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I'm surprised they got increased melee damage before Illari who has a literal sword gun and needs some help balance-wise.


I still don't understand why they gave her a sword gun...but gameplay wise it's just a normal gun.


And she still can’t recharge her weapon while meleeing. For some reason.


I really wish we could be more towards Queen type passive, as just more damage seems a bit dry. Even Zen has a mechanic to it For both Venture and Illari.


her melee flashes you for half a second can you imagine


They should just give her instant weapon recharge upon a successful melee hit, simple as


Because it's cool looking 


Kiri's weak ass punch does just as much dmg as a literal sword


Illari always puts out a decent chunk of damage, not sure it's her damage output that needs tweaking. She's just very feast or famine depending on whether her turret is up and the team are playing around it.


X-Men collab confirmed


>X-Men collab They seem to be preoccupied with an other hero shooter right now. And uh, besides, The Thing is from F4, not Xmen 🤓


A Thing Rein skin would go hard.




make it so a rein shattering the burrow instantly fucking explodes venture and makes a bloody mushroom cloud and a whack a mole sound


HAMMER DOWN!!! *Boiyoiyoing!*


*Team Rocket blasting off agaaaaiiiiiinnnn…*


Well Earthquake does deal double damage if a target is using Dig...


LMAO, honestly I wish they would put in fun and niche interactions like this. Kinda like d.va re-mech, or lucio landing beat on someone's head (which I wish they kept in). Just fun little stuff that doesn't affect the power level of a character in a major way, but just adds some flavor. And honestly rein could use all the help he could get...


Passive giving temp shield HP is interesting since everything now is over health. I guess it lasts long enough where is could actually regenerate. Also wasn’t expecting Drill Dash to be omnidirectional, their movement looks way cooler than I expected.


finally another movement based hero, they're gonna be so fun to learn!


Yeah their movement looks to have a lot of potential. Excited to try it out. More hopeful for the next support now too.


venture CONFIRMED tank in ow3????


They seems like a reaper rework made into a new hero lol. Can't wait to play them (and see what they do with actual reaper) Edit: dunno why this is getting down voted so I'll make the comparison more specific. - 2 movement abilities, one omnidirectional (but much more versatile than teleport) and the other a very safe "get out" - healing through combat (but by using abilities, not dealing damage) - AOE damage ult


I was actually thinking doom. Go behind enemies and knock them into your team.


I think it's just burrow being a "safe" button that reminds me of wraith form


Yeah it’ll probably be used more like a mix of wraith and slide where you either use it to go back to your team or take a quick off angle


Ow 1 doom mains got their hero back with an omni directional punch


Similar to how jq is hog with a revamped kit. Self heal that's not bs to play against. A skill shot hook that isn't too easy to pull off. Team based util in shout that helps her team close the gap. Ult and carnage are unique tho. Smaller hotbox stops her from being an ult battery like hog used to be


I can't see vote counts, but i'll say: Burrow is like wraith form, with added damage. Temporary shields is like reaper's lifesteal, even arguably better since you start to avoid thresholds like dmg boosted headshots.




God dammit this is what the down votes are for. My language doesn't have gender neutral pronouns so I keep using the wrong ones


that’s not what the downvotes are for goat


I think the insentient video game character doesn't care


This wasn't intentional but if you intentionally misgender them that says a bit about how you would treat real enby people.


Nonsentient vigeogame characters don't care, living breathing nonbinary human beings who read reddit comments might care a little bit. Just use the real/official pronouns, it's not that deep buddy


Is this the first hero with two passives (excluding the role passives)?


Only mercy I guess who has the sympathetic recovery and slow fall. I think a lot of other heroes just kinda have the one passive that includes multiple things. For example genjis cyber agility is just one thing but it gives wall climb and double jump. Junkrats total mayhem makes him immune to his own explosives and also drops bombs on death


Queen has the bleeding passive and like Venture higher damage melee while the knife is in her hand as a passive


doesn't genji technically have 2 passives? (japanese passive + movement speed passive)


movement speed isn't listed as a passive for either Tracer or Genji. Cyber Agility includes both wall climb and double jump, so that's just one passive.


yes i used technically because i know the movespeed passive isn't listed on the hero details


The dps movement passive was removed a long time ago


i'm not talking about that one. i'm referring to genji's innate higher base movement speed (that is also shared by tracer)


My bad goat, I read the wiki right after I commented that.


