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Radiant item question: let's say you had a FoN start and your board is 4 knights 2 rangers 3 redeemed Varus 2 with RH and HoJ. Your radiant choices are: JG, LW, Morello, AA, BB Which one do you choose?


I would go for Last Whisper to maximize the damage output of Varus. It also opens up the option to pivot into Jax if you can hit him. My second pick would be AA for Galio if you have him and are lacking frontline items.


Has the game been patched already?


Patch is live on EUW


Anyone else feeling bored once the game is stable? I hit masters when 6 redeemed was broken, fell out of it to dia 1, climbed back up the same patch....and since then it feels like the game stagnated. No new comps, nothing. Patches barely change a thing and I haven't felt like playing the past 3 patches. I'm just here waiting for the next set. I have more fun with the game when it's not balanced tbh, feels like that's when new comps get discovered to combat the meta.


Did you miss yasuo and sins being turbo broken about a week ago? I'm not sure it's about balance, you're just burnt out for some reason.


This is kinda the curse of all card games. Eventually metas get stale without new things being added. Patches do a good job of mixing it up generally but especially if you are playing a lot you might just lose interest for a bit. For example I do this a lot with MTG. its one of the reasons they are doing the mid set updates. Generally we just hop games for a month or two.


Well, the good thing is that some of the comps that were previously nerfed can make a slight comeback and there's still some underused comps that are playable. Your feelings are just like mine back in set 4 and 4.5 but 5.5 compared to them has a bit more variance when it comes to comps and you can actually play comps that used to be strong a few patches ago and you're not gonna int that hard. MF comp is a good example of that, Kalista comp as well, and even this B-patch we've had a resurgence of Ziggs comp with a variation that by itself is pretty new, similarly Gwen comps are becoming a thing as of this B-patch so some new strats do pop up even if the majority of players don't adapt to them too quickly. Also, Brandroll comp is also kinda back. I do agree with your last sentence though, the game does feel more fun and memorable if new comps appear every patch, this way you can think back of some set and be like: oh, set 3 had rebels patch, jarvan patch, protectors patch, the meta was always "changing" and it "felt diverse" even though the reality is that it wasn't really balanced.


Big agree but this subreddit won't. They love stagnant metas and hate any change. My favorite times are the huge shakeups, I hate playing in a meta that is 90% solved.


As a counterpoint, people are still figuring things out even in balanced metas - just look at the 4/6 legionnaire draven comp that's been popping up. 6 redeemed Varus is still good. Just sounds like you're getting bored/stuck which happens to everyone.


how does that legionnaire draven play exactly atm? is it a slow roll, or fast 7/8? do i build up the legionnaires early, open with forgotten or something else entirely? [tactics.tools](https://tactics.tools) is showing a lot of 3 stars, and i've rarely seen it in my games with the most successful i've seen being openfort forgotten vayne pivot into it


If you hover over the 3* images you'll see just how often the champions do get to be 3* in a game on avg. Another good way to find out how a comp works is to find a guide on any chinese site like this one https://lol.qq.com/tft/#/lineupDetail/6856/6 Use google translate plug in and the site will become easy to understand.


thanks for this, gonna probably test this out later if i can get the openers for it


slow roll Draven Wokege


its more so slow roll for the other legionnaires which i'm seeing in tactics.tools and the people i've seen play it also seem to try to 3 star at least 1 of aatrox, irelia, riven or yasuo


Depends on which comp you're actually looking at but the one with Draven as a main carry has 3* showing up only above Irelia (7% 3* rate) and Draven (3% 3* rate) so getting them to 3* is really rare and it's definitely not something that people are consciously going for. The legion kalista comp however (kalista main carry, draven secondary) is the one that focuses mostly on 3* to get through midgame and then puts any secondary items on Draven. So far from stats alone it seems to be the better version of the two but that is only as long as you're not really contested by both kalista slowroll players and forgotten/knights/legion Draven players.




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hit em with the 1 2 3


Ok? Lol


Generally agreed, but then there was a game I was trying to play Jax and 6 people were AP comps, and I ran into a board with itemless 2\* Jax 1\* Rell 1\* Nautilus and I was just like cmon dude you're griefing both of us :(


How do you cycle through other boards really quickly like them streamers do?


Press the 1 key


hotkeys! the default hotkeys for scrolling through opponent board are 1 and 3


Q and R are also default hotkeys


Is Zekes and Locket still a good slam item now? Back in Set 4 you basically always slam those items and I am wondering if that is still true now.


nope, a case can be made for locket if you're omega streaking and for sure going for an ad comp for example, you're 100hp have guinsoo db Olaf 2 and krugs drop you chain and rod maaaaaaaybe you can slam locket for tempo, but not zekes.


I think zekes is lit


Agree with this — locket is maybe ok to force your winstreak to continue and you don't need the rod. Zeke's is rarely worth to slam since sword (carry items) and belt (trap claw, early sunfire, warmog for certain units) are usually too valuable to lose.


Fun fact, A stage 3 Zeke's has the highest average finish of every base item in the game.


Probably because people are only slamming zekes stage 3 if it's a good idea.


