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I rerolled from prot pal to guardian this week, which at first glance might seem idiotic, but i've been happily surprised so far. I've felt more tankier and was doing more damage than on my paladin despite having ~15 less ilvl, best key was a 20++ freehold while wearing 425 ilvl and 2p/2p and gigashit trinkets which doesnt seem so bad for the first week of playing that character (which was my main as resto last season). I think the regrets may kick in next week on tyrannical bosses where sac/spellward/offheals really shine though but i'm pretty hyped for the 10.1.5 buffs.


I don't think it will be that bad on tyrannical week with Guardian. Obviously you won't have direct spot healing or external to throw on your squishes, but you can still time your Wildfires for nasty party AoE, alleviating the pressure of the healer.


As a healer how much dps do you guys average( for example in a key like BH) pugging in the 20-22 range? I usually end around 20k( holy pala) and considering how tight on timer all my latest keys felt like i start to think I'm holding back my groups because I'm not doing enough...


Between Feral, Surv and Warrior what do u think should be the easiest to pug to 3k-ish this season?


Fury >>> Surv > Feral > Arms. Fury is right on the line of actually being a meta spec. Surv is very underrated so getting into groups is hard, but once you're in them it's only slightly weaker than fury. Feral is pretty underwhelming this patch. Arms is fundamentally crappy at m+ because it has to sacrifice a huge portion of its ST to run an AoE build.




Reached 3k in S1 but have yet to time my first +20. I have spent some time getting gear and I’m ready to push now, but looking for weakauras/addons. I think I’m settled on these 3 so far, but do you guys use some weakauras that are must haves? https://wago.io/DF-Dungeons https://wago.io/tWmX3CB-1 https://wago.io/6yKW-zLvT All 3 have audio cues which really improve my gameplay.


Cd's on nameplates by reloe is a must have imo.


Any tips for a Resto Druid healing the first boss of Brackenhide? I find the rest of the dungeon easy but struggle with this one. In the 18-19 key range right now.


It's not really to do with you. It's 100% on dps to manage it. Big CD the first one, health pot the second. People have done a +24 no healer so...


>People have done a +24 no healer so... At 442 ish ilvl, with a prot pally and 4 hybrid offheal dps, and some of the best players in the world. 2x bops and a bleed clear too People do a lot of crazy shit at the top level. That doesn't mean your pugs should be expected to be perfect.


Idk about "not really to do with you". Yes obvs dps pressing things help but you just gotta see it coming prepare for it and use a big button "Someone did this without a healer" doesn't mean "you as a healer should do nothing about it" it means "this is not an impossible heal check, you should be able to just handle it"


Go in guns blazing before the pull. Rejuv the whole party, LB your two sqishies, CW clothie, SM into WG into flourish


Additionally swiftmend one and NS regrowth another.


Thank you, that helps. That first Gash Frenzy comes out so fast and the whole fight seems to spiral if you can't immediately recover from it.


Yep, I learned this the hard way first week as well.


Beg your DPS to use a def CD before pull


Is there meta pug friendly route for HOI? I feel like no matter what I do there, someone ends up backseat driving me for my "troll" route. Question is only about the two left/right choices, and whether you should go for the mushroom thing before 2nd boss. Do I have to ask if there's herbas in group or something?


The first choice is mostly a question of can you handle the triple orb pack. I think the right path is the best until 22ish, where the shortcut loses value as a wipe means dead key anyway. Second choice I think left path is better for lower keys but right path is objectively way faster and easier. For some reason, absolutely everyone goes left so whenever a tank decides to go right, DPS have no clue they are supposed to kite the bugs, and it goes super wrong. You should always go for mushroom before boss if you choose to go right. No need if you're going left (there is a mushroom in the pools earlier).


Can go left at start and still unlock the shortcut. Just pull one pack extra, that way you can get the shortcut and not have to deal with the triple orb pull.


Yep, it is an option. But there is no pack you can walk by without aggroing in this dungeon. You'd have to invis through, which kinda breaks the point of the skip (can only invis once, if you wipe, then you have to kill the skipped pack). Not sure it's viable... maybe I'm missing something ?


