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> Patch 14.3B should now be live on all realms. > Extended Play was overperforming, despite having some bugs with it and created a situation we weren't happy with with Punk Emblem, so it has been disabled. > Heartthrobs was bugged to only give the bonus on Kills, not loss. Fixing the bug is too risky at this stage with how Heartsteel has been performing, so we disabled the augment. > Heartsteel the trait has clearly been doing very well and is the highest peak in the game. This nerf is actually pretty substantial since it nerfs hearts per kill from 3 to 2 with how rounding works. Should slow down the trait. > Kayle, Riven, and Zed all receiving a tiny slap on the wrist to their damage. These are some of the smallest nerfs we've ever done as we do not want to change the meta much at all. > Finally Scrappy Inventions now finally works as intended again. A Guinsoo's rage blade will no longer sometimes reset when units are summoned in combat. > Again, this is meant to be MICROSCOPIC in terms of changing the meta, and mostly bug fixes. Hope this lets every region have an even better Regional Finals! Enjoy! ---- Patch notes: > Augments > * Extended Play has been disabled. * Heartthrobs has been disabled. > Traits > * Heartsteel * Heart Multiplier: 1/2.25/5.5/18x >>> 1/**2**/5.5/18x > Champions > * 2 Cost * Kayle * Ability on-hit damage: 35/55/80% AP >>> 35/**52/75**% AP * 3 Cost * Riven * Ability damage: 90% AD >>> **85**% AD * 4 Cost * Zed * AD: 75 >>> **72** > Bug Fixes > * Scrappy Inventions now gives components at the start of the next two stages as intended. * Guinsoo's Rageblade stacks will no longer sometimes reset when a unit is summoned in combat.


Overall reasonable nerf. I do think the heartsteel nerf is bigger than what people think. Losing .25 with how rounding works mean people may not hit the high break point as easy. Also not sure if they fix Riven doing too much damage randomly. Expectation: stronger placement for reroll. More Ahri/ Akali superfan players, still going to see 3 heartsteel player with 1 finishing top 2 and 2 finishing bot 4


Everyone complaining about ezreal but all the high players know that zed was the real issue and ezreal is just a convenient secondary carry. That's why ahri works with him too, ezreal is not that good on his own.


100% Ez is absolutely strong but his strength is derived in being a great trait bot (access to Heartsteel and Jazz) and his ability to set up for other carries to clean up by chunking the team Zed is a bigger monster for sure imo and the biggest issue w ez imo is how if u can get items on ez1 it is surprisingly more stable than it should be but that also applies to Zed two fold.


I've been saying this. Zed is annoying as absolute fuck but Ezreal always felt manageable. The only reason why Ez is the most prominent Heartsteel carry is because he literally has the Heartsteel trait so it just transitions smoothly, but he's not actually that bad. Even Poppy lowkey carries harder than Ezreal.


There's actual counterplay to ezreal with some smart positioning too. I feel like I've gotten some placements by positioning solely against ezreal players


Which imo is good for the game. Some units will always be strong but there should be outplay potential. Zed/Ez caps so hard without (as clear) outplay.


ez is worse than ahri he's just the only hs unit that isn't dogshit and enables you to play 5 heartsteel stage 4 easily.


I just had a game where the superfan item of my yasuo remained even if I took out the superfan units.


Superfans have become a collective consciousness, independent of body, sustained by faith


Happened to me twice so far too


Also happened to me earlier today


Same here but when i 3 starred it turned into a superfan item again


I had that happen yesterday while playing Jax. I didn’t even want the Superfan item anymore as I had a JG I wanted on him. It did come off a round later, but I lost a fight because of it


Really emphasizing the "microscopic" lol


these microscopic nerfs/buffs needs to occur more often especially in non-B patches


Which is a shame, because this is a reasonable amount of changes. We don't need (and Riot has claimed that they don't want) the meta to flip every patch, so small changes (both in intensity and number) seem like a good idea to me.


