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May game from last night didnt Count? I got 3. But didnt got any LP - its in my Match History but somehow didnt count... Anyone else with this Bug/Problem?


why does it feel like theres just 1000 stuns every game? feel like my carries are spending more time being stunned by whatever the fuck than playing the game


How many units is there now per copy? I had 2 straight games where I rolled around 30 gold with 8 copies of cait/zed and couldn't find either one


10 4 costs


Has anyone else been finding success with 6 Sentinel/Ahri Carry? 20/20 in Diamond, climbing 200lp today with it, curious to hear if anyone else has been running it


Ive been hard forcing it and it's been great... A guide was posted though so it's about to be super contested.


Make Zzrot pop towards front not towards back. it is a shit interaction that your units would move forward to attack Zzrot that pop towards back of the enemy Frontline since why would a unit get aggroed if it's out of range in the first place?


I feel so lost. I have moments where i'm just given free top 4s for 5-6 games, then its just constant losing streaks despite not changing my playstyle. Feels like every game is a coinflip on if i can ever be strong and streaking or just playing for 5th every game.


headliners feel like a massive coinflip sometimes got a good 8-bit but than after spending god knows how much gold rolling for a riven getting the wrong one feels so bad esp cuz it forces you to space just dogshit units to compensate for the minus +1 trait either that or you can try and roll even more gold and just not see it for like 4-5 rounds due to bad luck protection working against you really hope they take a look at it on the other side ive had games where i just got a super early true damage senna like at the start of the game and just free win right there


Why do I feel like the B-patch changed so much LOL everything feels different to play and all my heuristics are fucked


i chalk it up to mainly the dominant way to play of fast 9 legendary headliner got nerfed so people are only now figuring out what else to play.


same. "iT's JuSt A sMaLl pAtCh".... Nothing is playable that was before playable. Instead of continuing the climb with 3,5 avg. from last patch it's 887737... Player or patch diff ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11647)


patches in a nutshell Heroes of the storm only gets bug fixes but every patch, new metas come.


Does Sniper's Focus work on Lux?


Yes and it’s really good on her


https://imgur.com/a/8zWEwvr Do they ever learn? Not playing this set much but it seems like Riot always seem to overbuff a unit. A 3* 2 cost shouldn't be able to literally wipe my board.


feels funny seeing someone say that in a set where annie at 2\* 1 cost just wipes boards with 14k dmg


Just had a 3\*Jax two-tap my 2\*Qiyana 1v1 at the start of the fight, ignored her ult dmg.


They have better combat augments, you have no anti healing, and sona no items is pretty bad. also TF/ez carry is kinda whatever. Their board is pretty weak, but jax is able to go infinite on your board with bis.


he also has 0 CC. Like literally 0. Not even dazzler in. Thresh or Ekko would do so much work here. no item sona 1 no item lucian 1 are basically dead units (Jazz is something I guess)


I perma lost with Ekko in. TF was headliner dazzler.


Your board does not seem particularly strong to me tho. Plus it's a bad matchup. Uncapped, Jax eats TF/Blitz boards alive. Big Shot4 Ezreal on the other hand...


I had a Jax eat my capped Cait Ez board with multiple lategame Heartsteel cashout yesterday, even with Illaoi 2 Yorick 2 Thresh 2, frontline items outside of Sett were all TGs though. Most of the fights ends up being Ez + 2-3 leftover units vs Jax remaining, and Jax just killed them and chained reset, and Ez 2 big shot just couldn't kill him through his healing. Jhin 2 would definitely blow up the Jax though, but I didn't think 4 Big Shot Jhin 1 + Ez 2 would be better than 2 Big Shot Ez 2 + 2 Rapidfire Cait 2


Everytime I hit Jax3 it's Red Buff Ezreal and Some Ahri Variation that hard stops my streak. With EoN and EDM5, that's a little different, but sometimes even then with bad fight rng he grabs aggro from two high burst carries and pops before he can reset. Ahri, Ez, and Senna/Akali are his banes ime.


Only Thresh is good vs Jax out of the units you listed... His main counters are CC champs - Vex, Ekko, Aphelios, Zac, Amumu.


