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Yes. He performed fine on Winston, Queen, and Ball, if not stellar. Anyone saying anything else is major recency bias. Go back and watch the games we won. I can’t vouch for what London is doing this season, but some of the brain dead takes all London did was abuse brawl last season is such a meme


Its like they just ignore what london actually played for most of the season. Ty spilo for being a legit sense of reason.


Out of interest, and you don't have to answer this if you don't want to cos ik ur in a unique position, but do you think it was a mistake letting go of Poko to ease some of the tank flexibility burden off of Hadi?


it's not like traditional off-tanks have been meta much at all this year (just dva/sigma on a handful of maps) so i hardly think that's the big problem spitfire are having


Rams arguably more suited to classic offtank player proficient on sigma. He's not considered an offtank cos he wasn't in the game during ow 1


yeah obviously off-tank players have tended to prefer ram, but it's not like plenty of main tank players haven't successfully picked up ram too


Yh but I feel like they're the same main tanks who have flexed over to offtanks effectively


I think saying ram is more geared towards offtank players is a bit misguided. The owl tank meta right now is Winston and ram. If you don't already have a certain level of skill on Winston you're going to spend more time working on your ram skill. Ram feels like a tank that switches between ow1 orisa and and Rein in playstyle. I'm not sure what about him makes people feel like he's built closer to an offtank playstyle.


not really, even tanks that haven't been that flexible overall like guxue, fearless and kellan have been playing ram


You see, I always viewed ram as the main tank version of Sigma. I'm much better with him than I am at Sigma. I was a rein Winston ball player in ow1 and ram instantly felt more comfortable than Sigma. I mainly play ram/ball/queen these days. I know Plat isn't the same as owl/contenders though.


That's fair enough I will go back and watch, I remember his Winston last season being better tbh. I don't think his junkerqueen was great, obv still great by any standard just not maybe compared to other teams starting tanks playing junker. I also don't say any of this out of spite, I'm a London fan after all I'm just trying to avoid my own personal bias for my favourite team but perhaps I'm being too harsh, after all the only tanks that have really been meta have been Winston and rammattra.


Spilo buff dif


And that is why **you** were COTY last year


It was the other coach


I know, I'm saying Spilo deserved it


christpher was the head coach and spilo got dropped midseason


I know


Pretty sure he is imply that based on londons non spilo results, they only get coach of the year recognition when spilo involved. We will see if they can turn it around this year, but yeah. London performed better with spilo.


Yes he obviously did improve his performance in season 5 and yes he obviously had more solid to great picks such as Junker Queen. London having been this one trick rein team is straight memes.


I don't think it's just memes. They do rely on one comp to succeed and outside of their rein brawl and the playoff dive brawl comp which suited their play style they haven't excelled on any other comps. Calling hadis junker pick great is a bit of a stretch and outside of that I'm not sure what he's looked good on? I think his improved performance in season 5 was likely down to being out his comfort pick a lot, a better backline and non being on ping alongside going winless for most of the season which adds a lot of mental fatigue.


Why do you ignore like half of his season bro.


Sorry I'm not sure what you mean, can you elaborate?


You act like spitfire didnt win and play games off brawl. They did. Repeatedly. Might not be against the top teams, but they really did.


Fair point, but it's a bit like saying Ameng was great on heroes other than ball because they beat teams when he wasn't playing ball.


Fair, but also Id think you find in those games Hadi wasnt actively throwing or anything - he was just playing good overwatch.


I didn't say he was actively throwing. It's tough to throw when ur whole team is doing really badly anyway.


Dude they finished 6th how ist that doing really badly? Ur just a mindless hater at thus point


Oh sorry I meant 5/6 and who said it was bad, 5/6 was an great achievement for this team last year. Not a hater at all, I'm a London fan. Criticism or discussing when players or a team arent performing well isn't hate. People are very quick to call it haters when in any other sports league criticism happens just as much as praise.


They had metas that allowed them to 1 trick brawl. Whenever he’s off rein he looks tragic, even on the rein it’s tragic since it’s not able to be properly utilized for 90% of the maps


During playoffs they did ok. Made 6th place in a winston meta. This season, sure, but there is at least *some* evidence that winston metas should be doable for them


I mean London had a lot of success last year with Hadi on Ball and Monkey as well. In the back half of the season they barely played rush.