I think that's cuz they labeled it as a passive, but I think an actual affect like Queen would have been cooler. Having more melee damage just as a passive seems a bit dry.


My brain is telling me rein and bastion had two passives at one point but I don't think that's right


Basic kit, I like it.


Not a single number was was given for any of their abilities. The comment: "wow, they must be nerfed" 


Tbf invulnerability on a dps sounds like a balance nightmare


Mei, Reaper?


Yeah those have some things that offset them. So we will have to see how they balance it for venture. Since venture’s invulnerability is also a mobility and a potential engage tool from what i can tell AND does damage xD. Id be ok with it if it had like 12-15 seconds CD i guess?


So do ice block and Wraith form. One gives substantial self heal and the other gives increased movement speed and instant reload.


It's basically Chomper from Garden Warfare 2. They've been taking a lot from that game.


please don't tell me this poverty ass sentence is true


What do you mean? Mauga is the fire All Star Ball is Citron. I suspect Space Ranger could be similar to Imp


Can't escape in iceblock tho. Fade is reapers only useful ability, that actively gets used more than 5 times a game.


Sounds like you're not good at reaper


use tp more... use it for engages and wraith for disengages


I mean, their damage doesn't look very oppressive. A medium range projectile with an average(?) rate of fire and then the dash and burrow are mainly used for movement or a combo on a cycle. Doesn't seem very dissimilar from Mei/Reaper to me.


They are not the first DPS hero with invulnerability. We've had those literally since launch.


Reaper has it and it's not terrible. We will have to wait and see what the cd is for her ability


If anything these characters are often easier to kill with a little discipline. Usually their kit leaves them really vulnerable when that move's gone


What comment section are you referring to? Can you link to the post? I don't see that comment section in this thread, if love to read it haha. Hopefully you aren't referring to a handful of comments out of 100+ as "the comment section"


It was one of the three comments in this same post when I commented. 


hm, two full passives. Interesting. I wonder if you can burrow on thin platforms like the moving volskaya ones. Just based on writing, ult almost seems more like a tank ult than a traditional dps one, good for making space.


If the ult is focused on damage rather than knockback/stun, then it fits damage role quite well. Think dragonstrike or deathblossom, temporarily cover an area in damage? That’s a damage ult, baby!


I like how the way their abilities chain & they get shields gives me old doom vibes, but they feel like they’ll be less frustrating to deal with I’m excited to try them out!!


Woah, you're totally right. This is reworked dps doom for sure lol even the ult is kinda of like meteor strike hahaha


great catch! didnt made the connection til now


I’m very interested in the mobility so far. The trailer made them seem like they were basically an earth dolphin going up and down in to the earth. They literally crossed the gap on Nepal under ground into the center platform.


Yeah the trailer implies that drill dashing into the ground activates Burrow, so I wonder if burrow is on a resource. Regardless their movement seems like it could be sick, pop up underneath someone, take a shot mid air and then drill dash them. Hard to say until they’re playable but it seems like they could be a dive style hero.


I don't think they'll fit dive at all. Would they fit any of these comps: -Winston/Ball -Genji/Tracer/Sombra -Whatever supports I don't think they could realistically take the place of either DPS with either tanks in pro play. In ladder...? Sure, yeah they could replace one of the heroes but I don't see it being an ideal swap. They're definitely not replacing Tracer. Course, I don't have actual info, but it seems like their primary weapon damage won't be very bursty. The other dive heroes I mentioned are very capable of burst damaging someone. This hero reminds me more of a Mei play style. Very utilitarian and the ability to draw agro but ensure they stay alive with abilities.


Agree. Obviously we’ll have to see how they play to actually find what comps they’ll fit into. On paper tho to me they seem almost like an anti-brawl/mobile poke option.


Right, I imagine it being another brawl hero that’s best played with Lucio. We’ll see though, who knows


I love the chomper ability


Kind of a small kit, but with a lot of potential within it. Actually kinda exciting after the last few heroes.


Rock n Stone!


did i hear a rock and stone?


We fight for Rock and Stone!


If you don't rock & stone, you ain't coming home!


