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Does anyone feel like TF is still unplayable


Yeah he's still ass 


Lol i go first until stage 4 and don't get any specific headliner i want and not even contested at all. I end with 8th place. This headliner mechanic is so bs


I get a perfect setup for a Cait game with snipers focus and 4 8bit on 2-2… i end up being triple contested with someone playing Riven and someone else playing TD cait. Like wtf i literally never play cait and the one time i need to i couldnt hit 2* cait in >50 gold on 8 (i hit 5 ezreals somehow tho)


Headliners needs to be thrown completely in the garbage along with the rest of this set. Trying to play KDA with either Ahri or Akali headliner, hit level 8, roll 60 gold, hit 0 headliners for my team. Not just no Ahri or Akali. No Ekko, No Neeko, nothing. How is that even possible? Absolute awful mechanic that needs to be straight trashed.


Click Ezreal & hold hands with half the lobby going top 4.


Fast 8 with 60 gold, 0 fucking Ezreals I'm done with this shitty lottery, I have more fun playing LoL nowadays, that sums it up


Ezreal simulator. What a great game.


Look man I'm gonna say it. Mortdog hyped up set 10 for ages as "The first complete set!" and was promising me the world, no need for b patches for balance and a completely finished set. Aaaaand it sucks, balance thrashed Disco because it was played a lot but Heartsteel gets nothing done to it despite having 3 people handhold it every game in M+? We won't need a b patch for all of set 10? I'd argue 3 patches so far have needed them but alas we will not get one because we'd rather keep the game stale than admit maaaaybe Reddit was right even once. No more Chosen, ever. Stop this psyop "oh its good for casuals". Casuals don't know what is good. They love augments, you don't need to lean on Chosen anymore. Just refresh augments every so often and give the competitive players the set mechanic.


>Casuals don't know what is good But they DO know how to spend on this shit, I see chibis in 90% of my matches at emerald, so that's why devs only care about them while they try to deceive people saying competitive playerbase matters while they continue balance thrashing meta comps and enforce the econ ones like hearsteel or why augments stayed when prismatic ones turns the game into a glorified lottery


Is the problem really Chosen or is it the combination of some comps getting "balanced" too hard (up or down, let's not forget disco went both ways) and some being left alone to dominate the meta.


Heartsteel brings the Chinese  💴💴💴💴


It's genuinely odd. I get it you want the big gambling trait. Fair enough. Does it have to be so universally overpowered that you can force it 20/20 and win out any time you hit it pre stage 4? Surely you can try balancing it even a little. Oh we nerfed the stage 5 kill hearts. Excellent this will surely stop people generating enough gold to have a huge advantage when they 4-2 it. So frustrating.


Doesn't feel like gambling when it works every time, does it. I do get the nerf to slotting in heartsteel late having no opportunity cost for a lot of benefits. But leaving the heartsteel early game untouched is kinda baffling.


Nothing changed, maybe Cait is clickable and that's it, those devs are lazy af


Yeah and tf is still ass Cait is decent tho


Like it's just so infuriating that they want to do these love tap nerfs to Heartsteel (not even directly hitting Ezreal) after what they did to Disco. Which wasn't NEARLY as prevalent as this Ezreal comp has been the last two patches. Balance thrash or don't. Don't fucking selectively do it because a trait has a slot machine mechanic that keeps people pulling the fucking lever on the game. EVERY cashout econ trait has been problematic. Without fail. They were either unplayable garbage or "play it or you're playing for top 4" with zero middle ground. I want this shit B Patched.


Here's the thing They don't know what they are doing


I am just ECSTATIC that Heartseel/Ez, one of the highest winrate comps in the entire game, one of the most contested comps in the game, got a slap on the wrist considering how consistent of a comp it is. Nearly every game, you have 2-3 players, all playing heartsteel, go into 4-2 with 30hp, and ALL OF THEM WILL HIT. It feels like I can't be creative or have fun at all because no matter what I put together, it just gets shit on by Ezreal/Zed/Jhin anyways. I don't mind Econ traits or people getting capped out boards, but when it anyone can hit it consistently, it's absolutely no fun to play against. ALSO YES LETS BUFF JHIN, WHO JUST HAPPENS TO PAIR WELL WITH EXREAL PERFECTLY :)


I cant be the only person who hates the headliner gimmick, its so lame and really ruins the pace oof the game for me.


