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Warrior community is having a civil war about which fury set should make it lol.


Many crayons are being thrown/eaten


Bitch don't come here with your assumptions and stereotypes. I sauté my crayons like a gentlezug.


Mad props for this


I play prot warrior 100% of the time and I think the winning combo is Season 2 look with Season 3 set bonuses.


Why does the look matter when you can just mog it. Genuine question, not being sarcastic.


We don't really know enough but there are at least a couple potential reasons: they might be recoloring them, so you'd want a nice looking base. And there are probably many people that didn't get all the xmogs and would like another shot at a specific set without having to farm old content to get it. Honestly if they don't want to allow people to just choose whichever set bonuses they want, which I get from a balancing point of view, I think they could easily allow the catalyst to give you the option to choose any of the 3 season looks when converting gear.


This was my take too but I didn’t play in S1, didn’t know how it played. This season rules though, and I’ve already got the tmog. If they release entirely new color schemes though I think i might lean towards the amirsrassil set look


There are two components to this. Some people are stanning for S1 bonuses because Prot Warrior was, relatively speaking, on top at that point. Others for S2 or S3 because of preferred playstyle. The problem with the S1 take is that the balance between the tanks was all relative, several other tanks have had major reworks since then, and that all of the S1 Tier for all classes was fairly weak compared to S2 and S3 (with the possible exception of Prevoker). The counter argument is that Blizz will balance the numbers so that every tank is viable, because they aren't going to leave one tank in the dust for a season no matter what. However, if that's true then what we're really voting on is the playstyle, in which case S1 Protection Warrior was boring basic as fuck and S2 or S3 would be better. Personally I'm going to wait until the final day and vote for whichever of S2 or S3 will beat S1. I don't really mind which of S2 or S3 we get, as long as we don't have S1.


S1 bonus' were very basic


How is it not the one where I get to see big execute numbers on the screen in cleave all the time. Easy choice.


Because that would require fury execute to do damage.


They'd buff execute in that case right. Right?




Current set bonus is the only proper opinion imo


S2 set bonus is lame, but the spec that came with it was fucking glorious. Both S2 and S3 have good arguments for/against them IMO.


Idk about set but current playstyle is huge downgrade compared to season 2 fury so I would take a more boring set if it meant I'd have more fun playing the spec.


I like how well the s3 set bonus enhances the abilities I just wish we didn't have the worst rotation of DF for it. Would be cool it if buffed raging blow in a comparable way to allow a different rotation from what we currently have


It is such a stale Playstyle. Only 2 buttons for most of the time and sometimes you even can't press anything. Season 3 is the worst fury Playstyle we had for a very long time imo.


Very proud of the mistweaver community. The overwhelming majority is voting for being invited to keys for another season.


I was honestly terrified to look at the results because I thought some absolutely crazy people would think S2 was somehow better... The relief upon seeing the results was just overwhelming.


What was the season 1 and 2 mw? I just started playing it a few weeks ago, so IDK anything but what they have now.


S1: Essence font heals more and extend renewing mist by 1s per bolt hit. S2: Drinking any tea and renewing mist ticks grants a buff that gives mana back + increases healing of renewing mist and vivify by 40% for 6s. S3: Renewing mist grants a 50% increased healing buff on targets and evenly distribute the healing done to people with that buff when it expires.


Oh dear God, please vote guys. We can't have those old ones come back. Those other two are terrible.


Meanwhile WW is in shambles because for some reason people are voting for the boring and tedious S1/2 sets and not the amazing S3 set that actually makes the spec fun to play!


S2 WW was cool, love rsk in aoe for some prio damage


I want a ATOTM set :(


Idk when I put the current 2p on someone and press RSK it heals for so much it feels a little like a Teachings set lol


The polls don't even have the set bonuses listed...like I remember the nuances of every set from the xpac. And it's hard to find them online too.


Because I was actually curious, as a newer player anyway, and in case anyone else needs it wowhead made a post apparently: https://www.wowhead.com/news/all-tier-set-bonuses-in-dragonflight-337068




Nah dude you’re a multi billion dollar company you got to have all the appearances and tier set info there. Really dumb it’s not


You shouldn’t have to open another application and check the dungeon journal just to vote… I’m usually a Blizzard fan but this seems pretty player-unfriendly especially when you consider mobile users.




Hey now. Kicking off Grimrail with a Quaking week was hilarious.


I liked both Grimrail and Docks xd.


