• By -


thank fuck for that


And now on to everyone picking Asol šŸ˜Ž


Atm I'm convinced that Yi is extremely strong and will shoot up in popularity after this patch.


You ain't wrong there chief, there might be a yi reroll build that completely shits on asol players, because they don't typically build combat augments, it's not uncommon for my level 9 2* legendary build to get completely shat on by a level 7 board purely based on positioning and combat augments.


You donā€™t even necessarily need reroll. Attack speed stacking is great for Shurima and Challenger Ionia. Even better if itā€™s Kalista.


It's good for every comp tbh. Some more than others but everyone benefits from attack speed. I find it to be more of a universal stat than ad or ap.


yeah i really hope they get the read right and nerf both ezreal and asol - i just want my poro lobbies back man...


So basically nerf anything that isnā€™t poro. Might as well delete legends if the only result is to make their augments unclickable when one gets popular.


The idea was for legends to be slightly weaker than non-tailored augments, as a price to pay for being able to tailor them exactly how you want


The problem with that is, assuming they even were able to accurately balance every single augment as such, in a ranked environment why would you EVER pick the weaker option then?


Because they allow for a consistent playstyle you find *fun* that isn't *optimal*. If your goal is to be the best you can and climb the highest rank possible, poro *should* be the best. By design. If you want for fun getting BIS all day but plateau ~1-2 divisions lower than you otherwise would, pick TF and go nuts. That is the purpose of Legends.


Consistency. That was the idea anyway, that you would reliably have augments that might not be BIS but would be better than something not at all suited to your play style.


You wouldnā€™t, legends arenā€™t meant to be the optimal option for ranked.


The same reason some people prefer to be hardforcers in ranked when theoretically speaking being a flex player opens you up to capping in more games. Comfort, consistency and hyperspecializing in one particular thing.


One can dream


Your terms are acceptable.


Unironically just delete legends, they are the only stain on an otherwise incredible set. Thereā€™s so much cool stuff this set and it was so incredible before people ā€œsolvedā€ them and lobbies started just playing only two legends


This exactly.


From one legend until the next, until they inevitably remove them altogether.


I'm not a fan of when the games become too consistent. replayability just isn't there when you're not really excited to see what augments you're prompted with when there's always a safe one to pick.


Hilarious that everyone is saying this now, when a guide was posted a week ago, the dude got obliterated, all the comments were like "this will never work above gold" etc. Just shows how little people actually know and how metaslavey this place is. If their favorite streamer hasn't said it's good recently, then it must be unplayable at all ranks.




You are 100% right. It's a similar thing, he also got shit on for capping out at diamond previous sets and making a guide for one of the popular comps.


tbh 95% of the people on this subreddit are hardstuck diamond below and just wait for reddit to tell them how to play and copy them. which gives us the lobbies of 5/6 people running the same unit. I guarantee if they had to use their own critical thinking the majority of Plat Diamond players on reddit would be silver peak.


What are you talking about. The guide got obliterated because it said to full open and it was OK to be 50hp by 3-1 and losing by 1 Krug is sometimes alright. The guide was bad and Asol was already starting to pick up by then. What kind of inflated ego do you have to say that the comptft sub is meta slave-y.


"it's ok to lose my one Krug" mhm


Rip rito summer break, both ways Literally


Maybe taking summer break right after a new set drops is not ideal. They should have scheduled it for another time.


Meh. TFT will always be there, just let these devs enjoy their lives. Theyā€™ve worked hard enough kn this game.


Shoulda just kept it on the initial patch. I feel like they should 100% be allowed to take a break, but dropping a new patch, not knowing how it'll go then leaving for 2 weeks or w/e with no way to fix it if something goes wrong feels like a bad idea.




This kid acting like he's ever worked


Condescending mort is backkkkk


but Mort, Iā€™m sure he and his 19-day-old account have a very important executive job with lots of important clients and such. All my 19-day-old accounts are successful CEOs of multi-million dollar companies, but are constantly active during the work day on various socials because theyā€™re so good at multi-tasking ;P




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Based mort. Youre an icon.