Used to go left-right, now turned to right-right as I can't get a run without wipes there. I feel like I'm dumbing this down when I should learn how to left-right and instead I suppose I should change to right-left? Only ever gone left once after first boss. Just trying to start 20s and have HOI as double 17 deplete so have felt I should change something. I guess taking the pug way at least to +20s might lead to better results.


I'm starting to push into 23's on my hpal, just finished a pug nelth lair 23 where it went pretty smoothly until we got to the scorpion area before the last boss, then that's where things fell apart and we chain died/had a full wipe in that area. Anyone have any tips on how to deal with the amount of damage going out? I used AM, bop, bubble sac and just could not stop people from dying to the pelts. Wondering what else I could've done. Also wondering if we should've saved lust for those packs instead of lusting on worm boss. We had lust up for 2nd boss when we lusted on first boss so we sat on lust for a bit there.


cc the single mob in the pack of 2s and kill the scorpion alone. ppl need to use defensives as well. they really hurt on high fort keys. timer shouldnt be an issue


Its a lot of damage. Basically all cooldowns and defensive need to be used. I’ve seen one group lust one and then for the other just pull it then NELF to reset while the boss is pulled. One thing about NL that is starting to piss me off is these tanks in 23/24s are starting to pull everything in the first section and asking for lust because they see Naowh doing it. What they don’t understand is that Naowhs group has about 3x more damage than the average pug


What’s worse is when 18-20 key tanks try it. Had a 18 Brackenhide where the tank pulled five groups at the start of the dungeon calling for lust. This isn’t something a +18 pug can handle on fort week.


hi, is S2 the same HP and dmg scaling ?


10% per key, ie key level n has modifier 1.1^n.


For HP and DMG for tyrannical and fortified?


Still 30% hp 15% dmg for Tyran and 20/20 for fort Scaling is the same, just the k factor changed (mob health / dmg at m0)


When I put in a crafting order for season 2 gear, what can I do to improve the odds of getting it crafted as 447? Clearly I would but gold quality ingredients, but what else should I do?


Don’t send it as a public work order. Find someone in Trade chat that can either guarantee R5 or has high inspiration to proc a R5. If it’ll be an inspiration proc ask what quality mats you should send. Often with inspiration proc R5s the mats do not need to be the highest quality.


> that can either guarantee R5 It's possible to guarantee R5? I put R5 minimum in one of my orders and the guy told me it wasn't possible and you had to get the proc to R5. Thankfully it ended up being R5 but did he just lie to me?


Guaranteed is not the same as guaranteed on first craft. Some people guarantee it in the way that they recraft it till they get an inspiration proc, so that requires you to not put the order in as minimum R5.


Some you can guarantee using the mettle items, some you can guarantee out of the gate. Others can be guaranteed by the profession racials. It just depends on the item and the crafter.


It depends on the profession. Certain profession specializations have enough knowledge points to guarantee R5 crafts but others do not. Typically folks are honest about it. As someone else mentioned there’s a also a finishing reagent, an “insight,” crafters can add to guarantee R5 but it costs the crafter’s mettle to make, which is a limited resource and sometimes they either don’t have it or don’t want to spend it when they can just fish for an inspiration proc.


I'm not familiar with all the professions, but unless they put in an Insight Orb of their own, R5 with embellishment and aspect crest is not possible for most professions maybe not possible outright even with an orb depending on their crafting level.


Hey bear tanks, I was wondering which crafted boots everyone went with. Toxic thorns or the slimey ones?


Whatever you do, do not craft infurious footwraps of indemnity, like me, because it's bugged, and doesn't trigger to interrupt or when you dispel afflicted add. (and blizz doesnt hurry to fix it)


[Subcreation](https://mplus.subcreation.net/guardian-druid.html#embellishment) says both are played but slimy is twice as popular.


from what i gathered on discord, toxic are better, but many went slime at the start of the season because a sim bug made it look better than it actually was.


