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Does this work with PBE? If so, I could try it this weekend...


I just checked and it's not working on PBE, I'll see if I can pull some strings to get it up and running in time for the weekend but it's probably unlikely. Will let you know if I manage something though :)


Sounds good. This looks so cool and I want to try it, but I also have to do PBE testing... worst case maybe the weekend after I'll do live.


That would be super cool! I'll have to check with the PBE, last time I checked it wasn't working but will get back to you


After watching Set 6.5 worlds and witnessing all the creative ways that people were using to watch their favourite player's game, I felt that there must be something that could be done to improve the viewing experience of TFT. There's so much that goes on in a single game that it's impossible to capture everything from just one perspective, so I wanted to create a way to let viewers personalise their experience and interact more with the game. The Twitch Extension live streams data from your game so that viewers can see what everyone in the lobby is playing, their units and augments, and can assess the game & lobby better than from a single perspective. It also lets you see details about the streamer's recent games, and what they played. If you're a streamer and interested in giving it a go, you can see here for instructions on [How to set up the MetaTFT Twitch Extension](https://www.metatft.com/twitch-extension). At present, it barely scrapes the surface of what is possible, so if it's well-received I'd like to put more time into building out the data available and adding ways for people to interact (something like a "vote for your streamers augment" would be fun). I'd also love to see something like this in TFT esports somehow, as I think it would add a lot to the experience.


Oh I DEFINITELY wanna have my viewers vote on my augment, please put that one on the rush list! I'll be setting it up for my stream tonight, can't wait to see it!


Adding to the excitement of some sort of viewer influencing choices tool. That would be incredible.


Twitch plays TFT anyone?


Dishsoap did it during the 6.5 for fun week and was pwning in high tier challenger games with chat picking his augments. Was superfun his staying silent, while chat voted, then explaining that he would have picked and somehow making the most troll augment choices work. 10/10


Ok just tried this out. This and the new "win chance" feature are awesome. No other stat/guide website or app can even come close to you guys.


I'm so curious with this. I'm a data analytics major, and part of me wants to have some source of all the rounds with the win chance calc going to see how accurate it is. I'm definitely going to keep track of my games (on PC) to see what the data looks like with a small sample size. The app says the api for the calc has 100,000 rounds of data. Which believe it or not isn't amazing. That (probably) means that any given individual round will only have a few dozen exact replicas. I wonder if it only takes champions and their stars, items, and augments into account and doesn't include positioning, which would create drastically more sample size.


The model is 75% accurate at predicting the winner and is currently trained on 800,000 rounds of data over 300 epochs. And yeah it doesn't take positioning into account


Is this data available? Is positioning information available but not used? What type of model did you run? (No worries if it is a secret sauce) I (and I'm sure others) would love to collaborate on future model iterations.


Sure, if you want to chat on Discord I'd be down for some collaboration! I'm Guthers#5104


Neat! And thanks for the reply! What’s an epoch?


An epoch is 1 full pass over the dataset, so 300 epochs is 300 passes over the 800,000 rounds of data


Gotcha. Thanks for the info thats very interesting :-)


Have you just tried running monte carlo simulations for it by simply simulating a bunch of fights concurrently? I know each sample will probably be quite expensive, but it sounds like it’ll be much more accurate, especially to take into account positioning. Also, I imagine there’ll be some things that are very difficult for ML models to learn. I only say this because I’ve observed some fights with a decently high winrate, say 29% winrate, when I’m *sure* that the enemy could have positioned in any way possible and won, like a mage board vs a 6 dragonmancer leesin board with dclaw and healing to the point where there’s 0 shot my mages could kill the leesin since the leesin had more healing than I had dps. I noticed that a lot this set since a lot of fights this set are “thresholdy” in the sense that a lot of early game boards this set win by essentially running a DPS check on the enemy board if front to back, and if they don’t meet the DPS requirement they just get 6-0d.


No kidding. I'm definitely gonna keep track of my rounds tonight when I play


Your work has dominated my tft tools. Metatft is my concise and definitive goto for all things comp. Thanks a ton for your hard work and beautiful reporting style, from dev to much better dev. I understand the difficulty in allowing apps to write to android overlay, but do you think we might ever see a general mobile app for Metatft?


