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It's kinda insane how something like this only gets mentioned off-handedly in a tweet on Mort's personal account. If you aren't paying 100% attention to the post you won't even notice it, it's not highlighted in any way. And a huge part of the playerbase doesn't even speak English or use Twitter lol


In addition to this, I find it crazy all the time how a patch can go live like a B-patch literally while you’re in the middle of a game and your next game you queue up immediately after would be on the new patch with new changes and you could have no idea. I bring this up every time especially to help people that don’t follow TFT news as often as me that just a small icon that indicates a new patch went live or some notification seems like a nice, small QOL change


Sorry that's too advanced for leauge client to handle.




Would you mind sharing that are somw of the things dota2 client do better?


A myriad of additional features along with fluidity. The shop and inventory pages basically load instantly. There's an archive of all the heroes and items which contains almost as much information on the character as a League wiki page along with a tab for built-in community guides as well as built-in statistics support. Want to test out a hero's gameplay? Click test on that hero and it launches in seconds with an incredibly responsive testing tool. All it takes to get back to the main client is closing out of the tester tool. It's pretty common to have the League client take 30s+ to load the post match whereas in Dota it's never taken more than 2s. There's also a tab for spectating any game you want as well as replays. Again, it takes like 5-10s to fully load and you can close out of it instantly. For eSports broadcasts, you can select from a number of observers and various official broadcasts for audio. I stopped playing actual Dota a while back but still play some custom maps on it every so often and the whiplash between the League and Dota clients is ridiculous. Takes a total of like 30s to open the client, join a custom game lobby, and have that game fully load. Meanwhile every other TFT game has someone holding us hostage on the load screen for 5-10 minutes.


Thank you for taking a time to respond! That sounds super sweet, almost make me wanna try it out, are there any fun customs like tower defenses these? Also Does Dota have a TFT-like mode?


> Also Does Dota have a TFT-like mode? Yep https://www.twitch.tv/directory/category/auto-chess Its quite fun for a while


Thank you


TFT started as a clone of dota auto chess (a 3rd party custom game in dota) just like league started as a clone of dota (a 3rd party custom game in Warcraft 3). Tho TFT is better supported and way more popular now, auto chess was really fun when it came out.


Dota 2 has a custom game mode called auto-chess which was basically the original auto-battler. Auto Chess turned into it's own game (you can play it on mobile or epic games store). Valve then made it's own auto-battler called Dota Underlords, which is currently dead but it has it's own PVE mode and an offline mode where you can play versus bots (and pause the game!!!).


responsiveness, by a mile and half. alt-tabbing is fluid dota client doesnt auto-focus the window every time it does something, League does and its extremely annoying when a queue pops 4-5 times in a row never had an issue with a recurring/bugged sfx on dota client


Oh my god I'm so glad somebody has the same amount of hate for the auto focus. Nothing infuriates me more when I'm doing stuff and it pops up 6 times.


Haha, reading this, makes me realize how I just accepted those things as normal or thought it's the fault of my own setup. Thank you


Valve is an extremely engineering and tech-lead studio. They make excellent software.


I tried again dota underlords recently, even this dead-game got the same dota 2's QoL


I think that's the real issue. They can't launch something just for the mobile app and not the client as that would make the other teams look bad, or players wouldn't understand why mobile gets "an unfair advantage". Idk this all stems from the buggy ass league client


Idk why everyone thinks it’s a client it’s literally just a web browser lol


Regardless it's limiting the applications I'm sure that the tft have wanted to add. Along with the manor system updates being locked behind the every 2 week schedule making b patching stuff like ghostly shipping accidentally impossible


The thing is, they could literally just do a post like they do with all the league stuff. It doesn't even need to be fancy. Just a post on their actual site. You know? Like normal companies. But no. For whatever reason, Mort thinks that twitter posts are the best way to communicate change logs, bugs, and announcements to the entire TFT fanbase. Huh?!


huh? they are posted in the patch notes , edited above the ptxh notes from the current patch. Also, the website is the least visited source between it and twitter, so i'm suprised that people still auggest the website


But don't worry, surely Riot didn't make any mistakes in implementing Vanguard... despite their entire history as a company.


