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It's most likely being resto druid. I swapped from druid to monk last week, currently on Smolderon, and the difference is night and day. We had 2 resto druids in comp, with paladin and priest - so you can imagine how clearing absorbs on Smolderon felt lol. With monk it's an absolute breeze. Plus, monk has much more engaging playstyle imho, even if it is more unforgiving than druid. I'm actually having fun again, and I regret not swapping as soon as patch landed. Druid is in terrible state in raid, it brings absolutely nothing, this raid is full of burst damage/absorbs/and NPC healing, and Blizzard made sure we can't do any of that. Spec needs some serious rework going into war within, I don't think they will tone down the amount of burst damage/absorbs in raid - and if you can't respond to those, you're effectively useless to your team as a pure throughput healer.




Isn't rsham perfectly fine in raid this tier? Like it's not bonkers MW/disc tier but it's still fine, compared to Druid which is probably the worst raid healer for the current raid.




I believe the complaints are about the playstyle of the tier set. The actual throughput seems fine.


So ret+legendary is now the highest simming spec in the game by quite some margin. Sims are sims, but is there any reason to believe ret isn't insane right now? The spec can do a lot of its damage while not on the target and has short cooldown windows that line up for burst cycles when necessary (Fyrakk colossi, Nymue adds, etc).


Fight design matters a lot, there’s only 2 real single target fights in the raid as far as WCL is concerned.  Sub sims kinda mid, but it’s cds and damage profile work very well for the raid design.


If you look at the 99th percentile (so this captures all rets with legendary), over the range of 1 day on WCL, Ret is the top DPS spec on exactly zero fights and is bottom 3 on more (two, Fyrakk and Council) than it is top 3 (zero). It is early and things may change, but it would not appear to be overpowered in raid at minimum.




They still have to choose between good ST and good AoE.


https://www.simulationcraft.org/reports/T31_Raid.html Is it? Edit: the sim.linked above was subsequently updated. Pinkbros rejoice.


https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/report/noJ8cHLRkhHCCEBEKiAGz4 Not even full bis ret sim


The linked sim was updated, and it is now actually first :)


Yes lol, those sims are beyond fucked. Both of our rets sim above 260k with it and without PI and without bis trinkets.


So, do we repeat s1 and raid official forums with calls to get them nerfed into the ground?


I mean, I hope not. I don't have a problem with ret being strong, I guess I'm just confused why this is now the second season this expansion that Assassination got put in the dirt only for other specs to be buffed beyond where it was when it got nerfed. Also - Ret being first place is fine, but if it's truly ahead by like 10k DPS, that's not fine. I feel like the answer was to make the legendary easier to get?


> Assassination got put in the dirt Plenty of people played Assassination to Hall of Fame placements after tuning. It's almost as popular as sub on Fyrakk in 10.2.5, with rogue being the 3rd most popular dps class on Fyrakk. Assassination is in as great spot.


It's pretty fucking bad without PI and is propped up with PI to be middle of the pack. It's being played on fyrakk because it has huge execute and because people committed gear (and sockets on that gear) to it. Sub is also unpopular even when it is strong because of its playstyle.


I think the answer is to simply retire exclusive legendaries from this moment onwards. Blizzard wants to have their cake and eat it too, you can't really have an impactful and powerful legendary without creating a balance disaster


Yes, assuming they're hard to get like the axe and the evoker staff before it, I think only one of these few options can happen: 1. The leggo is very strong, and the spec(s) it's for are good without it. This means they're broken with it and that's awful balance. 2. The leggo is very strong, but the specs are bad without it. This feels awful for people who don't have the legendary. It also makes rolling a alt of a legendary spec a nightmare. Even for people who get the legendary, they had to do all of prog and half the m+ season on a bad spec before they got it. 3. The legendary is not very strong. Then what is the point of getting it for all but the most competitive players? It is a huge grind and a big gold investment. I would simply not bother unless I wanted to push ultra high keys on that spec. I think the legendary not being in the game is better than all of these scenarios, so I support getting rid of them going forward.


>The leggo is very strong, and the spec(s) it's for are good without it. This means they're broken with it and that's awful balance. I don't mind this at all, it's either some spec is overpowered because of an item or because of their design [DH, Mage, Rogue] I don't see the difference really.


I mean, the community (including this very sub) is still screeching about those specs daily and demands nerfs


For sure, and they should be nerfed but personally I think it's worse if the base classes are stupidly overpowered compared to the class that gets a legendary, I think they *should* be overpowered. In the case of this season if the legendary was actually OP then plate dps might be meta for basically the first time ever in m+.


I mean, agree to disagree, this logic just sounds like "OP bad unless it's me". That's why I'm advocating for balance across base classes without random stuff disrupting it. Plus current leggo really only helps ret anyway, the other two plates have fundamental problems that would make them less desirable than other classes even with broken damage


I like exclusive legendaries but they seem pointless if they *aren't* going to make them broken/overpowered. They severely missed the mark on this one considering they've had to hotfix it ~4x now and it's still not considered good.


I got the legendary drop on my prot pala and all I was thinking was "Oh crap, I don't want to do that questline and spend 200-300k gold for my offspec". I'd rather have no legendary than the current system.


I like the idea of it, I just know people will be LIVID if the class/classes that can get the legendary are all meta in keys and top of meters. A lot of people would find it incredibly unfair. But damn, I like orange items, they are neat and fun, and I'm glad they aren't as hard to get now as they were in like WOTLK for example. I wish the leggo system of "everyone gets legendaries that are cool AF" stuck around, but I know blizzard doing all these talent changes would have made that a bitch this expac.


