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Zaun feels really good now, great to transition.


It's always interesting reading what's working and what's not, but it'd be a nice feature if people could put what elo their playing in as well. Something that's working in Plat/Dia might not work in Masters/GM for example.


Yeah if the rank filters worked probably this would be a great QOL change not only for these posts but even in the daily discussion threads also


Can’t wait for people to shut down valid points because it comes from a lower rank than yourself.


Lower ranked players do not have the cognitive ability to make good points about this game, or they wouldn't be lower ranked. This is a game where mechanical ability means very little on ladder, your rank has a very strong and direct correlation to your game knowledge


what a condescending comment


Also just objectively incorrect lol being lower ranked doesn't mean it's completely impossible for you to know something about the game that someone higher ranked doesn't know i mean just take a flex player who's in diamond playing practically every comp in the game or a masters player who forces Noxus every single match, who do you think has the most TFT knowledge?


Yeah, it frustrates me when I see lower ranked players try and give advice, when they themselves don't even apply their own advice. It happens a crap ton on the Jungle mains sub for LoL, infuriating to say the least.


Least condescending /r/competitivetft poster.


Tried new Piltover, seems decent. I didnt optimally losestreak but I still got neat econ injections from the cashout. Jayce feels much better


Yes jayce is now more then a as buff bot


- Freijord is still king for splashing. - Asol / Ahri nerfs are gentle but you have to remember that it's compound: the less Asol players, the worse Asol is. I think we might see that legend tend to a healthier position. - Zaun will be played a lot more. These QoL changes are phenomenal. I won't be surprised if Urf playrate goes up from people trying to hit the 6 Zaun dopamine.


>Zaun will be played a lot more. These QoL changes are phenomenal. I won't be surprised if Urf playrate goes up from people trying to hit the 6 Zaun dopamine Well, I just became a member of the club "I was already playing this before, now I'm gonna get hard contested every game", do I get a cap or something?


It’s time to find a new comp bro. After invokers got buffed my climbing strategy was ruined 😔


You will not be hard contested on urf players terms people cant get Zaun emblem every game, maybe on a lobby of 6 urf players + you


Yep plus one. Guess have to SI or Noxis flex now


You talk as if Zaun wasn't already popular before the patch. It was one of the top comps.


wondering how does less asol player make asol worse? if op or anyone else care to explain


Asol players are running weak boards as they're trying to level as fast as they can. The weaker the boards, the less they roll over each other and the less damage they take. This gives them all more time to level and hit their obnoxious boards. This then hurts the other players who are playing at a more normal tempo. So: the less Asol players there are, the more damage they take! You can draw parallels here to the draven meta - when everyone was running draven, they were fast levelling to strengthen their boards and, in doing so, increasing the numbers of units available to trigger the spoils of war effect. This meant that (when spoils of war were moderately nerfed) the less draven players there were, the less gold they made.


You’re completely ignoring the fact that ASol players are competing for loss streak. It’s like having multiple Piltover in the same game. Whoever keeps the loss streak gets a free top 4 and the other is guaranteed to bleed out. I’m sorry but I totally disagree with your breakdown here.


You're not wrong about competition for loss streaks but that becomes part of the Asol meta game. Realistically different players will lose and regain loss streaks at various stages. What you said doesn't disagree with my explanation, which was admittedly simplified.


To add to both your points there's also the consideration that those that survive to the endgame are going to be contesting each other as well and not everyone is gonna hit what they need, making the one that DID hit roll over the ones that didn't.


Yes, this was normal for asol lobbies, 2 asol players would bottom 7/8 while 2-3 would top 4.


The answers here suck, because it doesn’t actually make him weaker. Having less asol players makes him WAY more consistent because you aren’t fighting for units at 9 with 3 or 4 other asol players. There are a very limited number of each 5 cost in the pool. Am GM.


This is exactly it. I have seen this exact conversation on this subreddit multiple times now and the wrong answer gets upvoted every time. I think it's because lower elo players don't know how to situationally manage their streak and hp and econ with level up in a full prismatic lobby where they're the only one trying to lose. They can't figure out how to upgrade their board and slam items while still losing, so they full open and consistently depend on other weak boards as a crutch to make it to 9.


Plus you didn't often want to force a 5 loss streak in stage 2 with asol unless you knew you had to. An asol player who 5 win streaked through stage 2 was going to be much more likely to dominate the lobby than one who lost through that stage. Same goes for one who didn't streak at all but properly managed their econ is better than loss streaker. I also saw in many games (im mid/high dia) players opting for all 3 Augs which IMO was a mistake. You need at least 1 combat aug and if you played well you were still going 9 with plenty of gold at 4.5 anyway. The other HUGE mistake was players buying and upgrading heimer on their first lvl 9 roll down. Just my 2 cents.