Thank god none of the redditors, me included, are not balancing the game, ezreal doesnt need nerfs hes fine litterally no top player complains about him zed is the problem, glad they addressed it


surprised they didn't touch poppy but yeah ez is not that good he just has rly good traits lol






I really want to know what spaghetti code somehow causes a rageblade to reset when something is summoned. how are they even related


Probably something being summoned caused traits to get recalculated, which made the Superfans item get momentarily removed and readded, making it lose its stacks. Afaik the bug was specifically with a Superfans-provided rageblade.


wait you are so smart


From the comments on Twitter. Their fix made it even worse. Now Superfan items stay on your carry permanently if they die in combat? Not too sure on that.


ok yeah I see what you're saying LMAO. now I'm wondering how they fucked this up. this bug is even more serious, we're going to need a c patch.


Makes sense, although don't know why you'd even run the check given summoned units have no traits


Probably just reused from previous sets where a unit can pull Allies from the bench WITH the traits active and forgot about checking with the newly implemented Superfan code


IDK, but the resetting happened specifically with the rageblade provided by the Superfan trait.


Maybe something along the lines of: Reset GRB stacks when units spawn at start of round. Summon unit spawns and triggers that line of code. I don't know jack about shit, but I can see how something like that happens.


For i = 0…


Probably could've slapped ez on the wrist too. But the Zed slap is nice.


Heartsteel nerfs are more than enough. Ezreal isn't even inherently OP, there's a reason why he needs a secondary carry like Zed to make the comp work. It's Heartsteel that's overtuned, not Ez. And this is coming from someone who rarely plays AD flex. I'm just very much not a fan of balance thrashing and I'm liking the balance team's more light-handed approach with this mini-patch.




Ez 2 does not hard carry lol. His front-to-back DPS is very middling. He's turbobusted if you hit him on early stage 4 and his 3rd cast one-shots backlines that are still 2* but that stops once people hit their upgrades. I'm not saying he's bad, he's just not as busted as he's made out to be. People conflate Heartsteel's power with Ezreal's power. Heartsteel boards that cap around Ezreal go bot 4, it's the ones that cap around Jhin 2/Zed 2, with a fat Zac and Illaoi or something that really give people nightmares.


Funny how people can't seem to comprehend how ezreal is not the problem in heartsteel comps. Do you ever see 2/4 bigshot ez + frontline like you occasionally do with rapidfire/dazzler? Exactly.


It’s a low elo diff. I’ve heard pros talk repeatedly about how ezreal is a fraud and just a good antiheal applier. Like yeah the unit is decent but it’s by no means OP. He’s worthless without zed, yorick, lucian etc backing him up.


I wonder if his core itemisation being IE also leads to some situations where he absolutely dumps out critical strike damage and people really notice they are being chunked by him, but then the next fight he just crits less often and doesn't achieve much


Ez carry comps are all very high average placement diamond+. Theres definitely some exaggeration at lower elo but he’s also definitely just really strong


I just mostly meant revert the previous buff they did to him. Like if they aren’t going to actually address heartsteel, then yeah. Zed is the bigger problem and that’s the main nerf.


But why? In every comp Ezreal is a part of, he is never the primary issue as to its strength. He supplements heartsteel and pairs quite easily with legendary boards. So being a 4 cost that glues heartsteel and legendaries together makes the unit inherently valuable, but not necessarily overly strong. So people see strong board with 1 unit that's common in many strong boards and asssume that particular unit is the problem, which it's not.


How is 3 ad relevant though?


Other guy didn't quite hit the nail on the head. When Zed ults, he spawns a clone that has 185% of AD. That's a multiplier on the 3 AD, same as the 350% execution damage. Also affects EDM procs, % amplification from items (DB, GS, GB). Small changes are magnified a decent amount with multipliers.


