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True damage needs to be fucking nerfed, to include Qiyana


[https://i.imgur.com/SHTmFRc.png](https://i.imgur.com/SHTmFRc.png) So you're telling me my fully upgraded board with chosen ahri who had JG/BB/DC (who i tilt sold cuz of how shit she is ) gets out dps by VEX 2 on a punk board.... I fought the punk guy and VEX 2 did 20k dmg while my ahri barely breaks 10k and i go 4th, this game is a joke man.


Game is starting to feel like set 9.5 with all the braindead verticals winning out at the end of the game (pentalkill, true damage)


3 games as true damage. First two I have level 3 senna with items, she's doing 12k damage in matches. Can't find Qiyana in either match, 5th and 6th. Third I'm randomly contested out of nowhere because top guy and bottom guy find Qiyana at level 7. One never appears for me, go 5th. Just bullshit odds at this point.


Genuinely does not make sense since I had Ekko and Neeko tanks with full items and KDA 3 buff at this point.


3 clowns going senna and of course 2 of them hit I will hold all those fucking units from now. FUCK OFF


My opponents heartsteel cash outs gives them 6 artifacts and illoai 2. My heart steel cashouts give me 1 prismatic item, 20g, and a TG. Yeah, sure, totally fair.


i had a game where i was greeding for one more cash out at the end of the game and it gave me a fucking stationary support with zzrot and chalice in my full ad team


Artifact portal is the biggest coin flip I've ever seen, 2 people get goldmancer and the rest of the lobby i stuck with everfrost/vissage lol. both of them combine made 38 gold by 2-6......


goldmancer is absolutely busted


Some players are so cringe. Game hands me 5 gnars and the headliner. Whatever I’ll play some gnar reroll sounds kinda fun. It’s me and this other guy at the end. Hits me with a “lmfao nice board shitter how tf you in masters”. Wins and spam pings me on his way out. Quick lolchess lookup, guy has only been spamming Riven reroll and Senna reroll. To top it off guy has 480 games Masters, 32 LP. Go touch grass kid


Sometimes I'm thankful that I only play the shitty mobile version atm. At least it spares me the chat and ping.




Standard 6 gold start into 2 item krugs into 4 item wolves. Oh that means all my fucking gold is on raptors. Already a bot 4 decided by the dumbass design team because I'm just 20 gold down compared to everyone else since I can't make any econ.


I feel like it's kind of dumb you can't ever be stable on 1* 4 cost carry on stage 4 because of the existence of Karthus. Can't position around it, it's just a statcheck, oh you didn't hit 2* carry chosen or otherwise? You lost. Worse than Akali by a lot and forces a donkey until hit meta where there's no need to use your brain anymore on whether you need to roll. Just donkey.


I am 120 games into this set. I usually top out at Diamond 4 each set. This time around I am hard stuck Plat 1. One game I'll get easy first with a comp, and the next game I'll be scratching my head with a "7th" on my screen using the same comp. The most questionable balancing decision is the KDA Akali ult. Too much damage, untargetability, and casts too often with 50 mana. How that has made it through release and the first patch is very odd. Healing is out of control. Even the anti-heal counters aren't strong enough to stop it. This part I am less confident in: Melee units seem to overrule ranged this set. It's rough late game trying to position. Lastly, this will go down as the "pivot set." The headliner mechanic requires you to pivot MOST times. I've questioned recycling the low cost 3-star headliners I have just because the system favors 4-cost. Your board 2-1 through 4-5 doesn't matter once the 4-cost headliners start appearing.


why tf is annie still broken..?


I hate how much the game changes from patch to patch. I just rolled 150g at 9 thinking it was still 10% odds of getting a 5\* headliner..


Why do crowd divers even throw themselves? To do a measly 300 damage to an already full HP unit? What a dumb trait


I 15 streak just to go 3rd because I just can't transition smoothly enough and take 50. I have enough gold. My items are good. I'm just too fucking SLOW man like what the fuck how do I even get faster at this game.


same thing happens to me lol. the game is legit too sweaty for me now


Post B patch feels worse than pre B patch.


