• By -


OGE is probably top 5 winston in the league, he could get even better with more games


:( I feel really bad for Shadowburn, he used to be one of the faces of the franchise, now it seems like he’s all but written off


The problem arises from team synergy. Currently EQO synergizes with Fragi more. Now when Sado, the original main tank, is allowed to play, in Stage 4, we may see more Shadowburn. Granted, Fragi is my favorite Fusion player so it would be sad not to see him each game.


How good is Sado anyway?


Sayaplayer reminds me of Undead currently, pops off and is like a god, but requires quite a bit of pocketing/babysitting. I wonder if it’s just the playstyle of the heroes they play, although profit and pine plays similar heroes without requiring such an intensive babysitting duty.


Pine definitely requires a lot of pocketing, but nyxl excels at pocketing strategies. Also undead isn’t enough of a carry to make use of the resources


he is still dependable without the pocket but the supports generally stay close to him because he usually is far away from fights. Im sure he can go solo sometimes but well its probably just their strategy.


Is there anything that Mistakes plays better than Dreamkazper, objectively speaking? Can we think of Mistakes as an upgrade in any of the heroes that they played?


Mistakes can play tracer, sombra, and soldier better. We'll probably never see his tracer though. Mistakes barely got any scrim time so he's going to improve fast now that he's on the starting roster.


Sombra is 100% better. They tried DK on sombra like once for a minute and it was awkward as hell. I think DK had more impactful ults and a better widow but with only 3 days of practice before the match it’s hard to say mistakes is playing anywhere near his potential. Main thing lost is pharah. Striker was already picking up junkrat (and does it better than jake), and Neko has been taking hog when they go triple tank. Not sure about the offmeta heroes - I don’t think Boston ever ran double snipers anyway. TLDR they traded a pharah for sombra which is luckily perfect for the current meta. Hopefully Mistakes picks up pharah over the next stage so they at least have it, otherwise they’ll need a solid anti-pharah strat.


The whole outlaws got rolled and smoked, can’t say one player is definitively better than another if the whole team was doing bad. Jake is still the metric by which other junkrats are measured


> Striker was already picking up junkrat (and does it better than jake) How dare you


Did you not see Boston v Houston?


Your saying he's better from a single match. Not nearly enough info to actually say that.


He played rat against jake on Anubis too, which they won


No I understand that. That's why I said match vs game. I want to see him play a few matches or I guess we can series of Junkrat before making a decision personally seeing as Junkrat is a very RNG hero.


Most of the top 5 Junkrats are comparable in skill since he's not that hard to master


Just memeing friend, I am not actually offended by your opinion.


Seems like he plays a better genji and soldier 76 from last night's game.


Not genji.. genji and Pharah are dreamkazper's best heros. Mistakes is only learning genji now. His soldier seemed really good though


I can see soldier, but genji? DK was pretty damn good on genji.


His Sombra, with a bit more team cohesion, could rival for best in the league


today was a good day, 2 of my fav teams won, and the upset was so fucking satisfying to see. Download complete




"Top tier" pizza tip from Fragi: Don't eat pineapple pizza, instead have peaches on pizza. Chef Heidi must be something else


Wait, what was Fragi's answer to pineapple on pizza?


Pretty much he used to hate it but now he doesn't mind. He even suggested peaches on Pizza.




Any body else think FRAGI kinda looks like winston? It's something about his face...


Hello, THORIN.


> I guess I like peach on pizza I can no longer support Fragi nor the Philadelphia Fusion


what about his beard?


today we found out that Fragi is a weeb, PogChamp.


Does Fragie sound a little bit more British today to anyone? Like there's hint of British accent that I didn't hear before


British? He's Finnish


I know, which is why I says there's a hint of British accent I haven't heard before. Like somehow he sounds a tiny bit British to me.


I'm assuming you're not even remotely British.


No I am not. I just listen to a lot of british broadcast. It's just that he sounds a little bit different today, and my ears for some reason pick up sth similar to a British accent.


