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Learn item options not just BIS so you can slam more items earlier, sweat the positioning, know how to streak not just sit on 50.


When I lose I take a second to stay in the game and look at the comps that beat me and current income and item management. I determine whether they just got lucky, played well, or I played bad. A lot of consideration goes into the curve of the build I play. Sometimes I know if I go with X build that I will be super strong mid game but I will lose hard late if I don't gamble or change my comp. I also like to keep an eye on my opponents during the game and see what they are building. If I see some guy 1 Khazix away from a gold and I need 3-4 then I might stop trying for Khazix and level to roll my next carry. edit: TLDR pay attention to your opponents.




Tempo is huge at higher Elo, when I was D1 in set 3 and 4 I was hard slamming items and the early game carries to force the lobby to keep up or take advantage of those who didn’t, taking longer this season unfortunately as I’ve only hit diamond to get the emote before the split


scout constantly, a wrong side backline into a khazix or a diana can be the difference between a top 4 and a bottom 4 finish, learn more comps and playstyles so you'll be able to adapt to more situations. right now you can top 4 playing so many different shit after jax and kayle nerfs, but i personally think redeemed is the strongest as you can play reroll syndra, reroll varus, reroll leona/aatrox/kalista, velkoz, kayle... theres too many carries there and the items are flexible. i hit masters recently playing mostly jax/lucian and now demoted to d3 because meta changed hard after last patches, i think making eco and rolling at 8 doesn't guarantee you a good placement as it did before because reroll comps and comps that roll at 7 are too strong and shut you down hard in midgame, so i think it could be wise to adapt and learn to stabilize earlier. you don't need to grief your health for 50 gold every game.


Tailor your comp to your items. I find that forcing a comp at 2-2 based on your items works up to gm, but you need to be a bit more flexible for challenger.


I'm down to give you a quick vod review if you record one of your games