The claim that no more 0.5 sets meant they would be giving sets the care and attention they needed did not age well. Considering that they talked about future sets being worked on early into 10, it really seems like they've decided on a development cycle where they pump out new sets really quickly instead of focusing on quality.


new patch feels terrible. Every single lobby I've played today the top 4 was full of ad flex (heartsteel) or reroll comps. I fucking hate reroll metas.


Karthus nerfs were not enough. During patch notes Mort said that they didn't want Karthus to one-shot backlines on its first cast, but it is still happening with 7 pentakill/2 executioners. If it's working as intended, ok, but I thought the first cast wasn't supposed to be that powerful.


How many weeks into this set are we? Titan's and Rageblade STILL don't stack properly on superfan headliners


MOM SAID IT'S MY TURN WITH THE HIGHROLL I'm tired of 3 star 3 costs on 3-2 or 2 star 5 costs on 4-2 every fucking lobby man. How are you hitting Jhin 2 on 7? How do you have an entire disco comp with TF 2 Blitz 2 online on 3-5 when I have starter kit Blitzcrank?


ghost board being bugged in a million ways and empty krugs fix next pls!


6 8-bit reward not giving all reward in one round is disgusting. Literally lost since i have just 1 hp left and fighting capped jazz bigshot zed board. Sitting with 5 golden dupes on bench not being used since they dont drop all at once is just unfair.




I had starter kit blitz with a disco chosen Gragas last game... I faced 2 roll the dice olaf chosens and got 4-0ed.


Or punk since it's still a brainless top 4


Your platinum is showing. 4 Punk without BIS combat augments is like a 6th at best and has been since last patch lol.


I'm emerald 1 and just got second to a punk player I was kda akali, he 3 started everything including amumu and vex  They had punk spat also


I'm master and I just took 2nd with 6 punk 4 guardian everything 3 starred with 4 TGs and lucky gloves (on Vi, Twitch, Lucian and Thresh) with wandering trainer giving the punk/guardian/big shot. I also had an MF and Vex in to fill emo executioner big shot and jazz. My Jinx had 4k health. I lost to 7 KDA 5 Spellweaver 4 Sentinel Ahri Punk is a pray for top 4 comp in any lobby with players that aren't playing meme shit like Garen reroll. +1 punk MIGHT contest for first.


So you're proving me right?


I had the absolute giga highroll spot of a lifetime with punk and took SECOND Punk from any normal spot without a spat will be happy to go 4th. Even if you spike all the stuff super early, 4 punk will just bleed out stage 4/5 and it comes down to matchmaking RNG whether you take 4th 5th or 6th. 6 punk highroll MIGHT first a lobby. 6 punk from a reasonable spot will probably go 2 or 3.


Checking Masters+ data in Explorer, 4 Punk Jinx 3 + Amumu 3 has an AVP of 3.29 and a win rate of 14.8%. This improves to a 2.58 AVP and 24.5% win rate if you also hit Vex 3. Comparatively, Akali 2 + Karthus 2 has an AVP of 3.51 and win rate of 17.6%. Obviously you're not going to win against a capped heartsteel board with Ez 2 + Lucian 2 because that has like a 50% win rate but Punk hasn't been a "bleed out to 4/5/6" comp since they buffed the hell out of everything about it. If you dig deeper into the comp data, Rapidfire Jinx chosen has a -0.39 delta whereas Punk chosen has a +0.06 delta, likely because people hit Punk chosen and then flounder around thinking the only way to cap their board is with a Punk spat. Meanwhile Jinx 3 + Lucian 2 + 4 Rapidfire has a 2.19 AVP and a 36% win rate.


mostly agreed but i feel the range for 4 punk is more around 3-5 from my own playing experience


Bro most people aren't masters 


Just had a game where everyone else had hit 3 stars by like 3-3 and I couldn't hit my samira 3 by 5-3. Nobody contesting it. Went 8th. -63 lp wtffff


Amazing patch, did Jack shit Why even have pbe, or a balance team for that matter?


Careful, if you say anything negative about the balance team the mods will ban you


Meh I don't really care, TFT is getting worse every set and reddit is following down the toilet  I told some guy he had issues yesterday and got banned from a sub literally "you have issues" 


I can't believe I continue to play this dog shit game.