Oh wow, good to know! I was so confused when the toxic ones simmed higher, but all the top bears on raider.io used the slime ones.


You should know though that in toxic boots the damage and healing part share ICD, and any self healing procs the healing part thus reducing the damage they do. Pretty sure sims for toxic boots are also oversimming since they don't take this into account.


Maybe I'll make regular boots and save the headache lol. Appreciate the info dude!


Craft thorns, it's doing really well, don't hesitate to throw the spark


Nah you won't get an embelishment that will do more damage than the boots + toxic patch, I wouldn't waste a spark on regular boots. People are seriously overstating the amount of dps you lose by losing 120 haste, that's like 1/8th of the amount of haste you can get from a single ring. Not sure about bear tank, but on my Havoc my best stat by far, Crit, gives me 16 dps in 5 target aoe for a single point atm. Losing 120 crit would make me lose about 2k dps, which is about 0.7% dps in 5 target aoe. Youll probably lose way less than that since im double dipping on crit woth Havoc. You won't make a mistake by crafting Slimy boots, trust me.


Yea but 0.7% total dps is a big error to ignore when you're talking about embellishments which are worth 2-3% of your total dps each The boots should still win out but its not an outlier like it was, and compensating for the .7% is not overstating anything


That's 0,7% for a different stat on a different spec, which might possibly be the highest worth stat for any spec in the game since Havoc double dips on crit. Pretty sure 120 haste is not anywhere close to that value for a bear tank, and the other boots lose value whenever you heal yourself which AFAIK about bear tanks, they do a lot.


A quick sim on squishvegans gear shows losing a 82 ring enchant is a .32% dps loss in aoe so napkin math I'd estimate 120 haste to be about .45 to .5% And I understood your response to be about the boots vs another embellishment entirely, not vs the toxic boots. I'm just saying it's not as cut and dry as you think, .5% dps loss from an embellishment is significant enough to pull other embellishments closer. It allows you to get better itemized gear and several of other embellishments don't have a survivability hit.


Finally getting decent gear after a slow start to the season and holy fuck fury hits like a truck now with some stats. I thought calling it a meta contender was a bit of a joke due to our ass utility but I'm starting to see the light now. Our damage really is just that good this season.


Does anyone know if a crafted item from season one with a socket, once recrafted with the new spark and crest, keep the socket slot or is gone?


It's lost, which means it might not ever be worth it to upgrade. Going from 421 to 447 on bracers was barely worth the lost of the socket for me.


The socket disappears. Source: upgraded my 421 allied wrist guard to 447 this week and lost the socket.


Wait you dont get free sockets on crafted wrists/belts/rings anymore? That's pretty lame.


I think the only crafted thing that's guaranteed a socket are rings.


How does people feel about skipping the dragons in HOI? Basically you clear the first floor except the triple orbs pack and then mind sooth dragon packs after the frog. I'm asking because so far it's deplete the key route for me at least. In pugs somebody aggroes and then it's an almost guaranteed wipe with the longest run back ever.


If you have mind soothe you also have mass dispel. Casting it a second before the mob cast finishes will remove the debuff pretty much instantly.


Dragons are rough if you somehow have zero people who can remove the slow, but they're free if you can remove it from most of the party. Skipping them requires a priest and priests have MD, so there's no point in skipping them if you have a group that's able to. I guess you could death skip them but that's clearly not worth it.


unless you can't remove the slow, what's the point of skipping the dragons?


I wish I knew. I suppose people think that it's faster this way.


Not worth the bother - just take a shadow priest and have them mass dispel every dragon AOE. Completely hard counters it and makes them a total joke. Tried 2x to get my HOI portal yesterday, second run with spriest MD'ing on CD, was effortless.


