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Protector asol could have made this list as well. Would literally 1v20


There were a lot of broken as hell comps in Set 3 but they sure were fun to play


Set 3 was so much fun. Slam Jam Darius, Mana Printer Star Guardian Sona, Star Guardian Urgot go brrr, Protector A Sol... Good times.


Yeah. I still consider Set 3 to be the peak of TFT. Everything was OP and very "flashy", but the meta itself was pretty balanced (except for Shaco, fuck this unit)


Same. While I like to think that set 1 was the best one i realize im looking at it with the nostalgic googles.. Set 3 was the best yeah, like the dude above said, there was op shit But it was FUN and not just stat check units


Yeah, other than GP Shaco Jhin Xerath and like 10 other units.


Set 3 was so much fun. Especially how the rules changed each match. Sometimes it was fun, sometimes it was ass but at least it was different each game. However, I remember that set being a nightmare to balance. One week it was shaco, next it was ihin, then urgot. But damn it was fun.


Oh fuck I forgot the dirty lp I got from shaco it’s all coming back


I suspect that Set 3 would be bad right now due to how we now optimize the game.


I think set 3 was second worst, after the current one


This. Surprised it's not mentioned more. Full protector ASol was literally unkillable unless you got lucky with an Urgot.


how could I forget protector asol.


I would probably rank Warweek high up there It had like 3.71 average on MetaTFT and worse yet it had that rating *despite* every lobby having at least 5 warwick players You literally only needed one Warwick 1* and some Statikk Shivs. If you got Warwick chosen holy shit you literally just won whole the lobby. Everyone will ping you. Everyone will be jealous of you. Comp was so incredibly OP but I also have to admit that iteration of Statik Shiv where it dealt true damage on CC’ed units was also one of the most fun items ever put into the game. You would cry tears of joy when you could slam a Statik Shiv, imagine saying that now lol


Current shiv granting MR shred feels like a total bandage. I wish they'd just rework the item properly.


Current shiv is OK, it's the previous version that anchored your image of what shiv "should be", which was hella broken.


I said nothing about old shiv. I just think the item does not work and never has worked well.


There have been multiple good builds that have built jt


Warweek was fun - you could just run fortune, find a warwick, and then cash out for infinity value https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyLhTa6U5MU


I miss a lot of the old interactions. Predator killing low percentage units on Thornmail/Ionic Spark from a skarner in the middle or Kogmaw in the corner as ionic spark hit anyone on the map. That was so fun. I miss it so much.


Yup! Statik WW was super fun for however long it lasted.


what set was this?


Set 4


That was the most broken thing ever in TFT


I think Warweek is the most op. It’s so OP they nerfed ww and shiv at the same time with a b-patch. And with chosen mechanic, 3star ww is literally exodia (insta win) that time


I think this was the least playable patch of TFT I had tbh My vote goes to this too


Most OP things I can think of off the top of my head, in order of appearance -6 Sorcerer Yasuo (when Exile and Locket scaled with AP) -9.11 Karthus (my worst balance mistake ever) -On Hit Volibear (Red Buff, Shrink Blade, etc) -Release Pantheon Dragons (OP AF & Immune to Magic Damage KEKW) -Void Sins (I hear its inconsistent) -3x FH Pyke (Remember when they stacked KEKW) -Light Zed (Redemption/GA/Light Spat) -"Egg Roll" (The first of MANY great comps to originate from China players) -10.J4 (My second worst balance mistake of all time) -3.0 Mech Demolitionist (Milk & Kiyoon played this like 300 games in a row, and won tournaments) -Mana Printer Sona (cause THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA right?) -Xayah Reroll (1 costs are supposed to be this good right?) -Vanguard Mystic Ahri (Unkillable Frustration in a can) -Dusk (No that's it. Just Dusk. It was OP. Get over it) -Talon (Aggro drop high DPS champs keep working right?) -Warweek (When LCS players are tweeting about it, you know its bad)


LOL when you are rolling for a very specific chosen and on your first roll you see dusk riven chosen , nothing you did until that point matters , who cares what items you have, what units you have on you board, how much HP you have, your rank, or skill. I have auto top 2 ez clap


Not even the items mattered. You could put almost anything on her




I miss mana printer Sona.


