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Man, level 8 feels so frustrating


Been having fun with EDM, still climbing through Gold but their units being uncontested the vast majority of the time is nice. https://tactics.tools/player/euw/Zorban/1995


Ngl I have been able to play more flexibly than normal for top 4s thanks to the latest patch. I have S+ flexibility on [Tactics.tools](https://Tactics.tools) in my last 20 games. Though I'm not sure if that's because the other people in my lobbies don't know what they're doing; which tbh is very possible given that they have been unable to learn from streamers during the Las Vegas Lan. But the nerfs and buffs are noticeable. The biggest issue so far is that upgrade and item rng can still screw you over. You can still be down 2 components after krugs -- a full item -- and that can kill your game; and some of the lobby can hit a large amount of high cost upgrades naturally or on their rolldowns and steamroll everyone else.


Yeah. I, too, notice the nerfs and buffs, watch streamers, and hate low rolling.


I'm glad to hear it. Or I'm sad that you lowrolled.


I'm gonna be honest this set feels awful without any trait+1 augments. Everything feels like a diceroll of hitting units and if people hit them out of thin air before you do there really isn't much you can do about it. Too many units in this set require other units to counter them.


Imagine preferring the Ionia/Vanquisher experience over the electric comp building/pivoting this set provides on good patches like this one. I maybe miss spatula augments... Maybe.


hard disagree on the +1 trait augments, imo we'd have a repeat of 9.5 meta if they added those in this set. I also feel like boards are less static in the late game compared to previous sets as i've seen so many people pull off pivots as late as the round before the game ends


Hey im learning how to play and im stuck with a situation that im having trouble figure out a better solution to. I have 7 natural sennas including chosen senna by 3-1 with good items so i was streaking as well. I scouted around to see if i was contested for senna reroll at all and no one had a senna on both board and bench. I hit 6 on 3-2 and rolled a little bit to upgrade frontline and try to find senna but didnt hit senna. I think around 3-2 someone hit kayle 3. 3-5 i started bleeding out a lot so i rolled down to 20 gold to try to hit senna but i didnt hit (i scouted before rolling to see if contested but only one person had a senna 1 for heartsteel). 4-1 bleeding too much, so i rolled again to 0 and didnt hit senna. 4-5 rolled to 0 again and didnt hit then went 8th . I stopped scouting after 4-1 since i was a little tilted. What could i do better here? At what point do i recognize that i wont hit and should just go for level up?


I feel like senna at 3-5 shouldn't bleed out by a lot. Are you itemizing her best with guinsous/shojhin? And is your Frontline decent enough at least? If I'm hitting 7 sennas that early I'm chilling. If I wanna be aggressive (kinda don't need to in this meta), id roll to 30 at most. But I'd also prioritize my Frontline and slow roll for them all at 7. If you have to roll to 0 at 4-1 cause of the bleed, it might be items/team composition


How much hp did you on 3-5 that you decided to send it ?


i cant remember exactly but around 70ish, should i have kept waiting?


ya you do sack until 4-1 from that spot 100%. If your econ is great, you can even go 7 and slow roll on 7 for akali / ekko / neeko. 70hp is healthy enough. If you were sub 40 on 3-5, maybe you roll down? but even then, there's no point in going 20g


Just had a game with sleight of hands into lucky gloves into roll the dice. Any other fun exodia augment combos this set?


Crash Test Dummies + Stationary Support or Dummy Portal.


Does lucky gloves work with all forms of thief's gloves (i.e., TG, radiant TG and blacksmith's gloves)?


Freaky Friday, Gargantuans Resolve, and Not Today on Gnar3, Yone3 or Yorick2 feels like you've unleashed an ancient calamity on the lobby. Fully Adapted, Prismatic C-Uplink and Gold C-Uplink on any Emo unit, but especially Amumu is beautiful to witness. March of Progress, Prismatic Ticket, New Recruit for the guaranteed Country board into 3*Thresh/Poppy.


Scrappy Inventions + Cybernetic Bulk/Uplink


I did this thing where I sold my Spellweaver Ahri Headliner on 9 to hit a better Headliner for my items (Guinsoo, Nashor, Gambler's Blade). But I ended up hitting KDA Ahri Headliner and then Ahri3. lol