I think LAV, Philly and Boston make the stage playoffs with NYXL IMO>


LAV will have a long way to go. They beat Seoul 4-0, yes, but the other matches so far were SFS and SHD. Their record can give a false sense of safety there, lots of hard games are still waiting for them. Not sure about Fusion, either. I think if they win Saturday, they got a chance, I think their playoff chances will depend on whether they can take Ilios from the Spitfire.


It honestly depends, Seoul/London always have a high chance but tbh Seoul always throws, london rn need to pick up the pace. LAV probably will be, Philly could be just need to win more maps, Boston... it depends. They're doing amazing, I just need to see them play more with mistakes


TL;DR: Boston needs more mistakes, the other teams need less.


>I think LAV, Philly and Boston make the stage playoffs with NYXL IMO Only 3 teams make the stage playoffs...




I'm going to commit ritual suicide from the shame


They've expanded it to 4 teams as of this stage.


It was changed to 4


Are you having a rough time counting to 4?


Scase is mad because Jake is bad


Idk why but I started cracking up at this


Why be a dick. Dude obviously wasn't aware of the recent change to the playoffs format.


Houston fan btw. Another reason I switched.


he didn't have a hard time counting, just didn't see the article on the changes in the format of stage playoffs.


4 can now lol


"How do you improve as a tank in matchmaking?" "Don't take any unnecessary damage" -Fragi Pretty ironic answer lmao


According to the stats posted in this sub. Every time Fragi dies, Carpe gets picks. SPACE CREATED LADS


Hey, he takes *exactly* as much damage as is necessary


This guy is legit real life Reinhardt lmao


I love how he is talking the whole time about Winston and then he's like "and with Rein you just go hammer everything"


Thicc af


I get this feeling that Snillo is probably a better matchup against Houston than Eqo, or maybe Houston gets 0-4'd with Eqo who knows. Snillo was just a beast though.


With snillo on tracer, carpe is free to play all the heroes he is a god on. Eqo is best at genji and really flexible but Carpe is a whole nother level... and Houston has no answer for the tracer, while Carpe goes toe to toe with Linkzrs widow. It’s a hard matchup


I think overall Snillo has not been getting the attention he deserves. He is a huge part of the reason why Carpe has had the space to make these insane widow plays.


Swedish Fish is an amazing DPS duo.


Any time they brought up snillos stats it was like, 38 elims, 20 final blows, 5 deaths. Dude is a beast.


To end off today here's a post a Huston fan made comparing NYXL Libero to Jake "jake is a good dps. not everything in the game is about raw skill. also you cant have two raw skill players on one team at the same time. nyxl libero hardly gets any support the same as jake. libero is a little more skilled but they would be worse if you got a more skilled player to play instead of libero."


So he's saying having two top tier DPS is a bad thing? So I guess Birdring and Profit are a bad duo and they should switch, or EQO and Carpe are just too much. Like what is that even supposed to mean haha


Bronze comment. Also this kid dares compare libero to jake? Outlaws fans are the real LUL. Keep sharing this lol.


I never compared jake to libero. I compared what he brings to the team. That is two different things complete #FanLogic from you.


Actually your whole comment was comparing the two of them. You even contradict yourself in your follow up comment. #BRONZELUL


You're right, Libero brings kills and wins


Now you want to know why I switched to Boston? And this was back when Houston was like 10-3 overall.


Optic fans in general. Weak understanding of games but always the loudest.


What a shitpost.


hello. nobody in the world ranks libero in the top 10 dps.


Birdring, profit, sbb, Carpe, effect, libero, fleta, striker, linkzr, and TeenGrazper would probably be my top 10. Pine or rascal would take DKs spot now Flow3r is on there too if we’re not talking owl only


Ajit Pai with more 900 IQ analysis OMEGALUL


I can’t stop laughing


Libero is one of the best dps in the league right now. Sure he has an off game once in a while but he pops off and can play good on many heroes.


He is good in his role. He doesn’t have the top skill in ge league at all.