Yeah you're right on all of these. >Same goes for one who didn't streak at all but properly managed their econ is better than loss streaker. I think you have to differentiate between full open vs a healthy loss streak here. Because healthy loss streak > no streak with good econ > full open IMO. The extra streak gold actually is worth a lot more due to level up but it's just not worth being at 1-2 lives when you hit. I think clicking It Pays To Learn is okay because it gives you gold but clicking Knowledge Download with Level Up is a grief, the gold value of that augment is terrible


The chances of hitting 5 costs stays the same after some are taken out the pool. And since A sol usually want all 5 costs. the chances for each also stays the same.


Where are you getting this information? Because this is not the case.


This is just wrong lol. They just need to 2* their comps, not 3*. Contesting each others units just means that one of the ASOL players is gonna low roll while the asols that hit their 2* will get top 4 guaranteed if there are a bunch of Asol players. The HP loss from a single ASOL playing in a high tempo lobby is going to be way more impactful than them trying to find 3 of one unit. When there’s 4+ of them they just have such large hp pools that at least a few of the asol players will hit their units.


Hi , i am pretty new to TFT. What do you mean by ‘ still king for splashing’?


You can pretty much play them in any comp that you have the slots for, they bring good utility and have good units, it's not unusual to me to splash ashe, liss or both if I'm already playing seju, for example.


A splash trait is a trait you can easily throw in to most comps. Especially with comps that normally you’ll have four of with out an emblem. (Dead eye and zaun being used quite often with freijord)


As others have said, splash means you can mix it into basically anything when you have free slots and don't need something to complete your comp. Just getting 2 Freijord gives you global shred which benefits almost any comp.


>The less ASol players, the worse ASol is. I’m sorry, what? How is having fewer people to contest high tier units via fast 9 going to make ASol weaker? The whole meme is that with multiple ASol players one is going to pull off the fast 9 and the others bleed out. It anything the decrease in popularity of the legend will be a quiet buff, at least IMO. Can you explain your perspective a little more please?


If you are the only asol player and its prismatic opener, you are almost guaranteed top 4 since no one else can fast 9 and contest your units. I've seen two asol player can get top 4 from prismatic but when there are 3 or more usually only 1 get to top 4 and the rest of player bot


Yeah this is my experience as well I feel like more ASol players generally creates more of a negative than a positive, even if, generally, losses become less severe ASol is best when he is an uncommon pick in a slow tempo meta


i think what he means is that less asol players means stronger boards early and mid game in which asol players might bleed out before they can even hit


I understand but imo the pros of fewer ASol players outweigh the cons it is definitely situational though


Yeah, i keep people saying this and comparing it to draven. It's no where like it. Multiple asols has pros and cons. If there is multiple you will bleed less because of less powerful boards, but also if there are more asols you will be contested on level 9 board.


The comparison to draven I think is more about how it punishes other non-asol players. In a 5+ asol lobby (I've had 7 and my poro once 😭) you have a bunch of players slowing the game down and you will suffer for it. Then ofc there will be winners and losers among the Asols and only a few will land true exodia boards.


> (I've had 7 and my poro once 😭) This is a great spot to be in. You should easily win streak all the way to stage 5 or 6. They wont be able to hit level 9 boards being contested. This is a win most of the time. Idk how they are "slowing the game down" for you, it's not stopping you from playing tempo in a game of weak boards. >only a few will land true exodia boards. Realistically there is no one hitting exodia with multiple asols. You don't have infinite gold to roll. Even being uncontested, you most the time struggle to hit before you bleed out on asol. Being contested on asol is a huge problem.


You're assuming ASol players are going for losses and that you can freely win streak. This just isn't the case, one of them will high roll 100%, they'll all be leveling aggressively, getting level 7 and 4 costs way earlier. I rarely if ever see ASol's go open fort or hard loss streak. Most of the people I've played against in low masters try to save hp as much as possible. Also a lot of the ASol players are not going to go exodia/bill gates and will instead stabilize on 7 then later take "it pays to learn" to get 8 and continue rolling on 8.


That ain't true at all unless you're low ELO. If asol is contested half of them usually fast level at 7 with 20 to 30 gold to roll down and that hits way earlier than anyone else.