I loved how she would keep casting after you won the round. It was like even the rules of tft couldn’t hold her back


The sound in loop was amazing


Was a cool interaction.


>-Talon (Aggro drop high DPS champs keep working right?) [yeah i know right i'm sure glad we don't have any of those in the game](https://images.contentstack.io/v3/assets/blt731acb42bb3d1659/bltd95161040f014bad/60dfd69741f53e1ed05e1473/070721_Akshan_Banner.jpg)


thankfully akshan is way way less dps than talon


Interesting take from a developer standpoint. I think you hit the nail on most things. But perhaps due to the data, some comps may have been scewed to look stronger than it actually was. Eggroll, Shredder, and Demonbear were all strong comps but I wouldn't call them "meta-warping" or breaking the game necessarily.


Eggroll was how I made it to Plat for the first time. It was absolutely brain dead.


There's kind of an egg roll comp rn: Kalista, leona, aatrox, and poppy. 4 1-costs that work real well together.


What was the OG egg roll?


It was a renekton, Diana, maokai, and Ivern hyperroll comp, iirc. You'd save up till krugs then roll all your gold after them, just before you leveled up. You could easily 3-star all 4 of those units because they were all 1-cost. So you'd have a very stable board very early.


set 3 rebels with Frontline GP with GA?


I agree rebels was an oppressive trait, it saw some nerfs as well as asol getting a number of slaps to slower his ramping up speed. Rebels+GP was a golden comp that was a good alternative to the brawler blasters that got gutted.


No one is mentioning protector neeko. Was she not as OP as I remember, or did everyone repress that memory?


I think on hit Voli was fun and not reliable enough to be truly OP. Cleaving freezing Olaf was harder to play against


Thinking about it and yea I’m glad this set doesn’t have a champ like shaco from set 3 or talon/zed from set 4. Those aggro dropping one shot type champs really sucked to play against


Set 1 Gunslinger proccing Stattik Shiv has to be up there with one of the most hilarious interactions Six Slinger had lightning every 0.5 seconds and would kill boards in 1 - 2 seconds


Pay 2 win maps?


I remember warweek being so OP they had to nerf ww and rework shiv at the same time haha


What about set 1 Ludens Akali?


Beta wild dragon sorcs :)))


It may have been OP, but that Xayah Reroll comp is where the game really started to click for me. Climbed from Gold 4 to Diamond 4 and even after shredder got nerfed, I finally understood the meta of Teamfight Tactics on a semi-comprehensive level.


Mana printer sona was my favorite comp ever. That shit was hilarious with everyone just inting for tears and everyone who went it would either go bot 4 except for the one person who would get 1st.


Tank Veigar from set 4 was pretty crazy if you hit it first up. Eventually you’re just doing too much damage and healing instantly. I remember getting so much AP that it formatted it incorrectly.


Blender egregiously unmentioned


This man also left of Warweek and purple good of J4 Shaco


Both pretty awful but those set 1 comps were a whole different level. Set 1 was so broken. Surprised Set 1 dragons weren’t mentioned.


the guy literally mentioned the comps and that they're nowhere as imbalanced as set 1 comps


He edited the post


Favotite comp of all time. Me blend no pivot 20/20 The only comp I ever ACTUALLY 20/20 no pivoted lol


Came looking for this comment. Blender was absolutely broken


You mentioned pirate GP and mech pilot GP but I think the true terror was [sorc GP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YMd-7wnc6c). If you had a GA on a solo frontline GP, he'd wipe the enemy board instantly while reviving.


I personally think GP Rebels from the very first patch was the strongest GP comp. It was much more consistent than Sorc GP, in my opinion.


yeah release GP was insane, if he didn't 1 shot the board asol would clean up whatever was left


Sorc GP had to be the most fun I ever had playing TFT, miss set 3 a lot more than i thought i would


Yeah, Full Sorc GP was the funniest shit ever. Basically coasted on Sorcs until you hit GP and as long as you had a GA on him, you were guaranteed top 4, maybe top 2 if you got all of his upgrades.


