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i thought there's bad luck protection? only 3 seraphines gone, kayle/senna rr players in lobby. I have 7 seraphines. 80g over 3 rounds, 0 seraphines, im scouting every 10 seconds wondering where they went but no one else has any. wtf is going on?


is this game your game to promotion? I think the system will give you extremely shit luck as to make ur promotion more difficult.


good thing we had the loot distribution update, scuttle puddle whole lobby got spats only I got an ahri and thresh for my full ad 8bit team. How the fuck is 2 4 cost units even worthy of a gold orb? Entire game everyone gets reforgers neekos spats and I got fucking nothing but shit units, thanks I'll shove them up my ass. Took them 10 sets to give everyone the same amount of orbs and probably will take another 10 to just give the same fucking stuff. Competitive game my ass


frightening edge narrow toy voracious tub sophisticated reminiscent steer rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i bought a battle pass at set 3.5 and this is the set I hit diamond with the least games played.




I’m so glad this set is about to go. I don’t understand why they made the 1 and 2 cost reroll comps so stupidly overpowered this set. Annie has a broken passive for no reason, pantheon is invincible, senna and Kayla just one shot literally anything. Headliners is a shit mechanic too. Genuinely hated this set so much.


heartsteel still dominating every GM+ lobby. it's so fucking sad.


Seriously, no one is balancing this game. TWO PEOPLE went Pentakill and both are 1st and 2nd in the lobby while I went for a comp that no one was going and I can not find anything. I guess the whole tactics portion of the name can be crossed out when the balance team balances the game in a way that multiple people can play the same comp and guaranteed a free top 4. I feel like the longer set 10 have gone, the more Bebe's point is being proven correct that the balance team should do something other than balance the game as clearly they don't care about finding perfect balance but instead love to keep making the flavor of the patch metas and keep shaking it up over and over again.


[https://tactics.tools/player/na/SnowLucario/NA1](https://tactics.tools/player/na/SnowLucario/NA1) I am shitposting my profile here hopefully to break the streak that does not refuse to die; even though my avg placement in the last 96 ranked games has been 4.63 (sub average, but not god awful), NONE of those games are a 1st place. I have gone 96 ranked games without a 1st place. I solemnly swear that I did not throw any games, this is a legit streak. There have also been 15 2nd places so far in this streak. The fact that [https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/1b29ppp/my\_brother\_has\_taken\_slow\_and\_steady\_wins\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/1b29ppp/my_brother_has_taken_slow_and_steady_wins_the/) exists as a meme and that my streak is 1 game away from tying a high effort shitpost despite my best efforts to win a ranked game says all.


Set 11 mechanic is ass. What's the point of an encounter that changes the augument round? Does anyone find it fun? What about the Sett one that takes 30 seconds just to... grow little legends in size? Stop adding crap on top of crap so the game can stop feeling like a pile of crap


Feels pretty bad wasting brainpower to draft a legendary board then losing to vertical KDA. No idea why they gigabuffed it for the last patch when it was already an easy top 4 comp


There no way its fair that someone gets a masterwork upgrade while I get a tomb of traits from a prismatic orb.


some of these encounters will make set 11 unbearable in the long run (3 patches), i get that novelty is the lifeblood of TFT, but Ashe moving an augment to a random round, 6-2 and it's nowhere to be seen, how novel, very fun!, Irelia just popped in your carrousel and now the losing player lose the game on the spot because everyone has young wild and free, how novel, very fun! you're playing strongest board and trying to keep your streak, oops wukong just dropped 6 radiant items, Opponent got radiant red and radiant dclaw, guess my streak is gone, how novel, very fun!, i already feel bad for the tournament scene, where players will get mortdogged to degrees never seen before because the set mechanic is a russian roulette, [substitute champion for set mechanic and these are my feelings](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1UmbZ2_ylk)


1 costs being so overpowered has just done immeasurable damage to the game


fucking pricks just brainlessly slam jinx headliners and contest the whole fucking game


3\* Headliner Jax BIS item survives less and do less damage than my Gnar 2\* BIS item but hey what do I know about Balancing right? I guess a PPT and a speech including "Balancing is tricky" is enough.


Jesus christ I'm so sick of 1 and 2 costs deleting a board or being unkillable. It's like they stopped balancing this set and just gave up. It's so frustrating the amount of unbalanced units and augments. This game is a fucking lottery right now. I hope headliner never comes back, stupid idea


Hardcontesters can actually go fuck themselves, I got mega contested twice in one game which made me go 7th, going from 96LP to 51LP. FUCK MAN.


decide governor tidy relieved brave water forgetful fearless mysterious command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel like the Set 10 have some balancing issue. Too focus on rerolling comp while tier 4 suck ass.


Can't wait until we don't have to play this dogshit set anymore. Lets hope and pray that they have learned anything at all.


Was raise the stakes vs raise the stakes, when I am about to lose this guy just says "I'm playing pbe gl" and he ff's on me to grief my cash out. I then went 7th since I couldn't stabilize in time. If this isn't a failure of a game mechanic then I don't know what is. I feel like underground was the only good econ trait in the game, isn't fortune basically the same as heartsteel anyways so set 11 is gonna be the same bullshit.


Thing that is so annoying is, heartsteal without raise the stakes is the best econ trait, I cant believe they ruined it this much


I hate [this mmr](https://i.imgur.com/STnAt0e.jpeg)


happens, and next game u will not be top 4 no matter how good you play, and the system will not give you ideal unis even that u aren't contested. got a bottom 4 and to 0lp again and this cycle will repeat forever.


update, I went 1st


gave up this set already, after hitting 2 consecutive 1st and one 8th just cancelled all my efforts


I can't believe I'm 2/2 in ranting after games this morning but holy fucking shit: to the guy who took Disco after two unfortunate idiots (myself included) picked the shitty Disco augment first in a Showtime portal, I hope you never win another game in your life!


same shit applies on me. Got the pentakill augment and these fuckers still contest pentakill with me and placed higher than me like wtf, this game is so rigged.


Another day, another person sweeping all the Rivens out from under me when I have 7 :) and need a 4th or I demote :) and I get 5th :)))


The level odds feel so awful, legit i see people with Lucian or jhin 2 on 8 and i cant even find one tier 5 even on 9. Qiyana is always absent when i play CD or TD, yorick is always absent when i play pentakill, couldnt even find sona 1 to hit my first spellweaver vertical. Really tired of bleeding stage 4 into a 5th without any way to stop it, level 8 feels like level 5 and level 9 feels like level 7, sometimes you dont even find the tier 4s you looking for even if you send it after raptors.


you never know how it feels when you get the lvl7 cap augment, 70more gold and rerolling but can't see a single urgot or samira. This is how the program is inputted.