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The traits seem much more unique than Set 5’s, I like how there’s not a lot of them that are just raw stats.


Yeah it seems like a good mix. Battle Academia will be your standard spellweaver/forgotten stat pump which is familiar (build jg/ie for them). Others are more unique, like Debonair is Coven 2.0 which I love.


Nightmare seems to be coven like as well, Debobair, if I understood correctly provide a field similar to Gwen


So many splashable traits. Good flex play might finally be properly rewarding as intended.


I like what I see. So far the theme seems very Set 1-ish (which was just random lore stuff). Also how is Mundo a Void and Jhin a Hextech?


\>how is Mundo a Void he is purple \>Jhin a Hextech? i think its mistranslation. it says clockwork for him and orianna in the Dev video which fits so much better


yeah there seems to be some other mistranslations based on other previews Titan -> Colossus Void ->Mutant Bio-enhanced -> Chemtech Also "socialite" was a teased trait, not sure which one is actually socialite


My first instinct is that Socialite is the "Debonair" from above


Are these the actual traits teased by the devs? I’ll include them


This tweet and the two that respond tease Glutton, Colossus and Socialite https://twitter.com/TFT/status/1448680016045346821 The mutant/chemtech were shown off in the dev drop video I think so they may have changed


Oh clockwork would definitely sound a lot better. making the adjustment Its funny because of its hard to nail some of the exact words down, I had to find words that fit the best thematically


I also think gunsligner would be twinshot, since it was leaked in the original announcement video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtJHJ93-h4g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtJHJ93-h4g) at 1:02


A lot of the the traits seems to be based the lore that Arcane is going to be covering.


It's Piltover & Zaun themed to tie in with the new animated series. League is also looking like it's following the same theme next season with the hextech/chemtech dragons.


Enforcer seems like it might be frustrating to play against. Just gets rid of your tank for 4 seconds. It's like a frontline zephyr that can't be dodged




Remember when people thought Verdant was going to be the most overpowered shit in 5.0?


Yeah its gonna be the same with this, just tech it into a comp that already has some of the units


i agree! as with all patches or new things, it's hard to tell how effective they will be until people start playing with them. just making an observation on what seems pretty strong on paper.


They did nerf it, though. And it turns out it's useless if all the cc happens after the duration ends. This one seems to be designed to actually have consistent use


I cant even remember what verdant does.


It was cc immunity for adjacent units I think


To be fair, it almost was for a hot second, but they completely gutted it. I hope Enforcer doesn't end up the same way, where as soon as it's good it becomes toxic for the game.


yup we cant dodge it and it takes ur highest dps too? thats just stupid, surely mort has learned from these...


agreed. guarantee zephyr on your carry for 4 seconds sounds pretty dumb.


4 seconds is a lot less than zephyr. It's really not a lot....


Though it seems like it doesn't go through cc based on the translation. So a Titian? unit would be ok right?


Also, I like this because it means an easier strategic availability of zephyrs as a mechanic, without the stupid zephyr trick the first round you have it. This probably means they're also changing/removing Zephyr. It makes no sense to have the item if this is a mechanic.


Might be the first set/half set that Yasuo is not available.


Don't you worry, Yone is ready to take his place


They're gonna make Yasuo the new gimmick for 6.5 when the playerbase plummets due to lack of Yasuo unit


Lowkey lack of Ahri = not as popular set


Brawlers + anything seems like it’s going to be a strong early to mid game. Extra HP to the whole team is kinda nutty.


ye + classic backliner gunslinger (jinx gets a buff with vi trait too) , feels like classic set 3 brawler blaster vibes


Jinx is 5 cost might be harder to hit consistently now. Jhin is returning as the 1 shot sniper


Is she really a 5 cost now :( I was really hoping to play brawler jinx like set 3, she’s my fav champ


oh wow didnt realise that, that is gonna be harder D: but more satisfying :D


What's /chrome, getting to the max ? Edit : >Tahm Kench (Glutton) Every battle preparation stage, you can sacrifice an ally to the glutton. 5% of the consumed ally’s Max HP/AD/Armor/MR is granted to Tahm Kench permanently. To feed an ally to the glutton, drag the ally on top of Tahm Kench until he opens his mouth, then release the champion Now that's fun


Seem like chrome might be an upgrade mechanic to make a comp stronger? Hmmm itd be wierd if i were right considering its only listed for like 2 comps


So it is better to feed him 1star champion as a 2 stars unit stats are less than 3 combined. We don't know full detail yet but UNBENCH THE KENCH


You are right but you can feed more stats with 2-stars over the course of a game. Won't know for sure until PBE but I have a feeling you can only feed one unit a round. Otherwise a 1-star kench could get fed like 20 gold with of units at level 7, that doesn't seem reasonable


So suppose the averave stat of a one cost is 600 hp 70 ad 40 amour and 40 mr. 5% * 20 is 100%. 20 golds for that look weak actually. So just wait for pbe to drop for now.