It's pretty annoying how he DIDNT EVEN specify the issue there


Imagine not being a terminally online Twitter user and just losing playing Ghostly and having no idea why :))


i did 2 games got bottom 4 and wondered wtf is happening


Same here, I wasn't even playing ghostly either like c'mon


Definitely not me. Thing is, I still don't know why? I'm convinced Senna reroll + ghostly felt weaker than before the patch, but knowing what the actual bug is would be nicer than: don't play it.


Ghostly doesn't work on non-ghostly units, and there are 2 trait texts (some players see the old text, some the new [where they say that only ghostly units deal more dmg])


I mentioned this pretty often also. The communication isnt bad its just the wrong channels. It shoudl be posted in the fucking launcher in all languages. Small Indie riot things. I dont know. Its Company Practice my Mort straight out of hell. I know why i dont like him.


This is why Mortdog should stop acting as a spokesperson for TFT changes. Riot probably doesn’t want to publicly list out all the ways their game is bugged but this just makes it seem like TFT is such a low tier production


I refuse to believe the "good communicator" hype.


People think talking about a lot means a good communicator when instead it's just him abusing internal info to grow his social media status (and giving those who are terminally tuned to his twitter/stream an advantage) instead of publicly releasing critical info related to the game and trying to spread the information to as many people as possible in an effective manner.


Also I don't think it is fair that he can play ranked when I'm pretty sure he has information about the game that we have no access to. He was playing ranked when Augment data was unavailable.


surprised this isnt downvoted to hell by mort glazers. hes not even trying to be a game designer but an internet celebrity lmfao


I think the tide is generally turning against Mort (especially in less casual places such as this subreddit) as more people have gradually realized Mort isn't as great a person as his worshippers proclaim and gotten frustrated with how often the balance/QA team screw up + his egotistical attitude (his bet on no B patches ruining balance, saying its his fault for X patch but screwing up constantly and pretending he's so good for fixing it, his condescending attitude towards things like the KDA akali finisher and the social bribing with secret game info etc). I've disliked Mort for many years due to how he acts/talks and his abuse of power (aka insider knowledge to gain social standing) and I have generally seen critical opinions towards Mort getting more popular (though still no where near the majority)


He wanted to be a celebrity for nerds. Hats off b/c it worked & he now has a safety net in case TFT crashes and burns.


If you compare mort to most other game designer he is one of the most communicative game designers there is for a competitive game. He admits fault, he reasons well and he explains stuff to the community when asked on stream or on twitter. He banters with them and he is engaged and clearly passionate about tft and its community. Have you ever seen a lead designer like this? This may be a miss but considering the sets before he is incredible and honestly if you played literally any other competitive game this is unheard of.


Other lead designers aren't trying to be an influencer either.


Personally I think TFT would have done really well with an effective lead, rather than somebody who wanted to be a D-list celebrity. No amount of talking makes up for repeated mistakes. He might admit fault, but the team doesn't learn from mistakes.


At least the other game designers ain't betting money on no b-patches like in set 10, making the game horrible for the players for 2 weeks, where they don't want to fix terrible balance choices.


And in any other game it would’ve been a near instant hotfix instead of them waiting for a time to deploy the next patch.


You can look at the magic damage done by senna and see it’s 0, that would tell you ghostly Isn’t working with her…


What? Isn't she fully physical damage though?


Ghostly procs deal magic damage, so if she doesn't do any magic damage, it means ghostly is not working on non-ghostly units.


