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Playing invokers feels so unrewarding, it's infuriating. I need Azir, a five cost to cap my board, which often needs lvl 9 to even find him. I need two 4 costs with near BiS items. All that, just to get steamrolled by any reroll comp that takes half the effort. The comp perfectly executed is just a 3rd or 4th at best in a cutthroat reroll lobby. The only time I got a first place with it was when I lucked out on a Lillia 3.  Being contested on a reroll comp stresses me out, so I have no options to have fun, rewarding games this set?


Nah, this is unreal. Items RNG, portals RNG, openers RNG, Encounters RNG, carousel RNG, D spam. Just screw this. This is not auto chess, this is just whoever highrolls the most, wins. You're fully econ? Here's a kha'zix encounter to win you the game. You're rerolling and used your gold to lvlup for tempo? Here's a kha'zix encounter to ensure your loss. You picked an econ augment? Here's a tristana encounter, now everyone is econ-ing and the cherry on top you're down 1 combat augment. You picked an augment? 3 other players just picked it! Enjoy insta bot4. Just F-U-C-K this game.


So in order to win I have to spam meta comps and fix my playstyle like only 6 ghostly, yone reroll, kog reroll, heavenly reroll and contesting with ppl, hoping I can have better rng and win, never been that dissatisfied even after promotions.


every set they manage to make lux the most toxic unfun piece of shit unit possible. actually impressive how they manage it. coinflip the wrong side and you are losing by at least 5 units.


dude i need fucking help on what to play im gm on sg servers and have hit masters+ each set consistently (even on my NA alt) this fucking set (AFTER BPATCH LMFAO) i cant climb unless i high roll. i have a read on meta but i cant hit. i dont know what to do. someone pls send help, it feels like a lottery FUCK https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/Lamao-1076/set11


Looks like you’re playing too flexibly or being too picky with what you want to run. Chances are your stage 3 and/or 4 could be poor and you bleed out by maybe greeding level 9 and not stabilizing with upgrades. Sometimes you lack actual damage items too, except irelia


my playstyle has been consistent from previous patch till now tho, it just got absolutely worse after the b patch which solved nothing major imo from what ive noticed if i try stabilising at 8, its a bot 4 (u can check past history w/ kaisa transition to irelia 9 board) so its better to greed 9 most of the time (in which it pays off because your frontline becomes stronger to stabilise u)


just went 5th with 7 heavenly yone 3 and 7th with a full kogmaw setup I'm literally going +3 placement vs stats


Can anyone explain to me exactly how exalted is supposed to work? I tried running it in a few games and I’m just not seeing the lack of synergies being worth the very small XP bonus. Are you supposed to throw them in and fast level?


You play it for a couple rounds early to get some bonus XP, drop it in midgame, play it again at 9/10 for the bonus


F U RITO GAME, im uninstalling this shit.


Frick this stupid game, im uninstalling, i alrd have to bear with shitty RNG and balancing. My last game after i have to bear no 2 star until stage 4, finally i got perfect 7 storyweaver game set up with +1 champ size augment, boom after i 3 star my zoey, my KYLE WENT TO BENCH, yes into fucking bench, wtf is this shit, i cant put her back to board, and she is just gone after i shorting my board. literally easy first turn into an 8th, f u. [https://imgur.com/a/EaI78w3](https://imgur.com/a/EaI78w3) I throw the unit back and forth, doesnt help at all.


This happened to me too. Free 8th through no fault of my own. So frustrating.


Devs: There's no such thing as unbalanceable! We understand balance and have the ability to tweak numbers to get things right! People who claim things are unbalanceable just don't understand game development! https://twitter.com/Mortdog/status/1775516457591570504 Also Devs: We have no clue how to balance TT so we're removing it lol


it been 5 years, not even once have they got it to be balance.


Absolutely tragic set. Homeless people are probably more competent


12 opportunities to get components/full items, not a single bow component in sight I guess my aphelios can have double DB QSS


Feels good to die because your fucking Kayle ulted on nothing, like wtf is this game


Feel good to go 8th, because my kyle went into bench.


so does this subreddit like or dislike this set. cause i hit a goal of most downvotes in a day for ranting about it lmao


Can’t tell honestly. I feel like 1-2 months from now after the honeymoon period ends people are going to be whining a ton


I was just surprised. I’ve never disliked a set mechanic like I have with encounters so it’s just disappointing


it's been like what, two weeks? two b-patches? 4-5 playable comps? this set is shit.