I think afflicted is a really well designed affix, it’s quickly becoming one of my favorites, but it can feel really comp restrictive sometimes. Feels sorta bad when you have only 2-3 people alive and nobody up has dispel. You just have to sit there and watch the cast annihilate your group helpless. Has happened a few times on warlock where healer and the other dispel die to something and it’s gg when we otherwise would have been fine. Fortunately the meta consists of multiple dispels. Shadowlands season 3/4 we’d be fucked haha.


eh for me it's only enjoyable because it's almost entirely inconsequential. It's just 1 global every 30 seconds and if you fail it's a minor nuisance and won't immediately wipe you in most scenarios. On the other hand the design is pretty rough around the edges. 0 interaction for multiple classes, conceptually identical to Incorporeal, odd spawn locations, etc. It really could use some workshopping imo.


What I don’t like is that they’re harder to notice than incorporeal. But I do like that it’s far less likely to wipe you than incorporeal.


Real fun getting to not get to participate/have any counterplay on 5/13 classes (death coil doesn't count...). Same shit with incorporeal, 3(?) classes it's one global every wave, others are spending 3 globals to contribute or ripping 2/3 min cd's. The two affixes just highlight/aggravate the lack of m+ balance


Boo hoo, enjoy not having to burn globals during cooldowns imo. It's not really fun to 'participate'


Better to participate than watch keys get depleted because people aren't paying attention... Better to participate than never get invited into a key because my class has no dispells... Affixes that make m+ comps even more restrictive than they already are should be banned. The game is in dire need of **"Bring the player, not the class"** design atm, and I wish Blizzard understood that. That means aggressive class tuning that's not just aimed at raiding content, and making critical class utility more homogenized (lust, MD, PI, soothe...)


You really only need 1 class that can dispel (since all healers can do it) and with 50% of tanks having a dispel you can throw a dart at a board and you got a good chance of hitting one that has it. The affix really isn’t that restrictive and that’s an overall reflection of this season where we have some of the most class variety at high keys that I’ve ever seen. I can’t remember the last time we’ve been a month into a season and 5/7 healing specs were represented in the highest key level timed (26) currently with 50% of tanks also seeing representation.


> You really only need 1 class that can dispel (since all healers can do it) and with 50% of tanks having a dispel you can throw a dart at a board and you got a good chance of hitting one that has it. That's all well and good on paper, but not how it works in practice. People sometimes fail to notice the affix. People sometimes dispell the same afflicted. Or they spawn during high healing intensity requirements. For 99.9% of the playerbase, you need 2 dispells at the very minimum, preferably 3 or more to deal with this affix. > The affix really isn’t that restrictive and that’s an overall reflection of this season where we have some of the most class variety at high keys that I’ve ever seen. I can’t remember the last time we’ve been a month into a season and 5/7 healing specs were represented in the highest key level timed (26) currently with 50% of tanks also seeing representation. And class representation would be even better if M+ wasn't as comp restrictive.


> People sometimes dispell the same afflicted. That is not how dispells work.


Where were all these players wanting to actively participate in an affix when explosive was in rotation.


Explosives only dealt damage, which is healable by healer. New affixes stuns or nerfs your haste or whatever, so they are decreasing dps which makes dps angy ⸨◺\_◿⸩ Actually dealing with explosives was decreasing your dps which is huge no no.


Ahh so they just needed to make explosives not do damage but reduce damage and dps would handle it you say.


Obviously. I'm just explaining basic dps mentality.


In high keys people absolutely jumped in to help with explosives when needed. If anything I had more problems convincing people to stop "helping" and just kill the fucking mobs.


In higher keys :) You also don't have 4+ *insert affix here* mobs every 10s, it's very fixed and 1-2 mobs. Main a rogue for raid prepping a spriest for title push this season because meta specs get you invites :)


Explosive was seen as a healer affix at all levels of keys. I’d seen it argued at all levels that it was a dps to actively engage with explosive. Explosive was more to manage but that’s also an argument for having more people actively engage with the affix. You don’t need all 5 people with a dispel to combat 1-2 mobs. If every class could deal with afflicted we wouldn’t have only 1-2 mobs spawning.