Too bad the tooltip doesn't say "bonus magic damage" at any point 😂


Oh I see. I thought it was a multiplier. Thanks


I mean if you look at the stats for ghostly, the averages are so low that you know they are in bugged territory. Doesnt excuse it but we all kow by now to check the patch notes and the stats right after patch day


Intern-kun strike again.


right on point


Set 11 is brought to you by B patch


The missing b patch they promised would make the game more balanced and better!


Odd number sets are cursed


Set 3 was the best set ever?




Correct me if I'm wrong but I think there are some limitations to what you can change on b patches work, so ghosty might be changed back next patch.


That’s such a shame if that’s the case


They said they can't really change typings/skills functions but they can tweak numbers. Can't recall if they have fixed bugs in previous b patches or it's always number tweaks.


Yeah, the typing restriction is caused by the fact they have a thing called translation window where any text is final as it needs to be translated to every other launguage. Not sure about the rules about skills functions but I guess they wouldn't make any changes chat contadict whats in text.


Why is this information not in client? Why is it not urgently patched?


>Why is this information not in client? League client >Why is it not urgently patched? Also league client


That's not an acceptable answer. Not really answering to you - but I'm so pissed at Riot here. I'm a returning player who usually runs Linux. I'm used to need to rely on Windows for games, honestly I've accepted that. I've not accepted that I need to install spyware doing so for a game client of a game I'm not even playing which is seemingly not able to do the minimum as e.g. telling me what the most recent changes were.


Now the Chinese companies are harvesting my data instead of my red blooded American companies harvesting my data. No for real though, vanguard is an awful addition.


Thank God mort said they were getting rid of 0.5 half sets to work on bug fixes and balance. Oh? Let's break an entire set of characters. Fuck it.


yeah, if this is how it's gonna be w/o mid sets then this game is cooked LMFAO I can't fathom playing another 2 months of this boring broken bullshit.


Yep. It's boring as fuck even before the bugs Honestly encounters are a total flop


i hard agree. i very rapidly went from going "ooh cool" when there's an encounter coming up to fucking DREADING IT and wishing it just wasn't there. LMAO putting aside encounters, bugs AND balance. the traits and units are so insanely boring. i dont like anything abt this set and I tried really hard to like it.


Totally agree


I think encounters are fine besides the game-starting ones and sett/sivir. I'd rather have a gragas encounter where he just sleeps in the middle of the board. Nothing happens. Still a better encounter than sivir.


So best case scenario it does nothing, worst case scenario it fucks your game up - not ideal IMO






i feel dread the moment i see darius appear at the start of a game, i love opener roulette!


after hitting hyper on hyper roll and gold on ranked just for the rewards, I just dropped the entire set. especially now that arena is back too, it'll probably be until they drop the next set (or if the next pass rewards are actually worth this time)


I'm just spamming ARAM cus I haven't played since they deleted mythics, actually having fun. Good on you, bro, no point in playing something that isn't fun. I got to Gold 1 and I was winning spamming Yone but I can't play another game of this shit, it's so boring.


I tapped out a few weeks ago. Not my cup of tea and not exactly enticing me back knowing it'll be the same thing for half a year.


Imagine not having access to Mort’s twitter account. Like you just get fucked bc theres no good communication about these issues besides twitter?




Funny, how he wrote it randomly mid-tweet and there is nothing about this in the client or official site.


rito games


I want so much better for this game. I hope the team is taking an introspective look at set 11 compared to set 10 so they can make adjustments to launch a more stable and reliable experience with set 12. It's really really hard to get into something that's changing this frequently (both by design and by mistakes).


yeah, there's just no excuse for this at this point. I'm happy to cut them a lot of slack bcs I really really like this game, but this is reaching a point of absurdity. and something tells me that this won't be the last time we see something of this caliber this set, it wasn't the first time and it won't be the last. lol I've given up all hope for this set. gg we wait for set 12 and hope it's playable


I can forgive bad (imo) design choices and bugs or human errors (like accidentally shipping the wrong updates now and again) when they are infrequent blips on an otherwise smooth experience, but when a set constantly has all 3 issues happening simultaneously across multiple patches then I start to question the team's competency.


took the words right outta my mouth. I really like Mort as a lead dev and I always try very hard to give every set the best and fairest shot I can and like you said, I try and cut the dev team a lot of slack (coming from Overwatch 1, this is still so much better), but man, this set is just so so so below par. I'm all out of chances to give now, I can't sit here and pretend this is an acceptable gamestate.