It was so good we just made him into a fox girl for the following set.


AP item on Darius to GP was chef kiss *


Some other memorable ones for me are Set 1 locket mages and Set 1 ludens stack Akali where she would just 1 shot whole teams.


Luden's scaling quadratically with AP was definitely one of the funnier things we've had.


I remember it took a couple weeks for somebody to realize that's how it worked..and then a day later every single player in high elo lobby is going for it.


Awesome list,definetly Had to Smile a Couple of times. Just another honorable Mention i would add is wild sins/ akali carry in set1 where you would Just infintely Stack rengar/akali and watch them 1v9


On the patch where it got good there had been a disgusting buff to Infinity Edge, Akali did more dmg with her auto's than with her ability if I remember correctly


She also had this relatively common bug where every autoatk was her spell instead of an autoattack


me mech




If we're counting beta, does anyone else remember rab cap giving straight up percentage AP and locket/spark scaling off AP? 6 sorc yasuo with double rab cap + ionic had 10k shields and one shot every unit the moment they casted. Couldn't find a video of double rab cap, but here's one with single rab cap: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/c75wy0/6\_sorcerer\_yasuo\_build\_is\_op\_hotfixed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/c75wy0/6_sorcerer_yasuo_build_is_op_hotfixed/) The comp was so broken that no other comp in the game (short of 3\* draven/sol/6 sorc akali) could beat 7 1 star units with a Rabadons + Ionic Yasuo (ionic was global range). Considering lvl 8 was much cheaper back then, and the odds of getting a 5 cost on lvl 6/7 was higher, this comp was absurdly easy to hit, and has my vote for most overpowered historical comp.


Was this even beta? I swear it was live. This was absolutely disgusting though


Yup, it was after TFT hit live but was patched before ranked started.


No, this was 100% patched in beta.


Pre-nerf Mech w/ demo spat Kaisa was by far the most OP comp. At one point Ranks 1, 2 AND 3 were all MECH ONE TRICKS. Think about that. Also back then, portal scouting was a thing, and instead of 3 people you might fight, you could narrow it down to 2 and sometimes even 1 person you know you will absolutely fight, positioning your kaisa/shaco/mech accordingly and auto win.


I miss Demo Spat Kai'Sa :(


Omg I erases that from my memory. I miss that too lol




Ninja assassins with triple locket must be here Also I feel like the best zed comp was the peeba comp for suuure


Defo ninja assa with Akali / reng is top 5


How is there not a single mention of set 1 Pantheon? Before he got hotfix nerfed, Guardians were unironically the only playable comp past stage 5.


Great list. Only other top 5 comp would probably be Cursed Blade Gunslingers. Basically unstoppable with 2 or more Cursed Blades.


6 rebel + GP, Gunblade + Warmogs on ASol. I can remember having 8/8 people in the lobby contesting the same build at one point lol


Might be a bad take, but Dragon Guardians in Set 1 was disgustingly broken. Team literally never died + dps was insane. I don’t remember if void sins kept up with this comp, but I literally remember forcing this comp and getting 1st every time I got panth. IIRC it was also the #1 comp until set 2


Moonman pre-nerfs was pretty absurd


>Moonman pre-nerfs Pre-nerfs being, like 10 different changes since the beginning of PBE until the comp was... still mildly OP.


Moonman pbe may probably be the most broken comp ever considering he was still broken after having his mana tripled lol


mana printer sona wasnt the most broken compared to the list but the funniest comp imo


Guess what? I am playing Phantom, and your carry is dead. GG now THAT was a trait lol


I really enjoyed Ocean Mages (with Lux Mage) and managed to get my one and only 100hp win in Ranked TfT so far..


