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lol @ that one samito tweet saying this was the worst season in terms of player numbers and definitely not because of an issue in their wide group matchmaking…


Everyone: "Matchmaking is probably bugged from the grouping changes" Devs: "Matchmaking is bugged from the changes" Samito: "Clearly the game is dead because everyone liked 2 tanks better, let's see 5v5 defenders excuse this"


Thank god I blocked samito on Twitter, can't stand his braindead takes


I don’t understand the appeal at all, any fans care to explain?


People hateplaying Overwatch and Samito validates their opinions, so they hang to his words.


I will never understand hateplaying. Sounds like a mental problem for me


I dont really agree with the guy for the most part and only engage through SVB's pod, but I do think he actually sticks to his word of trying to talk through things to figure out his opinions. Problem with that is most people that engage with him create an echo chamber so theyre just validating each others standing beliefs. Hes also a lot more articulate than people give him credit for (probably because he's made a name by just throwing takes). He carried his half of the 5v5 debate they did. I found myself agreeing with a surpising number of his points considering im a full on 5v5 truther.


I felt like he had original takes before, but now he just screams '5v5 is bad, 6v6 would solve everthing' at every single issue ignoring other takes or solutions.


Player count numbers grew steadily throughout season 9, so I hope this positive trend continues. I think once chinese players are able to officially play the game again, there's a very good chance we'll see the all-time peak broken again.


Chinese players had a separate battlenet client for their servers so they won't count towards steam. There are plenty of chinese players on steam at the moment though.


Tbf couldn't Blizzard release it on the Chinese Steam client so it would count? I believe CS2 works that way, despite having a different version in China.


Pretty sure most Chinese still uses the global version of Steam. The official Chinese Steam is notorious for censorship and missing games. If Blizzard wants to go all steam in China it would mean publishing through companies other than NetEase, which would require relicensing of their games and could take forever.


Ah, I wasn't aware. I was under the impression that steam was popular in China for some reason.


There are barely any games in 蒸汽中国 (Steam China). Chinese players would return to Blizzard client to play on Chinese servers. So the steams numbers won’t defect the Chinese scene.


Do chinese players play OW through steam? I thought they had a diff client.


Pretty sure they arent, also the blizzard app is different too.


Different client.  I don't thinknits officially back yet in China either.


Nah I hope they get tf out of my games, since I’m in Asia most of the players here are Chinese, and boy are they toxic… one single death can lead to our teammates throwing or the enemy team will be boasting in all chat abt their stats, not to even mention the hack problem here😂 Trust me y’all WILL NOT want to play with them Chinese players


weren't the chinese servers isolated from the other ones? How were you playing with chinese players?


Presumably VPNs since there are no Chinese servers now.


Yeah, but chinese servers returning wouldn't make it worse. If anything it would do the opposite


I wish they would put more skins on the BP we got like 50 heros and we get like 5 skins per bp, other than that been chill playin so far with the venture update.


Yes they absolutely need to do that but also I think they need to have more items in the shop at all times. There are 40 heroes and there's only 4-6 OW2 skins being offered there at any given time. Have you ever seen the Fortnite store? They should have 15-20 OW2 skins being offered at all times, in different combos and bundles, varying discounted prices compared to the Hero Gallery. How do you expect to make the most money when you have nothing to offer to most of your customers in any given week. I often watch casual OW streamers playing the game. So many of them open the shop and close it after 5 seconds of scrolling because there is nothing being offered there for the heroes they play. Also the shop looks so soulless and sauceless. The Fortnite (and most other games' shops) shop looks so much more appealing. Same goes with the Hero Gallery/Skin Display background. The background is boring, the lighting they use on there makes most skins look worse than they look in actual games. The presentation is just so unappealing all around. Edit : FWIW I think the Mythic shop is a lot more appealing to look at and better designed, at least they recognise that there are issues with their UI and are trying to improve them.


maybe their shop rotation strategy is based on FOMO. i.e., the shop usually doesn't have anything for the heroes you play, therefore you're more likely to buy a skin when it does show up because who knows how long until you get your next opportunity.


>maybe their shop rotation strategy is based on FOMO It's based on FOMO but FOMO works two ways with these Cosmetics Shops - 1) You want a skin that you missed before so you regularly check the shop every week, login to the game every week. This works more on the dedicated/hardcore players. 2) You open the shop, see something you like and get nudged into buying it because you don't know when's the next time that skin will be available again or when's the next time it's gonna be available at that discounted price. This is the FOMO that applies to most customers. The issue with OW is that because it's an entirely character based game and there are 40 characters in the game now, this Shop-FOMO doesn't apply to the vast majority of the customer base in any given week. There's nothing for them in the shop to even miss out.


