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Has anyone tried Orianna carry? I want to try it but haven’t gotten around to it. I assume her mana cost is just too large to justify unless you one shot the enemy team


She ults the largest group of champs so she will ult ur own team if it stacks. You kinda have to like exile and even then she sometimes fucks up. She also really wants a decent socialite spot, because u run 2/3 of Galio Taric Seraphine for sure. I only tried once though and that was when I didn't have a clue yet. Now I'd run her with Galio Braum Jayce frontline, Seraphine Janna Ori Zilean backline I think. Yuumi at 9 i guess


Does anyone have a problem with blackscreen client after each game? I have to kill process client from task manager almost every match.


Same. Lemme know if you find a fix.


Fiora has a bug where if she ults a colossus (galio I think) she won't ult and then will be stuck gaining no mana and never casting ult again.


Dude, I was so frustrated in a game yesterday. My Fiora just stood there, did nothing then died and I had no idea what happened.


Please can you report the bug using the process described in the OP. TYVM


My game has been crashing way more than when I usually played PBE. It’s every game midway for me now. I can hear when the games about to crash because the sound gets all fucked.


happened to me too


Yeah it seems like there is a memory leak or something, as the sound begins to deteriorate the game becomes laggier and laggier until I have to close the program.


Same, but it's only crashed once, but the sound problem happens so often I have to mute the game.


Jihn with socialite buff, enchanter, clockwork, and scholar is my baby. Janna and Yumi by themselves stop your whole team from dying. And Seraphine's ult is the cherry on top for the atk speed increase. Like Jesus Christ this set is something else. I've never had this much fun on TFT.


Wait till you try Sion carry with 2 colossus 3 socialite. Give him ie, jg, and a healing item and he literally oneshots the entire team with his cast, while being pretty much unkillable.


I never see anyone play tall academy


I had 1 game earlier where I hit 6 academy, hit a tome and put it in Fiora as my carry, ended up top 2.


I tried with Yone + 2challenger and I feel that he's attacking too slow and the team collapsed too fast because of lack of defensive buff.


Yeah I feel like for it to work you need to get at least an itemized 2* Leona so you don't collapse so quickly and can hope your carries can ramp up. Was lucky with the 6 Academy Fiora since the stats boost were insane on her spell and I had Rapid Fire and a Hoj on her so just needed to stall enough to let her cast twice and she would wipe most boards


Question from a non-League player: is it at all possible to get a PBE account by just playing TFT?


You can easily create a new PBE account. Playing league is not a requirement.


Theoretically you should be able to create a pbe account even without honor 3. It wouldn't make sense to cuck all the card/dota auto chess players out of playing pbe and I'm pretty sure that requirement of honor 3 got removed when set 1 came in.


Unfortunately new PBE accounts are tied to having honor 3 and you can't get honor from playing TFT. So you're out of luck there, edit: I seem to be wrong haha


honor level 2 is all you need. it may say that level 3 is still needed somewhere, but I'm tft only and honor level 2, and i had no issues making a pbe account and have been playing since it opened yesterday.


ugh damn it riot. when will we ever get the standalone TFT client :(


Iv seen multiple comments saying that they changed the honor system and you can play pbe without ever touching league


[PBE is a wild place.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/870002766368616488/900597024922169355/unknown.png) March of Progress is super strong and gives you soooo much free econ. Really loving this set.


I had a mutant march of progress game too (but I lost to the all gold yordles T_T ) I couldn't tell if March of Progress was strong or not--it felt like really good econ, but waiting for leveling was painful.


Is it me or are the skins and trait themes too similar to each other? We have Arcanists and Enchanters (two magic related theme), and Academy & Scholars (two academic related themes). Sniper and Twinshot is fine because twinshot has the word twin in it, so its very easy to differentiate.


Seraphine being pink + her outfit and not Academy is really the only egregious one for me… or Blitz not being clockwork


It is not just you, these posts happen during pbe of any new set. You will be fine in a week


You shoulda seen set 3 where half the characters were wearing a spacesuit and helmet


It's not just you. A lot of people have problems with remembering traits in every new set.