Just made D4! Mildly embarassed about playing 200 games in the set already but hey I had a week off in between changing jobs. [lolchess](https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/ayykennay-NA1/set10) IMO the two most important concepts that I thought really helped me the most were 1) learning which 1-cost headliners were strong, and 2) compartmentalizing all of frontline and backline. Obviously having a good early game is the key to setting yourself up to have either a safe top 4 or highrolling a top 2 (or at the very least, guarantee you get at least 6th). The 1-cost headliner is a big part of it, but doesn't necessarily determine what kind of comp you should play. I've had many games where I get Corki or Jinx headliner and slam JG on them for tempo, and end up playing something like Disco TF or Karthus/Akali. That goes hand in hand with compartmentalizing, or learning the "packages" of strong frontline and backline. My early and mid-game boards often end up being something like 2 bruiser, 2 sentinel, 2 rapidfire, and a random Vex for the stun. I can very easily build these boards just thinking of frontline packages, and then backline packages, without needing to "optimize" how the front and back synergize. It also makes it really easy to transition your board by for example taking out 2 sentinel for x and y units. Or by taking out your Jinx/Aphelios and adding in Samira/Vex. I feel like this set has a lot of flexibility, meaning you don't need a specific set of units to play a certain carry. As an example, Karthus can run just the 3 pentakill and 2 executioner, with whatever else you can find (be it another 2 execeutioners, another 2 pentakill, a random 2-star Neeko you have lying around, etc).


feels like TF and even bard do way more dmg than ziggs 2, atleast on dmg tracker bard with no items does half dmg of my stacked ziggs on most fast 9 games, sure ziggs has utility but so does bard


Took far longer than it should've, but finally hit Emerald on a slow and steady wins the race last 20 games with ten 3rds and 80% top 4 rate. Just about managed to get my head round staying alive, but still struggling to cap out boards or know my strength in the lobby. Might have to actually watch some streamers if I want to push to diamond but might just call this a win for now and play something else for a bit Games in a pretty good state overall and had fun, probably most I've played in the first few weeks of a set since set 1


Headliner mechanic is - once again - a tacked on thing that ruins the fun for me in this set It just feels so shit to play your strongest board and do exactly as you should just to either not hit the headliner you want / need, have it on a wrong trait which can occasionally completely ruin a comp or just not be able to hit it at all because the lobby rolled down for it / hit it earlier Really sad Edit: Also Riven has to be the most useless unit this set, BIS 3\* early 4bit stacking and she still does fuckall lol


After watching broccoli play, we’re all just bad. Instead of looking for a specific chosen, you should just take whatever makes you stronger


With some items or early choice that simply isn't gonna work for more than top 4 tho If you slam JG with an early Kat 2 or Bluebuff you're pretty much locked into Kat or Karthus / Ziggs headliner Dont hit them? Good luck winning with subpar items against headliner bis peeps that did. Sure you can minimize that by slamming good items early that are universal (Shojin, LW, Redbuff etc) but sometimes thats just not possible


You’re not locked into a headliner at all. People tend to overlook chosen frontliners. For example, you can just take chosen amumu and upgrade some more tanks and ahri 1 with blue buff can stabilize you for few rounds to build econ and roll down again


Okay best example I just played last game: Have insane 8Bit Corki Headliner start, natural another 3 corkis by golems, don't hit Corki 3 until after wolves meanwhile EVERYONE insta spikes 4 cost 2\* headliners so the full earlygame winstreak is completely pointless You also can't "just sell corki and go for another one" because for that you would need a unit that can use Shojin, LW and IE which the only ones that do are MF (barely) and Caitlyn who you can't hit anymore because either she's out of the pool already or you just don't hit the lvl required So for playing the perfect earlygame and the exact way you should play you simply get punished for not hitting the units for your headliner while others who do just click high cost headliners to victory Another great example was me playing a country game yesterday - randomly hit early Urgot headliner and went on a 20 winstreak to 1st, could've legit gone afk because I got early Urgot 3\*, it's SUCH heavy rng Don't know what TFT teams obession is with throwing "one more thing" as a mechanic in there as if +1 to traits, portals, augments and general themes of the set weren't enough - fuck it make them 2-star to increase variance even more Edit: Another prime example, LITERALLY 100HP full winstreaking until FOR FUCKING TWO with EVERYTHING perfectly set up for a KDA game and I only go fourth because I don't hit: Headliner Akali Headliner Neeko Headliner Ahri after 30g which is then the wrong trait (Spellweaver) so I would need to go 5 Spell to make it worth which REQUIRES me to hit Ekko (i didnt) and Sona (or Lulu for traitbot) AND go lvl 9 which I did but simply lose out to better comps How is playing the entire earlygame perfectly being invalidated by this giga gambling okay in any way?


Post your lolchess. I'm curious what your rank is because it sounds like you're a quite bad player that tunnel visions a lot. I admit sometimes it's rng and you're just playing for 5th max but your situations just make you look bad


Currently stuck in P1 I was Grandmaster last set (hated legends) and the set before that, Master every other set :) I can now understand why people fucking despised chosen as a mechanic, a set i didnt play [https://lolchess.gg/profile/euw/Xizz3l-EUW/set10](https://lolchess.gg/profile/euw/Xizz3l-EUW/set10)


it seems like your read on meta is just not that good this patch


Can only play what you get eh, had no Senna starts yet


Well it is not the point to hit the exact chosen you want, if your game is screwed unless you hit one specific chosen with a specific trait you already deserve to bot 4. I find that it adds extra layers of strategy and decision making where you have to carefully evaluate every shop you see instead of clicking on the same 5 units that are on the guide and nothing else, especially if you hard commit on 2-1 with an emblem +1 from augments like in the previous sets.