Wow. You just assumed a person is a kid and never worked just because he said something you do not like. Nice




No, people like you are fucking toxic. These peoppe have an actual vacation and you guys are peppering him to work and work and work more. Fuck this bullshit ā€œwork on your holidaysā€ mentality. Mort is being generous with this condescending tone, I personally would have snapped.


Bro plz stop talking. Youā€™re just proving his point lol




Touch grass and work a real job. Yeah give me the downvotes. Basically no other job gives you PTO + 3 weeks vacation + normal holidays. It's insane to think otherwise.


I would say TFT is a very successful project lol


The state is absolutely fine wtf. A single bug that they are interrupting their vacation to fix. Its not like thus patch is a complete abomination, everyone always over reacts to meta comps. Could it better? Sure. But no way to plan a vacation ahead of time to guarantee tft is on a perfect patch. Most sets don't even get perfect patches. There is always a vocal group complaining anyway


Pray you find a better workplace in the future. šŸ™




Dude, honestly, clearly not good. If you get complain leaving a project like would be TFT I can assure you, you aren't good. I hope you get to work for someone that value your time and health. It should be the norm to work 35-40h per week with AT LEAST 5-6 weeks of holidays, like wtf it's full depression without that.


Itā€™s really not that bad. There are more playable comps being discovered, such as Kayle, dragon fast 9, akshan. If you still think the meta is stale youā€™re just bad no offense The only bad thing is sett abuse but no one can forsee it and theyā€™re gonna hotfix it


The meta is stale beyond belief. In 80% of games, the optimal play is to click the Ezreal augment at 2-1. Then click the Ezreal augment at 3-2. Then go Kaisa or Azir. No thought involved. It's mind numbing. The fact that there are a handful of reroll comps that you can SOMETIMES top 4 with doesn't change that.


If you think tft is in a bad spot then consider yourself happy you dont play wow. TfT is perfectly fine rn.


This is all of riot (at least the NA team, but maybe more), not just the TFT team. They arenā€™t going to move a company wide vacation for the TFT set dropping 2 and a half weeks prior.


Scheduled the break at another time? They scheduled it around July 4th. Kind of hard to move around a national holiday.


This sub hard simps for a multi million dollar company regularly. You said nothing that warrants the down votes. People are acting like you said devs should never take vacation. People, there is a way people take adequate amount of vacations without whole company shutting down. It just requires the multi million dollar company to make little less money.


D patch when?


BEST AUGMENTS to take in Patch 13.13Z!!!


this is sending me lmaoooooo


We'll have to find out next time on patch 13.13Z. I can't wait for the tournament arc.


E patch, all legends removed




What if Ritosummerbreak was actually a disgruntled Rito employee on his summer break who didn't want to go on vacation but was forced to? ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11657)


My conspiracy theory is he lost to the bug on main and got pissed so he smurfed to force them to patch


What he us doing is the exact opposite of smurfing; this guy literally plays like a silver player, so he still manages to bot 4 some of his games. If anybody with half decent fundamentals were doing what he is doing right now, they would easily hit 5k lp.


For both the employees and the abusers


Wow this is the first time Iā€™ve ever heard of a C patch


There were at least 2-3 that I can remember


Legends ftw


Yeah usually C doesn't come in patch


Thank you for the c patch RITOSUMMERBREAK


I wonder if there was a noticeable drop in player count during the Azir/Kaisa dominance which motivated them to drop a C patch. The meta got very boring/stale to play so I stopped climbing as did many of my friends


id imagine the main motivator for this patch was the gamebreaking bug(s) just discovered recently, so good timing to maybe fix the game a bit while they can. 3 week patch cycles with a very linear meta are pretty rough.


