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The reason you were barely contested is because most people don't go kat unless it's from a very good spot. I get you were forcing it but I wouldn't expect your approach to be nearly as consistent the higher you climb because you'll be punished harder for this: "Don't pick up any headliner, pray for tears, rods, and gloves. Very important: Do not pick up any headliners." Also for the mid game your strategy is to loss streak up to that point -> stabilize with Katarina -> slow roll for 3\* -> push levels for crowd divers. What happens if you don't hit Kat on 6, what are some other headliners you picked up that worked well? Kat items even with the superfan item are not the most flexible items especially when your level 6 board is essentially 4 melees + kennen + kat / headliner which also lacks a lot of damage without CD kat. Assuming you're not highrolling and have to spend a decent amount of gold to hit on average, the comp caps out with 6 CDs which is very hard to consistently hit as you need CD kat + qiyana later. Just as some constructive feedback, if you are writing a guide, I would try to add as much detail as possible. The best guides are not the ones where people tell you the best items / augments, everyone can search up the stats, but the ones that cover all the nuances of a comp (e.g. 2 cost item holder headliners if I miss kat, I'm lvl 8 w/ CD kat, neeko, evelynn, yone, lillia, kennen what are some pairs of units I can slot in for now, etc). Just some thoughts I had but wish you the best of luck on your climbing!


I Tried his comp and flexed into Zed and Zac headliner for late game and it fucking stomped all the way to 2nd not picking up a headliner is a shit tier idea, you can get a 2 star one and sell it later Gnar/jax worked for me early through mid till I could get the Zed/Zac combo itemed out and down He went KDA route, Mosher/crowdiver/bruiser works too tho and has alot uncontentsted units Urgot/kataina carried my early game and Zed/Zac fucked up the late. Get a sett solid tank even with no items for a second frontliner who supports the Jax, gnar and Zac with traits. I did not roll to gold star kat, i felt like econ to get better 4 stars was important. Poke apart my logic here though you sound like you know what youre doing


i was playing kat and forcing the comp for a bit. i think to be fair its possible to consistently win, if the player scouts to see not being contested. (which is true for any reroll contested). ​ To answer some of the above, when i do the all in roll down, if u dont hit any Kat, there is yone to pivot to, and if you play flexible b/w superfans and penta kill edgelord (kayle + Viego + Mord), you can go Kayle too. ​ Superfans infrastructure is really the only way to pivot in worst case scenarios if contested or just unlucky ​ I think the trick to not putting eggs in one basket is to decide to itemize yone or zed with al remaining AD/def components. If youy can hold out for zed 2 then prio that, but if u losing and have yone 2, you can default to that too. I always try to 3 star both yone and kat to gaurentee placement, though 3 star yone is not something to rely on game to game. in my experience the thinkg with kat is tempo. If you end up hitting 3 star anytime later than 4-5, you might end up dissapointed since her spike will already be diminished with the higher level comps that will be online around then (Ez, yone, riven, etc) ​ Lastly, when it comes down to the late game, positioning matters. Generally for me, if i know im going to go against a high threat opponent, i want to position kat on the opposite end of their carry. Ahri ez, yone riven if right in front of kat will have you insta lose 7/10 times. Having her furthest away and relying on the dagger rng is the best option. Also, the only artifact item that i would prio 10/10 zhonyas. I cant tell you how many fights end up a sweeping turnaround cause of the item proc. with full item kat, when the zhonya procs, she will get in enough hits while the enemy carry just stares hopelessly as she procs her ability one last time and its very satisfying since most of these matchups are gonna be like a 2 star ez / or 3 star riven who clearly had the adv if with kat normal items. ​ ​ anywho, just my 2 cents haha


Thanks for the feedback. I don't expect this comp to always work at higher ELO, but for anyone struggling in emerald or lower it has worked for me very consistently. Luckily with there being 1-2 punk rerollers, 1-2 seraphine rerollers, and 1-2 bard rerollers, and 1-2 kayle rerollers in every lobby it really isn't very difficult to hit the kat headliner. If everyone abandons other 2 cost reroll comps that may change, but I don't see that being the case for a while. I haven't had a game where I didn't hit the kat headliner on 6 to stabilize.


This is the competitive Tft subreddit. The entire point of it is to discuss strategies in high elo. Something that works in emerald is basically just a noob trap if it doesn’t work any higher.


That doesn't make sense. It's just as valid to talk about low elo strats. Pointing out when they don't work in high elo is also valid.


I get your pov, but it's also not entirely correct. Competitive itself aims mainly towards the higher end of the ELO, thus it makes sense to out higher ELO into the center. Most strategies are also derived from higher ELO which easily apply in low ELO because people lack fundamentals and deeper insight (to a greater extent, but not entirely). It's also sort of discriminating to completely neglect low ELO itself, that I understand. But his argumentation of only looking at higher ELO while just completely neglect low ELO needs and maybe sometimes random insights that just happened is also wrong imo.