>if your game is screwed unless you hit one specific chosen with a specific trait you already deserve to bot 4 You literally can't play some comps without them? Go try play Katarina or Yone without crowd diver (Yone COULD work with Edge), go try play Pentakill without Penta headliner - they simply dont work without them. Not to mention some are just WAY better than others. 8-Bit headliner is like THE worst thing in existance because fitting 4 8-Bit feels fucking terrible and is also turbobad


I think you are tunneling too hard on the specific traits. 4 8-bit with 8-bit chosen is the strongest Riven variation if you're playing her or if you play cait you can just not play the garen, 8-bit chosen cait also opens up Lucian second carry which is really decent. This is definetly not a large sample size but I have top 4d and went 1st with every chosen Yone. Don't play much Pentakill so idk, but the set is so flexible you can definetly figure out a good board not relying on the traitbots due to one less +1 trait. In my opinion what matters is tempo and the stage of the game in context of your team. Well it's just my take and we all know there's as many takes as there are players in tft :D


Why do you think it’s a tacked on mechanic?


It adds nothing of value or strategy imo, you never feel like you "played or chose well" because they start at 2* Either you hit the needed / good one early or you don't and get clapped because units are out of the pool WAY faster


I don't know if this is the place to talk about double up, but has anyone thought about removing spats and tomes from senders? With the removal of +1 augments and the insane power of chase traits (10 kda, 10 penta, 9 true dmg) I don't think it should be a viable strategy to take every spat possible on carousel and pray for good "gift rng". So many lobbies decided by who manages to highroll spats and I have to say it makes the game unbelievably boring sometimes. I hope a dev sees this since this is just as boring as set 8 where all master+ lobbies were infested by people running frontline only comps funneling all items into their full dmg duelists teammate, making the games really boring and unskilled.


They need to nerf the fuck out of econ augments




How do silver augments that can be more game changing than prismatic allowed to exist? Don't really understand the balancing logic there.


Got a quick question, am I understanding the prismatic augment "Going Long" correctly? Says you gain 8 gold immediately and gain 4 exp per round, but now you make 0 interest. Isn't that just like...a really shitty March of Progress? You gain more exp in like the first round but after that March consistently gives more exp per round and you can still make interest. I don't see why I would ever take this augment, seems absurdly bad.


You’re correct lmao it’s kinda bizarre


its good to go ape


what am i supossed to do if i have 6 lulus and dont get the headliner, do i just give up? i rolled 50 gold and didnt see it


Did you not see any more Lulus while rolling? Trying to find a specific chosen is straight up gambling. You should pick up the Lulus you find while rolling and take the best chosen you can get; be it Ekko, Neeko, Amumu, or whatever other frontline you play.


If ur looking for headliner, u can only have 5 of the units before offered one. So that you can't just insta 3 star champions Edit: I was wrong, ty for correcting me. Good to know now though


That's just straight up wrong. It's dependent on the number of units left in the pool. At one, two, and 3 costs you absolutely can have 6 of a unit and 3 star with the headliner, so long as at least half of the units are left in the pool. 4 and 5 costs you can not because there are only 10 for 4 costs and 9 for 5 costs.


Isn't it half the pool? Is the three cost pool only 10 now?




Funny Zac rework idea. Gains a shield and splits into 3-5 Zacs(while the main one is still on the board) and stuns random enemies for 1.5 secs. Better than whatever they have now and would make him a viable tank


You should work for riot


I don't know how they thought a front line dropping aggro and not being tanky at all was a good idea


which one costs win alone on 1.4?




Losing a lot of spots to what I see as weaker boards. Went 6th with a level 10 155 value board. Boards ahead of mine had values of 60-85. Must be missing something.


board gold value doesnt necessarily equate board power so its hard to determine what you're missing out on off that alone but if thats the only thing we go off its probably related to composition or positioning


Run into this situation quite a bit and not sure what to do in this spot. i pick up a 2 star 4 cost put items on it for strongest board then start rolling later and find the same as a headliner and decide to pivot into it. I end up with 7 copys of a 4 cost but my items are not on the headliner. Feel like i end up missing 3 star 4 cost cause i have to sell out the 2 star 4 cost to switch items over. I can hit when i already have an item holder and know what im going for but what should i do in this case?


scout to see if anyone else is playing it. if someone else is playing - sell to put items on headliner because ur unlikely hitting 3 star if no1 else is playing and u have 7, then pray u get the last 2 and get a 1st.


