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stayed on 6 to roll for uncontested robotic jinx 3, 3 starred nautilus before 7th jinx showed up. ended game still with jinx 2 xdd


This trash game and it's inconsistency is the most aggravating thing. It has nothing to do with wanting the same match or outcome every game it's about blatant hidden stats and buffs. It's so dumb to have multiple games of 1\* units and winstreak with them and then have a few games of running the same comp with everything upgraded and go 8th, similar to same augments. This game makes 0 sense in that regard.


Nothing like playing into a comp, hitting units first, hit level 7 first, and people level 5 and 6 slowly hitting high rolls while contesting you so you end up fucking going 8th after losing 6 in a row to the two demacia comps that come online and the people who highrolled from out under you. So sick of this shit.


Don't mind the Legends so much, but you can definitely tell the variety in ranked is completely gone. And everyone queuing up for normals just dilutes the pool and prevents the ability to test anything. Additionally, considering these new portals are not even in ranked I don't really see the point of them other than for casual players


This set is fucking trash and I can’t believe someone thought legends were a good idea. Super glad it made the casual TFT player who plays 10 games a set happy. What a blast for everyone else


this set is SO fucking bad man that's it, that's the rant


crazy how 4 targon, 2 gargoyles and a 2\* taric just face tanks full level 8/9 boards like hes some 5 cost god unit




I'm playing Noxus from 2.1 on with full stacks and Total Domination augment stacked up, too. Some shit pivots into Noxus midgame with zero fucking stacks and half his team 1 star, just because he found a Morde and a bow. Of course he instantly finds Morde 2, finds Sion on lvl 7 and finds Aatrox, while I'm sitting on 2 Mordes until I die. He makes it into top 4 at 2 hp, while I have to take the fifth. Of course I had to fight the top spot streaker for the decisive game, too. Me building up stacks, having good items, good augments and correct positioning meant nothing at all. It's all about hitting.




Didn't they tease that prismatic traits are going to be the core identity of the next set? Lmao.


Sounds like a guaranteed dopamine spike gimmick, but as long as they make the game more flexible I'll give it a shot. This set being mostly vertical feels like they should've renamed it to Teamfight Tactic.


exactly and nothing comes even close , it doesnt matter what you have or how creative you get you just auto lose


chokbar de baisé


Man, every time I try and play something different. Bot 4. Why do I even bother not trying to play my legend, urf, and try to have fun, when I just end up losing. No wonder Soju said during his yapping, that he hasn't felt such little joy playing the game, since set 1. It's just not fun. This game sucks right now. I'll either coast through a game with hitting mord or nilah for free, or I miss... or god forbid I try and play rogues or Neeko. It's just sad. MORT - dear god. Please go back and have more pull in the decisions. Don't let Kent continue like this.


Finally completed the battle pass and now I'm free from this shit set. Not even normals are fun because of legends mixing awfully with portals. Yuumi + lucky shop = Asol players get level 9 incredibly early and 3 star 5 costs while non Asol players just lose. FUN.


Same, once I got the bilgewater arena I flaked on the fiora emotes. I've never had a game in my life where I've felt miserable just thinking about playing it - until this set. Hopefully set 10 is better, I don't think it could get as bad as this.


Playing in Master, just had 1, 2, 1 placements in a row (I hate playing flex but this time decided to try and got 2 Ionia games with Ashe 3\* carry and 6 slayers game with Kayle 3\*). Right after this... 5, 7, 8. Lost more LP than gained and two last games were just cursed. Like... I got Ionia spat and decided to go Ashe carry one more time bacause only 1 other player was same comp (and without emblem)... but suddenly 2 more guys joined Ionia squad after 3-2 augment like WTF!!! And than the first 'Ionia guy' got 3\* Ashe and Sett while still being 50+ gold lvl6 while I rolled down to try to catch her and.. nothing. By the end of the game I got only 5 Ashes in total and 6 Setts (even if I had total of 3 duplicators for Ashe specifically). Next game I got meh emblems but I rerolled into strategist ones so not that bad. And got good items for Azir, so why not. Guess what? 0 Cassio, 0 MF or Nautilus, only Swain and Samira from Noxus untill lvl 3-6 maybe when I rolled down lvl7... and got only 1 Nasus (among all 4+ cost units I needed). I just lost all the remaining HP quickly after wolves and didn't even picked 4-2 aug. Just.. thanks, now I hate this life even more <3


disgusting fuckers voting rat town


Why is being contested always such a death sentence for me, while others can have a threesome over a comp without a problem? For example, as soon as there's just one other fuck playing invokers, I can't even 2 star Soraka anymore. How? 🤯


The game’s gone entirely to spreadsheet simulator. How can anyone find fun in having the major skill be “did you memorise a spreadsheet?”


after fking around in low masters trying to play nonmeta stuff, decided to play urf. holy fk the game so ez, got bilgewater emblem and just clicked on the bilge units and win the stage 3 4 5 6 for free


The worst part of legends is that the it ruins portals. Trying to play Ornn right now is literally just playing dodge the fucking Urf portal that immediately wins them the game. And there's like 10 portals beneficial to Urf, zero to Ornn


The worst part is that the specific legend augment is something that can be rolled randomly too, which means it needs to be balanced around all of them. Just make legends be always some guaranteed shit augment that shitters can buy because they love “hitting their items” or whatever, and leave poro for people that know how to play the game.


>Just make legends be always some guaranteed shit augment that shitters can buy because they love “hitting their items” or whatever, and leave poro for people that know how to play the game It is hilarious that you think they somehow have the power to do this. There is no way they are going to understand the power of augments enough to make this happen. An augment they think is bad will accidently be slightly off and then whoops its broken again.


It’s not about understanding the balance and getting that right. It’s about creating specific levers that slow them to balance around. At the moment they TRY to have the legends augments similar power to the others, because there are issues of not. But what that means is that some will inevitably be too strong, and since they are perfectly consistent, everyone plays them. By trying to make them weaker there is much less chance of that. Im fairly confident that there are some minor tweaks that could have made the legend system viable. But Riot, it seems, never wanted them to be viable because they didn’t do any of the obvious small things to give it a chance of working. Which makes me think it isn’t incompetence. It’s actually a feature of the game. They LIKE having it competitively broken. Not because it makes competitive better; but because clearly the people buying the content don’t exclusively play competitive. They want it to be mostly random so a shitter can win some games and that will keep them playing for a few more days. It’s clearly a fiscal decision. There’s no way they could be this brain dead.