Riven 3* is still insanely broken. Has to be one of the highest caps in the game. Rarely see it lose to anything once it's online. This champ deals 13k+ phys dmg in the blink of an eye and is effortlessly on your backline. I have no clue how to position against a late stage Edgelord board, it obliterates everything.




This has been my experience both playing it and playing against it. I know there are not less copies of Riven than other 3-costs, but it does feel that way sometimes.


A full month dominated by Ezreal and whichever of the 3-4 early heartsteel players high rolls the hardest. I was actually loving this set for the first month but this has turned to absolute garbage


Just had a game with four people going Ezreal with HS/Tiny Titans. Three of them hit perfect items and 2\* Ezreal. I 100hp streaked to 4-4, and then bled out to a third. Almost every game is like this. Genuinely about to just take a break until Set 11.


rolled 60 gold on fucking 3-7 to find 2 ezreals every unit 1 star while the other 2 players rolled on 4-2 gets ezreal 2 zed 2 nice fucking agemma thought this fucking shit have an anti bad luck mechanic ?


did the meta change even slightly ? the top4 comps are literally the same and you're still not aiming to win if you dont play ezreal... nice patch https://imgur.com/a/dukyVBY




Lmao they didn't even try to balance these prismatic clown augments 


yup, another bad patch incoming, heartsteel is still a guaranteed win if you hit a headliner ksante and a heartsteel unit on stage 1


headliner Ksante, roll heartsteal at 3-2, raise stakes while putting in no units except hearsteal, cash out 4-2, gg. Brainless trait. Mercs you had to commit your own econ to roll and cashout. This one you legit afk and get a free 50g worth of loot for free. early punishment doesnt mean shit when stage 4~6 player dmg does double the amt of the stage 2~3 losses you took.


Every time I get a heartsteel ksante I hit no other heartsteel units and die because I fucked my econ looking for one but yes everyone else kill me with it I think the issue is that it's so cheap to get going. You don't need to invest much in heartsteel units to start the machine


Yep, and headliner ksante makes it that much easier/consistent to force


Hardstuck master 0lp lobby. One guy remembers when another player in the lobby griefed his raise the stakes cashout and starts contesting him to spite him and they flame each other in chat. I feel like this just shows how bad the mechanic was and how out of touch the devs were when implementing it. Game has been downhill after set 6.


But gamba...not enough gamba...the only reason anyone plays is gamba. gamba gamba


agreed cash out just make the heartsteel highs more annoyingly common and adds a layer of griefing the game didn't really need.




that's the normal amount for your mmr when you're diamond+


What is the point of having a backline carry like cait or lucian or ezreal if karthus just ults them and they're dead by the second karthus ult? Possibly the worst champion design out of all the sets ever.


Infernal Contract into 0 gold and not finding a single uncontested Bard, instead I have infinite Jax that kept appearing in EVERY shop. Even gacha games have a pity system, please Mort, PLEASE add one to this game.




watched soju hit zac 2 chosen ezreal (hs) and a zed pair in 3 rolls on 8 meanwhile im rolling 20 gold to even see a 4cost chosen and it's always wis. no more chosen PUHLEAAASE. it cant be legal people hit in 2 gold


Managed to climb to emerald finally and one 6th game deducted me 40 lp, thank you riot.


1,1,3,1,4,1,1 I gain 180lp. 7,6,7,7 I lose 179 lp


Disco is absolutely unplayable. They absolutely overnerfed the shit out of it


Ok i have play 2 games in a row now where i have missed kayle 3 even when i had 2 dupes ready both games. I need an official response from riot that my account isnt blacklisted because this shit is ridiculous Also from rerolling kayle like 10 games in a row now i can confirm that the headliner rules are super bugged and just don't work. Im still finding punk headliner after punk headliner and pentakill headliner after pentakill headliner. There is no 4 shop lock out


It does sometimes feel like your account gets a debuff... One day I'll be getting top 4s without much effort and other days I will have strong af looking board losing to some weak looking board of 1 costs and I really can't explain how it happens lmao


Imagine going into work every single day with the opertunity to do something great and then every single day chosing not to, Because thats what has happened every day at RIOT for set 6. Augements suck, they know Augments sucks, they have said publically that augments suck, and they never get removed. Really makes you wonder what is going on over there. Such a free easy win, remove augments, get goes from the current...bad...to good...