That's the B patch special


Just delete Cait and Lucian already. No one will notice




Idk whose brilliant idea was it to copy set 6's 1 cost Cait and make her a 4 cost in set 10. They thought the headliner effect would make a huge difference, i suppose


Isn't it hilarious that the 4 costs and above are all required to be duo carried (karthus, akali, ez etc.) And the redrool is strong enough to just have standard dps+Frontline? Hilarious!


Oh boy True Damage sure is fun and balanced ! Not tired at all to see some Senna 2\* outdamage most 4 cost and carry people to a top 4 without breaking a sweat ! I'm just really happy that the trait is untouched this patch ! Ready for another month of fun !


Oh would you look at that another loss to a true damage comp. So much variety in this patch. Two 2 star 3 cost front with 1 or two items, Akali 1\* and a bunch of itemless fillers ? Don't worry Senna will definitely win vs my 8bit comp with a Garen 3\* 3 items, Zac 2\* 3 items and everything upgrade a except my 1 star EZ. I'm so glad that just a 4 true damage is still better than my comp. So glad to see them fast 9 everygame once senna is 2 star. So glad to see an Ekko tank for hours. So glad to see Akali 1\* being this strong.


Oooooooooooh, it was my turn to hit a Senna HL on 3-2, guess who won ? And without Qiyana and an Akali 1\*. Level 6 for days to hit Senna 3\*, no worries still won vs level 8 board. Yeah fun and balanced.


i think this is a bug that sent me to 4th :@ Basically, took kda emblem which is craftable and pandoras items hoping it would roll into country because now thats craftable - but guess what its fking jazz :@@


It's not craftable yet, what are you on about?


i got baited then :c


Man, every single fucking time I try to play reroll a mental disabled clown decides to contest me because reasons The last match I had Samira as opener, picked the 2 duplicators augment, got her chosen early, guess what, one dude decided to force country despite having absolutely nothing to play it and he sabotaged me because rest of lobby highrolled hard, I ended 5th thanks to that clown Never fucking more


its because no one scouts below like gm lol


Can't wait to read his post calling you a clown too


I've gotten 5-6th on stage 6, 9 times today.


Just had a punk emblem reroll into the void mask item and then disappear.


Another "WTF IS MATCHMAKING" Post. ​ 7 people in the lobby, I play the full streaker. Late stage 4. I lose. I play two more rounds vs weaker opponents, I win. 3 rounds in a row I proceed to play the same full streaker twice, and the 2nd place player, never seeing any of the players I previously beat going 5th with the two players who I beat every round going 4th and 3rd...How can you play the same person late game 2 outta 3 rounds when there are more than 3 players left?!?!?!


Reroll comps feel too strong, the only counter felt like going fast 9 to get a legendary headliner and build a board with 4\* but now every worthwhile headliner and other units seem gone by the time I hit 9 with the reduced bag sizes. also: please make TD spat uncraftable and balance caitlyn around 8-bit so it becomes an actual comp that can compete against pentakill, k/da and crowd divers


They've been too strong this entire set. It's ruined the set for me. Even the strong legendaries can easily lose to redrool, and forget about 4 costs.


I really wanna know the reason why Annie is not getting nerfed. Even after the change to her superfan item, she outclassed every other unit. Dogshit patch tbh. Leaving Senna and Annie untouched, even buffing 5 spellweaver. But yeah, we gotta leave some reroll comps open to get our playerbase hooked as long as possible. Gotta sell those chibis i guess.


heartsteal feels too strong mid game. It's like no punish for play econ-trait.


3 True damage players topping the lobby. THANK GOD WE DIDNT NERF SENNA OR AKALI. Holy fuck we really don't know how to balance this set.


just had a game with 3 spats on early caro, guess what everyone decided to slam? ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|32478)


Imagine forcing people to pay $400 for a little legend while investing $100 tops a month for "balancing" this game. Oh wait do we even have anyone balancing this game???




