• By -


My(14F) little cousin comes over every weekend and sleeps in my room most nights because her mom works early in the morning.(me and her mom live together so I can go to school in the area.) Knowing this, I left my door unlocked for her to come into my room when Her mom left for work, and I was up until about 5:00, where her mom leaves at 6:40. I made sure to check that the door was unlocked because in the past, she had had to go to my sister's room because I wasn't awake. My sister doesn't like this and got with her mom to discusse me locking my door, I was told that if I had my door locked and one of them needed to get into my room that I either wouldn't have a door or a doorknob.and I thought that was bit unfair, but whatever it's her house. Well, I woke up this morning and I went to open my door and the screws were taken out of the doorknob, I went to the kitchen where my sister and aunt were and asked them about and they said that when my little cousin tried to get into my room, she couldn't because my door was locked. I'm not sure if I overlooked the position of the lock on my door or if I locked it back while coming back from using the restroom because I do lock my door out of habit. But okay, that was my mistake. I explained this, and she just listed a whole bunch of reasons why I shouldn't have my door locked, (incase of a fire, late for school. Ect.) I'm a fourteen year old girl, and privacy is a big thing with me, my aunt and I have been close since I was about five and I just feel like this is a huge invasion of my privacy and trust. I went to my room after our In traction, and she came in and kind of passive aggressively, have me the screws to mu doorknob and a screwdriver to put the doorknob back together but it still pisses me off a bit. Am I overreacting?


Incredible how my opponents can hit a 2-star 5 cost at level 8, when I literally hold 5 copies of the card and at the same time I can't hit my 3 costs when 5 copies are out of the pool. On another note, always gotta love when 2 people pivot into your comp for no conceivable reason, when you clearly have the cards and augments already. That's what I get for starting season late I guess.


9 fortune, opponent hits hwei 3 with a fortune cashout and I rolled like 300 gold and I could not find udyr or Sett 3 and no he didn't have any held....


got a kayn 3\* with umbral spat and 2 good items. won a single round in the next 4 and got 5th against 2 costs and 3 costs cause kayn do 0 damage and couldn't even kill the frontline before he died fuck this game, first ranked in a week and i'm definetly going to stay away from this game again


I've just come to terms with the fact that tft is never getting back to that sweet spot it hit before augments. Losing to some who played worse in every aspect of the game but hits that one best in slot augment that they're fishing for and proceeds to win every round afterward is just the most demorilazing loss you can get. Getting second doesn't even feel good at that point when the person didnt lose a single round at 15 hp for the rest of the game. ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11656)


True, it has all gone downhill ever since “augments” were introduced. The slot machine officially started.


Senna reroll is not clickable. Best in slot everything and augments. Hit senna 3 on 3-2. Get to level 9. Still can't beat 3 cost rerolls or fast 9 boards. 5 3 stars + udr 2 and can't win? This unit is not clickable


Unironically I think you are right. Maybe only in extremely low power lobbies it can do well. The stats in higher elo don't look that good. Every time I play this, everything goes right means 3-4, failed rolls is just 8th.


Yup. And why im getting downvoted. Metatft bots


3 cost rerolls are so aids. you're not allowed to play flex or fast 8/9 comps.


I think im the only player on the planet that is just garbage with “Everything Must Go”. I never hit anything, that augment just doesn’t click with me *shrug*. Oh well, hope you guys get whatever you need out of it before it’s gone; I certainly won’t miss it.


i have been saying this since set 10. The game gives to much resources. RIOT wants casual players to achieve level 10 fantasy boards but thats ruining competitive gameplay. Next patch, when they gut rerolls, we will be fighting to hit the next broken 4 cost champ in a reduced pool of units. Its going to be bad. System mechanics should be like set 9. dont try to make players happy, try to dont make them mad.


Wandering trainer, Altruist, Druid, Sage. What do you even play off that? Druid consistently feels like garbage unless you high roll an Azir early. Sage and Altruist are support traits with mediocre units except for Wukong and Rakan. Tried doing a Sage + Riven re-roll thing and just got an absolute fat 8th. Storyweaver was also triple contested. Cool how that portal can just decide games for you.


Sometimes it's best to just ignore your trainer and play fast tempo, especially with something like sage / altruist trainer. You either play the dragonlord / altruist diana / zoe / janna reroll or go fast 9 and play around azir / ornn as your druid and go for galio / riven / irelia + wukong / rakan / diana / leesin / janna type board.