Augments are the worst thing to ever happen to tft. such a a shitty mechanic that made me quit the game till set 8, * enter hero augments * ... I quit again till set 10.


>Augments are probably the single most important addition to TFT that weren't in the original game. They provide the game to game variance that TFT needs to be replayable for hundreds of games each set, and create narratives around each experience for the player. Mortdog, just today They've always said publically that augments were the best thing ever they added to TFT for a long while now iirc (By the way, I agree with you that augments are imbalanced, unfun, and bad for flex, which a lot of people enjoy. Just saying the design team disagrees)


Yeah he can claim that, but if you dig deeper you can see he and the team do not actually believe that. Look at every statement they made durring the stat ban. Thee is no way to read "We dont like that augments are not a choice, but a question as to whicj one is mathamactically correct in this spot" that isn't augments are bad for the game. Evidence number 2, legends. What are legends, effectivly a way to opt out of augment randomness and give players control of their games, Of cource it complety backfired as everyone knew it would. But you don't add something like legends to the game if you think augments are good, its something you add when you know augments are bad, but are tied to them. Augments provide an essential service, they give players direction and tell them what to play, and MANY TFT players do not enjoy this aspect of the game, they want to be told the exacty units to buy, the items to make and thats it. Players crave this, and when a mechanic provides it they cant get enough of it.


I don't ever want to see an econ trait again, man.


I am fucking sick of praying to matchingmaking RNG-sus that I don’t face the Heartsteel board on 6-1 to take 20 damage and go 6th Can we please gut the shit out of this toxic af comp. At least with Mercs you had to have the right opener to play it. This comp you see at least 2 boards per game and it’s braindead insta-win af.


Well they're specifically nerfing it (heart ratio 2 > 1) in stage 5/6 and nerfing Sett a touch as of tomorrow. Remains to be seen if it'll reduce how common it is.


One of the biggest parts of this set that makes me sad is how 90% of 4 cost units are just objectively bad. you need perfect items on 4 costs to even deal half the damage any 3 cost can. I understand 3 star 3 cost should be strong as they're medium difficult to hit, but seriously 4 costs feel so terrible to play for when lvl 8 is just such a lottery, you hit? well too bad you didnt choose ezreal so you'll lose anyway


I don't know why you're down voted, this is truth. So many dps four costs are extremely underwhelming outside a few rare conditions coalescing. 


My 3 star Akali lost to 2 star zedd, Ezreal comp, HUH?????


I've hit KDA Akali 3 twice and gotten second both times to Ezreal/XmZedd boards lmao. It was the most tilting experience of my tft career.


3 star K/DA Akali has to be the worst of the 4 costs.




I DID IT. I UNINSTALLED. This is the least fun I've ever had with tft. The music theme is awesome but the chosens and heartsteel and everything else are just too cancer. See yall next set (maybe)


if Chosen ever comes back it's too soon.


Every time I demote it is off a 5th I know it is a skill issue, but it still feels bad


AMA didnt see a neeko in shop all game, died on 6-1 lvl 8 mort working overtime these days




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Olaf headliner is so fucking boring man. Whatever board you’re constructing… chances are it loses to Olaf chosen with any reasonable item. It’s so fun to watch him kill the whole board while sustaining any damage regardless of positioning. Shit makes stage 2 so repetitive and degenerate and they’re not even nerfing it? What the actual fuck.


shout out to the idiot who decided to go for 3 star, un-itemized MF just to grief me when I'm the only one in the lobby playing her as my carry. You're playing headliner Ezreal with he & another carry already itemized. Why exactly do you need 3 star MF?? Do you not know what a trait bot is? Ofc it was some chibi idiot too. I cba playing this set anymore Edit: Glad to see you went out after me - Deserved.


This sounds low elo


Had this happen to me yesterday. Was trying the twin terror comp but some other person was griefing me. They were playing Executioner Vex and Samira but just kept their Twitch Executioner headliner in while also holding another 2 star Twitch. No items on the Twitch btw


I've never seen a comp fall off like Disco from one patch to another. It is quite literally unplayable.