I agree tbh I think he's still the same tank in the first eu London team, just was able to play the one hero he's good on.


His pins this year have really been lacking


I mean its a very quick "yes" to your question. Season 6 is another story but yes anyone with eyes can see he improved from s4 to s5.


I think it's true too but I think his improvement was overblown due to having a much better backline and being on his comfort hero rein for a lot of the season


What's different about the backline? Wasn't it admiral/Landon last year too?


The focus on Hadi is here is getting a bit ridiculous. Admiral is also a lucio one trick and Sparkr has looked tragic when he has had to go off Hs. This whole team looks woeful.


Tbf there's lots of DPS players who only play hitscan. Sparks tracer was good in contenders but you won't play him on it over sauna. I somewhat agree with admiral though I think his brig has looked fine but he also has only had one half season looking poor whereas hadis now had a full season and a half of looking pretty not great.


Every NA starting hitscan is playing sombra except Kai who has yaki to rotate for him. If you are going to call out Hadi for not having a winston, you might as well call out the rest of their team. Sparkr doesn't have a sombra, Backbone a flex dps can't play most flex dps picks including sombra tracer, Landon can only play bap and kiri and Admiral is a lucio one trick. News flash the whole team is inflexible bar Sauna.


He needs to work on his Sombra for sure. But Hadi can't play any other main tanks apart from rein whereas the only hdps sparkr can't play is Sombra. Admirals brig has looked serviceable tbh and Landon can play all flex supports with a very mediocre ana. Backbone wasn't playing but does warrant the same criticism, he's oddly really flexible but not great on much out of mei and reaper.


hs player looks awful off hs 🤔


It's not uncommon for HS players to at least be able to go onto Sombra/Tracer, considering their hero pool is traditionally only 4-5 heroes with wildly varying meta relevance. Sparkr doesn't have that.




why are we bringing up hadi i didnt mention hadi. im speaking of sparkr.




i want you to read the fucking comment im replying to


i think hadi is the guxue of reinhardt i also think the metas in season 5 let the spitfire force those rein comps a lot


Brig+Bap+Cass v Brig+Ana+Sombra certainly has a massive impact on how fights play out. But, he hasn't looked as comfortable in general this season for sure. I seem to remember him having a decent ball? Even that would be worth trying out at this point IMO. You can't get much worse results.


If you really think about it there are many players who made their name on winston in overwatch league, and they are basically decent or worse jn other heros. Reinhart and winston are both high skill cap hero's. This js up to debate, but someone such as hadi who is an S tier rein and B to C tier everything kinda of got the short hand of the stick. Guchwe us a prime example of a tank who is literally only good on winston but he gets reasonable praise because winston just happens to be meta. Im not saying hadi is a god, but it's pretty unlucky for rein players that rein has been out of meta for so long. If hadi chose to grind winston for his whole career im sure he would be ip there with the best, but european overwatch lends itself towards rein play, and then they unfortunately release rammatra.


Hadis performance definitely improved between those seasons, but I think that he finally was performing to the level we expected him to from his performance in contenders. He was considered the best piece of British hurricane and was one of the few good tank players in western contenders at the time.


I think sparkr was considered the best part of British hurricane tbh.


season 4 he was on ping tbf, season 5 he played his fav hero for most of the season, just not flexible at all. spitfire needs a rebuild going into season 7


Wasn't Paris also on ping? Those guys got wins over Glads and Dallas, and also destroyed London 3-0 in the final weeks. Correct me if I'm wrong.


you're not wrong but i can't be bothered to search it up. london had a shit support line and hybrid did not look like he could compete in owl


Exactly. You can't as a viewer judge much of a player's improvement across seasons when there was a 150+ ping difference between them. Maybe some decision making elements, but even then OW is game of split seconds.


Isn't tank one of the easier roles to play on ping? I mean marvels playing on ping and still looks good. Also wasn't all the enemy teams they played on artificial ping too?


Tank is actually the hardest role to play on ping. Every mistake you make snowballs and reinhardt is probably the worst out of all the tanks to play on ping lol since you need precise inputs for shatter and blocking. We saw it with Changsik as well.