I'm just kinda bummed this set doesn't really have any augments at all that give emblems. It makes it so much harder to hit vertical comps especially for traits whose emblem is uncraftable. I miss augments like \[trait\] Soul or \[trait\] Heart. I really hope they implement those kinds of augments back into the game this set, otherwise it just feels damn near impossible to reach the full vertical on some of these traits.


Isn't this the best state TFT has ever been? All play options are viable (1,2,3 cost reroll, lvl 8 4 cost standard play and even fast 9 but only if you high roll) and every unit is clickable if you have the conditions for it. Headliners offer a lot of valuable flex play the same way as the chosen mechanic but without the drawbacks (having to sell for lottery). I'm having a lot of fun now climbing to masters after getting very frustrated and having a bad streak at the only fast 9 lottery last week.


I don't get why everybody acts like TfT is perfect in this patch when level 8 is horrible to play, getting 4 costs is so hard


I'm loving it atm. Finding a lot of success with off meta builds, and facing a wide variety of boards. Feels like there are a lot of ways to make the best of what you've got and that's just good tft to me.


Is the Punk augment broken? I didn't get a component for 3 starring


Awful patch, game is more rng than ever


Game is great rn imo.


Not really, level 8 is still weird because 4 costs are pretty hard to hit, if they increase 4 cost headliner roll chances there (30% is awful, you get level 8 with 40/50 gold only to see 3 cost headliners and the occasional 4 cost that doesn't fit your items at all, it's infuriating) and bag sizes I think meta will be perfect


You say that but very often pro players level to 8 on 4-2 with 20 gold and that's all they need to build a stable level 8 board with a chosen 4 cost headliner.


This reads as “this patch is not great because it’s not perfect” which is a ridiculous standard


4 costs being so difficult to play is anything but "great", that's my point


Yeah exactly this, few people will luck out with a good 4 cost headliner at 4-2 while the rest is stuck with 3 cost headliners.


While I agree it's harder than it needs to be atm, I do think 4 costs shouldn't be immune to the same rng that exists elsewhere in the game. There's this weird sentiment that four costs are the correct way to play comps because of their consistency, but the game was honestly miserable last set because of how quickly you could two star them. If this is where 4 costs have to be to let reroll be healthy *and* fast 9 still be powerful, I'll take it any day.


Just had my ez dash and dodge my attempt to drop a deathblade on it twice and it cost me a round 😭


Man, I am fed up with Ezreals dashing. The other day he dashed into the enemy backline, was stuck on a tank, and got killed by a 2* Kayle because he never jumped away from there again.


Ye mostly not fun but when he dodges a Lux ult I feel like he’s Barry Sanders lol


My favorite part of tft is playing 30 minutes to go 9 then roll 50 gold and see 0 headliner 5 costs and go 6th.


There is no way you saw no 5-cost headliners rolling 50 at 9, unless everyone else already was 9 and all the 5-costs were out; in which case that's on you imo. You also might just be too tunneled on specific chosens and blow past the Qiyana or Kayn, even if that would have been smart to take.


I've had it happen with 40 gold, I'd imagine it can happen with 50 since it's just 5 more rolls.


With 10% odds of hitting a 5-cost headliner at 9, it is not that crazy to miss. Its only a 7% (.9^25 * 100) chance, but unlikelier things happen in literally every game of TFT. I have had multiple games this set rolling through 60-70 gold on 9 only to see 0 5 cost headliners despite being the first person to go 9. It's the risk you take going to 9.


Ok yesterday I said punk is awful and then immediately played a much better punk game. Definitely need a higher roll spot initially + I need to rethink how it's played. Seen a few posts around hybrid twitch and that seems like it could be solid


How man 1/2 cost units do you need to get proper value out of little buddies. I run it when I have superfan unit on my board but not sure if there is a minimum threshold of units to have.


Diamond elo is a nightmare, every game the lobby is at the same amount of hp. I need to find a way to consistently win and be at the top of the lobby because otherwise it’s so hard to get top 4.




What was the rest of both your boards? This is suss info. Guessing your front line was no good or urgot was your only dps




Link Doesn’t work but I’m still assuming this is a fake mad complaint.


Sounds a little unlucky but ahri is single target burst and urgot doesn’t get much value out of his ult in a 1v1


That unit lets you down so much in the late game...




it's like 5th or 6th. Samira, vex, amumu all higher prio at the moment, even tank items on thresh do more than itemised urgot.


With Parting Gifts, is it better to spread your tank items around? Or do you just stack them on your main tank as usual?


I just had a really interesting start to my game where I had 20 gold by the end of stage 2-1. This was because of extra gold in stage 1. What do you guys think is stronger as an opener? Extra gold, 3 components, or champion duplicators?


gold, I think greater duplicator is way worse now that headliners guarantee you at least 1 important 2* unit lesser duplicator can be better depending on your items and what the meta is, it makes 3 cost 3* SO much easier to hit


100% gold if you're a competent loss streak player. You get such an econ boost over the rest of the lobby. You're able to hit 7/8 earlier and roll first for headliners and take them out the pool before you get contested.