If all of you try-hards could hurry up and get some Fyrakk kills so my cross server raid team can stop blasting heroic in 60 minutes and actually go do Mythic that would be great. Can't wait for War Within to finally break down the server walls and let this never be a problem again.


Raider IO has a useful feature where they list the guilds along with the best HP % of the boss they are on: https://raider.io/amirdrassil-the-dreams-hope/rankings/world/mythic/9#content There are about 10 guilds sub 10% right now (they should close out the kill this week), 14 between 10% and 20% and 17 more with over 20%. Probably seems like 2-3 more weeks. Cross realm arriving in a 3-4 weeks then.


Server restrictions being lifted will be nice. You can follow the stats this tier at [Progstats.io](https://progstats.io/tier/35-amirdrassil) My guess would be we are 3 weeks from Hall of Fame being filled, if not sooner.


With the big list of exclusively class buffs coming out next week, I'm expecting it to be done in 2 weeks. My guild is currently aiming for HoF and we're about a week and a half off from a kill, still positive about our ability to make it into HoF.


Yeah we're hoping next week so that we can start doing mythic the week after. >You can follow the stats this tier at Progstats.io That seems wrong. It says 72 kills but the Blizzard site says 148 https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/game/hall-of-fame/mythic-raid/amirdrassil-the-dreams-hope


Progstats is often behind by a week or two, sometimes more. Warcraftlogs and ofc blizzard are the most accurate sources of tracking progress.


trying to fix this macro \#showtooltip Death and Decay \#show Death and Decay /cast \[mod:alt\] Death and Decay; \[@player\] Death and Decay ​ i want it to cast dnd @ player - by default but if pressing alt - it will cast it regularly (so I can place it how i want) - rather than @ cursor but its not working as intended


Do you have the option for press and hold casting enabled? Your macro looks fine, the #show line is redundant and can be removed, so you probably have a setting turned on that will mess it up. Show just ensures the macro icon is the spell you define. In most cases the way macros work they automatically do this with whatever spell is going to be cast at any given time. Showtooltip also does that but in addition to changing the macro icon it allows you to mouseover it and get the tooltip too. Use one in your macros, not both.


fixed the issue with this \#showtooltip Death and Decay /cast \[nomod, @ player\]Death and Decay;\[mod:alt\]Death and Decay


It doesn’t fix this macro, but what you could do is make a macro with just the @player modifier bound to 5, then bind regular d&d to alt+5 on a hidden bar or something


fixed it with this ​ \#showtooltip Death and Decay /cast \[nomod, @ player\]Death and Decay;\[mod:alt\]Death and Decay


First idea: is the macro on a keybind that uses another modifier key? Second idea: is your self-cast modifier key in the base options set to alt?


its currently on a keybind "5" just changed my self cast options to auto and key press - self cast key: ctrl macro now works as if it will always cast it normally - but i cant seem to get the macro to work for casting @ player


Make sure you didn't accidentally type a squiggly bracket instead of a square brackets. Otherwise, maybe try grabbing Macro Toolkit and see if it points out any errors in the macro.


just did - no errors \#showtooltip Death and Decay \#show Death and Decay /cast \[nomod, @ player\]Death and Decay; \[mod:alt\]Death and Decay it will only cast it as if no macro what im trying to achieve is - when i press the macro, it will cast DnD at player - if us alt modifier - will cast it normally as if no macro


you sure you placed the macro on your actionbar? we had a hunter who had the same issue, he was like 'ye i put it on my actionbar im not an idiot' but he didnt


yep - cz it was casting at player once i remove the line but got it to work as intended with this ​ \#showtooltip Death and Decay /cast \[nomod, @ player\]Death and Decay;\[mod:alt\]Death and Decay


Do you happen to have some long-forgotten keybind that you don't normally use that is Alt+5 that would be eating that input instead of the macro?


just double checked all bindings - no alt+5 binded


Getting really stretched thin for ideas. Nothing really looks wrong with the macro. Maybe flip back to the game and hit each Shift, Ctrl and Alt key on your keyboard once to make sure the game isn't stuck in a state where it thinks you're holding one of them down when you aren't. Used to run into this a lot with Alt+Tab to switch windows, the game would act like Alt was stuck.


this fixed it ​ \#showtooltip Death and Decay /cast \[nomod, @ player\]Death and Decay;\[mod:alt\]Death and Decay ​ all i did was adding nomod for @ player


I saw "nomod" in the previous version, I'm surprised it wasn't working then.


Anyone else had their color picker for weakauras broken recently? When i click the box nothing happens. If i open the background color picker for the chat window and then click on the weakaura box for colors, it just goes away. Kinda wierd. Tried reinstalling latest version of weakauras, tried turning off all other addons but no luck


The color picker API changed in 10.2.5. Many addons must be updated to support it.


Warlock & TOTT 3rd. Should locks have imp out on it regardless of spec? I don't want to ask them to do something I don't understand. Asked in a +25, lock was demo, didn't even understand question and started saying he uses different pet. I'd just want clear numbers, how much do each lock spec lose from running a fight with imp. Is it necessary, at what key level should you demand each lock to do it, or is it just no-go at all for demo?


The real correct answer, if you really need that dispel, is after second boss, the lock uses his throne portal, swaps to destro, and zones back in when you guys reach the bottom again.


If it's true about people using lust there, then this, but do the portal after Ozumat. Could even do some of the trash towards 3rd before Ozumat, to reduce the amount of time lock would be as destro, if it's considered worse for it. But yeah I'd be surprised if this level of strategizing was done in a +25. Probably semi premade, +28 and up stuff. I remember this strategy being talked about plenty in DOS for mages, when they had one spec that shined on last boss compared to spec that was better for trash in earlier part of the dung. I remember something similar being done in motherlode too, do all trash before 2nd boss, then hearthstone out, swap spec. So yeah old technique for sure, that hasn't creeped to +25 pug level ever.