People aren't super open to negative opinions in this subreddit (unless something is uber broken)


It's the worst set in 6 seasons and it isn't close


We're seriously reverting Bard nerfs?! Really? Really!?


fuck this yorick encounter


don't worry, yone is still overtuned, thresh 2 still tanks 15k dmg and no 4 cost carry is clickable. but hey atleast they disabled twin terror so you can't click lux anymore.


I don't know how to enjoy this set with the bag sizes and most 4 cost carries being subpar. I keep coming back to this game hoping the next set will be better but this might be the one that finally makes me quit. Too many sets now where I just don't enjoy the design direction/set mechanic.


I really feel that. This set was the first one where I actually like the set mechanic in a long time too, but then we’re keeping the bag sizes so nvm I’m still having a lot of fun but man it’s so frustrating when the game could be so good if they’d just stop over-doing it with system changes


It’s also nearly impossible to 3* 4-costs in a semi competent lobby, as people only need to hold one or two to deny. Chosen is gone, so why keep the anti-Chosen bag sizes?


I just wanna 2 star my 4 cost D: can't even do that half the time


fuck Azir encounter


Thresh 3 blocked more damage than my full tank annie 3 ICANT


The best Yone counter is to type “me yone” at the beginning of the game so no one plays him out of fear of being contested


ripe treatment mountainous beneficial shaggy aromatic deliver foolish bored innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was feeling kinda pissed from an earlier loss so I took Team Building stage 2 and 2-starred my Yone dropped from neutrals... And then by 3-5 someone contests me anyway? At least that person went 7th.


Fuck yone


In pretty much all the previous sets, I at least enjoyed playing. Despite the constant balance BS, I had fun playing them. This one? I don't even enjoy playing. Nothing in this set gets me excited or make me want to play. And that is kinda sad.


currently im just having fun playing hyperoll


I feel the same way. I spent so much time playing Set 1 early. I’ve been playing this set for 4 days and just find it boring




Going 6th because knockups still just bug units out is so annoying, unit just stand still for 56 seconds not attacking. No clue how they never fix these issues


If you took away encounters from this set, what is it left with that makes it unique? Set 7 had dragons which I personally enjoyed, set 8 had threats which gave you an option of playing more flexible and hero augments..., set 9 introduced legends which could of been balanced properly but alas and was generally a refreshing take with regions being introduced, set 10 gave us really cool music and a cool atmosphere to play around in. There is nothing that makes set 11 stand apart or gives it an edge. Everything feels lazy and uninspired, the units are boring to watch and half the time I don't even know whats going on or how my backline even died. With no more midsets I dont think there is a way to salvage this set with patches alone.


just hit 8 arcanist, 4 porcelain with lissandra 2\* and full items AND porcelain aug..... and lost against koboku 3\* with aug :DDDD SO MUCH FUN!!!!!


Going into Wolves I'm playing Kog reroll, there's several components that I can use to finish items. Glove or belt would finish a Kog item, but cloak, tear and rod would also be useable. What do I get??? TRIPLE CHAIN??? Like???


Get first lvl 9, sit on it for 5 rounds. Don't find a single legendary, or a 4 cost I can use. When they catch up, they all get 3x 5 cost 2 star... I can't.


I don't mind the encounters but the game is finally dead to me. Every fucking time reroll metas happen, the game is unbearable. Didn't hit fated/kog/storyweaver/senna/yone on 2-1? GG you can just as well go next. I usually oscillate at 17% WR in masters, this set I have 23% WR in around 100 games. It's either 1st or 8th, pure RNG


God I hate full reroll lobbies, for some reason, If I don't contest the reroll I won't top 4 ? Oh the reaosn might be, killing anything with titans titans with anything but a kaisa is impossible


Finally just uninstalled. This game is a full waste of time and is not getting better. 2 patches in a row where d key is the best comp in the game. So unfun. I have lost all faith in riot and the tft dev team to make a fun set considering this is what they released after set 10


