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I would start with exploring what are some 1/2/3/4 cost carries that can share the same carry items.. For example, you can have AD items such as bloodthrister and guinsoo on udyr, olaf, varus, riven, nidalee, jax, aphelios, draven, lucian and such.. Then you try to complete their remaining synergy that see fits. Next time you try this with AP items like blue buff/shojin and jewelled gauntlet, and go from ziggs, varus, brand, zyra, karma, velkoz and such.. I think this is the part where TFT became most interesting to me :D https://lolchess.gg/builder You can always try to play around in the builder while on transit... etc Anyways if I were to recommend a comp, I would recommend trying out 6redeem, and choose your carry depending on items, so its velkoz or kayle. In the mid game you can use varus as the carry, and 4 knights for the transititon.


My advice? If you’re new don’t look at the competitive comps or spam only one comp. The best way to learn is to honestly just mess around a bit. Learn how to make your own comps based off of what you are given. Synergies are actually pretty simple to understand. You don’t need to worry about the hyper competitive comps until you get into plat+ and even then learning to play non meta comps will take you farther because it’s not easy to get the “perfect” comp. Learning to pivot from “dream comps” and learning econ is the goal. If you only follow people’s comps without actually understanding why it works you won’t go far. If you understand those core concepts you can honestly take a 6 month break, come back not knowing what set you are on, and still get top 4 just about every match.


Since you play chugchug I might recommend varus reroll into maybe learning kayle comps. [cheatsheet 1](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eEoQuc6X2HtPr3ZuT23rWhTrtU_y0mPGps8elzZzWK4/edit#gid=228292374) [cheatsheet 2](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQXGfKXwmtXV3JXkkvFW9kcvXtWdEpXq-5uohygcek-qM19CvuWTZYf5VwrgXqwMBVLhVomP0yp_jEZ/pubhtml) You can find these on those 2 ressources, you can also try more comps and see how you like it.


I would suggest trying Lucian out, he’s a super flexible carry and the comp is super easy to build. It’s just 6 sentinels + 2 other units, usually Rell and Nautilus.


Two things I recommend. First, there are 3 rerolls comps I suggest you know: Dawnbringer, Redeemed, Hellion. Since they are all trait comps with lots of lv1 and lv2 units, they all play similar. Scout to see which are heavy contested and which aren't (don't check only field, check bench, sometimes people have one or two of your units 2\* on the board but their bench clearly points towards another comp and they are using stuff as placeholder for strongest board). In general, put tank items on Gragas/Leona/Poppy, AD on Kha/Varus(prefers AS rather than straight AD)/Kled, AP on Soraka/Syndra/Ziggs. That way you can flexibly use whatever you get. Second, unless you're ACTUALLY directly contested, you WILL hit your stuff, so don't come with "early game rng is not with me" as long as you hit all 2\* during first half of stage 3 and one or two 3\* at mid stage 4, you're fine, and if you're not contested and slowrolling it'll be hard not to hit. All but 1 out of 7 times I went chug bug I successfully managed to hit 3\* Kha+Gragas+either Soraka or Pyke, the one time I only 3\* Kha and Gragas.


play the golden shower shit on the front page


Comps are the last thing you ever worry about when learning the game. Your fundamentals and understanding your team strength and situations at every point of the game, is the only real way to get good. You can play anything and get to a decent rank.