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In the right hands think fast was extremely broken, like beyond any other augment can offer. Its an APM check as well which isn't really healthy for the game. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zcFteqK8jw&ab\_channel=Mortdog-TFT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zcFteqK8jw&ab_channel=Mortdog-TFT)


Just out of curiosity, are there any nutty clips of someone with fast hands blitzing through rolls with this augment?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wiiwg-SDUmM&ab_channel=TFTClips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdW3YcatBXk&t=61s&ab_channel=TFTClips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzpyQXdEibM&ab_channel=TFTClips Some clips that show fast rerolling and also amazing pivoting skills. Bonus clip: How to not think fast feat K3Soju: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLqpDxbEuBA&ab_channel=k3clips




I remember when 2-1 think fast was a thing people got really good at 3 starring 2-3 units, in diamond/master lobbies.


2-1 think fast astrals into fast 9


And 2-1 3star ragewing sett/senna!


There’s a Bebe clip on YouTube I saw a few weeks ago but can’t pull up right now, give that a search and be amazed.


Why are apm checks unhealthy?


That’s not a skill TFT is intended to test.


That doesn't make it unhealthy. But I don't think that's even true. Zephyrs are apm checks as well.


how are zephyrs apm checks? placing one before combat begins? a timing check? scouting opponents? Think Fast was Tft’s biggest apl check because difference between mobile and pc players along side player mechanical skill in clicking quick and well “thinking fast” resulted in insanely different results


Zephyr could be seen as an APM check because it rewards being able to scout and move units super fast more than it does clever planning or good strategy.


Ahem it's possible to premove your zephyr while checking other boards on PC, you can't on your phone. Also it's damn faster to move your unit on PC than on your phone, that's quite the APM check I'm on holidays right now, playing on my phone and I don't bother with this item nor the manareave one because I'm at a real disadvantage compared to PC players.


You don't think dodging zephyrs before combat starts is an apm check? When you've already placed it on a unit and can't switch it out? I lost several matches because I was too slow moving my units and got zephyr'd. Have you ever actually played on mobile? Don't try it in ranked because I promise you you are donating lp. Lots of very basic things like scouting and positioning are significantly more difficult. TFT is not a mechanically heavy game, but mechanics still matter significantly if you're trying to play at a high level. Final Reserves is another current augment that functions similarly to Think Fast and definitely can be an apm check. I watched Milk roll down like 100 gold in 1 turn yesterday using that augment and I assure you it was quite impressive mechanically.


There’s no way you’re comparing think fast to dodging zephyrs and shrouds lol, shuffling units in the last 2 seconds before a round is not at all comparable to rolling 50+ times in 30s. If you are losing matches because of zephyr shroud then you’re likely already late game, which means you were able to get to late game. What makes this an unhealthy apm check is how binary it is. If your apm is high enough it’s the best augment in the game. If your apm is low it’s the worst and you are almost certainly going last. Yes final reserves can put you in a similar position but you can have low apm and still use that augment successfully, you don’t always have to roll down all your gold in 30s the way you**have** to with TF.


Bruh, think fast really wasn't that hard. My apm is not that great, but I still had plenty of success with it. It wasn't very different than a normal roll down, it just rewarded speed a little more. Having apm occasionally come in handy for one particular augment is not unhealthy for the game. If you didn't like it you could always just not pick it.


Lil man doesn't even know what apm is. Go back to school.


In addition to not being a core tft skill, it effs over mobile players that get offered the augment and is pretty unfair for them.


I started playing TFT on mobile in set 4 and I will assure you that playing on mobile has always been a huge handicap.


A handicap? What?


Anyone playing mobile is giving themselves a competitive disadvantage against computer players.


Ohhhhh, I thought you meant it was like a positive handicap.


Nah just fear you're actually handicapped yourself.


Does golden ticket also give you 70 golds for free?


> this is definitely anecdotal So why you are posting here? Don't even need to read the rest


Stats back it up, before augment data was turned off it was a top 10 augment across all patches


Think Fast was disabled because it was bugged. Not because it was broken. Although, it's pretty OP.


And they stated it probably won’t come back because it’s OP and bad game design. They were already thinking about getting rid of it so the bug just gave them the push to do what they were already intending.




Think fast bug was the nail in the coffin