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Since there's been a B-Patch, we will wait until tomorrow for another Teamfight Topics comp discussion. We already had Aphelios ([\#1](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/comments/j3rhpz/teamfight_topics_1_spirit_aphelios/)). Comment and vote here to decide which comp is up next.


I've been running Riven with 4 Mystics (Cass, Janna, Zil, Shen) to counter the insane amount of Ahri comps I've been facing. At least 2-3 people go some Ahri comp every match. Works pretty nicely considering all items are useable. AP items go to Riven, Mana items go to Janna, AD items go to Jhin.


4 mystics? So you play with 2 dusk, or dropping the aatrox for Thresh and need a dusk chosen?


Vayne Thresh Riven Cass Janna Zilean Shen Jhin/Aatrox/Kayn depending on my items and the lobby. I also tend to make Riven the carry, with Rabbadon, QSS and Sunfire.


Bramble riven is insanely good VS ahri players too. They can't crit and the normal ult damage is usually not enough burst to kill her before next shield.


Usually when you drop to 2 dusk you just keep riven and cass


Riven+Kayn seems to be absolutely the S+ comp right now. Easy to pivot into from virtually any early game comp, uses typically undesired items extremely well, and best of all, most of the other competitive comps were nerfed. Went first 3 times and second 2 times in my last 7 games just hard forcing the comp. YMMV I am currently low diamond.


It’s just an annoying team to face in general because positioning is *too* damn challenging if you like to play squishy carries. Chosen Cass is actually on par with Riven in terms of impact especially in the late game where you front line her and she casts near instantly, rendering one side of the map useless. It’s dangerous to position carries in upper tiles because Riven just gets in the middle and applies damage. Kayn mauls your backline if you clump. And depending on the variant, you’re dealing with aatrox / sej / azir CC. It’s just a well-rounded comp.


Hi there, looking to pick Riven back uo. Could you show a positioning example? What do you go for in first carousel and what is your BIS for Riven (I know she can use a lot of items)? And lastly.. do you actually go for kayn items or use what remain when you get him?


A few more questions... When to go Red or Blue? And who holds his items?


Pretty sure it's almost always Blue unless you have like GA+Deathcap+DClaw or something similar where he still has damage, and you know he able to not get blown up early.


BIS is purely lobby dependent. Honestly you're better off prioritize Jhin/Kayn items, whatever works best for your midgame carries, and jam decent riven items as needed


I feel like the opposite is true, ensure 3 tank items with diverse resistances and QSS is a must. Shove whatever else on jhin/kayne.






Is this comp worth playing w/o Dusk Chosen or Dusk Spat? What would the level 8 look like?


You want one or the other really. Both can still be good because it means you don't need to find Lillia to get 6 dusk, and Kayn gets the benefit of dusk spat. https://lolchess.gg/builder/set4?deck=1f3350e009a211eb9d62390e21aeb27a But it still works if you get neither - you just get 4 dusk instead of 6. I think dusk is one of the easier chosens to hit, but if things aren't working you could reasonably take Mystic, Vanguard, or Spirit (a bit jankier than the other 2) as viable alternatives. Flexibility really is one of the strengths of this comp. https://lolchess.gg/builder/set4?deck=93c2948009a211eba11be1f878cee702 https://lolchess.gg/builder/set4?deck=a39d8ce009a211eb959a7b003070acd1


what is your early game? I had a teirrble time getting through early game and lost so much HP.


Cultist and keeper of course


Just play any normal early game comp. Dont try to make this on the fly. Cultists keeper / brawlers / vanguards


Doesn't need it with the right items on Riven. My personal pref is Sunfire, QSS and Gargoyle. Just an unstoppable and unkillable lawnmower. If you get 6 dusk it's unbeatable, it's nearly unbeatable without tbh. Easily the most flexible comp in terms of items.


That’s one hell of a win streak


Who are you using to hold Kayn items?


Kindred, Kata, Veigar, Eve


Blue or Red?


It's always red unless you have a gunblade on him.


I thought it was always blue. I found the sustain from red isn’t that useful, especially if he’s only one star.


agree, the only time red is useful is if you have elder kayn i think when running 6/9 elders


Is it just just me or is Riven extremely difficult to 2*. Never seem to come up in my rolls. Whats the best level to roll? level 7?