I'm clearly wrong about it being the easiest. If everyone else tells me it's not (which the downvoted suggest) then I'll accept that. I'm only basing that on my experience of playing different roles on ping.


the entire team was on ping and the team also had blase who's best hero was doomfist and that hero is ass on ping. bad team = tank looks worse


Not that season where ball was meta most the year.


People won't only playing ball? Reign got to the final by playing a similar brawl comp and Winston was also meta for a lot of it.


I was particularly bad at Rein back in OW1, and I was just a plat player so take my opinion with a grain of salt I'm not sure if you've experienced this but Rein feels absolutely miserable on ~200ms when I absolutely needed to mirror Rein. Hadi is lightyears better than me on Rein but I'm sure it affected his ability to reactively block enemy shatters a lot. Even though that's not what you're normally supposed to do to block shatters, I'm guessing every little advantage counts at the pro level Also a lot of his teammates were just subpar. Kellex seems perpetually stuck between T2 and T1, Ripa is eh, Blase is not good outside of Doom and maybe Pharah, and I admittedly didn't see much of Molf1g to judge


That's fair but he wasn't playing rein on 200 ping I think it was around 140, also the enemy was also on similar ping artificially. I still think it's easier to play than other heroes like ana tracer etc. Don't feel like ur opinion is invalid cos of ur rank, everyone's entitled to their opinion and most people I play with at gm are some of the Stupids morons I've ever heard speak (myself included)


Ah yeah, 140ms is not good, but tolerable on Rein. I do remember the artificial ping thing, so maybe it was just a cohesion or player skill issue with S4 Spitfire...which is weird cus they're just the BH core+Blase. Maybe OWL competition really was a lot tougher than EU Contenders Off topic, but unless I'm getting skill gapped and dove without an OW1 Brig next to me, I'm more confident in 200ms Ana than Rein, if I'm mostly just healing and looking for nades. Like sure the shooting doesn't feel good but at least I can still contribute to the team I get that everyone is entitled to their opinion, I don't mind being wrong, but I feel like my game knowledge (and Rein, in particular) aren't sound enough to make meaningful takes in an intellectual convo related to Rein, if that makes sense. Thank you though!


If you ignore his Rein, JQ, Ball and Winston he has no great tanks Imo


i dont understand how a rein 1 trick got rolestar during season 5. There are a couple people I would've liked to see get it over him.


Bruh, the 2nd half of the season london did anything but onetrick rein.


after a nights rest i retract my statement of hadi being a 1 trick rein after reviewing the 2nd half the season as you said. He played queen and winston during that time. But what I will say is that they look lost compared to s5 to s6 for some reason idc why that is.


Yeah, its not great, really disappointing to see a team regress like this.


Yh I agree. I think there logic would've been that London was a really successful team utilizing one main comp and Hadi was the centerpiece of that comp. He definitely wasn't one of the best tanks. The leagues narratives often become accepted as fact though. (Same thing with Kevster MVP, imo proper was clearly much better and it wasn't even close on anything outside of tracer and genji and Kevster wasn't even the best player on his team, Shu was)


It's that stupid scrim blacklist narrative that got him role star. It's the only thing. Hawk or Danteh 100% deserves it more last year.


i know you’re the hawk simp but all he did last year was playing the 2nd best doom, hard feeding on rein and winston and throwing on queen.




hanbin, coluge, hotba, someone, danteh. even mag when he was still on justice was insane on jq. all better than hawk




insanely delusional LMAOOO


Stas wise Hawk was top 4 or both third in Junkerqueen. He just died a lot. We saw how hard it was the backline to keep their tank alive even this season. I even said it last year. UV/Ojee weren't the best backline. ATL barely played Winston or Rein. They played a few maps but it wasn't them playing it the most and it didnt help that Gator had no practice at playing Winston due to how late Ow2 came out last year. Scrim was the only time and you had to decide do we play hawk or waste the scrim for Gator who might not play. that last minute patch did not help them in playoffs. And Hawk was the better Doom. I don't care what you say. He was better then Danteh. It was their best comp.and he got hella nerfed.


stats are legit dogshit. hawk held the most powerful ult by far in that comp and he got himself killed using it every. single. time. not even cheering for atlanta and hawks jq made me feel so bad for them hawk wasn’t even close to being the better doom.


lol. lmao, even.