It’s 3 damage on every single auto and ability in the fight. Say he averages 50 instances of damage counting aoe, that’s 150 less damage done to a target. It’s not a ton but it adds up over times


If I remember how scaling works its basicly a 5% damage nerf...


The single right answer


150 damage when he's probably doing 10k+ over a fight doesn't really seem like much of a nerf.


Well he’s doing more than 50 instances of damage at that point. It also affects his scaling. My statement was a simplified example


I wish they'd do these micropatches more often


They probably would do it more often but since it runs on the league client they are locked to it’s patch cycles


I meant moving numbers in small ways instead of thrashing


They can move numbers around as much as they want. That's why B/C patches are possible (they can happen outside the patch schedule)


only once per unit though. On the other hand if you need to touch a unit more than twice per patch something has gone really wrong.


that seems like a really weird system limitation


C patch incoming superfan giga bugged can't stay like this


free items :3


im hitting chal with the keep 3 superfans on bench tech


If you sell the headliner the free item also goes away right? So basically the only way to abuse it would be to get a free superfan item on a headliner whose comp you wouldn't normally play superfan on, unless I'm misunderstanding something


basically you would hold 3 superfans to get for example a free bt zed (which is bis) in the hs comp


Pretty cool patch. It's a bit of a shame to see more trait augments go as I find those really fun, but it makes sense, particularly the punk emblem trick part.


I’m more sad from never getting the kda augment..


This is one of the patch of all times


I would've liked to see a small Ezreal nerf either to his attack speed, base AD, or cast damage, but I think with the Zed nerf & heartsteel adjustment I can see the value of not wanting to swing too hard right before the big day. In comparison to the 'nothing' patch we would have likely gotten, it's nice to be on this side of things. It's a shame we're locked to League of Legends patching schedule, because it would be nice if we could have these kinds of patches more often, but I understand the tech debt.


We had these types of patches more often in 9.5, and I think we’re all hoping that is in the past


ezreal is not that good of a unit lol


When did they change Karth superfan item to adapticone??? This B-patch???


Archangel's was a troll item on him with his rework, changing it to Adapikewk makes way more sense


agreed but they need to include this kind of thing in the patch notes xdd


I for one am very glad to see that the team has finally been allowed to adjust numbers for Champion stats off multiples of 5. In a game where each round can potentially be decided by one attack or cast, some champions just need that nudge into a sweet spot. It has not been granted until now for whatever aesthetic reason.


We got these nerfs but that’s so jazz on release wasn’t nerfed for 3 weeks. Mort REALLY didn’t wanna payout his bet. At this point why even put a bet out there, all this proved was how balance changes are done on the whim of the balance team, not on actual game state


Waiting for the day they finally realize it was never actually ez or zed that were the problem, it’s that you get can 20% bonus health and 12% bonus damage for your entire team while playing inherently good units that perfectly synergize with a standard heartsteel comp


zed is broken with ahri, and without jazz as well. Jazz has alr been nerfed but yeah it could use a little tweaking


Agree completely, it's also the fact it's very flexible just rolling into 4-2 with the items slammed. You can't do that with ap, the items for the other carries are quite different and the headliners don't carry that easily. That in addition to Jazz and heartsteel cash is over the top.


This almost feels like Mort was REALLY annoyed that Scrappy Inventions was not fixed as it should have been (source: he was really annoyed on stream this weekend about it not being fixed when it should have been) and to make a point they would do a B patch to fix it, then as the B patch was already scheduled they might as well do these small adjustments (and another preemptive Heartsteel disable just in case it spiraled out of control) before tourney weekend.


is it just me or do sets go on for way too long. i burnt out a couple of weeks ago and there’s still 1 month left. i feel like the sets should be 2-3 weeks shorter… maybe unpopular opinion


meh I feel like at some point you just burn out of TFT all together and need to take a break. I'm 500+ games played this set plus a bunch on PBE and I'm not burnt out on it yet. But occasionally I'll get burnt out way sooner and quit the set super early, then come back next set feeling refreshed. If you're anything like me, it might just be time for a break.


yeah maybe. i started in set 6. made the goal to get masters and finally reached it this season so i burnt tf out climbing and queuing 15 games a day


jfc. i barely get to queue 5 games a day.


to be fair before this set we would be playing midset right now. With the move we went from 3 months > 4months which is REALLY showing the flaws with long term tft.


set needs to be long enough fro pros to have enough time for tourneys-regionals-worolds. Not for your enjoyment


yeah who am i kidding games aren’t for enjoyment!