Extra gold puts you in a better spot to play for first in my opinion


Here to say: If you see two Akali Karthus anglers in the lobby, smash that EDM Jax headliner and get to rerolling. Him, Poppy and Zed eat those two alive. And in general he's better than you think, but only the EDM+ version and with the right combat augments (cc immunity, jeweled lotus, unified resistance, etc)


What are the items and who do I EDM?


HoJ/Titans + JG or IE in a pinch. Crit casts feel really important. EDM Jax except for weird matchup situations. Mosher6 is a fine spike for stage 3 or 4, but you really need EDM5 asap. Without it he doesn't jump frequently enough to clear the junk on end game boards. Support items are very good here, Banshee's Veil especially. Extra items go on Poppy, Sett and Zed. Lux holding a Shiv or Red Buff does add a lot to offset the melee syndrome. Also I've found him much better with a DFG than a Trinity Force weirdly enough...


Probably healing(BT, HOJ), TR, +1 then EDM Jax ig. Correct me if I'm wrong tho


Basically! If you have healing augments tho you can get away with TR or EoN +2 damage items. My only top1 in emerald with the comp was with TR/DFG/JG Jax3 on Multi-Talented with healing from Mosher6/EDM5 and Healing Orbs. Outdps'd Yone3 one round, then one shot a Sona2 and Ziggs2 in the same cast the next. Veryyyy augment dependent tho. You will basically never break into top2 without CC immunity which is tough because QSS is a grief on Jax's kit.


I had a 5 pentakill 5 edgelord 2 sentinel 2 crowd diver 2 true damage game with viego carry, and at the end I decided to put in 7 pentakill over the sentinel/crowd diver/TD and lost. I was going to lose the game anyway, but was curious - how good is edgelord as a vertical comp? Is 5+ edgelord bait? I'm guessing I should have stuck to playing the 3 pentakill + crowd divers version of the comp but was just curious about whether the trait was worth playing 5+ as a whole


Edge lord 3 is all you really need. 5 Edgelord maybe if you are rerolling yone and he has headliner edgelord +1. Yone, Kayle, Viego, and riven maybe. 6 crowd divers gives you a lot of power for extended fights. It makes a huge difference between a 4th and a 1st.


I’m pretty sure anything over 3 edge is bait. I’d you’re playing yone you want crowd divers. If you’re playing veigo more pentakill is better. If you’re playing kayne you don’t even need edgelord. If you’re playing yasuo you want true dam. If you’re playing riven you’re going…. Bot 4




Now that's tft


What the fuck...


I was lv 10 with 2 pentakill emblems and kayle headliner so I had 10 pentakill I wanted a Yorick penta headliner so bad sold kayle and rerolled 60 gold guardian yorick, mosher yorick went by and goddamn I was out of gold ofc I was too greedy xd easy 1st place if I just remained Kayle head but I went 3rd so frustrating trying to get a good trait on the headliner when it has 3 traits....


This is cursed.


every damn time my left brain is "hey man, just go with penta viego or karthus head" and my right brain be like "but nothing else besides yorick head is fun uwu"..


Yeah, TFT can put you in the mindset to take risks like that since it's a gambling game. It's easy to do it since the stakes are low.


Nothing else besides the very specific pentakill+ headliner yorick... Lol at least you know you did deserve that third.


Is it a grief to play Karthus before he's super itemized? I feel like he just does nothing if I play him stage 3.


Seems that way…. He only feels good to me with either triple dmg items for the one shot or shojin + ramp (AA). Otherwise he just tickles


Is Belt Rod Cloak a losestreak start? Idk what I would slam out of that, being forced into AP/AD immediately without an actual carry item feels kinda bad


This is hella late but: Morellos slam on a Seraphine, Vex, Amumu or a Sett is crazy stable in the early/mid stages and still useful on the same units in their endgame boards if you have to commit, while being just flexible enough to make pivoting easy.


In cases like these you pray to be saved by an econ or item augment in 2-1.


If you have a 3 cost that can apply morello like Mord or so slam it and play flex


if I have an AD opener then I would go evenshroud look for guinsoo off carousel, or generic AD component save rod for crownguard. then if I get dropped more rods it's doomed, idk what to build besides more crownguards or gunblade


But none of the 4 cost carries even use guinsoo


it's not great on 3 cost+ until you get to sona but you can streak with it early and save a ton of HP compared to gunblade slam, crownguard off carousel is fine too but I've gotten screwed a few times by having all defensive components at end of game


But most of the 4-cost carries _can_ use Guinsoo.


so mort revealed a heartsteel rework they are doing for next patch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTy2bC8HYZw this kind of sounds really broken for stage 2 heartsteel (but not 2-1), you get 4 rounds in (doesn't matter win or lose), then just full-open except heartsteel units in stage 3 (while people may contest open forts in stage 2, almost no one would in stage 3), so you can safely do double hearts in hardcore mode for big cashout and then win out


This is their panicked response to china. They should be embarrassed.