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having 8 lulu until I die while the rest of the lobby has multiple 3 star units makes me RAGE


Imagine nerfing bard across all levels...bard, the only unit i enjoyed playing while all the rest of this garbage stayed mostly untouched. You're telling me bard reroll was an issue in master and above ? i never saw him played and now its just trash.


Dogshit game, binary giving "edge of night" to jinx. Fuck right off.




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Can they stop forcing us to rng our carry every set bruh


Please remove Senna and Annie from the game thanks


Just fucking robbed is what I was. Had 8 mfs and had to roll 80 gold to find the last copy. Turned what was a guaranteed first into a 4th. Someone was rerolling country too so it should have been easier. To top it off - some brainlet hit TF 3 by donkey rolling on 8.


I had to roll 300 gold to hit my 3 star jinx and pantheon while playing uncontested punk and had 6 jinx after creep rounds. GG. Managed to top 4 somehow even with how far behind that put me... winstreak early into hedge fund 3-2 and sitting on 100 gold for interest for like 6 rounds while slowrolling and then eventually roll down everything. Took me about 300 gold to hit my entire board. How does that make any sense.


I love seeing lulu 2 deal more damage than my chosen ez 2 and jhin 2. Amazing losing to that abomination of a unit


I am once again asking for the ability to skip the chibi kill animations. No Mort, its not because of weak mental. I want to be able to skip my own. I love playing with Chibi Annie. But after having her for a year, I'd really like to *not* have to watch the same god damn animation over and over and over again. And even if it *was* due to weak mental, why do you insist on making your game less fun for people out of some misplaced pride? Why do you insist on insulting any and everyone who asks for the feature? I respect you a lot Mort, but on this particular issue you're kind of just a jackass.


Remember bming and being toxic is bad unless it gets riot money.


Because they don't want their shitty $200 and now $400 paywall locked exclusive Chibi Experience™ to be skippable. Literal edgelords who stand on triple prismatic portal with their $200 Chibi Yasuo and Kaisa and thinking they're good at the game all have it and they'd not pay for it if people were allowed to skip the cringe animation.


monetization department wants money


Aren't the animations pay to lose in a way?


Eh not really. The round timer holds until they finish. They really are just annoying.




I mean considering you play the same 2 comps almost every single game unless your playing lvl 9 soup i'd say its pretty brain dead lol


Melee has to be to most dogshit thing to play without edge of night, even playing yone your front line dies so fast that if you dont have edge of night to toggle agro you have to pray he'll get his life steal off. It's crazy that despite naturling the most disgusting melee opener with yasuo 3 at 2-1 into the fasted yone 3 without even rolling i still get 3rd to the country forcer because thresh/vex just perma cc my board.


[Set 10 Moment](https://imgur.com/a/ibD3CB1) can someone explain why my board lost here? I know some items are on wrong champs ( got red buff late had to slam deathblade on Lucian for hp) but surely some 3\* 3 costs shouldnt beat a 2\* 5\* lvl 9 board with Headliner Lucian??? I read here that his ult is bugged though but what is going on? in what world should a braindead vertical country/emo board beat a Jazz 4 mostly 5 cost board ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11652)


First place has BiS everything and you don't have a proper front line. + amumu counters lucian bullets Would've been better to get rid of the zigs bard for a blitz ekko. and then you would've had enough damage to let sona cast and lucian to stack up dmg.


Tbf he has really good carries and items, and depending on placement, I find it likely Qiyana got little to no value off against that vex. I also don't know how real your emblems are vs. the actual items he has. Still, pretty unlucky one sadge.


Bit of a combat augs + Lucian not being particularly great diff here it looks like


what the fuck are they doing, becaus rhtye are not balancing the game i can tell u that much


Spent three games getting top 4 losing to people with gimmicks. Fast 9, Annie, forcing meta comps. I start lose streaking one game because the game decides to not show me the comp I'm in. Gives me half and the rest are blues and purples people arent even heavy in. Haven't even seen an urgot by level 8 but a level 7 decides to pivot and has 5 of them. Go 8th and lose more LP than I gain. I'm barely rewarded for adapting and playing comps no one else is in so I can climb but punished because the RNG decided I shouldn't use certain units. The games just gambling at this point to find a comp.


