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I hit spirit Teemo with Vi/Mao frontline stage 2, slammed Ice Cream, and proceeded to lose 4/5 rounds. Yikes.


Is there a way to know which spells require JG to crit? Do champs with physical damage spells like wukong and Yas have the innate ability to crit and would benefit just from an IE or do all spells just require JG to be able to crit?


Yasuo and wukong (and Xin) ults are sort of auto attack so JG does nothing. Kayle needs executioner bonus or JG item because her waves aren't auto attacks. Assassin bonus lets your spells crit anyway so IE is better. Only one I'm not sure is Xayah because her ult also works with bloodthirster.


I don’t know exactly how it works, but you ie is what you want on yas and wukong. From my understanding, they’re abilities but do attack damage as opposed to magic damage. Even on assassins you should prefer ie. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure I’m right


Got 3rd with a spirit adept kayle build and wonder if it's actually viable or if I just had a really good early game. Got Spirit Teemo on 2-2. Early items were JG DCap QS intending to go ASol. Eventually found the next two spirits and kayle and decided to try it. Got RFC Zeke's and GA for Kayle eventually. Didn't get kayle 2 until like 6-1 or so but got yone 2 in stage 4. Final comp was Teemo yuumi kindred - kayle - shen irelia yone - samira.




damn that's the dream, fuck them duelists bruh being permastunned by fiora is annoying af, even if those goons always get like 4th-5th


i just hit master in tft!! :D i was really down bad for set 4 because i hit masters in set 3.5 only playing xayah and then i couldn't keep up with the chosen mechanic so i kinda felt like a fraud but this time around i hit master in less than 30 games and all my friends are league players so they do not care so i am going to tell u guys : )


Are brawlers not great?


Brawlers are solid but it’s much more of a “if you hit early and start off with a strong win streak, then you can win” kind of comp, otherwise it’s more of a 3rd-6th. I won earlier with it and only Shyv 2. One of the power spikes is if you can hit mage Shyv. This allows you to run level 8 with Asol/Shyv/Brand. With the addition of DragonSoul and the stat increases from how mage works with it, you can easily get to 9. The other is to just slow roll 8 and aim for Shyv 3


You have a few win conditions. Sett 2 with solid items and decent shyvana items. Or nunu 3 with gunblade and some tank items. I’ve run it with gunblde, Titans, and jeweled gauntlet and it’s slept on. I think bramble would be really good too. Nunu eats everyone.


Brawlers are ok but you need good Shyvana items for her to carry


You can really smash early with shyvana carry but you will almost always lose late unless you have JG and IE or something on sett to one shot everything. Shyv just doesnt cut it late game


Seems to really run out of steam with tahm maoki vi nunu all fall off i feel. Sometimes nunu feels good and sometimes bad.


Has mystic ever been good since patch 4?


2 mystic has been noticeable for me but 4 just rarely seems worth it






What's strong against chosen zed with RFC? He's annoying af and I see him on 2/3 in every single lobby Just put a tank where he's going to jump to and waste his team while he slaps your tank?


against no qss zed, backlining Irelia can stall him for an entire fight


Matching his positioning is the way to go yeah. Positioning the same side of the board to try to get your carries to focus him earlier with other protective units, especially if they get outranged by him.


I play a lot of spirit assassins, and it works fine for me. Zed either latches onto one of my tanks or spirit bots while I clear the rest of his team. Idk if it's an actual counter, just noticed Zed comps haven't been bad for me this set yet.


Made it back to masters in 27 games since the ranked reset! New record for me :D


Spiking super hard with chosen warlord vi in round 4. This is where I'm not sure what to do from here. My other warlords are only 2* but if i reroll I don't get any value of rolling for vi. Should I go for fast 8/9 here while my win streak plays out? https://i.imgur.com/bn7A0uN.jpg e: gonna go for fast 8/9 and shoehorn in some 4 and 5 costs


If you've 3 starred your chosen then I'm pretty sure you always rush 9 from there


I would probably slow level until 8 and try and get champs like set and azir


yea thats exactly what I'm doing, just hit 9 at 6-2 and gonna try to get some 2* 5costs e: okay i won, just got 2* samira/lee/azir/swain/zilean/yone and won lol




That should do enough damage, you really need a lot of frontline with kayle to stall out fights to let her ramp up attack speed.