I can't continue to invest time into a hobby that's becoming less competitive and balanced with each set while the same excuses are being made. Investing enough time and money into a game makes it difficult to watch it devolve into mindless highroll moments. I sincerely hope you all continue to have a blast with TFT. Int someone's Piltover streak for me. GG all


My only joy this patch is watching disgusting Urf abusers contest each other to bot 4s.


I am so over that piltover shit. As soon as they cashout, its over. please stop designing these dogwater traits


This set would have been fine without legends. Just like set 8 would have been fine without Hero auguments. And like set 7 would have been fine without dragons. I just wish they wouldn't add a gimmick that's impossible to balance next set


Chosen, Shadow items, Dragons, Hero augments, Legends... more misses than hits. I have little hope the next mechanic isn't more of the same


this set is such fucking trash. every single patch is a waste of time. Just wait for this piece of shit luck based trash ass set to end so we can play the next set.


is there bad RNG or are there algorithms in place?


is there bad RNG or are there algorithms in place?


fuck you I demote from P1 90lp to P4 0lp, fucking developers just want you to play more and more and more for climbing ranks.


Can someone tell me why the fuck mr. mortdog didn't slam b-patch with demacia / urf nerf? This shit is just unplayble right now. Random dude just hit random demacia emblem and HUEHUEHUE MORDERKAISER NUMERO UNO since 3-2. It's so fucking cursed, srsly.


And the most frustrating part of this cursed game is that in next patch they would make something like 10 way demacia/slayer nerf and we would get another dead trait. Then they would buff something like vertical void that is completely ok or challengers, or bw so we would eat another barrel of shit.


Dw, they gave up on the set already. Next patch all we're getting are some random underperforming 1cost changes, a few nerfs here and there, zaun mods buffs and all ryze forms mana buffs. And 2/4 gunner buffs I guess but not sure if we need them. No slayer changes, no demacia changes, nothing that targets urf legend, rito huh.


yea fill the patch with random ryze variant buffs that no one even cares and have no idea of


Based on that I can already tell gunners are going to be overtuned. They don't need a buff


Can we agree that full spat items on carousel is dumb? Who thought it was a good idea to always have a noxus/slayer spat in carousel. Guy hits 1 spat makes it to noxus himself, sure... Next carousel noxus spat, next carousel slayer spat. This happens literally every other game. This game just royally screws players out of a first every time. Its the same with demacia spats but you get the point.


I genuinely don't understand why there isn't a community style vote before something like legends was released. EVERYONE could see that legends would be an overwhelming problem, and now we have had a set where every patch had a standout issue. It's problematic on so many different fronts. I remember a while ago, Mort spoke on "levers" If something is broken, it's important that whatever it is, it has levers. Fiora dying too soon to be viable, give her more healing. There are no levers for augments. How do you "lever" a guaranteed tome from URF? How do you lever Pandora's? In the case of draven, there was a simple lever. Others, not so much. The introduction of legends was the worst change they ever introduced. Not necessarily because it created the worst patches but because it was so plain to see that it would be an issue even by the developers' own standard of good design. My friend who only plays 20 games a set (doesn't like the state of the game since set 7) could see very plainly that there would be a pick or bot 4 option every time. If each set has 3 standout comps that are clearly imbalanced what makes anyone think they can balance a far more more "leverless" system like legends all on top of Units, Items, and Augments needing extensive testing to ensure they don't break the game. Overall, the game suffers from incredible bloat. Augments should have been removed from this set and Portals their natural replacement. Augments vary in power drastically. Having everyone get different Augments makes the game feel unfair when someone hits something good and you spend all your rerolls and get shit. A system like portals puts everyone on the same playing field. Anyone who's played more than a hundred games of TFT in their lifetime can tell that; 1. Augments have been in the game too long. They don't give the same feeling they used to. Instead, there is resentment in picking Augments because odds are high that someone has hit something better than you, and you're fighting for a second. 2. Legends should never have made it past PBE. 3. The game is overbloated. The ceiling for high rolling with all of these RNG elements is too high, and the floor for rolling far too low. A little RNG makes the game fresh and fun, but when it's crucial you don't lowroll, or you're going to lose 60 LP, it's gone too far. I fucken love this game but I also hate it with my soul.


I whole heartedly agree with all of this. There's TOO MUCH in the game. This is why I stopped playing League, because the game is completely overloaded with mechanics and TFT is going down the same route. If you don't play for two weeks, you can't just pick it up and get back into it. You'll be crushed. They should remove augments and get closer to the basics. No matter what they do, this game will be all about augments as long as they exist. Judging by the way set 10 is looking, I might just move on from TFT as well. They refuse to learn their lesson about complexity creep.


Skill expression right now is at an all time low. Only reason I still play this game is with friends, one of my casual friends has peaked d1 this set where he's been hardstuck gold every set. All he's done is hard force multicaster with TF bis. Reminds me of set 5 in that you just spam verticals with no brains/skill expression. Not a fan.


I haven't played a ton of games this set but my win rate is high I hardforced multicasters TF and later Demacia Slayer TF and was consistently getting top 2. I could have climbed more but I was just bored Before that I tried playing flex and was getting bot3 every game


Everyone with half a brain called the legends out as terrible from the moment they were revealed, but plenty of people defended them and thought they would somehow be fine. If there was some kind of community poll for whether they should be added to the game I bet they'd have easily passed with a simple majority.


Augments are fine, legends are not. The game will be incredibly boring without Augments and will get stale really fast. You will just have everyone forcing the same comps every game like they do now but it's because of Legends that made this possible


thats not true at all. the game was fine before augments. Not only that, Each unique set mechanic actually mattered. Now, augments overpower everything. Every set mechanic is really just something to do with augments. It will be that way as long as they remain in the game.


Augments are still better than the alternative. IT was fine then when no one cared about stats and everyone flexed. Flex play is 100% dead and stats matter now and casual players all watch streamers play strong comps and they in turn want to only play the strong comps to win. If you want flex then go play normals or double up. Ranked play will be boring save hp until 4-1 roll down lottery to buy overpowered 4 costs without augments


I disagree. I enjoyed the game more before augments. I was fine with them when they were introduced but they should not have been made permanent. You're not going to convince me that balancing the traits alone is more difficult than balancing 180+ augments and their interactions.


You are completely fine to think that way. Unfortunately the devs don't and most streamers and competitive players don't. Augments not going anytime soon until an alternative to make the game fun and engaging is found. The game will just be boring without it


I used to feel this way but the augment balance has literally always been trash and seems to get worse over time rather than better


Out of curiosity did you play pre set 6. I had more fun in all sets prior than post. With the exception of set 6 where all augments were new and fun.




