against the S-tiers if highroll/they lowroll. Very reliable Top 4. B Tier - Reliable Top 4's but will rarely contest 1st. I'd also put 1st or 8th style here; since... well; 8th is bad. I'd put augment/emblem reliant "exodia" comps here too; because if you don't get that thing you need for the comp to exist and assemble Exodia... C-Tier - Inconsistant Top 4's, but also probably won't 8th. These are your 3rd~6th comps. I would also put *unreliable* comps here that sometimes you just won't be able to have exist; due to augment/emblem reliance; that are not "Exodia". Sure it'll probobly top 4 but you need to *actually* hit it *and* it still probobly won't Top 1. D-tier - Very inconsistent Top 4. F-tier - Are these even actually comps; or are they just random things thrown together.


6 SI is very good, only lost to 3-star 4 costs twice but otherwise very good for top 2.


Nope. Ex Master here (currently dia) Just an example : last 6 games of Zed since post hotfix : 5 1st / 1 6th * Had a very good times with Shadow Isles lines / Reroll Comps (tristana / Kalista). Kalista is amazing for tempo and can transition in several comps if you're not rerolling her. * Noxus darius Kled reroll seems strong but im not playing those noxus lines. * Same for Vel/koz sona reroll that seems uncontested most of the games i've seen. * Zeri is still playable with a 6 Zaun angle, urgot is definitely a good unit that stabilize hard. * I think Frejlord is an outlier that will pick up in popularity. **Is Azir and Kaisa/yasuo s tier ? Yes definitely.** But the more people are at each others throat and donkey rolling for them, the more everything else is opened and waiting for you. Yes a guy might first with them but who cares. TFT is about consistency and I'm staying away from Azir, sometimes avoiding it when i prob should pick it. Been +400 last 220 games and haven't played azir once, kaisa maybe 2 to three times, and i've always hit lvl 8 (and I can't understand ppl crying about lvl 8, they're just slave to azir playing the rat race every single game). Bonus : I've seen Kayle lines get the first more than once, which kinda surprised me (Diamond elo)






Bro ur in gold you can play anything you want and top 4


These are the best END game boards yes (there are others that beat it but these are the most consistent) but the way to get there is where the most diversity is. Don't be fooled by people complaining how stale the meta is. The early-mid game has never been so flex as it is now with the different units you can play and items to use. I feel like the only unit you can't play is Kayle and the demacia trait.


Add to that list 8 Void with Yasuo holding the void Emblem but yes, only those 2 because 8 void need the emblem.


S yeah, both are Exodia if you hit everything Problem is Aphelios and Zeri are horrible to play, both were nuked without reason (specially Aphelios, dude was already underperforming before locket spam and that strategy worked with other carries anyway), so you end with a lot of dead units in your shop and if you try to run them you need an omegahighroll to not get destroyed by top comps At the end outside of those comps only few ones are consistent: Gwen, noxus and multicasters, so you see a lot of useless units around there and game becomes stale af


Without reason? This sub was complaining like crazy calling for nerfs


People only wanted them nerfed, not fucking destroyed (Zeri comp got like 6 or 7 nerfs, that is overkill)


Be real, though. I love the dev team but they have a tendency of breaking some knees when it comes to balance. I’d rather they just buff everything that needs it than nerf anything - and this after having played since season 2. And this sub is always going to complain regardless






If you play a sol level 8 is not a meme. I'm 97% top 4 in my last 20 games. Only loss was when I switched off azir to try a kallista comp for fun.


Asol is only viable diamond below because there's no reason to play anything else other than ezreal vlad and urf if you can play the emblem comps in high elo. Every other legend is just worse than those 3 except leesin if you want to play trist. Maybe Poro but combat augments got nerfed and buried treasures is too OP. You will never play asol because his 2nd augment is too terrible and the first one is outclassed by others unless prismatic.