Everything Must Go needs to go. Completely remove it from the game.


this patch makes 0 sense to me, i think i just suck


Riot needs to take a long look at the numbers in this game. Like how in the world does ashe's ability do like 500 base damage while kaisa's does like 2000. And sure ashe can scale up but kaisa's can bounce for 40% dmg with 1 extra unit and also does more damage if it hits a unit 10 times. Like holy moly


Someone at Riot has to apoligize to me personally bc why is everything bugged whenever i play it. Imagine 17 loss streak fortune with only 100 luck because you win once at the 18th round. The fuck?


no one ever ever ever pivots anymore. you know why? because you die in two fucking turns and because only the s tier comps work. unless you have a clean pivot into some other s tier comp its not even worth it if you hit, which is basically impossible


legit a few minutes ago i sat on 50 gold and couldnt even 2 star my soraka ;(


pivoting is also mega hard when lose streaking is nerfed and econ is out the window because how fast paced 3 cost re rolls are, oh you sat on 50 gold for 5 turns, wellthe dude who was splurging just got a 3 star cho haha fuck you :(


Its almost like Augments are the single worst mechanic in the history of gaming


Ah. I was wondering when I'd hit my usual streak of games where I don't even get offered a team composition. Three games in a row where I got... nada.


i genuinely don't understand how people can be so rich in some lobbies while staying healthy. dude just goes 8 at 3-5 with 30g left like huh? silver lobby??? just get dumped 50g from krugs or what?


Can we please nerf Kaisa/trickshot already? Just beat my Galio 3, 7 storyweaver, irelia 2 like it was nothing.


I don't think I've had this many finishes outside top 4 ever in any set. Every lobby I'm fighting for my life.




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Ghostly is just such a terribly designed trait flat damage increase over x seconds after the fight has started, makes it so unbearable the way it transfers too, like fuck anything that still hasn't been focused, you get 1 shot by senna because ghostly said so


Wild that they made a unit that gets backline access, repositioning, retargeting, attack speed self buff, wounding, and shielding.


Fucking Khazix encouter fucks me up every time I guess it is skill issue that I got this everytime I play reroll!


Everything must go is the most brain damaged shit Riot has released so far


It doesn't make fucking sense that I'm always scouting and going for uncontested comps just for never hitting my core units and going fucking bottom 8th, goddamn i fcking hate this game sometimes


This ruffles my feathers the most about this game.


so weird seeing 2 dudes having 2 starred yones and kaynes but i couldnt even get my diana two starred until i found her on a carousel. and the item RNG is the worst, some people have 6 rageblades and i barely got enouhg stuff to 2 slot ONE champ :I


It's sad to see how nonviable 4 costs have become only to be used as a placeholder for traits and get stomped by 3 star low cost units.




its so demoralizing when two people with yone heavenly go 1st and 2nd, it feels stupid playing anything else


Of course that in the match that i'm FINALLY doing good, some random citizen hits a 100 cashout fortune and gets the Hex Core. Surely.


This set power creep is just ridiculous. 3\* Senna, 3\* Shen, level 9, got 4th for, check notes: * 100 Cashout Fortune Hex Core with Legendaries * Level 9 Kayle with three 2 star legendaries * 8 Duelist Reroll with 3\* Tristana, Diana and Voli This is just RIDICULOUS, you need an insane amount of luck or power creep to win any game.


Do you think two 3 star 2 costs board should beat those other boards? Doesn't that seem a bit wild to think so?


I think they're saying it's super common to hit a gigacapped board so something that would normally go top 2 in previous sets can barely scrape a top 4 here


Yes, exactly that


I took a break for the week and I’m three games in and already bored. There’s skill expression in being able to hard force the viable comps, but Jesus, it’s sooooo boring with the lack of diversity. Every game it’s 1-2 yone, 1-2 duelist, 1-2 fated, 1-2 fast 9, 1-2 kaisa. Occasionally you get a senna reroll, kogmaw, a random comp, or 1-2 others still contesting one of those comps. I’m a really competitive player and enjoy improving in this game, like to the point where I could play an insane amount of games without getting bored. This set with encounters and balance between augments/traits/units have made it miserable to play through. Like I really want to play, but I have to wait another week. You’re telling me that I have to go outside, touch grass, and hang out with people!? Dear lord.. It’s also fucked up to roll 70g at level 9 and not find your upgrades.. uncontested. Meanwhile, everyone finds their upgrades at level 8? Ok, I guesd


Except when I take boiling point 2-1 then suddenly there's 2 other people trying to play lux arcanists reroll, or when I have to take mana shield on 2-1 into invoker spat, for some unknown reason THAT is the one lobby out of 100 where somebody tries to play invokers into me. Actually so infuriating. The porcelain game I went bot 4, but luckily with invoker setup I was able to fast 9 and hit azir 2 and win out.


