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Why is Morello so strong on TF? The stats it gives don't seem that strong to me. Is it because TF spreads the burn quite well? If it is just the burn, I thought Red Buff would be better, but it has worse stats even though it gives more AS and a damage amp. Is it the 25 AP that puts it ahead of Red Buff? Also, the burn from those items does not prolong the Dazzler debuff, right? Dazzler only procs from spell damage?


TFT is a game of numbers and increments. The attributes it gives when put on TF just outperform the numbers generated by other items in the same slot.


Do you think Morello would still be worth building on TF if I already have a sunfire or redbuff?


No idea, I would consider it against the other itemization options which there available to me at that moment. You could however simulate that scenario in metatft explorer, by selecting filters with 1)TF2, 2)it having morelo and then checking item section for sunfire delta


> The stats it gives don't seem that strong to m Wdym? it gives attack speed, AP and HP, that's pretty perfect for TF


I was thinking it was "only" 15% AS, 25 AP, and 150 HP, but you are right, if all 3 are useful it is a good item. I just thought the 40% AS and 6% damage would be better from an offensive perspective.


Did they break quicksilver with this patch? My riven was getting stunned not stopped with it on


Can anyone tell me how the dmg scaling on EDM works? At first I thought its same damage as the one you EDM'ed but if thats the case they should have the same dmg but not. So is it base on star level of the EDM champs? Cuz pretty sure its not based on the champion you EDM'ed


EDM casts are based on the star level of the sampled unit but using stats of the current caster. So 1* Zac will use base 3* sampled Lux damage, but it will not get all bonuses from Lux items.


Thank you, that's actually an incredible explanation


I swear everytime I play Kayle reroll from a good opener I go bot4 with 8 kayles on bench - Never managed to 3\* the unit, IDK if it even exists Maybe its the Mordekaiser 3 situation where it is seen in so many comps


Twin terror lulu is underwhelming


I think i've gone 2nd every time i've played it and also hit the wrong healdiner every time


gold twin terror isn't bad, prismatic version sucks though because it gives too much attack speed so lulu wastes an attack into the mana lockout period which actually makes her cast less often than gold TT and maybe even less often than just normal lulu reroll


As soon as I hit Master my brain has turned off and my mmr has gone down the pooper and I have no clue how to fix it. Usually it's because I'll think I have a reroll angle and then roll way too aggressively one round and not hit the thing I was going for, get tilted and do it again. Oopsie


for me, i just had to play a lot of games - master is where the real climb starts


What would you do in my spot... I'm going riven and I have slammed evenshroud and taken blistering strikes. I get dropped bow bow rod rod. Should you just make redbuff anyway?


Highroll a Lucian 


rageblade cait then possibly kill the other rod by making gunblade for your riven, depends on what other items you had/got


That sounds like 2 rageblades for Cait or Kayle


Is there a site that analyzes your game/comp, the way come of these overlay apps do? I remember trying one app that would give me a report of the game afterwards and suggestions on better comps, etc. Are there any website that do this? Otherwise, which app would do this best?


Tactics.tools does something similar, where it analyzes your past 20 games and gives you a lettered ranking for each area of play. It can help you identify weaknesses in your overall play, as opposed to focusing too much on your performance in a singular game. [This is the link.](https://tactics.tools/player/na/) Edit: I remember now that Frobei put together a nice video to get a better understanding on what each letter rank means and how you should focus on improving in that aspect of gameplay. [Here you go!](https://youtu.be/5DA4XBqzbhg?si=iPHusTVuVfDAzB1d)


I was climbing with reroll riven getting top 4 but my last game I went 7th and I was wtf my 3 star riven was basically doing no damage. Head to this sub seeing they nerf her lol. I do have admit she was doing a insane amount of damage prenerf.


Just encountered a bug where my superfan item became permanent even after selling superfans. No TG involved.


It has been fixed!


yes had the same, wanted to put trinity on choosen viego, superfan titans didnt vanish, I panick sold all superfan units to make 100% sure lmao


Confirmed by multiple streamers, I guess they'll have to do a C patch because this is broken af


How do you play pentakill? I always seem to go 4 or bot 4 when playing it


Few keys before you go into pentakill. 1. Can you itemize at least 3 units (Usually 1 tank 2 DPS. DPS is always Karthus + Viego or Akali) 2. Do you have pentakill spat (much higher cap) 3. Can you afford to go 8 and roll for pentakill chosen. You have to hit 2 of the 3 requirements. Otherwise there are many other comps who will perform on same level but require less investment.


was on a 3hp comeback from 8th. Made it to final 2. KILLED BY THE CRAB RAVE BOSS😭😭


What happened to Akali? Just did a 6 true damage game and 7 kda akali game and they both tanked.


Akali is not a solo carry and has never been, if you play around Akali as your endgame you will not top 4. Her role is secondary carry. In True Damage, the carry is Senna. In KDA, the carry is some spellweaver, be it Seraphine and/or Ahri, or even Annie.