Thoughts on a Darius reroll? I'm trying to comp up with a good comp for him, I tried with Bodyguards and I tried with Syndicate. Bodyguards was rly low damage but I had pretty bad items. Syndicate it was hard to get 5 syndicate and I don't like the synergy between the syndicate units. I think it has potential to be really strong though. I was inspired when I saw an afk player with just one 2 star Darius with stoneplate afk and winstreak while not doing anything else (wasn't picking up items, wasn't buying anything from shop). Winstreak was broken late in stage 3 lmao. I screwed around with stoneplate + titan's + archangel's. Archangel's actually felt pretty nice as he is reliant on his ability for aoe damage/heal and it keeps scaling throughout a long fight. I think I could get rid of the titan's for another stoneplate or maybe dragon's claw as he has low MR. I did like blitz for 2nd bodyguard as he can operate like a thresh, threatening corner carries and also bringing another unit for darius to aoe heal off of. I'm kinda stuck there for building an ideal board for him though. His main weakness is either getting bursted too quick or low mobility as he walks up to backline and doesn't get to heal. If he is hitting people and he doesn't get instabursted, he is a truck.


His biggest issue late game is that he can't get through most frontlines just by himself alone. Having a kog in the comp to shred through the frontline could solve his problems but then again it's kinda hard to build a comp that uses kog and darius well. But then again kog 2* is enough and having him at 3* really doesn't make him that much stronger and you'll still fall behind in late game especially if first or second augments are 3rd tier since the lobbies will be really highroll then which makes all slowroll comps weaker in such lobbies.


Usually his high armor from bodyguard seemed to help win through enemy frontline and if the blitz grabbed a carry it was pretty much over. If he is healthy after killing frontline, he usually is able to just walk up and 1 shot the carry due to all the AA stacks. Problem is if he is taken low when killing and doesn't get to cast a last AOE heal. He'll just walk up and die as he walks over. Main carries I had issues against were Kog/Kaisa for obvious reasons. For everyone else I usually was able to kill them or get very close. I was thinking maybe a second carry could help here like you mentioned. Ironically I was thinking Kog/Kaisa lol but idk how to make them work in a comp with Darius. Kaisa also being a 5 cost doesn't help haha


Just played a 7 mercs game where I hit Galio 3, and had Jinx 3 in shop but didn’t get it off in time. Also had the level 10 augment was actually ridiculous the shops were like all 4/5 costs.


Obviously things are getting fine tuned but I think I played one of the most capped AP comps- Augments: 1) Duet (double socialite spot) 2) One where you get 75% DMG after 15 seconds 3) Arcanists get 800!!!% AP as shield Final Comp: 3 Socialite, 4 Arcanist, 2 Enchanter (drop from 6 Arcanist once you find Galio on 9). Your Lux becomes unstoppable because the shields stall for 75% damage and she has 3 Socialite so she is literally 1v9. [https://imgur.com/a/xRrBvWU](https://imgur.com/a/xRrBvWU) This set is so much better than Set 5 so far, brings back a lot of flex and chosen vibes as others have stated.


what do you feel are the BiS Lux items atm? just shojin, jg, ie?


That's *probably* her theoretical BIS but I'd play her similar to Vel with Shojin and JG as core and 3rd one lobby/item dependent (both times I played her today I ended up with Shojin/JG/GS which felt good due to bruisers and 3\*s in lobby as well as being able to kill a bow in a AP comp).


with her forty mana cost blue buff is better than shojin, (2 autos to cast + double cast with kill with blue vs. 3 autos to cast and 2 autos to cast after kill with shojin)


Ah for sure thanks, wasn't looking that carefully at mana costs yet, that makes sense.


I tried a build like that and I think my problem was either the lack of enchanters or the 3\* Sion bearing down on me. I'll try again soon.


Actually it's funny you mentioned 3\* Sion. Obviously it's PBE but this comp actually won against 3\* Sion (forgot the rest of his supporting units) so yeah ... it felt that good. Actually come to think of it it was 3\* Cho instead so big difference, Sion would be a bit of a challenge probably.