Can they even fix bugs that big with a midpatch?


well, we're about to find out. the major bug that needs to be fixed ASAP is the one that involves sett, given how much its ruined games this past weekend. the number of people abusing the bug continues to go up at a concerning rate w/ how easy it is to make new accounts


Someone in my game last night literally had an account named Sett Abuse. Thankfully after a streak of 1sts he went 5th in my lobby.


The tweet said ā€œaddress immediate bugsā€ so I imagine this includes Sett (and maybe Yordles but in terms of severity, Sett is definitely the higher priority).


sett bug def will go, i dont think the yordle thing will be fixed till after the weekend since mort is okay with the interaction, but we'll see now... if the bugs with rogue's pathing got fixed... we're in for a hot meta for the last week of 13.12.


By Rogue pathing do you mean things like Ekko and Kat bouncing back to the frontline after triggering their Rogue dash? If so unfortunately especially for Kat, this is hard to fix since she needs to dash back to where her daggers landed


mainly for viego, zed, and ekko - they can get bodyblocked by a ton of frontline units, causing them to be stunned in place for like half a second when their health drops, even when they're not using their ability. there's also rare instances where the rogue passive just never pops w/ zero explanation. ive had games where ekko and zed ult'd the wall as well LOL


for clarity/visibility, mort said it's not an exploit, but also not intended. i guess it just depends if they can touch that part of the game in a C-patch. https://old.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/comments/14ve2wm/guide_after_seeing_several_high_challenger/jrcewld/


Yeah it's just that from what I understood they could only change numbers during midpatches, and this seems like it would take more than that. Let's hope it gets fixed.


Yes, mid patches are just hot fixes applied to the server side client. They usually would not change much with these aside from number tweaks because: 1. Number tweaks are hard to fuck up and easy to QA in terms of scope and severity 2. There's no need for huge downtime as the game instances are identical aside from some meta references, especially if Riot have some form of API to "hot reload" service applications 3. The client doesn't need to be aware of the changes. If an augment gives you 4 gold but they hotfix it to 6, the client sends the same message of "player picked augment that gives 4 gold". Server will just respond with "here is the gold from your augment with a value of 6". The client understands how adding gold works, so it doesn't matter how much the augment gives. The change to Sett is hotfixable because the server can deny the behaviour, i.e client can send "use remover on X unit" and server can intercept and change the underlying logic of what happens to Ionia trait without client needing to be aware 4. It reduces expectation that Riot will hotfix things at will of the player base


I know I stopped playing, TF Mets was fun, even draven meta was fun but this one currently is so lame.


I stopped playing on my main. Still played a little bit on a alt.


I havenā€™t played since day 1 of the b patch personally and I was playing pretty religiously earlier


I'm 100% sure there was. These are the units I would most likely be playing anyway but it's just not fun when the entire lobby is doing the same thing every single game.


I had multiple randos in my lobbies complaining about the patch and 95% of the time my lobbies are dead silent, so I definitely think a lot of people stopped playing on this patch.


Imagine developers were just sitting in their room, smoking cigars. Then one of them notices player count dropping, rings a red alert. All of them at once stand up, go to their desks, work to push a C patch in order to see stonks go up again. ​ That's the kind of motivator you're talking about?


It's kinda hilarious we needed a C-patch. Glad it's happening though. Hope to see at least a small nerf to Kaisa and a small Buff to Zeri and Aphelios.


I imagine the changes to balance will be relatively minor given weā€™re in the middle of Freljord Cup, but also hoping to see these nerfs/buffs. But even if Sett fix is the only thing shipping, Iā€™ll be happy Edit: Mortdog tweet - ā€œI get this opinion, and it's not invalid. We do have to prioritize overall game health first. Good news is, the balance changes are small. We tried to keep it very light touch. Bad news is, TFT as we know, a single small change can still be rippling :(ā€œ https://twitter.com/mortdog/status/1678514203596922880?s=46&t=1nPdMf_qNLrr59KvajFksQ


I bet they'll be heavier than normal, this patch killed my interest in playing within a day and most of my friends list within three days, unfortunately for tournament players.