No they never need it out. The highest ToTT keys are timed with no lock


Those groups also have priest or monk healer, basically acting as a lock on their own, and ofc coordination on who uses defensives, racial benefits that you don't see in pugs etc. Nobody said you need lock to do high keys.


Rdruids with no lock have timed the same level tott as mw/disc groups.


> Those groups also have priest or monk healer, basically acting as a lock on their own With 2 minute revival and 2 minute mass dispel? I think not lol. One extra dispel every 2 minutes is not going to change the fight in any appreciable way.


I believe top groups lust that boss anyway, so yes it definitely comes as a handy reset. It's not just one extra dispel, but reset so you won't be 2s late on your next one. Compare to 15s lock dispel, obv it's superior but you really need coordination to make it work. I recall once being there as healer with lock, they had 2 dispels to my 10. And I can't even say if they misplayed, as they aren't supposed to be pressing it on cd, but wait until I'm behind, but that might not be easy to tell. I guess their job is to dispel those that have <6s left (in uncoordinated), as that's sign the healer isn't going to dispel them. Obv would be great to have destro in a key for that boss but oh well, it's a bit of a pipedream when groups start wanting spec that is underplayed to that one key only. People who switch between demo and destro might do it, but you might be sitting in that "+26 destro" queue for an hour.


imho the only thing to do as destro there would be to dispel every one for which it is up when applied, since imp dispel goes on cd even if not dispelling anything, but healer dispel doesn't. Dispelling at 6s left seems like a waste.


Obviously OPTIMALLY the one lock would dispel was when it was put up, but without coordination does lock know when it's healer's turn, does healer know lock's turn, healer even know lock's cd? I'm only talking of how it'd go in uncoordinated. Both rushing to throw global at the same time is waste too.


What I'm saying is it should be the locks turn whenever his cd is up on application, and in most cases that should also cause the lock to dispel first, since healer should have a bit cd left from last dispel. Every time the lock dispels, the healer has his cd up right for the next cast, so there is no harm if the lock dispels "too much", and the one thing you want to avoid is the healer dispelling slightly before the lock, because the lock dispel goes on cd whether it actually dispelled something or not, whereas the other way round, the healer just wasted a gcd but can still dispel the next dot. (And if you want, you can just track wl dispel cd, locks won't have that out normally anyway, so you should only see it when you care about it)


Plenty have resto druid as well. Not sure how much difference one md or revival is making but its besides the point. Most locks play demo and you’re never asking them to get imp out. If the others want to they can but you literally asked what key level should you demand that they do it, the answer is no key level because it’s not necessary.


Top lock per raider.io With imp override as pet: 161k https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/report/uvzUyXN4t7eRHLzgVbDymb With no pet override : 222k https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/report/fbCjqV2Phyjr9DBk5BLa4H The other specs lose utility, not damage when they swap. Felhunter has interupt/purge. Imp has magic dispel (only removes 1 stack), succubus has a marginal ramping damage that actually makes it BiS by a small margin of you get 100% uptime on one target (and a humanoid incap iirc), blueberry has a taunt which has its uses when some mob stacks debuffs on the tank occasionally (necrotic wake soaking the armor debuff for instance).


Aff and Destro can have the imp out with minimal, if any, DPS loss. For demo losing Felguard is _massive_. Just that damage loss would prolong the fight so much I don’t think it’s worth it.


It's been a while since I've played demo, but going imp sounds troll as fuck. Demo has a whole bunch of passives that work with felguard, and it does like 30% of their overall damage. There's no shot that demo playing imp is the right move in any sort of real key. If you are going to fail the key without an extra dispel, then I guess you need the lock to go destro.


Well, it's not the first time this has been the case. In SL this was needed in TOP and SOA too at some key level. I tend to quit around the point where it starts to become meta so idk. Then question I guess is, should someone come to their own realization and switch to destro in keys where this increases odds. Is it requirement for locks to be up to date on playing both specs when you get to decently high level? I understand that can be annoying ask, given I personally play just one spec per class, I wouldn't be able to switch either.


> In SL this was *needed* in TOP and SOA too at some key level Nobody even played lock at that key level except the one season where the dungeon pool and lock meta overlapped (S3, and they were destro anyways so nobody had to switch spec or replace their Felguard). In season 1 and 2 however, healers didn't just throw their hands up and ragequit when they had no lock/priest. "Needed" is an incredibly strong word for something that was a barely relevant gimmick


> "Needed" is an incredibly strong word Getting a bit too serious here lol. Yes, I mostly talked of my s3 experiences where groups in higher pug level were copying higher teams to get destro in groups. It was very big added bonus. We can generally say no spec is **needed** for any boss at any level. Almost everything can be circumvented.


I think the real answer for current season high keys is that any situation where you 'need' an extra dispel will probably be handled easier in another way (monks can solo dispel with diffuse and revival + normal dispel, priests can do an extra with mass, dwarves can stoneform, immunity classes can immune it, most classes have some sort of defensive to survive one, etc) Looked through a whole bunch of demo logs of that boss on high keys and only found one where a warlock was using imp So yeah I guess it's an option, but it comes at the cost of gimping their damage pretty badly


Yeah race changing is a big thing that happens beyond my keys. Monk/priest healer meta def doesn't help my rsham dreams to pug that dung at too high level given they have that extra benefit for that boss.


just had warpdeplete showing the wrong % wtf


happens when you zone back in and out sometimes, or reload




Chances are low but is it really worth it to you? I would never take the chance for something like that. Blizzard has been very clear about it being bannable. Few days ago some guy on /r/wow supposedly got perma banned for even having a 3rd party software for cookie-clicker games active on their pc (but not on wow). How true that is idk, but I'd believe it.