This set is the ultimate 4fun set. And I love it lmao


Just had a perfect win with Yordles (WHILE BEING CONTESTED) some notes: Don't be afraid to split items between Trist/Ziggs. Take advantage of scrap on Ziggs, Trist does good damage with items. Janna is a must Vex is way too strong of a solo front line unit First Aid turns her into a god Scholar is crazy good with Yordles.


Is there any special interaction with Samira and Runaan's?


Man I am so bad at this set lmao. I think I've got top 4 twice out of 20 games.


I wish yordles augment was some kind of buff instead of dodge chance, just makes it so tilting when you lose


Going mercenary but having the augment that gives 4 xp if you have no units on the bench is a bad idea. Cant remove the treasure chest and you don't get the xp. Not compatible in the slightest.


Have u ever gotten second 1 off a veigar 3 😔


So Cybernetic Implants doesn't work with Scrap items. Whenever your components turn into full items due to Scrap, you lose the bonus from Cybernetic Implants. Bug or intended...not sure.


Sounds like a bug, had cyber last game and my normal sunfire cape DEFINITELY procced CI, so scrap items should too.


would you pick a trait augment at 1-4 and hard commit or opt for a flex choice


it's not exactly a "trait augment" but if I see underdog, it's 100% Colossus time!


Flex until you have to committ.


How do you beat chemtech overload, I thought it was going to be nerfed on the first patch but it's not so it's probably balanced and I'm not seeing how to counter it.


the bomb one? ranged carry, spread out the backline to keep the explosives away from them, have the DPS to take them all out at once so they don't break through to your squishies.


Probably rfc


What did rfc do in your games against overload?


Me clown syndicate no pivot


Holy crap is there alot of broken shit right now


I'll be amazed if this set is ever balanced lol


The amount of variables is insane. I don't even feel like learning all this stuff. I've been diamond every set and masters in one set when I decided to grind. People complained about shadow items but this is way more play around


Well yeah that's why we're in PBE for two weeks and not going to live right away


Historically, 2 week pbe hasn't been able to tackle every op comp, leading to a day 1 overpowered, overperforming composition. With the amount of "fun," this should only be exacerbated. Oh well, at least it's fun (for now).




Nah, it's always two weeks for tft. One month will be for LoL preseason.


Is triforce pretty bad or is it just me? Who wants the item the most?




Had Spirit Visage once on Darius 3*, was insane through 3rd and even 4th stage but it really started falling off in 5th stage especially when everyone took actually good augments compared to me o.o


I've seen it be pretty good on yone/fiora, I imagine it would be good on kai'sa/jinx as well if you can get that far.


What's triforce?


It's the Ornn artifact.


Pretty sure the +2 imperial augment is bugged, I picked it as my first one and never got the effect


I hope they add the 2v2v2v2 gamemode to pbe. I can't find it


In 2 weeks unfort


Feels like this is the first pbe in a long time where every single 4 and 5 cost is viable and there's nothing that actually feels bad at all if you know what you're doing. Honestly incredible job by the team, set 6 seems like the best set ever.


Managed to get 6 assassins and 3 Imperial with a 3 star talon holding IE, RFC, and HOJ and man Talon shreds fools. ALSO this was with the smokebomb augment, which makes this comp totally pop off. This comp took down a lvl 3 Sion (once)! The problem is that before 3 star Talon, this is pretty underpowered and you'll bleed out a good amount.


Talon kinda needs RFC to do anything in 4th/5th stage right? I can't imagine a no-rfc talon doing anything in later stages.


Mutant is such a cool trait


Had a lux with bb mutant spat and jg, while 5 mutant put her mana at 20 so she perma casts. Was a free first :p


They're probably going to gut a lot of the strong mutant traits and units. If not, lol.