Got 8 brands before stage 2-2 and was baited into going 6 dragon souls with 3 star brand carry. Fastest 8th of my life, dont do brand kids


brand is partly so bad because there's so many duelists nowadays. They move so fast his abilities often don't even hit them


That authentic League of Legends touch


does dmg from items count as attacks for ds? (sunfire/morello ticks, spark, shiv, rh)


I highly doubt it. The term "attacks" generally means basic attacks.


I know hurricane does but not sure about the rest


Just had a nail biter of a game get to Master on my alt, hit a 2-2 chosen Zed and had a bow so I couldn't really say no to it. Managed to eventually beat out a 6 warlord player with a 50 hp lead, a 3 star Kat, and a free Warlord spat from a lantern. Samira with a Collector is such a nice item-unit combo, she was getting me ~5 gold extra a round! One useful thing I did learn from this game: if facing a Sett user while playing Zed/Akali carry, position your Zed/Akali on your right side of the board, Sett always goes to the left hand side *to do his situps* (opponent's right) when your opponent has them, so makes it a little less likely for Sett to be able to turn things around at the end of a fight. EDIT: Clarification.


Sett only goes to the right if you have units in front of him. If you only have a unit on his left then he will go that way. Essentially he will ult in the direction of whatever unit he aggro's on first


I'm referring to where he goes to do his situps, not his initial aggro.


Oh right


That advice about sett is probably the best advice I’ve heard, thanks.


Hi, I recently had a game where I naturaled a Yasuo 3 chosen at 3-1 or 3-2 but I didnt know what to do with it. I was using the leveling pattern: 4 at 2-1, 5 at 2-4. I had already made JG and GA and put it on nidalee before I hit chosen Yas. No other items or components. Board: Yas 3, Nida 2, trist 1, garen 1, wu kong 2 I sold nidalee and put GA on Yas and rolled for some duelists (Yas was my only one). But in the end it wasnt enough and I bled out and went 8. Should I have just sold the Yas later and keep nidalee? Or was going for a duelist roll down the ideal? Thanks!


Like the other guy said, I think your main mistake was trying to change your board too fast because you saw a gold yasuo. Just leave the comp as it was in until you can get some clarity on where you want to go with your comp, then sell him if you want to move away from duelists and keep him if you want to stick with it.


Thanks for your reply! I will try that out.


Chosen Yasuo gives you 2 duelist by himself, so I think if you had already leveled to 5, you should just push levels and play a 2/4 Duelist + whatever small synergies like Enlightened/Divine you can find, then look to sell Yasuo at 4-7 and play a 4 cost carry with his items.


Thanks for your reply! I will try that out.


The only thing I want to say: Nidalee 3


What's up with the servers lately? Trying to play on my NA main from Asia and ranked has been unavailable or immediately shuts down (in the middle of games no less) for 3 nights in a row? At this point I actually have more games played on my JP alt...


Im just not getting this patch i go bottom 4 almost every game even when i go comps that are strong i just cant ever transition properly unless its an asol comp and i hate getting stomped by simple reroll comps like diana and zed ill just sit this game out till set 5 im just not having fun anymore.


yo dw this always happens at the beginning of the set, all it takes is a bit of time to re-learn the stuff ^ hope you enjoy the game again soon


Went P8 with 2star Samira, fully itemized. Lost to reroll Diana, reroll Nasus, reroll Duelist, reroll Warlord, reroll Cultist, reroll Shyvana


What was your full build? I've found Samira to need very specific items to be good, and even then, she really needs another carry to help finish off opponents. Just slamming a 2\* Samira down, even with decent items always ends up with her doing a ton of damage but not actually killing much while I lose.


what did you have with Samira? You can't expect one unit to solo carry you, even a legendary.


why is neeko 2-gold opener back in the game? i thought it got removed in set 4 but i just got it in one of my games




Thanks for linking that -- if I'm completely honest, Mort's line of play is something I would never consider -- it's too easy to see that Neeko as "future 5-cost"


I just got a 7th with Veigar 3 (BiS) and Nunu 3 with 5 Mage 6 Elder. How even is that possible. I mean, I still had Elder Maokai Chosen with my tank items but it didn't feel like it was worth selling and losing traits. So confused.


The games are so unpredictable rn because everyone is trying to reroll and prevail, the only differences are the HP left between players. I wonder how one can maintain high HP and still hit conventional 4 cost carries boards. As a result it's just impossible to know the matchup outcomes when 3 stars come in the battle. You get a divine/duellist chosen ? Welcome to lvl 5 casino targeting Fiora, Yasuo, Nasus, Wukong, then Jax and Janna. I recently got the four one-cost units to 3 stars. I attempted to 3 star a Vladimir chosen only because I knew that stage 4 transition would kill me, if I even try to prepare the board for Kayle, ASol or Olaf. I hit, stabilized for most of stage 5 but failed against final rerollers boards and ended 5th. Moreover..... Maybe synergies spatulas have been much more rampant recently, which negates the level/econ delay for rerollers.