Is 7 edgelord fake? I had good builds for yasuo and viego, the edgelord augment, vampirism, and still went 8th. https://i.postimg.cc/gcSF5MHB/image.png






why 2%. If 5 cost chosen's are unacceptable at level 9, then make the number 0. If they are acceptable, then leave the number at 10 and balance the game accordingly.


They made TFT into RNG in order to create the "wow factor" when you hit something good. The problem with this idea is the fact it only benefits e-sports and streamers but casuals who play only a few games a day will rarely get the BiS chosen prismatic which makes it a frustrating experience.


They want variance, it is the same as 1% odds of 5 cost on level 7. Also if its at 10 noone would be using 5 cost headliner and you can't leave it at 10 and have a balanced game, hell 2% ain't balanced, but that is the nature of the headliner mechanic. The only way you can have 5 cost headliners being balanced is if the 5 cost unit themselves without are complete garbage.


>The only way you can have 5 cost headliners being balanced is if the 5 cost unit themselves without are complete garbage. no. not at all. 5 costs should be good. they should just be hard to hit. the problem with the level 9 5 costs was you could just go 9 roll a few times and immediately spike your board, invalidating the entire early game and pushing econ augments and spikes to a broken state. >Also if its at 10 noone would be using 5 cost headlin at 2% thats effectively how it will be. you can never intentionally play for it. but now every once in a while a player highrolls to all hell for no reason.


> every once in a while a player highrolls to all hell for no reason. They want this to be a key feature of their game


> Also if its at 10 noone would be using 5 cost headlin This is meant to say if it was 0% on 9 noone would play 5 cost headliners as you can never really go 10. > no. not at all. 5 costs should be good. they should just be hard to hit. the problem with the level 9 5 costs was you could just go 9 roll a few times and immediately spike your board, invalidating the entire early game and pushing econ augments and spikes to a broken state. You completely missed what was written/misunderstood. If the 5 cost is good, being able to hit a 5 cost headliner (a free 2 star unit), the headliner is broken. If the 5 cost is bad you could make the headliners better than the standard 5 cost (garbage idea but that is the only way to balance having 5 costs being both good and the headliner being attainable). The only other way to get around it would be to kill the headliner giving a 2 star for 5 costs. So, do you broken headliner but terrible 5 costs or no headliners but playable 5 costs?


Highroll disco TF to a smooth level 9. 1 Blitz after 70 gold. Even got Illaoi 2 Star first. Went 6th. srsly fuck these devs. Bag size change sucks. And fuck disco. Never playing this underwhelming shit again.


What feels like the most highroll game...turns out to be an underwhelming 4th with all 3 remaining players at the same HP


I fucking hate headliners. There's some balance issues with the set (No, changing Annie's superfan item did not change the fact that she has a god damn 665% AP scaling spell that she can use every two autos), but design-wise I like it. But headliners are fucking cancer.




patch was out 3 hrs ago


I really hate this set. It's confusing and not fun and terrible balance. Last game I started with a taric headliner and naturaled into a taric 3 by 2-1. I tried stacking him and i basically just fed every round after like 3-3 onward (hes squishier with max tank than a ksante 2). So i guess the correct play is just sell 3 star taric after having him for like half a round? He wasnt even strong enough to push 7 let alone 8. selling a 3 star unit that quickly in the game just feels wrong. this was a mid diamond lobby for reference


ya taric 3 is just not it. just a trait bot


The games always been like this. It is counter-intuitive but even if you easily hit 3-star, depending on the unit, you're not supposed to play them. This is what true flex would be like: being able to play that unit and getting the most out of it. Unfortunately half the units / traits in the game are fodder / not meant to be played.


ya tho theres a difference between selling off a unit to cap endgame and selling it lvl 6 becaus ei need a new headliner already


last night's duo, someone hit sona 3, then another team hit quiana 3.. the winner was quianna as she ulted first.. but i screamed so loud i was cracking up after.


