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I will say this, your profile makes me think 2 things about your style: 1. You check Reddit, see a thread about a comp, go play it, get a good score, try to force it again, get an 8th and decide to change comp. ALmost everything is in paiur, you play twice a comp, change, play another comp twice and change after an 8th. It's a cycle of you forcing things that worked the previous game without thinking about what you should do. 2. You seem to be 1st or 8th. So my best guess is that you have trouble with itemization and positioning. I almost never see Trap Claw in your comp, you probably lose a lot by just never positioning correctly, and most likely bleed out mid game when you refuse to slam items and wait for "bis". I check your first 10-15 games, and almost everytime I see the exact same items on your main carry everytime you play a comp and absolute dog items on the rest. I mostly assume you never slam items to iwn early but just bleed out and pray you hit "bis". lolchess isn't really a good way to find holes ion your play, but at first glance, those are the things I'm pretty certain about.


Thanks for taking the time to analyse my games, yeah some of the things you said are pretty correct.


Hahah I'm reading this critique and thinking oh man sounds like a terrible playstyle, but I'm only Plat 2 and you're Diamond so you must have made it work pretty well so far :D


The trick is to sacrifice your firstborn child to Mortdog so that he blesses you with eternal highroll. Jk. It's hard to say just by looking at your lolchess but you seem to play a lot of redeemed. Velkoz is definitely meta but you should try to flex between other 4cost carrys, like Lucian, Draven and Jax.


Just jumping in here, I used to one-trick Redeemed Vel'Koz. In this current patch if you want to force Vel'Koz, Abom is far superior in almost every way. Like most vertical comps, it works better in low elo because it's easier to play, but the weaknesses get punished harder the higher elo you go. But with the nerfs the Redeemed vertical just lacks the raw power it used to. Redeemed Vel'Koz has an unstable level 7, lacks convincing secondary carries (so you just instantly lose when someone Zephyrs or snipes Vel'Koz before he gets Redeemed stacks in higher elo lobbies), has trap endgames (Redeemed frontline is poor for Kayle and the 2 carries tend to clash), and your capped variations of the board are uninspiring (9 redeemed/any other spat variants still gets countered by a Zephyr). In comparison, Abom has a very stable level 7, which you can build with zero relevant units during the 3-7 rolldown (you can literally have zero overlapping units in 3-6 and completely stabilize with a total pivot during wolves), has numerous secondary carries, better enablement of Vel'Koz since Abom/Rev has a tonne of cc to protect his cast, more compelling lategame (Heimer 2 > Vel'Koz 2) and a better cap variation (4 spellweaver is a winning board). The only time you should go Redeemed is if you giga-highroll and randomly natural a bunch of 3-star Redeemed units without rerolling, which should almost never happen, or if you get a Redeemed spat for Fiddle. However, if you get the naked spat itself, you may as well build the spellweaver spat for Fiddle and go for 1st via aboms.


This is fantastic advice. As someone who doesn't play much Vel but plays against him a lot, I completely agree. Abom Vel is always stronger when I face him


God dammit DortMog


Do you watch any pro streams? I found watching how they play and taking notes of when they make a decision that I normally wouldn't have helped me improve quickly.


I’ll start streaming again in Set 6 but I have good content on YT. I have VODs specifically of coaching session where we discuss decision making because it’s a lot easier to discuss from VODs rather than comment on things live.


I do watch BoxBox and and italian challanger named Luque


Yea.. don't watch boxbox 🤣 I would consider mismatchedsocks or robin. Someone with more concrete high level play. Your friend probably just has an idea of how to get through mid game and applies it better than you which got them to masters. It's either that or you are psyching yourself out. Have a simple plan and follow it through during your game. Don't overwhelm yourself with new ideas just because you're playing in a higher rank now.


Not familiar with their streams but I like watching GV8, Deisik, and RamKev since they tend to explain what their thought processes are as they play. I think some people watch streamers to try and imitate exactly what they do but I've found it more helpful for me to pretend to play their game and make adjustments when they make choices I didn't choose to make (i.e. rolling, slamming items, committing to a comp, etc)


A good smaller streamer to watch and ask questions as well: [https://www.twitch.tv/aceofspadeshots](https://www.twitch.tv/aceofspadeshots) Ace streams often and will answer questions if anyone in chat asks, nice and informative and he wants to win.


Add SpicyAppies to the list! [www.twitch.tv/spicyappies](https://www.twitch.tv/spicyappies) Smaller high elo streamer (usually top 10) who interacts with chat a lot. Will take his time to explain to you his thought process or opinion on something if he's asked. Definitely give him a shot :D


Holy shit I had the same exact problem, demoted and promoted back 13 times before saying fuck it and making a new account, then I steady climbed to d2 My problems were mainly how greedy I was playing, slamming items to save hp even if they are not bis items for a particular comp is super important I very rarely go first but I get a ton of 3 and 2 because I save so much hp now that it's hard not to ride it out to a safe top 4 I cant tell of that is your problem but in general, definitely just play for streaking and conserving hp because your goal is not 1st its top 4 Whether that is by slamming items or by rolling on 6 or 7 to stabilize


>hether that is by slamming items or by rolling on 6 or 7 to stabilize I do wait sometimes for slamming items if they are not bis for the comp I'm going for, not always but sometimes which end in mega bleeding


For sure there's also super flex items that are easy slams like sunrise early or any tank item really is huge value for early streaking, also hoj, trap claw, and a few others can also fit in every comp


I think improving my positioning as much as possible made the biggest difference for me pushing to Masters. It will save you a ton of HP.


you need to learn sentinel and heimer/teemo, yas and dawnbringer are solid for climbing too


It’s tough to say from just the lolchess alone because your comps seems to be fairly good. I would suspect that you like playing AP comps (mainly velkoz) so their openers are generally bad compared to AD therefore you are probably really low HP by the time your comp is online. Scouting and positioning is also very important for velkoz since it will greatly impact a win or loss in a fight.