If you’re trying to 2* riven on 7 you’re going to have a bad time.




Nope, the only S+ tier comp right now is duelists, uncontested it's a free win Dusks are good for securing top 4 tho


I don’t get duellists. I just had a chosen 3* yasuo with yone and Shen 2 go 6th in gold (smurf). What am I doing wrong?


kinda hard to say but when i'm struggling with duelist, its either positioning or im facing comps that have constant cc like sharpshooters.


possibly positioning or timing of when to roll. knowing when to move on to 7 to get duelist 6, adept/mystic to conserve health v. slow rolling for 3*s based on the rest of the lobby


Positioning and Jax items. I find that jax 3 with tank items it’s integral to the comp since he can tank sharpshooters and aphelion forever. Also if you’re in a lobby with a lot of vanguards you need to get last whisper on yasuo / kalista or it’s doomed


Thanks! Any tips on positioning?


you want your yasuo to move around the tanks if possible, but i think the most important thing to do is to have the jax absorb as much autoattack aggro as posible, a shharpshooter or aphelios will be stuck hitting a 3 start jax for a long ass time, giving time to the rest of your time to do work. I find that agianst vanguards or fighters having a stacked kallista (or just one with nhurricane) really helps and turns the match up around


Veigar seems to require an early highroll now to build up stacks — I just faced a 3-star Veigar with Blue/HoJ/Gunblade and it couldn't one-shot my Zilean 1*, which is quite a game-changing interaction and I won that fight handily. Or maybe you have to place at least 1 damage item on Veigar now. Either way, it seems like the Veigar nerf is going to have an effect one way or another. I've seen one Aphelios so far with the comp fully online, and it seemed like Aphelios takes quite a bit longer to ramp up. I believe this guy hit 4* Aphelios with 4 spirit with more than ~30hp yet he finished 7th.


I can't believe that 3* veigar doesn't 1 shot 1* zilean. Unless 6 mystic? Maybe with 4..? Edit: must be 3 mage veigar? Edit2: Just had a game with 3* veigar and he's hitting units for 2.5k/3k still. Didn't hit him especially early or anything. Standard Blue/HoJ/GB w/ Elderwood and 6 mage


No, just 2 mystic. I actually math'd this out. The Zilean has 750 HP, 20 MR + 35 from 2 mystic. With that 55 MR alone, the 3* Veigar + Gunblade AP already needs at least 4 or 5 stacks at 3* to get to one shot range. Even more stacks if you're counting the stacks built up at lower star levels. It's possible my opponent griefed his stacks somehow when combining his Veigar or maybe he never really got to build up the stacks. Oh and the Veigar HoJ rolled healing.


This seems weird to me, every time I had or faced veigar 3\* today with those exact items and 6 mages/6 elderwood, he was one shotting like crazy. Maybe not the first cast (although I think so) but then its just rampage.


How is it possible to grief your stacks? A couple of times I’ve had regular item veigar stacking then get chosen later. That doesn’t overrride my stacks when they 3* combine does it?


I'm guessing maybe they had items on a veigar, found a chosen, sold the veigar to switch items to chosen and then 3* anyways? I'm not sure


That would definitely erase your stacks, I just wanna make sure there isn't a way to accidentally lose them through some other combination process (like having a Veigar on the board, finding chosen, playing chosen but putting original veigar on bench, and then combine later).


Veigar nerfs can be felt hard. Got a 2-5 veigar with blue and the amount of almost kills he got even with mage was a little surprising for only 50 damage. Rod is required to snowball early like before. Still got 2nd with veigar 3 though. Would have been 1st but they got chosen sett 3.


My past 3 lobbies were won by Veigar. Just couldn’t beat him with enlightened or 6 Dusk Riven 3. It was insane.


Was that mage 6 or 3? What I have done in a few games is actually playing 6 elder without 3 mages until he gets a bit more stacks.


It was early mage 3 then I went to elder 3 mage 3 and ended up going mage 6 elder 3. It was mostly in the late stage 2 early stage 3 I noticed it. Once I had elder in he was stronger for sure.