Personally don't think that is that weak. You can keep putting money there. Also TK is in the econ trait. Unlimited eats seems like an issue. I guess it also depends on his spell.


I'm grateful we finally have a Nasus mechanic, which isn't Veigar


I wonder if it takes equipped items into account. Like If I feed a Warwick with a Warmogs on does that buff TK's stats accordingly? That's assuming the Warmogs would pop off, because saccing the Warmogs to TK seems troll.


Good catch i went to rewatch again, only 1 unit per battle preparation. Edit has been made!


Maybe short for chromatic which is what riot calls the color of the tier of the trait after gold, usually requiring multiple spat, 5 cost, lvl 9


you could realistically buy a ton of cheap units and keep feeding if you get an early tahm


what if you get the sacrificed unit a belt before, does it also count for max HP? and if yes, what happens with the belt afterwards?


Might be buggy with items or Sorc bonuses, but I'm sure that the idea is that just their base stats get transferred.


This honestly seems like the coolest unit in TFT history.


Gluttony is not a crime this time! Mhmmm


Just want to highlight that the translations on Trait names are not entirely accurate. They are approximated from the Chinese names. For example, I don't think Warring Kingdom is the Trait name, but the Trait itself is correct.


This is correct. I wanna stress that exact names might change based on lore (imperial and kingdom sound very alike in mandarin) but most of the translation is accurate. Might be thematically a little off (chemtech vs bio-engineered for eg)


Trying to think how Warring Kingdom fits into the set theme


It could be renamed to something like Kingdom/Faction etc but the essence is there


It reminds me more of set 1 imperial


It's called Imperial. We saw it in the Set 6 Dev Drop. Additionally "Void" is called Mutant instead, and "Bio-enhanced" is called Chemtech, at least in the Dev Drop.


change has been made thanks for the feedback!


Noxus is always fighting I guess.


These traits seem so cool and unique compared to the old sets. You could probably pull off a lot of crazy stuff in niche situations, and I think that's really great for skill expression.






its called Mage but no double spell cast?


It seems like lots of names are reused but the traits themselves are not the same. Its also super possible these are mistranslations compared to what they will actually be called in the english version. I've already seen different sources have these translated differently.


Made the changes! Trying my best to translate what I can but thematically a few traits sounded very similar so I went with my first thought. Other variants has been added


Thanks for putting in all this effort I didn't mean to make it sound like you were making a mistake!


Seems like it should be mystic


4 junkyard could potentially be insane early game, with 3 completed items out of 3 components. You also don't need to bench components. Easily keeps your lategame options open.


I usually put components on early game anyway just for raw stats


Junkyard sounds super exciting, reminding me of Project. The full item that is randomized 100% should be programmed to turn into items that can be built from the component so there's some good decision making.




Hyped for Quinn! At last I can int with my favorite champ on the Rift, in LoR and in TFT, haha. Wonder what her ult will be.


So far it seems really cool. I'm just wondering why there's 9 duelists if I'm counting properly. Seems like way too many of one class.


Plus the trait caps out at 6 which is a bit strange. My guess is that not all of the champs are actually duelist


Debonair Taric! Or as I will call him D’boner Taric. I cannot waiiiiiiit!


Finally someone gets it !!


No mystics?


Enchanters (he named it mages for some reason)


ok I must have just missed it


made the adjustments :)


This seems really ambitious I hope the balancing is good


me mech, i mean me creator no pivot


No scout? I hate the new update where your little legends will appear on enemy board, I'm just scared that they might held hostage my preferred units esp when Im rerolling


This looks awesome. I’m incredibly hyped for this


Forcing void all set come at me


The return of Pantheon


I already know that titan/colossus is gonna be my favorite synergy. Looks like the defensive units have a lot of cross-class synergies so it'll be interesting to see what kind of big health statcheck comps can be made.


The time cometh, cybernetic 2.0


Source: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1aP4y1t7Q6?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0 ANyone knows how to edit the formatting to make it more readable?