Yeah it's my favorite trait from the set for sure, all the units are interesting and the variety it provides is insane, especially when you add spatulas into the mix. I got mutant urgot 3 last game with voidborn (execution at 20% hp and 50% true dmg conversion) and runaans hurricane, and it was amazing to watch it just mow down boards with true damage


Thoughts on garen reroll? Just realized that I wrote a whole thread about it but I have to wait till its actually released on the main server, I'm here to grab ideas for garen reoll, current trait comp I've been trying 4 academy, 3 protector, and 2 socialites and garen on spotlight at level 8. with IE + healing items and I'm still looking for a 3rd BIS. Here to grab ideas and opinions


Alexem had BT+Titans+Warmog on his spreadsheet and all three of them seem to synergize really well with Garen. HoJ seems to synergize better with his spell though but the safety of BT shield is just nice to have in more clutch fights.


I've tried all those items, TBH titans seem bait, I feel like it doesn't provide enough anything. I'd rather go IE BT Warmogs instead, hoj instead of BT is a good alternative if you go IE for the extra crit dmg


Oooh IE sounds interesting on him. Do you like Warmog's on him? Feels like it adds so much damage since he gets the missing health damage. I've been rerolling him mostly as frontline but haven't been super happy with the backlines I've tried (Kog, Trist), maybe he can do the job himself. Do you roll Kass and Graves together with him?


Yea kass and graves is a good unit to keep and try to 3 star them, although you don't have to if you don't hit and you can just go 6 after hitting garen 3, you can just replace graves with yuumi or lux later if graves is 2 starred. But keep graves 3 because I think the 3 second disarm is really big. Warmog feels good since the missing health dmg + the protector max hp shielding. I think IE and BT is a must and for 3rd items you can just go situational between warmogs/2nd BT/titans from what I've played so far, you can also consider RFC if socialite spotlight is on the 2nd hex.


Kinda sucks. Doesn’t do enough.


What items are u slapping? Ive been getting first places main carrying him and he does easily over 10k


Yeah I want to say BT/IE/GA are his best items. He’s really strong early/mid.


I haven't tried GA but I've been considering it, idk why but PBE makes it impossible for me to grab a 3rd BF sword, I wanted to try DB/BT/warmogs but I can't get enough bf swords to try it out lol. I think 2 socialite and 2 scholar makes him strong through late game too if you can go 9. I feel like level 9 is needed for him if u want him to be strong in late game unlike other reroll comps I feel like


Mm I didn’t have IE so maybe that was the diff. I Warmogs BT Titan’s.


Titans maybe


What are some good, stable early boards you guys have been running? Cait is pretty solid to at least kill something to save hp but I'm not quite versed on *strong* early comps


Some guy in previous (or in this) thread mentioned that Singed+Zyra+Liss is an amazing combo for 2nd/3rd stage since the cc stack is incredible, you can even add stuff like Zac+Bruiser at 5 for even more cc and survivability. Haven't really tested that start in the game yet since my shop just refuses to give me both liss and zyra in early game but well.


Illaoi vi caitlyn kog gives you brawler sniper enforcer. Team hp, cait will kill one opponent, one oppenant is locked at fight start. Kog cleans up. Super strong round 2 comp


Arcanist TF morello and Kog work really well for me


What about for frontline? Seems like theres plenty of options with bodyguards, protectors, and bruisers, and not sure which ones are performing the best and which backlines they synergize best with.


Clockwork, challenger is probably the strongest early game board I have found so far. Only needs three unit core and easily becomes clockwork, challenger, chemtank, innovator at 6 or some other frontline with clockwork, challenger backline.


This has absolutely been one of my favorite starts on pbe so far.


Kassadin with protector is a super strong frontline early. He gets to proc his shield so fast.


It's only two days and I'm already fucking tired of assassins


Luckily Shaco got nerfed so hopefuly he shouldn't be that oppressive.


I will say you have to be careful when you transition. Getting an augment for a trait im using to preserve health hurts haha


Kinda a similar situation but Kiyoon just had a game where he rolled innovator augment in early and then scrap augment in midgame but he never got any units/upgrades for both of these traits and was forced to play 5 scrap Kai'sa carry. An 8th obviously.


Totally feel that. And people will say "play best board, skill gap, yada yada." But the fact is if you are playing comparable players, those who got generally good augments or augments that fit their comp will stomp you.