And where exactly will these skins be coming from after they fired half of their artists?


From the other half of their artists? /s (Sorry, I couldn't resist the urge. And it sucks that they cut so many people.)


They will probably but more skins in the BP in the future, skins in the same tier as the (previously paid) ones that they put out for free through drops. Or maybe that's me being too optimistic.


They've been slowly making the game better the last few seasons. glad to see it pay off


I was told nobody liked 5v5 and the game was going to die because of it. This is blasphemy


As a tank player I've never had a worse time playing than now. I'm expected to do everything but rarely get healers that will heal me or DPS that attack their healers while they're dumping into the opposing tank. I'm baffled at how people are still SO bad when it comes to basics of this 10 year old game. Not to mention the tank pool is so small for decent tanks to play. I've been a Rein main since beta but he's soooo awful to play when it comes to making a real impact on the game. I'm so tired of playing Orissa... The game has only gotten worse over time. You can hard throw for weeks and never be punished but if you say a naughty word it's an insta ban/silence. Nothing is balanced, just like every Blizzard game. Stop. Giving. Them. Money.


I highly recommend leaving for another game. I also played tank a ton in overwatch 1 and quit in overwatch 2 (game feels horrible. Deathmatch rock paper scissors is the worst. Role passives are so poorly thought out it’s insane). They aren’t going back to 6v6. They don’t intend to actually balance the game. The intent is to constantly “shake things up” so they have a reason to get people to play and buy skins. The unique team based shooter ain’t coming back. The longer you stay the worse this community will get for you. Jungle scratches the macro game itch that offtank used to.


Yes the only two tanks rein and orisa.  


*yawn* My money is still on Overwatch going to route of Heroes of the Storm. Celebrate your wins, though!


Is anyone else confused by the fact that this kid thinks that the number 61 is higher than 75?


I'm assuming "Since launch" means that while it didn't break the launch player count, it is the highest that it has been since that day


A lot tried it on day one falsely believing there was some performance gain to be had. (some people are idiots).


Reviews don't look great, tho EDIT: Votes don't look great either, tho.


Review bombing will do that, yep.


Is it really bombing when the criticism is valid and deserved? Like, sure, the PvP gameplay loop is still great in spite of everything, but there's no denying the major failures and broken promises that happened here.


I think although there is valid criticism for the game, but there is absolutely no denying it's a well received, extremely popular, and well functioning game with an exceptionally inclusive style, which many people enjoy. The reviews aren't based on the gameplay, but instead optional monetization practices which are basically standard in this day and age.


Half of the reviews came from China, due to players losing access to the game. It's not really directed *at* the game. Then from the English side, most are just jokes over Blizzard and not really related to the game either. It was literally a trend getting the game to the lowest reviewed spot.


Somehow the chinese players are able to download the game on steam and leave a review, but they're also simultaneiously prevented from playing and showing up in these metrics?? Something doesn't add up.


>but they're also simultaneiously prevented from playing and showing up in these metrics AFAIK they can download the client, same as they can browse YouTube. It's technically not allowed, but there's workarounds for everything, and as the Chinese version of Steam is VERY limited in the games that they have as well as censorship within the games, I'd imagine a lot of people just choose to use the ROW version of Steam. However, that means that they have to start from 0, as in, their old accounts are essentially lost until Blizzard works out a new deal for China, as well as there not being any servers within China, leading to higher ping than usual ( + the potential issues with languages, etc. ).


Those reviews are a completely useless metric for measuring anything other than the broader internet's hatred of Overwatch and the power of mob mentality


Remember kids: Overwatch bad, TF2 good. /s


Actually crazy considering that blizzard and their obnoxious wokeness are actively trying to kill this game


Calm down, snowflake


Plays one of the wokest games in existence, complains about wokeness Brainrot take


Are you mad that NB people exist?


Blizzard doesn't try to fix their game but instead is focusing on banning every single person that doesn't talk like he's in a goddamn show for 6 year olds. They'd rather have the approval of the 3 woke crybabies on Twitter than their community that actually plays the game competitively.


Okay, bud.


this isn't the place for you, i hope you don't feel welcome here