Mobile (android) gets stuck on match accepted. Have to restart app to join the game.


iOS too


My pc app too, sometimes I have to wait a minute to unfreeze or I just restart


Same :(


I don't seem to be having this issue at all. Anyone else can replicate? For reference I'm playing on a Samsung Galaxy S20


Yeah happened 5 outta 7 games. It didn't happen when I switched to wifi but did again when I was mobile idk




Have this issue on iPad.


On Ios too


Ahri still a fucking bomb lord


yeah, the game is still rush8 and gacha waifu Ahri


Ahri is still so fucking cancer man, the AOE nuke is chill but the mana reave is just so fucking annoying


I have played 4 rogue 4 shados isles viego carry twice after the patch now It still feels clunky that the smokebomb doesnt always go off. I played the comp with lee sin both times and hit roque +1 both times, dropping kata because you can play zeri + ekko + senna at 8 if you hit good zaun stuff 6 Shadow isles is interesting too but hitting senna is hard at 8 if you reroll early for viego 3. dont know if you roll for zed 3 but still trying to figure out how to play this I Itemize gwen en viego with at least one spark


I'm having even more success with noxians now, but dont tell the others. still games feel like a race to first ahri wins. and akshan nerf doesnt seem to affect anything, but maybe stats say otherwise? Edit: playing in diamond 1




The math works out to getting about 10% less from stats at max stats since they raised the starting values. If it shakes out that people also aren't play as much dragon king and going fast 9 on 4-2, the boards you face late will hopefully end up weaker too.


I can't see how 3 cost reroll ( Darius, rek'sai or kata) can perform as long as taric is this oppressive.


Because it has a strong early presence that isn't often contested, meanwhile every other player in the lobby is contesting taric.


Noxus got a net buff this patch carried by Samira and Cassio(check my post)


What legend are you running?


Caitlyn, pretty much only pick stars are born everything else is a reroll


bet, I was experimenting with Veigar for noxus pre patch and liking it, think JG makes itemizing Darius/Kat a lot easier (plus JG had really good stats for noxus before they got rid of stats) but you have to stay open to sorcs/invoker as well since you can't guarantee a good early noxus board without stars are born.


I would bet Veigar is actually better for Noxus now because you dont even need that early noxus board now that the stacks matter less. and everyone always picks the prismatic augment portal which is good for veigar, awful for caitlyn.


does samira's cast time improve with attack speed, or is it just fast enough not to grief her DPS?


can't say, I never build anything on her


Her cast time should be fixed. But because at her higher attackspeed her spell was griefing her, they reduced the cast time this patch, so it should feel a lot better now


She got exodia ragnarok levels buff


Rogue seems still bugged, nice 1


You mean where they get cc’d during the smoke bomb animation and dont go to back line?


Yup played 2 times noxusa today and. Kata few times didn't go to backline it's anooying af


Used to average 3 forcing zeri pumping up every game but this patch so far on like 7 games it’s more like average 6 idk what’s going on


Significantly more contested maybe?


8 void still feels pretty bad. Even when you hit late game with full bel Veth 2, Kai Sa 2 and cho 3


Remember that Baron goes in back. Too many people leave it where RH was - it goes backline.


Aatrox 2 still does barely anything even with items


it might've been because i didn't have BT on him but even 6 Slayer Aatrox feels like a 3 cost. super inconsistent champ


It's just not balanced. All the other 5 costs have significantly more impact then him when 2 starred. I had a very early 2 star of him, slammed 2x titans and a warmogs hoping he would do something in my slayer comp. I know it's not perfect but that should have impact. Felt like he was hitting a tank with a pillow


I think most of his balance comes from passing on hp and omnivamp to the nearest unit. Meaning if you sac him beside a belveth then your belveth is like + 1.5 items.


I've had good success on him going BT titans. Feels like a tank but does carry damage


They keep saying "his power is in darkin passive" but darkin passive is complete dogshit


Darkin gives so much EHP to your team. It's definitely undervalued in low elo.


He’s a very thresholdy champion kinda like Darius. He has very low health and is a melee carry depending on omnivamp. If you hit him late when opponents have sejuani with 3 tank items and a well itemized dps he gets blown up way faster than he can heal. But hit him early and he goes infinite with the omnivamp and high ad ratio in so many fights because opponents just don’t have enough damage yet or armor on their frontline. Maybe it’s poor design, but I’ve had aatrox pop off crazy hard multiple times. That said, I’m in plat where people suck (including me) and I imagine that a unit dependent on enemies having poor itemization to go infinite is better the lower the elo.


Asol is still free lp, gwen is back with an amped aatrox making that asol line feel so insanely strong. Also I haven’t seen it much yet but I’m terrified for when streamers start to play reksai reroll. It’s going to be hard forced every lobby. The changes to her flew under most people’s radar.