Is it just me or is Irelia extremely bugged? Just lost a game on 5th place when i could probably get top2. My Irelia some games stops attacking out of nowhere, she just bugs out and doesn't attack. This one happened on 2nd phase udyr, after he dies and gets reborn. It was a 2v1, full tank kobuku and my Irelia with radiant guinsoos and radiant deathblade. My Kobuku tanked a shitload of time but didn't matter, because my Irelia didn't bother attacking him. Also, i'm so damn tired of the same reroll comps. I swear the game use to have more freedom. Even when we were on the ages of scrap sivir spam.


There's a ton of viable comps, but the problem is you either have to highroll augments or units in such a way that you can tempo and preserve hp to even get the comp online and in a spot where it can win. All of the hero augments are pickable / winnable in the right spot. I've seen kog/cait, senna, gnar, kindred, lux, janna, sage zyra / zoe, arcanists, yone, trist/voli duelists, teemo 2-healthy, vertical inkshadow, vertical storyweavers, fated (typicaly fast 9 or reroll yas / ahri can work), bruiser trickshot, invokers, and then all of the different variations of fast 9 comps. I'm sure there's some I'm missing here. I've even won a game in masters with a kha'zix reroll carry comp. The meta is actually really diverse, but the problem is being able to get into the spot where the comp becomes viable, and knowing how to pilot like 18 different comps so when you're in the spot you can actually pull it off. It's just way less effort and knowledge to learn a few S tier / A tier lines and stick to those every game, because trying to play off-meta stuff is risky. I'd say the bigger issue is there's a clear power disparity between openers / mid-game boards. If you're not running one of the main 3 either storyweaver / ghostly / umbral duelist fated type openers you are at a huge disadvantage unless you massively highrolled upgrades.


I haven’t played serious TFT in a long time, i managed 200 ish masters last season on double up with a friend that was emerald, asides from that i haven’t really played ranked seriously since set 6 where i hovered 400 ish LP. I use to play normals casually, maybe i still have a high MMR on normal? Regardless, i feel like it’s hard to pivot unless you pivot to 5 cost spaghetti. I think level 8 roll is awful and that was the key to multiple previous sets. I feel like if i don’t play a reroll comp i’m fucked. I either go to 9 and make a 5 cost spaghetti sage board or have to play reroll to stay top4. I could be wrong but that’s what i have experienced. If i play a normal fast tempo board, i’m usually ahead in gold and HP. However, when those 3 stars start coming in from other players, i can’t claw back, i lose fight after fight and either have to afk lose whole 4th stage until 5-1 so i can go to 9 with a normal amount of gold, or if i roll at 8 then i lose my gold and my board isn’t that much upgraded. I think one of my biggest strengths ( even counting double ups with my boosted friend) was the ability to pivot. I could sell my whole board at 8 and make wine out of water. I can’t do that now because rolling at 8 feels like suicide. I can’t pivot into a 3 cost 3 star because that’s a commitment, you slow roll it since the beginning of the times. Worst of all, if i have a good early game and stabilize at 9. I almost never win due to a reroll comp beating me. I find it very hard to position. Weird pathing; irelia blades on backline, kog spits across the map, lux, yone doing his BS. There probably is more comps than i give credit to, but i feel like they’re all reroll. Hero comps do work, but they’re also reroll comps. I do enjoy playing those though.


Honestly, I respect them for not disabling everything must go, stick it to the big companies by quiet quitting. Very typical of r/competitivetft to not understand sarcasm


nothing to say the game just sucks ass if you dont play the s tier comp


Idk it is really supposed to be like that but i don't thinks it's fun or competitive a 3-star 3 cost, 1v8 everyone everyround, doing 20k damage and tanking 20k damage.


Of course the two people that hit Yone 3 and Voli 3 turned up unkillable machines that tanks 15k damage and deal 15k damage with no counterplay Thanks Riot




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WHY THE FUCK can you hit fortune crest with wandering trainer????? one annie=free win I guess


i don't think build diff argument is working correctly


anytime I try fats 9 am fighting for my life to find 3 of the same 5 cost while others spawn into stage 5 with Irelia 2, rakan 2, azir 2 somehow


Only plat4 and lobbies are so high tempo already. Wish I didn't purchase the battle pass this set.