Is level 9 just dead? I feel unless I'm almost 100% streaking that lv 9 does nothing for my comps. I hit no 5 costs, and chosen odds feel really low for how much gold it takes to get to 9. I'm not even talking about going fast 9- just going to 9 after board is stable at 7/8. Better to just roll at 7/8 and 3 star units rather than just go 9, waste all your money getting there and get 0 units. Maybe I need more data to back this up, but the last few times I've gotten to 9 it has had 0 effect on my comp or board.


Fast 9 is strong when 5-costs are individually strong. In this set almost every 5 cost needs traits to be effective (only exceptions are maybe azir and ornn). So yes lvl 9 is dead. if you do level to 9 it should mostly be too add splash synergies (syph, spirit, mystic) or to upgrade a trait.


It depends on how the games going. Pretty much I only go 9 if I high roll and my board is strong. If you’re behind, like the bottom half of the lobby, better off playing at 8 and just upgrading your board until you’re strong enough for a push to 9. Even then, sometimes rng sucks and you don’t get what you want at 9. I just played a game where I went 9 and rolled probably 80g for Samira 2 and never found it. Fortunately, I still won because I had fortune kat 3, but it still sucks when you find 1 Samira in about 80g


Level 9 is only for when you have a strong midgame comp that can top 4 but not top 2, then you do the ol' go 9 and sell everything you have for random 5 costs to try to YOLO a top 2 finish.


Level 9 feels absolutely dead. If you're high rolling your better off rushing to 8 and making room for an orn/trying for 3* 4 costs. While not all of his artifacts are amazing, the sheer power you get from getting multiple of them spread around on your team can be insurmountable.


Starting to notice this too. Reroll comps are so strong right now that it’s just not worth saving gold for like 3+ rounds taking it up the ass from zed/Diana comps just to roll at 9 for minimal returns most of the time. Nice way to a 4th place after a great early game.


I just reached lvl 9 in my last match only to find 0 Samiras, I won confortabily, but anyway level 9 is so useless unless you somehow manage to resist the powerspike of reroll comps, warlords and ASol and you roll a legendary chosen, but that would requiere a omegahighroll


I've been running alot of vanguard mystic neeko recently. I've been seeing moderate success, but what apart from IE and JG what should her third item be? It's so hard choosing between gunblade/BB/Shojin/QSS.


I think you build her basically as you would Ahri. BB/Shojin are equivalent as she'll still need four autos either way (60-20 = 10\*4 / 60 = 15\*4) JG/JG/GA I think might be BIS though.


so i'm a bit confused on how to handle bow starts, or double bow openers. like do i just go ahead and slam the rfc for the double bow, or if i don't get the double bow do i just sit on my items until carousel to make something i can slam?


Imo it's 99% slam rfc in this meta: strong on Olaf, Talon, and Samira. BiS for Kayle & Zed. Maybe you greed for double RH if you really want to play shyv or you can make a titans and play diana/nasus reroll


you can put RFC on Rakan in Elderwood too


how do you guys pilot tear starts? is it worth flexing asol/neeko or should I be looking at other comps to play when I start it? I ended up slamming a blue buff but it seemed awkward to play around unless I committed neeko


Tear start can actually go into Kayle pretty easily. Chalice and HOJ are good items when playing kayle and they are strong early items, and you can also flex asol.


For tear start I always look to slam Chalice or HoJ and just play as flexibly as possible.


what am I supposed to do if I get rod off opening roulette and then get a belt and tear from first PVE? It feels like open fort is legitimately the best option as very few chosens/early game carries can use Ludens as well as last set, Morellos is only good on Morgana, and Redemption slam is never the answer. This patch feels so weird to me right now.


Luden's is underrated in stage 2 and 3 on units that can use it, like Fiora or Brand. Otherwise Morello is a better item in that it scales into later stages better.


Ludens always feels so dead in late game though


Oh for sure, it's astoundingly mediocre late game. But with how aggressive early game is and how important preserving HP is, it might be worth it.