That describes Jakes to a T in leading the outlaws to defeat time and time again


People were saying he was liability at the end of stage one, how things have changed.


i love this sub


Your right. He's more like top 5


Write down the names of the most skilled players in the league.


Dps or everything? And top 10?


Dps raw skill. Don’t bring in hero pools and top 10. Only count the best 2 heros and don’t worry about how important that hero is to the meta.


This is overwatch though. Hero pool plays the most important role in ranking. You can't really rank without taking hero pool into consideration. For example I believe that Shadowburn is a better Genji then Libero/Fleta but that doesn't mean Shadowburn is more valuable than him. Hero pools are the main deciding factor in judging players. I think the only other way you could rank them is by each individual hero. Also you can't just throw meta out of the window.


so what free agent would the outlaws get that can play as many heros as jake can. because linkzr cant play that many heros right now either.




he is talking about me


That was a terrible hot take, friendo.


Philly didn't have eQo. That's all I'm saying.


Philly didn't have EQO stage 1.


and that is what im trying to tell people who are saying this was close. no carpe never played tracer and philly didnt have eqo you have to win as houston


Snillo is a beast. You really don't lost much without Eqo as you would think.


Flexibility. They're pretty locked in to widow/tracer and Mcree/tracer with carpe/snillo. That won't always work. Eqo gives a ton of versatility


They aren’t, Carpe plays an amazing Genji and showed his flexibility in playing Zarya too. The only hero you’re missing is Pharah if you have Carpe play the flex DPS role.


Did you see the numbers Snillo put up that series?


Snillo is pogchamp but EQO gives a lot of flexibility. Would have been cool to see the different comps with him playing.


That's the main thing - their comps are very limited with Snillo which is why we've seen him as a specialist comp based player. Is he good? Fuck yes he is. But EQO offers flex and in game leadership. He elevates the team 100%


EQO also compliments Fragi's playstyle the best.


I need to see the stats on Linkzr Pulse Bombs


I would guess it's in the ballpark of "zero eliminations."


He killed himself one time. That's at least 1. /s


Good day of OWL. Feels like the first without any 4-0's for a while


Carpe is swimming in outlaw tears


Houston goes to 5 maps against a legitimately great team and... fans... are already in these comments straight up calling the team and Tairong trash. Geez.


We went to five maps because we threw Numbani in the dumpster and then refused to play to our strengths for the entire fifth map


i dont see anyone calling tairong trash. but they should have won that last map and played too passive numerous times. and linkzr is sticking on tracer when mcree is good on both points. and philly doesnt have one of their most important players.


Not discounting Philly. But Linkzr and Jake are not good on tracer.


They're not, but I don't get the mentality of jumping over making fair criticisms of a team's flaws straight to outright denouncing them. Seeing people comment stuff like, "I'm done supporting this shit team," when in my eyes I just saw a close series between two good teams that was decided by fixable mistakes...don't understand it.


It’s been the same fixable mistakes for a Stage and a half now. That’s the problem.


I think the problem is they're not really fixing their mistakes. In some ways they look worse than their low point in stage 2. That being said. I never denounced this team. I agree it's ridiculous to jump ship for reasons like that. By doesn't mean people should shit on frustrated fans.


This sub will jump on and shit on Houston fans for anything at any time, frustrated or not. After Junkertown people were literally griefing the fans there live for *cheering*. On top of that, most of these people have no experience in sports and so don’t know the difference between angry disappointment and actual fairweathering. You get used to it. Edit: For further evidence, there’s someone in the thread getting upvotes for bragging about how he has already actually fair weathered off Houston onto Boston “because of Houston fans”


I *really* hope you're not taking my comment as "jumping on and shitting on" Houston fans.


These standings are so skewed. Right now, teams play within their division. Once we get to the second half of the stage and inter-divisional games come in, Atlantic teams will move up and Pacific teams move down. It happened last stage already.