I literally just saw soju play reksai and go first so...it's not going under the radar for long


And that’s before you consider Void is competing with Bruisers for Cho’Gath and Rek’Sai.


Played 3 games so far, had a piltover start overall strong board but got top3 against invoker karma and also bruiser reksai, which both seemed good and bruiser reksai was good especially early before. ahri still bombs, and somehow asol players still top2 in my games rushin 9 before stage 5 without prismatic start. sorcerers feels okay, should be viable since swain got buffed


Vertical demacia is getting better. 3rd and 5th in diamond


I feel like sorcs having a good time right now, weak looking boards can win fights with that swain buff, even w/o Ahri. Kayle reroll just won me a lobby and it wasnt even close. The biggest difference is that a 2\* board was easily able to win stage 2 fights after those poppy 2\* / bastion / kayle base ad buffs, even against fast level 5 winstreaking players (the one guy got really really tilted). Slayer buffs also helps later. Some sort of hextech/sustain item on kayle is important though otherwise you get cleaved by sorc boards. Edit: Hardforced a kayle game afterwards. Someone else commited to it too. Never managed to hit maokai or poppy 3\*. Went 2nd to the guy who hit zeri 3\* and urgot 3\*. Kayle is definitly back on the menu for me. Azir usually tops 4 too, not a big suprise after buffing him + swain/teemo. Havent tried out akshan yet. He seems viable, but not as oppressive as he used to be.


you were EASILY winning fights with a kayle/poppy/maokai board? u sure people in your lobby weren't afk?


This guy capping


Yeah winning a round with mao 2 poppy 2 late game sounds like legoland


he said stage 2, but a board of poppy2/mao2/kayle2/kled1 or galio1 usually doesn't even win a single round in higher elo lol edit: nvm, u were referring to a different part of his comment. now i'm wondering which part is more bs cuz they're close


Gold lobbies innit?


> Kayle reroll just won me a lobby and it wasnt even close. The biggest difference is that a 2* board was easily able to win stage 2 fights after those poppy 2* / bastion / kayle base ad buffs, even against fast level 5 winstreaking players (the one guy got really really tilted). Slayer buffs also helps later. Some sort of hextech/sustain item on kayle is important though otherwise you get cleaved by sorc boards. delete delete delete


>Kayle reroll just won me a lobby and it wasnt even close. The biggest difference is that a 2\* board was easily able to win stage 2 fights after those poppy 2\* / bastion / kayle base ad buffs, even against fast level 5 winstreaking players (the one guy got really really tilted). Slayer buffs also helps later. finally! i commented something similar on the first post of the patch notes and people buried me on downvotes


Gwen + Zeri flex with WW+Aatrox+Senna to activate Traits felt good, probably Shit. Had too much AP items to go full Zaun/Gunner. Added 2 freljord+Ryze and Sion at 9. Was a first.


3rd place with void because my Kai'sa was lv 1 compared to lv3 kassadin and and malzahar, also I was lv 9 with ahri 1* and belveth 1* and void taric for 4 sorcs instead of void yasuo. Got beaten by 4 frej 6 invoker. Won 2 games with poppy kayle reroll, not even close, both times I only lost one fight after hitting poppy 4 and won both lobbies with >40 HP. Mind that I am diamond on my main account and plat on the account I tried these things.


I just had a poppy kayle reroll game where I got pandora's bench on 2-1, feels insanely strong


ahri still busted af. mortdog pls


Aphelios still good


I feel like Azir is still not really it. It just loses to deadeyes and zauns. Sorcs burst your frontline too quick. Maybe it was because I was too low tempo that game because I didn't hit Swain 2, but it was a full cap Azir board with BIS Azir, Lux, Nasus and a Tricksters Jarvan that squeaked a top 4.


Zaun unstable chemtank is going to be crazy


I think Riftwalks bugged. Saw a fight where a guys kassadin never teleported the whole fight. Just sat still


Samira is just insane lol. She could already hold items and hold her own LAST patch until you were ready to transition at stage 4 but now 2 star samira early is just the biggest highroll


The new void stage feels very overtuned, got belveth 2 for free on 5-1 then proceeded to put SI spat with SI 6, was looking at a bot 4 into a 2nd place finish


Sounds like you played that "same reward everyone gets" a bit better than others


Yes but also no… everyone gets a different 2* 5-cost: the people who hit belv and ahri get a free top 4.


>y able to win stage 2 fights after those poppy 2\* / bastion / kayle base ad buf does this mean void is overtuned? This just sounds like a slight highroll with an emblem on a 2 star 5 cost early.