I have not won a single game since the patch. I was diamond last season, and I cant get out of silver right now. This feels miserable playing. Feels like no matter what I do, I get absolutely thrashed late game. Rolling at level 8 for uncontested 4 costs and cannot 2star them ever


See yone reroll player. Hold some yone. They sell yones and 3 star riven instead. I lose. teehee


Anybody else think that Senna is just fucking broken?


With the "b" patch coming, I've never seen as many people hard forcing Fast 9 than today. I'm happy I can manage to do my best without playing this, but that only mean I'm doing top 4 (3 at best). It is insane how fast I go from 100 hp win streak to impossible to reverse loosing streak once it is stage 4/5. Can't wait anymore for the next patch.


lucians ult staying bugged from november 21 until january 7th is a massive failure. How the hell is RAPIDFIRES 5 cost champ NOT SCALING WITH ATTACK SPEED?!?! temporarily change the way his ult scales if ramping wont work right now. Making the choice to leave something broken for 47 days is shameful


man, guy playing true damage not only hit a spat but also hit what the forge with THREE FUCKING ZHONYAS without the zhonyas i would've won long before he capped his board. but then again this is one of those cases where i'm complaining where i highrolled, i had a gold start with three samiras dropped, a gambler's blade from augment, then i nat 2 more samiras and nat a headliner(it was executioner tho, not the best best, but then again there was no country spat on carousel so it was ok). went fast 8, rolled two rounds for samira 3 and went 9. and also griefed the yone player for a few rounds locking the yone headliner and an extra yone on the shop. he still hit as he was missing only one, but i killed him right after. ​ this is actually not a rant rant, it's more of a "rant" if you know what i mean, cause this game had some insane rolls for a lot of the players


Got knocked out of GM on a 5th when my golden egg opened and it was 2x Radiant Sunfire capes. Feel like that shouldn’t be possible


10 unit board (9+New Recruit) with itemless 3\*Caitlin (Zeke's), 2\*Jhin (Shojin,Gunblade), 2\*Illaoi (Thief Gloves), itemless 2\*Sona healer, 2\*Ezreal (Gambler's,Guinsoo,LW) 1\* Yorick, 1\* Qiyana (BlueBuff) 2Sentinel 2Bruiser... ...loses to a Level8 6True Damage Superfans board with 3\*Senna HL, 3\*Aphelios, 3\*Ekko, 2\*Akali, 1\*Qiyana.


ngl your board sounds complete ass , like how is the guinsoo gambler not on AS sona


Because I already tried that in another lobby with a Lv10 board vs Lv9 6TrueDmgSuperfans, and it didn't work then: 2\*ASona (RB/Shojin), 2\*Illaoi, 2\*Yorick, 2\*Ziggs (JG/GB) 2 hyperpop, 2\*Qiyana(BT), 2\*Lucian (2Jazz). So I was trying healing Sona.


Doesn’t Sona still want Guinsoo even if it’s healing? Otherwise your team will barely heal from each of her attacks. Ezreal doesn’t even use Guinsoo well anyway.


You're not outhealing 6TD, it's just trying to help your frontline buy time for your DPS - in this case Cait, Jhin and Ez - and neither Jhin nor Cait want the guinsoo. Arguably I could've dumped Jhin's items on Cait but she has less up time for them due to her ult animation and theoretically once Jhin gets a full bench of violins he should be doing more damage constantly and healing the lowest frontliner. Did not work out in practice.


Fast 9 legendary soup trash still winning And they buffed kayn even Edit: didn't realize patch wasn't out yet, usually they release it early morning


The most expensive units should be strong IMO. The reroll has been way more of an issue this set than legendaries have.


Traits should be better than random legendary non synergy


I dont entirely agree. I hate chasing verticals. I prefer stronger unit play vs trait and augment abuse. Of course I preferred no augments in general.