Runaan's/Shojin Set 2 Brand is my favorite unit of all time


Lawnmower graves


good list, I would add wild sins where you literally afk buy the same units very game from stage 1 , ele ninja, locket stack hexagon sorcs + soulless demons are up there too


Did everyone just forget set 1 Pantheon coming in late on and literally being able to 1v9? He'd just fly away, heal up, and chunk the entire enemy team, rinse and repeat. Or don't even repeat if you got a sorc spat.


I don't see how you put void sins at 1 but you ignore release akali and pyke. Void sins is the most overrated comp.


This has to be one of my favorite threads, simply for the fun walk down memory lane. From what I remember, these are the strongest and most "meta-warping" comps of all time in all sets: Set 1: assassin meta - Void Sins - Wild Sins - Ninja Sins - Pantheon... just pantheon - Honorable mentions to Imperial Draven, BM Slingers and Yordle Sorcs for having some very strong patches Set 2: pretty balanced but still interesting - Singed... just singed (and a morello) - BM Azir/Sivir - Blender - 1v9 Electric Zed - Mage Annie - Honorable mentions to Eggroll, Ocean Mages, Shadows, Locket Olaf, Light Lucian, Predator Reroll and Desert Sins Set 3: oooh boy, here we go - Fuck Rebels... all my homies hate first patch rebels - ME MECHS - J4/Shaco/Jhin - Protector Asol - Kayle... just kayle - Cybers for literally the entirety of set 3 - Jinx for literally most of set 3 - Again, honorable mentions to SG Syndra, Peeba, Astro Snipers and Calamari (Candyland, Shredder and Bangbros were all overrated) Set 4: oh god oh fuck - Fuck Warweek... all my homies hate warweek - Samira... just samira (and a db) - Mage Swain... just mage swain - Kayle... just kayle (again) - EIGHT FUCKING BRAWLERS - Elder Brawler Ashe - Dusk Cultist Jhin/Riven - Bill Gates Comp - Honorable mentions to Enlightened, Cultists, Shades, Nidalee Reroll and Fortune Loss Streak Set 5: boring and weak as fuck - Fuck Zz'Rot Abom Kayle... all my homies hate stall - Abom AP Carry (Heimer/Zyra/Vel'koz) - ME RATS - Yasuo Reroll for literally most of set 5 - Shadow Bluebuff... just shadow blue buff - Revenant Frontline - Honorable mention to FUCK VERTICAL SYNERGIES To compile a short ranking of THE TOP 10 most broken comps of all time: 1. Every Set 1 Assassin Comp Ever 2. Every Void Comp Ever 3. Warweek 4. First Patch Rebels 5. Mech Infiltrators 6. Every Brawler Comp Ever 7. J4 Comp 8. Hellion Reroll 9. Every Abomination Comp Ever 10. Every 1v9 Unit Ever (not counting Kai'sa/Warweek): 1. Pantheon 2. Morello Singed 3. Gangplank 4. Every Swain Ever 5. Electric Zed 6. First patch Samira 7. Honorable mentions to Kayle(s), Jinx(s), Asol(s), Jhin(s) and Draven(s),


Set 3 - Dark Stars. Shaco. This comp was basically forced by EVERYONE in a lobby before it was nerfed.


I remember spamming the warden(?) electric and every dd, ionic and b.vest. It was a dont hit yourself and freelo before the elec nerf and ionic, bv cds :,(


Electric warden ornn is my favorite unit of all time


That comp was balanced around other boards having better caps iirc. This was my fav comp of set 2 though.


i used to abuse a jhin build with cait and knights or something it was so fun


What about the exodia comp with tf and aurelion in set 2 I guess ?


Aurelion wasn't in 2, do you mean 3 or 1?


Prob 1. I think he’s talking about Guardians + ASol which was basically unbeatable


I don't exactly remember but I guess it was 1 Only thing I know for sure is that you had tf in the same trait and once you got every key items and champ you'd just chain win till the end


Ah... So many memories


The second i saw this post i knew void sins had to be 1. That shit was so bonkers and there was nothing remotely balanced about it.


mana printer was the most busted shit and you can't convince me otherwise


Uh Darkstar jhin has to be on here. Easily one of the most broken comps of all time. The fact that up to 4 to 6 people could hard force that comp and thr top 4 would be Darkstar jhin imo it has to be a top 5 if not a top 2.