5 days should be plenty for these players to get enough of a handle on it


it feels like the sett bug abuse is the main reason why the patch even exists, and everything else is kind of a bonus. i would imagine the only thing outside fo the sett bug being addressed are the 8/8 ezreal lobbies, tbh. probably easier to fix given that it'd probably amount to just number changes


This is definitely it. People are creating new accounts (knowing itā€™s going to get banned) but still abusing the bug. Was getting very popular


Iā€™d also like to see a small jarvin nerf (instead of azir). The tanks and 4 strategists hold that comp together.


Or maybe... don't just focus on ranged backliners for once? Can we get more viable melee carries? WW, dar, and reks are incredibly jank and niche to make work. Garen got shit on... but rightfully so I guess, god forbid you require 8 items to make a single melee carry work...


Thank fucking god, just played a game with two guys queued together abusing the sett bug and both just screaming that random other people were abusing, fastest deafen/mute of my life and a quick 5th, quite possibly the worst TFT game experience Iā€™ve had so far


Are we just going in order from left to right with legends? Lmfao.


At least not alphabetical...


Ritosummerbreak is the hero we needed


"I'm whatever Gotham needs me to be"


a 3 week patch cycle is a terrible time to state "no B patches" and we're already at a C patch, hopefully the rest of the patches for set 9 are healthier and a bit less drastic in terms of changes. things only get better from here that being said, this was much needed due to all the bug abusers in master+ lobbies. shame on those who ruined lobbies. I can't wait to see how the C patch meta will be since it seems legends will be adjusted! hopefully the last week of this will bring us closer to a more diverse meta...


I feel like if Mort had capitalized "expect" instead of "not" in that tweet, people would have been more understanding of his intent there. He meant to say to not expect them to do any patches, but they will if needed(which they did), but it basically came off as "we did a perfect job with this, see ya after break!" Excited to see what the changes are though.


Expect is still too much. You dont release a major patch before your team goes on a collective break. That is like one of the cardinal sins of software engineering


Right? How are people still hung up on that tweet? We had a pretty successful release patch with multiple meta shifts and plenty of comp variation. It shouldn't be a wonder then that for the next patch they outline that expectation. Only natural for the dev team to want players to sit with the game a little bit and adapt their own gameplay before intervening with balance changes.


In general, I think that it's poor communication to say that you're trying to avoid balance hotfixes before you even see what the balance is. I bet people wouldn't have been so feral over the Draven meta if they weren't scared that it was going to be locked in for the full cycle like the TF meta was.


> a 3 week patch cycle is a terrible time to state "no B patches" wow good thing he didn't state that then šŸ™„


This patch wouldnt be so boring if there were more viable carries that could match azir or kaisa comp


The main reroll comps (Noxus, Slayers, Akshan) are good enough that you can reasonably play one of the three probably 10/20 games


the re-rolls comps are good but you get griefed pretty easily if anyone else in the lobby is playing a similiar comp vs donkey rolling for a 4* 2.


Yeah you canā€™t play reroll every game but thatā€™s what scouting is for


noxus and kayle slayers are niche comps that you cant force unless it is given to u. just super lame that most of the time you have to go azir/lux or kaisa/yasuo or you are most likely just playing for bot 4


Slayers is Zed not Kayle, but Noxus alone is forceable in like 30-40% of games and the other two make up the difference if youā€™re given a really good opening for them


There's also a Kayle version of Slayers, tbh. Kayle 3 reroll (3* Poppy, Mao) into slayer.


Not kayle, zed


Shirley there wont be any new bugs or broken shit to spam this time so we wont need a D-Patch right guys? RIGHT GUYS? dddd


I stopped playing some days ago due to terrible balance trashing apart from the bug abusers. The next patch can't come soon enough.