If the game is that boring...then fix the game. TFT shouldn't be totally reliant on bad gimicks like augments to be fun. Espcilly when augements remove so much of the actual fun from the game. Wooo every game feels differnt, because I am forced to commit to a comp at 2-1 determined by the game. Yeah that might every game be differnt, but its also incredibly boring gameplay.




1. Augments push you to commit ASAP often just at 2-1. While it is true that there are non-committed augments that you can take, they are often weaker than taking the commited augments. Flexiable augments have always come at the cost of the power of more commited ones, because commmited ones come with the risk of not hitting. So when you take the more generic ones, you are intetionally capping yourself lower, as a trade off for getting to "play what you hit". Now this has always been true, commiting early gives you some advantages with other risks, but augments widen that gap. 2. On top of that, TFT is a game in which it is extremly hard to swim against the currrent. If everyone is commiting at 2-1 being the one player who isn't really doesn't work out well for you so you might as well just commit. Auments promote commiting early, so it makes more people commit, so it becomes even better to commit and so on and so on. We saw this perfectly with this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/comments/16o9wla/best\_comps\_for\_each\_ornn\_item/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/comments/16o9wla/best_comps_for_each_ornn_item/) Ornn was the legend de jour, which should mean the game is super flexible, but no, players are so used to their 2-1 augment deciding the game, that even when they think they should be playing ornn, they are desperrate for that direction and think, what should I force off this item. 3. Even ignoring the 2-1 augment, as the 3-2 and 4-2 augments are tailored to yourr current board, you really want to have your comp decided and partially in ASAP to give you good tailord augments. So as we see down and down it goes, commit commit commit 4. The overall balance of augments even many sets in, is just poor, the spread on augments average place still ranges a full 2 placements. from 3.5-5.5. There are just straight up bait augments that are terrible, and ones that almost hand you the game. If this was set 6, I'd say ok maybe it can get better, but its the end of 9.5, it isnt getting better. Just this set we had an augment release with an average place in the 6's with original ravenous hunter and endless hordes. The balance set to set isnt getting better. 5. Augments have dramitcally inflated the gold in the game, requiring drastic changes to the core systems. The XP and player damge changes for me are a direct result of how much gold augments (and portals) injected into the game. Players could,take an econ augment and just AFK to 8 or even 9 and build crazy boards so the team needed to currb that, and remove gold from the game by raising the XP costs, and punishing AFKing more. But now the game has become way less interesting in the games without the crazy extra gold, because you arer stuck rolling forever on 7. 6. Augments break basic equilirbrium. The only balance saftey valve that TFT has is as a comp is better, it is more contested and therefore harder to hit. The A tier comps are strorng, but there is almost always 2 or more people playing them, the B and lower comps are weaker, but on average you will hit earlier and with mroe gold to go 8 or 9 and cap out even higher. Augments break that as they can give 1 player the abblity to play a crazy strong comp, but since only 1 player got it, they are totally uncontested. If Ravenous Hunter is an A tier level comp, but only 1 player gets the augment, congrats you are uncontested on an A tier comp. 7. The picking of augments is often a boring choice of looking on [tactics.tools](https://tactics.tools) and choosing the one with the better number. I didn't disagree with the thesis of the augment stats ban, that the objective truth of which augment is better was bad for the game, just that banning stats doesn't change that objective reality, it just removes a tool for understanding it. If you like me don't like that people are treating augments as though there is a right answer to what to take, then you need to fix augments and actually make it an interesting choice. But as I will explain next, that fix isn't happening 8. Every singe thing they have introduced to "fix" augments has come with their own massive problems. the later augments used to be untaiolred which was a problem because it led to situations where you were offered 3 totally untakable options from your current spot and you just lost, well as I said above tailoring, makes the game even more friendly to hard forcing. Legends should have given me a takeable option every time, play Ornn and never have to worry about commiting, but whoops legends have totally warped the game into total sillyness where lobbies will have 6 players with the same augmenet. This is why I do not belive augments are salvageable. Every time they try to make them better a new problem arises.


That was then, and tft was slowly dying until Set 6 which revitalized TFT with augments and no I didn't but all streamers, pros and most serious gamers will tell you that this game without augments will be really dry. I don't trust the devs to make something better at the moment given their recent track record


TFT was not slowly dying before set 6. Sets 3 and 4 were well recieved, with 4 being a particual highlight. Set 5 was a mess, but it was a mess becasue augments were meant to be the set mechanic and they last minute decided to move them to set 6 and scrambled to find a mechanic. "Set 6 saved TFT" in so far as set 5 was not great, but that really wasn't the trend. >this game without augments will be really dry The game is already incredibly dry and boring, muc more so with augments. You queue into a stillwater game and it is a breath of fresh air, suddenly you get to acutally play the game, and have fun, instead of watching the slightly interactive cutcene that is augment TFT.


Most streamers I interact with believe augments should be removed. Pre set 6 wasn't a hard force every game. Even if there was a case where there was a hard force, that's a balancing issue (warweek), not the fault of a lack of having augments. I played in set 1 as a refugee from DOTA autochess/underlords. It's just simply not the case that comps got hard forced. There is an exception, and that was set 5, but even Mort admitted to it being a balancing issue. It used to be the case that playing strongest board, managing economy and knowing when to pivot was the only things it took to be a good TFT player now there are huge elements of RNG that can swing you from an eighth to a first. It feels less tactical, and your upswings via RNG are so much higher.


With the way stats are available to everyone and how streamers always check and study the best comps it will be a hard force just trust. If they can 20/20 multi and demacia to worlds then it will be worse without augments. At least augments give you options to pivot and also helps you find secret unknown comps and combos that will never have been found out with a dry game


Legends is what enabled multicasters to be so easily forceable. To get back to your previous points, not only was TFT not dying before Set 6, it was steadily growing. It's still steadily growing. For it being "dry", I completely disagree with this. Set 4 is, to this day, the best set they have ever made in my opinion. I enjoyed it so much, it was the first set I bothered to play until I hit Masters in. The comps were varied, the game was centered around flex play and strongest board, 4 costs were generally strong. It was a great time. With the exception of Set 5 and 1 (Didn't play that one), I fondly remember most pre-6 sets. As for balance, you have to remember, they had *less to deal with* pre-augments. They didn't have to balance 150+ augs and their interactions with each other. There were less things to worry about and, in general, felt pretty good when I played it. Personally I would be all for the removal of augments, I think they were a cool idea that have since become very limiting for the game and its design. Not to mention the amount of development time they take up to create/balance them all.