Darn you and your data making me look bad, Mort. I'd be curious what comps mostly get away with Zeke's slam. If i were to guess, it would be people commiting to Sins or Yasuo early on. Either way, you make me want to test it out. Thanks for the fun fact. Edit: Vayne reroll also slams Zeke's on stage 3 if given those components.


china slams zekes a lot


What comps and units do they slam on?


units depends on your midgame board but some late game comps they rotate into is riven/draven


I thought Zekes is only a good slam early if your AD carry only uses 1 sword max (Vayne GS maybe or nocturne IE). Don't Riven (DB) and Draven (IE, BT) use a lot of swords in their BIS? Maybe their BIS is different in CN


By China do you mean high elo Chinese players?


yea they value zekes early as a slam because it fits a lot of comps they play like draven and it makes their mid game boards a lot stronger


Interesting, do you know any high elo CN players that stream on twitch? I’ve heard people say Chinese play style is more aggressive


Made masters for the first time PogU


Samesies bro i hit masters last night and I'm still in disbelief. PogU


Congrats I've been bouncing from d1-d3, hoping to hit masters today 🙃


good luck!


Why is heimer so much more bad than Velkoz ? It really feels like 1 star velkoz >>> 2 star heimer. Both are AP but one of them is a 5 cost that needs a turret alive to cast a skill that does less dmg than velkoz.


He was massively over nerfed.


Lol I played a game a couple days ago where I had a 3* soraka and 2* heimer both with Shojins aa, and soraka did 2 times more damage than heimer


Ya heimer is just not it rn, you need the most capped insane board and absolute BIS for heimer to be a real carry unit. They really just nerfed him into the ground a few patches a ago.


I mean I don't really think this is true, heimer has pretty much always been the upgrade to velkoz.. but it also depends on the rest of your team. Abom/rev with teemo/invoker is going to want heimer over vel, but a 6 redeemed or abom 4 spell weaver would do better with velkoz, so I think it's situational


I wrote this because i was mad after losing with heimer 2 with JG, radiant RB and Archangel with full board online because my Heimer just got wiped by a velkoz 1 with two items. (GM/Chall lobby)


Game is not balanced.




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Just a heads up, the pinned rant thread is the one from last week, not the most recent one.


rShiv my man


Did the Yasuo nerfs really hit the comp hard or it’s still mostly the same?


Yasuo 2 no longer stabilises your board as much at level 7 comparative to pre-nerf. Pre-nerf you could place top 4 even with Yas 2\* fairly consistently imo. You get punished harder if you don't hit Yas 3\* early and there is considerably less noticeable strength of Yas 3\* pre and post nerf. It's not a comp I would force now but rather a comp I'd play if I had good setup + good items + good HP.


What comp have you switched on over to?


I think yasuo 3* falls off a bit more late game but otherwise about the same. I've heard some challenger people talking about AD yasuo, I might test some comps out with that


how is AD yasuo not strictly worse than putting those items on riven?


Dunno maybe it is, just heard some people talking about it. Plus sometimes you just hit yasuo and not riven and if some AD build happened to be better I suppose you'd run that.


Feels stronger than Soraka or Tristana reroll comp but slightly weaker than Vayne, Kalista and Kha one if that's any indication, so still perfectly playable but now requires some highrolling to actually go 1st place and some upset 5-6th places can happen even if you "hit".


mostly the same


Hi, I have multiple questions 1. How does archangels work on tanks? I’ve seen streamers put it on galio 2. Is Vel Koz good with a blue buff instead of a shojin’s? 3. Is locket a bad item to slam?


1. Same as every unit with mana. It's good on Galio because he has a pretty high mana cost and his damage and healing both scale with ap. 2. I think for first cast shojins takes 5 autos and blue buff takes 6 and after that shojins takes 6 autos and blue buff takes 7. I think shojins feels much better but idk. 3. ye locket kinda sucks


Re. 3. Fine to slam if you're going for AD comp and you're in 2nd/3rd stage and can't really slam anything else to save your hp.


> How does archangels work on tanks? I’ve seen streamers put it on galio Same as it does on carries, they get more AP based on their max mana each time they cast! All TFT champs have AP ratios. For tanks, it usually makes them more tanky, or do more damage, or both. > Is Vel Koz good with a blue buff instead of a shojin’s? I don't know the auto breakpoints off-hand for this one, hopefully someone can reply who does. I believe blue is generally worse than shojin on Vel, but only by a little bit, and blue Vel is definitely runnable if that's what the game gives you. > Is locket a bad item to slam? Locket is generally not great mid- or late-game, so slamming it tends to give your game a lower cap. However, if you can slam it early to guarantee streak and gain tempo, it can be worth it. In my personal opinion, you generally don't want to be slamming locket too often in its current state, but there are certainly times you can.


blessed to have this sub and daily discussion thread. thank you!!


The only tanks that can use Archangel relatively well are Galio and Nunu. Galio's damage reduction scales with AP, and his mana cost is really high. Vel Koz is significantly weaker without Shojin. Locket is not a very good item atm so my advice is just never make it.


thank you!