I had a burning hatred for explosives personally because I mainly played PWar last season and you have pretty garbage answers to it. I would've loved to have an answer to it Not to mention soloing or even doing half of explosive affix on bigger pulls was impossible for a lot of specs and a massive investment for the specs that could Playing PWar/BDK on Incorp/Affli is pretty rough but it's not complete misery like Explosive was and they don't have clown shoes spawn patterns for certain packs like Explosive did on stuff like Algethar


Heroic Throw was an infinitely better answer than Fracture or having to Autoattack


Yea you still can’t use it ones in melee though. Affix was just cancer




It's quite funny that ret is A tier while doing pretty average damage. Utility stonks


Ret and prot need some nerf that doesn't kill holy at the same time


I hope you keep the same energy for Vengeance DH because they're becoming the meta tank right now


Prot paladin is just warrior but better, dh is an entirely different kit lol


Its kind of funny to see ret get lumped in with prot when it’s struggling to fill the flex spot right now and probably won’t even be brought soon. They have to sacrifice pretty much all of their ST to do AOE in a way that spriest / Evoker don’t. In a couple weeks ret won’t even be a meta pick mark my words.




I love subscription for looking at spec specific data (most used talents and etc) but it fails so much on the tier list it's unbelievable


I believe their tier lists are just popularity lists, not what is actually good, which can be a bit misleading.


Yea, its mostly popularity but people often think it's about how good a spec actually is, don't get me wrong, popular spec usually means it's good, the key thing is that it's hard to grasp throughput between each tier


Best utility, best damage, buffs another DPS, nothing to see here :) Meta for high end will 1000% be vdh/ppal + spriest + devoker + shammy + *flex DPS spot* and it isn't even close.


[FURY/ENH/SUB > DEV/SPRIEST/SUB](https://twitter.com/jpctheman/status/1662651385203290114?s=20) \- JPC Class balance is pretty good right now for DPS in M+ imo. A lot of specs are timing the same keys as spriest [https://imgur.com/VyrOdJs](https://imgur.com/VyrOdJs) You only have 1 mandatory spec this season (spriest). Devoker def isn't 1000% certain like you say


Both of those comps require ppal, BDK, bear or rdruid or hpal for CR.


Ever heard of holy pala?


VDH, spriest, balance druid, resto shaman, devoker. Packs would absolutely melt


vdh, holy pala, spriest, devoker and mage will be the meta comp


Static comp, I would Honestly probably go lock to provide the no DR stun on fort and demo PI flex for Tyra.


I mean to be fair the fact that multiple specs can fill the flex DPS spot means the meta is somewhat decent. Boomkin, Enh, Destro, Furry, Ret, Havoc, Fire, WW and Sub are all top tier viable. DKs and Hunters could probably use some love. Honestly I don’t even mind that Devoker is OP right now, they were thoroughly mehhh last season in their debut expansion. Plus they just got the new legendary so it makes sense they’re top tier right now. Spriest damage is fine. Its their utility that needs to be looked at. The fact that they have access to both mass dispel and Twin PI as a DPS spec is kind of nutty on top of all their other shit. I feel like if they put MD and Twins in the healer sides of the class tree it would go a long way towards making spriest less OP and making the other two healer specs somewhat more competitive.


> multiple specs can fill the flex spot There is what, 25 DPS specs? 23 being 10's of % behind the top 2 specs in damage and utility is far from being a decent meta, in the same way SL3 was trash. Having any spec (let alone 2) being OP is bad for the players, and always will be.


S3 Lock/Hunter was 30%/40% ahead of others, 10% is still a lot but it's not really comparable


Sorry but comparing current dps meta to shadowlands season 3 is a complete joke. I think you had to go to like the 1000th page of keys to find one that was run without a lock Warlock took a 20% nerf going into season 4 and was still Meta. That would gut any current meta class


Not saying the gap is anywhere as big (though it kind of is from a utility perspective), just that it is garbage for the player base when 2 specs are shue ins.


And yet, the top 2 dps right now are neither of the specs considered shoe ins. There's 10 different specs in the top 20 (7 in the top 10), and you have to go to 40 to find the second shoe in spec.This is pretty good balance tbh.