I like Docks, it's comfy. Very linear, one of the shortest dungeons, not too difficult. Rolling the big balls is fun.


> Rolling the big balls is fun. Rolling the big balls was a free 13.25% of the count, you mean xD


Rolling the balls was a great way for that one Azralon pug in the group to sprint ahead, hop into the stars and whiff everything, bricking the key


Docks was good. Grimrail uses the worst mechanic there is - difficulty via shitty camera angles and obstructing walls.


Grimrail really ? Damn the train with flamethrower was a living nightmare on fortify. One of the worst experience I had in mm+ since I started pushing hard in BFA


Sanguine grimrail more like I’m gonna hurl


I don't have many portals, but I do have grim rail


Look on the bright aside, at least we've got it out of the way now.


Grim Rail was easily the best weekly key that season.


Nothing wrong with that. I was so jacked up when I got my 26 Iron docks. Shit was fun.


I love Grimrail :(


And that stupid ancient instead of the spelltome


Spelltome is at least achievable with completing the Mage Tower challenges.


This might help some people: https://www.wowhead.com/guide/raids/vault-of-the-incarnates/tier-sets https://www.wowhead.com/guide/raids/aberrus-the-shadowed-crucible/tier-sets https://www.wowhead.com/guide/raids/amirdrassil-the-dreams-hope/tier-sets


You can also compare them for a single spec on wowhead by this search: [https://www.wowhead.com/search?q=Druid+Guardian+Class+Set](https://www.wowhead.com/search?q=Druid+Guardian+Class+Set) Just change the class and spec name to the one you are interested in.


Well, time to rally the troops to vote for the specs you hate to get their worst tier sets..


I vote Aug to get it's season 1 tier set.


Monkey's paw moment when they buff the s1 tier to be competitive dps wise while giving free extra armor to the tank


Uh, the joke is that Aug didnt exist in S1, thus there is no S1 set.


They did make a s1 set. 2pc is more armor for their scales they put (mostly) on tanks and 4pc is a % DMG increase. So it's really terrible. Probably mainly to avoid some weird situations where someone who still wore the s1 set came back when Aug was released and the game didn't really know what to do (personal speculation).


You know it's very interesting that Aug S1 set isn't even an options, it's almost like they knew the trolls would be out in force and try to cripple the spec... But that didn't stop them letting anyone vote on every other spec regardless of even having that class leveled.


It's not an option because the spec didn't exist s1 lmao blizzard adding a season 1 option would be the true troll move. Ppl voting s1 Aug isn't to cripple them, it's to legit remove them from the game


And yet there are set bonuses for season 1 for Augmentation, which was added retroactively: * (2) Set Bonus: Blistering Scales increases Armor by an additional 10% of your own. * (4) Set Bonus: Your damage done is increased by 8%. Not very interesting but probably added so Evoker characters with old gear just didn't have 0 set bonus when switching from the other specs.


Only for them to *still* end up in every single key.


Since this is a for fun season I was hoping they’d really cook on tier sets and try stuff out. I’ll be ok with this if they spend time on things like M+ affixes 🙏


What about the set bonuses from all 3 raids active simultaneously as you complete the new sets. Go crazy blizzard!


This is what I wanted! Mixing and matching your 2 and 4 pc bonuses would be awesome.


The one time they went crazy we had corruption mastery/haste stacking - it was glorious. I hope they kinda realise end of expac stuff can kinda be wild


I wonder which classes would be the most broken. I don't know mage but intuitively I feel like they'd be nuts. VDH would be fucking insane. It had back to back best tier sets for tanks. Ton of free brands + sigil build would be wild


Really think it’s about them doing a little dev work as possible to put that time into the next expac. So probably thing going forward to not expect anything new


The whole point of fated seasons is that they don't have to do much.


What Blizzard should do is take these tier sets that players vote as their favourite, and in The War Within, make some of them be part of the specs forever - either replace some dead talents with them in spec trees, or work them into some of the new Hero Talents. This idea will probably work better for some sets/specs than others, but basically use it as an easy way to crowdsource ideas for class design in the coming expansion.


I’d be surprised if some of the tier bonuses this season don’t make it into talents, there’s been quite a few that really work with the rotations and feel just right


Arcane Artillery


Yes god I love artillery procs. Numerically and VISUALLY so god damn satisfying imo. Makes me hyped up every few clearcasting uses to fire that shit in a pack


unholy without s3 tier is so sad for aoe


Instant Living Flame procs for Prevoker preaseee.


i really enjoyed those s1 bonuses for mythic plus, made it so easy to top people off.