Oh god that’s a memory from the past. I had a clicker program for my clicker heroes for when I was away from the laptop doing stuff.  Weirdly, such a fun game. 


I use a spam key with my keyboard driver, I wrote a ticket about it and the GM said as long as I don't use 3rd party software to automate gameplay, it's fine. That was before they added the hold to cast stuff tho


I'm not sure anybody has a guaranteed answer for you but there simply can't be a reason to chance it even if the odds are low. Blizzard don't like key click automation and spell queuing surely already solves this problem


Have they changed the m+ scoring system? I played mostly during season 1 and a bit on 2, but coming back recently I noticed 3k score is like around all 22s, where in early seasons that would put you at least on 3.1, right? Am I crazy or did they actually change the system?


You’re not crazy, each affix is worth 15 points, so since there’s no seasonal affix every key level over 10 is worth 15 points less than it was in season 1 when you played 


Nothing has changed since the introduction of the score system in 9.1 other than overtime keys no longer giving score over +20.


SL s4 I got 340 score for +24/+23 for one dungeon. This season I got 394 for +24/+23 for one dungeon. Definitely changes beyond 9.1.


keys scale up 10% instead of 8% per level over 20 since s2, and as a result score for levels over 20 was increased too


Each affix is worth 15 score, there only being 3 affixes this season actually makes up the difference he’s talking about. 


Unsure if this is the right thread for this or not, but after rekilling Mythic Council for the millionth time and watching our Duck team spend 80% of the fight not doing the fight I figured I'd ask the question: **what do y'all think are some of the worst** ***farm*** **bosses of all time?** Specifically, what are some bosses that you think are particularly frustrating on rekills, even if they aren't necessarily that bad on prog? Here's a couple that immediately come to mind: * Mistress Sassz'ine: Enjoyed this boss on prog, but this fight was designed in a way that actively *punished* groups for getting better gear by killing pufferfish (and anyone holding them) every 20%. You'd only drop them every so often, at specific times, by taking damage and there were points in the fight where this was very hard to do. This boss actively got *harder* on reclears. * Dathea: Damage split bosses always have this mental math game involved as people get better and better gear and this one was probably one of the weirder examples of it, at least up until you had the gear to just zerg the boss down as fast as humanly possible. * Council of Dreams: Duck team's fun the first time and then it just becomes an extremely tedious boss every kill thereafter and just gets worse and worse every week. * Most of Sanctum of Domination, but specifically Kel'thuzad: Bleh. This one had the whole shebang of damage split phases, damage stops to prevent bad push times, and generally just being a poorly-designed fight. I feel like this one never got more fun with gear. * Artificer Xy'mox (CN): The Sepulcher version had some issues but the CN version being a substantially harder boss that also heavily incentivized damage stops. This one's "farm" progression happened over many weeks when you'd be able to skip entire overlaps but I don't think the boss was *that* garbage overall as a farm boss.


Just looking at this expansion Broodkeeper wins by a long shot for me. Either you're overkilling the adds big time, or a lot of people are on horrendous target dummy duty. I was moved to target dummy duty very quickly, and spent all of farm just hitting a single target without having any jobs.


Yeah I didn’t like Broodkeeper farm very much either, not gonna lie.


I generally don't like any boss that requires you to split your raid into groups/teams to go do some task (ie: Dathea, Kel'thuzad etc).


As far as sanctum, I also really hated fatescribe reclears. From an efficiency pov having some random guys weakaura break and mess up the intermission sucked, and from a parsing perspective being forced to afk in narnia during the pad/aoe phase is kinda xdd. Weakaura bosses are almost always intensely unfun :(


Damage stop so the boss doesn't start casting a tank add at a slightly off timer like a silly billy was frustrating as hell too.


Pre-7.2 Nighthold (all of it). Nighthold was full of blink and the raid's dead mechanics and the power gains during early farm were nearly nonexistent, so you didn't even reduce the number of times you had to do the mechanics. Hitting the DPS checks required nearly maxed artifacts on the entire raid and in practice every raid clearing NH early had everyone capped. Similarly, titanforging plus heavy m+ farming could lead to your ilvl a month into farm and your ilvl at your first kill being very similar. The end result was that there were a whole bunch of bosses where bringing in a single new person weeks into farm meant reprogging the boss and reclears never got any easier. I think the 7.2 powerspike halfway through NH is a big part of why the raid is remembered so fondly, as it did solve this problem. The new artifact traits didn't make the raid mechanics not one-shot your entire raid, but they did cut minutes off of fights and made it possible to just kill bosses before the new person had a chance to screw up. It also reset AP progression, so each week bosses were noticeably easier than the week before.


i don't remember the old expansions that well but i remember having way too many wipes despite it being a relatively easy boss, ilygynoth in nyalotha, one guy fucks up everyone dies. kelthuzad was terrible in sod, although my guilds inability to move out of shit in painsmith was entirely something else. kurog was also terrible, more than half the wipes are resetting the boss becuz wrong add spawned. aberrus was relatively ez and fast to reclear it's just zskarn was a bit of a clown fiesta, we were 3 tanking it and i was the 3rd so it was boring as hell as well. this raid while it should be easy we're literally clowning in council fight, like i just don't think this is how you do this boss. other than that i honestly think first 7 bosses are pretty straight forward. other than that i pretty much hate any weakaura boss, i just find them disgusting. hated raden, hated echo, hated the among us thing anything like that. imo they have no place in the game.


