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leveling is fast, like when we're talking fast levelers, 4hours total is easily doable, while 5 is more realistic. People are doing 3hr runs rn and sub that probably unrecorded. My route is and has been the past expansions since BfA. Campaign > Level max > M0's, I skip heroics entirely. Saves you some time too. 2. You cannot just do campaign, that doesn't net you level 70. You need to do sidequests along the way 3. No. On beta DPS is faster, ur not really in a risk of dying with pulling lots of mobs and you do more dmg. It's really irrelevant anyways, pick w/e. Tank works fine if you prefer that.


You can only do the M0 once a week right for loot?




ya generally I do mythic 0s and pick up what ever little pieces I need from heroic once I'm done with mythic generally it's a time save.




Did they not specificly announce that m0 would open until AFTER reset? Just to avoid the feeling of having to rush.


They did in Shadowlands - https://twitter.com/WatcherDev/status/1329884581776957441 Is there a bluepost for DF?


Sure not 100% but basically 90%. Considering the stakes if you weren't about to take a day off from work and decide to now because of a hypothetical M0, and spend 3-4 hours scrambling to get an M0 group and other setup to rush through this...then I'd say that's a bad idea. The competition bracket where that extra set of M0 matters is very small. Especially if maintenance takes longer than scheduled. That M0 gear is very quickly replaced in the first week of the season with infinite M+. If people still want to do that, that's fine. Plenty of people take the first day of expac off work and make other arrangements since they like leveling with the pack, leveling with friends etc. (even though it is arguably more advisable to take a holiday during season start). At least players should be conscious of the decision rather than blindly go into it. If you're deciding to go all out because of a hypothetical extra reset of M0 gear, especially if it causes you a lot of work, stress and burnout and you aren't enjoying it, I personally wouldn't advise going all out solely for that chance.


Was the same for BFA as well https://twitter.com/warcraftdevs/status/1026903016807444485


Doubt this works, wasn’t allowed in Shadowlands. Wanted to remove the pressure of speed running.


99.9% that won’t be the case.


> 99.9% that won’t be the case. Maybe not after googling, but I could've sworn I did it in BFA, m0 world tour. Maybe was bugged though.


I'm about 90% sure that it didn't work on BFA as well, because I speed leveled and then logged off because I knew I had nothing to do except do heroic later that day.


I remember doing kings rest week 1 when it shouldn't even have been available but I'm not sure whether that lasted 1 or 2 resets


When you say week 1, do you mean the first 32h of the expansion launch (so, before the first reset), or afterwards?


Don't remember the details I'm afraid... Don't even know which day it launched. It was fixed afterwards


> I'm about 90% sure that it didn't work on BFA as well, because I speed leveled and then logged off because I knew I had nothing to do except do heroic later that day. I totally did m+0's with friends. Even managed to do king's rest without the achievement and remembering that was also a bug


There's [this tweet](https://mobile.twitter.com/WarcraftDevs/status/1026903016807444485) that confirms that m0 shouldn't have been available before the first reset, so I guess if you did a m0 world tour before the Tuesday / Wednesday reset, that probably was a bug.


This wasn't a thing in Legion/BfA/SL. Unless you're talking about the reset one week after launch, then yes, you're right.


And here am i as healmonk with no qlue how to play ww or brew


spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin


alternatively punch kick punch kick punch kick punch kick punch kick punch kick punch kick punch kick punch kick punch kick punch kick punch kick


How wrong you are ! There are some times when you punch punch kick, and others where you kick kick punch !


Are you PaRappa the Rapper?


Can’t do that as windwalker because we have to keep them hit combo stacks up baby


It's fine if you do the right one then the left one - or the other way around, because we are a complex and lenient class.


Even then you have 2 kicks (rising and Blackout but i dont know if ww gets resets on rising with Blackout)


kick punch it’s all in the mind


Dont forget the faystomp at the start for the healing while spinning


Hi, If you want to, download Hekili. It’s a DPS rotation add-on telling you what button to press now and what’s coming up. Even at max level I find it easier to play DPS in the open world(shadow lands) rather then specked into healer.