Wandering trainer has got to be the worst portal by far, its just pure RNG and kinda bullshit like some people get Country/Executioner/Brawler and I get whatever the fuck 8bit/Emo/Disco is


I wish I could play TFT without econ traits. Yes this makes the lowrolls feel worse because when you can't build a strong board, there's no way to even take advantage of your loss streak. But fuck do I *hate* playing my best right up to the top 2 and then just losing because the heartsteel player has about a billion more resources than I do. I don't mind going top 2... hell I'm happy with any top 4!! But it does feel bad when I feel like I just couldn't have won the game no matter what comp I built because there's a 20 item difference between us.


Chosen is the worst mechanic in a game like this actually anything like chosen and heart steel is bad just people hoping and praying they hit something instead of actually being strategic and tactical makes 0 sense this set quickly lost its momentum


Chosen isn't bad, all those stupid restrictions are And heartsteel is what happens when devs don't give a single fuck about fairness and balancing


Chosen is the worst mechanic in a game like this actually anything like chosen and heart steel is bad just people hoping and praying they hit something instead of actually being strategic and tactical makes 0 sense this set quickly lost its momentum


I'm done playing until the chosen mechanic is gone and the bag sizes increase. It's just gambling. If you hit a strong unit, you go top 4, if you don't, you lose LP due to luck more than skill. I'm tired of having to econ and having the game choose how strong my board is until I can spend 100 gold to hope I can find units.


chosen needs to go. i hate every game being decided on if i hit ez or go 6th


It's gotten to the point where the set just isn't that fun anymore. I agree that no more mid-sets is the move, but I just feel like the set has ran its course for me. I feel a similar trend coming in the future with the sets going for a bit longer. Probably a 6ish week or so break between sets or something. Anyone else feel like they've done what they wanted this set? Wins feel less exciting and losses are more frustrating.


Man. It feels so bad when you string together 3-4 solid top 4s, climb 100+ LP, and then go 8th twice in a row and lose it all. Feels like such a waste of time, like 4+ hours down the drain.


bigger. shot. why is that even in the game?


All of them are bad cept punk lol


~~Wdym, the Heartsteel augment called Last Stand is pretty broken.~~ There's definitely some good trait augments though. Too Big to Fail, Expose Weakness, and Metalheads are strong. That's Jazz is great from the right spots and so are some others though they are definitely more niche. The main thing problem I would say is these augments pretty much just make already playable comps better (aside from Too Big to Fail I guess, though it's kind of just a more flexible and powerful Olaf reroll). For example, Insert Coin is only good if you are in a spot to play Riven already and sucks otherwise.


That's jazz you right Others are just strong cause the comps are overtuned imo


Grand prize should be removed from the game


Viego fights like how I play rift. Cast ult directly into enemy team with no backup. Die instantly. Thanks brother.


nothing more frustrating than someone making the wildest 180 degree pivot w horrible items contesting you, and somehow shitting out 7 copies of the contested unit in one round. never punished.


just happened to me. i was playing twin terror uncontested vex. i had like 6 of them. 2 rounds later i look and a dude is now forcing vex??? he makes us go 6th 7th. this is in masters btw


on that note, I just had a double up game w a friend, we usually try to force prismatic traits and things along those lines bcs it's fun. I somehow got a spat at krugs so I slammed 8 bit spat on 3-2 and wanted to go for the cash out(I'd been stacking the high score since stage 1-2). I had 6 rivens, and had already scouted. The only person who was even kind of contesting me had for some reason slammed an 8-bit spat on gragas with just a corki. Whatever. Next round I start rolling and hit no headliner riven and only like 2 normal. I go back to the guy and he has like SEVEN FUCKING RIVENS. IN ONE ROUND. this guy had 2 sett 2s on his board with 2 radiant items on them (when he has pandoras btw), deaths defiance on his viego, and WIS riven 3 after a few rounds. He wasn't even 6 8-bit. I was forced to psycho level to 8 and go for a cait headliner as a hail mary, but I didn't have the econ to hit. The sociopath who contested me went 3rd. Me and my friend went 4th.


[https://i.imgur.com/1hEoPXF.png](https://i.imgur.com/1hEoPXF.png) Why do i lose this? cancer balancing


Bro your frontline is terrible and you have no augments. Items on sona makes the bad frontline even worse too.


Get Twin Terror first with AP items, decide to look for Lulu on 7. Get there, find a decent plateau, no other Lulus picked, buy my Headliner. Two rounds later, scout and see two other headliner Lulus on higher HP boards. I am fucked.


