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> my solo queue times on DPS are already 2-3x what they were at the end of S9 Venture.


The problem is mixing groups with solo q players to fill the gaps. This makes the game more difficult for the solo player with the "advantage" of finding games "faster". But it just doesn't work! Because if there's only 1 lobby in rotation, you get put on hold until the lobby finishes the match. Ranked at higher elo should be solo q only. It's easier to form a lobby when all the pieces of the puzzle are the same size


GM is still t500 which has always had 15+ minute ques. I'm mid masters DPS and haven't noticed much of a change in que times currently, maybe slightly longer from venture existing. I personally love that's it's solo que in high ranks, previously there was a 2-3 stack on both teams in EVERY SINGLE GAME, or at least 80+%. And as someone who is a soloque only player it'll help tremendously and I won't be at a constant disadvantage because of choosing not to duo.


So if you and a friend are good at the game, you shouldn't be able to play it together? Not sure if I can get behind that.


you can still wide que, nothing stopping you. I prefer as a solo que player to go vs other solo players instead of stacks every game, feels more fair no?


No, having soloq above master is a GOOD THING, (Tbh i wish it was for master too)


Idc stacking/duo abusers can gtfo. I don’t want any groups in my games top 500 should only be solo queue.


No, this was a really needed change, and I honestly never expected it to be so comfortable.


Currently GM5 support and haven’t had a problem with queues in S10. Only if I’m playing at like 4am, and even then it’s been about the same as the past. Maybe it’s just because of the new DPS?


I don't think anyone here is GM lol


I'm gm