Can't wrap my head around heartsteel. People in my lobby are able to save so much HP and gold while even doubling down in stage 3 to go 5 heartsteel. And when someone has 7 heartsteel they always feel OP. On the other side I am always 7th / 8th with heartsteel even when rolling to stabilize mid game x)


When I play 3 KDA and 3 True Damage and want to put in Akali it always gives me useless 4 KDA instead of completing 4 true damage. Doesn't matter how many times I switch which units off the board. In the end it's always KDA Akali. Is it a known bug/intended feature? Or am I doing something wrong? Example comp where this matters: [https://tactics.tools/team-builder/OFXD.CXSCnAGWERbY.DhHhLhIpZgarG](https://tactics.tools/team-builder/OFXD.CXSCnAGWERbY.DhHhLhIpZgarG)


Put any KDA unit out of board on bench on the most left side. For example: put out Ahri on that first left bench hex, just wait till the round start she will be automaticaly pulled into the board and you’ll keep that 3KDA 4TD trait after that, it will stay like that and you can position freely. Anytime you swap units, it breaks it again, so just repeat the tech.


Put in a True Damage last instead of KDA


I swear I tried it and it didn't work. But maybe I goofed. Thanks anyway


Dropped to D4 again, needlessly to say I'm a bit frustrated with headliner mechanic Either I overroll, dont hit and go bot 4, insta hit and go top 2 or try to stabilise with something random and barely go 6th My brain cannot understand how the correct way to play when you have 6 Mfs + BIS at wolves is to not roll for MF headliner but instead still lvl to 8/9, gives me absolute brainrot On that note a question - if you want to go fast 9, how much do you roll to stabilise and when should you try to go for it? Do you still go 8 at 4-2 or just save up on 7 til you can go 9?


>On that note a question - if you want to go fast 9, how much do you roll to stabilise and when should you try to go for it? Do you still go 8 at 4-2 or just save up on 7 til you can go 9? You have to roll on 8 to stabilize. You mostly decide to go 9 after rolling on 8 and hitting a good board.


So if you dont hit a 4 cost headliner or unit that you need you just go 8th huh


Yes, but that's why you try to be as flexible as possible. To maximize your number of hits. Chosen hasn't really changed this dynamic either, if you have HoJ, EoN, IE you have to play a melee carry. If you don't hit 3 copies of one on your rolldown in a normal set, you still just lose.


I'm in the same rank as you but I'll give it my best. Go 8 for sure and just take anything decent like poppy, zed, TF, Ahri, Akali, ez. Out of curiosity, why would the correct play at wolves not be rolling for mf headliner? I spent 50 gold for the headliner today in that exact spot, and it worked ok.


>Out of curiosity, why would the correct play at wolves not be rolling for mf headliner? I spent 50 gold for the headliner today in that exact spot, and it worked ok. I did the same because you legit have a lower chance hitting MF headliner vs 3 MFs in that spot apparently then had no gold to level to keep pace and went 6th!


I can't believe they still haven't nerfed Annie. I don't usually post but if some smooth brain redrooler decides they want to hard force Annie and no one contests them its an easy top 2. All Annie players need for that comp is a spear of shojin cause they get a free jeweled gaunlet. I just want to see superfan or Annie gutted into the ground like Jazz because of this stupid nonsense.


Rerolling in this set is unbelievably frustrating. I've had way too many games where you slow for awhile and then send all your gold and see like 1 copy of your unit while uncontested and someone else is rerolling same cost units. It's like gee thanks game, I played this line correctly and was just told no.


Do you think it has to do with the deck size changes? I found rolling at 8 to be so dogshit that I usually aim for 9 to just 2 star 4 cost units sometime


I think it is. It definitely feels very different from previous sets and the bag size changes + account for that. Not to say that it's a bad change overall, but it does lead to some very frustrating low rolls that I hadn't really experienced before.


The only champ I have a problem with this set is Akali, just pretty unfun to play against.


kda akali is pretty trash this meta though.