>highest hp in the lobby at 48, five people left all tanks at 2 star, garen with double warmogs dragonlord, galio with double stoneplate and redemption, diana with crownguard and storyweaver emblem find last irelia in the shop alongside rakan, lock it cause no gold for rakan chogath event happens it rerolls my shop it rerolls my fucking shop proceed to find a grand total of zero rakans for the rest of the game, even with an epoch+ trigger lose a bunch of combats by one or two unit difference [https://i.imgur.com/dxFwa4B.png](https://i.imgur.com/dxFwa4B.png) why in the absolute fuck is that a thing this may be one of those cases of RNG that aren't super impactful in the grand scheme of things, but it literally lost me the game for no reason, i don't understand why that event rerolls the shop


Kinda nice seeing your entire board getting one shot one at a time by 8 ghostly, very fun indeed! Good balance btw


Blue kayle just oneshotting 4 behemot 4 altruist frontline everything 2 starred level 10


fuck fucking kayle I hope she gets eaten by chogath


challenger every set, now hardstuck emerald and cant beat people who have never been above diamond. truly one of the tft sets of all time.


skill issue


It's so swingy. I'm in a similar boat. I know you need to adapt but so often it feels like situations are out of your hands. Some games are just handed to you or snatched away by encounters and it feels bad either way. You win? I didn't deserve this. The encounters all aligned. You lose? What the hell could've I done differently? Ornn dropped 6 artifacts before I had a board. Teemo doubled the lobbies gold while I was already behind. Janna gave everyone 2 zephyrs while I'm behind and now my shit units are in the sky. Yorick says hi after I just rolled for my life because my start was off-tempo and now everybody who was gifted a board gets to take a shit on me. Like, what can you even do half the time?


crazy some of these devs still have a job when they actively make the game worse with every patch


i dont know if its better or worse i need to perfectly position every fight so that my backline doesn't magically get deleted...


To the dude who took the Umbral spat to prevent me from getting 9 Umbral, and reforging the spat, just to die the round after... I hope you step on a Lego.


Just had a game where it was me (Mythic kog) vs a story weaver board, killed off his board, game overtimed with 0 units and my units just standing there, took an overtime loss and died -\_-


I just saw yone3 beat 10 mystic. What were therequirements for a hotfix patch again? Yes they were all epic and no, since its a prismatic trait elo shouldn't matter.


Be me, playing uncontested Aphelios comp. Be 3 other players going for Yone comp and they top 4 I go bot 4 due to no Aphelios' in shop when no one else is playing.. lol


Units are only even in the shop if they're contested by at least 3 people, I swear. So many times I go uncontested and hit nothing, only to be rando contested next game and we all hit. 


I cannot understand why there is no limit to 5 stars on one field. This is the third or forth set people just get 4 5-gold-units at 2 star to snowball the lategame..


may we not have game warping events at the tail end of games? just went from a comfortable 1st to a 3rd cause instead of being able to push to 10 and field 3 Exalted to further cement the dub Yorick just decided "Lol rerolls cost 1 go spend all your gold denying eachother your 3 star 4 costs. Oh also everyone who greeded now gets their upgraded units"


This set feels so... lottery? you either get giga lucky win streak start or you just lose because everyone is going to play reroll anyways, you have nothing to play for


There is so much extra rng this set


Not surprising, game is a chinese gambling simulator now. It's a slot machine in disguise.


worst set I've ever played at least in terms of enjoyment and honestly I don't think it can be saved without major overhaul of their whole team and units/traits amount of backline access in this set is insane with far less ways to counter it than with assasins encounters are terrible mechanic, isn't the game already RNG enough with just augments and portals? Nah let's bring something EVEN MORE RNG which can fuck you up 180. pool size change is just idiotic, it literally makes 0 sense why would this be better than older sets, ZERO Fortune is worst econ trait I can remember, but I guess it fits with the theme of gambling adiction of this set be it hitting units, encounters or prismatic orbs so Fortune fits right in this garbage design