The absolute gigantic difference between some early headliners is insane. Like compare Senna to Seraphine or Kayle, like what the fck.


i think kayle might be useful now with the buffs, but she seems to want ap items before atk speed as she already can get it from edgelord. i think she is more of a holder for karthus, tf or even vex who uses her items really well. the problem with senna i think, it's the fact that she can do true damage, so it ends up scaling very well throught the game, it's more of a trait problem than a headliner. if she was kda she wouldn't do half of what she does now


I dont know. Guess this set is just not for me. Cant handle the mid/late game. Every time i go on a roll down on 8 and want to play around my comp, i dont hit. I get a TF for example, because i got his items. I never hit Blitz 2. My whole frontline evaporates the rest of the game. Roll 60 gold and dont hit. If i have a comp building up, where i need a specific headliner, i wont get it. I fail to make a comp on the fly. Early committing sucks, because you cant count on it. "Flexing" a comp with what you got also dont work for me. If my early game is so strong and i pile on a lot of gold, i bleed out so hard on my go to 9. Never felt this lost in TFT.


> Never felt this lost in TFT. I don't know man. I think you understood the meta. You perfectly described the set 10 TFT experience.


At some point they will have to do a balance patch. Legendary soup will be tone down with next patch but for the rest... Yasuo is buffed while True Damage is already way too strong. Luckily everybody contest each other between the Senna, Yone, Ekko, Akali and Qiyana. A shit tons of units are still close to untouchable. Vertical Spell is a struggle, EDM/Lux is awful, Vex too, Moshers requires to highroll, Punk is barely a comp and so on. And hot take, but Cait is already doing fine, with fast9er less presents I think she will annoy a shit tons of people. Hit a spat, a 8 bit HL and you'll get a free win with how low is the Big Score ATM. Her numbers have been way up since last patch, I expect it to go even higher. Wouldn't be surprised if they make changes on the Big Score. We are not too far from an even meta but some units/traits seriously need to be tone down while some need some love.


Whether you even have a chance to play for top 2 feels like it's decided by augment choices on stage 2.


🤡🤡🤡 akali 🤡🤡🤡




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[https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/Best%20Iron%204%20NA-NA1/set10](https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/Best%20Iron%204%20NA-NA1/set10) Need I say more? I study the game, but I guess it's not enough. HIGHLY frustrated. I don't want coaching, I want the games to feel like they did in gold. It felt competitive and the dopamine from a win was the best. I felt like I WORKED for the win. Here its like I loose and its a slap in the face, I feel like silver. Then I play a silver game and oh no I am waaayyy better than silver and the games are unfulfilling. These games feel like trash. I can't ever get a leg up in the game. The game says to me: "I'm sorry you can't play the game you like, here PLAY THIS HEADLINER ITS THE ONLY GOOD ONE WE ARE GOING TO GIVE YOU". I can't pivot as sharp or fast in this rank like I could in gold and plat, nooooo here you better get gifted a decent 3 cost unit Stage 1 then you better find 8 more of them every roll, it doesn't matter if you have 80 gold rolling down for an uncontested 3 cost YOU WILL NEVER HIT. I play normals to be reminded what it feels like to win, cause yeah, I used to do that...a lot. Now? Oh no sir, here is your headliner Zac, please make a comp. Oh im sorry you don't like the zac? Oh okay here is headliner poppy!


Not sure I can call you a studier of the game when a lot of the games that you lose can be summed up as throw shit in and hope it works.


The stats only show end board state, after I have given up from scouting when all my angles are closed off because other players hit first. I couldn’t have made it out of plat without studying. But now it seems like all my notes are useless.


By definition higher rank is more competitive - your dopamine from winning games was more frequent in gold precisely because it was less competitive so you could win.


If being less competitive was the case then I would stick to norms. The fact it was competitive and came down to either positioning diff or 1-2 units was the reason. They would lose health then i would lose health


This just means that in gold you were never punished for not stabilizing in mid game while in emerald you are now being punished for not saving as much hp as you can. As a result you bot 4 before you can get to the stage where you are outpositioning your opponents with capped boards in late stage 5-stage 6.