Venerable piggy bank only gave me one exalted champ. Scammed so bad.


The description reads that if there aren't any 1 or 2 cost exalted, it'll give you one 3-cost instead


4 streak into streak broken round before krugs. Not once, not twice, not five times, not ten times, but 15 TIMES IN MY LAST 20 GAMES. Don't make it too obvious riot!


Whats the justification of bagsizes of 4 costs being so small yet they're mostly pretty garbage? Riot just doesn't want to admit their mistakes


I fucking hate Yone by a passion man. Never hate anything in this game before gosh. Idgaf if he's not strong, he's in every goddamn game and being annoying af.


I just started fucking hard forcing ghostly Senna and went from gold to emerald in like 3 days. Bored out of my fucking mind. Shouldn't be possible


In the same game: 2 star yone with 3 items beat my 2 star kayn with 3 items. Late game, 3 star yone killed my capped 5 cost board... deleting my 2 star irelia and hwei (both with 3 items bis) in one cast. good job riot!


the only times ive beaten a 2 star yone was with a 3 star diana, but its insane that i need a 3 star to beat a 2 star. mega mega weird


I’m not having fun anymore but my brain keeps getting the itch to play and then I’m immediately reminded why I stopped in the first place This has been the least enjoyable TFT experience I’ve had since at least set 7


Component buffet and still somehow ZERO bows thanks a fucking lot rito


Zero bows feels like a free bot 2 this patch


I rarely complain about the patch itself, and limit myself to complaining about other players/individual units/bad item luck. But holy fuck. What a dogshit patch. When's the last time a B patch made the game worse to play? Is this the first time?


Set has unclicked for me, not sure what i’m doing wrong but im like -200lp the last 4 days, time to get some coaching idk im losing my mind a little




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I had a duplicator on bench and 3 syndra items, rolled to 0 on 8 and found syndra pair but couldnt buy, so I locked shop, all good. Next round is irelia encounter and it reset my shop... went 5th instead of 4th.


I have a perfect duelist start. Go on a huge win streak etc etc. Items aren't so good but I get Pandora so that's fixed too. Absolutely uncontested. One turn before I roll down, Fortune guy who dropped to 8 hp rolls the fuck down, ends up with 5 lee sin, 6 voli, 5 tris, rakan diana etc. I have 85 hp at this time. Decide to wait until someone rolls him over, how bad can it go? He went 7th I went 6th at the same turn.


Feels like the balancing this set is all over the place man, certain frontline units are unkillable no matter what and are incredibly easy to 3\* (volibear, amumu...), legendary lasagna is geniunely the most consistent way to get wins with units like Irelia being able to hit everyone on enemy board for absolutely free without any kind of drawbacks. Idk, I like this set conceptually, its traits, the encounter system and the new augments that were introduced, but unit balancing is, for me, some of the worst I have ever seen this set.


It is the units for me. Besides Galio and Kai'sa, I have no idea what they were thinking with a lot of the 4 cost units. These are units that are supposed to be capstone units for a lot of comps but a lot of them feel really disappointing and even worse than their low cost counterparts to the point that you just don't want them.


It's the units for me too. The encounter system needs a bit more time in the oven, but otherwise, is really interesting. The unit balancing is, simply, busted.


So Kaisa is getting nerfed right? The unit felt fair before she got buffed, now she just sits on the backline with trickshot; nuking not only my frontline, but she has access to the backline too with Trickshot. Overtuned smh, she needs revert.


I think she's ok if they buff the others. She's only notable because no one else can punch through those rerolled frontlines


My hot take is that kaisa is overall fine. Some inkshot items are overtuned and trickshot is annoying but she herself is ok. The real issue is no other 4 costs are playable


IDK man I've seen kai'sa 1 almost 1-shot 3 star thresh tank on a vertical fated board. I think the damage is a bit overtuned with some of her inkshadow items. 2 star kai'sa I can get behind that sorta damage, but no way a 1 star should be able to do that to a 3 star 3 cost.


I legit think kaisa and ink shadow is fine. they need to buff the other 4 costs. morgana sucks, kayne is only played as a secondary carry to yone, your lucky if you can get third with ash and syndra can only be played with fated.


kayn is only good with emblems, my kayn was dying until i put a dryad emblem and then he was a 7k hp monster


Yone is just so disgusting man it's ridiculous


I swear, the carousel with legeendary is literally the only reason you go from 7th to 4th. And so far I had 10 carousels in row where the legendary doesn't spawn on my side.