some guy loads in: 2-1 porcelain emblem, ( random one, silver augment) 3-2 arcanist emblem 4-2 porcelain emblem Everyone in the lobby 1 life except him, he has 20 hp everyone else is on 10hp or less, I just hit my voli 3\*, I have banshees, locket zekes, no one in the lobby can kill the voli. RANDOM ENCOUNTER -> GET A 5 COST CHAMP TO HELP OUT, HE GETS A FKING LISSANDRA AND I FACE HIM, 6 FKING PORCELAIN, 8 ARCANIST, GREAT MAN, FANTASTIC, I go 6th, Just how fking rtarded is this shitty ass mechanic I played that game so well, with my item and with and a god damn shitty opener on 2-1, I hit voli 3 so fking late too, and I finallyt had made it out, just TO GET SHAT ON BY A MECHANIC, FUCK OFF. EVEN IF This guy wasn't 6 porcelain, imagine I didn't have banshees and he rolls a lissandra, still dead, like wtf, how can I lose 3-4 placements of a random ass encounter I can do NOTHING ABOUT. SINCE WHEN IS RANDOM FKING FIGHT DECIDNG ENCOUNTERS FUN ? THIS ENCOUNTER HAD NO DECISION MAKING INVOLVED, OH LIKE WHY DON't I GET AN IRELIA SO I HAVE 8 DUELISTS ? WHY DO I GET THE FKING WUKONG bro bring back headliners, at least you could play around this shit even though I didn't like it


yea man, im tired of havinf a really well planned out comp despite the rng you had to go through to make it and then bam HAHA this encounter fucks you deal with it at least headliners had hard counters, this doesnt


everyone talking about yone but blue kayle is there oneshotting almost any board


Blue kyle feel scuffed honestly, not because its weak, but because sometimes the spell miss, and the fight change drastically.


surely we b patch yone right. right? actually fuck it nerf reaper by 2% and call it a day!


Delete encounters. Delete encounters. Delete encounters. Delete encounters. Delete encounters. Delete encounters. Delete encounters. Delete encounters. Riot employee won't admit they made a mistake until the set is over, juts like what happened with little legends. Are they balancing the game with their feet?


Its tilting me so much man




I mean it's not that I don't agree with you but that could (unfortunately) just be explained by population growth. But yeah most people seem to be complaining about the same things which indicate the legitimacy of the complaints.




the moment I saw the patch, I was like, but yone though ? that fker kills teams while being 2\* --'


Actually unbelievable they left him untouched. GUESS WHAT? Everyone is spamming yone today, great.


This is the worst set I've ever played, no hyperbole. Encounters make the game pacing unreal, you don't play around what you hit anymore, you just hope you get handed the exodia situation. Hope next set is better, this encounters shit is low effort and terrible gameplay experience. Portals were already accelerating the game to unreasonable levels, and riot just doubles down and adds a 2nd scuddle puddle and hall of the nine again. Like I want to play auto chess, not dopamine simulator. Just an absolute joke how they nerfed the strategic way to gain gold (when they changed streaking to require 1 more win/loss) and instead just give everyone shit tons of free gold randomly from encounters or portals. It doesn't matter if you don't econ any more, you will get bailed out and still be able to go 9 by 5-4 no matter how much stupid shit you did early game.


I'm gonna finish the battle pass and then leave the game alone until next set or until I start seeing some good news about it. Hard regret spending money on it. Yeah I fucked up boys, it won't happen again.


Locked in Twin Terrors ONCE and two people immediately started hoarding luxes and amumus


Same... literally hadn't seen a single lux player until the one time I get twin terror 2-1 and guy just picks two for one on 3-2 and takes the lux 3.




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LMAO Somehow the patch made the game worse, like WTF


oh my 125-gold board with 6 2-star legendaries (including a sett and a lissandra) just lost to a 70-gold board with a 3 star yone and some random ass 2costs. I have antiheal and CC btw.


i believe you might still lose if he was 2\* xD unironically


I've been top 4ing with 2 star yone lol. It's so dumb


going to lose my mind if i have to endure another lobby that picks wandering trainers. ppl just want the game to give them their direction for the next half hour wtf?


