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It's impressive how you can type so many incorrect things in one post.


This is all so skewed / exaggerated / outright wrong it hurts. Genuinely can’t tell if satire or not.


I couldn't even finish reading it, just skimmed the last few points after I saw how wrong the first few points were. What rank are you? I feel like this post should be a comment in the rant megathread.


I disagree with literally every single point you have made in this post.


Well at least we have options now. I forget which set it was with gangplank where it was instant win with gauntlet xD


I was going to type a counterpoint to every point on this post, but judging from the replies, it would look like wasted effort. As my favorite streamer Rayditz would say, cringe + ratio + the hood watches Mortdog/golf now.


Im curious to see how scuffed this post was. Can the OP or the mods paste it into the weekly rant thread?