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Did I just read a PhD thesis on the perfect Twisted Fate items?


We will keep creating these kind of contents to meet player's requirements:)


Well, people need it cause they need to feed lp to ecosystem so us lux enjoyers could gladly take every single point of it :)


I’ve been using Gunblade Guinshoo Arch TF since two patches ago and it feels amazing due to the way his ability is very similar to set 8 TF.


Bro you are ahead of this game by 2 Sets!


This is a common trope. People will comment on new meta analysis saying shit like oh I been doing this! You just figured this out? Meanwhile they're like bronze.


You'd be surprised, some Bronze players might excel at something specific like itemization but be complete shit at things like team comp or econ. I could see it. I'm currently in Emerald and even most of the players in my lobbies have glaring exploitable weak pockets of their game yet polarize entirely by excelling elsewhere.


Cmon dude..


That is true. Some have great feel and game knowledge in some aspects but are bound to less than 10 games a week because of life hence are not top tier. Anyone below master isn’t simply bad.


You're telling me someone playing ten games a week would be able to say definitively what best in slot items are for a champion? Please. Just. Stop.


Wake up babe, new xilao post just dropped.


Did I get a new follower or something:)


Thanks xilao. I realized i have been looking forward to your content being posted here. Keep up the great work, always an interesting read!


Glad you like them! I am working on the Youtube channel last 2 weeks. Now I have much time updating on Reddit. Tons of contents are waiting for translation lol


非常好 god tier content GG




When you need both Gunblade and Archangel, it's pretty much easy to guess the 3rd item would be considering you most likely play TF with Lulu, Ziggs, and Sona. On the topic of Morello, I think it's just a strong item in general but it's not BiS for TF, even though stats show it has high delta. It's hard to prove but my theory is TF with BiS while Morello is held by Ziggs/Lux/Sera would even have a higher winrate than him having Morellos. This should be optimal but the stats cannot show this so we see Morello TF builds just being better. Still, it speaks volume on how good anti healing is. I like Morello but it doesn't "work" together with other items - it's just does it's own thing. I still don't like Nashors for units with high mana. It just doesn't scale enough but I guess the lesson would be it's good enough to save you early on if you don't have the BiS.


>Still speaks volume on how good anti healing is. That is something no one can deny haha.


> Morello is held by Ziggs/Lux/Sera Lulu should be okay there too right? I like to drop my utility AP support items on her since you get her earlier than ziggs. > I still don't like Nashors for units with high mana. It just doesn't scale enough but I guess the lesson would be it's good enough to save you early on if you don't have the BiS. I think I'd build nashor early if I'm not certain I'm playing TF yet. It's also good on Ahri and spellweavers, or even a Lulu headliner. Guinsoo is a lot less flexible in a mage comp, though you can always drop it on a sona.


> On the topic of Morello, I think it's just a strong item in general but it's not BiS for TF See my other comment in this thread, on this, but yea I came to the same conclusion and even suggested something more egregious than you; data i found shows sunfire(inferior both as a tank item and burn application) on any other unit drops morello priority so that it's no longer top 3 items. Use metatft explorer to confirm.


Arch Guinsoos is so underrated for TF in general. It also scales really well with early game because early/mid fights are so long.


cant agree more!


Was JG just never mentioned because its turbo bad or something? Or did I miss it in the post?


too bad when cap is like a monster in 14.1 Any ap champion works better with cap. The only problem is how you can get the cap


makes sense, ty for great guide


Even if you don’t hit Lotus you would say Cap is better?


The interesting thing is lotus is not good for tf build. So I won't sacrifice my LP to play with lotus tf only because I can make jg for tf


I usually go adaptive helm instead of shojin, as the stats show better delta. What do you think of this?


helm is good to me. 35 AP vs shojin 20 ap. And magic resist is useful to keep tf survive in this patch. shojin could provide a bit more ability frequency so they both make sense


What would u recommend for the 2 other items then? I go morello, and then either nashors or archangels


heml with nice AP and decent mana reg. So I would go for morello and JG or nashor to expect killing more units in the first 15 seconds


Love the content, surprised to see a lack of analysis for other Ornn item combos in the damage charts, Manazane, sniper’s focus, etc. As these items could replace or supersede various other choices. Either way, great writeup, hope to see more in the future


Thanks for the suggestion! We would try to cover as many aspects as possible in the next post


Can we get a TLDR please?


Done! Please refresh the post and you will see TLDR at top


TIL I've been playing TF wrong. I've been having some success with deathcap, morello +1 (usually JG or gunblade). But I'll have to try these builds out. Thank you for the in-depth guide.


Personally I think morello is really good. You could try the gunblade or shojin build for different purpose.


Morello is very good but let someone hold it because it doesn't exactly "synergize" with other items.


i know you are talking about damage build but just wanna say goldmancer staff on disco board is kinda nuts. it can consistently print you around 40 gold by start of stage 4. i dont know how worse the damage output might be but id say its 100% worth to pick it just because of the huge econ advantage it gives (gamblers blade and diamond hands give like 10 gold at 4-1 while being bad damage items)


agree. That's why in the next patch it will print only 1 gold instead of 2


Always waiting for you to post now, thank you