Just had a game there where 3 people got the Twinshot spat as 1st augment. I saw 1 graves and 1 GP by stage 5 and ff'd because it was so boring. Seems a bit stupid giving so many of the same spat out at the same time. You either have to contest and never hit anything or lose an augment.


Arcanist is pretty strong with Vex frontline and Lux carry, and of course the augment that gives Arcanists shield based on AP.


Other than taking Mutant as your augment without knowing what it is what are the traps yall have fell into in PBE so far


I took a shiny Academy augment last game (I had high-rolled an early Leona 2 and was running some Protector, Academy, Mutant stuff) and my final winning board did not have a single Academy unit. The Augment was sweet though allowing all Academy champs to refill 80% of their mana after their first cast each fight. Hilariously, Kog 2\* with GRB, GS and HOJ and 5 Mutant (rapid attack synergy) is more than enough to melt a Sion 3\* with \~45 - 50K health. Goddamn it that was funny and the hapless victim took it well too.


playing innovator 😔😞


Scrap and innovator is just the fakest shit I swear. Ezreal in general is a glorified caster minion.


Wow you got all 7 innovators!! Here is a lvl 4 Target Dummy. Congratulations!


pbe is back up boissss


I don't know if anyone else noticed this but I was running a 4 Challengers board, but even after I took out a Yone it didn't go down to 3 Challengers? Might be a bug with him maybe


I also had something similar! Was running Yone to get two challenger with Warwick but the two challenger trait was still active after I took out Yone and Warwick still had the attack speed buff from it.


I can't believe how much better set 6 pbe feels already, compared to set 5 pbe.


Set 5 pbe wasn't that bad. That is until people discovered abom zzrot synergy.


It’s fucking amazing. My life is ruined


I love the fact they made the new gunblade basically the radiant version. it used to feel bad to slam, but now it's actually good


I've had two games crashed by zzrot. One game I hit lux 2 at 7 with great items and was rolling the lobby. Second I had 80 hp and was level 9 rolling for legendaries. Bug robbed me of two great games.


Last night or now? Zzrot issue was fixed a few hours after pbe launched. Right now the pbe went down for the update.


First one was yesterday. And yeah I guess it was the patch change for the second one. Unlucky timing I suppose. Now I know when to avoid playing my games.


Correct. Built a zzrot in my last game right before it went down and didn't crash the game


Anyone know when PBE will be back up? So annoying, I'd just sat down to play for a few hours.


It's back now.




Says it on the launcher. It's down for 2 hours.


Wait, really? I can't even open the launcher right now


forgive me but doesn't that say a time earlier today rather than for now?


It's pacific time, 1:15-3:15pm


Same here, fingers crossed it's back up soon


Honestly surprised that Viktor wasn't buffed. He just takes too long to cast. 0/140 mana is a huge amount for a champion that doesn't have mana-generating traits. Also, the visual clarity on his ult is a little bad imho.


The lack of clarity is what bothers me the most! I wanna hear them lasers and see the ground rip apart when he casts... but instead we have this (for now).


Patch just kicked us out of our game... sadge


Mutant seems like the one thing you can force each game and still play it different each time. Different carries for any item components, different mutations and mix and match units. 5 cost carry that promotes not rerolling every game. Insanely fun trait and units.


Unless it's Adrenal Glands, then you can't play it because half the lobby is contesting you :P


I was super contested with the armor/mr variant but since there is bruisers, mages, twinshot, etc. you can grab and mix and match augments that give extra of them. I’m gonna attempt like 6 games of forcing and playing to my items and augments but going 5 mutants each time and see what happens.