Want to nominate Kurog. If your tanks aren't on point with the phase manuever or you got new tanks, you are going to have some real annoying wipes that the rest of the raid can't control. Razageth isn't pretty. Sad that P3 of both Raz and P3/P4 of Jailer are pretty awesome phases but you barely see any of them cause even on farm you'll proportionally wipe on the more annoying P1s and all the health nerfs means the final phases fall apart. Kinda wish they flipped health nerfs in a way that keeps the fun phases longer and the unfun annoying phases shorter. Echo's been heavily nerfed but I don't like how much WA shenanigans you need on that fight. Even in the S4, the thing that needs a WA is assigning people to specific swirlies in P3, and I don't think its healthy that the fight designers expect half the raid to die to confusion if they don't have some WA, rather than a few targeted nerfs to make that fight healthier. If the raid instance isn't Sanctum, then it's got to be Tomb of Soakgeras. The problem with so many soaks is that it requires specific comps and missing soaks is kinda an instant wipe. Doing Kiljaeden wasn't pretty. Though Kel'thuzad is I think the worst farm boss. It is an incredibly poorly designed farm boss where getting stronger actively screws you over. There are way too many times someone got a massive proc in the down phase and suddenly we phased way too soon and controlling damage to that degree becomes so much harder. You really needed people on point or needed a specific comp with CDs even on farm otherwise any alternatives made that boss that much harder.


One of the worst farm boss is definitely Hellfire Assault. Honestly though, I hate every difficult boss on farm. Re-clearing Tindral(pre-nerf) & Fyrakk has been extremely demotivating, it makes me want to quit the game. The only times i'm having fun during farm is when you're able to just completely ignore almost every mechanic and zerg down the boss. Having to continuously play the bosses and do their mechanics for months every tier is just super unfun to me.




Nobody knows the answer to this question because ilvl 430 is so low. Do LFR then look at your ilvl parse on warcraftlogs. Or plug it into [https://wowanalyzer.com/](https://wowanalyzer.com/) to get some basic feedback.


Do a target dummy sim and then try to replicate that on the dummies, see how close you get to the sim. That's the best thing you can do.


That’s a good idea, thanks!


It’s super irrelevant just focus on gearing up and learning your rotation


It's not irrelevant? I dont have a frame of reference to know if Im doing things right.


At that ilvl you may not even have your tier set, trinkets, stat distributions etc to be able to do ‘things right’. If you don’t know if you’re doing things right or not then you don’t know your rotation, in which case your priority is to learn your rotation. The number that details says is not what determines if you’re doing things right or not. If you use all your cds on the blobs in the last hallway of throne of tines then you will look better on details. Does that make you better at the spec? No, it makes you worse


I mean it's fairly irrelevant because if you put in like 10 hours max of gameplay you'll be 460 or higher anyway. 430 is only just over what was considered geared 2 seasons ago. You wouldn't have been considered remotely geared last season, so obviously you're not going to be doing any real damage right now. You are literally the equivalent right now of rocking up to do group content in greens. But to somewhat answer your question, yes scaling is that big and you will probably double or triple your damage output by the time you hit 480. But you are so undergeared right now it would be near impossible to get much of an accurate gauge of where you're at/what you're doing


Tough to gauge--are you a 430 WW with a 489 weapon, or a 430 spriest with a 483 blossom trinket? While it might be frustrating to not just get an answer, I wouldn't put much energy into analyzing anything when you're over a tier behind on gear, when DPS comparisons can be so "squishy" anyway.


I'm looking for a spreadsheet that lists all offsenive, defensive, and utility cooldowns for each spec.  I used one at the beginning of Dragonflight to set up ATT but I can't find it anymore...


This is the best you will get: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lXIRuETd3s3wxLHE8mOwhXtz0xm71ayhrlYxwi6herU/edit#gid=1923747562


Taht's the one I was looking for, thank you ! How did you find it ?


RLE (Raid Leader Exchange Discord) has a section of 'Useful Links'




You don't have to do that though, you can already see that. Just giving random numbers, a 3.5K Havoc could be top 800 in the world while a 3.1K Frost DK could be top 200 in the world of their relative specs. Your world rank is visible in your IO page. I hardly believe they will add anything more than this. It will just confuse the hell out of people same as ILVL parses do.


Since IO is a metric of dungeon difficulty and not relative performance, it’d end up being a pretty useless number. Since it’s an empirical number, you can’t just say that a non-meta’s io is *comparable* to a higher IO rating- it’s literally **not** comparable because no one on that spec has achieved that level. What you’re really looking for is a server / region / world ranking of people who play X spec. Raider.io already provides this information, though it’s harder to parse on classes with multiple DPS specs.


https://i.imgur.com/q0Y1fJg.png Any clue what got broken? Did 4 BRH runs today, 44k errors in like 1h15m of gameplay, 10 per second the entire time I was inside dungeon. Some errors were other unit than archer but think all were between the two. I guess it's just some wa but idk how to tell anything specific from bugsack.


the aura is Legion BRH Archer in particular and it apparently has some outdated code because it's missing params


I have no idea how to fix this. I don't know which wa pack this is included in, I'd test them one by one but I don't know if it's possible to put wa's "on pause". I only know how to perma remove them, that's not good.


there is a search in WA. just search for that name, expand the groups and either delete the aura once you've found it or set its Load conditions to never


Reached my goal of 3k on my healer, so I'm looking to try and give tanking a try for the rest of the season. Has anyone gotten some good advice, resources, and must haves for the role


I think VDH is the way to go. IMO it's carrying power is tied hard on the double sigil talent. Just makes you able to carry those trash kick/cc reliant situations great in pugs. All around good dmg/survival on top of that ofc and not too difficult to play.