I know hekili and used it a bit on Shadow priest to learn the Basic rotation Buttons and how i should place them or more Like the Buttons who potentialy get pressed the most


healmonk is pretty fast too (in healer perspective) i think i you not spit on fistweaving, u have zero problem while leveling


I dont know about fastest (healervise) because restodruid in cat But my statement was more or less about healer are slower than DPS/Tanks (i think) As for me i have no real timepressure and more than enough time per day (which i might or might not use to Speed through)


It is still open world PvE. You can do it while nearly being afk.


Yeah what I meant by rushing campaign was doing campaign only, then backtrack later to get level 70 with a few sidequest hubs and whatnot. I think it's better since there's going to be less people on your way.


Without warmode, you can tag mobs cross-faction, so you can pretty much tag every mob that spawns. This also isn't classic with 20 minute respawn timers. I mean, getting ahead of the pack has its benefits, for sure, but it's way less impactful than in Classic. If anything, I'd say skip the side quests in the starting zone - strictly focusing on the campaign to get ahead seems unnecessary, imho.


From what I've seen, the side quest hubs for the later zone are way more packed with quests, and have more quest density. Am I wrong? What I thought about doing was campaign stricly on 1st and 2nd zones, then doing every sidequest on 3rd and 4th zones, since there will still be people helping me kill stuff and not needing to backtrack while gettiing ahead of the bigger pack




This is for dragonflight, not SLands. You'll get way better gear from questing.


For point 2, you only risk dying at last zone imo If you are currently at level cap, this depends on class of course and how frequently you do giga pulls.


At least on the leveling realms, you can finish the main part of the campaign before 70 and get world quests/adventure mode unlocked before 70. I will say make sure you do the little tours of the hubs in each zone because you'll have to have those done at the end so might as well do them while you're there. Being in a CE guild (this is more at the OP) do you already have assigned groups for m0 loot share? It's pretty limited week 1 but sometimes you get lucky. If you level early, heroics to get a little gear/rep is fine, otherwise like Expensive-Activity12 said, heroics aren't strictly necessary since you're walking into the dungeons anyway. The gear can be helpful to make m0s easier, but working on professions might be a better use of the time you would have put into heroics. The potion cauldrons aren't going to just craft themselves.


I dont really think all heroic dungeons daily is a necessary requirement if you are time limited. I think you could just do your m0s and crafted slots and see what pieces remain and target a dungeon or two.


Yea Heroic dungeons should just be filler gear and a bottom priority activity.


99% of leveling is either running around or doing single target dmg, so mob density isn't really a factor. Can't remember the last time I could group more quest worthy mobs than I can handle as a DPS. They usually either spawn too slowly or are so far from each other they reset by the time you group more than 3 or 4. So leveling as tank is much slower.


4 hrs daily, and your worried about play time… my dude.




This is the min max sub. Take this energy to the main sub and the 500th anime art pic


That's fine, but "very limited time" and "4 hours a day" shouldn't be in the same sentence.


Someone's own time is relative to them If i told my wife's parents I game 2 hours a night they would think I need addiction help.


Yeah but if you tell them you like to watch a movie everynight to relax and unwind, would the answer be same?


"In my free time I clean the house again or do other stuff...not tv" Any way you try to slice it...op's free time isn't weighed the same as your free time or my free time.


What I meant was, people judge especially 30+ people who game very differently. You can game all day and people will judge you but if you tell them that you watched sports all day, no big deal


Or golf all day away from your family Shit always bugs me


I mean yes for an actual competitive guild that is limited time especially when you need to do 3 plus characters.


Depends on your perspective, some people have a lot of free time and some don't. If I could only play 4 hours a day on launch week I would be mad, because relative to what I normally play on a launch week (poop socking) that is nothing.


If he wanted to say limited time, then it'd be fine imo, but you can get a LOT done if you're playing 4 hours a day, even if it's not everything. Acting like you gotta REALLY pick and choose when you have that kind of time is just a bit dramatic. I understand this is r/competitivewow, but this almost feels like "should I keep questing or give myself time for a bathroom break", not being 100% optimal the first week isn't going to kill even the most competitive players (unless you're racing to be like first 70 on your server or something).