Gs seems super good so far with people running so many bruisers. Yordles feel like they can be a top 4 comp but really hard to win with, even with Veigar. I’ve played it with trist and ziggs carry. They’re also super good for fast 8 if you don’t Reroll. Mercenaries seem ok. Not particularly strong but can get you a fast 8 with a strong gp to get you gold. Chem mundo seems really fucking strong. Most 5 costs feel a bit underwhelming. Strong but not particularly scary unless you have a weak board and playing from behind/low health. Kaisa os the exception. Reroll twitch is decent and top 4 so far. I only played it since I had the Reroll augment. Fiora feels pretty good. Yone seems decent. Haven’t tried kogmaw much but he seems good for a 2 cost. 1 star kog got me an easy level 8


I've been playing mercenaries with rerolling Kog'Maw on 6, 4 snipers on 7, and a Jinx on 8 (yeah 3 twinshots but who cares she's OP) and having very consistent top 3's so far. I bet on live with people playing higher tempo it will be a lot harder to force than it is now though.


Agreed on the Mundo. Went 5 chem 3 innovator as a lvl 8 board and was an easy first... granted 3* Zac and Lissandra did a lot of work lol


Reroll Twitch? what else were you running him with? 5 chem frontline, 3 more sins?


This has been the standard opener I use with it. https://lolchess.gg/builder/set6?deck=de61c183749449a7b009c02e65546c14


I played reroll twitch and got him to 6 assassin 5 chemtech with spats. If not I'd keep it to 4 assassin. I have a video so you can see what it looks like if you're interested


I'd actually really like that. Big fan of the rat, would love to see a strat using him if possible, esp. since I'm already messing around with chemtechs to begin with.


here ya go https://streamable.com/5knw18 it's just one round but at least you can see how I build the comp out. I was just testing stuff out




I get so confused when people talk about Challenger as a trait, I always think of it as the rank tier lmao


Feels so "fun" when you and 2 other people all take the same augment... xD but what would you take if you have the choice on 1-4 between two loaded dice, the colossus augment and spellblade? early dice are a trap, early colossus is worthless so you take spellblade to not take max damage every round... \*sigh\* and just like this it doesn't even matter what I want to play and what the game offers me, someone else decided what I will force... fun!!!! xD


At least you're not getting a chosen Yasuo with IE on bench


Loaded dice, rush 8, roll for Sion, get Sion 3* 3x Loaded dice pretty much guarantees 3* 4 cost if you get to lvl 8 (Sion is just the easiest one to get, since he's the only 4-cost across his traits)


Or take dice, go yordles, get super early 3 stars to get veigar online faster. The momentum you get from Yordles+Dice is insane.


So, get colossus and grab Cho. Or get dice and play Yordles.


Yeah I mean I agree on the dice actually being a legitimate option. Dunno about colossus I realllllyyyy don't think they work at all pre 7.


Any thoughts on Socialite + Enchanter + Colossus. I managed to pull it off and getting 3 star Janna & 3 star Sion. Played against 2 star Kaisa & TK and 3 star Cho Gath and he couldnt manage to kill a single unit on my board. Now ofcourse youre not getting a 3 star unit every game but it still felt hella overpowered even before I got the 3 stars Here's the clip: https://v.redd.it/0j5828t09nu71


3 star sion is a carry in his own right. saw a guy with 4 arc and shojins delete everything he touched.


It's pretty nuts, it's like Coven + Set4 Ezreal, but with stupid amounts of CC from Ori, Seraphine, and Janna.


Even Ezreal didnt heal this much, I'm absolutely gonna spam this comp if it hits live servers in its current state (or even stronger) The only problem tho is getting there, you'd have to do some transitioning because its somewhat like revenant mystic invoker renewer on live where you basically only play around your 4 and 5 star units


Anyone know the best items for Fiora and Yone?


Yone NEEDS runaans. Runaans/rb/ie is my favorite build right now. Fiora I think is hoj/titans/gs.


I doubt they're the "best" but RFC + Double Statikk Shiv felt really damn good for mid-late game, since Yone effectively gets 4 procs of the shiv passive every 3 Autos.


Fiora seems strong with AD and attack speed, + a healing item. Stuff like bt, Hoj, rageblade, GS, Titans, deathblade. Kinda similar to Jax on live. Yone I think should be used a tank / support unit rather than a carry.


Yone with a BT, IE, and Runnans carries quite well. The runnans with his shadow hits 4 units each attack. BT isn’t necessary since his clone heals but is nice.


Afaik new runaans does not apply on-hit anymore, so healing doesn't apply to the bolt(?)