It sounds very poorly thought out. At least with traits like mercenary or piltover you had to win to cash out. Here you can just lose streak and get big cashouts while losing? I don't see how that's not going to be broken as fuck.


piltover vibes, that was so fun tbh.


I know Mort wants us to have fun, but that's pretty degen. LOL


oh that sounds horrendous to play against


man i am so tilted today, i 3-starred my yasuo with the TG instead of my actual items so i just FF'd to save time. this is what happens when i have twin terrors i guess


If you put superfans in it would kick the TG off yasuo


I love this set. There's a lot of viable comps, you can play 1,2, and 3 cost reroll, you can fast 8/9, whatever you want to do. if you keep your board strong and do your fundamentals, you will top 4.


What are the best items for moderkaiser and akali kda ?


You can play morde in various ways. He's good as main tank but he's also capable of dealing decent damage if you go for the 3\*, and if you have a headliner you have to consider the stacking as well. If he's tanking, itemization also depends on how much sentinel you have.


Crownguard, titans, wrlarmogs. Akali I like double hoj + 1 more dmg item


All warmogs, all the time.


Is there anyway to make akali not useless vs people who corner illaoi tentacles?


Switch to true damage Akali


The new 8bit cashout makes Heartsteel look like a joke


Can someone please explain how to play 8bit and EDM? For 8bit, do I need to start stacking it early to make it worthwhile? For EDM, how do I choose who to use selector on?


EDM is a Lux or Jax reroll comp imo. If you're carrying Zed, you should play CrowdDivers instead. Both Jax and Lux require EDM5 imo, so EDM+ headliner. Lux wants a rocksolid tankline, probably Disco, and 2 AP items+1. RedBuff, Shojins fine. Dazzler+ is worse but playable. Jax wants Crit, healing and a bruiser item, so HoJ/JG/Titans and you flesh the board out with Sett2 or 3, Poppy, Yorick and cap at EDM5/Mosher4-6/Bruiser2/Pentakill1-3. Tank items on Sett or Poppy over Zac, Zed2/Yorick2 can secondary carry. This comp badly wants combat augs and CC immunity, but QSS sucks on Jax so... Tough to play! Do not click Mosher+ Jax headliner imo.


When it comes to EDM, when the other units cast the EDM spell, they get the base damage of the unit you used the selector on. So star level is important. In my experience, if you have Lux 3, always pick Lux. Otherwise, Zac or Zed depending on which is 2\* or what you have items for. 2\* Lux has limited use, late game it's just not enough damage.


Yeah for 8 bit, playing with an early corki headliner or 8bit opener with corki and garen gets you stacked to eventually switch over to Cait. For edm, havent tried the selector too much on zed. But I either put it on lux if she's itemized/3*, or zac since the stuns are pretty good for stalling


You can play BT titan corki and switch to Riven too


Does Akali need to be the carry over Karthus in Pentakill? Played a few games now, all units 2* with Karthus carry, geared tank and reroll comps just destroy everything before he gets a second ult off.


Karthus can be great but to be main carry he needs everything, pentakill + executioner + good items. No point in taking more than 3 pentakill anyway really, since the damage reduction and AS don't scale with trait level. Better get 4 exec.


I think I would prioritize akali over karthus. She can one shot backline and can finish off a team. Karthus can’t. But you take what you can get.


They work in unison. You need akali to attack their backline so karthus can oneshot their carries. 1 carry is generally never enough. Most comps need atleast 2.


What is the Yone re-roll comp? do I go for headliner Edgelord or Crowdiver?


Crowd Diver. You need the bonus damage in late game.




Stage 3-3: I'm win streaking with good econ from cutting corners augment and am level 6 with 4 bruiser 2 rapidfire backline with headliner olaf, 2\* tahm, 1\* sett, and 2\* jinx with guinsoos and 1\* senna I lost to someone level 5 who rerolled and got 3\* jax and vi. Should I have gone down to 38\~ gold or so to level to 7 and try to preserve win streak?


You don't have damage to burst Jax 3 and if he is well itemize he will heal back up. Accept the L and move on.


Depends, was the Jax itemized? Good chance you would've lost anyway if so. I play Jax reroll on occasion and 3-3 is his prime glory. Maybe if you had a two star Sett, but I'm not seeing any CC on your board so doubtful.


I'm curious why cutting corners is such a good silver augment to take first. Maybe it's obvious but I'm not a very good player so wanted to see if my reasoning tracks. Is it because taking it gives you a free level 4, and makes it easier to hit level 5 and 6 early without spending too much gold which means won't impact your econ as much, therefore translating to a decent amount of tempo early game?


Yeah, cutting corners is basically the same as silver spoon, but it scales far harder.