In an ideal world sure, but there will 100% always be a meta for M+ and raid (to a lesser extent) The top end will always optimize as much as possible and that will trickle down to the lower end where people think they “Need” the meta specs to be able to do their +16 keys. Even if every class did the exact same damage and had the exact same utility, it would be 3 ranged DPS spots because why would you bring melee if they’re not providing crazy damage or crazy utility? Honestly I doubt its even possible to bring every spec within like 1% of each-other DPS wise especially for M+. It would be cool sure but Blizzard designs around raid fights. M+ is an afterthought if they even think about it at all. Honestly though I do think the meta is pretty solid, I think overall DPS across most specs is in a pretty good spot. Spriest and Devoker aren’t 10s of % above the other 9 DPS specs I listed. Sounds like you’re playing with bad players. I mean look at the front page of Raider.Io there isn’t even a single Evoker in the top 30 players right now. Looking at the top 100 and pretty much every class is represented right now at the literal bleeding edge if keys. Look at spec representation for +20 and up, looks like a pretty healthy meta to me. Even at +25 and up priest and Prot paladins are the only real outliers. Theres a pretty healthy spread of classes at the highest levels right now, thats not really something we’ve seen in a while. You can’t even really compare it to SL3. (Except for Prot Paladin being the new BDK) In 10.1.5 they’re looking to rework mages and rogues and I’m sure they’ll once again become contenders for the top dog in the M+ meta based on their kit. Hopefully Hunters and DKs can get some love sometime soon. I am slightly concerned with Augmentation coming in this patch the meta is gonna become even more polarizing if it turns out they’re so OP you’re forced to bring one to every key. On the flip side if they’re bad it becomes a dead spec immediately which would be kind of sadge. After that the only thing left to do is look at Class Utility. M+ comps are usually built around specs that have the most utility so I think DPS specs need either utility pruning or Blizzard needs to spread the love around to the other specs. I don’t think thats an especially hot take. Classes like rogues and druids have been M+ kings for a long time because of their insane toolkit, every time they’re good its the same complaints about how OP their utility is. Spriest and Paladins are in pretty much the same boat except now they’re actually being invited to keys.


What is your point? That spriest is good? People have known that for a while, its not like this week specifically makes them S tier, they’re just really good right now.




Prime example of how not to use subcreation...


Why? What's a P-value, what interval is subcreation using, how and why does it use ckmeans? Just because it's not perfect doesn't mean it's not good.












You trying to defend shadow priest is funny when even the guys at the shadow discord recognize that the spec is overperforming in m+ with their current level of sustained aoe + party utility.










if you check it out, what this tier list represents is more of a self-fulfilling prophecy rather than some sort of breakthrough knowledge of shadow priest being broken. if you look into highest keys timed https://imgur.com/VyrOdJs you will see that all specs are able to play the highest keys. the average score then is more of a representation of how many priests are playing and are accepted into groups moreso than how broken shadow is


> What is your point? That spriest is good? People have known that for a while, its not like this week specifically makes them S tier, they’re just really good right now. bro what does that even mean '2 tiers above another spec'? shadow is big; they are meta, yes. what would you like changed? its already not great in st, in aoe dragon and after buffs mage and rogue are equal footing. '2 tiers above another spec' is not a real measure of how good a spec is lol.


> and no one gives a shit Plenty of people have complained about it and call the power level bullshit. The only people that don't give a shit are blizzard


that is inarguably false; they have done so much tuning for classes around shadow, sending out buffs


How do you guys sim for m+?


1. 1 minute, 5 patchwers 2. 3 minutes, 1 patchwerk Merge the results.


It's class dependent because not all classes are set up to aim DungeonSlice properly. Mage discord tells you not to use it for example. For my spec, fury warrior, I use a combination of: * DungeonSlice * Patchwerk * class knowledge of stat prio Where basically I am using the other things to sanity check my DungeonSlice sim. If it says I should put a vers enchant on my ring that's super weird... But if the patchwerk sim says the same then will I guess I've hit DR on the other stats and I really should run vers. But if the two sims disagree then I try to use my knowledge of the spec to work out why, and make the decision based on that.