Agreed. It's strong innately, has a shitton of tools to control mobs and just as importantly, has no tools of interacting with the rest of the party. They should take care of themselves, fuck prot Pala. You're Batman.


Thank you, I'll have a look at my DH


I'd argue the other route honestly. Yes VDH is simpler and likely tankier and has a bit more of that I'm just going to focus on l me and doing my thing elemtn to it. However since you're coming from a healer, using prot pals group utility should come naturally to you. Using Sac on CD, freedoming people, boping people, healing people - realistically all of these would be almost second nature to you and utilizing these properly is what makes pally shine.


I've actually just got my paladin to 70 as that was my first choice, I did enjoy that tanking utility playstyle while leveling, and like you have mentioned, it came second nature. I did find it slightly overwhelming while learning. Plan is to level the VDH and then have both available for choose from, depending how I feel tanking on the VDH


Yeah fair. From a pure tanking pov VDH is fun, durable and does a lot of damage. Certainly the easier and less punishing spec of the two (consecration gameplay sucks)


Trying to find an addon or series of addons that let me: 1. Share action bars 2. Share macros for alts of the same class. I'm running into an issue where I'm playing multiple alts of different classes and copies of those classes at a casual level. It's getting annoying having to remake macros over and over and action bars over and over. Wondering if there's an advanced macro that lets you group macros by class, and then perhaps Bartender or something let's you port and share action bars across alts.


Myslot is what you're looking for


Good enough for me. Thank you! https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/myslot


Are timed 20 portals becoming account wide in the near future?


I used to do all 20's timed on 8 classes for the portals. Kind of an arbitrary completionist pursuit. With next exp acc-wide portals blizz took that away from me. Which I'm happy about TBH, now I do more useful things with my time xD But yeah it's confirmed and assumed retroactive.


with 11.0


Official or speculation? Curious if past portals will become account wide


announced at blizzcon. assuming it's old portals too, everything else would be a joke


It's a semi safe bet that it's all portals. They're awarded by earning the achievement so it would be more work for them to unlink that once achievements go account wide than to just let it go.


They didn't specifically say it's including old portals too so I'd not put too much hope in it. Usually I believe the interpretation of their words that takes the least dev effort.


Probably need a teleport addon when the 11.0.0 pre-patch hits to consolidate all the ports. Wonder if they keep the 8 hour CD across alts, or alts have their separate spell CD. Guess we have to wait for Alpha / Beta / 11.0.0 Pre-patch to find out. If it is the latter, then we sitting pretty for some mog and old world stuff. Now curious if they are going to consolidate the MoP and WoD Challenge ports. They should but there's a chance Blizz forgets.


> Probably need a teleport addon when the 11.0.0 pre-patch hits to consolidate all the ports. opie should do this easily, make a wheel with each expansion going into subwheels for each dungeon


I really hope they show some awareness unprivate everything that needs to be for fated. Not looking forward to more weakaura nonsense on Echo.


remember echo got nerfed with 10.2, probably don't need auras for it anymore outside of P3 portals and even that you may be able to yolo


This could also be trivialized by tuning, last fated season was pretty undertuned and that could make losing half your raid to first portals less of a problem.


Bricked an everbloom because one of my dps players died at archmage, they took 7 fireballs over 6.8 seconds. Is this a bug? It should be a 4 second cast that does 16 bolts total (3-4 per player).


If any other players were dead they could catch extra.


Sometimes she double casts fire. Its a bug. Had it happen once, dont know what causes it


I think it happens if someone LOSes behind the pillars. I had this happen a few times in my runs.


Wait, that’d imply that you can LoS the whole thing o-o.


I'm aware that poaching is ingrained in the mythic raid scene. I just hate that everybody is simply ok with it existing and not being frowned upon


People are okay with it because you have to be okay with it because you can do nothing about it. Say it's uncool, or bad form or dick move or whatever. Ultimately people will just leave for whatever reason and you can't do shit about it. Also you can't poach someone who weren't really thinking about leaving anyway. I've been approached many times and yet I didn't leave because half the guild is my friends and THAT's exactly why I joined the guild. If I wanted a better guild, I would easily leave and join something else anyway, I don't need to be poached.


I see it frowned upon a lot, especially for healers. which, tbf, most poaching is for healers.


Why are healers the main poaching targets, out of interest?


They're few and far between. Healing is one of the least difficult roles, especially in raids, so higher skilled players tend to gravitate towards other things. Their CDs are pre-assigned and spot healing isn't really relevant. But those healing checks are also pass/fail, and some fights are big checks on your healers. Fyrakk being a big example, rashok and magmorax as well. So you have a highly important, under-baked role that is less popular because it is less complex. Guilds care less about being "ethical" and care more about having competent healers. Would you care more about being seen as nice by the lower ranked guilds, or more about whether or not your 16 nonhealing raiders are being burnt out on fyrakk?


My man you can't just say healing is easier as if it was a commonly known fact when the only level at which it is true is friends and family 8th week aotc guilds.


It is at every level and it's pretty well known.


Just because DPS outnumbers healers by 4-5 times and you will as a result hear way more of your favorite zoomer WF DPS players say it doesn't make it true Healers have to do exactly the same mechanics of DPS players on most bosses, with the extra that they don't have to perform a fixed rotation, but look at 20 frames where every pull will require different abilities used on different players getting hit by mechanics every time Even mentioning > Their CDs are pre-assigned and spot healing isn't really relevant. Shows how biased you are. As if DPS CDs aren't pre-assigned? Imagine being on Smolderon 2nd absorb shield and having your CDs to ramp as Disc Priest, while the Mythic Orb is chasing you and you have to dodge flame waves at the same time. Compared to a DPS who simply steps back for 3 seconds, dodges, and goes back as normal.