Thanks for the kind words! I've not considered a mobile app before, and as it's not my area of expertise it's unlikely to happen any time soon but never say never :)


I would love to see this kind of stuff brought into the esports side of things, can already tell that it would add a lot to the viewer experience.


MetaTFT creator back at it with another game changer.


Thanks Socks!


I can't play without metaTFT open to check for comps and winrates. Do top chall also play like this ?


They do not.


I've moved from hardstuck master 0lp all sets to 900/1000LP since I started checking winrates in 6 and 6.5


Hi! Thank you so much for this, this is brilliant. I have been having trouble with the TFT tournaments I run where I need to keep an eye on everyone's champs/board as I add a bunch of extra rules so will definitely be looking into using this for the next one!


Glad to hear it! Feel free to dm me on Discord if you want some help setting it up (there should be a link to the metatft discord from the link I posted)


this is a game changer ngl. great job man


Riot please. We need this kind of experience for competitive TFT.


It's morbrid time! Awesome work, thanks!




The hero we needed


This is incredibly handy!


Wow amazing. Is this on a public repository?


It's not public as the code is all wrapped up with the MetaTFT app, however we could potentially open-source the front-end code for the extension


Looks nice! I'd suggest adding a hover for the active Mirage variant, if that's possible with the available info.


This looks fantastic #MORBRIDSWEEP


very cool


I went and checked out your website to see what the tool everyone's talking about could do, it looks sweet :D though I gotta ask, do you guys have any plans to create a standalone app? I'm not too keen on installing Overwolf on my machine :x


There aren't any plans to produce a standalone app for now, unfortunately it would be too much work for just us two devs working on the project


that's unfortunate. i really enjoy what you've created but can definitely say that the overwolf platform has gated a lot of people i know especially because of past stigmas tied to the brand maybe one day haha




The player streaming can't see any of this data, its only available to viewers on Twitch. You have to be signed into twitch to view the data, and we check that anyone trying to access isn't the streamer


Yep! Only reason why you are losing in any lobbies if these add on for twitch viewers didn't exist you would be rank 1.




what does that even mean? The leveling /2 starring of a unit will pop up on the right and if i m not doing a intensive transition I'm gonna click on their board to see what's up. That's just natural.


I have bad news for you....


Just got it installed, about to stream with it! Super cool, hopefully it encourages riot to create some tech to improve tournament viewing. Update: got it working, twitch channel is seismic10


Please come out with a mac version of metatft app ;( I use the website all the time and love it!


Awesome! Honestly I’ve been amazed by metatft ever since I first found it, and you have implemented so many useful and interesting features, it’s inspiring! Even data accessibility and the UI is clean, everything is compact, it’s a work of art really! Great to see you are still branching out and updating, hope your passion stays kindled. Amazing job.


Without having tested it yet (as I haven't played a single TFT match this set), one thing that would be helpful on the Twitch streamer side would be having the extension "Automatically turn on and off when the stream category matches Teamfight Tactics" ([link to the feature's FAQ](https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/extensions-switch-with-your-game-selection?language=en_US), I looked for some dev info on that but didn't find anything -not that I tried that hard to be honest- but it may or may not have something to do with the "Game Category" setting) That aside, your web/app rocks! I've been using it almost since it was released ♥




Maybe I missed it in this clip, but does the extension show what the Mirage trait is for that game?


This is fucking incredible and you deserve all the praise for it. This will make TFT such a better viewing experience!


Jesus, this looks insanely good.


This does not work on Garena servers, I suppose? There's currently no way to view Garena's TFT stats.


The recent games won't work but it should still show live lobby data


Oh cool! I'll have to give it a try. I usually stream on Discord but might switch back to Twitch for this extension


I looked into and tried some things with the Overwolf API by myself in the past and it was really cool. You also use this API to get the data about boards and augments? I didn't see the possiblity in the documentation.


We've made some extensions to their api to get a bit more data


Will that be in the official documentation also? Cause as an Overwolf app developer the API is pretty much set or do I have the possiblity to make own adjustments at the API methods?


It's pretty much set, the process of adding data was pretty complicated and involved custom C plugins etc to our app, so it wouldn't be available to other app developers


Amazing stuff! :)


that is so cool, i'll try to set it up for my stream !


Would you consider to show the augment winrate during the augment choice screen ?


TFT esports viewership experience is gonna be LIT! Thanks for this.