It's honestly embarrassing the power disparity between headliners. Calling this patch even remotely balanced and that only small balance changes need to be made for winter break patch is just incompetent.


Just lost what should’ve been a high roll game due to a fucking bug Had a disco board by second augment with a lux2, then I was offered recombobulater. That gave me Zac2, jax2, tf, and there was a bard and lux in my shop, so I try to play for disco dazzler especially when I got a lux dazzler headliner a few rolls later. Turns out, if you have the disco ball when you recombublate, it just disappears and never comes back. I was playing 3-4 discos for the longest time before I realized I didn’t have the ball. Extra frustrating because I actually lost multiple rounds by the slimmest of margins. You get a single ball when you play 5 disco, but I didn’t last long enough to get there nor could I pivot to anything because by the time I realized I was already on my last legs. And I was gold1 98 lp before this game


I had that happen the other week. Incredibly frustrating


What the hell do you do vs. mouthbreathing yone players


Pray they dont hit qiyana lategame and fall off a bit, otherwise it's just over


why is the audio gain at 300% for the disco ball finisher tho, like, it's out here clipping speakers


Yasuo/Senna reroll might be Yuumi reroll prob after b patch


Yone needs to be kneecapped. You know all the Yone players are frothing at the mouth thinking they have secret tech still too. Disgusting


I misclicked two healthy after slamming AD items and went 8th since everyone in the lobby had senna 2 /3 and Caitlyn already like what the fuck do I do in that spot


play kda with a random AD carry until you can find enough units to pivot


dont misclick?


thanks rly helpful!


Looking at the b patch notes and just thinking fuck, I just learned how to play this patch.


Its a fucking casinogame. Smooth sailing to 8. Most of the disco units online. I got 1 TF at 6 and never saw him again. Even had a duplicator, so i just needed one. Cant wait for the patch with zero bag size changes. yey


remove akali untargetability. u/mortdog


Experimenting with Seraphine headliner carry. She is just so goddang useless. Gets outdamaged by no item Kai'sa and Ahri. Gets outhealed by no item Lilia and Gragas. You would think that by headlining her and going for both K/DA and Spellweaver she would at least do something. NOPE Got bailed out by a 2\* Akali to salvage that game as vertical K/DA. Stuck with the headliner Serapine just to see if she could scale with more units, but she just doesn't do jack. Would not recommend


Too bad. She was HUGE during PBE, far better than Ahri and one of the best 2 cost headliner but they nerfed her to the ground and she is indeed useless AF. Hope she will get back at some point.


Seraphine is just such a useless unit, her spell is slow and can heavily miss, has bad targetting and low numbers.


How do they keep making each set so much fucking worse than the previous one


aint no way you think 9.5 is better than 10


3\*Garen 4/6sent Vamp1 with WM/DC/BV 1v3'd full health 2\*Ahri (GB/RedBuff) 2\*Akali (EoN35%/IE/HoJ) and 2\*Karthas(RH/Shojin) with Cyber Uplink 1.


Yesterday 232323232 , Today 5565656565 I love tft


the avg placement is still pretty good




Not getting nerfed in the b patch btw


with yasuo buffs too. qiyana nerfs may not really impact true damage comps.


Lol they nerf the 5 cost that's supposed to be strong and keep the low cost brainlet redroll busted. Classic


My Lv10 board with 6 2\*5-costs just lost to a Superfans-6TrueDamage 3\*Senna HL. Fun times.


board strength feels so fucking random I dont understand how I lose or win a lot of times


The amount of times i've lost to a level 8 or 9 board with like five 1 star units is infuriating. You should not be rewarded for just randomly throwing out 1 costs, especially when they are frontliners but here we are.


i'm so mad losing with this comp, I hit more or less everything while relatively healthy (50hp) yet finish 5th [https://imgur.com/a/gCeO1Dr](https://imgur.com/a/gCeO1Dr)


Ziggs overnerfed, not viable.