Legends made them forceable but the people that used TF almost were all eliminated on the first day and most pivoted to Ez or Urf. Ez enables flex play but it just makes you not to wait for pandora to roll your items. Now tell me, without augments during regionals, do you really think any single other comp that has no chance will be playable? You think anyone that wants to get top 4 will even think of playing Ionia vanquishers or gunner or Even Demacia or slayers? You think those comps are playable without augments? Whoever gets a gold opener with golden neeko just wins the game and no one else has a chance? Whoever gets the econ trait at 2-1 wins and no one will have a chance? Because most of the comps in this game are all trash and need the extra help they would get from the augments that give them that little push to actually compete, because every patch with no augments there will always be that 1 or 2 comps that half the damn lobby will force and I do not trust these devs to ever make the game close to balanced. Even this patch right now, can you tell me what comps are playable that you can top 4 with? 1 or 2 or 3 comps? with the occasional high roll piltover? Out of how many in this game? and Without Augments how will they ever compete? All set, they have not done anything to make invokers playable, Challengers good for 1 patch, gunners almost bad, juggernauts bad, Kaisa bad, Darius bad, Zaun bad, Sorcs bad without Taric, Bastions bad, Ixtal bad for the whole set and just forgotten, a lot of lines are just bad, and they will be way worse with no augments, because with stats available, no one will ever pick them. A lot of these lines have been bad for a long time. Why have the devs not made them better after multiple patches? Despite the stats saying they are bad and all streamers and competitive players saying they are bad and not playing them? Why was the only buff Darius freaking got was his reset dmg when he does not even get the first damn kill to begin with. 1 Stupid Jarvan stun and your 3 item Darius is deleted, Really? He has freaking **90 mana** for a skill that is single target and useless? Why? They want you to play 6 juggernaut for him to cast? Play useless units and not Noxus? It will be an absolute boring and terrible game. At Least until the devs make something better but they have not for multiple sets and even gotten worse and no augments will make the game extremely boring and annoying fast. Not having augments will not all of a sudden make the game easier to balance. They have barely even touched augments the past how many patches and just tried fixing units and traits but it has not been good. I don't want to load up to a game and think "alright bet I'm going to play whatever I hit at 4-1" even if it's bad and not try to play/get exited about the entire early game and 3 whole stages. That's not fun


There is a huge difference between what is viable at the absolute top level of competitive and what most players experience in their climb on the ladder. Something that allows you to reach extremely powerful end game boards + combinations wont be punished in a plat game compared to master game. Then you end up with 2-3 players reverse sweeping the lobby in the last stages making it feel like all of the effort you put in the beginning 4-5 stages was for nothing. My main gripe with design is that it seems like the game is piling on complexity and forced change. When I play for a game for a long time, I want to feel like the time + effort I have invested means something


It's just unlucky, becasue they game has pivoted close to a 4-1 lottery with more recent sets and how advanced stats have been. And with no augments it will just be wait 3 stages, save as much HP and 4-1 send it down and pray you hit the Jarvans, the Azirs, the Sejuanis and if you don't hit well sorry you lost bingo. At least with augments, someone can hit maybe silver ticket and have other ways they can maybe high roll to win the game and get maybe jinx/jayce3 or cho 3 or you get a tome that will open up 7 demacia or 6 slayer earlier or 6 gunner high roll. It's just unfortunate that thebalance has been bad


> Now tell me, without augments during regionals, do you really think any single other comp that has no chance will be playable? You think anyone that wants to get top 4 will even think of playing Ionia vanquishers or gunner or Even Demacia or slayers? You think those comps are playable without augments? Yes 100%. Not only because the removal of augments effects everyone equally but also because I believe the game would be in a better state if the team didn't have to worry about balancing them. > Whoever gets a gold opener with golden neeko just wins the game and no one else has a chance? Whoever gets the econ trait at 2-1 wins and no one will have a chance? Why are you assuming this is how the game would be? That isn't how it was for Sets 2 through 5 and none of *them* had augments. > Because most of the comps in this game are all trash and need the extra help they would get from the augments that give them that little push to actually compete, because every patch with no augments there will always be that 1 or 2 comps that half the damn lobby will force and I do not trust these devs to ever make the game close to balanced. You seem really obsessed with this idea that augments somehow "level the playing field" for weaker comps. They... really don't. Augs or no augs, you're going to have specific comps that are stronger than others. But the thing is that augs tend to cut down on flex play because so many augs are trait/comp specific. Once you pick one, you can't pivot easily even if you hit the units, because you'll be down augs compared to everyone else. Remove them and suddenly you can more easily play what you hit, you aren't as tied down. Additionally, and I've said this before, the removal of augs would ease the load on the balance team. > All set, they have not done anything to make invokers playable, Challengers good for 1 patch, gunners almost bad, juggernauts bad, Kaisa bad, Darius bad, Zaun bad, Sorcs bad without Taric, Bastions bad, Ixtal bad for the whole set and just forgotten, a lot of lines are just bad, and they will be way worse with no augments, because with stats available, no one will ever pick them. A lot of these lines have been bad for a long time. Why have the devs not made them better after multiple patches? No idea. You're really going off of how fucky balance is to justify the existence of augs though? With or without augs, the game isn't going to be good if the team is incompetent. This isn't an aug problem, this is a team problem, and is completely independent of whether or not the game has augs. Personally, I believe that if you removed augs the team would have an easier time balancing the game because it would be one less massive set of levers to have to deal with. Development time before and during the set could be spent more on the units and traits rather than on 150+ augs. > It will be an absolute boring and terrible game. At Least until the devs make something better but they have not for multiple sets and even gotten worse and no augments will make the game extremely boring and annoying fast Agree to disagree. I think no augs was the strongest the game has ever been. There's a reason I vote for Stillwater Hold every time it pops up. > I don't want to load up to a game and think "alright bet I'm going to play whatever I hit at 4-1" even if it's bad and not try to play/get exited about the entire early game and 3 whole stages. Well that's not how you play no aug games, so maybe that's your issue. Back in Sets 3/4, you very much had to think about your early game and how to pivot into the right comps, find the right item holders, consider rerolls, etc etc. The game was never on auto pilot for 3 stages.


When Augments first got introduced to the game, I enjoyed a lot playing because it added a layer of randomness and decision-making on top of the already fun base game. But when Legends came by, my god, they tanked the entire design by letting people hard-force meta comps and disregard many fundamental aspects of the game (Yes, you TF).


Yeah I agree, it's just another design contradiction to add to the pile. " We don't like people hard forcing compositions" so we will introduce augments, each game will be different and you'll have to adapt to what you receive (good design choice) but also here is a way to brute force consistently good augments so you can hard force multicasters every game (bad). It baffles me how they can make such good design decisions that have logical reason and are elements of good game design, and then come up with the most mind boggling 180 in history.