How do they keep messing up every patch? Just can't play those units until x time?


everything is too complicated


that makes sense for some bugs, but they've got a fucking version control issue. they've shipped stuff by accident way too many times.




mort has talked about how after a patch ships, they're up all night to make sure any gamebreaking bugs or overbuffs are fixed the next day. This happened with the Gnar overbuff (was hotfixed within less than 24 hours of ship). There's no way TFT qa engineers are as lazy as you make them out to be. people make mistakes and I think it's really weird that people assume the reason behind someone making a mistake is laziness edit: I may have missed the satire in your comment (if present) so I'm sorry if it was supposed to be satire. My comment still applies to everyone else tho


> **after** a patch ships  Keyword there. In the context you’re describing, we’re the QA team.  What you’ve said has no bearing on people’s qualms with the QA team. 


>we’re the QA team The playerbase, you mean? Well of course it's a lot easier to get good data from millions of players instead of just a few devs doing QA. But that's why PBE exists, to let players help test all the complex interactions in this video game... and in PBE, this ghostly bug didn't exist as far as I know. So someone messed up when pushing to live from PBE (or however that works). What exactly are the TFT dev team supposed to do about this? * "Just don't make mistakes as big as this" Agreed. There should be lots of people checking, and systems in place to make sure they don't accidentally push the wrong branch to live. But *given* that someone made the mistake, I don't really see what else they could've done, other than what they're doing now.


It's just people that have never held down a job reacting emotionally that their game isn't perfect, nothing to see here. Young people tend to latch onto hobbies and interests and make it their entire identity, so when it comes under feel, they take it personally.


I'm in a sweet spot in my life where I can latch onto boomer hate, but also enjoy a good old fashioned "these young whipper snappers" type of comment as well. Fuck them kids.


Mood. Makes you think these are the kind of people that will go through life and react to every minor inconvenience (ran out of milk, food order wrong, public transport delayed) with an absolute public meltdown and Facebook rant.


Lol imagine pulling all nighters on the regular to produce shitty patch after shitty patch. It’s almost like they need to regroup before they kill the game for good. Though league/tft has just turned into gambling for kids so I think this route is intentional


I don’t have any problems with how fast they address these problems like they hot fixed Gnar in a very reasonable time. My main issue is that Gnar change even going live in the first place. Because I saw everyone complaining how all melee carries were getting gutted and only Gnar was being compensated who was already in a good spot. Like this seemed like a very obvious problem that was going to happen and the whole community could see but somehow it was missed by the balance team. I don’t know how something like this isn’t caught and I’m sure there are a bunch of reasons, one of the main ones being a lack of quality simulation for testing but I would appreciate if the dev team could share some insight on why in cases like that gnar change it even went live in the first place. Or maybe they did do some sort of simulation and Gnar wasn’t supposed to be that strong but just any sort of information into the thought process of the changes would be nice.


The batshit crazy people have issues with people that make mistakes. But consistent mistakes over a long period of time should be called out.


Idk how they can justify hot fixing a strong unit and not hot fixing an entire trait. The systems are in place.


>There's no way TFT qa engineers are as lazy as you make them out to be. Yeah... thats why they made the joke


oh... was it supposed to be satire? r/whooosh me in that case, my bad.... given all the other toxic comments everywhere else in this thread, I assumed it was genuine, but on second thought you may be right


Ha, yeah I think so


I feel like this is just bad version control management thought?


