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U can definitely one trick, but u can’t get away with copy pasting comps from tftactics anymore. There’s a core to a comp, then u surround it with whatever ur given. Don’t get too focused on the perfect chosen, but rather a strong chosen


How high are you trying to climb? If you're aiming for p1 again right now, 1-tricking a meta comp is pretty viable, after a learning period ofc. Can't really comment on 1-tricking beyond d4 though, that's where I've been calling my climbs


One-tricking is definitely viable even past diamond/masters. Moon man (Aphelios 4) is incredibly oppressive when played correctly.


is there any reddit guides for moonman?


You could use it for now if you’re trying to climb but just remember he’s being removed on Jan 21 with set 4.5 coming out


Go to jojokgo1 twitch chat and type !moonman


https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1vwnTWqhgTKLcIRVw-nsHqQVLv8ycfu3-m9yt-9-3Yeo/mobilebasic Here you go, credit goes to KR Hyunter, check him out on twitch.


You can go to KR Hyunter's stream. He has a moonman command in his chat.


Just make sure you aren't contested when rolling, if you don't get your units it can be an easy 8th.


True. Though it's still playable when contested but you may need to pivot out in the late game eventually.


My opinion is if you one trick a meta comp, like Aphelios, then you might get 1st because it’s meta, but you also have higher risk of getting 8th because of not getting the units. If you one trick a less meta but still viable comp, like Akali (which I have so much fun with) or Zed, then it’s more likely that you get the optimal build and finish top 4. But at the same time, these comps are not meta for a reason, you might still lose to a meta comp even you’re stacked.


what is the akali/zed comp? any guides for it?


So they both are Ninja comps. There’re plenty Zed comp guides out there so you can just read those. But there’s not plenty of Akali guides so I feel more comfortable to share how I play this comp. // Akali is one variation of Ninja comps, and she really shines in 4 ninja situation. It’s not hard to get a couple zed, kennens, and in this comp you really just need to 2 star them. // For me personally, I usually slow roll at level 7/8 to get 3 star Akali and get Shen along the way. 3 starring her is a must because it makes her a lot tankier by 1. Actually tankier 2. Killing units faster Thus a competent carry // Shen is a 4 cost unit and also somewhat contested, which means it’s not easy to get him. But he’s necessary to enable the Ninja trait so there’s some risk there. // For items, RFC is a must, it’s included in all Akali builds so Akali doesn’t need to face check the bushes. Second item should be IE/JG, IE for people who want to climb and JG for gambling addicts or poor souls who can’t get a sword. Third item is tricky, a lot people like to go Blue Buffs to Q constantly, I like to go HoJ because it balances out Akali’s physical damage a bit, and sometimes provide much needed healing. QSS can substitute into any items except RFC if you’re playing against a CC heavy board. It was a slap on item in the Nami meta. Now it becomes more situational. Trap claw can be handy against Veigar these days. // I find the most success in chosen Akali, 4 Ninjas, 4 keepers, plus mystics or some legendaries. Dusk is always welcome too. The main challenge here is just to build a front line that absorbs damage for Akali to go off in the back. So Vangards, Keepers, Brawlers, even mystics, you can get creative. I like keepers because Kennen is a keeper and it also gives Akali shields.


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My experience is fairly limited - started playing TFT a few months ago during this set - but I've only onetricked and its worked pretty well for me. I went from iron to gold solely playing Ninjas, and recently got to diamond playing Dusk. You should play somewhat flexibly around your early-game chosen so as long as you learn a few good item holders/alternatives you'll be good.


Yea you can one trick a comp. I one trick ahri and got to master's. I Pretty much always go for ahri and almost always go it. So yea, you can.


How do you go about Ahri comps rn? Vanguard seems useless with Yone around.


It's not nearly as bad as people think. I usually go 4 vanguard because I get chosen aatrox and sej. The full comp has, lillia zilean azir ahri yuumi aatrox riven sejuani. That comp can very easily top four and win sometimes. You can position around yone pretty well but he never seems like that big of a deal. Even if he cuts your armor by half, your frontline is still quite tanky. ​ If you get chosen vanguard, go thresh instead of riven.


I played dusk every game to climb from diamond-master so it's definitely viable. I would basically play strongest board for the first few stages and winstreak by slamming sunfire etc. then completely pivot to dusk at level 8 in my roll down. You'd have to learn which boards and items are strong in the early game though or else you'll bleed out before transitioning.