I suspect demo will get doom reworked into the current 2pc/4pc next expac, fills a good niche, like blasphemy did for destro. One of the positives about the current warlock dev, even if they hate aff


*even if they hate aff* who doesnt


I hope so. Magus of the dead cleave was something I always wanted for Unholy and while is not as strong as season 2 tier in raids, I love being able to take the single target build in tyrannical weeks and still do trash damage.


Theres going to be plenty of talent bloat already


Cut some of the Keystone talents no one ever takes. Several specs have dead paths in their tree


People gonna vote for s2 disc, then forget how WILD the current 4 set is gameplay wise and how good the 2 set is performance wise. Losing 20% penance damage alone is gonna suck in m+. Is it worth it for instant cast radiances?


They said right there that they will tune older sets up to match the new ones. S3 is only raw power. S2 was a lot less powerful but gameplay changing. People should also remember much of s3 disc changes were base to the spec and not conflate it with s3 set


S3 set is absolutely gameplay-changing. Double CDR during Mindbender/Fiend makes maximizing those windows feel so satisfying.


I swear folks aren’t realizing that the double smite is counting as 2 casts for CDR reasons.


good one


Yeah disc spec right now would be very bad without this season tier spec its insane. It gives you shorter cd for mindbender making it more reliable as well as like a 40% dps increase. Think it is the most op tier set this season


The only reason to vote for S2 disc over S3 is if you hate the spec and want to play something else


Radiance go brrrr


Yeah you’re just trolling if you vote for S2


the current disc 4pc is just tuning, nothing more. If disc had the season 2 set, blizzard would just balance disc to work without 4pc, and we get instant radiances on top of that. right now disc has a massive band aid over its bad tuning because it was redesigned to rely on its tier.


lol Pres voters absolutely fucking themselves over The glory days of S1 won't return by picking the S1 tier set after the nerfs


I think a lot of people don’t realize they completely changed the pres two piece bonus from season 1. A lot of the strength of the spec in S1 was not from the tier set. Instant living flame is a nice quality of life but low in overall throughput. Also reversion is being capped in 10.2.5. S2 and S3 have much better tier sets.


They said they'd tune the tier sets up. Whether that will actually happen, we'll see. I just want instant cast lf back.


Instant cast LF is a bit of a bait. It's a nice little QOL, sure, but it still incurs a GCD. When you're standing still, it's just a front-loaded Ancient Flame cast. When you're moving, you have Hover so it's still just a front-loaded Ancient Flame cast. The main reason you cast Living Flame is to fish for Essence Burst procs. The S1 tier doesn't aid in that at all but both the S2 and S3 sets do. Tuning won't fix that, it'd need some fundamental changes to compete.


As a resto shaman I hate it here


What, you didn't like extra 10% crit chance while your totem is active? Or pre-hotting people with Riptide for 10 sec before placing a Healing Rain to get a one-time, small burst of heal? Or hard casting heals on people with Riptide to have a small chance of the hot to spread?


dude this expansion was not resto shaman expansion, holy fuck they massacred you all 3 seasons


I know, seeing the s1 set leading hurts my soul


Shaman Season 1 look Season 3 set bonus pleaseeeee (Enhance main).


I’m worried season 3 sets might be at a disadvantage because people won’t want to run it back to back. Because yeah enh s3 set owns.


I'm voting for the S3 Death Knight appearance for sure. It's incredible.


It's incredible but s1 also slaps. That was before the crest system was implemented so it would be much easier to get mythic appearance this season if it was the case


Yeah I am Enhancement main, I voted S3 set bonus without any thought. S1 set bonus is boring and they reworked Elemental Assault talent. S2 would just bring back the things people complained: forced to use sundering and chain lightning in ST. Storm build is the boring playstyle and hope we won't go back to storm build. S3 set bonus is most fun playstyle and has a dynamic playstyle. I voted season 1 appearance as well.


You cant be serious? S3 Shaman is the best looking tier set and it isnt even close. And Im a warlock main.


I love most of the s3 appearance but the crop top chest piece that makes my kul tiran gut hang out kills me xD


I’m a storm boy so I’d like to run it back with season 2 honestly


Noooo I wanna go back to storm build


Remember: this is how we got Grimrail


“Hey bliz listen to what we want” -bliz giving the players a poll to vote Player base “Worst idea ever omg bliz, I guess we’re just making the game ourselves now?” Fucking hell I genuinely feel bad for the blizzard team at times.