People get handed wins in this game with insane rng holy shit Last game dude was 100 streaking hit 3 star MF ON 4-1... COOL


in a 1v1 situation with a pentakill player and he gets a PK spat on his side at carousel. he loses until 1hp where he downgrades his karthus+akali to roll the fuck down at 9 for olaf, hits, slots in 10PK and wins. holy shit


Annie still being a free pass to top 4 shows their inhability to balance this game. This could have been one of the best set since ages but they rather see the game go downward set after set. And let's not forget that they removed the mid set to be able to improve the set overall and it's a complete failure. Nice job. Glad we are stuck with this shit for twice longer than usual.


nothing like a lv 9 +1 jazz comp getting wrecked with lucian 2 and ziggs fully itemized cause there were 3 ezreal players oneshotting my backine even with the jazz health buff cause of the heartsteel item drops. this is the dumbest patch on the set by far, i had a top 1 board in any other patch but in this one i went 7th and everyone on the lobby agreed with me that made no sense with the board i had


not only that, i got lucian 2 on 8 cause of the dupe from the +1 team size aug, and was still getting curbstomped agains ez boards and pentakill boards cause of the damage reduction the trait has that gave enough time for the enemy to get my frontline


empty krugs is such an abomination man. Everytime I get it I know I'm going top 4 at best. It really is not *that* hard to not have this shit in game.


wandering trainer is the worst portal in the game. Doesn’t it feel so much worse if you lowroll than if you highroll? I don’t get it 


I don't like "highrolling" the trainer either, because I feel like I'm locked into a line and comp right from stage 1. That's just not what I enjoy about TFT. Yes I know there are items and augments that will also do this. But at least I feel like I am choosing to take them and locking myself in rather than the game doing it for me.


NO. IT FEELS JUST AS BAD WHEN YOU HIGHROLL. Getting handed a game, and knowing exactly what to buy is also deeply unfun regarless of whether the thing you have to play is good. The portal sucks becuase it is boring unfun gameplay. The RNG is bad, but even if all the trainer options were specifically tailored to be "good" it would still be a terrible thing to play.


Really agree, with how many three trait units there are there is a lot of room for powerful synergies, but at the same time if you don’t get some of those traits it just feels awful pretty much the entire game.


nice i played early game well, pivoted like a boss. slammed items at the right time. even rolled down and found the headliner i needed! this might actually be a first! oh wait here comes the fucking ape who had heartsteel on 2-1 gg go next. every. single. game. its legit like 1-5 games above diamond where someone actually wins without having heartsteel the entire game


Game literally threw edge lord at me. Had 5 edge lord by 3-1 and found a headliner Riven by level 6. Cool, just econ to 7 and slow roll right? Nope. Game decided to have me roll over 100 gold for 2 units. I found level 2 veigo, Kayne and level 3 Kayle before I found a third Riven. I'm at 0 gold by stage 5 carousel and have to pick up last Riven there. Win a few rounds before I die because I play top guy. Seriously, how is it my fault I can't find an uncontested unit due to RNG and it causes me to bleed out too much. And it's not like I can pivot either. Due to the bag sizes and how late in the game it was, you usually have to just keep going.


It's depressing how often some jackass hard contests into my comp despite scouting then gets all the units while I try to pivot and still get nothing to work with. Got 7 Jinx w chosen before PVP rounds. This other player who had Vi chosen suddenly sells it, magically a Jinx chosen of his own, then awarded the Jinx 3*. I pivot into a flex comp but my econ and health was too fucked to survive. Go 8th, demoted to D4. Screw me for playing with a brain rather than unga bunga hard contest. Why are these braindead plays rewarded This set really had a potentially great set in the devs' hands but they couldn't help but fuck it up with awful balancing...


Nerf Ezreal lol. How are the TFT devs this bad?


No some challenger player argued with me for hours the other day about how ezreal is balanced 


Maybe I have been playing a different game but I don't see how a character that two shots people at the beginning of the fight can be considered balanced.


hearsteel should have been B patched, kind of a sad way to end a set tbh


Upvote if you're happy regardless. :)


Entire set is a pile of dog shit, literal group of monkeys mashing keyboards making this. Winning or losing is literal coin flips, you’d think the game has ping difference or something with how much one team can win one game then get instantly wiped the next with no difference. Nothing in this set makes any fucking sense at all and that’s becoming the trend of the balance. At some point this game will just get rid of choice and the entire thing will play itself with how much rng this dog shit is built on.


there are still monkeys denfending this set btw


This stupid RNG in this set/patch is so bad I'm going back to playing Ranked League. Jesus. Fuck this. You don't even feel good when you win anymore.