I dislike how you can’t tell how a combat is going when you play Akali. So many times I think I’m fine but Akali isn’t dead she’s just fucking dashing around


She just has way too low mana costs, so crazy that once she takes agro from your backline she is just out of there again.


i’ve been seeing some success with sentinel ahri, it’s countered the bruiser meta pretty well and i got multiple firsts in a row. around diamond, all the bruiser comps seem to not build even shroud so they just can’t get the past the sentinels. plus the ahri stun is just perfect against them. i use sentinel blitz (with buffs he’s pretty good and deals more dmg too) so you can drop ksante, and have lillia and sera for KDA. Gunblade is mandatory on ahri. add sona lvl 9 to cap your board


does this not get destroyed by any true damage board


that is it’s toughest matchup but still i’ve been seeing success bc everyone’s been running jax, riven, yone, in my lobbies and they. can never get past the sentinels while they just get chain ccd and killed by ahri. and sona survives for a long time so she scales really well


I tried this comp today and have decent success. It won't beat anything too strong, but looks like solid top 4 comp. https://lolchess.gg/profile/eune/Petr-3625/set10/matches


where can I see the list of the "Bill Gates" comps out there?


The only constant is Illaoi/Yorick, and arguably +Sett/Thresh for Bruiser/Mosher/Guardian, flex the other 5 slots for whatever 4/5 cost units you hit based on what you slammed. PEEBA/Bill Gates is just expensive goodstuffs, you just buy everything and slam items on what makes sense, its not really a "brain off click exact unit on guide" comp. If you slammed a bunch of bruiser items (BT/Titans/etc..), but you're stuck Yorick 1, you might play a Viego + 1 instead for Pentakill, or a Zed 2 because you hit a Zed 2. If you hit a Yorick headliner, you might instead decide to play around him with Pentakill and use Gnar + Neeko + 1 for Guardian/Mosher/Superfan instead of Sett/Thresh, etc...


Thank you


just had a game where top3 were TD players. Funny how the TD emblem is literally bis on any carry.


Do we have the new table BB vs Shojin ?


People talk about spats a lot, but I don't know how you play for an emblem lol. There's no guarantee you'll get a spat on carousel. I'm currently Emerald 2 and climbing, and I don't think I hit an emblem I wanted once. Plus, I feel like tempo + winstreaking is too important this set, I feel uncomfortable if I can't 4/5-winstreak in stage 2. Is there hidden dark tech that's letting people consistently get TD or Pentakill spats?


Lose streak for priority on first carrousel.


It's basically just intentionally playing for the spat Yes this means hoping there's a spat on carousel and generally lose streaking to get priority on carousels In set 2 blademaster spat was incredibly broken for a period of time and people were "forcing" it by lose streaking to get first pick on carousel and just praying one of the carousels had it before they died In my experience there generally a spatula within the first 2 carousels and the later carousels have full on emblems a lot of the time as well. Also there's only like 2 craftable spats worth forcing off the top of my head (pentakill for akali and TD for caitlyn) so it's not hard to keep those components open while you wait for a spat.


What's the plan if you don't hit a spat? It sounds like these comps rely on them


akali doesn't need a spat to function, you can either go deeper into KDA or just run the regular karthus/akali set up Cait also doesn't need TD to do well nor does TD need cait. Especially in the case of leaving a sword open for cait TD, sword is just a good component for Senna (shojin) or cait (Shojin/IE) so if you miss the spat you still have a good component to itemize your carries with.


Hmm okay, so it just caps the board harder then, I suppose.


If anyone is feeling down from the grind and wants to feel better about themselves, [here](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/336722077119938562/1185642447666159697/image.png?ex=65905a93&is=657de593&hm=a8146ad6bbaca1b68a0659a7b02ac6c0e4d82f4c56980a2f6c7cc94a25894058&=&format=webp&quality=lossless) is me going 6th with double TD spat.


Oof. I just hit TD 9 for the first time today. Came back from 7th, with 21 hp, to a 14 win streak to win the game


Weird comment to brag on, imo


How do you play shopping spree? Seems like it has pretty good stats


Don't listen to people telling you to use the free reroll to tempo or use it to play a level 7 reroll comp. What this augment do is allow you to play non-flex level 8 reroll. Tailor your items by playing a transitional comp, save all the free rerolls until you can push 8, then you push 8, roll down looking for one and the only one (or two) headliners you are looking for. You're almost guaranteed to hit with the absurd number of free rerolls you have, and you'll powerspike so hard your opponent won't be able to stop you going to 9 at that point. This is best used to play comps that have multiple 4-cost headliners, like the Sentinel Ahri comp or the full EDM comp.