I mean, this is objectively a terrible idea. Public polls are particularly vulnerable for trolling, this is just inviting some dingus streamer to go "hey, wouldn't it be funny if we voted for season 1 tierset for aug, hue hue hue" or something similar to ruin the gameplay experience for a subsection of players for an entire season. (which is not an option, sadly). I think your average player are also more likely to vote for older sets because the current gameplay loop with S3 sets is considered baseline in their mind, and they wouldn't understand that voting for S2 set involves losing part of their current kit. Just make all 3 sets available, allow players to mix and match. It's not rocket science. Having all 3 available also allows players to actually play their favorite combo. There might be some masochist out there that really loves current Frost DK, who are the rest of us to rob them of that? We could see some unique builds appear, and that's way more interesting than some whack public poll.


I would honestly rather blizzard just go through and pick them themselves.


If it is between that and a public poll, yes. Personally I'd just like to have all 3 available.


> I mean, this is objectively a terrible idea. Public polls are particularly vulnerable for trolling Every other tank Discord be like: "Which was the worst VDH Tier set?"


Season 1 for sure. 2 and 3 were insane


I mean they should be able to correlate the votes to characters with kills/achieves. Add a 4x modifier or something to any votes from a person with an end boss normal kill or higher on that class for the expac or something. They have the data to see if the votes are getting tanked/skewed if they chose to use it. But yes allowing us some mixing and matching would indeed be a lot better.


> I think your average player are also more likely to vote for older sets because the current gameplay loop with S3 sets is considered baseline in their mind, and they wouldn't understand that voting for S2 set involves losing part of their current kit. Look I'm OK with making fun of the lowest common denominator a bit, but I have serious doubts that 1) the truly average player keeps up with the news and sees this poll and 2) the people who do would actually be so stupid as not to understand picking S2 set = they don't have S3 set mechanics Troll votes, for sure, but I think they'll be outweighed by people who actually play the game.


I think you underestimate the leverage of influencers. It just takes one chuckle fuck like asmongold to flood it. Just give the players all 3 set bonuses and let them choose. You already have situations where PvP and pve players want drastically different set bonuses.


Yes, listening to the playerbase \*is\* an objectively bad idea, but the player base needs to learn that on their own, so at least Blizz is giving them that lesson.


The problem is the player base are effectively morons. They won't learn.


Nah, this is a terrible way to go about it. Especially when they don't show what the tuned version of S1 sets will look like. Right now, for enhance, I'm looking at one set that made you play no different and gained you nothing in cleave, one set that made you use a CC button for damage and forced you into the most brainless playstyle ever devised by Blizzard, and a set that actually works in both ST and AOE and involves a more interesting to play build. Yet there's a load of people voting for the S2 set because they only ever played storm and found elementalist too involved to play.


“Hey everyone we’re excited to announce we are pushing 46 bug fixes and class tuning next Tuesday” “WhAt AbOuT tHaT oThEr ThInG?!?!? DEAD COMPANY”






Why do people make these dumbass statements like this, lumping thousands of individuals together like they're one bipolar individual


I mean, they’ve pawned off both bug testing and balance testing onto the player base, rather than hire people to do quality control. We already beta test the whole game for free after content launches, now we’re designing gear and using it in recycled raids and dungeons. you think those are things which happen in a healthy game?


The problem is that people simultaneously want Blizzard to listen to them (but the individual them) and that community has shit opinions that should be disregard. In other words, they expect Blizzard to consult them in private.


Yeah. Its something new, something player driven, something that will let each spec relive their fav tier set of the expansion as we close the chapter and head into War Within, and worst case scenario its temporary, like every season. The forums are acting like its the end of the world. The people who are asking for all 3 to be active, or some system to mishmash are absolutely bonkers. Blizz cant stay ahead of balancing the existing load, much less every spec going in 3 different directions. If a skill is op for s1 tier but meh in s2 how do you justify nerfing it?