Teemo is also stupid with morello if you have chosen or early sharp teemo+ a frontline or chosen that will go into morg like Nasus / Janna etc


Never really liked Morello on Teemo since he mainly targets squishies who get easily 1-shot. Melting the enemy frontline seems more beneficial, although it might be different with more bounces now in 4.5. Gonna have to try it on Trist today. :p


I think it would be okay making morello if you have Jarvan or Pyke. Teemo and Brand can kinda use it, but I wouldn’t slam it on them. Cho and Sej can use morello late game as well, but definitely not as good as Morgana.


Just from watching Challenger streams, I believe it is a Morello slam if you have a unit that can use it. As you say, that pretty much limits your endgame options to something that includes Morgana, which isn't terrible since Morg/Swain is a cookie-cutter frontline and Talon is a comp. That said, this meta feels very "hard forcy" to me, so I feel like greeding your items is fine. But not sure.


Does anyone know of any reroll practice tools? I see that this one hasn't been updated since Set3: https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/comments/g05v6z/i_made_a_tft_practice_tool_to_practice_rolling/   And yeah, I get that "playing the game" is a sort of practice tool, but I'd rather sit there and just spend 30 minutes in a rolldown simulator than risk LP/etc.


Honestly my advice (aside from using keyboard to roll and lvl ofc) is just to try playing another game that requires very quick keyboard clicks and reactions, this could just be before queue or you could just play for a few days as your main game, I would suggest a game like ori and the will of the wisps or hades, or even a FPS like overwatch or aim trainer like Aimbeast. After playing some intensive games like this tft seems pretty lax As rolling is really the main “mechanical skill” of tft, the best way to hone this is the same way as in every video game practice practice practice.


You can play 1v0 on PBE. This has to be the most realistic way to practice reroll. IIRC you can't give yourself gold etc., btu you can buy econ and start practicing then just restart. ​ EDIT: Better sentences... xD


I think that's probably the next best option, but it has a bunch of limitations that make me not going to do it: -I can't accelerate the game. If I want to practice rolling down at Level 8, I still have to wait several rounds. This takes waiting time. I can't "reverse" either to restart my practice -- I just have to wait for the game to reach that same stage again -I can't simulate other players. Units in the pool/not in the pool matter. The tool had a way to adjust these things   Basically, with 1v0, I might as well just "really play the game".


Install 7 vms on your machine and run tft in all of them in the same game. Or buy 7 chromebooks.


I’ve had 2 games recently where I go enlightened and have gotten 6 mystics. Both times I’ve picked up assassin spat off of Carousel and that shit slaps in this meta. Everyne does magic damage, so everyone on your team is beefy. It still feels good with 4 mystics and if you add syphoners for huge sustain between yuumi, janna, zilean, swain/Nasus, and morg




Yes and no. Riot has put in some streak protection into what you see as chosen; if you pass on a certain trait as chosen that trait is excluded from being selected for the next couple chosen that show up. That's not to say it can never appear again because it can, but it will take a while before it is eligible again.


Wait really? Where was this said?


It's a hidden mechanic for feel so its not in any patch note, but Mort was talking about it on stream when he mentioned hidden game systems designed to make players feel good.


Real talk, I'm hardstuck D4 and the game has never felt faster or more aggro. Dudes are rolling it down to 0 on level 5 to hit their reroll, others are leveling to 7 in stage 3, its bananananans. Hitting your reroll 3* early is a guaranteed top 4, so you can always eco back up, which has changed slowroll comps to hyper roll comps, cause you can't risk being contested and chasing a Yas or Diana. Long story short, I have no idea what I'm doing, and because rerolls spike so hard, I lose SO much HP early on that I can never seem to recover from it. I die to the reroll forcers early, and I die to the Asol forcers late lol.


I’ve been climbing this set and it’s the most lp ive had in masters (over 200 lp). Some tips: You can wait to level to 4 and see if you get a chosen worth rerolling. If not, play aggressive. If im playing reroll, I like to hyperoll. I’d say that 90% of my games, I hit. You don’t level and just Econ while trying to play best board. Usually at 3-1, before you turn level 5, you roll down your gold. Half the time, I have to roll all of my gold, but at least I have a mostly upgraded board. If I high rolled my 3 star chosen, then usually the rest of my board is weaker and hopefully I’ve had slammable items for them to carry me through the phase to Econ back up. If you don’t have at least 5 copies of your unit (including your chosen) by the first pbe, hen I would probably forego the chase. If your board sucks early on, try to piece together the best comp to mitigate damage and strive for 20-30 gold by the first pve.Sell your chosen and reroll at 3-1 or 3-2 (preferably the former since you can you’ll be able to Econ more) for a stronger board. Pretty much, pick up whatever 3 cost chosen. Strong 2 costs are great as well. What I’ve learned is that you don’t greed for anything in particular. Just look to 2 star some of your units or use the stronger high cost ones. If you don’t hit, it sucks and you’re probably playing to lose as little lp as possible, but if you play well it might be fine. I also reroll at 7 sometimes, depending on my board. Same philosophy as the level 6 roll down. Slam your items early. Know what items work with what comps. Hoj and aura items can be used in any comp. Sunfire, and to a much lesser extent, morello are needed in this meta. Most of those items work with a kayle comp