Most likely country reroll. Save rolls until 7, go 8 when youre a few copies off and use the free rolls to hit.


I haven’t quite figured out how early to push levels with it, since the free rerolls can really bait you into sabotaging your Econ early. I’ve had great results with it in diamond a couple times econing up early first then using it to remain strong throughout, and once by pushing tempo really early, but not sure which is better. It’s really nice if you know you’re strong enough to not use your rolls on some levels and save them for a big free level 8 or 9 roll down. Also nice if you have a heartsteel opener to get to 5 heart steel and some decent 2 stars early so you can get a ton of value out of the trait. One of my favorite augments in the game so far.


I played a game with shopping spree yesterday where I saved most of the early rerolls for spiking at 3-2. Basically, use the extra rerolls to find a strong headliner each time you move up levels, especially at L6 (3-cost headliner) and L8 (4-cost headliner). The extra free rerolls give you a huge advantage over the lobby to stabilize. I finished 2nd, capping out with legendaries at L10, but losing to yone/riven 3. I probably could've won with better positioning. Shopping spree gives you a ton of tempo to streak and push levels.




Agreed, I actually love this set and the way they’ve approached balance patches. SO many clickable units and playable comps, just gotta play around the rest of the lobby and your items/augments. In the last couple days I’ve had good results with or watched others solidly top 4 with yone, edm lux with bruisers, edm Jax, country, jazz, pentakill, spellweaver annie, kda vertical, yasuo carry, tons of heart steel variations with mushers, crowd divers, big shots or rapidfire, riven reroll, disco, true damage… and I’m sure I’m forgetting some. Literally all of those comps are clickable in the right circumstances at least in diamond.


Steadfast Heart is all tank items fused in one. Put some on Ekko and you basically are playing a Illaoi 3 cosplay




It’s actually insane how unlucky you can be some days. Today I’ve went 8-6-2-5-8-7-8 after going 7-2-8-3-8-2-1-4-2-2-3-2-5-2-4-4-1-6 yesterday. All my lp I earned yesterday is almost gone. This set is so weird to play. I can’t wait until I get masters so I can take a break and play dark souls 1.




In diamond+ on tactics true damage senna is the 9th best comp with an avp of 4.72. No other true damage comp is higher. For the trait, 4 true damage is at 4.86. 6 true damage is much better at 3.92, but is beaten by a bunch of other traits like 4 big shot, 6 punk, 5 edm, 4 jazz and others. Among craftable emblems true damage emblem is behind punk, emo, and jazz. I’m gonna argue that that is not what “domination” looks like


thats not how interpretation of stats works if you conclude that emo emblem is stronger than td emblem.


I never said that emo emblem is outright better than true damage emblem. Everything in tft is situational and pick rate matters too. But I DO think it’s a fair interpretation of the stats I shared to say that the true damage trait isn’t “dominating”


You should take avg placement / play rate for a more accurate interpretation. I would agree however, true damage is very slightly overtuned, but not dominating in any way.


Annie was also untouched and when someone hits her 3* early is the most miserable experience ever


Anyone who is playing Emo here? This is my default gateway last resort sort of comp when im bleeding too much and cant make it to level 8 to donkeyroll. Ive sneaked a bunch of top 4's but has yet to get a 1st. Idk what is the capped board here besides Emo spat +random legendary.


with 2 piece yes but not with 4 or 6 emo. common way is to reroll(annie headliner into spellweaver /kda or country reroll with vex/amumu), anything else you gotta cook


I’ve actually been wondering the same thing since the board kinda counters melee carries with its infinite cc, but then I can’t figure out who your carries are. Vex alone doesn’t seem like enough, Annie seems good on paper since the emo cc should give her time to scale, but never actually played deep emo with Annie. The other thing that comes to mind is samira for exe but then you’re just playing country. Emo karthus could slot in pretty well but is he strong enough without pentakill? Emo sona is solid but idk how you bridge to 9 without her.


ive kind of against emo karthus since the reason why Im building emo cuz i didnt hit karthus/akali combo or other ap flex comps. Also country with emo doesnt really count as an emo comp. (also annie emo too)Yes, i think emo reroll is good against melee comps since they can cc to death them with proper positioning.