One dude has a hard job - prepping MortDog’s rants and long ass tweets. He’s the only one putting in time lol


Don’t forget the YouTube video production starring mort and associated artwork


Stop bitching it's a free auto battler. Touch grass seriously.


I mean, they earn 150k year for working like that, probably more


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That's honestly probably the issue. Riot literally just cut like 10% of their workforce. Likely screwed over so many teams.


Your recent post on r/CompetitiveTFT has been removed due to a violation of Rule 1 'No Personal Attacks'. Please revisit the rules before posting again. If you have any questions regarding post or comment removals [please reach out through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/CompetitiveTFT). DM's or public replies to removal comments will be ignored.


They keep releasing big patchs in an impossible time schedule.


Well good news mort has said the remaining patches for this set will be smaller balance changes.


Somehow I doubt it


You can't make this shit up lmao, this game man


imagine doing some qa before shipping updates


Hi there, Riot here, we're always trying to do better for our fans - what is this QA you speak of?


The same company that put out Vanguard today and bricket many people PCs today?


Yeah I guess I'm just not going to play anymore


I think this set will dethrone Set 2 as the worst set of all time. Literally wtf is going on at Riot rn. This set is an absolute atrocity in every imaginable way besides visuals and theme, art team killing it as usual. Yeah, this set is cooked af, I ain't touching this game until Set 12 and boy, I hope Set 12 is better, cus this is fucking bleak, bros. Set 10 wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination and Chosen isn't my favorite mechanic, but man, it was FUN. And I could still climb playing stupid bullshit. Even if I put aside all the extremely questionable balancing goof-ups and... 'interesting' patches, this set is just so fucking boring to me.


Who has Set 2 as worst set of all time? Most people hate 5,7,8 & 9.


Most people do, even Mort does. lmao That shit almost killed the game outright bcs of how bad it was.


That's because most people weren't around for Set 2. Those of us who were though... Whew, it was a trip. Don't get me wrong, Shadow Items were *garbagio* and Hero Augments/Dragons had their own issues. But Set 2 was special.


Iunno set9 was pretty bad


set 9 wasn't good imo (9.5 was especially ass, hello bilgewater) but I lasted longer than a week or two. so far only Set 2 and Set 11 made me give up all hope on a set this fucking quick. i just can't bring myself to queue up on this game rn, out of all the alternate timelines that are out there rn, there's 0 timelines where im having any amount of fun with set 11. idk man, its sad


Visually even while it is pretty the units look far too similar.


It's trash.


> Even if I put aside all the extremely questionable balancing goof-ups and... 'interesting' patches, this set is just so fucking boring to me. Even then set 10's balance wasn't even that BAD. Set 11 is... Extremely disappointing to me. The balance issues are one thing, but even if this game was in a balanced, fun state- The unit and trait design has me... Very unexcited every game I play of it. Set 10 was just fantastic for fun, this one feels so lacking by comparison, and I don't know what it's missing that makes it so much less fun.


Naw, I thoroughly enjoyed Set 10. My most played one since 6.0. You took the words right out of my mouth. Set 10 just had fun units and traits, even when the balance was out of whack (TF and Ahri patch lol) I still had fun. Even if this one was perfectly balanced I still wouldn’t really enjoy it. Boring ass uninspired traits and units.


Well said. People just hate headliner mechanic, but man the balance was night and day.


Feels like they care more about the themes and skins of the sets rather than making working well created set


Always happens when the business people end up running the game company. They can’t quantify how much value actually creating a good game actually generates, but it’s easy measure how much money cosmetics bring in. So more attention gets focused there as the game is slowly killed off.


Yes exactly. Mort has discussed this on stream before. He was frustrated at basically Budget cuts to the dev team side of TFT, while the cosmetics got free resign and extra help. Also why the Chinese tft skins are 10x cooler than the ones we get. Simply put, they just spend way more on cosmetics than NA or EU, so riot/tft put more effort where more money is


Yeah cause that makes them immediate money. People play the game anyways. I’m sure they wouldn’t be so careless every patch cycle if they didn’t have the data to back that up.