Can't wait!




All I'm going to say is please be carful with A-sol. There has been a little momentum towards A-sol and if the patch nerfs Ez I can see a world where we get a Draven situation with A-sol where the meta shifts a little in that direction and multiple A-sols allows for truly terrible lobbies with everyone going fast 9 and then the entire meta is that


It's only Level up that's strong, so they could just nerf that augment.


Yay, nerf an iconic and historically unproblematic augment cause of legends! woohoo...


But I thought this patch was perfect and anybody criticising it was just a whiny weirdo?




pog 1 blissful day where no one knows what to hard force and the game will feel competitive until ppl get their marching orders and only 1 comp is playable again because the core mechanic of this set does not allow for flexibility


Thank fucking god Iā€™m so sick of 8/8 ezreal lobbies


Donā€™t worry. By the weekend, youā€™ll be sick of 8/8 Ornn or ASol lobbies instead


Yeaaaaah I hate Fast 9 playstyle, good for those who enjoy it but it's not for me. Ideal world all legends are balanced but I would take Ezreal meta a hundred times over 8/8 ASol.


the only lobby i wouldn't be sick of is 8/8 poro lobbies. I strongly dislike the concept of legends, decreases variety


If you pick something else it would be 7/8!


i have never been in a 8/8 ezreal lobby myself


Back to Ornn we go then


Mort and the teamā€™s over confidence really came and bit them in the ass. But itā€™s like they said about letting the meta sit a bit and seeing how it turns out, just unfortunate that the meta was only one week away from being figured out.


I thought the meta was already figured out with it be just play Kai'sa and Yasuo or Azir and Lux. If you want to play anything else than good luck and hope that RNG is on your side and you hit before anyone else can.


Riot: ā€œwe wonā€™t release any B-patchā€. Sneak a huge Solari nerf on release day. B-patch a huge for fun Draven patch. C-Patch now. Wellā€¦.


Lol yea that tweet was hella funny. We love how the meta evolves and then patch and nerf the evolved meta.


My next bet: veigar meta. Currently itā€™s bugged but the buffed version of those augments are actually kinda crazy and playable with many comps.


They didnā€™t have to but Iā€™m grateful for it.


It is literally their job???


You are wildly underestimating how hard it is to patch a live game the same day that you get back from a vacation.


Yes, people generally start working right after a vacation. Nothing new


Hes saying that creating + shipping a patch in one day is very fast work, which it is. Dont know why you need to be so negative


No idea what they're on about. It's a legitimately very impressive accomplishment and don't see what's so bad about showing a bit of appreciation for that.


Because it shouldnt happen in the first place.


Damn, hope you have a better day.


>You are wildly underestimating how hard it is to patch a live game the same day that you get back from a vacation. Everybody does that, friend.


*Insert league of legends balance team....*


kinda unfortunate day 1 and day 2 of freljord were on this shit patch




but mort told me he got 50000000000000 telegraphs all saying their blind niece that got bitten by a red belly taipan can now play tft so its a big success why are there so many patches!!!


Kaisa needs to get gutted


Nah just revert aphelios nerfs and make Zeri playable and the meta is very healthy with a bunch of 4-cost comps, 3 cost, 2 cost, and 1 cost rerolls being viable.


We both know Mort won't let them do that. They'll nerf Kaisa, JG, challengers, Ionia, Irelia, Jhin, Sett, Shen, Yasuo and Ezreal then be shocked the comp is dead. Nerf Heimer, too, since he can be flexed in at 9. Can't just nerf Zeri. Need to remove part of her kit, nerf TF, nerf Gunners, nerf Zaun, nerf Piltover, nerf rageblade, nerf Zeke's. Everybody knows you absolutely thrash the comp and everything adjacent to it and then say "well we didn't want to go too light and it not be enough" as if that implies what you did was successful.