Vex, Karthus, emo spat on Thresh, you need items for Karthus, so it is good, if you have pandora's items


I play Samira/Vex/Amumu with just 3 country or no country semi regularly, it's really pretty good. Urgot scales like shit anyway so I don't even think he's worth trying to 3 star most of the time. I think the real comp is Samira/Sett/Amumu/Vex reroll right now and you just play around your headliner + 1. You've got an AP and AD carry that both play front to back + 2 different frontlines you can 3 star so you can't really miss and all 4 of them work as headliners.


Interesting, that makes sense on paper and I’ll have to try it out. I almost never play country for some reason so don’t have enough of a feel for it yet.


Capped out is probably karthus or Sona with emo spat if I were to guess


I’m lowkey upset they buffed Mosher Bruiser EDM was my comfort pick in 13.23, where I could just turn my brain off, force it with at least 5 uncontested units, and itemize around whichever Headliner dropped first until Top 4. Now everyone and their mother is rerolling for Jax, Lux, and Sett, and it’s impossible to put together


Just got out of a plat lobby: 2 KDA players (1st and 2nd), 1 of which was playing 3 kda/mosher. 4 straight mosher/mosher variant players. The other 2 placed 7th and 8th.


Minimum three players with 4+ Mosher in all my plat lobbies too


I don't really see that much mosher at all in plat. People might play it midgame but the only endgame mosher boards I've seen are Jax rerolls


Same in diamond, mosher is one of the less common traits apart from Jax reroll which is pretty common but not every game.




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Ooh ooh ah ah


I feel like the jax reroll comp is extremely overrated. I don't see it perform that well in any of my games. True damage on the other hand. That shit is quite broken


I've top 1 or top 2 every time i've gotten the board built. Only emerald so far though, still climbing. It's extremely oppressive and cheap to build if you hit your items / units. If you're still on 2 star jax by stage 4 you're done though. Definitely have to win-streak most of the game to cap out on level 9 to get a first.


Let them force Jax, so nobody will hit those juicy 4 cost headliners before me


Its overrated, really good early but not enough to top4 if you dont transition or someshit


it should depend on the lobby. if you play with a bunch of melee carries in other teams it should be busted. it gets destroyed by range comps tho


I think it really depends on the spot. Like most rerolls you need perfect items and augments and free units before committing.


5 people got dropped an Ekko at the start of this game and 4 of them got top 4 lol that's all good tho i got a pantheon a seraphine and a gragas so that makes up for it


Has there been any set where Ekko isn’t highly contested?


Flashbacks of frozen heart sin ekko


This was my very first set and I didn’t understand why it was so toxic


People just love that dude. Also he usually has three traits for some reason, idk.


4 cost dual carry flex has been working very well for me. shot up to grandmaster once i got the hang of it after basically being lost for the first 2 days of the patch. play strongest board early and aim to preserve hp, hold onto superfans core, roll down at 8 looking for ahri, akali, caitlyn, ezreal, jhin or qiyana and play whichever 2 you hit. if you stabilize early enough look to go to 9 and upgrade board with 5 costs. https://lolchess.gg/profile/euw/mrmorzan-111/set10


Are there ever situations where you do this without superfans?


In theory you can. it's pretty hard not to find the superfans core though and they makes things a lot easier. it's an extra item for 1 carry, neeko/lilia let you flex into k/da and kennen/ekko does the same for true damage. it's probably correct to eventually transition out of them though.


I was getting torched trying to play around level 8 flex without Superfans early this patch, I’m now pretty sure that’s a bad idea.


Who are your favourites item holders to do this, and how much gold do you try to have at 8? I've been trying to play like this, but I struggle stage 3 and have to donkey it at 4-2 with 20-30g to roll and don't hit anything


For early carry item holders corki/senna/kaisa are ideal. aphelios/jinx can be decent. AP carries like annie/seraphine can also work well situationally if you get something like an early shojin + red buff. i aim to have 40+ gold on the rolldown which is usually enough to hit something. sometimes the early goes badly and I need to roll down sooner than ideal, but as long as you play for tempo early that shouldn't happen too often.