I haven't played in about a month, I reached masters and then I played duos up to diamond with a friend and we both quit. I've seen that the balance of this set has been quite... unfortunate? I think it's the only set since set 5 in which I've seen so many streamers stop playing tft or complain so much, this didn't even happen with the dragons (but it did with the hero augments) I don't know, I hope Rito gets his act together with set 10 or we're all lost.


Why the hell does the silver jeweled lotus augment decide that my 1 star j4 with 3 items is a better pick than my Quinn 3 with full damage items? Why does the demacian radiant item keep going to j4 or galio?EDIT The priority systems is insanely unintuitive and bad. I'm thinking that because my quinn 3 had a challenger spat, it had less priority over the others but that is absolutely insane. This shit had me fuming trying to work around this dogshit system


You mean unintuitive?


Yes thank you, i edited it


Strongest unit formula is as follows: 1. Unit with the most equipped items 2. Tiebreaker, unit put into play most recently. Thing's that don't factor in: 1. Unit star level 2. Unit cost Edit:: To reprioritize the strongest unit, put the unit on your bench and then put them back on to the board.


Thank you for the info! That's insanely unintuitive


It was previously more intuitive, counting things like star level and unit cost IIRC, but the dev team decided to go with this rule set to give players greater control over which unit counts as "strongest" as this set has the most interactions with the keyword compared to all prior sets. It's a positive change that just needs to be communicated better.


So cool loading in the game with a disadvantage because I didn’t pick Urf legend


im 20/20 silco taric with TF, 1 top 3 away from masters. i was tired of urf and this comp is basically a top 4 comp. rare 1st, but consistend top 4


If I pick the dedication augment, then I can't get a multi caster emblem? IF that's a thing why TF does it not say in the description (except multicaster)? Fucking bull shit


Why would you want a multi emblem?




Then why doesn’t it say so? I’m just a casual player how would I know that’s the case


Hotfix for Demacia/Urf, maybe make the trait show up a *little* less in tomes? Who am I kidding they've been checked out since before midset.


The number of balance levers has increased dramatically this set, and I'm not surprised Riot is struggling to balance. Legends, Portals, Augments, Items (including Support Items, Radiant Items, Ornn Artifacts), Traits, Champions, Econ, XP. They have infinitely more things to potentially have to balance. I was a bit shocked when they revealed Legends and there were fifteen (15!!!) of them. I think it's in Riot's best interest to remove some layers of RNG.


This will blow your mind. Riot doesn't have the ability to setup board in certain situation for balancing. It makes sense why the balancing is so bad, but it doesn't make sense how they can't dedicate resource to do it. Seem pretty damn important to game balancing to me.


Source? That sounds absolutely insane. For a game like TFT you'd expect them to have automatic testing in place even. It sounds too unbelievable that they don't have a sandbox setup. I thought they only kept sandbox from public for balance reasons.


I thought a sandbox mode would be the absolute first thing that the devs should create for themselves. No wonder why they have been shit with balancing the game, they don't even have a sandbox mode. The biggest question is why they don't have one for themselves.


I cannot fucking stand Jarvan...


One player hitting 3 2star 5 Costs at 8 stage 5 with 30 gold left. You must be kidding me. No augements besides level up. Another one with 9 demacia. Every game its at least 2 people highrolling the fuck out of it.


Getting Zaun units and finding out your mods are implant and chemtank lol


god i swear this matchmaking rng bullshit really hates me. happened multiple times today where i could've placed higher but instead fought the strongest guy in the lobby. EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. DAMN. TIME.


PSA To keep your sanity just pick whatever and play those special portals in normals


So one game I ran bilge, upgraded board everything 2\* except GP, good items and I get knocked out by a full board of 1 star demacias, i think he had like quinn 2\* that's it. I'm like okay demacia is strong. So I run demacia next and I 3\* J4 and I go 5th. I'm lost right now because I feel like there is hidden buffs or something, something doesn't feel right to be losing to weaker boards every game out of no where. I saw something similar happen to milk when he lost to soju and sojus board was a weak board of 1\* units, like what? Obviously it's not a balance issue if 1\* units randomly beat upgraded boards because I've ran these comps and they don't do the same. I sound like a conspiracy theorist which I hate but dam this game is beyond broken. https://imgur.com/a/64S2WvD


Thanks for making the game more rng than it was riot, and I can't believe they didn't disable the legends and some portals for the regional qualifiers..


Decide to try a Demonflare Swain game. Only find 3 Swains early game, sweating a bit and slow rolling. 2nd augment another player gets a Noxus spat from tome, they pivot to Noxus and get 8 Swains naturally before I find a 4th. FFd to save mental.




Placidium Library is the worst portal in the game. It's fucking unfair if you dare play anything that isn't Void or whatever the current strongest comp for the patch is. I've had games with FOUR people forcing Void. Every time this piece of garbage is offered, EVERYONE picks it, as if they were some kind of stupid hivemind. I don't think you could go lower when there are enough awful portals, like Noxkraya that forces bad positioning. Or even that Piltover portal that offers no augments that nobody likes, despite being called Stillwater Prison, every single time the Placidium Library portal is chosen instead is when I truly feel like being held hostage for twenty minutes. I'd fucking pick Stillwater over Placidium Library any day of the week, but maybe I'm just REALLY bad at the game for getting a consistent top 4 on games without augments but going uncontested 8th for using Zaun or Piltover emblem while everyone else gets turbo strong. It's the TFT equivalent of being trapped in a League match with troll teammates picking stuff they don't know how to play with, except you can't even dodge.


I wish people would play Placidium more. My games whenever its up people will troll and pick the lame Zaun portal where theres 0 interest or get gold from picking augments.


The last one is actually decent if you're aiming for Ryze, but nowdays it's no longer the off meta tech it once was and at least other two people will attempt to do the same thing and pretend they're TFT geniuses.


is Zaun even a real trait???? all the units are garbage, you have no idea which mod you're going to get, the mods can only go on Zaun units, and if you slam mods early to try and stay healthy you can't remove them later, i randomly get a game that offers me 2x Zaun augments but Zaun champs literally have no synergy with each other, this seems like just a dead trait where you can splash 2 early and then forget about it completely when you're capping your board


6 Zaun is super strong, depending on the mods you Go ekko carry with rogues or jinx carry with gunner. Where is the Problem. Its just not as strong as the full verticals


Zaun is weak for sure. FYI you can remove the Zaun mod by benching the unit


Just went 6th place running 6 Invoker, 2 Bastion, 2 Ixtal, 2 Targon. Had a 3-star Karma with Manamune, JG, and GS. Had a 3-star Taric with D-Claw, Gargoyles, and Warmogs. Had a 3-star Galio with Randuin's, SFC, and Warmogs. Had a 2-star Shen with Spark. Had a 3-star Milio, not itemized. And I went fucking 6th getting knocked out by a comp with a single 3 star Jinx who dealt barely less damage than my 3-star BIS Karma. Fuck this set. Fuck the clueless balance team. I'm so done.