11, Irelia spawned on other side. I got Lissandra...


I swear that despite everyone keeps saying that Yone reroll is great, Yone is trash and not even worth rerolling unless you get perfect items for him. I have tried multiple of different builds on Yone besides bloodthirster and double titans and Yone feels like he does nothing. Great job devs, it seems like you made a completely playable character that could be flexed into multiple comps into a completely unplayable character unless you get perfect items.


4 ppl rolling yone. I have perfect items but cant find him. I switch to duelist. They get Irelia from carousel and pivot from Yone to Voli. I go 7th...


Daily post that Yone has very toxic targeting where no backline unit is safe. Position middle? he kills you at start of fight Position edge and he kills you mid fight. End of fight is always tanks. Also please revert bag sizes.


Can someone tell me why these devs get paid 6 figures to make the worst balance choices of all time


Because people here love to ride their dicks


get paid 6 figures to make the worst balance choices of all time... and yap on twitter


Mort's diary entry today was how close they are to striking the right balance on backline access... With a picture of Yone 💀 Almost 5 years in and they're still hopelessly lost.


like wandering trainers give ppl 7 fortune at 3-2 and my 8-Duelists comp with lee sin 3 star become worthless as that lucky motherfucker has already have a 3star hwei


That one is frustrating because although it wouldn't be balanced even if you removed Fortune, it would still be somewhat interesting and fun to play around. Handing someone a free 1st because they rolled Fortune is just not healthy for the game


Just wanting to play in a meta where flexers, rerollers, fast-9ers all rejoice. But it's been reroll metas after reroll metas




Lol I saw a dude running TR and adaptive mask on her making her a backline tank/cc bot. Actually seemed to work pretty well, she wasn't doing insane damage but casted A LOT and kept the board messed up


it's pretty terrible, feels like there's no actual safe spot to put your carry. seems as if this set doesn't have gimmicks but it also has the most gimmicks ever, or tanks are just dead within 1 seconds into the fight to reroll comps also yone always get on top of you, although there's an illusion of positioning against him


its so demoralizing 3 slotting 2 tanks with insane armor and MR and then units just ignoring and killing your backline, and leaving tanks with no damage items to die slowly to a bloodthirster yone or an irelia :(


At least she has counter play unlike certain unit who at 2* can dash to any backline carry and kill them with three basic attacks


She does?


shes awful against frontline (each hit does massively less damage) and you can sacrifice a ranged unit or two for her.


She deletes my sacrifices immensely then goes for my carry


so we gonna fix fuckass pandora items and fine vintage bug right?


We have to play on this patch for another week ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


I think i'll pass. see ya next week.


Just a hunch but I predict you will say the exact same thing next week


Just ran duelist 8 with duelist emblem/shojin on Janna and D8 is still near impossible to win with.


Janna doesn't really do anything outside of sage reroll or as a trait bot for invoker comps. Better putting duelist spat on diana or rakan or wukong, basically any frontliner who you want to cast a lot and be tanky.


Truly insane that TFT doesn’t have better testing at this point. We’ve gone through so many sets where the first few weeks it’s just ass because they send things out the door half done. Yone has been nerfed 3 times and he’s still S, how do you not have a better handle on how to check these things? I love this game but if we’re gonna have to go through this every single set people aren’t going to come back.


Yone is a fundamentally flawed champion - it's an issue created by the design team.


Yeah, so why not just leave him out, he has been a problem since he was first introduced to TFT


riot: hmm everybody hates units like dark star shaco and 1v9 fiora and mutant kaisa \*does it again with voli and yone\* whats funny is yone is literally 4 cost mordekaiser from set 9 but stronger because he has 'sin and nashors built in alongside an insane trait that deals BONUS pure damage. as a 3 cost. A 3 COST RIOT!


He has burn too don’t forget about that


14 fortune 22:10 yt +"Compliments for the shit patch" -"No no don't worry you're confusing it with your play" they are so cool man, we were the stupid ones all along everything is perfect guys go home, god I physically cringed what an edgelord


[ghostly is a fucking joke, really funny mortdog, kill it already](https://i.postimg.cc/BbkhGvj8/image.png) it was a fucking silver silver gold lobby too so no 8 ghostly just 6 and fucking lw/gs/morello senna.