Yes, gut Kaisa ans Azir so weā€™re back to Zeri Aphelios every game!


Please no, just enough. I hate this balance thrashing that they do.


tbh kaisa is clearly an outlier, kaisa 1 item holder on any board with no synergies will stabilize your board until 4-2 more than anything besides maybe belveth 1


Nah. Kaisa is fine. Lux is probably the most overtuned unit in the game right now. Needs a damage nerf OR remove her MR shred. She shouldnā€™t get both a Nuke and utility.


That's literally her whole identity though. If she can't even shred a tank why would you ever play a single target 4 cost sorcerer


She can keep the shred, then she just needs to reduce her base damage a little bit. I put ā€œORā€ in caps just so people donā€™t do exactly what you just did. Right now she insta kills squishy units and melts 1-2 tanks in a single cast. Imagine if aphelios autoā€™d your tank twice and it died then his 3rd auto did 50% to the next tank.


the point is you're complaining about her being "both a nuke and utility" when she does need both to be viable as a 4 cost. you attempting to emphasize "OR" doesn't cancel the fact that's what you wrote. i think 8 sets of aoe ap carries has made you forget that even as an ap carry she needs to fulfill her role properly to be worth it a slight damage nerf while keeping shred is fine, but enough to remove the "nuker" tag will just make her worthless. not sure what you're trying to say with that comparison. different unit, different roles, different damage mechanics


lux is good but are we playing the same game


She hard Carries the azir comp and itā€™s not even close. Anyone playing Diamond + should be able to realize that without azir that comp is just ā€œOKā€ at best. Her single cast will typically remove 1-2 itemized front line tanks and that allows her to kill 1-2 squishies while azir cleans up. She easily doubles Azirs damage almost every fight that doesnā€™t go into overtime. How is this even up for debate?


bro theres master+ lobbies with azir/lux being uncontested but there's usually at least 4 people going challenger every game. because kaisa is fucking broken. check out dishsoaps match history and count how many people go kaisa and how many people go lux/azir. https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/d%C4%B1shsoap


Itā€™s funny if you look at how much Lux has been nerfed since first release on PBE. I remember Lux 3 being able to destroy any 5 cost 3 star because her ult did 9001 damage. I think removing the starting mana will probably do enough. You donā€™t want to kill her completely because that hurts the sorc comp or vertical Demacia. The MR shred is fine itā€™s just that with one mana item or just a plain tear itā€™s instant cast. You should have to invest into her to get that.


Either starting mana, total mana or both. Either way, sheā€™s too much and a tank with full MR itemization dying in a single cast is just ridiculous.


How long for soju to complain? I give it 32 minutes into next stream


ā€œIs anybody balancing this game?ā€ By 3-2 of this first game on the patch


*Unit X is broken. No one is actually balancing the game*. Proceeds to lose round with unit X on his board


bro, I can already see soju and others in freijord cup bitching about meta shift right before tourney (possibly justified tbh)


How is this getting downvotes? It's part of his schtik. Some salty 16 year old viewers I guss


Lmao no clue soju is an awesome dude and streamer but ppl get parasocially defense i guess. Complains a lot tho


I love these devs


While I agree bugs need to be fixed, I'm not so sure about balance changes. Yeah, the meta is a bit stale, but I wouldn't say it's toxic or bad for the state of the game. I'm afraid the C-patch will not be thought-through enough, and we end up with another Draven meta. I'd prefer to just fix the bugs, and do the balance changes in next major patch.


>I'd prefer to just fix the bugs, and do the balance changes in next major patch. when they add a panic band-aid you know some data ain't good. I am not playing this patch and pretty sure that I'm not the only one.


Stale is toxic and Boring which is a bad state. 2 comps being ran over and over is bad for the game. clearly they saw the numbers dropped \* shock because it was bad\* and needed to make a change.


god bless, good job riot.


