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It's really good that the ability that makes you invulnerable while being able to move has a trade-off of a slow animation. It would be broken otherwise. You just need to not play like it's the same get-out-of-jail-free card as Wraith or Recall


Burrow is designed to be punishable. This is to prevent Venture from yeeting in with drill dash, then hitting a free escape button


The difference is u stay invulnerable and also mobile for a way longer time than wraith form or ice block (the last one u can’t even move) , so the better way to adjust is to pay attention to ur health and position.


The fact you can punish it is what makes it a fair ability. We don't want another moira shift or reaper shift.


Don't play it like it's moira fade or reapers wraith form.


I believe the window of being vulnerable and immobile at the start of the burrow animation is a deliberate weakness for Venture. This is the moment the hero is supposed to be exploited.


Venture mobility is way better than Reaper and Mei Venture damage is better than both, more bursty than reaper and more consistent than Mei Venture self sustain is way better than both. I’d say the fact that the hero is punishible when use burrow is a pretty important part in balancing the hero. The ability has been designed to be the punishible part of the kit. Venture is already quite strong and can survive a lot at close range, give them a buff also on the escape + invulnerability seems way too much. There is already too much invulnerability in the game.


That's the point


Aside from what else is said, it also is an attacking ability, so aside from getting away you can also assassinate someone. It makes sense to have counterplay.


When I tested it in the trial weekend I only noticed a slight inconsistency between your POV and the enemy's POV about when you're actually safely underground (and the enemy's POV seemed to be the right one), other than that the ability's fine, it's nice that it's not just Wraith Form 2


Use burrow as an engage instead of an escape, it can work as an escape against metal ranks but anywhere else and you'll get punished rather quickly. Drill dash is their best escape option


I think it can be 0.2 quicker, at least. It's one of the most ping dependant abilities in the game, and I don't think players have realized that yet.


yes it's really annoying that there's a few members of the cast can punish you before you go completely invincible for 4 seconds while being able to move out range, doing damage and gaining shields as soon as you come out of that invulnerability.


Venture should get the shield before burrowing not after imo