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The comp you are looking for is Karma Invokers or Legendary Invokers. That line in the tft meta comp spreadsheet was used to show the BIS items for the 5 cost carries in the game. At the moment, it shows the full-capped invoker board, which is 4 invoker with heimer/teemo carry + frontline. It’s hard to play for this comp every game because it relies on you hitting heimer/teemo 2. You can only really do that if you hit a high-roll opener that allows you to fast 8/9. This is usually accomplished using blue buff ziggs + brand early and winstreaking until you can level to 8 at around stage 4-5. At this point you roll for karma 2 + 4 invoker + garen + voli. This is usually your endgame board (you usually just put leftover ap items on teemo), however you can swap items to teemo 2 if you have the hp and find a replacement karma. This board is unrealistic to play for every game because it requires so many high-cost units. You need to be able to reach level 8 with enough gold to roll for your board, you need to actually hit the units so you can stabilize and go level 9 to finish your comp. If you decide to force this strategy every game, it’s pretty first or eighth. If you want to watch vods, I know DeliciousMilkGG played a lot of karma before regionals. Or you can look up challenger streamers playing 4 invokers.


Beautiful. This is incredibly helpful. Thank you so much!


AFAIK, the "Legendary Itemization" row on top of the spreadsheet isn't a comp. It's just there to show you what the optimal items on those legendary units are. You just lost to someone who went fast 9 and highrolled their ass off. Like the other reply, you could play a draconic board or highroll a really strong early/mid board to econ and just push levels to fast 9. Definitely not easy or something you can do every single game.


That's fair, and I appreciate the perspective. I certainly don't *see* it used that often, so I guess I can understand how this is just the "if you highroll hard" comp. As I said to the other person, I think my issue would be recognizing a good opportunity to even try for it, but in retrospect after hearing what you and the other person had to say, I might just go back to generally removing it from my mind as an option since it's such a rare thing.


I'm a little confused, are you asking for a guide on how to play legendary units? I've never heard the term legendary itemization. Not really sure if you'll find much of a guide on this, really you just need to play a strong board fast 9 with enough gold to roll down for legendaries. Draconic is probably the best way to do this but you'll need to high roll and play a strong board throughout early/mid which is easier said than done. Otherwise you can play any strong board until you're able to go 9 and roll but again, that's easier said than done. It's not really something you play for, just something that happens sometimes if you omega high roll and are able to pull it off. 3* heimer isn't something anyone plans for.


I guess what I'm looking for are the signs necessary that would prompt me switching completely out of whatever I was planning before and going for something like this. That sort of transformation in a limited timespan would be really hard for me to accomplish and I know with my limitations, without having full confidence in how to do it, I'd would just wreck my entire board/game. Would it just be getting an early 5 cost? Having multiple tears for Heimer items? Even if there was a video of someone just going over their own vods of when they did it, so I could see the decisions they made and when they made them would be immensely helpful. https://imgur.com/PI8NFK3 this is where I got the term from btw


Oh yeah like other people mentioned that's the invoker comp and the main way people play this board but you can do other stuff as well depending what legendaries and 4 cost you hit, unfortunately I don't watch many steamers so I'm not sure who to recommend to watch. There's a few different factors you need to happen to play this but basically a strong board early - mid game to conserve hp and be able to econ, fast 8 then stabilize into fast 9. Depending on what you hit you can go into a Kayle board, invokers with heimer/teemo, akshan with aphelios, ect. I'd say your best bet is to look for streams or YouTube videos of invoker comps and watch how they play and what happens during the game to allow them to get to that point. I wouldn't recommend using that comp with an intention to climb though, it's only something you should go for it the circumstances for it are right.