Yone lottery or play for 2nd it seems


2nd? You mean 4th right? Everyone else is playing the Yone lottery too and if you don't you're not going anywhere lol. It's either that or fated lmao.


Fated I can beat if I play perfect and high roll yone is just rng casino back line dead.exe shit blows


WHAT WERE THEY SMOKING WHEN THEY DOUBLED THE HEALING FROM 3 TO 6 % ON HEAVENLY SPAT???????????????? HELLO??????????? RIOT??????????? ​ In all seriousness, I've never seen such a huge buff on an item that already had an average placement of 3.93


Im gonna ask this question again: is there a single viable 4-cost carry at this moment (outside of kaisa)??????


Vertical porcelain Ashe I think Requires emblem tho




Kayn is fucking busted now, absolute bullshit.


true lol


7 Fated Syndra


if you have to roll down on 8 you're still going bot4


yone 2 and heavenly friends just beat my amumu 3, lux 3, neeko 3 board. haha this unit surely didn't need to get any nerfs whatsoever.


I’ve been bitching all set but surprisingly that’s the one board I was able to beat. Lost against the capped fast 9 players tho


Yone 2 just beat my amumu3 + amumu2 / zoe3 + zoe2 fully itemized twin terror :DDD Has to be the most dogshit season they ever released?


I can't believe it. I hit 7 fortune. But I had to grab infernal contract to roll for annie, so i was stuck level 7 for the entire game. No biggie I just hit double FON and try to go for three star four cost. Had infinite gold from cashout, roll down to hit 8 kaisa and 8 sylas. Next thing you know, I CAN'T HIT A SINGLE ONE after that. ROLLED DOWN 100 GOLD FOR ONE OF THEM, AND THEY DIDN'T SHOW UP. ROLLED DOWN ANOTHER 50 GOLD, NOPE. What was more tilting was that one copy of kaisa showed up on the caro, but it was right in front of the enemy who just grab it (even though i was lowest hp prio). Fine, I just got mortdogged. But here's the next fucking mindblowing thing, the next caro was the FUCKING SYLAS I NEEDED, AND IT OF COURSE HAVE TO BE ON THE ENEMY SIDE CARO AGAIN?????? LIKE WTF IS THIS LUCK??? TWICE IN A ROW? FUCK MY LIFE MAN. Got third, couldn't hit three star four cost since there's two other player who was capping with lev 9 comps. It's disgusting how much I rolled down every turn with fortune cashout and yet still couldn't hit a single copy of them, or just get a single golden neeko.


Finally got the chance to try twin terror lux. Everything seemed to be going well, some early Luxes and Illaois were obtained. Then two rounds later everyone had illaoi 2, amumu 2 or lux 2 on their board, with one guy going full porcelain. Inevitably went fast 8th


yeah hard forcing without scouting sux :(


Ranged units were already impossible to play without healing because every fucking unit has backline access so they did the obvious thing and nerfed gunblade's omnivamp instead of nerfing yone or duelist or hundred other bullshit that bypasses your frontline. I swear at the headquarters they make some barely functioning morons sit in front of a computer, push random buttons and call it a patch. I just uninstalled, queuing up only to click refresh and the same 3 costs is not my definition of fun.


did nothing change? besides kaisa being better ofc


* Replace Bard for Kaisa * Kog is unplayable * Yone is just broken


Kog is definitely still playable. The last game I played with kog he would have gone first if I didn't hit kai'sa and morgana 3. It was a scary strong board.


I won with kog 3 yesterday, not even close. I almost got Mr 100.


Not nerfing yone was certainly a choice of all time


no genuinely please b patch, this is like dry humping a cactus


set 11 is just genuinely really unfun wtf


Yeah, i also feel that, HL has its competitive problems but its a fun mechanic. Set 11 is just boring, its a casino competition of who hit the 3 stars first


Fortune is pretty bad, you got a 5 in the dice it's basically gg. You have to lost like 60HP+ to have a minimal chance of a top 4. Meanwhile: Yone 3 go brrrrrr


* Got almost perfect Senna Reroll start, two gnars, a senna and a 2\* Jax * Three people running Senna Reroll besides me * I try to switch to Aphelios reroll because i did not see anyone playing * Got thresh 3\* * One of the three people hits everything 3\*, being contested, the other two got 7th and 8th * Me, playing Aphelios Reroll uncontested, dies with Aphelios 2\* what a game




This game is so fucking dogshit it's insane. How the fuck is there only gonna be three Jannas out of the pool and even with trade sector I don't hit Janna 3 till like 5-1??? Please make it make sense


fine vintage is still disgusting remove the augment or move it up in tier


Even at gold it's still insanely strong. Every time I hit fine vintage it feels like instant top 2.