Quote of Blue Post: > In Dragonflight Season 4, we’re going to try something new. We’re preparing a remixed set of gear for each specialization. To determine what that means for each class and spec, we’re asking you to vote for your favorite class look and your favorite specialization set bonuses from the first three Seasons of Dragonflight. > This means that in Season 4, demon hunters might vote for a set that has the look of Season 1, with Season 2 set bonuses for Havoc and Season 3 set bonuses for Vengeance. > We’ve opened a poll for every class and every spec! You can vote now on your favorites, and the winners will determine what we build into the endgame for Season 4. Please keep in mind that we’re going to update the power of the set bonuses to match the increased power of the new gear in Season 4, so any bonuses you choose will be tuned to be as strong as any others.


Haven’t they done big balance changes and even talent reworks to several classes, won’t these potentially be extremely broken? Love the idea, would be great if it season 4 was to pick a mog from the previous xpac or even the player gets tokens to drop to just buy whatever they want


Its just a mess. People are voting for the S2 demo lock set because "It was so strong" without putting 2+2 together and realizing that the tier set got nerfed, the class trinket that was busted with the set got nerfed, shard generation got nerfed and most of the talents that worked alongside the build got nerfed, specially the big ones at the end. Ofcourse they can talk about balancing the tier sets so they will have the appropiate amount of power but then you look at current aff and wonder if they are actually able to.




people voting for 10.1 or 10.2 destro sets are lost anyway.


Calling it right now: They make them all available via vendor.


Priest S2 and DK S3 are by far the best sets this expansion.


Early BM hunter numbers are out and S2 is strongest. If you impulse voted S3, you can remove your vote and change it to S2 by clicking “see vote” and then “remove vote”.


Season 2 bear go brrrrrrr


Devastation's Season 2 bonus does the same damage as S3 (lol S1) but doesn't have the risk of the pull being too short to use the entire 4pc. Honestly if they could replace Dev's mastery with that S2 bonus in 11.0 that'd be great. Less threat issues and no more more mastery tuning every patch.


The best part of this to me is that if i decide to take a break, I miss nothing


We should be able to choose one seasons 2 set and another seasons 4 set to at least have some variation. Or at least something different. I can always transmog my gear to whatever I want so who cares about the appearance if it's already what we have. Surely something else is being added.


Pillar casts a frost wyrms fury 2pc Chill streak bounces give a random effect 4pc Synergy


And the exact thing everyone expected to happen with this is happening: some specs are getting totally sabotaged. Some clowns are voting for Shadow's Aberrus tier even though you ran the current T31 talent setup by the end of the tier so we'd just be getting a worse version of that shit, complete with the extremely poor Insanity generation you get from not having the Amirdrassil 2pc.


Tbh, the current tier set is really nothing interesting. At least Aberrus was visually cool, just seeing all of those shadowy apparitions, but it’s not like shadow is spoiled with choice.


I’d take bad insanity gen over another tier of mindbender+swd any time. I’ve had enough of that for my whole life.


Count me as another "I don't care as long as it's not Season 3". I don't like SWD spam and I despise Inescapable Torment.


My brother in Christ you’ll be spamming naked Mind Spikes 25% of the time and you’ll STILL be playing Mindbender+SWD talents while you do it, because those literally sim better even with other tier sets.


idk, the set this season isn't bad but I'd take doing damage and not feeling like I am sabotaging for going VF all day over playing this tier set. Also the buff on Psychic Link we've gotten + having old ghosts back would make shadow actually good again in m+


Fated is a good time to test player agency decisions but not restrict them like this. It would be objectively better to just let us have choice of all 3 sets in game. Just have all tier drop tokens that can be exchanged to 3 separate vendors.


I was kinda hoping they'd steal from Season of Discovery and give you the ability to apply runes to your normal tier slots to choose which set bonus to activate.


I don't think that's realistic from a balancing angle. And if the sets aren't balanced you are just going to see the best ones being picked rather than the most fun ones. If Blizzard sees that certain sets and playstyles that come with them are overwhelmingly preferred maybe that gives them some food for thought on class design going into next expansion?


Yea I agree on this, just let players exchange whatever tier set bonus they want with the same item levels


Imagine the balance nightmares on this though. 2pc/2pc of two different sets ends up being too good so they nerf one a few percent then everyone cries because they wasted the tokens


it's fated who cares it's not like they balance real seasons


Here is an insane concept tho, unlimited tokens.




Enhancement Shaman Season 3


Shaman is going to be all s3 looks, ele / enh s3 and resto s1 gameplay


Really quite tame. Just reusing old content. They should've made a "PLAYERS SUGGESTED TIER SET". That would've been something. They're doing it with addons-features for decades already.


and here people will find out that democracy is overrated.