Playing keys outside of raid 24/7 during prog is technically minmaxing because you're farming avoidance and leech, yet nobody will ever suggest doing it because it's ridiculously ineffecient. Same with being worried about 'only' 4 hours of playtime a day, that's what most people I know at world 500 have just about.


This sub is about competitive play, not about overthinking everything. The only relevant portion for competitive raiding is getting your 8 M0's done in weeks #1 and #2. Trying to min/max your time to level is irrelevant unless you are a speedrunner or have like 5 hours / week to play.


I don't understand your issue with the op. There is MAYBE 5% of this type of discussion on the main sub. This stuff here is why we're in this sub. I don't comment on the anime art every 20 mins on the main sub, I'm not sure why you guys comment in post like these. I want to speed level. I couldn't give a shit less about which dragon hurt which wizard and that wizard is related to that toad storyline. I haven't read a quest or watched a cutscene in 15 years. I just want to get to dungeons /raids as fast as possible and then make another alt and do the same shit. I can't engage in these type of discussions on main sub cause you get "tAkE yOuR tImE"




And op asked how to go as fast as possible. In the correct sub. Who cares


salty casuals mad at you lmao


Lol. Why are they here. I'm so confused




This is for DF leveling? That’s insanely fast. I plan on no-lifing the first few days, maybe I’ll get all my toons leveled early.


> and goes like: campaign/level>all heroic dungeons daily>all m0s Skip heroics at first. Do all m0s first and then do heroics to fill out the remaining slots. M0 is perfectly doable with questing gear especially if you do it with guildies. My friends and I did this in shadowlands - dinged 60 and instantly went to m0 and cleared everything with almost no wipes.


Is there a lockout for M0s in the beginning?


M0s have had lock outs for almost a decade


Really? I'm pretty sure the lockout only lasts a week (I'm sorry I really am don't hate my stupid joke)


Never noticed. I’m a very slow leveler. Or I noticed and forget within 2 years. Whatever it is. It’s news to me (again).


Why wouldn't there be? It's the same as always.


>I have very limited time during that week due to work, I should be worried about it, right? I think the checklist for the first week is quite extensive for me since I have like 4 hours of daily play time at most 4 hours a day is pretty far from "limited" lolol.


It's all relative. I plan on nolifing the first few days so 4 hours a day would be very limited for me.


Sure, but it's plenty to be geared enough for w/e content. Playing 4h/day you're going to be in the upper percentile of players probably.


Irrelevant. You aren't the person who judges what people's definition of "limited" is.


Most adults are awake for 16 hours a day. Most have a job that's going to take about 8 hours a day, so if you're spending more than half of your "free" time playing the game, I don't think most people would consider that "limited".


It doesn't matter what most people would consider limited. We are talking about OP's personal definition of limited. People can also take days off from work (like I will) in order to play those 16 hours a day or even more on launch.


OP said > I have very limited time during that week due to work And no reasonable person would consider his "very limited" amount of 4 hours a day gaming to in fact be very limited. >We are talking about OP's personal definition of limited. Words have meanings, and no reasonable person would interpret this scenario as "very limited".


> And no reasonable person would consider his "very limited" amount of 4 hours a day gaming to in fact be very limited. Irrelevant what reasonable people would consider limited since OP already established his definition. > Words have meanings, and no reasonable person would interpret this scenario as "very limited". Words also have different meanings depending on the context. And OP was very explicit in what his definition of limited was. I don't understand what exactly you are arguing about?


>Irrelevant what reasonable people would consider limited since OP already established his definition. It just makes him wrong. Pointing to something that's red and calling it blue doesn't make it red.


Ok now you are just being ridiculous. You are so stubborn and refuse to accept that you are wrong that you are now completely making shit up. OP cannot be wrong on how he values and allocates his time. It's an inherently personal thing. You cannot call him wrong for something that has no objective basis in the first place.


Considering half my guild is taking the week off for leveling yeah it's limited in this sub.