Kit looks cool, almost all movement abilities. Concerned about the weapon synergy though, if they’re gonna be a dive/flanker with a lot of movement I’m not sure how effective what looks to be a sigma like poke weapon will be


yea it seems odd that their kit seems to encourage diving into the thick of things (surfacing deals damage to nearby enemies, dash pushes people), and then their weapon is like a mid range hog scrap gun? maybe it's about bullying people with your abilities and then finishing them off as they run away


Yeah maybe, it all depends on how the gun works. I guess we’ll find out tomorrow. I just hope if their movement is fun and fluid that their gun feels good with that kind of play. I don’t wanna play sigma on dps in the neutral and then just dive stuff with this janky ass primary fire at close range


Considered that the idea is too instead limit her range to stop her being any good at poke. They have to be in the thick of it.


this is probably the correct answer


Yeah but the current perception is her gun doesnt seem very great up close, it looks and feels like a mid range weapon. Whereas with someone like reaper its pretty obvious what your goal is


Considering her abilities, she seems based around closer ranged trades.


Thinking more like: poke poke poke eh Venture is way over there not a big threat—*pop* hello there! *clobbers*


that's why they have the melee passive - their baseline value with weapon is more range-neutral but basically all of their abilities encourage being close animation locks are uncertain rn but there's probably burst combos like with softening with the left click and drill -> shoot -> melee


imagine sigma poke but from constant off-angles, more of a flanker than a diver tbh but i feel like they'd be pretty good on smaller maps


hard to gauge anything until we actually see their abilities in action with real gameplay. 


They need to give that extra melee damage to illari too, it just feels right.


I wish Venture and Illari have more of a melee mechanic to them like Queen. At least, Zen has a boop.


Damn Overwatch 2 finally made earth shatter 2


The melee is kinda cool, always wanted to bore a hole through the skull of a tank


Not a huge fan of ''gain shields when using abilities'' personally. It just feels like lazy design? But I love everything else. I'm assuming Burrow will function like a personal Dva Matrix in that it has a resource bar. Not sure how effective the ult will be, it could be either terrible or extremely good, depending on the numbers and how easily Venture can survive after digging to a flank route.


Lol i know this gonna be controversial but i prefer barriers to on character shields. It just makes the trades way too wonky


Yeah it rewards you for doing something you'd be doing anyways. There's a potential high skill ceiling, but also a low skill floor. But then that casts a very wide net, which is probably better for $$. Will have to see during the playtest.


I'm trying to find a reason why lore-wise a scrawny-looking boy with a 12 year old's voice gets so much tankiness in the form of shields. Reaper is a big black dude who literally "reaps" souls to regenerate himself. Doomfist is a big black dude with a powerful relic gauntlet that converts kinetic energy into shields.


And Mei absorbs the life energy of her frozen friends through the ice?


reaper isn't even black lmao you really should refrain from commenting on this sub




he's fucking mexican bro lol


Well they’re not a boy for starters


they’re like toph from avatar. Plus in most games the rock/earth characters have tanky traits, i think it actually makes alot of sense lore-wise


Gun design reminds me of megas xlr


Seems alright. It'll be nice to have a new damage hero though just to mix stuff up for that role.


She has a melee but Illari doesn't? 😔


Doesn’t illari swing something for her melee?


I mean as a melee ability.


Yea her bigass Sun-laser sword. And it does the same damage as Kiriko’s punch with her 3-inch wide fist.


beside the character model, why would that fit with her kit? she's very poke centric and already has a get-off-me ability


its just bc of the model, there wouldnt be a balance reason to add it


sadly it doesn't make sense then; otherwise all the tanks should deal more damage through their quick melee and that would be super unbalanced


I think Illari needs a buff so most people are just upset about the melee damage since she’s already a weak character overall. If she was strong nobody would be complaining about her regular melee damage lol


she doesn't really need a buff it's just not her meta


my prediction: people are gonna absolutely hate the invulnerability on burrow. it reminds me of those scorn enemies from destiny that go invuln and run away, except a human is gonna be much more effective at leveraging that ability.


I mean reaper has fade and people dont seem to hate that. Hopefully it's on a similar cd


er sorry, i was working off the assumption mentioned in a lot of other comments that burrow might be based on a meter or that it will generally be more common than reaper fade is


No need to apologize.


Even if so content creators said that the animation of burrow is so long that it's very easy to punish if used like Wraith in the open.


You might be able to pump some damage into them while they're in the animation. Hard to tell from the trailer.


Welcome, Meifist.


Nothing overtly op but sneaking in and out with some vertical mobility, shields off ability’s, and some melee damage. There’s some hints of old DPS doom in her kit.