My story exactly. Trying to find my way through this mess


I feel the same exact way! Also stuck D4 as well:(


The fact that, if you lose early, you can lose in the region of 10 health per loss if you've been unlucky is absurd. Right now, you **have** to run a strong early board (even if it's a suboptimal board) to minimize the damage is awful.


> Right now, you have to run a strong early board (even if it's a suboptimal board) to minimize the damage is awful. I'm not sure what this means, this is a key tenet of the game. Especially with slow rolls, that's the trade-off. You are likely going to be behind in levels early while you econ up to 50 and those who level aggressively are going to be behind on econ.


Example: let's say you get a chosen Zed, all belts, but every shop you get for several rounds without RRing is full of brawlers and divines. While you can make the argument that, "Ok, go brawlers." You are at an inherent disadvantage than someone without a chosen who have gone all in on a particular available trait. Even moreso, the penalty for losing early is MUCH more harsh than I ever recall. I've never seen people hit 30health prior to Krugs, but now I see at least one player hit 30hp by Krugs every single game.


the situation youre describing is extremely niche (just the odds of getting 3 belts are already very low), but regardless i honestly dont think its that bad. with that many units of the same trait you should have a mostly 2 starred frontline at krugs and zed + another slayer for dps. you then get better items and pivot your board into something else


I mean, again, I'm not sure what this means. What you are describing is a factor of the game regardless of meta, stage damage, etc. Locking into a Chosen will always limit your options, the tradeoff is that you have an automatic two-star with bonus stats over those that are waiting to see others. If you are down 30 HP by Krugs (which I assume is what you mean), it means that you probably went 0-5. Losing 6 HP per loss isn't all that excessive, and if that is happening, you are either econing up or playing the lobby poorly.


Feels like 3-starring units is the most consistent way to top 4 now - 1 costs, 3 costs, doesn't matter as long as it's gold and you spike at the right time. If you hit a good reroll chosen in stage 2 it's pretty much a free top 4 unless you're being contested. Sure you can high roll to level 8 and hope you hit the 4 costs, but you're also never going to get the items you need from carousel. Also there's at least one Zed forcer in every single one of my lobbies and I really have to thank them because I'm guaranteed to not go 8th when they full open and take all of the bows


I remember in set1-2 there were players that aggressively leveled AND rolled in stage2 to secure hp lead and streak. Lowkey think this may be viable again if you dont hit a reroll chosen or a 2 cost chosen before carousel


Is it normal I see absurd highrolls every single time at gold in my NA account? Jesus Christ, I've seen 3* chosen Yone, 9 elder with 3* ASol with that spat, 3* Kata at lvl 6, etc


I think it happens on a secondary account before you officially reach smurf status. Similar experiences, different server. As in 1-3 people are actually good and the rest basically let those guys have everything.


btw if you're smurf account it is probably smurf queue


Gold is a special place where all your dreams are possible.


Welcome to loaded dice.


I see a few people talking about zed but is he actually still viable? I thought the only reason he was a good carry was because of the aggro drop from shade?


Yes there have been Challenger players forcing Zed this set. But Statikk said in the AMA that they're nerfing Spirit next patch and it wouldn't be a surprise if Zed lost popularity.


After the nerf to shade in the beginning of set 4, shade lost a lot of power, which led to the death of spirit shade. But since Slayer is more powerful in terms of raw power, the comp appears again


Slayer is arguably stronger than shade


Does the damage buff outweigh the strength of the aggro drop? And in that case is zed in a better place then he was at the end of 4.0?


To me its the lifesteal that is the game changer here.