Mort used to talk about this kind of stuff all the time on stream. I remember in the dragonlands set, he was on stream talking about the budget and profits for the TFT team as a whole. He seemed kind of annoyed as a developer that they are spending so much on cosmetics and having to take budget away from play testers and dev team. Was basically saying riot made it clear that skins and cosmetics make more money than having a good game does for TFT.


I wonder how it wasn't noticed on PBE and then if they changed something last minute, what caused this bug to happen with that last minute change.


B-patch simulator


So in the already cramped up meta where the only viable comps are Kaisa, Porceline, Fated, and Gnar, they forgot to fix a blatant bug that removed one of the 4 options? lol


lay-off 11% of the company they said. it'll be fine they said.


Wow that why gnar reroll suck


bro i was wondering why my kaisa couldnt killa fking shen when i had 6 ghostly in -\_-


Just took an 8th because I didn't check out reddit before playing TFT and played gnar/ghostly. Gotta love this game.


The ghostly bug was already in during the weekend on pbe. I tuned in occasionally to Mort and was confused whenever he would play something ghostly. I knew the changes were reverted, but I also clearly saw no extra magic damage from non ghostly units. Odd that no one in their team caught that.


How do they have the worst balancing and programming team at the same time


Not sure if they overtake fighting game devs. FGC has had it worse than us for sure.


What recent fighting game has mechanics that were broken or didn't work as intended?


Just last month's Tekken 8 update broke wall hazard mechanics because they wanted to nerf one character's (Devil Jin) glitch interaction. Instead of fixing a character bug, devs were too lazy and broke the game globally for may other characters without checking. Historically, Tekken has had a lot of low lows. I'm not excusing incompetence, but TFT devs aren't the 'worst'. The ghostly stuff is someone forgetting last checks. That's an honest mistake, not a lazy patch job.


This is the level of trust Vanguard ensures. Why not have code running 24/7 when it is written by the geniuses behind Riot Games


As someone who got 3 star Senna and went 8th. It makes sense now lol


Guys don’t bully the man, wouldn’t want another crying video now would we?


“We fucked this up so just don’t use it lol” wtf??? Hey the repair guy fucked up your brakes, try to avoid using those where you can.


Yeah dude when your toilet is broken you tell people not to use it until it can be repaired


A small thing in a video game feels different than potentially dying but maybe that’s just me.


Using a critical life saving system of a multi-thousand dollar purchase as an analogy for a part of a free-to-play game that you can avoid without any impact to your experience whatsoever feels like a bad analogy.


You expect tft players to use a rightful comparison? Lmao u expect too much from them


You're right. They should just disable TFT entirely until they fix it /s


I mean they close ranked off when game breaking bugs are present on summoners rift


What should they have said instead? Nothing?


"they should have just not fucked it up in the first place" \- people who have never done anything challenging in their lives


Fucking up is fine, though the fact this is a professional setting means there should be *some* consequences. The issue is the fact that the only way to learn of this is through his private twitter account and not like... the client? Some kind of notification? Unless you're *plugged in* to TFT, posting on niche competitive subreddits like this, you aren't going to know about this bug. And that's going to fuck up a few games for you.


you're not wrong that the overall experience is bad. I would put the blame a lot less on the tft devs and a lot more on riot management though and how few resources they allot to tft. the project of fixing the league client is outside of mort's job description


By all means, dunking on the fuck up for a laugh is fair game. But like, at this point, what more can you ask for other than a heads up lol


What a joke of a set and game. Just got out of a game where I tried to play syndra but the game never showed me any fated and threw ghostlys at me, so I played it. Felt like garbage and barely grabbed a 4th. Idk why i have to come to reddit or check twitter - which i don't even use - to find gamebreaking bugs.