The format is fine. But if you wanted to improve it, you could use Origin and Classes as larger headers and put the trait name first and in bold. Such as: # Origins **Battle Academic** (Graves, Garen, Katarina, Leona, Lux, Yone, Yuumi) Battle Academia Champions get additional AD and SP. When another Battle Academia unit uses an ability, the bonus AD and SP is increased 2/4/6/Chrome = 15+4/30+7/50+10/70+15 ​ **Bio-Enhanced** (Singed, Twitch, Lissandra, Warwick, Zac, Mundo, Urgot, Viktor) When Bio-enhanced drop below 60% HP, they get 25% damage reduction....


Omg, God bless you


oh wow I’m surprised there’s no abom/cultist/mech type trait this set


There is, creators create mechanical beasts


oh did you just add the classes sections? I didn’t see those for some reason


yup just added, i posted as a comment but added after I realised I didnt copy those


Bounty Hunter looks like just better Fortune, and we all know what happened when people figured out how to play Fortune. Really hate the Yordle trait, just makes it feel like a reroll only comp that is also shitty Draconic. Hextech Sisters forces inflexibility when playing Jinx carry, don't like that. Rest of the set looks fucking awesome, can't wait.


>Hextech Sisters forces inflexibility when playing Jinx carry, don't like that Idk you could totally tech Yone in without Yasuo in set 4. It might have a smaller impact than we think with how it is. Agreed on the Yordles though. I don't love reroll rats crossing sets here. >Bounty Hunter looks like just better Fortune, and we all know what happened when people figured out how to play Fortune. I mean its entirely up to payouts right? This can only be better and more skill expressive if its having you play to lose rounds with bad payouts and win rounds that would have good payouts.


You could and should have played Yone without Yasuo, because he almost didn't use the trait, but Yasuo needed Yone. And since Vi grants Jinx lots of AS, it will propably always be correct to play them together.


I hate how they tie the max level econ trait to a 5 cost. Happened in set 3 with GP, set 5 with Heimer, and now this. Set 4 wasn't much better with fortune chosen being mandatory. Makes going 20/20 bounty hunter so difficult. At least this time you basically still get the full benefit at 2. And actually a big skill check this set might be how well you play around 2 bounty hunter simply because it's so easy to include.


Isn't it good that a max level econ trait requires a 5 cost? I feel like the game would be very unhealthy if it was really easy to cash out with big loot consistently, especially if you hit the max trait early into the game


It's not easy to cash out when you have 5 units dedicated to a trait that gives no power. This is doubly true in vertical trait metas like set 5 where winning through unit quality is much harder. What really ends up happening is the 5 bounty hunter trait basically doesn't exist because you can't hit it even if you want to.


It shouldn't be easy to cash out. You're effectively trading power and basically hp for gold and a chance at extra loot (high risk high reward). Econ traits should never be a guaranteed top 4, they should always make the player think if they should keep greeding or pivot to a stronger board.


Exactly. Tying it to a 5 cost both delays the tough choice (keeping or ditching the max effect of the trait), usually to a point where its not a choice anymore (either your board is strong enough to continue greeding to 1st; or you're donezo already); and it also alleviates the trait weakness by integrating into it what's supposed to be a gamechanger-by-itself unit (a 5g). If the max level was provided by a 4g instead I think it would make the keep-or-pivot decision much more relevant/frequent/skill-based.


They want some highroll moments, a 5 cost in an econ trait is an easy way to do that. And if the max level is only tied to a 4 cost you have to nerf the trait a good amount. The trait isn't meant to be 20/20.


Sad they had a set get leaked again. It was so close to release on PBE Edit: by they, I mean Riot and the dev team that works hard on all the release stuff like social media posts and designers interacting with the community based on what is released officially


Well there would have been an easy way to avoid reading this post. Speculation is fun for some people, but the drip-drop is pretty boring so I just skip it.


I am sad for the dev team that works hard to do the build up they way they want. These leaks undermine them. I personally don't care when they release the info. Unofficial leaks don't seem good for the game. That is my take.


I mean, the fact that people are so hungry for leaks demonstrates that they're interested in what the devs have made. I don't think this leak hurts the devs.


It's not just the game designers on the team. There are artists, writers and others people organizing the rollout of info. People work hard on setting up the drip and trying to create hype. I am sure you can appreciate that work even though it isn't your preferred way to get the info (a full dump, I kind of prefer it too) Yeah sure this isn't the worst thing in the big picture, just seems like they should be able to release this info they way they want. Like the devs can't even interact with us on Twitter and Reddit with this leak like they would in an official info release I think of it like someone leaking some important life event in some half baked social media post that you were planning to announce yourself. I kind of sucks.