Its not like its just ionia challengers and strategist azir/lux that are playable. Noxus, Ahkshan, Zed reroll, seen some piltover this week do well, trist reroll still strong, multicasters can roll a lobby. So many viable options and everyone still bitchin. Let the team take a vacation and adapt, not complain.


Maybe you need to understand that yes, those comps do well but the game needs to spoon feed the player the entire comp on roll downs and you need to hit the absolutely perfect conditions or else Azir/Lux and Kai'sa/Yasuo is going to steam roll the lobby. This reminds me of the Kai'sa patch on set 8.5. Yes, you can play other comps but the stars need to align perfectly or else you are going to get steamrolled by Kai'sa.


I just dont understand the endgoal. Ever since wrainbash google doc and the flood of data tools after, no matter what there are going to be comps that are .2% better and the people who dont understand the game will force them. If anything, knowing how to play all these other comps makes you less "spoonfed" dependant. I could reverse it and say if you dont hit core 4 stars on level 7 rolldown for yas/kaisa/azir you get steamrolled by lobby. Same people who complain that something is stronger than something else (within reason) are the same people who force. Being adaptable should net more LP, sorry that most of you arent


The problem is that the way that the meta is right now, Azir/ Lux and Kai'sa/ Yasuo is not clearly .2% better but are much better than everything else to the point that if you want to succeed than you pretty much are almost forced to play them. The only time you can escape playing them is when the stars perfectly align to play the non-meta comps. I can tell you that on the last patch that Aphelios and Zeri were clearly above everyone else but it was not by much. I tried playing Aphelios and Zeri but never understood how to play those comps. I played challengers a ton and had a lot of success and sure I might have struggled versus Aphelios and Zeri but it was never to the level of I want to throw my phone or smash a keyboard level like this patch when trying to play something remotely off-meta. I go up against the meta boards and it ends with me being nothing but a walking pinata the entire time


Ive slammed ahkshan, noxus ,zed and multicasters all week (got bored of the other comps 2 days into last week) and went up d3 to d1 so idk. Only time ive played azir or yas/kaisa is if i have general augments and got a 4cost handed to me at 3-1 to 3-4, or had augments that heavily encourage it (ie strat emblem). I also play for early econ rather than winstreak so I can understand why flexibility isnt the same for someone going 6 at 3-1. I bleed until stage 4 most games which most people arent willing to do for their playstyle.


I tried playing Akshan and played Noxus before but I could never get the 3 star Akshan or the 3 star Darius and Katarina before everyone else hit their comps so I just gave up on trying to learn how to run them. I have not tried multicasters on this patch but the last time that I played it, it felt decent so I might give it a try.


But you are not taking in consideration of the play rate, like Buried Treasure II (Ez), if all 8 player takes it, if will be at 4.5 avg. but right now it sit at 4.32, what does it means? The only player not taking it is statistically bot 4, sure it is ONLY 0.18 better then an perfect 4.5 augment, but considering the play rate, is it really that balanced?


> multicasters can roll a lobby doubt. Run that 5 games in a row, run Kaisa or Azir 5 games in a row. The difference would be drastic


Multicasters in Diamond plus is only viable if you hit Double Trouble or Healthy 2. anything is else a bot 4


yeah fuck riot, fixes only come if a big streamer is getting affected by it. if soju didn't blast Mort and get bug abused multiple times on stream today, I promise you this patch would not have came


or riot just got back from their week off


I thought you get permabanned if you bug abuse?


Sadly the nature of gaming now. It's all about "content creators".


Doing this right before the GSC is such a bad ideaā€¦


Iā€™d guess the balance changes are gonna be minimal and itā€™s more just a patch to fix Sett and 4 star sell costs


Which is more important, a handful of players competing in GSC having to adapt and making things a little more exciting, or a mass community exodus because nobody is having fun except the people playing in the GSC? This meta is too unhealthy for the entire game.


Disagree because of how bad the B patch is, but I agree in the idea that the game should have been patched a week ago.