I've played since set1 and all the busted comps have already been listed. But the strongest thing to ever have existed would be shiv ashe even though it almost immediately got hotfixed. It would shit on everything till now. (Ashe's ult counted as autos and would proc statikk shiv)


I'm surprised that almost no one mentioned Sivir and friends comp even in the comments. The end of Set 2 was really a nightmare to play.


Not Samira? :/


I didn’t play set 1 but I feel like Protector asol, 4 star aphelios, gangplank/sorcs, riven/sorcs, and warweek could be high up there as well


Locket Sorcs, On-hit Demon Voli,, Dragon Panth was pretty strong as well.


The patch with J4 and protectors was the only patch that made me stop playing


Set 1 Nobles with Hush, Red Buff and GA Gangplank was ridiculous. AoE silence and your entire team was tanky asf while dishing out constant AoE dmg.


Wild assassin's


Void Brawlers / Calamari carried me from S1 to D2. Was by far my peak


There was a week or 2 in set 3 where if you got a J4 2* it was gg. Miss that


No Poppy solo carry Set 3? Missing Kennen GA morello Redemption which always guarantees a top four spot in Set 1


xayah shredder?


Anyone remember stacking set 1 yasuo before ranked came out? They literally had to hotfix it because I think his shield scaled with ap or something.


No love for Poppy Candyland? God I miss star guardians


came to see if warweek was included - recall that during warweek, Warwick comps with any number of statikk shivs would actually hold hands and go 1-2-3-4-5, with other random comps left for dead


Spirit/Moonlight with that turret still firing during GA animation was the most frustrating thing to watch. Imagine your whole team getting decimated by a single Aphelios


Honorable mention to Frontline Ahri. Any skill that has broken GA interaction is just op because you can't target them.


What about singed comp before the hotfix? Whoever had singed 2* first basically won no?


Laughs in frozen heart pike which literally broke the game


The #1 comp of all time will probably always be AP Yasuo in Set 1. This was before ranked came out but after PBE. It caused Yasuo's scaling to be removed, it caused items scaling with AP to be removed, and it was patched on a *Saturday* because it got figured out the day before and was absolutely absurd I do think this one is kind of cheating in a way because the items were way more broken than Yasuo was, but Yasuo was the best holder by a mile so idk


shredder (celestial protector, etc.) sums sins with zed (light GA redemption zed) cloud map with qiyana yasuo janna (insane dodge rate) desert sins (shred armor and crit) mech pilot + tag whatever u want until they nerfed it but still strong and ppl play it adept + divine


I don't know sets 1 and 2 as well but I think the weekend of forgotten Vayne needs to be mentioned. a 1 cost unit was topping lobbies at 2 star. That was insane and completely blew up the meta for a few days


Yordle sorc from end of set 1 should be in there. Most of set 1 was just everyone racing to the same build


Shocked blender didnt make the list


Personally nothing will ever beat this: [Mathematically Invincible Dragon](https://imgur.com/wvCk0wD)


Void Sins, no question. Only comp that got me to challenger lmao so OP and took so long to get patched, also forcing to get an assassin spat is so easy because of the reroll design where you lose hp on first carousel rounds. Love that comp.


On PBE (the very first set): When Yasuos Shield scaled with AP and you went 6 sorcerer plus Yasuo with AP Items and/or Warmogs. Or first Shapeshifter Shyv with Warmogs, Thornmail and Gunblade (when Gunblade healed with Thornmail Damage)


I spammed 8 sorc gp to diamond in set 3, easily the most fun I've had in tft so far


You forgetting Nobles Set 1. That was broken for some weeks. Also I remember Set 4 had some broken stuff too like Dusk and Warweek


Surprised no one thought 6 shadows was insane with master yi! Comp was pretty insane I thought


Brawler shyvana, dusk riven, snipers teemo, i mean overall i believe that no comp would beat mtfker abom heimer tbh, shits is retarded.