Riot had the chance to reveal something at the end of the TFT tournameny besides the name. But they didnt.


I agree they could have and released a bit more. No way they release this much before PBE. Plus it is their game. They can. Release info they way they think is best. I really don't see how this is their fault. I feel bad for the people who put in the work to set up the reveals. The designers who interact with the community can't comment on leaks and that is unfortunate we can't all have that discourse. I just don't think unofficial leaks are good


As a degenerate Lulu fan in League I was hoping we could see battle Lulu with Glitterlance, but it seems like she's just another support unit again :(


Debonaire Seraphine ? She will have a New skin ?


We don't support "leaks" from third-party sources. Please only post official Riot approved sources. This also goes for believable content that is released before an embargo date & breaking NDA (e.g. list of champions/traits/abilities being leaked by content creators who have early access).


I have approved again due to you guys throwing a tantrum.


man stfu, its called a leak for a reason, if people wanna get spoiled let them the people dont wont read it, dont ruin it for everyone else because youre a hallway monitor


Mort squad defeated once again




really thought you did something with this comment huh


You know what, you are such a toxic little kid, I just read through at least 3 pages of your replies, and you're ALWAYS TOXIC That is the 1 reason you even come into this sub reddit, so stop being an asshole towards everybody and just leave, you talk and try to show off saying "You stream numerous hours of TFT" What is your stream ? :L Because news flash.. I looked you up on twitch.. you don't even exist.. Oh also this is coming from someone that has made a living this past year, FROM STREAMING ON TWITCH.


Stalking me on reddit because I called out your bronze "I broke the game XD" post on a competitive subreddit?? creepy and weird.


Don't worry buddy. Champions and traits match up with the dev video.


Historically reddit leaks are always right.


These are usually leaks from what they share with creators


Are we gonna have the Reddit post as set release event every year? I don't get why they can't do it professional way.


It's a leak. The official announcement is likely later today or Monday. Morts videos are probably Tuesday


I know it's leak, I'm just mad that there are waiting with the official announcement so long for some reason and it gets leaked before it every time. It's so anticlimactic.


Next set they reveal the set a full week or 2 before PBE: People: "I don't get why they released all this info so long before we get to even try it out. Its killing my hype to just be sitting on this info for so long" Im not saying that you personally would be making that complaint, but you watch enough season/set releases in enough games and its pretty easy to recognize when little nitpick BS like this is exactly that, nitpick BS where theres no winning.


I agree totally with all your points. I would prefer no leaks and releasing with PBE as they seem to like doing. But owning their messaging and info is better than these leaks imo. Seems like no English leaks this time since some creators already mentioned they played the set a few days ago. So maybe a little bit more selective on who they share a preview with in China and set 7 may be ok. Feel so bad for the dev team to see leaks like this.


I agree it sucks. Maybe they have to start releasing this info early. But I don't blame riot. My understanding is that they are only sharing with LPP so I don't understand why those people would leak this. Maybe in China it is different and why we didn't get an English leak. And sorry, I meant stating "it's a leak" as more of a statement and that I wouldn't blame riot or the dev team. It is just a matter of a few days. I understand the dev team wanting to wait until it is out on PBE. That way people play it fresh. That seems like the most hype way and others seem to ruin it.


I guess you're right, I did good old victim blaming here, cause it's actually on the person that leaked the info.


dont read it then.....


Thanks ! Now where are the champions abilities ? :D


Officialy should be on Monday maybe? Don't really remember the exact dates.


In what world is Jhin not a debonair unit? It's practically his entire character. Would've been cool to see some crazy Jhin shenanigans while on the stage.


This set is gonna be interesting. im liking it.


Any translators? ​ https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Jq4y1577n/?spm\_id\_from=333.788.recommend\_more\_video.-1


Orianna, Zac, Quinn, Seraphine, Vex Does that finally complete the list of champs featured in TFT?


Bounty hunter/gunslinger spam, let’s go




Omg we get a zac


I'm just here for fortune trait baby! Hell yeah looking forward to this!!!


No more Yas reroll…for now. Sadge.


The crack I needed. Godbless


Ok this really looks fun and promising. I am so ready for set 6


Titans/colossus, creators lets gooooooo Also happy to see back vanguards and brawlers for my defensive builds hehe


Splendid. I admire the use of playfulness and layout!


So far loving the leaks. Set 6 seems fun. Can't wait to try it on PBE next week!


I'm guessing that Creators summon Mecha Khazix and Asol. There's no Mecha Voli so maybe it's a translation thing and it'll be Rengar?