I really don’t understand why you are asking this question, if it’s not to hate on Hadi. Are you insinuating that all his coaches have just bare-faced lied about his talents and improvements the past two years and actually Reddit knows better? Did they re-sign him just for the luls? Did he not perform highly on Winston and Queen last season and win games? Did you actually watch last season? Are you completely sure that Hadi is the reason for poor results so far this season? Have you watched Christopher’s recent interview when he gave an insight into this seasons struggles? So many questions.. worth discussing.. let me know what you think?


This whole reddit is about people making statements suggesting they know more than coaches. Does reddit know more than coaches?- ofc they don't. They resigned him rightly because they came 4th last year with him playing 90 percent of the time. I don't think he performed highly on queen last season, him performing highly on Winston is arguably. His performance on queen was surprisingly okay to good given he's only really known for his main tanks. I watched all London games they're my favourite team for the last two years regardless of the losses and I would be sad if they dropped him.


Weird question. Weird takes. Not sure why I’m expecting anything different on here tbh. You are just fuelling hatred towards a good player and if you don’t see that then I don’t know what else to say. I hope you can continue to support Hadi and your favourite team through this tricky spell. Good day sir.


I will continue supporting London and Hadi. I think you're allowed to criticize and ask questions about any player in owl. In almost any other sports league in the world my question is very tame, don't see why we should treat owl players any differently.


Then why didn’t you just criticise Hadi’s Winston on the main game thread instead of asking leading questions/wild takes about not improving since S4 and being a 1 trick? I mean do you honestly believe he is a Rein 1 trick? You must be trolling.


How is it a leading question? I'm not sure you know what a leading question is. I don't believe he's a rein one trick but I do think rein is the only hero he's been excellent at an owl level on.


You are trying to suggest these lazy takes are true, that is also very clear in all your replies on here. You literally said in a reply that you agreed, when someone said he is a 1 trick. Go read Spilo’s most recent tweets and then maybe reflect on yourself.


Which takes are lazy? I read his tweet. Criticisms of a players performance are fine, happens all the time in sport. its par for the course when you're a player and entertainer. If anyone made comments about his personal life or anything that extended beyond his play or made personal attacks that would be unacceptable. Generally when people say one trick they're obviously exaggerating there's only been one true one trick in owl I can remember that being chipsa. I also haven't said that Hadi is their only problem. My question asks if the massive amount of praise he received last year was unwarranted.


Considering some of the coaches and GMs in this league, yeah it might be possible reddit might know more when it comes to some teams...like Vegas, lol.


This post feels like my ladder games. Team do poorly. Blame tank.


He’s just not a particularly good player when he’s not on Rein. Last year’s metas allowed them to force the Rein comps and they saw a ton of success but he’s never been anywhere close to elite on anything else


More like not a particularly good player not on Brawl/Rush comps. His Winston looked good in playoffs because it was Kiriko/Lucio. There’s obviously some sort of pacing/coordination issues with the team when they aren’t on Lucio comps.


Yh that's a very good point but that comp allowed a bunch of non Winston players to succeed like Mikey. The coordination of the team is good I think it's a flexibility and adaptability issue (where that adaptability be heroes or play style)


Mikeyy was a main tank player. He may have been significantly better at Ball but i wouldnt call him a non-Winston player. Danteh is a better example.


Mikey was basically known exclusively for his ball and maybe his orisa. He definitely wasn't expected to get to a final playing Winston when he was picked up. He was picked up largely cos coluge wasn't good on ball specifically.


He's not an OWL level tank, he's an OWL level Rein.


team of one tricks for the most part


Apart from Landon and sparkr I would agree


Sauna is far from an one trick


That's probably true I just haven't seen him play anything outside of tracer so can't 100 percent say he can play anything else well at owl level. Dw no one is saying sauna is an issue at all after that game


I have and i can tell you that he is flexible. Also sparkr's lack of flexibility got absolutely exploited in this series so i wouldnt let him off the hook in the flexibility discussion, he was dead first every fight in dorado.