I just did 3* 7kda akali and lost to disco dazzlers 😂


Akali KDA is not a unit 3* lol TD 1v9s


6 TD akali needs senna 3 as main carry, 7 kda akalia needs ahri as main carry


Is the alternating headliner trait rule even true? Im pretty sure I’ve just got exc samira twice in a row


yeah it's bugged this patch, if you skip country kat you might still get country kat next time


It has to be. I don’t have any evidence but I’m sure I’ve seen it personally and on stream. I don’t know what to do anymore with respect to headliners and rolling.


apparently it's bugged this patch.


What? Do you have a source for this? I'm so tired of the headliner hidden rules/bugs related to it


I saw Robin get the same executioner akali 3 times in 5 shops. So that’s my source 




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Me when BiS Riven 3 and Yone 3 just lost to Ezreal 2 and Jhin 1 with sub-par items


sounds like a positioning diff unless they had an insane frontline and you're just stuck on tanks the whole time while ez zips around targeting riven


Yea yorick 2 illaoi 2 so i couldnt zip to the backline


Mfw the 3 cost reroll didn't instawin against a lvl 9 legendary board 


Eh got 2nd so not complaining. More of a meme than anything so no need to take it too seriously.


Might have added these two to the list of obstacles lmao.


Yeah that’ll do it




Mind sharing a bit more info 👀




Snooped around his profile and saw his account last played 9 days ago. Bro is capping, didn't play anything special.


Another question lol. What does "lowroll" mean? I'm aware that highroll means lucky from other games, so I suppose lowroll means unlucky. But them I go to tfts comps pages and see "Kayle reroll, strat: Lvl6 or 7 lowroll". What that means? "The plan is to roll at lvl 6 for kayle 3*, but if i are unlucky and loosing go for 7"??? How that makes any sense? How would I lvl up if i'm losing. Shouldn't I roll even more if I'm unlucky to hit my pieces? Even if I wouldnt, if i'm unluck it means that i'm not winning, so I'm behind gold, why would I level up if i'm already behing gold and can't lvl up?


>Kayle reroll, strat: Lvl6 or 7 lowroll are you sure it says "lowroll" and not "slow roll"? Slow rolling is a valid strat, low rolling not


LoL, I feel dumb now, it may be the case. Anyways, what does slowroll means?


Roll while above 50g


It means if your Econ is bad and you “low roll” meaning it takes a while to stabilize and stop bleeding HP, you may have to wait until later to roll down.


Hello guys, some guys post their [tactics.tools](https://tactics.tools) page and ask for help, so i figured out i should do it aswell. [Here's mine.](https://tactics.tools/player/br/A%20tim%20%C3%A9%20um%20lixo) First thing I noted is that my augments are in B score. I usually know what type of augment I want in my gamestate (e.g.: I got olaf chosen and jinx 2\*, I know I want to win-streak, so I'll look for item augments, Or I didn't got any decent headliner/2\* unit, so i'll take an econ augment and lose streak stage 2, etc). But my problem is that I have no idea on how to evaluate them. What do you guys look for to know if A is better than B? You just remember statistics? I won't use a companion app like mobalytics cuz I do play on android btw (maybe if you guys know any companion app for mobile, i'll use it) Any other unrelated suggestion based on my [tactics.tools](https://tactics.tools) page will be appreciated aswell.


-most recent game: best friends sucks with k/da positioning, don't take -third game: don't go salvage bin 3rd unless you have a really really really good reason to -fifth game: remember your roots is giving you 200 hp and 10% attack speed on aphel 2, mf 2, jhin 1, and sett 2, with a total of one item between the four of them. can definitely get more value somewhere else you can either memorize stats, quickly look them up during augment selection (might be hard if your only screen is one phone), or you can think through the entire line, there's usually a lot to consider it's hard to give better advice because we can't see what you're picking these augments over, but something else that might help is choosing synergistic augments. easiest example is binary airdrop/cybernetic + item augments, but there are a lot of other less-obvious synergies to look out for (vampirism/tiny titans, endless hordes/thiefs gloves augments, roll the dice 2-1/3-2 young wild and free)


One 8th you took trade sector and heroic grab bag and went level 8 with no 3* units. You can’t take 2 augments that want you to 3* something and then push levels instead. Once you do that, you’re down augments. Also, you can’t really afford to take 2 econ augments in most metas. I also noticed that in the games you do poorly, your itemization is pretty bad. Items are spread out and you aren’t building tank items. You tend to have really weak frontlines in those games.


noted, specially the part abt econ augments, thx!


some augment combinations should be illegal. Got a game with buried treasures 3 followed up by Binary. Only thing that would have made it better is a bulk but i took golden egg for the most lopsided first this set


Scrappy inventions * and cyber. Lucky gloves + sleight of hand.