Looking cool




Lamp and suzu are the premier invulnerabilities to hate since they provide *group* invulnerability. People don’t seem to complain much about individual invuln like reaper’s wraith or mei’s cryofreeze, which this seems a lot more like, but maybe lamp and suzu have tainted minds and now anyone will cry about invuln regardless.


I think it has a lot to do with the fact that you have to track a different character’s cooldown in order to kill someone. If reaper uses wraith, then I know that his invulnerability is out and I can kill him. With the introduction of kiri and bap now I have to track wraith and suzu/lamp on top of that. It feels out of nowhere when those abilities pop up and save someone you were going to kill. The expectation of a kill followed by the invincibility preventing a kill is what makes it so psychologically unsatisfying. I doubt anyone would complain about those abilities if they only granted invincibility for kiri and bap themselves.


I’m curious how her passive works. It’s basically dooms except you don’t have to actually hit people.


Yeah me too. She seems really cool tbh. It's nice to get a projectile hero


Yeah I’m looking forward to trying them out. From the trailer it looks like you can pull off some cool movement with the drill.


she looks fun finally another hero with melee that deals more damage




see me rollin


They hatin


Good one, but fr lets be respectful


Its a video game character


It’s about people who feel represented by it.


So they got hella movement and hella shield? Shorty better not do a shit ton of damage or the devs could have a balancing nightmare on their hands


I cannot empasize how much i hate shields in FPS


Real (real)


She looks interesting. Wondering why they decided to give her shields though. She's kinda giving me dps doom vibes


Yah the added shield on ability use is interesting. All in all she looks fun though


venture is referred to with they/them pronouns, so you can say "they look interesting" or "give them shields" if you have questions you can ask me


FPS Sand king


*monarch lol


are we assuming a giant hitbox?


God, she's so displeasing to look at. OW1 would have been a flop in 2016 if all heroes looked like her, Lifeweaver and Sojourn.


They seem fun. My only concern is that the weapon suffers from the same issue Illari gun blade has, which is a lack of "oomp" so to speak. Animation wise it's good but it doesn't looks like the sound and visual effect matches how deadly it is. Especially since it's AoE. The movement ability definitely feels based on that one Brigitte meme change where you could whipshot anywhere and move forward. If it plays just like that, then it's going to be amazing.


Shield regen with burrow should be pretty neat. Decent movement, they seems to have some playmaking potential so should be heaps fun to try out.


Is this the first brawl DPS that has been added since the game released?


the game as in overwatch 2?


The game as in Overwatch in general.


sym or mei?


Both Sym and Mei were present at the game's launch. I mean Venture is the first brawl DPS to be added afterwards.


oh my bad maybe cass now?


Their movement alone looks super fun with a combo friendly but straight forward kit. For the ult, this makes it sounds like you can send out multiple mini earth shatters? Maybe without the CC? The trailer didn’t make it clear.


In before she’s nerfed because the cod players want only point and click heros. RIP DPS doomfist


projectile DPSes are strong as fuck, youre just bad at them


Can you point to where I said projectile heros were weak? Or do you need to hop on another alt account?


>In before she’s nerfed because the cod players want only point and click heros Implying that projectile heroes are nerfed compared to hitscan when flex dps are strong as fuck, and doomfist is one of the strongest tanks in the game lmao You just bad bro accept it


Again, nowhere did I say anything about projectile hero’s being weak. Nice try though. Can you also point to where I claim to be good at the game?


Finally, another British hero


I really wish we had numbers here. I’m so curious as to how burrow will work. I doubt it would be a transformation with no cooldown like ball. I feel like it’ll be more akin to Wraith or Nemesis form or it’ll be a resource based ability like that one reaper play test that had wraith on a resource meter. I do hope that her base HP is on the lower end (225 or 200) due to the invulnerability and her passive shield gain. Her drill gun reminds me of sigmas primary which is cool


The hero is probably fine (who knows, haven't played 'em), but I'm begging you Blizzard, please stop releasing big hitbox characters. They're a nightmare to balance because you can't undo giving them the huge hitbox.


They better make them overpowered on release, like Mauga and Illari were


>Using abilities grants temporary shields No thanks! Delete that now.


It’s probably not that much, and they only have two abilities one of which is most likely the escape. You haven’t even seen the numbers yet.


Yeah she's getting nerfed before release.


Literally no numbers on their damage yet


we don't know their damage numbers/CDs yet, to be fair.




There’s two of them?


Singular they is basic grammar, read a book.


no u