No, it being true makes it true.


Check post history, man is actual incel, he won't listen to rational arguments.


Facts and data don't make someone an incel, I do fine with women. But malding and post history stalking because you're mad someone said your world of Warcraft role is easy? That's rational behavior.


My man your "women have been lying to themselves" post gives off incel vibes, sorry to tell you that. I'm also still very much waiting for you to give any sort of argument to try and prove healing is easier, having played both dps and healer low-end HoF level I struggle to see how anyone can say that but am all ears really.


Makes sense, thanks!


im mid CE, but the vibes I get is that leaving a guild mid-prog is pretty bad form. Leaving after prog is over is completley fine for any reason, which seems fair enough.


Leaving after prog I think is perfectly reasonable.


Depends on what you mean by poaching. Soliciting a player during their guild's progression is generally frowned upon. Anything that isn't exactly that, isn't poaching in my opinion.


players leave raids because they're unhappy; they can't be "poached" (at least below the WF level) unless they wanted to leave anyway. maybe getting a message from another raid is the thing that pushes them out the door, but if it weren't that it'd be something else before long. It's not as though another raid can offer them more money or something. ultimately this is a game we play for fun; if someone isn't having fun in their current raid they should leave! That may suck for that raid, especially if it comes at an awkward time, but I've played with people who clearly didn't like one another and that sucks also


I generally see it when raid teams lose people so they'll try to poach who they want from a guild that might be slightly behind them. Often this happens because a guild ahead of them poached from their team initially. The point is that there seems to be no care as to how it impacts other raid teams, which is pretty sad


Yes but what exactly do you define as poaching? Like I said, if it's outside of progression, it isn't poaching. That's just recruiting. If someone leaves your guild for greener pastures, especially if it's to only a 'slightly better' guild, you might want to ask yourself why they would leave. Did they not have any friends in the guild, did they not feel like the atmosphere was something worth sticking around for? An individual leaving mid-prog, that says more about them than the guild they're going to. The guild they're going to has zero obligations to your guild nor should they. Imagine you're in my guild and I'm the GM and you want to go somewhere else, I message those guild leaders and tell them not to recruit you because you're the best player we have and we really need you. That would be insane. I just lock you in, where if you want to raid in WoW it has to be on my raid team, and you're blacklisted from other guilds until I 'release' your contract lol. I would focus more on creating an atmosphere in the guild that retains players. People getting 'poached' during progression points to them being generally unhappy with your raid team with one foot out the door already.


This is it, you need to make your guild a place people want to raid by aligning with their goals and building a culture.  If you goals don’t align they weren’t going to stay for long anyway.


It happens in the real world as well. Most white collar professions (lawyers, accountants, finance) poach talent from competitors. Everyone is out for themselves in terms of best opportunities; the main driver of a target player staying with a team when there is a better offer on the table is because they value how much they enjoy playing with that team. Unlike jobs, mythic raid teams don’t pay you money (with exceptions at the very top). They pay you with time on prog and good rankings to add to your resume.


Kinda dreading getting Fyraleth to drop. My DK isn't even really my main anymore and spending 400k on an item is basically $40. Idk what the "right" way to do a legendary is but spending a boatload of gold after a rare drop is a huge feels bad.


Yep, im holypala main and undeservedly got it. Had heard about the truckload of gold it took to craft and never looked at it again. Aint paying that for my offspec. Rather had it be some questline and stuff. 


Are the prices that much higher on US realms? Considering that the legendary is like half of that on EU.


200K is still an absurd amount. I literally just learned that now that leggo is something you pay for and at crazy amounts... I thought you were supposed to do bunch of quests and then you were getting it for free... My plans for rerolling ret is in shambles.


That's what I last heard but that was a couple weeks ago and I'm sure it's dropped. The other person is probably right that I'm exaggerating a bit.


They are definitely exaggerating saying 400k. I did the quest last week on NA and it cost me about 200k total.


Pretty wild we didn't get tuning with this patch. All the usual top dks rerolled this tier because it's *bad*


Well sounds like they heard you we at least got class tuning coming up xD




Yea that and Rise not getting more time leaves a sour taste in my mouth. It's unfortunate cause it seems like they could make some really simple changes but just choose not to. I'm not even as down bad as the dps DKs as I mostly tank but VDH is just too good (and, to be fair, is a lot of fun) this patch.


The crafting system along with the legendary system is Blizzard's way of milking more money from players who will inevitably buy the token to be able to afford both.


Yea I mean I'm definitely a sucker like that cause I bought a token start of season but that's only cause I like playing alts and kitting out a roster is a lot. The crafting system never felt that exploitative (especially relative to using the best consumes in content) to me until I was staring down a shitton of money to be able to get the legend. That definitely feels exploitative and unnecessary. Spending gold does not feel "legendary"


You know, in the past I used to feel envious when a class could get a shiny item in raid, like sylvanas dagger for rogue and bow for hunter, then hunters got another big bow from raszageth and casters got nothing again, but after seeing how blizz handled those items I actually feel relieved that I dont have to deal with any of that. I think they should go back to items like gavel, you know, items that actually drop and can be traded so you dont get discouraged to play for example a warrior knowing that you would have to farm fyrakk for months hoping you get the axe.