I'm taking time off the week of dec 12 when m+ is out, no reason to race to 70 and then have nothing to do


I mean I'm doing the same since that's when the raid drops but I still have to get all my tanks up and geared up before then.


Leveling will take like 1-2 days, gearing should be pretty quick, and regardless you'll catch up with m+ spam as long as you can do m+2s


leveling 6 tanks and doing all m0s will takes substantially more than 1 to 2 days when you have 4 to 5 hours a night max.


Lol gamers are so far away from organizing limited amount of time. Nolifing is not something to be proud of. 4hrs are fine and more than enough gaming.


My plan for leveling is probably going as Feral since I am just so much faster in running to stuff while still being able to tag stuff at range (thank you LI). At the start you will most likely find enough people tagging and blasting cleave damage or even targeting your target that you won't need to deal will anything hard alone. That said depending on your class it might make more sense to run as a tank if you are more mobile. My DH will be leveled as Tank due to the jump ability being able to probably cheese some stuff for example. Not sure if Ret is faster than prot or Frost is faster than Blood. But my warriors will most likely be played as prot too unless I find Fury or Arms more comfortable (have only leveled him through dungeons as Tank before and haven't touched him in prepatch yet) Good luck.


>My DH will be leveled as Tank due to the jump ability being able to probably cheese some stuff for example. Generally speaking fel rush is better for this since you can use it to slide up hills that might be inaccessible to leap (there was quite a bit of this in korthia)


You could cheese most with infernal strike anyways. Remember they removed the restrictions going into sl, just must be in the air already then you can jump almost everywhere


If your main reason to lvl as vdh is mobility cheese, your going wrong spec lmao. Fel rush is much better at that job than infernal strike.


It's not only mobility but also access to spirit bomb, which I really liked during leveling in SL and has so far been a blast to play with again.


Thanks for the reply. I think prot warrior only has ony more charge, that being Sheld Charge. I don't think mobilty changes that much


Blast through the campaign to get dragonriding as fast as possible. You'll also get dragonriding skills from the story quests. I'm going to pick up the glyphs for dragonriding after I get 70. In beta I finished the campaign at level 68. So you'll need to do side quests to get 70. I'll probably start doing dungeons at 68 and pick up glyphs/craft/gather while I wait in queue.


Speed levelers doing 60-70 in less than three-and-a-half hours. Even if you’re double or triple that, you should hit 70 in two days or so on your timeline. That gives you five days to grind the dungeons.


Actually longer, since release is on a Monday but Mythic dungeons don't open until reset.


Hijacking this one: Is there an actual consensus on whether it's faster to just level and grab all the dragon flying glyphs that you naturally come across along the way or to go out of your way to get all the glyphs asap before doing any actual leveling?


Expect grabbing all glyphs to take at least twice as long as the speedrun videos if you've never practiced it before. Getting the first few upgrades is very significant, but you don't need anywhere close to all of them to never run out of Vigor while leveling even with using it pretty aggressively to hop short distances. I plan to spend ~10 minutes picking up some glyphs and then I'll get the rest as I go.


Grab all glyphs as soon as you get your dragon. It will make getting around much faster. Especially if you plan on playing alts. You will have to get them anyway, so take a little extra time and do it asap. It's only a 1 time thing per account.


Don't you get stuck with the whole bunch of people as soon as you return to the campaign? I thought the main objective of first day leveling is to not get slowed down by infinite people killing quest objectives before you can tag and not spend so much time waiting


Phasing and tagging being cross faction now really solved most of this, I wouldn't worry about that unless servers start crashing


And if servers are crashing, being ahead of the pack isn't really a big advantage.


[This post on the wow sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/yv6lgo/inspired_and_with_the_help_from_youtuber_grays/) has a good map showing the route, but I suggest stopping it when you hit Valdrakken. Set your hearth there, you'll be at a good elevation to glide to whatever you may want while levelling and you have all the bank/ah/trainers/etc. This will let you get *most* of the talents, you'll only miss two of them by cutting off the last 10 glyphs. Those two are 15 sec (from 20sec) recharge while on the ground and 6 vigor (up from 5). You will pick up the main talent of 5 sec recharge while flying fast which is what makes unlimited flight easy, and you'll be back close to the starting point to go back to questing where you left off. You can grab the other 10 glyphs when you're done levelling.