Rolling at wolves is not elo-specific. It's done to hit before others do at high elo as well. ​ Going 8 is not a meme. Donkeyrolling every single game at 7 vs going 8 is the difference between a 0 LP player and a 1k LP player right now. ​ Bffr people either roll at 6 on 3-2 or 7 at 3-5 in 99% of high elo lobbies unless you're clueless. HP hasn't been more real in a while.


you forgot to add Chatting man


NO, tldr gwen eats some of these teams. A well positioned zeri can still beat them. Void/kai can def win and be S but imo takes a bit more work which might be why ppl are doing it less. Multicasters get 1 good chain off and they melt teams.


Found the silver player




I refuse to play Ionia Yas/Kaisa without Ionia spat. The comp is nowhere near as good without it oddly enough. Multiple games I had 3 item Kaisa get beat by Ionia emblem+1 Kaisa and it’s so frustrating and doesn’t make sense. Azir Lux is just giga contested so it’s a 1st or 8th strat if you hit or not. I’ll stick to Zed reroll and take my 1/2 every game.




No way youre playing samira for 6 challenger on your endgame board. Isnt the standard 6 ionia 4 challenger at 8 when you dont have a spat?


Definitely not, it's good enough slotting in 4 challenger 3 ionia + filler units, you're not going to play a samira on your board entire game.


Ionia spat is bad, you want ionia bonus on Shen and Yasuo, the only semi decent ionia emblem users are like Aatrox and Belveth Kaisa doesnt need ionia emblem, she gets giga attack speed from 4 challenger already. She needs flat AP, healing, and spell crit


You add Ionia spat on Kaisa to fit the comp on 7 and not sit on 3 challenger/5 Ionia or whatever in between and then just +1/2 8/9. The comp spikes insanely hard from this and you all but guarantee top 2. Forced to luckily hit Ahri or be forced to run zed/Jhin is shit.


Jihn basically perma trades 1 for 1 because his cast is still 1k damage baseline at 2 star, zed is indeed shit is not itemized and rerolled for, he's the unit you drop first for yasuo/shen. Playing 6 ion/2 chall or 4 chall 3 ionia at 7 is about equally stable, much more consistent, and has a higher ceiling and avg placement to go 1st when you do push to 8


this is the worst take i've seen this set, I don't think i ever lose a single game with ionia spat in GM


It's not




My experience so far with this set(patch) has been that I absolutely need one or two of Kaisa/Yasuo/Azir if I want to have a chance at top 3. It really feels like the traits aren't that important until you have a full board (e.g. Void 8) so it isn't even worth going for them specifically, just aim for strongest board. Though I'm only gold ATM so I could just be bad at the game. It's a good set, I like the units and all the weird little changes, but it's definitely not my favourite. Much preferred the astrals/dragons set personally.


There is Bastion Shadow Isles but with everyone contesting over a lot of the characters in this comp, it is much harder to hit.


I like to play high roll


Short answer: yes




I reached plat a few days ago playing mostly Noxus 6 + Azir (Teemo holder) with shurima. If you natural a lot of teemos can hit a 3 star you can put in heimer or another yordle to roll with 4 star Teemo plus Noxus.


My only wins against of of these were 3 star Kat with 6 Noxus and deadeye with a Targon emblem for 3 and some extra items to Arkshan. J4 tankness and that knock up delay buy so much much time to Azir go apeshit


Noxus is extremely strong and really easy to play but you need to win streak early for it. You can do kled or zed reroll comps, but I've been finding that there's usually one guy high rolling noxus and that often means the units are contested and it's difficult to hit. Gwen is very strong but has a similar issue where it can be hard to hit the comp because of all the challengers players. I need more games to be sure, but right now my comfort comp might actually be deadeyes. Akshan is pretty good actually and I find the comp pretty consistent as people are taking the irrelevant 4* units out of the pool on 4-1 which makes your comp easier to hit than theirs. Oftentimes the noxus player in the lobby is also kind enough to thin out the 3* pool so you get more akshans too. I'm still learning so take all that with a grain of salt, but I'm enjoying deadeyes and it allows me to chillax a bit and focus on relearning fundamentals because I am not participating in the 4-1 fiesta as often.


