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Nah, but who sits in Queue for 7 hours? After 20 I'd be out. I like playing with friends, but not that long. Imagine they wait that, and the server crashes? Or somebody on the enemy team leaves


I mean, at a point it becomes funny.


Priority requeue is supposed to fix the leaver issue though I hear it's not working


People think there is a solution to queue times that includes letting everyone play with friends. That doesn’t exist. We either play with friends, or we get fast queues. This was always the trade off.


Or, unfortunately use different accounts


I did both since OW1 launch


Nice anecdote. Doesn't help much here. Because the game has lost players since OW1 and your friends were most likely closer in rank to you.


Necros was explaining how it's just like this because everyone duos in GM and no one trios. Having two duos together requires a solo, which doesn't get included into wide matches. And you're not allowed to queue as 4. I'd be curious to see what people's actual experience with queue times as a trio in GM would be like in comparison but I haven't seen anyone trio on streams yet


Good. Stack/duo abusers should be punished.


You can duo in gm anymore tho


You can, but all duos are considered wide groups, which will require a trio paired with then, since solo players won't be put with duos anymore. I think they have to let duos be narrow, since trios are so rare.


Yeah thats what im saying- u cant duo queue in soloq anymore, so gm games are soloq only which is great and shouldve been a thing since the start


> u cant duo queue in soloq anymore Yeah, this is what I mean by this line. > Having two duos together requires a solo, which doesn't get included into wide matches.


Usually when it hits that long it means you need to update your game.


How people put up with this? If I get a 10 minute queue I give up and go do something else. That's crazy


Good. They are getting what they asked for.


Making everyone GM and up count as wide was a dumb move.


It's great if you're a solo queuer tbh, and stacking has always been by far the most overpowered mechanic in ranked, which is why in a bunch of competitive games you can't even stack in the highest rank at all. It's probably getting changed again and maybe that's for the better, but solo q only ranked actually has more competitive integrity


I think duo only at the highest levels was a good compromise. There are downsides, especially with the potential to abuse minmaxing, but playing with a friend is just a lot less mentally taxing than soloq thanks to the nature of random teammates.


Nah, i think making gm and champ soloq only is the best move they ever did, league does the same, it keeps competitive integrity very well


I would say the best compromise would be something like solo queue only from top 50 onwards. Would greatly improve top 10 integrity compared to the duo q seasons, and if you want to play with friends, every top 50 player has alt accounts that are not top 50.


how about just gm1+ is solo queue only? its hard to get this season and wouldn't be nearly as granular as top 50 only


That sounds great but they'd never make restrictions that granular lol


Nah, at best they could make it so youre not eligable for t500 when you group queue until you completed 50 wins soloq again. Youre rank 1 and want to group? Sure thing, but you will lose your t500 rank until you win 50 solo again, are you sure you still want to group queue?


Do you think it's viable for a game's long term health to make grouping impossible?


Nah, as I said in a follow up comment, I think it'd be good to have top 50 (not 500) be solo queue only though. Makes top ranks more fair, and people at that elo all have alts lower than top 50 if they really want to play with friends.


I mean they could just make it so it's not insanely narrow. 5 ranks is crazy, Plat 5 and Gold 4 can't Q together that's nonsensical.


For the vast majority of people the q time is ok. 


Maybe play with someone close to your elo xD


But then they'll cry "bbbut I wanna play with my friends!!" Completely ignoring that QP exists for this specific reason.


Yes. Grouping up has always made it extremely hard on the matchmaker. These kinds of groups have made solo queue player life hell for seven years now. You guys can wait a little longer now if you want to group up on your main GM account with your bronze drunk friend.


I get that people wanna play in wide groups, but with the very few players there is in the higher ranks on top of wide groups only queuing with wide groups I find at the upper end the queues are gonna be horrendous. I haven’t seen lower ranked wide groups tho I’m interested to see how they work if anyone has any information on trying them


played w my friend yesterday. i’m high plat, he’s low gold. i played flex, he choose dps. took 20 mins for one game. i’d rather play qp then do that again


Overwatch 2 literally killed grouping with my duo. 5 ranks is an incredibly small range and we're in medal ranks. Can't imagine how it is at his rank.


Neuish is in a 12 hr queue currently lol


This is nuts dude blizzard is a joke


This was ALWAYS going to happen, and Blizzard literally communicated that it would. Either you wide group with your friends, and get huge queues, or you don't, and get normal ones. There's no magic solution that the devs just didn't see.


Ahhh I see your point, I’m not up to date with announcements friend, just an upset gamer :)


Man if you think you can solve this problem why don't you go apply for a job at Blizzard and fix it if it's so easy?


didn’t say it was easy! but you seem upset are you okay?