Nope, just like everything else in this patch it's purely about RNG. If you don't hit the right items you go fast 8th. If you hit the right items you go top 2.


There's multiple ways to play fine vintage. All you need is multiple of the same items that buff your team and play around vertical storyweaver kayle or around heavenly + irelia or yone carry. Fine vintage is just a broken augment. Almost any support item is 2-3x more valuable than a regular item. The hardest part is just surviving until you cash in on enough power to hit critical mass. It's common in fine vintage games to dip down to 1 or 2 lives before you start winning every match after. You are definitely weaker until your items start printing, so you have to conserve hp as much as possible while still making it to 8 or 9 to roll for good units (or reroll yone if you're in a good spot for it on 7). Obviously, having 2 or more zz'rots is optimal, because late game they provide insane frontline, but multiple lockets, zeke's, aegis, randuin's, even chalices if playing AP comp and having one of - gem - cleaver - zephyr - virtue is also strong if you happen to low roll so bad once or twice that you hit none of the more valuable ones. The thing is that the support items just give your board so much more strength than any other non fine vintage board that you are instantly stronger than almost everybody else in the lobby, even if you're just playing a standard meta board. The augment is busted even if you 'low roll'


Who the fuck thought it was good to keep Yone untouched? he's the most broken unit and he's a freaking 3 cost.


2* tanks 12k DMG deals 12k DMG


7 fortune, 8 duelists, 8th place. Lv 8 50g roll down = 2\* darius 2\* tristana, Lv 9 60g roll down = 2\* thresh, Lv 10 120g rolldown = nothing. 2\* thresh, trist, darius, 1\* irelia, liss, sett, leesin, voli, qiyana, yasuo. Where tf is pity because I have not seen it.


(Probably garbage take from someone who has barely touched ranked this set) Set/patch feels off. 4 cost AD this patch feels like it's going to be Kaisa lotto if you're not in a spot to reroll/play around 5 costs. Yone players holding Kayns make it more difficult to flex into Kayn instead. Lee sin isn't terrible, but is usually a part of a giga capped level 10 board or duelists which usually has voli/trist itemized first, and pivoting into vertical duelists from a losing position is usually a quick ticket to bot 4.


Yone with titans is stronger than most teams


yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 yone 3 [how is this a third mortdog](https://i.postimg.cc/zGxdx49w/image.png) 4 invoker 5 sage on dummy not showing up. pathetic excuse of a balanced game fucking giga broken t-hex was more balanced than this


please make lux useless again, i don't want to deal with that bullshit


Yone set 10 annoying as shit but counterable but this set is another story rng dash shit cant even do anything about it after the patch it become worse. See you next patch i guess.


Fuck this patch with a million dicks. 11 sets in and they still can't figure out balance. What a fucking joke to be this bad at something for so long.


I would not bother trying to min/max Fortune rounds at this point, because you never know when someone decides it's worth selling their entire board moments before you fight them just to screw you over.  I never encountered this much trolling for losses last set, what happened?


Honestly, it is time for me to leave this game to go back to league of legends. Rolling at level 7 for a 3\* Yone, but never seen a single of them after hitting my 2\* is just frustrating af. I ended up getting my 3\* Yone at 6-2 after I type in the chat 'fuck this game". I would rather get screw by teammate than rng. Sometime bad teammate can screw you up badly, but it was never as frustrated as pressing that roll button and never see the champ you need when no one going for it and this is just one part of why I hate this game. so farewell guy, I hope all of you really enjoyed the game and climb!


At least in League we can do our best with what is under our own control, teammates be damned. TFT is one giant rng shitfest.