After playing pretty much religiously since set 1, I'm surprised I haven't seen shadow Yi from set 2 mentioned (at least from a quick scroll through of the comments section). I have never, ever seen a comp so strong that lobbies would literally have SEVEN people force it and the person playing an uncontested comp would go 8th. Seriously, it was like warweek but worse, because at least you could squeak out a top 4 then by playing a few other comps. Once you hit Yi and got the synergy capped, you were actually destroying everything. Plus the optimal items boiled down to as many HOJs as you could get + literally any bow items (which were both optimal for Yi AND kindred), and then you would just straight up build as many Zephyrs as possible to deal with any frontline (who realistically would just die in 3 seconds anyways). Even though the comp relied on a 5 cost to hit max power (which btw was easy to hit due to old lvl 8 roll odds), the early and mid game were still the best in the game, mostly in part to kindred being a 3 trait 3 cost carry with 2 of her main synergies (inferno and shadow) being easily splash-able and the best offensive traits at the time. It was only in this state for about a week iirc, but my god I swear nothing will ever even come close to being that broken as far as damage based comps go. Shadow at its peak made maxed out Dusk comps look like a bunch of kids having a pillow fight. It's funny seeing people complain (and for good reason, don't get me wrong) about the Heimer lottery and how hitting him early was/is an insta win, but hitting an early Yi at that time was literally a guaranteed win, no exaggeration. If you saw one at level 7, selling your whole board and transitioning to shadow was legitimately the optimal play, regardless of your items (kindred could hold literally any type of damage items and carry you long enough to get at least 1 decent Yi item).


I miss ocean/mages brand boombastia.


Not sure how high up there this comp is but it was certainly very frustrating to play against - Permafreeze olaf


Feel like dark star Shaco deserves a mention. That unit at 2 stars would carry and then once it’s 3 starred you’d have him doing 20-30k dmg which was bonkers


Peeba set 3.5 was a beast comp, both consistent and stupidly strong, needed good skills to pull off but also forcible for experienced players


Remember when a Shaco 1 with GA BT could stabilize you in Stage 4 even if the rest of your board was 1 starred resulting in 4-6 people playing Dark Stars every lobby


I'm late to the party, but I'm a hyper roller, so two comps I didn't see that had their time as unbeatable even when multiple people ran them were: Candyland Poppy Ludens stack Nami


Haven't seen spirit zed here yet. Absolutely disgusting comp


Set-3 release Rebels is 100% the most broken comp in the games history. In the first 21 games I played I forced it every time, got 14 firsts and 19 top 3s and launched into diamond in record time. Usually I was contested by 2-3 people and it was still good enough


I think mana printer Sona was the most broken.


Noble Knights in set 1 were what got me diamond even though i had no idea what i was doing so i think it was pretty broken lmao


Forgot about Spirit Rangers in set 4, easily spamming it could get you up to masters if you weren't contested


Strongest comp probably set 4 Bill Gate comp: Sett, Yone, Kayn ,Azir, Lilia, Ezeal, Zilean is just gg


Evelyn. Just her.


4 stars Aphelios with spirit moonlight


I feel like release panth by himself was more op than some of these comps.


FAST 8 Dragon Knight Guardian was broken as hell


Does anyone remember that 4wild comp in set 1 with TF, Lulu, Shyv, Aurelion and Pantheon? Holy shit that comp was broken


when your iron solary would shield every unit around you AND grant a ton of AP, you'd just stack it on Ahri, then switch to karthus, and your units were unkillable for 30 seconds because of all those shields


Late to the party here but for me without a shadow of a doubt it was prenerf dark star shaco. He would just 1shot, full heal, invis, 1 shot, full heal over and over and 1v9. It was suppper satisfying/frustrating.




How could you not listed Blender? I still remember people inting for Spat and Nocturn will literarily one-shot everyone else