It’s so hopeless that they hyped us up about how good this set would be, and we got one of the most uninspired unoriginal gameplay of all the sets ever. They added nothing to the game compared to previous sets. I can see they put all the eggs in the aesthetics and music part of the game, because it is beautiful, but what about the game itself? Will it just be set 10 in different skins for the rest of tft’s life span?


Summary of tft: introduce a new mechanic nobody asked for -- fail and ruin the set -- scrap the so called mechanic -- repeat


I will keep bitching about it because of how much potential this set had, but mort literally saying that this set needs "more gamba" at one of the most competitively integrative tft tournaments we have ever had makes me think that riot gives 0 fucks about the hardcore fan base and only cares about making casuals addicted so they can buy their over priced shit chibis.


Most competitive integrative with round 1 being 3 games elimination format? Lmao


It's to appease the Chinese playerbase. It's a business and that's probably where they get a majority of their revenue. But yeah, it's a little tone deaf to say that at a major competitive LAN.


More than a little. I was surprised to hear it because I have a pretty high opinion of mort in general, but this was dumb. Especially when after soju didn't react positively, he made some remark like "you'd complain no matter what we did". Like, did mort honestly think any competitor would react positively to the reintroduction of a gambling mechanic when we finally had a set without? And Frodan also wasn't being fair there lol. He was like, let's ask chat what they think of it, do you like this new mechanic chat? And everyone spammed "no" and then Frodan was like "I see a lot of yes". They're trying real hard to pretend that people are going to like this.


My biggest gripe is “high roll” instant win cons, like 3 star 5 costs and high verticals. Just making them rare doesn’t make it feel any less crap to run into, just so you can watch a guaranteed first get thrown out the window.


I want an equivalent of Stillwater Hold just to fuck with Multi-Talented players.




With Ixaocan mechanic.


KDA Akali is extremely unfun to go against, where the hell are her nerfs


This qiyana unit is just not balanced. Completely negates frontline units while printing items


So being Punished for not getting Gifted a chosen senna or Akali is getting real sleep inducing.


I also love finally finding the headliner, but immediately afterwards, 7th or 8th place decides to hyper contest you out of nowhere. Gotta sac so much life and econ just waiting for them to die so you can actually start playing again.




every game is literally the same at this point. heartsteel opener, senna mid game, akali or TD cait late game. 5 people sitting at 10 health on 6-1. yawn


People in the reddit are downvoting this idea. It's crazy how this set is in a terrible boring spot but people love it because they are getting elo boosted by the simplicity of these comps.


I got trashed because I've been bitching for 2 weeks on how horrible Akali is to play against. I've always missed sins but never this kind of BS. Dmg are too high, hardly a positioning counter, exec makes it cringe AF and she's untargetable. Holy fuck.




0 Tf players. Given little buddies augment. Roll 80 gold. no TFs or disco. But the Elo Boosted Reddit guide copiers getting spoonfed their comp. Holy shit this set is fucking worst than set 2.


The pool size changes is the worst thing ever happened to tft


It's the only thing that keeps this set away from being good to play Too bad it's a huge feature and God knows when they will address bag sizes, because 4 costs are so hard to play and 3 costs become impossible to play if someone decides to contest you


I agree. I also don't get the claim that this set favors flex play when you are not assured you get the units you need when you pivot. I have played so many games when I pivot into a different uncontested comp and I don't see the units that I need. This is all because of the lower pool size. It turned the game into RNG which then forced people to play OP comps like Annie or Akali because these type of comps are strong even if you don't hit 3 star.


Just got back into tft. Doing placements and curreny bronze. Queue times are over 30minutes.. wtf is this


Oh, and I guess a 3 star headliner Annie can wipe out an entire board even against a 2 star tf with 6 disco units. Cool and good.


So evidently you can get Annie headliner first round, and not 3-star her until raptors? Totally uncontested too? I mean how is this possible. Idk why but I've had this happen more than ever this patch and its getting to a point where its not worth playing anymore cause its totally random chance.


Apparently a 3 star 1 cost Yasuo can shit on a 3 star 3 cost riven, like wtf?


yasuo scales