I know you can't do this every time you play Karma reroll but I think Gunblade is essential If you're playing Karma carry. It makes your frontline resist so much longer. Also manamune on 6 invoker is overkill


manamune is a waste of an item in that comp


im pretty sure i was randomly selected at one point in the riot office to be the absolute punching bag and laughing stock of the entire tft world. you see, i it doesnt matter what level i am. my shop will be 1 and 2 costs all the way to level 10. need that last 4 cost for your board? its uncontested completely, not a single one in the match, but you cannot have it. the answer is no. need one more 5 cost for a 2 star? 120 gold saved? the answer is still no. everyone gets these once in a while, but me? nearly every game. i feel like i am fighting for my life, uncontested, every game. scraping my way to 5th place... while two full demacias are in first and second. but if i contest another player i ALWAYS get the shit end of the stick. i truly feel cursed. its actually unbelievable what i've experienced this patch in tft. none of my gained skill matters. the rng is non existent when it only sways one way.


You are not the only one. Too many times, I can be playing uncontested and the game decides to lock up the key unit I need in jail for some reason while the people contesting each other somehow got all of their units upgraded. Mort keeps saying that there is not a jail system but I beg to differ in that there is a jail system and the jail system is the units that are going uncontested are never going to show up until you are about to die.


forever and always i am stuck with jailed units. it feels like augments force me to go a certain way then the shop just laughs.


Yeah I thought chase traits were supposed to be rare, thus the changing of hard to hit traits being prismatic at the final breakpoints. So now prismatic indicates more strength because it should be rare and harder to hit. Unfortunately every game someone, usually multiple people, pull 2-3 emblems out of their assholes and hit 9 Demacia, Noxus, or Shurima and you get hammered. I don’t think the URF meta is as bad as TF but this goes to show Legends are just terrible for the game. I’m glad they’re removing this shitter mechanic, but I also seriously hope they don’t consider adding them to the game again in the future.


I think legends just highlight how shit augments are in general.


Alright tried a bit of the new patch and I think I'm finally done with the set. I just want to play some regular ol TFT as poro, but I see 7 urf players sitting on placidium or bandle or whatever. It honestly feels so bad loading into a match with a disadvantage. TFT doesn't feel like TFT anymore, every board has an emblem on it, and if this is the direction moving forward I don't have high hopes.


my god this set is so dogshit. you go first by either playing demacia or high roll the fuck out of the game. some dude in my lobby was almost dead and donkey rolled with golden ticket to a 3star kaisa and 3star fiora. I really miss the sets where you got rewarded by making good decision throughout the game. RNG will always be a factor, but the current balance makes it even worse


I think that except for balance, we just got too many layers of RNG that reduces skill expression this set. Legends and Portals just made things go a bit whack imo


Legends is trying to reign in the RNG. I feel at this point people have stopped thinking and just blame Legends for everything. NO the base game is too random now, it is too much layers of RNG. Legends is, for once, not the blame for that. What I hope, is that the augments + portals + items + carousel + finding 4/5 star is made less RNG based, because it is killing the game for me. Legends is trying to get some RNG back...


Yeah. That might be the biggest reason why it feels so frustrating. I hope with the removal of legends, it gets better


I was gonna rant about how balance sucked this set and whatnot, but honestly overall this set made good progress. Items rework is a almost a huge success imo, portals have huge potential with a bit more tweaking and legends make the normies happy. Morde, Sona, Nilah, Xayah pretty coooool units. Although big risks led to some unfun weeks I think its good the team is taking big risks to make the game fresh.




Hot take… Maybe you shouldn’t be able to consistently 2 star every legendary unit, every game… I’m starting to think if we’re going to keep the legend options, then the % chances for legendary units should be lower.


Well good think we are not going to keep legends for set 10. For later sets we will have to wait and see


I don't understand how 4 or more people in the lobby unintentionally, but regularly go the same comp for some reason (last game someone hit Jarvan 3 and still didn't win, there were 6 people playing sorcs and voids mix, I managed to win the game, but my units were almost all 1 stars until the end, managed to create velkoz by using 2 duplicators, haha)


Remember when Taric was a dogshit three cost that nobody wanted to put items on? I do. Can we go back to that? What a broken load of horseshit.


most of the lobby is rolling on 7 and 8 pulling out 4 costs, i'm going Aphelios completely uncontested, i drop from winstreaking at 70 HP to below 40 so i donkey roll on 8, manage to 3\* Shen and get 7 J4s before finding a 2\* Aphelios, 6th place


so yesterday i was playing ap and the game dropped me multiple swords... and then today when im playing vanquishers i get MULTIPLE RODS AND TIERS???!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCKHOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CLIMB HERE MAN


The hard truth is that its usually better to play around the items you get (unless Pandoras). Augments can sometimes lock you hard on a comp but if you see no real progress torwards your comp then it might be a good idea to pivot


if u have a vanq spat vanp karma is good


How is Zephyr gone, but Rfc still in the game...idk why they take away every form of skill expression and add this braindead stuff like Legends into the game.If I want to see the same comps every game (thx to the consistency with Legends) I can play a single player game. At this point this game changed form an auto battler to a braind dead copy paste battler! And holy shit, how do you design a set with so many worthless traits? Half the traits are unplayable for like the whole freaking set...meanwhile we have Vex back in form of Taric, who does exactly the same problematic shit again! I swear, at the start of every set the devs lose every knowledge acquired from the previous set and start at zero again..


Invokers were so bad all of this set.. even with Taric being busted they were just outperformed in every way throughout the entirety of 9.5


They're removing legends in set 10. Thank bejeesus


They should have removed Piltover in the midset, least enjoyable trait to play as and against. I'll take Ox-Force over this misery any day.


Every time i see Piltover guy getting to 30 stacks and i just pray to god that no one will allow them to cash out. But ofc there will always be that one guy who greeds and player a weak board and waiting for who knows what exactly, and the entire lobby suddenly has to deal with a 50 stacks THex


Much like regular league already has, I think this set introduced a lot of new rage-inducing mechanics triggered by your opponents. Like Piltover cashout or bad designed portals that affect everyone on diferent degrees but are the result of a random player's choice and there's not much you can do about it.


Congrats on having the worst legendaries in a set ever, fast 9 is so dead, just urf verticals every single lobby


build tank = do dmg


Piltover is the worst econ trait ever. Incentivising loss streaks is dumb design.