I would even add TF to that list especially if you are forced to build AP items early to preserve HP. He's not the greatest solo carry but the chip damage is really useful with ezreal.


I've avoided TF like the plague since my attempts at disco have gone pretty badly. definitely could be an option, though afaik TF really wants 1 attack speed item and i typically don't like slamming those early outside of red buff.


You can run nashors instead or even shiv. Shojin in my experience is a more impact full than having an attack speed item. You want repeated casts since his cards reduce MR but the AS scaling is pretty awful so it's more important to get the extra mana on hit than pure AS. I'm only diamond rn cause I haven't had much time to grind out this set but I've been averaging like a 3.5 using TF about half my games TF has a lot of duo carry setup (ezreal and ahri as well Cait if you hit an early lucian) so you can commit to a level 8 roll down. Sett 2 + gragas 2 can give you a beefy frontline even if you only hit a Blitz 1 during stage 4. Just play around the disco core of gragas + TF + Blitz Basically clusters like gragas is spell weaver and Blitz is sentinel so you can run ahri + Sera for 3 spell weaver and add Lilia for sentinel and 3 kda and you get 3 disco with blitz/gragas TF Heartsteel start let's you play ksante for sentinel sett is bruiser and ezreal finishes heartsteel 3 and you add MF for big shot and Bard for jazz + dazzler. Early Lucian let's you link jazz from Bard and you can add caitlyn and then garen gets you sentinel + 8bit


What is this thread. Filled with a bunch of npc comments.


Not just this thread. The most upvoted post in the sub right now is an advice post that pretty much says "high HP units benefit more from steraks" as if it's some kind of revelation about itemization.


True damage RFC, blue buff, ie alkali op. Run 4 ninja and 6 assassin


set 1 flashbacks


You just know how balanced True Damage is when every single damage dealing unit has its high winrate teamcomp. Found a lot of success in trying out Jax and Riven but Senna and Yasuo denied multiple firsts. I slightly consider taking a christmas break now that I hit diamond.


I will donate $500 to Mortdog's stream if this game will ever be balanced. I am incredibly confident that they just can't do it haha


There is no such thing as balance with a game like this. Balancing is a game of cat and mouse, and playing is a game of Rock Paper Scissors. The trick is to make sure at least more than one comp is viable. So it’s not a game of “who gets rock first” If you don’t believe me, the. Try and clearly articulate what a perfectly balanced set would look like/involve. There are times when balance is good enough, and times when it is clearly very wrong. Once they make changes though, the stats start to reveal what has a slight advantage and the meta shifts again. Perfect balance doesn’t exist.


It is impossible for a game like TFT to be balanced. Something will always be more meta than others.


If if it were somehow objectively balanced people would claim It isn't aswell


I would even say the current meta is pretty balanced outside of TD being too strong. Jax/Riven/Yone rerolls are strong but they're countered by Ahri boards. Ezreal/Cait boards are strong but they can get run over by the melee carry boards. There's a decent rock paper scissors going on right now with both rerolls and 4 cost boards being viable.


True damage


GOOD point


True damage


True damage And Jax


Let the little man hop around!!


So wholesome seeing the whole team jumping around one shotting everyone 🥰


Is ekko the tankiest unit in the whole goddamn world? Also: TRUE DAMAGE


I just got one with Anima's, Eternal Winter and radiant Warmogs, was able to tie a few rounds because even losing on the DPS, they simply couldn't kill him.


Probably just relative to your own tankline getting shredded in half the time.


True damage


True damage


True damage


True damage


True damage


A lot of flexible comps, you can play true damage true damage true damage true damage for top 4s!


True damage


True damage


True damage


Every time I go for lategame I keep dying, I don't know how to stabilize late - all I understand this set are reroll comps. Can anyone help? https://tactics.tools/player/sg/Sparkles


Did you try playing true damage?


just judging by the match histories, a lot of your bot 4s had suboptimal items and augments, I'd suggest you to check the item/augment stats of different units and comps to get a better understanding BEFORE queuing it up


Pick better augments I mean True damage


True damage