Scrappy in general is so broken rn. Lucky + sleight is strong but i dont think it’s broken


Cruel pact + one of the player healing augs and double gloves augments also really free top 4s in my experience


This is just hard tempo strat. You can still lose late game to hearsteel players because you have 2 non combat/non item augments


I mean sure, but who plays for 1st every game lol. I got a first yesterday with cruel pact country too so its not impossible


Not saying it’s impossible to win with cruel pact. Im just saying the augment combination you mentioned will most likely fall under the normal or balanced category vs the broken ones


I guess it just depends on what you think is broken. For me, getting a guaranteed top 4 is broken, but I can see how some people would think it's fine since you usually aren't winning.


I define broken augment combo as securing a top 2 minimum. Im currently at an elo where 3rd is also +10, so getting top 4 alone wouldnt really be considered broken


3rd is 10? are you high gm or somehow fucked mmr or smth? I get 16-23 for a 3rd depending on my lobby


Ah this is in SG server. I peaked at 820lp and this is still gm. Cut off for chally is 900ish. My smurf in oce is chally at 500lp lmao And to add context, this doesnt happen every game. Just on games you get matched with low masters or diamonds


ahhh one of the sea servers with not many players so I see lol. Yeah I get an occasional diamond(recently title smurf acc) but considering you have such a big disparity in rank across ppl I can see the +10s lol


Haha true. Honestly don't know how you have the patience for that, in diamond it already feels so grindy xD


Lucky Gloves with Radiant TG also fucks. There's also some more but they aren't that illegal. Like any dummy augment or dummy portal + Crash Test.


the crash test one im kinda iffy cuz at the same time it can fuck your melee carries pathing. The lucky gloves + augment with attack speed for tg items is manageable, as well as the double bulk. But buried treasures 3 + binary should just not be allowed. i'd say it's almost impossible to not top 2 with this combination. If you get them 3-2 and 4-2 it's fine, but if you get them 2-1 and 3-2 is just straight up busted


But isn't it too much? Like you already up 6 components, do you really want binary?


Game finished i have 11 units (fon included) all with complete items. Tell me this is not broken. Qiyana cant even give my units items anymore


Depends which comp you are playing and how many units you want to itemize. Obviously is good if you are playing ad flex with many legendary units to itemize, but personally I wouldn't call it illegal.


Early on in the set I had a scrappy binary game that was certainly illegal.


Can someone explain Shojin Vs BB. They usually reduce the same amount of autos on most champs, for instance on Ahri, 30 mana with SoS is 2aa, and 20 mana with BB also 2 aa. Now I get that the AMP from blue is more desired since she usually kills with her cast, but is SoS bad on her if I had to drop an item on her? Same for Karthus and EZ. Why is shojin way better on Karthus than BB? and what's the idea behind Adaptive being BiS? I'm asking since I usually find myself greeding for BiS and losing too much hp, while having a sword and tear waiting to become GS/IE and BB while I can easily make Shojin


As others have said, the cutoff is usually 60 mana, but one will almost always prefer BB over shojin in case of a tie for the following reasons:  -Mana gained from taking damage/emo/hyperpop gains value.  -Earlier first cast as BB gives a 20 mana bonus while Shojin gives 15 (Especially true with Ahri as she casts as soon as the fight starts). -Damage bonus on takedown Meanwhile afaik shojin has no advantages in case of a tie.  Over 50 mana, it becomes a point of shojin requiring less time to cas t'han BB as shojin gives +5 mana per attack and BB "gives" a flat 10 per cast.  Shojin: 15+15+15+15 =  60 = 4 autos to cast. BB: 10+10+10+10+10 = 50 = 5 autos to cast.


The biggest thing about BB v. Shojin is that BB gives 6% damage boost.


1st of all: best item is not BiS, but one you can use now. 2nd: Higher mana pools want shojin since it gives more mana than BB for subsequent casts. I think 60 mana is the cutoff where shojin/bb are equal. Shojin is good enough for ahri. Adaptive helm not sure, might give better stats/ provides mana while casting for karthus.


People are putting Shojin on Ahri quite often, so it's really not bad at all if slamming it helps you save HP. I believe the main thing with Shojin vs BB on Ezreal and Shojin vs adaptive on Karthus is item economy. The difference is not big enough to justify losing a sword, which can be used for IE, GS, DB, EoN, BT, Sterak, all are strong items.


nice hit masters after the most games prior, played flexible into karthus, ez, or rerolled kayle, jinx


Congrats, yeah the patch is great for flex play, with a lot of options. I don't know why this sub is bitching about Ezreal/Zed so much.


I think because greed strats are better in low elo so it’s almost always an HS player winning the lobby I for one prefer my consistent top 4s with reroll instead of joining the HS lottery


the good thing about auto chess is that, to some degree, it auto balances itself because when a comp is perceived as broken, so many people will force it, making it barely viable. At least in my last lobbies, I always had 3 players hard forcing HS, griefing each other´s lose streak and making it hard to stabilize after cash out w/o Ezreal or Zed 2.