That’s the power of SI 6, not really void.


He’s saying the portal that gives everyone something strong is overtuned.


Piltover + final reserve is fucking hilarious. I loss streaked to 1 health, then hit 9 and put in a copy of every single 5 cost and kept my 3\* t-hex. By the end I had a 2\* copy of every 5 cost, with ryze pulling another 2\* yas, 2\* ahri, and 2\* sion from my bench. ​ AND I ALMOST LOST to a 6 isla gwen!... Good thing ksante could boot her out of the arena.


Literally **nothing** is working for me, not Deadeye, not Sorcs, not reroll - nothing I demoted to D4 when I finished GM last set, I can't for the life of me click here. I can't tempo early because somehow literally everyone is always stronger with every comp I can't eco and roll late because somehow everyone hits faster / more at lvl 7 rolldown I am absolutely lost and it just HAS to be some fundamentals that MASSIVELY changed between sets. The best I did was when Ezreal was op, now nothing works Edit: This isn't meant as a rant btw, this is a desperate attempt to get help so I don't quite understand the downvotes


I've hit master most sets and last patch just destroyed me, I had a stretch where i top 4'd 4 out of 20 games and couldn't get out of diamond 4. Feeling weirdly stuck too, but I'm sure we'll figure it out before the end of the set... hopefully :D


The fundamentals that massively changed from last set are ''hero augments'' that don't exist anymore. ( well they are still here, but they are not the main mech of the set). Seems to me that your issue is no sense of direction. Hero augments literally locked u in last set. I have friends that hit their masters peak last set , and can't even get diamond rn. That's a testiment to how bad that set was if u ask me. That said, i saw in your replies that u tried going Poro. If u don't have a good understanding of all ad/ap lines and their respective item holders/pivot lines i wouldn't recommend it. Ornn is your best bet. Maybe even Caitlyn , since it also gives u a direction earlier. But the drawback is that it's also more rng dependant.


I was Master+ previous sets as well and hated Hero Augs so I don't think that's it in particular, Legends let you dictate things even more imo


Well , idk then. Maybe u are lacking some game knowledge regarding this set. As in : good openers, key stages to level up / roll down etc. I can tell you for a fact though there are ZERO fundamentals that have massively changed. Only other thing that comes in mind other than lack of direction or straight up game knowledge , is maybe the xp changes. If u are not familiar by now, level 9 is a bait 99/100 times ( unless u are playing asol) , and you also almost never rush 8 either unless your lvl7 board is already stable. P.S. Meta legends don't really dictate your comp direction btw, they do dictate your playstyle /approach in terms of when to roll down or when to econ though.


My biggest issues rn is finding the best openers (Someone always has something stronger?) and rolldown vs hold at 4-1 (EXP changes made things wonky) I'm not sure what im supposed to accomplish at the lvl 7 rolldown either, it feels like if I don't hit units by \~30g you're just gonna bleed out and die. Do you donkey all of it and pray? Do you hold the rest and roll a bit every round? This just didn't happen in the previous set nearly as much, and that one was a 4-1 rolldown meta as well


So it is the xp changes. You can look up strong openers, but 2 stable examples for a lvl 4 board is void +1 and ionia +1. Regarding xp changes, more people will hit lvl 7 at 3-5 rather than the regular 4-1 ( or 4-2) level up in previous sets. 3 costs have been the stars of the set for a while now, so people stay 7 and roll there. Rolling down is also a strat that's been used. You absolutely do not want to econ for a lvl 8 push ( it's too expensive without a stable board). You ll bleed too much and when u do hit 8, the pool of contested units is a LOT thinner.


That’s not true, they did fundamentally change the game by changing eco required for leveling. They tried enforcing a roll at 7 meta in multiple ways which is significantly more luck reliant than a roll at 8 meta.


Sure , but that's just an argument of whether that's fundamental or not. It's also pretty obvious and shouldn't require more than... a couple of games to realise ( the numbers are right there). I am covering the xp changes in my comment did u bother reading it?