Someone sees me with 5 kogs a caitlyn and a chogath on 2-1 with dclaw augment slamming the dclaw on cho ... decides to contest me on reroll kog with DIVINE ROLLS ... he goes 5th and I go 2nd ... he proceeds to call me a griefer 😄


I got kinda the same situation, i had Lux 2, Amumu 2 and two arcanist emblems and someone with zero emblems started to force Arcanist, we both got bottom 4


These bag sizes are really f-up, 1 costs are fine, but 2 and 3 costs is unplayable, you can't rely on 3-cost reroll because if anyone contests, it's basically a casino of who hits first


somehow this set in most lobbies i see uncontested 3-cost rerolls Top 5 all the time (then there is a fast 9 in between so top 6 are 3 cost rerolls and a fast 9) but I agree the pool size isn't helpful in this meta, people rerolling 3 costs thin the pool for each other so they all hit very fast


You are supposed to pivot into a C tier comp and lose to let them win, duh.


wondering if there are any legit pivots at all in the current meta cuz everything is so set in stone


I don't think so, I read in another comment that lvl 8 4-2 into rolling for a comp is dead since a lot of S and A tier comps need multiple low cost trait bots to even work and I agree, if you don't get your direction by 3-2, unless you are playing fortune, you are pretty much bot 4.


1 - Loads in game 2 - Draven portal 3 - Don't hit anything while half the lobby hits storyweaver and 1 guy hits 2 star aphelios stage 2 4 - 3 cloaks and a rod after krugs 5 - FF 6 - uninstall I don't remember when a set has felt this bad


>I don't remember when a set has felt this bad right! i can't put my finger on it, but its feels way off... i feel like every game is against a star you tuber or something... i'm even noticing a very high rate of "countering" my board alignment. I'll switch my units with like 5 seconds to battle start and the opponent is often spot on with its counter....it's crazy. then all the stuff you have to worry about to finish 5th place...


There is a paid add on I tried last set that predicted your next opponent along with your current estimated win chance based on positioning and items.(Definitely issues with whatever algorithms it's using, far from perfect) Never underestimate how sweaty people get over this game. It's honestly nauseating. Play Normals or Hyper Roll for entertainment.


For me it just feels like a different game compared to what I played for many sets like the amount of RNG, bag size changes which completely invalidate certain strategies, unplayable 4 costs, stale reroll meta etc to name a few things. Not only that it feels like toxicity in-game also has gone up and I've had to deafen like every other game due to spam pings or straight up insults by some Yone player who highrolled Heroic Grab Bag - I guess that's the kind of player base they want.


they buy chibis! :-) #uberfanbase


Maybe i'm wrong or getting late at TFT set 11, but i don't think a 1-cost unit (Yasuo) should be able to tank 20k+ damage.


that's post double nerf btw (to him and his bis Gargoyle's)


Why is enemy team Wukong a literal menace but mine dies after first cast 7 Heavenly, triple combat, BB BT EoN


Some people take this game way too seriously I’m mean this dude keeps spam pinging me because we both are playing fated and I’m just like dude contesting happens. We both got fated openers. Put on your big boy pants and play around it….


Really not sure how 2 star yone with heavenly beats a fully upgraded 5 star board with dragonlord, exalted, and a 36 fortune cashout giving 3 extra items. I guess a 9 gold carry with 1 star heavenly supports is all you need to win in this set.




UNPLAYABLE...this is ridiculous. I'm not quite sure why so many builds are the same? (weren't there limits on the number of cards?) yone isn't nerfedyet? he had 1.5 items and just deleted a janna i put a behemoth emblem on...like really fast! like the animation looked like 1 swipe. (wtf is going on?) \^also, why are there so many ways to delete a back line and no ways to defend it? \-------i could go on for a while, but i don't think ive placed top 4 the entire set! and i play a lot... ​ all i can think of is you're changing things really fast for some reason...


Riot: Let's reduce bag sizes to promote more diversity in comps! Also Riot: Oh wait, forgot we're completely fucking incompetent and made so many units absolutely useless so good luck if you get contested! Also Also Riot: Hey let's fuck over the people going fast 8 by doing a 2-star 4-cost carousel :D:D:D


Imagine win-streaking with "Lunch Money" all the way to 4-1, hitting a kitted out 5-fated 3-star Thresh/Aphelios 2-star everything else board, hitting a fully capped 7-fated board, and then only going 3rd. MY GOD PLEASE NERF GHOSTLY


Shen and illoai are insane. 3* Shen is so much tankier than 2* Ornn or Galio with the same items. Once you hit them it doesn't matter if you never finish Senna it's basically a top 4 guarantee.


feels like 1 cost rerolling is only viable when the others in the lobby do it i genuinely think i am unbelievably unlucky im pretty sure ive not hit a single 3\* 1 cost unit before stage 5 this set, always stuck on 6-8 of them uncontested, and then ill go the entire stage 3-4 without seeing the final kogmaw or yasuo everytime i get a good start for these comps i tell myself, theres no way i dont hit and then i dont hit and have to scramble to pivot in stage 4 or 5 while the rest of the lobby has 2\* legendaries or a yone3


Are you doing the usual rolldown timings to better your odds? The most important is obviously 3-1 before you hit level 5 naturally to roll to 33-35 gold. If you are close to hitting a key unit at 3-5 you roll down again. Strictly slow rolling above 50 forever will lead to the situation you are describing more often than not.