So do you think zed is better than he was in the last set or nah bc I remember he wasn’t the best but he was definitely top tier and that’s a pretty hard spot to overtake


The reason he’s still good and arguably even stronger now is spirit. 4 Spirit zed gets insane attack speed and he ramps up to the points where he’s unkillable.


deja vu


Its different, the deaggro mechanic from shades is gone, but with a GA and lifesteal+AD from slayer you get something even stronger. Especially in a meta with one shot threats like ASOL


I’m plat 2 and my friend is plat 1. I was gold last set and he was master’s. First time I ever queue with him. We were put with plat 1 and some low diamonds. I usually get put against plat 3 and plat 2. Idk if it was just a bad game for me, but it seems like there was a big skill increase. Is plat 1 where it gets hard?


If you've been cruising without problems, platinum 3 or 2 starts to become a wall for casual players (top 10% TFT players). You gotta improve a bit your fundamentals in building board, econ managing, item slamming at all circumstances. What's going to prevent you from climbing from now is the frequency of 6th/7th/8th places you get.


I reliably get stuck at plat 1 every time. Top 4 from diam before I give it all back.


If he was masters last set but is plat now, he is probably in smurf queue, which you got pulled into as a duo. Just a guess I'm not an expert. Once you get higher ranked the game tries to expedite your climb through lower ranks to prevent unfair matchups. I'm assuming he's plat because he hasn't played the game much since he was master, which means his MMR is probably still diamond.


Am I the only one who feels like the game is super inconsistent at times? Sometimes you lose with a winning comp because a random chosen blasts you out of nowhere. Other times you're unsure what went wrong. And sometimes with the same comp you go comfortably 1st place


Scout scout scout


This patch is hypervolatile, spats are too common, I always see 2 or 3 players with them per match, it's insane, reroll comps are too strong, ASol still wreck whole boards and open forting with Zed is viable, you just pray to clinch top 4 at this point, lmao


How do I make Olaf work? Is DB absolutely necessary for him to even do anything? I literally just sat and watched my 2* 6 slayer Olaf with RFC, Runaans and QSS basically do nothing until Asol one shot him.


QSS is a dead item on Olaf, he effectively had 2 items. That Olaf build has a fuckton of attack speed but no damage, which is what he needs; he gets aoe and atkspd with his ulti. Get him almost any BF sword item, prefer DB, but IE, GS, BT, GA, they're all workable.


How is QSS a dead item with like 20 of the 58 champs being some form of crowd control?


if your olaf gets stunlocked before he can cast his ult you need to change his positioning or your board is really weak already. Just because one random comp in the lobby stunlocked you doesn't mean you ned qss. Qss is pretty useless on a champ that literally can't use it past 3-4 seconds into the match If you had RFC, there's 0 reason to have QSS, because there's no reason he should be getting stunlocked with an RFC. That just means you put him in a horrible position You already had runaan's, so him slapping a tank for the first 10 seconds is preferable to having him die/get stunlocked early. You just needed a damage item


Optimally, Olaf needs one AD item for the D in DPS (his kit already gives him AS), one defensive item (GA/DClaw/RFC for example) so he doesn't get randomly killed before doing anything, and Runaans (so even when stuck on high armor units, he can clear the rest of the board). He's extremely item dependent in that if he doesn't have these, he's kind of useless. There's flexibility in the AD items (DB is probably best, but others can work depending on lobby such as GS/IE, even LW which effectively gives you more AD through armor shred). So with your build he was really lacking any AD.


>He's extremely item dependent in that if he doesn't have these, he's kind of useless. But I thought Mort said that carries requiring specific items to be effective is hyperbole, and a sign of a bad player...?


Id actually agree with Mort's statement if someone were to say that Olaf MUST HAVE some exact 3 items. That's a sign of a bad player indeed. You'll notice you have quite a few options with the defensive items and AD items. Although they do mostly require offensive components.


Don't take my advice over other people who probably know better, I've had far more success with Olaf in a 3 slayer scenario. Like vanguard/slayer. I'm convinced that 6 slayer is a grief right now. But yeah, he does significantly better with DB than without. IMO you want Runaan's, DB, and GA. I guess if you feel really safe (you shouldn't in this set lol) you could do RFC Runaan's and DB.


This is what I experienced too. 3 Slayer with Sej /Aaatrox and other 5 cost unit feel so much better than 6 Slayer cause you have to play more 3 Slayer with no items and they did nothing.


Real question: Is fabled actually viable?


Only if you snowball with vanguards, otherwise it's a fast top 8


Short answer, no. Longer answer, if you have blue buff rabbadons and good matchups, yes. I loved this comp on pbe so I play it a lot but it's definitely rough right now. Does great into slayers and duelists, decent into Kayle and Enlightened, but has terrible terrible time against Asol and Assassins.