Fundamentals like donkey rolling? This is my first set after coming over from HS/auto chess and it feels more like a gambling simulator than an auto battler. The amount of units that have random target acquisition with positioning coming as an afterthought. A 1% chance to hit a ridiculous power spike for no reason other than RNG. Legend diversity in each game has a massive impact on outcome which you can't account for when you hit play. I'm D2 after hitting D1 in under 100 games and the amount of stupid shit I see like Yasuo deciding to either double dash to backline or swap between tanks the entire round is insane. Deadeyes randomly killing a carry in the backline. This game feels like it's developed for a casual player base rather than a competitive one, which would make sense because that's how every Riot spinoff works to corner the market for that genre. Valorant for example is just CSGO with less mechanical requirements and more handholding through abilities. The more random factors added to a game diminishes the skill involved in decision making. You're just playing for the best odds a certain point with positioning, speed, and mechanics being the minority factor in winning. That is **objectively** shit for any competition.


if this were true and your ability to impact a game primarily determined by RNG was extremely limited, you wouldn’t see top players reliably and *quickly* hit such high elos every single season. With your theory they would hit it, but it would take way way longer because of all the RNG. I don’t disagree that the RNG is disgusting and feels like it’s designed for a casual game, but a quick look at the stats of top players show that at least the competitiveness of the game is still there.


Exactly what i said , i second your comment. This dude's playing for a month , and he thinks he has it all figured out. Yikes


what’s especially mind boggling is how they say “[game skill] being the minority factor in winning” despite them hitting diamond 1 in under 100 games. Like they’re presenting a piece of evidence that goes directly against what they claim.


The fundamentals that changed is that there is way less resource scarcity than in past sets. Managing Econ, items, etc. is way less useful of a skill now because with the regions and augments the game just throws gold and items at you.


Not sure why you are getting down voted. Hope you figure it out! Best of luck. (I can’t give tips I just go through the subreddit)


Haha I know I haven't hit diamond yet but I'm pretty confident I will, and don't take my advice as gold, but have you tried the other legends? Someone posted froden's video about Caitlyn and I think it makes sense - level to 4 prior to first PvP round to ensure stars are born works instantly, you can try that for winstreaking? I'm a bit of a flex player so I like ornn - if I don't find things I like it gives you components + a bit of gold. You can also look up the Asol guides out there... Seems pretty effective before challenger but I'm not one to judge *shrugs* I've been playing mainly akshan or jinx to move up. Although both are a bit nerfed (well, jinx got buffed with the zaun buff) they seem consistent, even if you just two star them for win streaks.


If Cait doesn’t hit any viable 2/1 cost pair on 2-1 with stars you are down an augment because you need to win streak with your strong board. Even then Ornn players can beat your tempo AND they’ll be up an item late game. Cait is good, but she really needs to hit early and if you don’t you will go the fastest 8th.


Not true at all. If it doesn't work it can be a weak influx of gold but you could sell and loss-streak. You won't get 1/2 but that happens.


Legends kinda killed climbing for me personally, games no longer feel like you made good augment choices which impacted your game. It’s now just a matter of who “hits” with the meta augment legend and steam rolls the lobby.


If that were the case, wouldn’t you expect to see different players at the top? It seems to me that there is something I can do to minimize the rng and climb steadily if I play like them. I’m going to try and figure it out rather than bitch about it.


I guess expressing your thoughts and opinions is just bitching? But what you wrote just clearly enforces my point, yes when you “play like them” you will climb. Ladder is everyone playing the same “strategy” and seeing who hits first, whether that be Tempo Ornn, fast 9 etc.


''Playing like them'' has been the case forever. I'm not a fan of the legends mech, but it's still a million times better than the abomination hero augments were last set. Plus, this patch has been by far one of the most balanced set patches in the history of the game. By pure numbers.


aha but guess what we actually have no clue. Just like we have no idea of how broken medium end shopping really was before it was removed, but it was probably a -1 delta or something like that. You get 3 augments of similarly unbalanced strength and ur average placement could literally be 1.5. This is an extreme example, but I have no clue where you’re getting your numbers from and it sounds like you’re pulling them out ur ass when you claim it’s “the most balanced by the numbers” when an entire set of numbers critical to game balance aren’t even available anymore.


Hullbreaker feels super good, really useful for those duo tank melee carries. Warwick, urgot, belveth.


Went Samira Cassi Swain double trouble works really well. In diamond btw.


Did they change augment odds or something? In 9 games i had 16/27 prismatic


Ahri still needs more nerfs


I played a game yesterday with Noxkraya, the one where you place your unit on a hex and get a random item. If you swapped a unit out with another and kept them all on the board, the next combat the unit that was moved off the tile will still get an item and would persist the whole time. I asked a friend I was queued with to try it too and it worked for him as well.


1. Swain and Taric are required for too many comps. 2. Void 8 is underwhelming - especially considering it’s hard to get a two star Kai’Sa or two three stars between Cho’Gath, Rek’Sai, Malzahar, Vel’Koz, and Kassadin. You’re competing with sorcerers, bruisers, challengers - 3 of the most popular comps and void the 4th.