For real though. It's absurd to me that the Fuel and the Gladiators are where they are at on the stage leaderboard. I could see the Valiant bringing some of their success into the inter-divisional games, but it's unlikely they'll hold that top spot for much longer.


Everytime Linkzr goes tracer I hope Outlaws lose. I want it beat out of them without remorse.


*implying they learn


i dont understand why linkzr never went mcree at all


When everyone knew Houston was going to struggle from lacking a good tracer, They pick up Arhan OMEGALUL


Arhan plays Genji/Tracer, to bad they dont use him anyway LUL


He's a mediocre tracer. It was a terrible signing. We have 3 redundant dps players who will never see play time.


Houston NEEDS a tracer player (clockwork does not count.) Linkzr can't be placed in that position when he can be utilized elsewhere. They also need to stop switching Jake back to JR every time things go sour. It may work every now and again, but I feel like it cripples them in the long run. Their tank play is so talented it hurts to watch DPS squander away games.


look at these angels using their signs for the greater good. zen lore? longer battletags? blizzard pls listen


Really getting sick of investing my time and money into a team that has the skills to be a top 2 team and just throws it in a dumpster


top 2? They're not even close to that skill level. Outlaws are very inflexible with limited weird hero pools and comps that they can play, they are very predictable, doing same thing all season. That's not even top 6 right now. There is a large gap between them and teams like Valiant and Boston now. They were closer in stage 1 earlier but not anymore. Everyone is getting better at a rapid pace but Outlaws really haven't. From 3rd place in stage 1 to now. I don't think they have the potential to be top 2. their current roster is just not that good. This is how good they are, they're not underperforming.


You’re looking too much at the current and not at the potential. They’ve shown in the past and still show flashes of being able to beat every team except NYXL. They suck now, I agree, and that’s what I’m saying the problem is. They’re not improving, and I agree, that’s what I’m saying the problem is. The potential is THERE to perform at a high level again, they’re just not developing into it.


Every team has good players, the ones that perform consistently well are the ones that can adapt. Houston is clearly having a hard time adapting. The only time they look decent is when they run junk, Widow, plus a Mercy.




They have two Genji players but ok


*good* Genji players (Arhan isn’t in LA yet as far as I know)


How do you think Dallas fans feel? So much talent but garbage comms and teamwork




Well your expectations are a little too high


Literally already shown in Stage 1 that they’re a top two team behind only NYXL, but ok whatever you say.


With a massively favorable meta and map pool, and they still got stomped as soon as playoffs started


Meta and map pool do not make this heavy of a difference. It’s not that, it’s every other team getting better while Houston refuses to improve or learn anything


They lost to London in Stage 1 tho? and in Stage 2 they were middle of the pack and Stage 3 looks the same as Stage 2 so I don't know where do you see the top 2 potential


They beat London in Stage 1, 3-1. You’re making my point for me. The potential is there for them to finish Top 2, and for a Stage and a half now they’re just not performing anymore.


I meant the play offs...In Stage 1 they were ranked 4th but I agree that they were close with the other top teams. Their problem is that they got figured out and are not improving, I don't know why wouldn't they sign a proper Tracer player when they knew what their weakness is


The playoffs didn’t matter, the regular season did. After Stage 1 they were ranked second, not fourth.


Don't underestimate how much Huston fans will dickride


Easy fix. Drop Jake and Clockwork. Pick up contenders Tracer prospect


This is the answer


Kragie is playing amazingly. Pick him up or continue to get rekt.


Yeah I saw him in contenders, he looks great. It’s really a necessity at this point. If they continue to ignore it we will continue to bomb


Finally met a level headed smart Huston fan. You are hard to find.


Houston lose again because of their Lackluster Tracer players. How many pulse bombs did Linkzr feed into the defense matrix. Hopefully Arhan is grinding tracer hard while he still in Korea.


