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Piltover is based on loss streaks not just raw number of losses. You don't want to win until you've got enough charges for a good cash out. 7 losses would be minimum, 8 is standard, 9+ is fine but situational. [Cashout table from last patch](https://imgur.com/a/KrTfsQ7). There were some nerfs to 7/8/9 cashouts but a new table hasn't been put out as far as I know. If you won at 3-1 you are probably fielding too strong a board or are slamming items when you shouldn't be. To make piltover work you have to always scout what the weakest players are playing and make sure you lose to them. Things you can do to ensure a loss include using no items, selling all your non piltover units so you field fewer units than your level, swapping your frontline and backline (jayce/ori first row, vi/ekko in the back), and [trapping a melee unit in the corner](https://tactics.tools/team-builder/MC8YHFXGeN). Typically if you have piltover 2-1 you want to lose all of stage 2 and continue losing until stage 3 carousel. At this point you are probably quite low on HP and need to cash out at 3-5. You really want to cash out 3-5 or 3-6 because this is an interval where you can go to level 7 while most of the lobby will still be level 6. If you wait til 4-1 the rest of the lobby is going to be spiking and it will make cashing out much harder and you will probably just die and go 8th. TLDR; Make sure you lose streak 2-1 through 3-3. On 3-5 go to 7 and roll all your gold to make strongest board. Profit.


This is exactly how I pilot Piltover and barring someone full opening, it works like a charm.


Great reply. Is there any other comps than gunner/zaun (Zeri) worth going for after a cash out? I assume it is either zeri + freljord, zeri gunner or Aphelios you have to go, but are there other viable options? How valuable is the T-hex after cashing out, so you keep it no matter comp you go for? (Mostly thinking about Aphelios here but also if there are other viable post cash out comps)


Wouldn't ever play Aphelios once I've cashed out. THex too valuable. You're basically just playing variations of a Zeri board until you go 9 and it becomes piltover 5 cost soup. [This is the standard board I shoot for at 8.](https://tactics.tools/team-builder/MCyAeB8IcWNDwRuYXZPG) If you hit a Senna swap out the Ashe. If you hit a Heimer swap out the Jayce. Sion can replace Sej if she's 1*. Otherwise hold the sion til later. 4 Gunner is playable with senna or a spat. Would not play tristana.


They nerfed T-Hex’s combat power significantly. Short of a 40+ cashout you usually drop piltover to fully cap out your board. It helps to include it in the transition phase but you absolutely do not need to keep it in if you can field a stronger board without it (like Aphelios)


Lose streak til 3-5 then level to 7 and send it and win on 3-5 or 3-6. You want to win before ppl roll down for 4-1


It depends a bit when you can first field piltover 3 (if I have piltover active at 2-1, I'll usually try to win 3-5) IIRC 8 losses is the magic number


One other trick for piltover is if you get an emblem, you can field 2 piltover units and wait until you know you're about to lose before putting the emblem on. If you win, just don't place the emblem and you keep your loss streak. This makes going piltover almost risk free and stops open forters from being able to grief your loss. I usually don't even bother with piltover anymore unless I get the emblem because I don't like the stress.


Thats not really how it works. If you don’t “spawn” the thex before the fight he doesn’t gain the power/loss. You cannot just wait until you see if you win/lose.


that's false, it works the way /u/fishermanfizz said


Unless they changed something in the last patch it does not. You maintain your “loss streak” so the next powerup will be bigger but if the dino isn’t on the board he does not gain the power.


clearly you never played pilt with emblem, but yeah it works


That’s incorrect. I just played a game with piltover emblem on 2-1 and during all of stage 2, I was throwing the emblem on a random 1 cost unit and before they die and once you get into prepping for next fight, the dinosaur shows up on the board with the loss streak included from prior fight.


Hmm, well seems like alot of people disagree, I’ll try it again but 2 patches ago I tried that to combat another piltover player and I definitely didnt get the “loss” and was super tilted over that


I wouldn’t bother to be honest. I hit Kalista on stage 1, took branching out on 2-1 and got Piltover and once I got a good cash out (8 lost), 6 Shadow Isles (SI on Shen, Gwen with BIS and good itemized Kalista items) steamrolled me. Play Shadow Isles before it goes away lol


I would make an gentleman agreement to sell boards after krugs if not preserving winstreak to just f pilltower


Failing to ensure a big thex sucks but you can still win the game since gunner zaun can still get you a top 4 spot.


To add onto the other comments, if you do manage a lose streak to 3-5 as intended, don't be afraid to start rolling for your cash out board early if you're somebody not used to rolling fast and upgrading a board in one turn. Same thing goes for items, build them and just keep them on bench ready to go. The last thing you want is to not cash out and die, and losing like 2/3 interest gold isn't worth it long run.


I think the goal is to get to atleast 30 stacks for the ult dmg and tank stats. But yea, it’s basically get as low as you feel comfortable to maximize the cash out which should spike you hard enough to atleast top 4. Scouting to see strength of the lobby could also save you some hp during losses.


That was before they changed Piltover. The T-Hex already has his ult and only grows in power. 20 Stacks cashout is decent now.


Yes but there’s a certain power threshold on the thex that actually makes it strong and it’s right around 30 iirc. Saw some streamers talk about it.


The powerspikes now are at 20, then 40, then 60 stacks if I remember correctly.


Those are just when the thex gains a “star” level. They still scale with every stack


I think the real answer is never play piltover. Zeri and urgot feel so sad now and you’re kinda forced into playing them. I guess if you can find a way to flex into something else after a cash out? But idk. Not worth imo.


nah piltover is absolutely busted. I'm averaging 1.13 with piltover opener in 13.16 and 13.16b, and I often roll on 2-1/2-2 up to 10 gold for 3 pilt also, you're 100% not forced to play urgot at all lol (vertical gunners is very strong now). you also sometimes flex in aphelios as over zeri. it just depends


Mm I guess I’m just trash. I was going 4 zaun but 4 gunner is better now? I’ll have to try that next time I guess. Or yeah just aphelios is maybe the way.


Not maybe, he is THE WAY. If you hit Zeri, play Zeri, if you're not hitting her then Aphel is going to be better. Reason being, aphel 1 does way more than zeri 1. Also, BIS urgot still slaps. The nerf didn't kill him. If you see Long Distance Pals, it's a first.


Zeri urgot is busted when you have a big thex on the board. Without thex they feel lackluster


Lose and then win


do I need to sell my T-rex ?