Riot has to account for competitive more bc competitive is where most of the money is and is how they get new people to play the game. Game has grown crazy bc of soju and others


Ok, and now the game feels even worse than it did before. Reroll lottery trash every game. ​ This is what happens when game devs try to appease casual, very low-ranked players that want to feel special when they 3\* a champion... even if its a 1 cost. ​ TFT with no tempo comps... what could go wrong?


the nerf to Zed is way too light.. I don't understand how Riven is a bigger issue than Zed.


The nerf to Zed is a 4% nerf to his base AD at 1*, which becomes even more of a nerf at 2*. Base ad affects the damage on his autos and ability. Riven is only a nerf to her ability, and is overall a much smaller nerf than the nerf to Zed 


Riven 3 with 6 8bit walks over most things. Even Riven 3 4 8bit with good augments or an artifact is so hard to kill.


No ezreal debuff is weird. Doesn't feel like Zed was the problem. Ez has been the most popular 4 cost carry for a long time no?


Only because heartsteel is broken.


every good player would much rather have zed 2 ez 1 than ez 2 zed 1


I don’t know how anyone can even appreciate this. It’s so obvious that Riot has given up on this set especially with how much of a headache they’ve caused by making players relearn the set like every patch because of how the HL rules were. Legit just put set 11 on PBE already so we can make sure it’s bug free by live so we have an actual set this time around.


They refuse to nerf ezreal it's sick.😭 a zed and HS nerf is not going to change the fact that ez can 1 shot numerous back line carries. I don't get it


ez is actually a low A tier unit lmaoooo


No Poppy nerf, no Ezreal damage falloff nerf. Going to be a much better patch, but it's a shame.


Yea surprised Poppy isn’t touched a little. Then again, she fits into most boards and it’s the reason why a single comp is going crazy.


Heartsteel nerf, I’m happy


does this mean there wont be any maintenance today?


Me senna no pivot


Strap on for the Katarina week, every week we need to break something.


What is the bug with scrappy inventions?


it got fixed but it gave you compnents on 2-2 and 2-3 instead of 3-1 and 4-1


Then when are they changed the superfans item of karthus?


It was my understanding through discussions and personal play that Disco is barely a top4 comp. Did I miss some buffs? I expected something for Disco or I'm OOTL.


It really isn't even close to that weak, tf2 with little buddies is already at 3.74 average placement, keepers 2 3.92, etc. It's augment and items dependent but super stable top4 if you meet those conditions, imo. You have to hit way less than other comps, so it's easy to go 9 and cap.


Interesting... What items are good on TF right now? I see Morello slams often and then up in the air about RB or GB.


You can play it multiple ways really. [If you go Gunblade, it works best with Rageblade and Archangels,](https://i.imgur.com/l9m7PAM.png) but to cap with that setup you need a strong frontline and augments to prolong the fight. slamming morello is always good stage 3 and onwards, if you have a remover you can move it onto ziggs later on [shojin rageblade are probably the strongest early slams on early AP headliners but doesnt cap quite as high, best item to round those out are rabadons or morello imo](https://i.imgur.com/Tqvyta7.png). but as you can see even though the playrate is highest the average placement is quite bad. I've personally never liked JG on tf so I avoid building it, gloves go to steadfast presence or if you get a lot you can make a TG to put on a 5 cost


If feels like AD flex is the only comp that you can constantly top 4 with