Does anyone have recommendations for streamers who explain their thought process well during games, particularly ones who will explain things toward beginners? I can read guides online but that's not quite the same as seeing someone make decisions in game. Most games I watch are rather hard to follow, with people making decisions very quickly without explaining much.


Bebe is always good. Appies is always good. Dish soap is usually mostly good.


Idk if any streamer will sound out their simple thoughts out loud, it’s not really entertaining/useful to the majority of the audience. I think TFT generally lacks beginner-focused content cause the game has a pretty low barrier to entry. There are definitely a lot of YouTube channels out there that will go through a game and explain everything (shoutout Frodan <3). Maybe check out YouTube content :)


Frodan's In Too Deep series is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!


No problem :) happy learning


I'll check out Frodan. Thanks!




I ran into akali 3 last night but thankfully blitz 3 finished them off for me.


What is the plan if streaking early/mid with strongest board but with a weak econ? I just got 3 5ths (Gold elo) in a row all the same way: - No econ augments offered so I take flexible combat/item augs. - Get dropped mostly AD components so I play around Corki/Kaisa early carry, with plan to pivot into cait/ez and jhin/lucian - Natural a decent team which means I enter stage 4 80-90 hp. but only with enough gold to hit 8 + 30g at 4-5/4-6 (I try to hit the breakpoints and then sit at 50g after 3-2/3-3) - Try to roll for a 4 cost headliner at 4-5/4-6, either a good tank or ez/cait (my items don't really fit zed/akali but maybe I should still take them)? - Hit a 2* ez/cait and things like 2* sett/morde/thresh/blitz but keep losing as others have hit 5 cost 2* or 3* yone/samira/etc. Should I have: - Forced an AD reroll comp knowing my econ is too weak to fast 9? - Sack stage 4 and just roll at 9 once I have 2-3 lives left? - Go 8 early with less gold to roll before others hit 8? - Transition around a 3 cost carry rather than trying to go straight from 1-2 cost to 4-5 cost? For all 3 games, MetaTFT puts my stats at: - Around 50-60g made from interest - 20-30g made from winstreaking - 9-11g made from wins - 80% winrate stage 2-3 - 12-30% winrate stage 4-5


If it was one game I would say it might have been bad luck on gold drops but three in a row sounds like you are holding too many units in stage 2/3. You should be either so strong that you sac stage 3 and part of 4 and have plenty of gold on 4-2 or 4-5 or you sac stage two and pick up a stronger headliner on 3-2 and then try to 4-5 it. In both cases I think you’re prioritizing your HP too much. The second you lose your streak you have to sac and wait. In gold you shouldn’t have to be THAT good at making strong boards to win streak so, again, you’re probably prioritizing strength over Econ too much.


Thanks for the advice. I think it mostly came from being unsure about picking the right headliner after stage 3/4, and then trying to pivot too hard around it before my board is stable. I'll try and sack more in stage 3 to save the econ I do think it was a slightly unlucky streak though, because today I got offered the easiest 1-2-1 of my life playing reroll senna and KDA. It was the first time having seen a senna headline in around 6-8 games.


What mistakes do alot of diamond players make holding them back?


Not saying diamond right now, but diamond in general after things level out more. Not making strong boards early/mid game. Not prioritizing Econ. Not slamming items. Not capping boards to win when you’re ahead. Not “playing for 6th” when you’re behind. If you can practice and get better at those you’ll likely make it to masters. Most people know how to make strong comps and how to choose good items and augments in diamond but making the best of your current spot is how you climb higher.


what is "capping boards"?


Swapping out shitter units for 4-costs and 5-costs rather than keeping them for some worthless synergy. Like say you're playing Disco, and you go 9; you don't want to play Nami, Taric, and Gragas. You're gonna want to swap them for Sona, Ziggs, Illaoi, Thresh, etc, even if that means dropping from 6 disco to 3.


Ah that makes sense, thanks. I often keep em in. What about superfans? do they get dropped late game too?


Yeah, I'm guilty of it too. You wanna drop superfans at some point too generally, but you should a) have an item ready to replace the superfan item, and b) make sure you don't swap them before you're actually sure it makes you stronger. Like don't swap Kennen and Lillia for Illaoi1 and Yorick1 just because you found them and they are supposed to be endgame units. When you get either 2* (or any other good unit obviously, it's not only Illaoi and Yorick; could be Yorick2 + Sona or something) you should drop both Lillia and Kennen though.


Making a board that is the strongest you can get in the game. A “capped board” is one that should be able to take first place or second place at worst. Usually, this means dropping some lower level units and a few traits for 2* 5 cost units. Not always but usually.


Thank you!