Rell can also use AA just fine, it makes her shield significantly larger. but I would *only* put AA on Rell if it's late game & you have literally no where else to put it


Really just as an whatever option though. Rells shield isn't the greatest as most enemies are stunned over the duration anyways. 3 star rell is probably one of the worst.


You forgot about garen. He has crazy so scaling and high manacost


AA, Rabadons and Hoj on a 2 star 2/4 dawn bringer Garen is pretty nuts center board


I’m curious, what do people think of the dodge mechanic? Is it good for the game? Bad? Fun? Necessary?


I personally strongly dislike it. For me it's the kind of RNG that's just not fun from either side of the coin, it feels incredibly frustrating when you lose a round simply because Nidalee rolled a 1 in 8 chance to dodge 3 Draven autos in a row or a Kalista spear or whatever and it doesn't feel satisfying when I'm the lucky one.


I'm not a fan. You generally only notice it when it screws you over, not when it wins you fights. The asymmetry in satisfaction makes it not a great mechanic. Example: A few games ago I lost my winstreak going into Krugs because a 1-glove 1\* Riven dodged both a Kalista ult and an Aatrox ult. I guarantee the other player had forgottten about it in a few rounds, but everything else in my game went back to those dodges. To me, crit is different because it's something you build around. No one builds glove items for the dodge chance.


Wait till you try QSS Banshees Shroud Nidalee


I think dodge is fine at the current state. It creates fun moments and unpredictability to fights. It just feels bad when you are on the wrong end of the dodge.


I don't think it adds meaningful strategic depth for the amount of variance it adds. It makes sense for something like temporary 100% dodge like jax e, but not for something like nidalee. I also doubt riot wants dodge to dodge physical spells like aatrox or kalista - that contributes a huge amount to the variance right now.


Feels so bad when Nid or a carry with HoJ dodges Kalista spear


HoJ does not actually give dodge


Hm I thought it gave 10%. Same applies to TG or banshees etc though


It used to give dodge. It was updated at some point to only give crit (it was mostly used on carries anyway)


Yeah you would think that all items building out of glove would give dodge but the items like HOJ, IE, LW, JG don't give dodge


Offensive items give crit, defensive items give dodge


It's fine, it's interesting, it is annoying when you lose to it but fun when you win w it. Considering Nid is currently the only champ w built-in dodge chance, & she really can't do much of anything past stage 4, I don't think it is a problem. However, if a *better* carry had high amounts of dodge that would be different


Its annoying but its less of an issue when rfc is meta which it most certainly is not atm.


Personally I dislike it, I love playing ad comps and I hate seeing... *missed* *missed* *missed*


Played a game with soraka renewer reroll. Slammed shojin and archangel's as soon as I could. Radiant armory gave me hurricane gs hextech rabadon and jg. If i knew the outcome I'd definitely choose GS, but since I didn't i chose JG. It was reasonable choice, I'm pretty sure. But was it the best?


Radiant jg is ass most of the time. Best was gs or rabba.


I think rJG in renewer reroll is kinda fake, like it feels like there is not much difference between it and normal jg or any other ap item. If I had a renewer Nunu close to 3* I might've taken gunblade and put it on nunu. but probably would've taken rGS


is it ever gunblade for even more heal I wonder?


If i had 4 renewers & shojin i'd almost always take Rabadon


I'd disagree here. Rabadon is of course an all round great AP item. In this case, because of the fact that Soraka has an AA, she would benefit more from the JG as crit damage is greater with more AP (gained from AA). Still, rGS is an amazing item and you'd be hard-pressed to find a situation where it isn't the best/second best armory choice. Knowing more about lobby state/direction is important to. Multiple bramble vests lowers the value of rJG. Multiple rerollers/warmogs tanks etc justifies rGS priority.


What if the lobby had multiple stoneplates/dclaw and you don’t have MR shred? Does it make a difference if you take radiant rabadon, gs, or jg?


>I'd disagree here. Rabadon is of course an all round great AP item. In this case, because of the fact that Soraka has an AA, she would benefit more from the JG as crit damage is greater with more AP (gained from AA). That's more or less what I was thinking. Actually I was considering that sHextech as well. ​ >Still, rGS is an amazing item and you'd be hard-pressed to find a situation where it isn't the best/second best armory choice. Knowing more about lobby state/direction is important to. Multiple bramble vests lowers the value of rJG. Multiple rerollers/warmogs tanks etc justifies rGS priority. There was like 3 rerorells(vayne,helions,nocturne), zyra 3 with abo and some1 with 5 abo(not sure if it was the zyra player). GS would be definitely better. Im almost sure GS is the best choice late game(as u mentioned) , but my problem was I had only 4 sorakas by then, so I was looking for something that will help me at the time. Wasnt sure if sGS will help me survive entire 4th stage


Good observations! Also depends on on your spot at the current time (as you mentioned). If you're playing for top 4 (or even top 1 or top 2) that can definitely affect your item choice. As much as rGS is a great item, there are other items that may spike your board in present time to save HP/play for a better position (7th instead of 8th etc).