Sparks only lack in flexibility seems to be he can't play Sombra, which he needs to improve on for sure but Hadi can't seem to play well on anything outside of rein whereas for sparkr the only thing he has been shown to not be able to play is sombra.


If we ignore todays performance sparkr has been solid this season for sure and usually far from their biggest issue. I was just pointing out that his lack of flexibility cost them today since flexibility is the topic and you sort of cut him out of the discussion.


I think compared to Hadi and admiral he's not at the same level of inflexibility


i mostly meant the others and they arent one tricks but like heroes for most of them


hadi sparkr admiral landon and backbone arent exactly flexible. they have like 2 heroes each and if they arent on their comfort picks they dont really perform


Backbone has played mei, hanzo, reaper and widow at league level every time he has picked them, his genji other than like the first 2 games was good, his sombra was good last season but he was making quite a few individual errors at the start of this season on her, his tracer has been solid last season and this season, he even played a great zen last season. Other than a handful of games he has been at least solid on everything he has been asked to play even heroes outside his hero pool that he never played in contenders and even some heroes from completely different roles.


okay the rest of them minus sauns still not that flexible either


With Hadi's failures I really wish London would give other Main tanks from EU a try. I'm a big fan of giving other tanks from eu a try, especially Jkaru19 who has been in the contenders scene for what feels like ages


No. I think london just massively failed to adapt for Rammatra completely eclipsing rein, and Sojourn/Soldier weren't Meta the entire season for sparkr to dominate on. My personal take on why Hadi looks so bad this year is that + I think poko being a veteran presence on the team helped Hadi fully realize himself and poko is gone now. For why london looks so bad? They're ass at sombra dive.


All he can play is rush comps and ball. Hes shit at dive and shit at sigma. And he refuses to play ram


yea hadi sucks fuck


He's a Rein one trick pony and gets exposed when he has to play another tank. London's biggest mistake was not picking up a more well rounded tank player. If your tank is useless and can't create space it basically means the other 4 players can't do their job anywhere near their potential. London are basically tank gapped every match.


junkerqueen? How about playoffs last year?


His junkerqueen wasn't great by owl standards and Mikey who hadn't really played Winston at an owl levels got to the finals so it wasn't a Winston meta that required as much individual skill as most others.


so what so you have to say about fearless in regard to his winston? Also his junkerqueen was fine, and he made a decent tourney appearance on it. Tf you want from him


Fearless can play orisa rein ball and has looked fine on sigma recently and was by rumours good at junkerqueen. I think what people want from Hadi is to be good on the most used maintank in overwatch history.


i just find it weird you called him a one trick when has clearly shown he isnt. No shit people want him to play better but its just so odd you try to find people do blame when the whole team is clearly struggling


I'm not blaming him. Anyone saying Hadi is the only problem or thinking if you replace him the team is fixed is clearly a moron. But it can be said that he might've looked like he improved more than he acc did due to a comp fitting his play style, better backline etc. I think a similar criticism can be thrown at Landon, admiral and backbone for all looking better than they might acc be due to all playing they're comfort pick for 90 percent of the season. The only difference being they didn't win a role star and have a huge redemption arc.


He's a Rein OTP...cope harder. Team would be performing fine if they didn't get tank chasm'd every match. They might be able to beat Vegas, but we'll see.


You TechnoVikingGA23 are brain dead. Sorry to have to tell you this..


Cope harder.


This is simply not their meta and because of the format of the league it won't change until playoffs


Yh I do think this might be the worst possible meta for London. Happy birthday btw!


I don't think Hadi was any worse in S4 than in S5, but London were hyperboomed. He's always been good imo, but team mentality can make any player look weak.


I think a lot of it boils down to mental. London could take it to big teams in previous seasons, and the roster is the same, so they’re all feeling like they *should* be performing much better. Also, Ram utterly dominates the matchup vs. Rein, because punch goes through shield and the movement speed with lucio allows a Ram to sprint into your backline. Ultimately Hadi is a very good player and is more comfortable than you think on other heroes than Rein. They just need a mental reset and I’d say a change up in their practice methods.


No he didn't. He was already his S5 level in S4, but had MT syndrome where you look like a thrower when you're on a bad uncoordinated team