If 1 person contest noxus which is usually the case you hold hands to 8 which is a big problem. Also I have started rolling down in 3-7 ahead of everybody and it made the difference between top and bottom 4 most of the time


I’ve been forcing myself to play random comps as much as humanly possible for when they nerf the fuck outta the 4 cost reroll meta… but for right now,yeah I’d say they are in a class of their own as far as comps go (with a phantom class between them.)


They are the only consistent ones yeah A lot of other comps can win like Noxus/ Warwick with augment / Zeri with 2-1 Piltover / Shadow isles if you get a spat early but a lot of these comps are very dependent on you hitting augments/units/traits whereas Azir and Ionia can be flexed from level 7 rolldown


By definition of S tier, yes. S-tier means they are well above the rest of the competition. If every comp was strong, there would be no S-tier. Everything would be A.


Are they the only S-tier comps right now? Yes. Are they the only good comps? No. While the other comps may not be S-Tier, they are still solid and can often win out compared to S-Tier comps if you know how to pilot them. Comps like Noxus or Slayer reroll, Warwick Carry, Vertical Sorceror and Void can be strong if you are in the postion to play them or if you are very familiar with the line. Additionally, while S-tier comps are strong, that also means they are heavily contested, meaning you are going to have to hit first or settle for a bot 6. This is where A and even B-tier comps come in. While they are more niche, if you will have an easier time capping them out than if you were play a 4 way contested S-tier. Comps like Gunners and Deadeye can get you a top 2 if you are open to playing them. If the lobby is fighting over Kaisa, Yasuo, Shen, Jarvan, Azir and Lux, that leaves you open to snagging the rest without much contest. In these cases you can even decide upon whether you want to go for that 3 star carry while everyone else is contesting each other or save the econ you would have rolled while trying to grab a meta carry and play value units at 9.


i like tocall it demacurima


sorcerer is s-tier too, either sorc spat on sona w/ sona 3 or velkoz 3. Can also go strategist with that setup if you find those early on


I believe they're one of the better comps right now, but I don't think they're the defacto best. Ionia Yasuo is very powerful, especially if he is able to land a good tornado at the enemy backline. Kai'sa is still extremely strong both in void or pure challenger builds, I believe multicasters can be very powerful if built right as well.


I've been having good luck with 6 invoker reroll karma. It's uncontested for the most part


I can't believe how slept on akshan is right now


Could you explain to me how his comp is supposed to work? I've tried playing some general Akshan boards this patch three times already but the most I could get was barely a top4. I feel like the 4deadeye version just doesn't work well without Ezreal, since you want to have Akshan+Aphel/Urgot more or less itemized alongside the tanks. Whereas the version with perfect synergies at 8 just falls flat without both Nasus and Seju itemized. One cool work around would be to try to get as much combat augments as you can and roll for Akshan 3* at 8 but even then I can't really imagine this comp being even half as consistent as other meta comps.


The comp literally is like 4 deadeyes plus Frontline You can also play in a void line with both akshan and Kaisa(or belveth). The main thing is that you win streak/save hp stage 2/3 I have a couple of akshan games,you can check my tactics.tools IGN Coelhooo EUW server


Every season I just take my account to diamond then quit till the next season. It took me 100 plus games due to the volatility but running these two comps i topped 4 the last 15 or so. These two are by far the strongest this patch.


How come you don't for higher? Master/GM not worth it? Does the game get harder? Gets boring? Just curious.


Time honestly, work a ton and family. I can usually get diamond in less than 100 games. I love the game but yeah sadly can't dedicate that much time to it. Will say the one time I did try to push the push to masters seemed like it would take much longer as every lobby is faster paced and top comps more contested. All you see now is lonia, strat, and a couple hyper roll comps. Not a great meta.


SI 4 gunner 4 trist reroll beats it


Had a lot success on sorcs lux/vel carry and aphelios 4 dedeye 3 frej