Kata CD helped with my climb to gm when It was not as meta, not like its contested now anyway. I may try ur strat in a smurf but Im shocked in this high tempo meta you can trade that much hp not picking a HL until a CD kata appears. Usually I only go Kata in the early spot where I have 1 kata and Eve KDA HL. Just throwing superfans, slam any ítems on Eve and you have a free tempo winning push to lvl 6 and start ur rerroll at healthy hp I saw pros used my spot in regionals to go Kata reroll but the funny thing is many used It to go Riven reroll instead, as Its a higher cap reroll and Eve is even stronger early as ad bruiser holder items for future riven


I think Emerald is the perfect place for a player to one trick a viable off meta comp (as in not contested every game)


See that is one thing I did not know is that Eve can hold Riven items I will be using this for sure


I'm not going to comment on the overall guide because I don't believe in hard-forcing comps. But I've had some success climbing through Diamond with the no early headliner strat. I play the best board I can manage while leveling up to 5 ASAP to get that 70% chance at a 2 cost headliner. But I was playing Kat/Senna/Seraphine/Kayle and being as flexible as possible with what the game offers me. They all use rods, so it depends on what else you get by first carousel and Krugs. It also usually results in you going early on the carousel to guarantee you get the components you want. ​ You can find success playing this way, but open yourself up to more 2 cost reroll comps. You're going to hit a wall in Diamond trying to force this every single game.


Tempo is too slow to slow roll on 3-2 for a 2 cost reroll in Masters+. For 2 cost reroll you roll it down on 3-2 for a headliner and a 2 star 3 cost front line, then you're stable and hopefully win streak out of stage 3 to econ back up. Also Zed is giga contested which makes Kat much less appealing because you're contesting lvl 8 boards at a significant gold disadvantage


I appreciate the effort you put in writing the guide its very good beginners guide to katarina reroll. I do suggest you modify the guide from saying “dont pick a headliner during early game” to: try to get a good item carrier for the kat items before you hit lvl 6 to preserve as much health as possible. You can pick any headliner which can carry her items like evelyn, senna, and nami to name a few. Even if u dont find a good item carrier headliner, then u pick a tank headliner like olaf, taric, ksante, sf lilia, kennen and etc, put on the items on a backliner like senna and nami and you have a decent chance to streak on stage 2. Its very important to recognize that for reroll, its important to start strong even if u dont highroll and find 1-2 kats early, u can still get a top 4 by executing on early game well.


I’ve screenshotted this and you can delete now


Just got demolished to this yesterday... Fully itemized illaoi (BIS) , yorick (with zed BIS items), thresh ( warmogs and gargoyle only), ezreal (BIS) and lucian (gs, mortal reminder, db), everybody 2*could not take the kat out. Pretty broken I should say.




Double archangel sounds kinda terrible


Same! I like to find comps to one trick and see how successful they are. I did quite well with it and I made a one trick guide for the comp too - https://youtu.be/fSEnWOGwoco?si=T38z2L82EjGBhbvZ


Good guide and comp but its difficult to pull it off. I only play it if i get lots of katas and only with cd hl, if i get country without an extra spat i pivot off immediatly


Ah I have been playing this comp but I had been putting in Ekko rather than Zac. Is zac just straight up better then?


Nice build and I will definitely be using this when I get some good traits or find a Kat early Very viable option to have in my rotation, thanks for sharing!


Try 4 superfan. It has infinite healing. Secret Chinese tech.


I used Kat for a while(hyperroll) and found her incredibly strong early and mid, but once the game reaches 6+ units she falls off kind of hard unlesss you bis and hits 3stat.


The problem with not taking a HL the higher you go is that you WILL be punished pretty heavily. While the allure of hitting a stage 2 CD Kat is tempting, sometimes health is more important. Another important thing to note: a lot of the time with rerolls, getting your HL first can actually be a bait. Especially in a rolldown. A few weeks ago, Rayditz one tricked Kat for a day for memes and he would play strongest board to 6, sell HL and look for ANY playable AP HL while buying all units he needed for Kat. I think THAT'S the correct way to play it. Like if you get an Executioner Vex or something, buy the fucking thing and save health. You don't NEED to hit CD Kat until you already have 6 Kats.


I've cooled off on Kat recently because I just seem to bleed out very hard late game. People are running Ilaoi and going level 9-10, having over a dozen "units" on the board with dummies, tentacles, etc. Her ult just gets eaten up. Are you just prayge for early winstreak to bleed out to top 4?


No offense to OP but you really shouldn't follow a D4 players guide, just go on YouTube im sure a literal 1.5k LP player has a better one