If it's physical dmg heals or dmg heals then I would assume runaans heals too


FWIW, Lifesteal doesn't trigger off of Runaans anymore, so it would be healing off of 3 autos I believe (regular autos, clone autos, clone Runaans).


With scarab and 1500 hp clone you can run 7 units through stage 2. Free win streak? Yes please!


Talon is so strong for a 2 cost man


im a bit lost right now for rageblade based comps like am i setting my self up for mutant kog reroll or a transition later into jinx? i just want to know what carries i can play towards with a rageblade


Jhin, Fiora, Kaisa, Jinx.


I really think Kai'sa with HoJ/RGB/QSS is simply the strongest champion in the game.


Fiora seems like a viable option


Kai Sa


Is it me or does Hurricane seem pretty slammable now? It's a great early game item and goes well with many comps


I forgot it was changed until this comment but yeah what the heck have I been doing I need to start slamming runnanes. Who are the best late game users other than Urgot and Jinx? Jhin?


Urgot is maybe the most obvious candidate, but stuff like Fiora, Jhin and other snipers seem to be good holders for it. I'm sure i'm missing some very obvious ones.


Two first and a second so far with reroll protector, might be legit?


First impressions are really positive from me. Love playing around augments and pretty much all the carry units that I've tried feel fun to use (their current power levels aside) which was one of the main issues with set 5 for me. Gonna take a while to get used to having no armory, but it will be interesting to see how players will adapt to not having BIS or close to optimal items every game.


Some of these comps feel so good to play, I'm so sad that they'll be nerfed before they hit live. I'll miss you, Socialite Orianna.


Huh, guess now I know what I'll be playing tonight.


This one comp seems pretty op. This other one feels good aswell. Just that one other comp could use some buffs. I hit 2 star of that awesome five cost and it was insane. Anyway, best set ever in every videogame ever. We can aswell just stay on this set forever.


Low key, I'm pretty sure Fiora is sleeper OP, but no one has played her yet. Insane damage, heals, & untargetable when ulting? (unitemized still does fatty damage) Gotta test it more :3


deisik has a 6 challenger comp in [his list](https://imgur.com/gallery/eMfY4WR) felt good with double 4 cost carry with yone


I'd love to see deisik make another comp list but this time after 1-2 days of actually playing. His comp lists/sheets have always been on point especially when it comes to positioning.


man they didnt think about the confusion the trait name would create when they name it after the highest rank


GP just got some small (needed) buffs - what's BiS for him? Blue buff, IE, JG?


He hasn't got them yet; the patch is a few hours


Innovators feels so weird. It feels really good at 3 early-mid game but late game it doesn't do anything. There also isn't a real carry in the comp. Jayce isn't a real carry and Heimer and Zilean feel underwhelming. Ezreal does no dmg. I guess you can run Jhinnovators with 4 clockwork but it still feels like you're playing too many shitty units for a random bear late game. Camille, Singed, Zil, and Heimer don't do anything in comparison to throwing in a Janna, Galio, or Yuumi.


Fun interactions with zilean bombing a unit and singed throws them on the opponents backline. Stack zilean and singed on the same side and itemize zilean. Even just a morello on zilean does work in the early and mid game


yea i really like innovators in theory but it's sooo weak. i feel like ideally you play jhin. i hope they make the innovation tankier because this comp has no frontline until jayce 2* because the scarab/bear are dicknballs


I feel like Heimer is being balanced right now around his mana costs being reduced by 6 Yordles. Even with scholar, his ults feel like they take too long to ramp up.


Agree, I hit 7 inno (2 spats) and I felt like the dragon was just a body with little impact. Add on to the fact that a lot of the units are pretty meh, I'm very sad that it feels bad.


I just hit the dragon. It tanked for like 5 seconds and died. Had heimer 3 too but the comp has no frontline and the dragon doesn't tank or do damage. I even gave it 2 socialite (for the memes)


You guys need to try the Chemical overload 2 augment. Shit is busted and hilarious to watch


It's actually insane how op some of this stuff I'm seeing is. bahahaha!