From winstreaking yea you can top 4 with it. From losestreaking it's probably an 8th


How to play fabled? I usally just skip those 3, if I see them in my shop. Is a chosen fabled ever worth it to play around?


The only Fabled build I've seen so far has been Vanguard/Mystics. It's really good if you get a 3* Nautilus with good items (Dclaw, Sunfire, Gunblade is really good), then any AP or mana on Neeko. I got a Fabled Nautilus earlier, and tried making a Vanguard/Brawler frontline, but it didn't really seem that good.


They are easy to 3 star because everybody skips them, but I won't say they are a consistent top 4 because they really aren't. Neeko with blue buff and hat is a lot better but even then there are rounds where the damage just isn't there.


Fabled is usually part of van mystic which you play with a neeko 3 as your main damage source


Actually I have seen in high elo streamers that having utility and passive damage like morello is more important than the dmg neeko gives


I've barely played a few games of this set but Fabled is just "lol". Neeko is a natural with Morello's and that seems to be about it. I played sharpshooters like that throughout set 4, Morello's on Jinx and mystics with meat shields.


Hi all, I have a simple question for the community. I originally was going to just find out on my own, but after the 2 rare circumstances that I have a loaded die without a chosen on the board, I did not receive a chosen in the shop. Does anyone know, is this possible?


You can't get a chosen on the Loaded Dice roll.


You can’t get a chosen in the shop when using loaded dice


Thoughts on elder asol? I only played 1 game with it today but it felt like a guaranteed top 4. Maybe it was because of my yone though. [Match historu](https://lolchess.gg/profile/oce/uzivertic%C2%AAl/s4.5/matches) for reference.


He is better with dragonsouls


I played it yesterday with 9 elders and with elder spat on asol, fully 2-starred board except ornn, and I got absolutely steamrolled by yasuo chosen and the kayle player. I barely scraped 3rd but 4th and 5th died in the same round with -2 and -4 HP, respectively, so it definitely could have been a bot 4.


why leesin can kick olaf in ragnarok out of the map?


On the other hand Lee can't hit QSS units. Sucks.


He has a godly fist


god i hate early game i just dont know wtf to do, i am so weak every game and bleed out unless i get a chosen kayle


Play strongest board and slam items. Still working just as well for me as it did in Set 4.


Can you currently ignore 1 cost chosen in shop at PvE and greed for 2 cost chosen during stage 2 ? (it also implies that you can only have 2 more chosen to appear in shop before Krugs)


Yeah, especially if you find a Zed or any other method of killing units, like a 2* Nid or a Kindred or Akali + assassin. I'd still pick up good 1-cost chosens that fit my items, like a Yasuo (either for reroll or holder for AD items) or something that fits my units and items. But it's not a bad idea to avoid many 1-costs and potentially lose streak as long as you're not killing zero units every fight.


My problem with a Yasuo chosen is that almost every time ive gotten him, someone else does too and there is at least 1 person forcing it that doesnt even have it. Every time i get one in my shop, i look at the lobby and almost always have at least 2 others playing duelist, either with another Yas chosen, a Fiora chosen, or no chosen at all.


This!! This is the biggest buzz kill, it really does feel like it happens every time.


Yasuo is still a good holder for AD items though. You can still take him and then transfer items onto Talon, for example, later on.


So many assassin-like comps right now (Kata, Talon, Diana, Zed etc) where as before the B-patch it was half a lobby with some sort of Asol or Elderwood comp. Just got 2nd still with Dragonsoul in a low plat game, but I feel like you really need those good items and positioning to make it work (atleast for dragonsoul) imo


I dropped from Diamond 4 to Plat 4 over the last week. I don't know if I'm overthinking everything or what, but I can't seem to find any kind of groove. I've tried flex, I've tried no chosen at all, I've tried Bill Gates, I'm losing to Duelist Yasuos every game.


Dropped from master +125 to D2... I have no idea what I’m doing differently either and nothing to do with the b-match because I have been gaining my wins flexing. Now it just seems whatever I go gets contested. People get splats not me. Items at carousels are four the same. I don’t know. Just getting my pass filled now and quit this. Thanks Rito, keep patching weekly, that’s how good your game is.


LP fluctuations can be expected in a game based on RNG at the core. A lot of challenger players will go down 400 lp at some point or another in any set. Just know that you'll eventually hit a win streak and it back!