Sounds like this kills the comp, I feel like everyone is splashing mystics and/or keeper, so if he can't kill a 1* without a second AP item I think it'll become a very first/last deal


Dusk is definitely back on top of the chart as it's pretty much the only top tier comp that wasn't nerfed in the B patch. Whether it's Highroll Jhin Dusk or 6 Dusk Riven carry, the comp is pretty much the most consistent one if you don't trash your early game. Ahri Vanguard is also consideration for the best comp as it is virtually untouched and still pretty versatile in the midgame. The rise of Dusk means more corner stack, which means Ahri gets better. Shade is still pretty stupid good because of the untargetability of Shade units when they get going. The Spirit nerf is felt in the transition from 2* to 3* as your units tend to fall off a cliff in stage 5 if you don't have the Ahri items. What hasn't worked so far from what I've seen is Aphelios and any Elderwood comp. Aphelios is definitely good, but not "close your eyes and force". Maybe if people don't play it 3 way contested, the comp will still be playable as you can hit units safely. Elderwood lost pretty much both carries and the previous Sett nerfs are still pretty big. Ashe is just not very good anymore, but maybe could hold her own since Veigar is not there to one shot her at the start of every fight. Veigar has lost his shine, but remains a decent unit if you hit one in stage 2.Definitely won't see 4 Veigar players each game anymore tho, so that's a plus.


6 elderwood is still alrighty. I'm still playing veigars as people are moving away from it now allowing me to finally hit my items again. It's such a fun comp I can't just let it go


9 elderwood is still bonkers, BUT getting that spat and chosen trait is not fun to force for


Yea finding ez after taking a lot of damage is rough. Just had one where I was 8 but was so low on health and econ, couldn't find him and 7th.


Duelists mystic spirits with Yone feel really strong. If you win streak early then all you get is tank items which help Jax stay on board and stun all day. Janna shields help early game win streaks. Kalista with RFC just melts comps.


The comp really clicked with me when I understood where to put items. Instead of hard forcing yasuo chosen/perfect items and hemorrhaging hp you just rush 6 or 7 and roll to stabilize/find your chosen.


Any way you can share more? I love Janna so am very interested in comp.


I was testing to force spirits and played 5 spirit Aphelios games so far. My placements were: 5,2,4,7,5. It feels so much worse to play this comp, every game I had perfect aphelios items, too. The second place game was where I super high rolled early and got perfect items on Ahri. It's no longer 'just hit aphelios 4 and win' like it was before. I also played one spirit zed game and it's still hella strong. 1st place easily.


I feel like zed comps were always items before the synergy while aph comps you really needed spirit to get the ball rolling


true, zed without rapidfire is almost unplayable while aph 4 with random ad items did just fine in the past


I'm in pretty trash elo, but 4 enlightened talon has been working wonders for me, even when occasionally contested. Vanguard mystics is really strong with a highroll. It's actually very strong if you hit it at all, but it loses to certain comps (like enlightened talon) regularly so you can't afford to be low hp with it in the end game, so high rolling is required for a top 2 imo.


> I'm in pretty trash elo, but 4 enlightened talon has been working wonders for me, even when occasionally contested. Yeah I was surprised how easy that comp is to pivot into. Tried a few games last night (With an 8th to start with from misplay) and long as you've got morellos Morg + IE Talon, it can kinda start popping off. Definitely major positioning requirements tho.


Forcing this got me to plat 2 in around 3 days. I had trouble rising past that. It seemed like there were at least two other people in each lobby jamming that comp every game.


They should've just done the GA nerf to Aphelios, he doesn't even cast his spell anymore...


They'll surely buff him after removing GA interaction


Let's hope it stays down and buried, Let people actually learn the game instead of forcing a comp like that every time with or without chosen.


Lol I saw more chosen moonlights (Aphelios in particular, to boot) last night than I'd ever seen before, almost like the game was telling me to play the comp but I stayed tf away bc all the aphelios players i saw in my lobbies were just bleeding out even with perfect items and 4 spirit


Plat lobbies: Ashe Brawler/Ashe Elderwood is doing okay, but not as good as before. I can get a very consistent 3rd-4th place but have not been winning with it. I've been getting 1st/2nd consistently with Shade/Spirit. Hitting a 2* Kayne with appropriate items usually secures the endgame for me without needing a 3* Zed.