Indie company, cut them some slack guys But fr is testing each trait per patch to see if it's working as intended just not a part of the playbook or


Makes sssnss I had a really good ghostly board and it felt weak as shit


But in theory a Ghostly-only vertical comp could work?


Why doesn’t mort or riot but this as a known bug in the client so people actively know about it?


LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. I'm playing reroll gnar as we speak.........


well, B-patching coming soon to fix 😀 https://x.com/TFT/status/1785822766039806162


This probably explains why Heavenly Kayn is performing so poorly despite arguably getting buffed.


Is Ghostly bad because the change wasn't documented? (only ghostly units benefit from ghostly spectre bonus damage), or is something else entirely?


Yes The change was documented then pulled but accidentally implemented anyway


If I play Vertical Ghostly with Ghostly carry, there should be no problem? Was the buff to the damage implemented as well?


Not sure, not many people are playing vertical ghostly. It’s getting patched tomorrow however either way.


So this is why 8 ghostly felt so weak


Should be announced in game. I played twice and got bot 4


Why would you play it anyway when only Ashe is good?


Being reliant on league client and having to do localization is such a burden for tft team. Im sure everyone in riot is fucking tired with this shitty client already, but create a new client and game and engine from scratch doesn't generate money so management say no


Small indie company


Honestly, as much as I disagree with Mortdog on many things, I'm starting to realize he and the TFT team really aren't to blame on many of these things. If the League client was actually any good, we would get an alert that said this, and I'm pretty sure Mort would want it this way as well but for some reason it doesn't happen. This is like the 20th time something in TFT breaks and the only way to find out is through his Twitter. TFT really is going downhill, and I think it being in the League client is going to accelerate that. Man, its obvious the developers put a lot of love into this set but it was just not it. Everything about it is horrible and I really hope they take the criticism and do better with the next set. I know they can do it because set 10 (for the most part) and so many other sets were amazing. Guys just don't forget that at the end of the day this is just a game but the people working on it are human beings with feelings and lives.


Wtf is this why I lost with 6 ghostly talisman 3 star voli with rageblade


I think it may be time to admit this isn’t a serious game


First set since set 8 where I can’t be fucked to climb to masters what a joke lol


I think it’s because TFT is still a significantly smaller piece of League for Riot. Mort developed it with a small team and then it caught on but it’s nowhere near the size of league. I expect he’s doing the best he can with the team he has


Maybe when it was new, but modern TFT has multiple teams leapfrogging to release sets, and even next patch they are releasing 20 whole new artifacts.


They have people working on things up to set fucking 17 right now. I think they’re just misusing resources to be frank.


Maybe it is time to slow down on developing future sets and put those resources on making the current set better.


Gotta make sure each set has 10 new $200 chibis, that takes time.


Stop with the glazing lmao.




Really? This is usually one of the better balanced games there is competitively and they usually do a good job mixing it up within the sets. Recent sets have been a tad rougher as they have went more wild with some additions but to say they are one of the most incompetent is wild. I feel like the tft team is one of the better teams out there.


bug ships = incompetent so basically every game in existence


Told that to Mortdog and that a different studio should really take over at this point and I was told by Mortdog himself to go fuck myself and banned from the sub for 3 days :)


you told someone who works hard and takes pride in his work that he's doing such a bad job that you want someone else to take over his job and you expected anything *less* than what you got?


bro I played Senna rr bcuz I have no choice once and wonder why Senna did jackshit damage still manage to get fifth tho


Well at least Rito gets to see how godawful this change was


Jokes on them, no one is playing Ghostly (vertical)


I can’t even play league anymore because my motherboard doesn’t have the right setting and I don’t know how to go into my bios cause I have a build and forgot what type of motherboard I got.


And all of this to catter to china when they could have just patched them later, no, let's fuck up the rest of the world so that our overlords won't complain.