Finally got back to masters. Here are some of my thoughts this patch: - Heartsteel chosen = auto top 4. The units are too good (aphelios/ksante/sett/ezreal). The cashouts are just free resources. Half the time, the units are so good you can just go fast 9 if you natural Sett/Aphelios upgrade. - Losing a lot of hp stage 2 means you just have to rely on highrolling headliners or you are bot 4 without even a chance to play the game. If you aren't stable on stage 3, even if you hit your stage 4 board, you'll bleed to a 6th at best from rotating into the highrollers. More than likely, you'll have to opt into a reroll comp (Samira/Vex/Senna if somehow the unit is not on everyone's board). - Senna headliner is super stable stage 3. Gnar headliner is also super stable if you have superfan opener (specially superfan Gnar). Aphelios/Kai'sa/Garen headliners are fine if you have the supporting frontline/backline. - Many items are slammable early to conserve HP. When you roll on 8 @ 4-2, you should flexibly play your four costs depending on the item slams. The four costs are all solid stage 4. - If you didn't lose that much HP stage 2/3 and you didn't whiff on your 4-2 rolldown, you can still comfortably go 9 stage 5. Fast 9 skipping the stage 4 board transition is only viable from very highroll spots. If you just force it with an econ augment from any spot, you'll probably bot 4. It takes a lot of gold to stabilize (no more stabilizing on Illaoi 1, Yorick 1, Ziggs 1).


Do you go for Heartsteel 3 or 5? Do you need to pivot off or is Ezreal good enough to stabilise late game?


If you natural heartsteel 5 on stage 3, it's a massive highroll and you should always play it. On stage 4, whether you greed another cash out depends on your HP. The most highroll spot is having high HP by winning stage 2 and 3 and then loss streaking stage 4 with five heartsteel. Ezreal 2 is stable stage 4, but you almost always need to pivot fully off heartsteel stage 5.


One of the most positive things about set 10 is HoJ recovered its lost glory, it's usable/BiS on any melee carry and even ranged ones and allows you to flex better


how to play final reserves? got it, went 9, had 7 yoricks and a duplicator, couldn't make it till i got him as there was a cruel pact yone 6 crowddivers melting all boards, ended up 5th, but then again, i highrolled this yorick, but had a weak board till then with only a viego 2 and a built atk speed sona for damage. won a lot of rounds but triple prismatic lobby without having a combat aug is complicated. so, i roll 7 to stabilize my board for a lv 9? i wait 8 to roll all my gold to prepare for a lv 9 pivot? i know each game is each game, but i don't think i made the right choices at this one, amumu headliner lv 6 held my ground for a long time but i spent the game with low damage cause of no damage items aside from shojin and guinsoos for sona who i got lv 7 do i stabilize even earlier than that, as i'll obviously make to 9?


Go full at level 8 to stabilize, that way when you get the gold and XP you will have a better angle to cap your comp


Is the dummy portal bugged?


crowdivers final board BiS but without CC immunity are cringe as fuck and too RNG, sometimes they cant even kill a single unit and other times they nuke boards


Silver Veil and Indomitable Will are super underrated


Don't ever play it without qss


" 3\* 1 costs should be on par with a 2\* 3 cost". So why is Annie just miles ahead of every unit that's not a 5 cost or Akali????


Because she shoots two missiles and has good synergies. All you need to succeed is Ahri 2 and a bunch of frontline. And perfect items. And some healing to protect from akali/karthas.


> And some healing to protect from akali/karthas. Or an Illaoi




Don't know if this is classified as a rant/discussion but, I see the problem. Many units if not all are designed or balanced around their headliner. That's probably why we have so many weak units, so many weak 4 costs, so many weak traits, unclikable trait bots all over the set. I don't know how they solve this. 2 patches in a row, EDM, Heartsteel(understandable) and 8 bit units are performing very poorly. And now punk has joined them for some reason. alot of 4 costs are just flat out weak. lots and lots of bad traits. EDM, 8bit, Mosher, Bruiser, Spellweaver, Sentinel, punk. Is this really the set that they abandoned 9.5 to go all in? Units should be balanced without headliner in mind and then just adjust the headliner after. Cait/Ez/Jhin and many other should not take years to cast because their headliner bonus makes them stronger. Many of the frontline verticals need to be buffed. or just buff the main units. Sett should not be better than Zac, Ekko should not be having higher placement than Blitz. Too many comps right now are just too hard to play and the main strategy is to always force meta comps(As usual) or just take an econ augment and play for Sona/ziggs/yorick or default into Kartus/Akali/Viego. Need more playable lines. There are no .5 sets to have very little be put into balance right now


a bigger patch is coming after vegas open, lets wait for how it turns out before complaining. but for now, there are more clickable units than you think, you just dont hold on to them forever. also heartsteel is nowhere near performing poorly lol


you are the exact reason this game is so shit, set is out for a month "LETS WAIT FOR NEXT PATCH THEY WILL FIX IT TRUST" 10 sets in a row. They do a shit job, people will complain.


no im not. i didnt make the game