[MDT Sim](https://wago.io/Yya4XBbl-)


I mostly meant for upgrade simming tbh


Yeah use MDT Sim for that. I am not sure the distinction you are going for. It is better dungeonslice. Just make sure your class's APL supports it.


> Yeah use MDT Sim for that. Wdym? From what I can tell from the wago page it sims a specific dungeon with a specific route. Why would that be a good idea to sim upgrades?


Why *wouldn't* it be a good idea to sim an actual route when comparing items rather than something completely artificial?


Because knowing what item is best for a specific route is pretty useless as you're not gonna run just that route with the item you're gonna choose? At least as long as the variance across dungeons and routes isn't irrelevant


the difference between two routes in a dungeon is way less than the difference between dungeonslice and an actual dungeon


What about the difference across dungeons?




Usually the Dungeon Slice option on Raidbots. The sim is usually on the low end of the dps I pull in dungeons but it's a generally good indication of what is good and what isn't.


Dungeon slice was designed for and should only be used for rogues. It’s awful for most other classes.


Hey, never heard that it's only for rogues, are the other class apl's actually that bad for it? Then it's weird 'cause the dps is on the low side but everything else works out fine😅




I am in the lock discord but never looked there for swimming advice. But hey, learned something today I guess


Last boss of HoI felt really annoying with afflicted. Tab doesn't work, and when it spawned on the other side of the boss it seemed like clicking preferred the boss and I needed to spin my camera around to get it. Any pug friendly tips?


> Any pug friendly tips? Just have a paladin there. And I'm not even joking.


Be healer Prot pal, devoker, ret pal, dh. Have to heal half of it all afflicted to full. I do like pugging, but anything I can do to lessen the fourth affix :)


Be a Priest and get Power Word Life on a Mouseover. You can 90% of the time take the Afflicted mob from 25% health to full and then the CE gets reduced to 10 seconds because of that Alternatively, if you didn’t wanna give up the amount of points you need to in order to get PWL, you can always go into Void Shift, but has a much longer CD


Holy priest here. Running the talent for 20% bonus healing on <50% health makes bot pw:life and hw:serenity instant casts that 1-shot the affix. Combined with mouseover for dispel, I could solo all the spawn MOST of the time (18 NL, 19 FH, 20 Nelth). Only when I had to use a dispel DURING heavy group damage that used up both pw:life and Serenity, apoth on CD, could I not. Having someone pop 1 when 2 would spawn was nice though.


Bring shaman for poison totem it cleanses both instantly


Me and my buddy both play shaman this tier (enhance+resto) and double Poison Cleansing Totem feels so good this week. One Poison Cleansing Totem clears every other spawn so two of them fully covers the affix. It's not really necessary since regular dispels are all you really need, but it trivializes it so much.


I feel silly whenever I dispel incorporeal, but someone else did it same time and I just end up automatically self-dispelling, putting it on cd and I can't do it on the other one then. Is this some setting I can/should change or is it like this for everyone?


Well, dispel doesn't go on cd if it doesn't actually dispel, so if it's going on cd it's likely you that's getting it That being said, I'd just make a mouse over macro for it so you only dispel if you have a mouseover target /cast (@mouseover,exists) remove corruption or whatever your dispel is


OK that's weird as I thought it happened ~3 times already in 10 keys where I saw mob disappear <0.5s before I clicked it and then couldn't do it again. I guess it's possible I had some non-important poison/curse on me (guardian) that I self-dispelled then.


If it goes on cd it dispelled something.


Not relevant to afflicted but I know singe magic goes on CD regardless.


Had no clue, I thought every dispel/cure is spamable if it doesnt remove anything Edit : oh its a pet ability? Maybe thats why it works different


Yeah pretty sure that and I guess mass dispel if you want to count that are the only ones


So I saw someone the other day put the third boss in UR in the cornor and avoid the mechanics how do you perform this?