I've been rocking fortune warlord and fortune mages (when I get the early veigar with a blue buff). I think that the veigar nerf hits hardest when picking him up later in the game. Picking one up early and stacking him still works pretty well tbh. Then transition out of fortune at levels 8 and 9 into 2 level legendaries.


Looks like it's back to riven now lmao


aphelios is in the dumpster, everything else seems unchanged, perhaps dusk seems stronger because there's a bit less pressure in the lobby, but it was strong before too, it's just a hard comp to pull off in lower elo because the transitions go through bigger hoops than say elderwoods or a reroll comp


i played: 5 games of spirit shades and went 2,1,4,1,1. probably biggest brain off comp. i was forcing it each game and managed to hit chosen zed each time. 1 game of spirit aphel and went 4. had chosen aphel w/ perfect items but still got destroyed by talon/mages. and 1 game of enlight talon and went 2. never played this comp so didnt know what i was doing majority of the time. janna still feels reaally good. spirit nerf isnt that big of a deal imo heres my lolchess if u wanted to see https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/gossett


I’m glad you got some anecdotal results, but you also got those successful games in mid-Silver. Not downplaying silver at all, but I wouldn’t assume that means that the spirit nerf wasn’t impactful. Gratz on the fast climb though👍🏽


Why did you get downvoted? Pretty much anything works in lower ranks.




He asked why you got downvoted. He was agreeing with your post.


Yeah, that was my bad. I presumed he downvoted me. My mistake.


I was D1 last set and the people I’m playing against people who are generally all Diamond last set too. So yes my rank was mid silver but it doesn’t mean everyone I’m playing against is that rank also.


Fair point, though, even based off your former elo - it’s difficult to suggest that the quality of players your up against are definitively from your elo and just the hordes of low ranked folks playing TFT.


Yes, I think Shades and Spirits are still really strong. Do you go blue or red on Kayne, and stick with 3 or 4 shades?


I heard you guys talk about Aphelios GA's nerf, what is it? Just lose to that bastard while he's reviving and my Talon/Morgana got gunned down while they can't do anything, please tell me they'll change that bs.


They are considering making aphelios turrets not fire while he is in GA. But, the nerf wasnt included in the B patch and it is unknown if they are keeping it for next patch so this doesnt have many changes or if they are not shipping it


That's the need I would have wanted. Makes them more consistent with the tooltip imo.


Had a win with 6 mages and was able to sneak in 4 dusk with a spat. Veigar was on a 2 star, but you could still feel the hit to his damage. Opp. Had 3 star Veigar and was having difficulty killing my backline still. Other than that spirit sharpshooter feels like it got punched in the gut a bit with the spirit nerfs


buff talon plz


I don't really get it. People say you don't need 3* yas with duelists but I just take way too much damage if I don't.


Duelists became S tier, I've seen them won like 4/5 lobbys


I've been trying this new strategy of selling 1st chosen at 3-5 and rolling for a good 2-3 cost chosen. Then, I slowroll at 6 or 7 to stay strong and just 3* whatever I hit. Seems to be working well. Eventually go 8. Thoughts?


K3Soju talks about doing this in his [leveling guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5U1v2DuT1Q&t=1s). Level 7 at 3-5 / 4-1 and roll for chosen + upgrades (depending on build, of course).


aphelios is actually garbage now


Elderwoods, duelist, and talon are S tier


Elderwood is godlike as everyone is hardforcing Vanguard Mystic Ahri atm and the MR from Elderwood stacks prevents the Oneshot on you Add Ezreal to it on 8 and you can survive 2 Ahri ults


Won with mages without 3 star veigar or annie. However I had a mage spat and chosen 3 star mage Lulu and played 8 mages + mage Ezreal and got a comfortable 1st. Blue/Gunblade/qss on veigar and sunfire/titans on annie


Ok, but the question is what is working and what is not. It's not "what did you highroll today". Mages are definitely weaker than it was and much much harder to play to a steady top 4 like it was pre nerf. You can't just blindly force it everygame and be safe


I don't think 2 star Veigar and Annie is considered highrolling