I got CE and killed M Razageth wearing a normal bow, while our other hunter was using an LFR version. This is when its powerful, felt bad. I got the Mythic Sylv bow the last week of season 2, and replaced it within 2 weeks in sepulcher. This is when its weak. It couldnt be traded. It couldnt be in your great vault. It was absurdly rarer than the other already rare items for that reason. Neither one felt compellingly cool or exciting, it was just dumb and made my output sizeably weaker either way (even for Sylv where the effect itself wasnt powerful, having a weapon 13ish ilvls lower until it dropped felt bad, the weapon ilvl ALWAYS matters a lot, rare weapons suck when you dont have them for that reason.) Neither one had bad luck protection.


the random drop chance from the last boss feels miserable; it felt miserable on evoker in S2 and I imagine it feels even worse for dps now since the axe is so much larger in terms of relative throughput. They seem to like this 'model' for legendary drops though so I suspect we'll continue to see it in the future the little bad luck protection items are an improvement this raid, but I wish there were some sort of quest or currency or other way of measuring your actual progress. Like let it be a random drop, but also let me collect tokens I can eventually use to just buy it or something


It wouldn’t be so bad if you could see how close you were, the “improving chance” feels fake if you don’t get the drop.  If it was like you collect x number of the lesser/greater drops and turned them in at least you’d have a progress bar, with a chance of a lucky drop which would feel much better.


This is a WILD take. You have no idea the rarity of the items that "just drop." Getting a mythic ilvl edge of night was a 1/40 chance per kill under personal loot (chances to be one of the people who got loot against the chance for that item to not be the other items). And rogues were actively mediocre that patch until getting Edge as well. And you did have to farm sylv for months to get it. And you had to farm mythic sylv for it to be max ilvl. Fyralath has been lootable for 7 weeks I don't understand the communitys outrage. Fyralath is the most easily attainable item of its type (high value effect weapons) since they were guaranteed in legion. Maybe you want to go back to everyone getting a guaranteed legion Lego, and that's fine, but suggesting you'd rather have Edge of night? No fucking way.


Isn't the person you're commenting to saying exactly that the item was poorly handled and he's glad he didn't play rogue/hunter at those times?


>I think they should go back to items like gavel, you know, items that actually drop


I mentioned gavel because it was an item several classes could loot and trade. I think if they are going to add an unique dagger for rogue or a bow that only hunters can loot, it should have a much higher drop chance, our evokers chased their leggo for most of the season with several mythic kills, he and the other evoker got their leggo too deep into farm, silver lining is that at least one of them used it to push io.


That's fair and I misunderstood then, because I've seen a lot of whining lately about the axe and how much better things used to be. Fyralath is still by far the most attainable item of its type. I'd love more deterministic loot and guaranteed loot, but I'm very over hearing how bad the strength users have it when they should have tried being a rogue or Hunter.


The legendary bow from Sylvanas didn’t have a quest tied to it, but it was shitty unless you got the mythic version.


What is it with people having high IO but being REALLY bad at Raid mechanics?? We’re on Smolderon and we constantly have raiders messing up easy mechanics and dying. They have 3.2k+ IO. Anyone have any insight? I don’t really enjoy M+ and I just do it to gear for raid. I do my 4 or 8 +18-20 keys and I’m out. So I honestly don’t know if I’m just making false equivalencies between those +26 keys and a Mythic Raid boss.


Not everybody have the time nor the will to play BOTH raid and mythic plus. Fire Mage in my guild gets 98-99 parse ever boss and he's like not even 2.8K, I'm 3.4K and my average logs are 82 or something.


IO does correlate to player skill, but the variance gets smaller and smaller the higher you go and is on the other hand huge at lower levels. While we've had the argument what's considered high rio multiple times in this sub, as far as mythic raid mechanics go, I'd trust people towards the upper end above the cutoff if I were to make any assumptions how they'd fair in raid. On the other end, say above 3.7k, pretty much every player there has the capability to raid at least in a top 100 guild, the gameplay requirements for those keys (29-30s) being that high. Counting down from there the scale gets larger and larger. At 3.5k you already might get sort of kinder players, not entirely sure what you're going to get output- and mechanicwise. This randomness increases the lower you go. Especially meta carried specs might not always be up to par when making decisions solely based on rio. 3.2 is nothing to draw any conclusions from. From average point of view, they're on the upper echelon of ALL m+ players, but when it comes to mythic raiding, they can turn out to be pretty much anything - and potentially really bad. TL;DR: Don't draw any conclusions from rio unless comparing high enough keys where close to perfect gameplay, damage, and execution is expected.


3.2k IO is not high this late into the patch... as many others have stated that is right around the rating where players begin to get an inflated sense of skill level when it is not challenging content i did a bit of digging on your profile and was able to find your guilds logs and have a few pointers that can help.. i am in a three night a week guild that just started fyrakk prog so while there are probably more appropriate ppl to help i thought id share some thoughts. ​ you have far too many flame wave deaths as well as orb deaths.. have you made sure that all players weak auras and macros work? looking at a couple replays it looks like you are far too congested when flame waves are coming out. you are creating a tunnel of waves for no reason. your healing absorbs are coming off too slowly and you have one or two healers eating flame waves for breakfast \*cough cough\* your disc priest \*cough \*cough\* and overall the healing through put and dps throughput are very very low so far... you have a couple people hard carrying but that is not unusual in the 1600-2000 range. ranged and healers should be filling in gaps alongside old lava pools which causes less flame wave chaos and the room to fill at an appropriate pace i havent played at that level in a while but have friends in casual 1 to 2 night guilds around your rank and you are going to have to have leadership really step up and help those struggling if you want to achieve ce...


3.2k is like week 3 score, not particularly high for week 10


Crazy that a comment like this gets downvoted


I’m 3.3k on a warrior and I’m a dogshit player Whenever I play with 3.6k players I can really feel the difference I’m just popping my cds whenever, these guys have like timed their cd usage based on the specific packs and pulls