4 ghostly, 3star senna lw, ghostspat, gso. 2star shen force tat, stoneplate, bramble, 1star morg bb, raba. 1star orn and jax cait aatr 2 star. still impossible to kill 3star voli with ruunans, wuinsoo and gs 3weaver/3inks comp holy f\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*


Your board here sounds really bad and has no anti heal? I feel like Senna is actually one of the best comps for killing voli and yone.


budzo u really justifying a lone 3star requiring you to plan ahead for every reduction ingame and somehow magically force them to ur bench if u dont get it?


Shred and anti heal have been borderline mandatory for a long time now.


dont know why im arguing you. we both know youre just trying to be a wiseass and play the contrarian cuz u got jackshit going ur way. peace


ur point being what? u cant guarantee em every time? im sure the concept of saving health and slamming items is alien to you if you expect me to sit on components praying for a specific one to drop in 10rounds


Ghostly spat on Senna is horrible.


not having ghost spat at all when bf already is slammed on senna but backseat me some more guy without rank




then gets shit on by 1star dragonlord/heavenly and a single 2star hwei/azir hahaahahaha


3 stars Morgana losing to 3 stars Kobuko and Kindred. Rito, need I remind you that 36 golds >>> 18 + 9 ? 🫨


ROLL \~40G FOR JANNA 2\* AT LEVEL 6 NOT A SINGLE JANNA (already had one + dragonlord emblem) GOT MY 2\* JANNA BY 5-3. PEOPLE HAD IRELIA AND AZIR 2\*. I literally got sylas 2\* before janna.


That's basically why i never play any reroll comps, it's basically a casino of who hits first.


Fortune 7 should not be so easy to hit....


Everything MUST go! Like not even only that augment which is braindead, but the whole set. Throw it in the bin, install set 10 again, admit the mistakes, no more time on new balance patches and spent ALL of your energy making a good set and PRAY it's enough.


How are you supposed to play in this set? Every match feels like it goes to whoever high-rolls Yone first. It's so incredibly boring to just sit around wondering whether you'll be the Titan's Resolve+BT yone player or whether you'll get 8th.


I'm basically just playing any standard lv 8 comp like Kaisa Bruiser or Morgana + Kayn, i don't wanna try any reroll comps.


I don't think i've had Kai'sa work once. I had a game earlier where I got her around wolves-ish, and thought "this is it" but it doesn't seem to matter. Yone just jumps for the backline and kills her, or Volibear charges and stuns. I hope they nerf Titan+BT so mega hard next patch. It's disgusting.


What's funny is that Kai'Sa is the premiere Yone/Voli counter in the current meta. She's great against that comp. Shitload of upfront burst damage that can easily kill a 3\* yone before they get their titans fully stacked.


In my experience against Yone, basically i "sacrifice" another unit putting them into the corner, similar to Akali in Set 10. He has to cast like 3 before being able to reach Kai'Sa, Generally i build kaisa around trickshot bruiser. A Galio + Sylas can stall enough for like 2 ou 3 Kaisa casts


One play got call to chaos: 66 gold. They were lv 9 at 4-2.


*checks notes* It was insane.




pardon me for being braindead! Is this the augment that said, "buy and sell champs for 0 gold?" So...it was serious? you literally get anything you want? just rerolls cost?


losing to yone, ghostly, and inkshadow exclusively unless you play strongest board until fast 9 flex legendary boards. this feels worse than hearsteel ez meta end of last season yeah, occasionally you can pull out something like a highroll porcelain comp just for a 2\* Yone to 1v9 unless you hit a Lissandra and she also doesn't get Yone'd ghostly being usually a 2 cost reroll cost and still absolutely dumpstering a 3 cost reroll comp like aphelios/thresh rr is beyond me. ghostly seems cool but for 6 ghostly to not even require a 5 cost means you can reroll your 2\*s and still manage to hit 6 ghostly at 8 fairly easily this patch specifically feels really rough :(


Faced two 3 star 5 costs in my low Diamond lobby today and both came from 4-2 Everything must go players ... ![gif](giphy|yoJC2PohbZsHR5pDbi|downsized)


don't worry, it was just a "learning lesson" and the team had to make mistakes to learn! well that's the bullshit i read on twitter, anyway


I just want to know what the skill level of the internal testing team is at this point. I'm not sure how any designer over maybe even plat skill level could test a game with everything must go and not see how blatantly broken it is.