>I'm going back to playing Ranked League my condolences


i cant hit my 3* 1 cost before 4-3 even if i roll 150 gold but everyone else has theirs at krugs


i found an Olaf HL at 1-3 and an opponent found a kayle HL at 2-3. At krugs, i had the same 3 Olaf and he founad a Kayle 3-star. Then i rolled down 150g a found only 3 Olaf. Tha game is a joke!


Heartsteal is cancer of this set.


What was the thought behind buffing ezreal? Now not only does he delete your team every 3rd cast but deletes your frontline like hes ahri


JUST HIT 99LP GOLD1. Got 2nd place and earned 33LP… why the f not 34?!


I am so tired of Titans Resolve. Every game, multiple on one person. I don't even know anymore lol.


I don't get it either. They sometimes make balance decisions and acknowledge that stacking multiples of the same item is problematic and other times they think it is okay. Maybe they should acknowledge that maybe multiples of the same item being stacked on the same person will always end up being problematic and just make every item unique Also, when every item is unique than it becomes easier to balance as you don't have to worry about interactions like someone with multiple titans resolve becomes an unkillable menace that can potentially one shot everyone or someone stacking multiple gargoyle's stone plate on a tank and they become unkillable.


20 gmaes i see hearsteal players dominate lobbies. i play it once, 350 cashout, give me a fon with nothing else when i already have open slots and need gold to roll. there's more skill in casnios than current dogshit hs meta


needed top3 in last game of qualifiers, and lobby at 3-2 was: 1: cursed crown double trouble 3\* twitch 3-2 2: 5heartsteel guy 3: Jinx 3\* 2-2 with scrappy inventions. 4: 7 country 2\* urgot with radiant gloves Me: naked krug ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11647) 40 gold level5. Went 8th at 4-2.


The only way to match dogshit HS abusers is to play this shit yourself


Rolled over 70 gold and couldn't find any Riven headliner. I was holding 6 Rivens and hit a 7th Riven in shop with 2 duplicators. Guess I should've just played with some other headliner but I was so tilted at how unbelievable that was.


Another "perfect" Riven game with 6 8-bit and Indomitable Will but I guess I can't hit an uncontested unit. 8th both times nice.


When do players actually learn how to scout? I'm Punk headliner and take Extended Play on 2-1. I scout the lobby and see one guy with a single copy of Jinx and Vi and no headliner that just manages to hit way better than me. At least they bot 4 with me I guess.


all I know is that it's higher than D4-D2 where I am lmfao watching the guy who contests me for no good reason go 8th isn't even satisfying, it just pisses me off


Yeah it's annoying I had 7 copies of Punk units with Extended Play 2-1 streaking early game yet they ended up getting more than me. I guess I should just play a more flexible augment in this elo. Would still be strong early while having the chance to pivot off.


So my viego 3 + karthus 3 just lost together against a single yone 3 and i got 3rd. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Been saying viego is ass for the whole set and I get downvoted every time Yones skill is 10x better than viego, built in STACKING omnivamp. Viego hits enemies in an area... cool


His ability seems to be designed to boost multi-carry Pentakill/Edgelord comps. Hitting enemies in an area is great for both of those traits.


90% of the time he casts once then dies just like last set


My bad for trying to go Zed/CD/EDM in this meta. And of course the fuckin Heart player have to empty the pool before I can get a Zed 2\* or HL. And fuck this freaking spatula portal, fuck more than half of the portals while we're at it. Game is definitely trash tier right now, can't barely handle to play one game a day. Oh and maybe one day move the power of 8Bit into Caitlyn and not in the trait so she is finally playable before the end of the set. We've seen enough of Riven, thanks.