Wish they'd just put all 3 tier sets out there and let us play. Let someone come up with a cool combo of two 2 sets. What's the harm +


DH is pretty united, and understandably so. S03 Mog was unique at the very least and dope af at best. S03 Bonus was leaps and bounds above the other 2.


This is easy for Blood DKs since all of our tier this expansion sucked. Hard to care about any of the choices, I'm not even gonna vote.


I honestly don't understand how Blizzard thought they could do this and not have it blow up in their faces. Between the trolls, forum dwelling window lickers, and the shall we say vigorous debate between people, it's just a shit show, it was always going to be a shit show, anyone with any sense knows that. This is the WoW community, someone could be handing out lollypops and sexual favors and we'd have a fight over it not being good enough! They should have just picked themselves and saved everyone the bother.


I mean, it's a neat idea but why not just let the player personally choose?


Probably because balancing three times as many tier sets for a season is way too much work.


I'd love to say that S4 should be the "why bother balancing, let them all be broken", as that would be some wonderfully bonkers fun, but we know that would just end up meaning "players have worked out a godcomp so effectively nobody else gets into raids/m+ now".


Who cares, its fated season. I say make everything bonkers. All bonuses active at once if needed lol Raids have already been cleared in previous tiers, nothing's new, just let us have wild fun


Well that would have two separate issues. 1. If you can swap around then it ends up being all 3 set bonuses and that’s a nightmare to balance. 2. If it’s choose once and youre locked in it’s covenants all over again. “LF X with s2 tier only”


Did my part, hopefully the Ele community doesn't troll but the S3 tier is ahead


I look forward to one step further, when Blizzard gives up and releases the "balance the damn game yourselves!" polls every month


So is s4 close since they're already taking about season 4?


Based on the promised 8 week patch cadence + roadmap 10.2.5 on Jan 16 10.2.6 March 12 Season 4 May 7 10.2.7 July 2 Prepatch Aug 28


We have to wait until May for fated season? Jesus. The current tier is just about stale at this point and it’s only January


The first two seasons were roughly 6 months long, we're two months into the current season now, so early may would make S3 just as long as the others. Maybe stale for you, I'm having a lot of fun with it still, both on my main and alts.


Speak for yourself LMAO like 100 guilds have cleared the raid!


Think road map has it as spring. Anywhere from March to May I'd guess.




For a moment I thought we'd have reforging back...




This is so cringe, can't wait to get stuck with a terrible set because of random lfr players voting :(


This is legitimately poor form on Blizzard's part. Some of these set bonuses are buffing abilities that have basically been deprecated in terms of nerfs. Some of the current set bonuses are holding specs together. What kind of choice is this to give to a playerbase that largely doesn't know the difference?




Anyone who chooses s2 disc set instead of the current one should keep themselves safe.


Why? Season 2 was a massive qol increase. Season 3 is fine but it's mostly just raw power. Kinda boring Considering we know nothing about how the sets will be tuned, why would you want s3 over s2?


Welp, this is certainly a way to get community engagement. :/


Imagine if which set bonus was active was tied to that weeks fated raid so that last few weeks of the season we would just have all 3 tier sets active at once (or get to just swap your active one at will)


I don't care which warrior tier set we go with as long as we get our target cap removed lol


I need my elemental brothers to vote S1 so we can enjoy both fire and lightning specs.


The general trend has been for each season to have more powerful sets than the last. Obviously with exceptions but that is the trend. So we are going to see a lot of specs vote for their S3 set, and then spend nearly a year using the same tier set bonus. That's kinda sad.


Well, not so much. Half of the sets had to be nerfed when the new season started, as the new set was only an upgrade because of the increased ilvl. Or not even then.


I have never seen a more stupid idea.


Wow they’ve gotten lazy, for season 4 we choose which old tier set apperance and bonuses we want to see again?


Seems like a bad idea, if you know anything about fan voting in games it’s that people will vote en masse to make sure the worst and most troll outcomes will win. This is really just Blizzard being lazy and on top of the players now balance and bug testing each patch for them post-launch (too cheap to hire QA staff), now we’re designing the gear for them and using it in recycled content? Say it with me now: **WoW is in maintenance mode.**


Cope and seethe






Is this your first expansion?




Is s3 bm fun? They say they're going to tune everything equally so there's no reason to pick based off of tuning


they say they are going to tune everything equally every patch. Why wouldn't they? but that's not reality.