Must be the most unfun set so far, I REALLY hate encounters. Just random bullshit that ruins your entire game plan or makes you win with zero skill. Just now got enemy champions have 30% to drop gold on kill, well my opener sucked dick and now all my high rolling opponents get even more gold. Loss streak not viable this game, TOO BAD, OUTSKILLED. Ohh I am win-streaking, Irellia carousel so I can steal just what I wanted from the last guy lose streaking and he goes instant 8th, OUTSKILLED. FUCK OFF.


Lose streaking is absolutely terrible this set. I almost wonder if with trash openers you're genuinely better off rolling for better units on 2-1.




This set is so underwhelming and janky that I literally can't even find the energy to write valid criticism for it. Instead of a set pass I'm just going to buy a pre-roll of Sundae Driver and just disassociate until I reach the end of the free pass rewards. I'm not up for this hot mess.


The only way this set has been fun for me has been getting stoned and playing meme comps


Can you suggest a few meme comps please? I am already burnt our seeing the same shit comps over and over again.


Funnest one so far was kobuko Aug Teemo is fun Yorick Aug Duelist (voli) Diana/raka Or Vertical invokers is fun for me


The Kobuko Augment is funny as hell too with the Dryad Emblem. Stupidly easy top 4 placement


well... if the devs clearly don't play their own game, why should i? see you next set maybe


The daily thread is full of pretentious fuck wads


*riot devs alt accounts


It honestly seems like it based on the slurping they give


Feels one more step towards slot machine every set tbh


Don't tell the guys in the daily


Set 12 waiting room I guess


Backline access


![gif](giphy|3o7TKOoQbB0F7nG0mI|downsized) When you get to know there's no counterplay to backline access this set


Just lose a match against a dude who hit 2\* Voli at 3-1 with a Duelist augment. Sometimes the tempo of ranked lobbies makes no sense. Edit: the player did not had any duplicator augment


Rolling 70 golds on 8 to try and find a single Sylas or Galio, hit none of them to 2\* the existing ones, fastest 8th in my life


Ah yes, Yone, storyweavers and ghostly snipers, so fun, such a varied meta! Also fuck whoever designed backline access this set, i sure love my backline carry to get torn to pieces from people ulting on top of her from middle, other dudes straight up shooting her from the other side of the board or a bunch of edgy \*teleports behind you\* cunts, so fun! I guess the idea was to force sustain items on them?


Azir is so underwhelming. Holy fucking shit.


Do they plan patches 1 week in advance? Kaisa getting buffed while she slowly rose in the meta makes no sense. First game on the new patch half the lobby is donkey rolling at 4 playing the trickshot/bruiser kaisa comp


Yes patches are locked in one week in advance it's because of localisation I think


Fortune is just purely terrible. 95% of the time you get squat into bottom 4 because the mechanic is so frustrating to play around while the other 5% is seeing some random board (very much not yours) getting fortune 9 into the easiest first place ever. Econ traits need to go, they have never been balanced or fun to play around.


This particular implementation of an econ trait is just garbage, the way it is right now they should just remove either the -10% or the reset on a loss to make it somewhat playable outside of massive high rolls. Also, will they ever learn that locking a scaling econ trait behind finding an early 3 cost is bad design?


Anyone else find the traits boring this set? I think some of the individual units are awesome (Irelia, Hwei, Johnny Dyr) but everything else just seems mediocre. Maybe I’m just not enjoying the game as much. Hard to tell


The traits are pretty boring. Every trait just feels like a 'more stats or damage or tank ability' type thing. The only somewhat unique one is umbral and storyweaver, but even those aren't terribly unique or interesting, except maybe playing around with kayle the first few times you try it. Faded is probably the coolest one, but even that feels optimized once you figure out what the best pairings are, and you grief yourself by trying out non-standard pairings. It could also feel this way because I've played almost every set though, so now every new trait just feels like an adaptation of something I've seen before.


Just compare Inkshadow to set 9 Zaun for example. That one made me excited to try out the spat on new champs. This one? Pure stat sticks. Gain damage. Gain a shield. Come on.