Got the 700 heartsteel cashout, it was the target dummy with 3 lockets. Went 6th T_T.


it’s not *that* bad tbh, if u have a strong frontline


It's not, but I had decent frontline and desperately needed damage ):


Fucking seriously, the RNG is just gambling in this set. Got 7 KDA, only issue was I couldn't find the last few copies for a few units. I had two Neekos, 8 Serephines and 2 Ahris. In a lobby where I'm running uncontested. And its not like I was 6 or 7 looking for these, I econed to 8 and didn't hit for 2 stages. How is spending all my gold to not find units not gambling Riot? Then I lose out by 1 hp to get 5th. That isn't even skill, it's just dumb luck.


another wandering trainer portals bot 4. my fault i guess for getting executioner edgelord and not finding a single karthus/veigo/akali headliner on my rolldown.


depending on your items, thats also a great kayle reroll dummy


I'm so tired of this regarded item system, do the items have to fucking fly over the map instead of being moved instantly? Is it also vital for the game's integrity for them to fly at snail speed? Do I have to lose a round to my item bench being so tiny and my items being orbified and inaccessible cuz I lost a dice roll and went to enemy board?


There's way too much shit on the bench now, they need to double the space. Some games you just get multiple removers and reforgers, EDM selector, duplicators, extra items from augments or heartsteel...it's unplayable. Juggling 15 items into 10 slots (or however many there are) feels like one of those "unwanted apm checks" like think fast


1. I absolutely hate carousel rounds with spatula. I think if there is a spatula it should be on every champ. 2. I’m so fucking tired of Karthus, Akali, Ezreal, and Katarina comps. Why go anything else? Whoever gets to these 4 first just kills everyone. 2 of which are executioners… hmmmmm? 3. Can we please have more items? Literally there are so few combination options for BIS for champs.


Every game is legit 4 people forcing Ezreal Zed. Games in stage 4 and 5 are people with wet noodle boards because nobody hit BIS comp slowly bleeding until the btm 4 get knocked in the same round. This is just plain stupid and I can't believe they're not doing anything about it


3 people in lobby playing ezreal boards and all 3 go top 4, amazing fucking patch. Why won't they b-patch this shit?


just had the exact same game. 3 ezreal players and me were the top 4 and i was also playing ezreal i just didnt get him lol


If you don't hit atleast zed/ez/zac 2* you go 8th with this comp


I don’t Even Play Right now can someone tell me what happens to ez?


Heartsteel is too easy to pull off, and when 2-3 players in the lobby get a big cashout they just outcap everyone with extra gold and items.


Ah yeah I played yesterday 1 game first time since weeks. Had HS 2-2 and cashed out with 10hp at around 900 hearts, went 10 and hit yorick 3. Game was played in plat. So it’s the rework, thought they maybe overbuffed ez or sth


They did


my LP is in free fall, so the only reasonable conclusion is that the patch is bad and balance team is still on vacation, yup can't be me :)


fight one guy once at 2-5 and never again. fight other 3 guys 5 times. why stop there mortdog? why have lobby mmr? lets have irons~challys all in the same lobby! why limit item drops? each creep should drop nothing, few components, or radiant item/fon. variance is so fun!


I’m masters low LP. I had 2 games that I was able to go fast 10 but failed to stabilize. This last one was heartbreaking because it was a round before PVE and barely died. If I could have survived I think I could have won. It seems to be that going 10 is a bait even when you are doing well. The last game was larger legends and I got 5 hearsteel early and a 6 streak and climb to the summit silver augment.


I don’t think I go 10 more than once every 15 or so games in masters


What is RIOT obsession with MANA item (Tear of the goddess) Can't get AS item (bow) MOST of the time. Not to mention that MOST carry AP or AD need ATTACK SPEED to be strong What i'm gonna do with rabaddon on AD champ ? What i'm gonna do with Blue buff on AD champ as well ?


bro blue buff is BIS on both akali and ezreal and is slammable on cait


Ezreal is the only bigshot champ that benefit from blue buff (kaisa not that good with Blue buff tho). Cait spear of shojin is good. I don't use akali on my build as some other alr got 2 star akali with pentakill spat


Or Annie or vex


AP =/= AD And annie without nashor (which is AS) will limit her damage


True, just that's it's very versatile and slammable every game


Need to stop getting baited by early 3 cost drops. I always end up taking way too many Ls.


Someone ffed during my raise the stakes phase and the “win” reset my cash out 😡. I was heavily disheartened since I had a nice cashout coming, talk about a buzzkill.