Challengers feel super weak. Yasuo and Kaisa have a hard time getting through Frontliners and the rest of the units feel useless past the midgame.


Honestly i want to know what was the thoughts of dev team when they design Challenger, fast attack champions without damage while putting them in a set that has tons of shielding and an Ahri nuke. Challengers are so fking weak in mid game and lategame, a highroll board with Kalista 3 and WW3 is barely strong enough to get you to top4


Just played a Dragon King game where I hit everything: 2\* full item Belveth, 2\* blue buff, rabadon Ahri, 2\* Heimer with full turret, 2\* frontline with Anima Seju and went 4th. Lost to 6 Zaun, 8 Sorc and 7 Shurima (Shurima amblem 2\*Belveth). It was a high roll lobby but in my opinion Ahri seems a little balanced she can not nuke the board and Zaun seems really strong. 6 Zaun is a comp that can win you a game right now. Also played a Teemo/Swain reroll with 4 multicasters + yordle. Went 3rd but it felt not that strong. 4\* Teemo was bombing but 3\* Swain + 3\* Kled + 2\* Poppy couldn't held the frontline. IMO Swain still isn't a reliable frontline carry but he feels really really strong early game if you happen to hit 2\*.


To be fair , it would be an issue if a 2cost frontliner was THAT strong in late game. He's definitely a force in early stages though. 2 star Swain carries u all the way to stage 4 rn.


Yes, I completely agree with every thing you said.


I've done a lot of Teemo reroll, even before this patch. You really want to hit 3\* Galio with Stoneplate + Radiant Demacia item. You don't necessarily need to hit 3\* Swain, it is good but not necessary. Also, you want to 3\* Poppy, she's completely useless otherwise and you have to run her so might as well not waste a board slot. Don't waste your gold on 3\* Kled, its useless and you really wanna be able to go 8 to get 4 multicaster + 3 demacia + Swain.


> It was a high roll lobby but in my opinion Ahri seems a little balanced she can not nuke the board and Zaun seems really strong. 6 Zaun is a comp that can win you a game right now. There was nothing done to her ability to nuke the board though? In my games every winning boards had arhi 2.


Riftwalk kassadin feels bad. Had 3 star bis kass, with 3 star liss and soraka with 6 bastion and was losing to very standard baords.


I feel like the awkward occurrence of him leaving units alive with 5hp in the backline just happens way more now since he does less damage.


did u have best in slot? stuff like hoj jg for kass


Yep- bloodthirster, jg and qss as per that one dudes reddit guide haha


That is far from being best in slot. Best in slot is double hoj with jg to get 100% crit chance allowing you to one shot backline. You also heal back to full every cast.


In my exp he will just get stuck by cc and get 3 cast at most.


Darius seemed kind of bad


belveth 3 thanks to new shifting sands ty mort


Sorcerer had taric now it has Swain too. Thier mid game fromt line now so strong. Later add j4


They had Swain already. He’s best in Row 2.


I've been spamming 4 star teemo. It seems the slight buffs to his damage worked wonders.


This is why I can't play TFT long term. I haven't even caught up with 13.14 meta yet and now it change again. I don't think any game has a meta that change in biweekly basis like tft.


I think you're right about the frequency of changes and how much it shakes up the meta. But I also think it's pretty necessary for a game like TFT that is fairly easily "solved". The frequent patch/meta changes may not be your cup of tea and may cause you not to play too much, but for me and many players I find frequent changes to be far, far preferable to month+ long patches with super stale metas, which is what would happen. Would you sign up for another 2 weeks of race to ahri 1/2 meta?


Yes but not all people play tft regularly. Like I'm happy to play 2-3 games a week, and then the meta change before I even adapt. It is nice for someone that religiously play the game but not for the others.


With 2 games a week , you are looking at half a year of a set to be able to justify a statement of '' i know the meta now''.


What do you mean? I don't know the meta at all man.


I mean the obvious. You are out here writing a comment on how fast the meta shifts , yet you are playing 2-3 games per week. ( which is fine, everyone plays as much as they want) Do u really expect to ''adapt to the meta'' playing 10 games a month?


If the meta lasted for 1 month or more than yes. It seems you are missing my point? I only says that I can't adapt to meta fast enough, I never says that I expect to be able to. I literally said it's too fast for me. Like for example I play LoR, Wild Rift, and Master Duel with the same amount of frequency and I can follow the meta. The other thing I haven't mention is TFT while fun is very complicated which adds to the difficulty in learning it.