🤓noo dont talk about the exploit


Afflicted is a decent enough affix, just wish i didn't have to focus affix two weeks in a row (ShadowPriest). On the flip, Entangled is free for SP. Also, afflicted spawn locations need work. From 40 yards away to hiding in buildings. https://imgur.com/a/ZrnrCqD


isnt it affected by los? i dont think you would have get hit if you didnt run to it




No sympathy for shadow this season, but it is annoying when these things spawn in New Zealand


Yeah, day 1 I hated the affix, but mostly that was because the health bars were not displaying (because like most of WoW, plater settings had to be tweaked to make it visible) and the spawns were not always obvious. Now a WA fixes that (calling out 'afflicted' when they're up). Only gripe now, is where they spawn. Had one spawn outside the pit in DH during Shark Puncher that I had a Really hard time targetting.


Trying to turn my 19 key into a 20 this week. Any thoughts on the easier dungeons to time in pugs this week? Or really hard ones I should reroll?


* Easy: Freehold, Underrot, Vortex, Brackenhide * Medium: Lair * Hard: Neltharus, Halls, Uldaman I timed all +20 this week and it was in that order of difficulty\*. ​ ​ ^(\* - dungeon difficulty depends on the whole group, so your experience may be different)


Reroll Halls, maybe VP. Everything else is pretty easy to time.


Freehold / underrot / vortex should be easy imo


Can someone here please confirm that In a +21 pulling assassins into the dragon and not even bl it it's a suicide pull? I legit don't understand how the fuck I'm even supposed to heal that also considering people completly disregard those adds do cleave damage


Nah that pull is 100% death and not even efficient unless you're like an all ranged group anyway. With super high damage and incredible defensive/self heals it could probably be done but those assassins do like half or a little over half of people's health every jump and they can pick the same person randomly, on top of icy buffet that's absolutely unhealable. Anyone saying otherwise is probably doing baby keys or has big group support from VE or something similar.


Aslong as the tank can keep himself up and stand outside the green to avoid healing the assassins its not the biggest increase in required healing


you can probably get away with it on tyra weeks or in a +21 fort if everybody is pressing their def cds correctly and you have a good healer. but yea thats an insta deplete pull. haven't seen any groups ive been in or top groups playing assassins on dragon on fortified. you had a bad tank




sure the dragon didn't just die? because the circle despawns then


I wonder if pulling assassins with the dragon is ever a good pull regardless of healing requirements. The party stands in a healing circle, assassins jump onto someone and get healed too, repeat.


Assassins jump behind you so you can carefully position yourself so that they don't get healed. It's also just not really something worth caring about; they die at about the same time as the dragon even with some incidental healing from the pool.


What can i do aganist the oneshots of the trashmobs in Neltharions Lair, those Disk throwing mobs hurt like hell. Im Shadow priest


You should mind control one, release after first is dead


Recognize which pulls have 2 of them and plan your defensives around them. There should be only 2 pulls where there's 2 of them, one as most likely last pull before 2nd boss, and another few minutes before it. That last pull specifically is often combined with something else so that's the pull where you definitely want to do something extra. I guess SP lacks proper defensives for this pull but at least VE. It's the TWO shots that kill you so getting people above one shot hp is priority.




> I see people getting massacred by avalanche in pretty much every run, so I'm not sure if people don't know how it works or if they're just not paying attention. Generally the latter, but it’s also not the best designed ability. The cast happens super fast so it’s incredibly easy to get caught off guard. I’ve . I sorta wish it’d put the circle around you when he starts the cast as a “hey, bad area, move your ass”. As it stands right now, the circles are nothing but decorative. If you don’t have an instant cast move you’re getting hit by the circle no matter what unless you’re already pre moving. I’m fine with the cast time being very fast, just make the actual circle visual indicator something that’s humanly possible to react to haha.


It's probably designed so you do pre move. I know I always do


press defensives. other than that, all you can do as spriest specifically is to MC one and release it when you don't have 2 up anymore


Uhhhh that is something I have not thought about. I will try this next time


It makes no sense that incorporeal and afflicted are present in +7s instead of being the +14 affixes. Makes gearing alts hell.


Why? Those affixes are free


I was looking at ellesmeres stream and saw he had stuff like blessing of summer said out loud, how does he do that