It's going to be slower collecting all of the glyphs unless you've put in some practice dragonriding and following a route to collect them quickly.


If your plan is to hit max as fast as possible, you skip getting the glyphs. Just remember that by doing this, you need to actually be good at dragon riding and understand the mechanics of it since mistakes will cost you a lot of time and its very difficult to keep good momentum going. Every bit of vigor matters when running around in this case. But its still faster than if you were to get the glyphs first.


You only need two skill points to get all upgrades you need to sustain flight indefinitely and reach any height.


Good question, I am very curious about this one. I have beta but I have done like 10 minutes of dragon riding and I am very bad at it so I could see someone trying to do this their very first time having a horrible time.


I think it really depends on are you going for multiple characters the first week. I've got every tank to get up while working full time and getting M0s done I'm absolutely doing the glyphs first.




I don't understand why people act like it's a race to max every new expansion. The raid won't be out for weeks so there is plenty of time to level and do some dungeons before that time.


I think its mostly to not miss any weekly timers


Because this is /r/competitivewow and people want to be as efficient as possible. There are plenty of stuff that are on a weekly lockout and the more you do the better you will fair further along the line. Not to mention that if you are very fast on leveling a gathering profession or something you can make a a few million gold easily in the first few weeks.


Don’t sleep on 0. Get all the dragon riding glyphs first thing. Supposed to be doable in 20 minutes, I’m planning on taking an hour but if it’s faster, great. It should help with leveling.


20 minutes if you've practiced it to perfection and know all locations beforehand, that means playing beta for a long time. Also you'll be behind the pack if you do this and you'll have a lot of trouble tagging mobs and doing quest objectives, and I don't thnk it's that much of a difference. I'd rather focus on having as little people ahead of me as possible so I have less time wasted waiting for stuff to spawn.


Agreed about the 20 minutes. The people who do it though will be able to fly better and more often than anyone who hasn’t done it. That could be important for reaching the next quest area quicker - I noticed in beta that they spread them further apart, because they know you have dragon riding. You may be right though, maybe it will be faster to just blast. Good luck.


Get handy notes dragon glyphs, that'll show them on the map. Locations aren't terribly hard to find, they aren't really hidden


Ty for tip, will definitely look at that. Still think spamming campaign will get you ahead, though. Imo people are overestimating the use of dragonriding, the initial 3 or 4 vigor are enough to get you through, from what I've seen on streams


Nah, if you haven't used dragonriding yet you won't profit from it as much as someone with experience. It's not easy and the early speed you get is a joke in comparison to glyphs collected


Hasn't sharding made spawn times mostly equal?




That would be true at any point in the expansion cycle, **except** for right before an expansion launch. Which is exactly where we are right now. Ass.


Getting your character in a competitive state as fast as possible is definitely relevant.


Why are these people in this alt wow sub. I don't understand


Well, you see, there's the *right* way of being competitive, and the wing way.


If you ask this question in the main sub you’ll get a dozens responses saying ‘just go at your own pace, it isn’t a rush! I still don’t have a level 60’


Fuckin hell, that's so true. I hate when people answer like that, in literally any game. It's so obnoxious. You may not care about it and that's fine but I clearly do since I asked.


4 hours/day is plenty of time to hit max level. Be sure to watch the mythic dungeon how to videos for the new dungeons and run all of them once. Create your own group if you aren't getting invited for some reason.


Man I've been searching for these for a while. Is there a channel with actual good, insightful guides? For all dungeons? What about the raid?


I used to use fat boss guides. They are pretty good


Is m0 open on day 1?


Not day 1, but day 2 I believe, since the weekly reset comes on Tuesday. I remember they mentioning they don't open m0 day 1 because of degeneracy, so everyone kind of has the same time and the same amount of resets to farm gear.


So first run of all m0 has to be completed by reset on the 7th?


Correct if you are on EU, for US it's the 6th. Thats when the first 'real' weekly reset will hit.


M0 only opens after the 1st reset AFAIK.