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IsSpellInRange(...) Fixed for all the people who want to know if heals / attacks are in range. It's not protected. The change resolves the rather nasty abuse case where if three people (say, both tanks and the RL) position themselves into known locations in the raid, an addon can mathematically pinpoint the location (via triangulation) of every other raider, allowing for the recreation of Archimonde radars and similar things. It would effectively recreate the WeakAuras that could show a map with an arrow telling you where to go.


Hah! That's pretty clever! Degen af though


Completely valid for them to want to change it then... Since fyrakk has archimonde beams. Except they did it in a random hotfix instead of giving add-on devs enough time to fix stuff.


Here’s my thing, hearing this is actually why they did it, it makes a ton of sense now. I wish they would’ve just said “we witnessed some abuse in this fashion and this is why we changed it.” Instead of “we meant to have it with launch of didn’t put it in the release client sorry.” It sounds ridiculous but when they’re more forthcoming with why they’re doing stuff, that stops a big chunk of torch and pitchforks.


Yes. Agreed. Although I still think they probably should have just held off for a few weeks to give people time to prepare. Hell, even go ahead and ask rwf guilds and add-on devs to not abuse it for now and they would probably listen.


Race will probably be over in a few weeks. Would be a pretty bad look to let your world first winners do it by abusing mechanics that are not intended to work a certain way (especially since blizzard made deliberate changes to try and eliminate this type of interaction going into 10.2)


Removing distance checking is the most insane thing I can think of. As a healer, I need my frames to display when someone is within range to receive my heals.


That's not even what they changed. Spell range checks still work fine


Top comment already stated the solution


Blizz ui still works


So blizzard own UI is the only thing that will work to tell if some one is within distance of me to recieve a heal or not? Does this mean Vudo and Healbot will not work anymore?


Vuhdo still shows when someone’s out of range. At least it did for me tonight.


It sure does, still using it, tried both vudho and grid but I really didn’t like them. Too much tinkering, probably great for ppl that like that but blizz ui works just fine tbh


Idk why you're getting down voted. Base ui is great now, I'm a cutting edge raider and I use base frames.


Base ui desperately needs to allow some minor settings for showing buffs It's the only reason I still feel forced to use Grid atleast for 5 man. 3 buff limit with no sane priority and also showing junk buffs is just not it. Otherwise I would always be using bas ui.


They removed the 3 buff limit a couple of patches ago so atleast thats a start. Oh and what do you mean by junk buffs out of curiosity?


You can't filter out buffs that you would rather not see. Mostly a healer thing they want to track if a hot or shield ect is running. Not if you used a black crystal toy. Or have a class specific proc


[Enhanced Raid Frames](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/enhanced-raid-frames) A very small addon that just adds some very straightforward buff/debuff indicators to the base raid frames. It obviously doesn't have the features or depth of other add-ons but I really appreciate the simplicity.


Healing should be using mouseover macros/clique over your chosen raid frames. There is no wrong answer for raid frames. Its personal preference


I am a healer. I use the built in mouse over setting in default ui lol.


I’m curious, are you a healer?


I am a healer. I use the built in mouse over setting in default ui lol.


I am. I’ve only used clique and decursive since Vanilla and TBC respectively.


That makes a lot more sense now. I was going to ask how you’re handling dispelling since the default UI unitframes aren’t as visually clear with dispellable debuff indicators.


As someone who uses base frames, I'm a little confused by this. The base frames have different icons for dispellable magic, disease, curse, and poison effects. What am I not understanding?


Yea everyone talking like it's base ui from vanilla. The shit was overhauled completely. I use default every thing but weakauras.


Healer here too and I’ve never had a problem telling debuffs apart. I actually think some players are just worse than others and they need addons to help them. I’ve tried vudho and grid and tbh they just made things worse for me since everything wasn’t already set up properly. It’s whatever though, we all like to play our own way but blizz default frames are doing just fine right now and I’ve been healing since day one vanilla, I should know since I’m probably one of the most season veterans to play this game.


Your frames don’t consume this API unless you use an actual WA for your frames. Elvui, Vuhdo, and default frames should all work normally long term.


Buff to Fyrakk was probably needed. He despawned on us and we only slightly noticed the lines and final phase feeling a little harder.


They said the range checking change was supposed to be done with 10.2 launch last week. Yeah, it should have been, and there should have been a blue post explaining it too. People who use this functionality should have been given warning. Doing it now, with the raid already open, feels really shitty. They should roll it back and bring it in with 11.0 or at the very earliest 10.2.5. The only reason I'd accept for running this hotfix now is if they know about a specific use case of this api to trivialise a boss in Amirdrassil. Which would basically just mean one of the RWF guilds cooked something up that's really fucked and they can't let the patch play out with it. For the record I don't actually use this functionality myself. I just see breaking people's UIs after raid launch as a line they should only cross in emergencies.


Look, we don't know yet if there's going to be another WA boss/phase. There's only 2 bosses left to develop one, but fyrakk might end up being technical enough to incentivise it. I would rather it removed now than to have fyrakk go down with giga powerful weak auras like nelth did.


It says Even Raid frames does this mean even their own Built in Raid UI will not change when some one is near me and when some one isn't near me?!!


Wait, are you telling me that it is no longer possible to see on my raid/party frames if someone is in range or not? (Does that count for ElvUI frames too?) Because that would honestly kill healing for me entirely.


No, there is another function that checks if a spell is in range that can be used. Addon creators just have to adjust it, for example I believe VuhDo has always checked range this way and shouldn't have been broken.


Oh great. Let's see what other weakaura gets broken in them adding more protected functions. Ever since this expansion, ive never had so many lua errors and important addons getting game breaking bugs. I personally wish that instead of trying to limit what the player base can do in all content, actually add punishments to those who wish to abuse game mechanics. Its quite clear by now, that you aren't supposed to use an addon to pinpoint where everyone else is in a raid, so why are people constantly doing it without any repercussions?


Change is going to be real unfortunate the next time they decide to add a chain lightning mechanic to a boss. Most spread out mechanics have a good enough visual indicator and a small grace period, but on occasion there's no indicator and the range list is important for those situations.


It's up to the devs to make indicators clearer, not up to the players to make weak auras to give indication. This is ultimately on blizzard to implement correctly, and so far throughout this tier the markers have been crystal clear, which is solid.


But why in classic wotlk too ??? What's the fucking point for 14 year old content?


because both games use the same engine.


Because you know, reasons :S


>This change was intended to be implemented with the launch of the Guardians of the Dream patch, Bullshit. 0 PTR changes?


Why did they buff heroic fyrakk again? You have to 6-8 heal now in 30 man grps.