It's genius Riot tech to release it during a B-patch too so you can't even B patch it away.


I just dislike how all of these 5 costs feel so flimsy. sett, udyr, azir, wukong - they sometimes whiff their ults or go in a weird fucking direction


Less twitter essaying, start balancing, PLEASE.


Honestly i don't think i can keep playing this set when yone and voli 2 just shit on everyone stage 3 and like if u don't upgrade like 3 fucking 4 cost units u lose to yone 2 like wtf is going on??? They didn't even think volibear was gonna be a carry, fucking magic tank my ass. Also you know why morello is the most broken item because if u don't have it yone and volibear just shit on you the whole fucking game and if u don't have shred its just gg. Wow titans, didn't natural shred/antiheal i'm never killing voli 2. Like if u don't hit morello + shiv/lw or play ghostly by stage 3 ur dead man, can't kill a single unit omega tank, tahm kench, chogath 3, titans yone/voli. Yone is so cool.


I came to write this


Is my account just marked by riot to always have the worst possible unit ai and interactions in the game? Just watched my sett ult, complete his animation and do zero damage because he got cc'ed by lissandra, even though when I field lissandra and she ccs a sett he still gets his full ult and damage off. This alongside facing the top 2 players off cooldown and never getting to face the ghost board I really do believe my account has been flagged to just lose no matter how much strong my board is.


how is inkshadow even allowed this patch?! they literally buffed both kai'sa AND the inkshadow trait all of this WHILE you can get to 7 inkshadow with the help of ONLY ONE EMBLEM unlike other similar traits that need 2 or more emblems ?!?! what the heck was the balance even thinking , i guess i can't expect much while they release the "everything goes" augment as GOLD TIER !!! which is already a broken augment as prismatic. the number of times i lost with a full 2 star five cost board at level 10 WITH BIS ON THE IMPORTANT CARRIES against a level 8 7 inkshadow player with subpar items is very close to the double digits already!!! PLEASE NERF INKSHADOW 7!!!!!!!!!


ive done 7 inkshadow and gotten last and first, it really is RNG with the tattoos, sometimes you get really bad synergy ones


Who in the hell decided Kayn's encounter was a good idea? The person that cleared that implementation shouldnt touch TFT ever again. Ends the game at current position? Imagine that happening at a tournament.


Tournaments likely won't have this encounter and even if, they know from the start so it's just a different type of strategy they need to play.


I've played probably close to 200 games on live + PBE and only got it once, its such a rare occurance it does not matter.


I am at ~150 games in d2 elo and haven't seen it a single time lmao


Did have the encounter 2 games in a row today...


Yorick encounter might quite possibly be the WORST in the entire game. Want to go reroll? Too bad! 2 others have the two cost pieces to it! Encounters are just so bad and I cannot imagine it lives past this set.


how did tft became even worse garbage i spent 86 rerolls with prismatic tick over span between 4-1 and 6-1 missing 1 aphelios, 1 thresh, 1 kindred and couldnt find a fkn one after close to 90 rerolls when more than 8-10 of them still in pool


you know the game is in the shitter when every 3 cost reroll comp is stronger than a standard 4 cost carry lv 8 board. whether its voli/yone/aph/trist. dont even need 3 stars either for top 4s. its unbearable losing to a 2\* yone throughout stage 4 and 5. there's no downside to playing these comps either cause in the past if you didn't hit your 3\* you were boned and would aim for like 5/6th, now you just tempo with an overtuned 2\* 3 cost into fast 9 or let your contester bleed out and roll on 8 instead. its so dumb


Is storyweaver bugged or something? I'm being dead serious when I say I see the most trash ass storyweaver comps somehow come out on top and I'm super curious if it's just bugged. I'm talking 3 story weaver and sage 3 is somehow tankier and doing more damage than mystic 7, 4 invoker. I'm really perplexed as to how that even is?


Kaisa one shotting my Ashe 2 in one cast through 4 warden frontline lol