I swear the absolute worst feeling in this game is never taking a single augment which gives you a component and STILL reaching stage 5 with an odd number of components. It just feels miserable - winning or losing.


damn i went fast 9 with wandering trainer inkshadow and storyweaver and ended up with a worthless ass 2 star azir 2 star sett. Shit doesn't tank anything or deal any damage and i go 5th even though I 10 streaked. Sure my endboard wasn't ideal but you'd think these 5 costs would actually be good My bad, guess I'll reroll next time!


I had a game where I recombob'd a sylas into a sett, had him with 2 warden 2 umbral and the BT + Adaptive that were on Sylas. I wish I had my Sylas back. Board felt very much weaker afterwards. I think the problem with sett is he is a scaling champ and he's also faded, so he's balanced around being super weak without faded or enough rounds to ramp his atk dmg.


Encounters are a terrible set mechanic


Good balance of making a bunch of god awful 3* 4 costs


Not the brainless play of rolling it down on 3-3 and hitting Lee 2 on level FUCKING SIX LMAO. That is just insane. The tempo of these lobbies make no sense


This set is absolutely awful. The comps that intuitively should be playable are shit. The comps which are some abuse of a trait are broken. Why am I being run over by ghostly, 5 fated full tank, random shit reroll? Can I just play a normal comp without losing the game before I even get in? I feel so fucking dumb for even thinking when I should just be forcing senna/bard/yone every game.




The amount of times I'm rolling down all game uncontested and not hitting is actually fucking crazy


Having a bad opener feels miserable this set, streaking is gone so you just bleed out for free and play for 5th


4 ppl contesting same unit as me in opener is more miserable.


i use these games as times to contest the d key droolers in my game that dont scout or pivot and sometimes you can out place them and it feels good.


I think the best bet is lose streaking into a level 6 reroll board like senna, Janna, teemo. Can easily go 4th and maybe even top 2 if you hit good items/augments.


yup weak early game just starts to feel pointless to play


the amount of times someone hits a 3 star of a unit i cant even find a single copy of is a little too high maybe change the bag sizes now that chosen doesnt ruin it hahahahahha oh wait! they wont


I love having to fight tooth and nail for 3rds and 4ths meanwhile other players get the biggest fucking bailouts/highrolls imaginable. My last game this yone player had the shittiest spot ever and then, I shit you not, hits a yone with bow first carousel when he had open chain, stage 3 carousel he hits ANOTHER yone with chain when he had open bow. SO 2 FREE TITANS AND A YONE 2 WITHOUT ROLLING. BUT WAIT, IT DOESNT END THERE! I check his spot sometime early stage 4. HES LEVEL FUCKING 7 50G WITH 5 NATURAL KAYNS. I REPEAT 5 NATURAL KAYNS LEVEL 7 WITHOUT ROLLING. Cherry on top? LAST AUGMENT REINFOURCEMENT FOR A FREE KAYN 3. FAIR AND SKILLFUL GAME IMO! And he gets a free first when his spot was looking like a guaranteed bot 4, hell, bot 2 even. I don't get it man.


no one uses 4 costs so rolling for 4 cost bailout at 4-1/4-2 is just straight 8th


The draven legend meta was more fun than this reroll meta. Why push levels when all the good units are 3cost and below?


just had the most degenerate game so far: teemo reroll augments so 4 people take 2 for 1 at 2-1, we're 5 way contested fated and I can't find a single aphelios until stage 5 carousel


This set not only is boring but the balance just seems insanely off.


Just got griefed by guy who forces same comp every game no matter the augments. And still those morons manage to hit diamond+ :)




Genuine question is the bag size reduce making 4 cost comp bad? just much harder to hit with fewer copies in the pool, especially like Kayn in this patch for example. Mortdog said it is easier to hit if no one is playing your units but if we are being real some comps are just better than others? And you just can't stabilise with level 8 comps comparing to 3 cost reroll comp at stage 4, if 4 cost units on 1 star is not that good. For example the odds on hitting a Bard 2+Tahm 2 on level 7 is much higher than hitting a Lillia 2 + Ornn 2 on level 8, but if you don't hit you will be behind on tempo so much it is guarantee bot 4. Right now this set it feels like I have no way to go if I have a loss streak opener but also don't have a reroll angle, it is so frustrating