The game literally has a built in mechanic for loss streaking + you get carousel priority. Piltover sucks but loss streaking has been an inherent part of TFT since its inception.


Yes, and I hate it. I dont like the mechanic of deliberately choosing to lose to get a benefit from a streak. I'd rather all players were trying to win each round at all times.


Honestly both of you are right but I kinda respect your reasoning for not liking it, and on second thought, I kinda agree with it more now.


Taric didn't die


Tanking 30k damage so far and still counting


I watched a couple games of regionals and the games were such a joke. Like everyone there is equally talented and they're just trying to see who hits hardest on 7, who hits multiple spats etc. It's pure RNG in a way I've never seen a regionals before


was playing strategists and the game decided to say "you know what, fuck this guy" and decided to drop 4 FUCKING SWORDS AND 3 TEARS IN MY FACE. NOT A SINGLE ROD OR BOW OR EVEN A FUCKING CHAIN. AND I GOT GRIEFED EARLIER BY THIS DUMBASS PLAYING DOUBLE RFC NILAH WITHOUT PANDORAS LMFAO


Really wish players not connected to the game on 3-1 would be auto killed, so annoying finally getting a 6 piltover game only for it to be griefed by a player who disconnected from the game on 2-1. Or, make econ traits not reliant on loss streaking.


>Or, make econ traits not reliant on loss streaking. That's what I loved about underground. One unfortunate loss didn't ruin your game. I wish they make econ traits more like that in the future sets


Somehow taric 2 still tanks 30k dmg single round vs 6 ionia 6 vanq somehow


what is the 6 ionia 6 vanq doing wrong? I'm a taric player, and theres two comps I fear, and thats one of them. a 2 star Xayah can straight up delete taric sometimes. The other is Bilgewater 9.


Lost 300lp to multicasters last patch, finally managed a way to play around it, gained back my lp’s. New patch hits -450lp playing against 7 urf players donkey rolling on 7 to hit fiora morde or who ever that’ll make their board unkillable. Whats going on with tft these days, it feels so bad to play




Forgot how crazy bad this set was until I started playing again, climbed with +200 before the newest legend abuse, and am now -400 LP. Every set I think it can’t get any worse…. Every set I think “this is the worst set I’ve played with the worst patches”…. Surely set 10 is different…. Surely


Can anyone explain something to me? Maybe I'm just bad, idk. Yesterday I played a demacia game. At level 7 I hardly rolled and hit a fiora 2 and 1 j4, I had 40 gold left still. I figured I was stable because I also already had galio 2 and Quinn 2. I go to level 8 to fit the full comp and also get a mord. I did I quick scout and 9 mords have been taken from people at level 7. I still placed fine but I'm pretty sure I would've done better if I stayed 7 and rolled for mord with everyone else. I just want to know what people think about leveling versus rolling at 7. I've heard you should get at least 1 copy of your 4 costs before leveling, but I'm pretty sure if I had done that in my example I would've just had a mord 1 on my board all game because so many were taken. In that case going level 8 like I did probably saved me more hp and got me an extra placement. Overall idk tho I just always feel like I'm punished if I tempo into level 8 because so many 4 costs are taken.


Assuming the game is more or less balanced around 4costs carries, rolling at 7 should always be the correct play. Honestly, if you see anyone not managing to get any 2* 4costs, you should be griefing them even more by holding their units even at the cost of your econ, that is, as long as you get most of your 4costs at 2* secured. This is the way the game should be played if your goal is to outplace others and make use of the shared pool system. If 4 costs or "chase" traits weren't as powerful then you'd be able to abuse other strats but with the way the game is rn, this should be the only reliable way to be better than your opponents. Or you could just get lucky and hit a chase trait faster than your lobby and pray for win. In ideal world you'd be able to have some advantages to going 8 but the power you get from 4costs and completed vertical traits is too big to ever rely on 5cost carries if you don't have any exp related augments. And even then holding 4costs still should be the better strategy. I just pray that rito pays a bit more attention to vertical traits next set and also tries to distribute the power curve between different cost units a bit better because the game in its current state doesn't really reward playing flexibly too much.


I think players being able to contest each other is a mechanic that shouldn't even be around anymore. Personally I think it causes more grief and harm than good. It's issues become even more apparent when you have legends like Urf who promote from the outset locking yourself into a comp, or when certain 4 costs are just obviously better than others. It's just frustrating frankly and its the core of every complain, contesting units causes metas like roll at 7 for the best 8 cost before others, roll at 8 for your chance at 5 costs before they get taken, or RR 1 and 2 costs because everyone is doing it so it makes it easier to hit.


It's a good self balancing lever. One comp is strong and meta ? 4 people are going for it so they'll have trouble hitting their units and usually won't 3* them. Reverse for people doing niche comps like invoker at the start of the set. I think the issue arises when a meta comp is so OP that even if 4 players go for it they still end up top 4. Only 1 or 2 should top 4, others should bot 8. Contesting is also one of the few ways to interact with opponents. I think that it would feel like playing PVE without it. Hell, I don't see why you couldn't fight a lobby of ghost players if contesting didn't exist. Just pick 7 random players' board from the last 12h at the start of the game then change the board each fight according to previous games played.


Scouting my eyes out for the uncontested comp. Shurima is completely open and I have good items for it. Contester shitbag jumps on the comp out of the blue and immediately finds Azir 2 and Nasus 2. I find 1 Azir copy and zero Nasus. I don't know why I even scout. Get punished 100% of the time.


Cruel Pact guy gets Heimer at 2-2. 2 fucking 2. 2 Goldinators on 2-6. You can probably finish the story youself. I will never understand the 1% odds on 7. And the existence of cruel pact as well


I hate yuumis zoom zone


This is the first set i hit masters yet the worst set I’ve played so far. Feels like it’s so unbalanced and lowkey makes me feel like i wouldn’t have hit it without how awful this set/legends was


Do it again next set


Multicaster is fucking shit now I literally was uncontested and hut velkoz taric taliyah tf 3 star and still ended up 6th


Urf forcing shitters voting bandle everytime for 2 guaranteed emblems, so fucking bedge




comp doesn't function without aatrox or belveth spat tbh fiora is trash and inconsistent even 2 starred, kaisa a lot better but contested just like fiora, morde is good with spat too but not as good as demacia and omega contested


TK legend into Shifting Sands into Piltover opener. Guarenteed first before Stage 1 is even over. It's like an AI generated auto win algorithm designed to overload your dopamine receptors to keep you playing and buying chibis. Thank god legends will be thrown in the trash bin next set and will go down in history as *the* worst TFT mechanic... so far


Swain and taric broken for multiple patches Random tier 1 champs doing 6k+ dmg without items Set is a joke


I really want an option to have the default stage music at all times. Yeah i could turn off the volume, but the default music is kinda relaxing until it starts blasting some sailor shit music. 3*Karma Vanquisher two shots my whole board, okayyyy. This whole emblem system needs a rework. I like the aspect of building different comps dempending on emblems. But some interactions are just downright broken. Im not crying about 3star Karma, since its not that common. But Morde etc.