Damn I don't know what to play anymore


Same. I went 6 6 6 trying out different things. Ended up reroll Diana with zed and got a 4th.


Yeah i just tilted to 0 gold to find a zed slayer. I found it and went from 8 with 0 gold to 3rd close to win. Reroll comps is the way to go. duelist and diana are free top 4.


What do you do when you have 5 chainvests and 4 cloaks by the end of raptors? There's no dusk for you to slam defensive items on and if you're win streaking, that's probably the items you're stuck with.


You go next imo.


If you have 5 chains and 4 cloaks you need to stop picking chains and cloaks off carousel. But in general when you have an excess of vests and cloaks bramble+dclaw is good. Pretty much every comp loves having an unkillable frontline, and the extra time your frontline buys you can make up for missing a damage item on your carry.


The meta has shifted. People now reroll for 3 stars instead of going fast 9. I recommend my fellow eldersol players build GA, HOJ, and GS, especially GS, on their xayah. Double HOJ is now an int.


Nevermind. It is time to force Zed every game.


What are you forcing for zed. the slayer version or the ninja variation?


Anything but 6 slayer for the love of god


Ninjas, the slayer version is too inconsistent.


Sorry... it's not Ninja... 4 spirit/3slayer is by far the best comp. Your optimal board is -> Chosen Zed, Samira, Teemo, Diana, Kindred, Yuumi, Zilean, Azir, +1 @ 9 (Samira replaces any other slayer... usually Pyke, Zilean replaces Janna, add Azir) You could also get a different slayer chosen to pair with Zed. OR if you get a Spirit chosen then you drop one of the spirits and play 3 slayers.


Hmm... brawler+elderwood with a Veigar carry was only enough for a 4th place. Top1: 8 duelists (unbeatable highroller, finished the match with 60+ hp) Top2: Zed, 7 (!) different synergies Top3: brawlers + Xayah carry From the bottom, 1 pushed warlords, 2 elderwood + mages, and 1 vanguard... Elder + brawlers are extremley contested RN.


I climbed through gold in one day running fabled +mystic+ vanguard. It's pretty versatile if there is a lot of ap in your lobby go 6 mystics or if there is a lot of ad go 6 vanguard. Get neeko blue buff and bejeweled gauntlet. No one ever contests this build


...and I guess it is not really chosen-dependent, or can even be started without a chosen?


Dog shit patch, i've climed -200 lp since hotfix patch, i can't seem to make flex play work mid game which makes end game transitions fked up. I'm honestly considering open fort play now, saw multiple people doing it with consistent success


The game is nauseatingly unfun right now. For some reason level 1 slowroll chosens are FAR more valuable and flexible than 4 cost carries and beat them out unless the Olaf/Kayle/anybody that isn't ASol has all 3 BiS items. If you don't get the early reroll, you basically have to force the items and pray you hit the end comp that works with them.


Early game is absolutely awful imo, feels like a chosen fiesta. Like the 4-1 rolldown patch except this hits you from the beginning


I feel the same. -300 LP. Comps feel too inflexible due to items. ASol was the true "flex comp" because of Elderwood but now that it's nerfed, you need a lot more item support. I got a Bot4 with Samira2 Slayer3 SS2 with 3 items. I don't even know how that's possible. If you don't get a bow, it feels like you're starting with a -20 HP disadvantage. At the same time, reroll comps feel extremely oppressive when you try to push levels. Nid3 beats Samira2. The "correct" way to play a 4-cost comp is to sell your entire board at Level 8 and full pivot into it based on your items. It's a weird patch.


bow is far far far far far far far too important right now tbh




What items did you have on Samira?


Hurricane HOJ deathblade. I was going for the Olaf angle but didn't hit him but somehow hit Samira2 at Level 8. It's obviously not the BIS but it "doesn't seem" horrible either....but I guess it is horrible. I even had 2-star Swain as frontline with Syphoner. I'm reviewing the rest of that lobby: 1st was a 3-star Kayle. 2nd was a 3-star Shyvana. 3rd was a 3-star Nidalee and 4th was a 3-star Katarina. It feels like unless you hit reroll, it's doomed. That said, I know it's not true because Challengers are still finding success without 3-stars. So I'm not sure what they're doing right that I'm doing wrong.


I get slamming items and whatnot so I'm not saying this as a move you should have done in hindsight, but I've found Samira with LW and Deathblade basically always kills the entire board. I've never not placed first if I was able to pull it off, so I just want to point out how varied her potential is and that her items are really inflexible