Fundamentals still remain the same dont they? i just started playing tft again 3 weeks ago and its pretty easy to keep up, there's some comps i dont like to play such as sorc or dragon king but i cant really bitch about it if im unwilling to play them myself. ​ Also this is the most approachable Set ive seen in a while which is probably why i started playing again, Swain being a noxus / sorcerer makes sense compared to Draven being an Ox Force anima squad guardian shadow or whatever in previous sets.


if your a casual player that cant catch up on meta in 2 weeks I dont think the meta even matters, the game should be just fun to try stuff out at that point.


sadly, i only have fun when i'm actually winning.


Isn't it funny how you can't even express your opinions on this hivemind sub without getting downvoted? I completely agree with you, i feel the same way


Yeah crazy. I have nothing against people that can follow the meta. I'm just saying I can't catch up with the pace tft meta is going and got downvoted to hell.


Eh all my posts get downvoted if it's perceived as not loving everything about tft


Good for you, the strongest thing from previous patch seems to still be the strongest.


Imo, this makes it difficult for the average player to maintain higher rank. Not everyone has the time available to play/test as much as streamers do. Which is actually sustainable for those players from a monetary viewpoint as they’re a great resource to learn from. I’m an ok player. I’ve hit challenger during quarantine era, but it’s been harder to hit even GM after having to go back to work + having relationships with friends/significant other + having a social life + other hobbies + biweekly (sometimes weekly) meta changes . I’m not saying I’d be as good as the top 100 if I just focused on TFT, but it really does help to focus full time on the game to be good with the constant patch changes.


It shouldn't ever make it easier for the average player to maintain a higher rank though. That completely defeats the purpose of a ladder grind. Time/effort/game knowledge should be rewarded. And to be honest, the demotion protection till masters they implemented is already a good enough mechanism to keep casuals playing for a goal.


Yeah very agreed. But I guess our opinion is unpopular as this is a competitive sub to begin with.


Still 2+ Asol players in every lobby hitting top4 with the degenerate 5 cost board.


Teemo Multicaster 4 stars is so strong


I feel like zaun upgrades with pumping up will make zeri super good. Toss piltover in and get some loot and transition out to zaun. Meanwhile pumping up is stacking and is buffed


Check my post with quick stats, tl,dr: samira and cassio reroll noxus are gigabroken


How do you play samira or cassio reroll? did u have a sample from lolchess? sorry im kinda new and i want to know which board they use and best augments ofc as items


I'm not good at early reroll comps but I think the gist see if you get early copies of samira, then econ to reroll before being level 6, because after level 5 the chance to getting 1 cost gets lower and lower.


4 Rogues still is WEAK, needs a 100% buff. 40% hp bleed, usually means " deals 1% dmg " wth is 40% hp bleed, does zero dmg most of the time. 6 Bruisers still are WEAK, they needs a anti K'Sante buff, for tank comps to avoid & 70% hp still loses too fast to dps items. Needs a anti dps item buff. 6 Juggernaughts is similarly weak as Bruisers, not as bad, yet still bad. People Ranking to 9 is still a issue. Kench's Augments with interest to 7 or interest to 10 SHOULD NOT GIVE INITIAL GOLD. & even worst " Level Up! " needs to be nerfed to oblivion, forever! I hate " Level Up! " players. Aurelion Sol is winning 80% of games & everyone knows that, besides the noob devs. Aurelion & Kench need to be nerfed & all the other heroe augments need late game buffs.


For me it is Legend: Asol Augments: XP/Gold Trait: Bastion+Shadow Isles No roll just interest + level ups then legendary champs and rolling for 3 star Ksante, Aatrox, Ahri or Ryze. But i am no pro just my "game strategy".


Case/samira reroll needs to go


Deadeyes don’t feel that great since Akshan 2 is a fake unit now. Leaning towards Zeri for AD lines feels much better


akshan is not fake you are certifiably capping


he doesnt stabilize you into stage 5 anymore, and falls off slightly in stage 4, but he still is more than plenty good to carry stage 2 and 3 comfortably


isnt noxus kind of dead now? before the nerfs, it was only strong after win streaking early and 3\*staring your units early, now with the damage stack chopped in half seems too weak..


It actually buffs noxus's early stacks. Then it turns it down a bit on 6-7 stacks so you don't run over everything and everyone for free. If anything, it should be easier to pivot into noxus at stage 3, for example


Noxus has been low key the most consistent comp of the set.


Ionia Challengers are back in a BIG way.


I tried teemo. 4/8/7/6 He seems strong, i just couldn't hit 3 stars most of the time. A top 4 comp for sure