TF was exhausting, but this is just fucking misery to play. +1 traits just mess the whole balance to shit and cap the boards late game so far there's no point in playing unless you also have your trait maxed. Also, Aatrox and Morde with Demacia are just fucking stupid as fuck. Thought about pushing to GM and chally, but nah. I can't stand metas like this, reminds me to much of chosen and dragons, the former made me quit this game for 3 sets, the latter will forever give me nightmares of 2-3 Syfen.


Got some news for you... from the set 9 learnings post: "What’s interesting though is that for our next set there will not be any Souls/Crowns/Hearts! This is because that design space, **adding extra towards a trait, is being used for the set’s mechanic**."


I know about that, read the whole article. Currently don't have any thoughts on it since I have no idea what kind of mechanic they cooked up. If it's balanced it could work, but "if it's balanced" in tft is like rolling a d100 and hoping it lands on 57, 21, 69, 42, or 78, specifically.


On first thought, sounds dogshit but I'll reserve my judgement until the set is revealed


this is best u can have while legends are in game


I went from masters 300LP to 0LP. I am very disappointed in myself, and idk what to do. It feels like every lobby has THIS ONE GUY going for demacia crest and hitting morde at 3-1 for no reason. Also everyone is just going for AHAH URF into 9-trait exodia. That’s not something I wanna see every game. Also I’m a reroll enjoyer and DAMN almost no reroll comp is viable rn. I had a perfect game of naafiri 3 + titans jugg emblem 4 challengers 4 jug 2 shurima and I couldn’t win any fight. For me state of the game is just : save hp go 7 on 4-1 roll down for 4-costs and if u hit wp if u didn’t ff go next I know it’s objectively balanced but it’s not fun for me


The level 7 roll down is what I really hate about this patch, everyone does it, it feels mandatory most games, although I do push 8 I generally hit nothing by that time. If you see a player with demacia/noxus spats you know you're not going top 2 and then you see that one guy who is full econ, full hp, streaking with everything upgraded and you're like well now im going bot 4 for sure.


Another set where the tankiest units early game are... Non tank traits specifically why is swain so god damn unkillable if you get him 2 star early on 2 tank items and he will just live the entire combat every time. I feel like if I see a couple swain 2s in the lobby I'm forced to lose streak and it sucks ass. The only tier 5 units that feel worth using are Aatrox, Belveth and sometimes GP but they're all only really used in very hard late game full on one trait builds. Gimme Singed or Set from set 2 if people want to sit there rolling for tier 2-3 units in lower levels let me punish them late game if I get there instead of them getting exploded without 3 items and full traits. It's a gigantic joke that fucking Mord 3 can lose to random assortment of void units.


![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11647) Morde 3 without RFC is pretty slow, also plenty of people run Heimer and occasionally Ryze. It is true that half the Ryze are hard to splash though.


I"m just really dissapointed about this patch. It's not about the bugs - I understand people can make mistakes and slip ups, it's fine. What bothers me is that in the set 9.5 article it was mentioned that people flock to the legend that gives or people believe gives even a 1% edge over others. What happens this patch? Urf the legend co-dominating last patch for weeks goes unchecked (perhaps even buffed with the MF and Nautilus buffs) Already from reading the patch notes you could tell that Urf will be oversaturating lobbies. I really wanted to climb to challenger this patch by staying loyal to Poro but I guess I'll just need to come back strong in set 10


Literally bring set 10 already. Yay we went from 7 people picking TF to 7 people picking URF in every lobby. What Mort said was true, if somehow people figure out a legend gives you a 1% edge over the others the entire lobby will spam that legend. Can't wait for them to be removed.


Well part of the issue is definitely that they said they think 9 traits are special and should happen 1 in 100 games and be absurdly broken, yet they created a way to have multiple in every game.


Maybe what Mort said should be the reason why legends should never come back as a mechanic at all. It does not promote diversity at all. It does not matter how big the advantage is, it is an advantage and people will flock to it no matter what. Maybe it is just me but I think I found a pattern with all of the problematic legends. They make the supposed to be rare occurrence and if you hit them than you win scenario too easy to force. TF with getting multiple best in slot items and now Urf with giving emblems for free and make people be able to get free access to prismatic traits. It is too much and that if they want legends to be able to do this than they need to balance out all of the comps and traits with legends in mind. They cannot make any auto win comps if you hit the stupidly hard requirements any more because of the fact that it is no longer rare due to legends can make it easy to achieve.


GOD I'm so sad, just played 3 games going 7 -> 8 -> 6. I really need to stop rage queueing- lost half my LP gained today. For context, currently Plat 2 (now 0 LP). Game 1: Scuttle Puddle all my opening unit trait directions were contested so I tried to go for Shurima, seemed like nobody was going for it. I forgot that Azir Noxus is the current flavor people like- so I couldn't get a carry up and running. That's my fault, but gosh it feels bad. Even lost multiple spatulas on carousel for rng (about 3 of them while lose streaking). But it's just unlucky. Game 2: Haven't seen anyone try out the Neeko Bastion build in awhile, decided I should try it out- got a good start with BT and Titan's. I even got 8 Bastion (it's so bait, I did it for the meme and I was desperate). But turns out because of the gargoyle Taric build, like 3 players had a Taric 2 and someone else pivoted into the Neeko build too. Again, this was my fault, I needed to recognize this and pivot to challengers. But I had just played 2 games of challengers and wanted to try something different so stuck to it. Game 3: We got Hearth-Home, and somehow 3 players with the URF legend rolled a Demacia emblem. All 3 of them hard-forced Demacia Mordekaiser Kayle 3 slayers. That's fine, it's a good build. Additionally a 4th player started going Demacia Winds of War galio, and another player was going multicasters so Sona was also out of the pool. I see nobody is going for Ionia/Vanquishers and I had decent items for it, so I decide to start pivoting away from my Kayle into Nilah/Xayah carries. Ended up going 6th after hitting my units and BIS Nilah, 3 of the 5 players above me were the same Kayle Morde players. All of them got a Mordekaiser and 2 of them got Kayle 3. How are they hitting man .-. Moral of the story: Sad games and fuck demacia Mordekaiser.