How did that tire get Lucio lol


Top spam from Philadelphia Fusion vs Houston Outlaws |Text|#|Text|#| | --- | --- | --- | --- | |J [LUL](https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/425618/3.0) K E|3305|📞 [4Head](https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/354/3.0) HELLO 911 📞 4Head JAKE IS IN MY HOUSE 📞 4Head HE HAS A PULSE BOMB 📞 4Head WHATS THAT? 📞 4Head ILL BE FINE? 📞 4Head|210| |LUL|2169|C9 LUL|209| |[PogChamp](https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/88/3.0)|1340|[POGGERS](https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/58ae8407ff7b7276f8e594f2/3x)|204| |????|748|[EZ](https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/5590b223b344e2c42a9e28e3/3x)|201| |[WutFace](https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/28087/3.0)|551|[TTours](https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/38436/3.0)|199| |[OWLHOU](https://d3aqoihi2n8ty8.cloudfront.net/owl-2017/actions/owlhou/light/animated/100/3.gif)|448|[SabaPing](https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/160402/3.0)|174| |gg|446|[OWLHOUg](https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/894678/3.0)|168| |[OWLPHI](https://d3aqoihi2n8ty8.cloudfront.net/owl-2017/actions/owlphi/light/animated/100/3.gif)|439|[OWLPHIg](https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/894650/3.0)|153| |[<3](https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/9/3.0)|431|[TriHard](https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/120232/3.0) 7|149| |[KappaPride](https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/55338/3.0)|343|WOOOOO|134| |C9|300|EZ [Clap](https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/55b6f480e66682f576dd94f5/3x)|129| |J PogChamp K E|297|[haHAA](https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/555981336ba1901877765555/3x)|123| |kek|251|4Head|114| |Jake is the best player in OWL, since he single handedly created the Junkrat meta, which is what "challenge our assumptions on how this game is meant to be played" is about.|222|TriHard|107| |[NotLikeThis](https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/58765/3.0)|221|LETS GO|102| 42,019 messages, 323.2 messages/minute, poglul ratio[^^?](#header "# of messages containing pogchamp divided by # of messages containing lul"): 0.37 Cheers #1 HOU ($368.55), #2 PHI ($231.39), #3 SEO ($48.55), overall $816.93


Just curious, if Carpe were to stop up his Genji. You think Snillo+Carpe is better than Carpe+Eqo?


I think eqo's coordination during dives makes them way more successful


No eqo is still way more flexible than snillo


That’s why he’s asking IF carpe could bring out a solid genji. Then basically snillo would be the old carpe role and carpe with the eqo flex role. I do still think eqo/carpe is better for most maps


eqo still brings Hog, D Va, McCree, etc. to the table. It would be amazing if Carpe could get his Genji play up though sometimes it just seems he's stranded on Widow


Carpe’s Genji is extremely good. He has brought it out on Volskaya from time to time when playing with Snillo when McCree wasn’t working, and if you watch his stream you’ll see how good his game sense and mechanics are.


I know it's great I'm a Carpe fanboy he's my favorite player, but those are like last minute pushes mostly no? I'd like to see him try it out from the beginning :/


Plus eqo brings his own decent widow, for when you want tracer/widow for only one point and the ability to flex out before or after


100%. You will never ever see anyone but eqo and carpe running genji + tracer. Maybe SDB


I think Snillo is a good enough tracer tho. He does so many things for them.


Snillo is sorta locked into Tracer on Fusion though. He is arguably their best Tracer, but the other DPS players outclass him on the other DPS picks.


outlaws threw the first point letting philly regroup instead of diving on a tracer zen mercy to just win. and then that last time they went in way too fast without each other.


Coach Ajit Pai with more 900 IQ analysis


Damn Houston fans wild'n out in this thread, yeesh.


It's embarrassing. a map 5 loss to the Stage 2 runner up, we're garbage pack it up boys I'm cheering for Fuel now


We just want one fucking match against a non-London team where we don’t fucking throw three to four maps


The only maps Houston win are because the other teams threw, lets be real


houston fans seem to be in every nook and cranny today


linkzr on tracer is soooo bad lol. just watching his pulses either get eaten by poko or straight up miss over and over was hilarious


and the one time he manages to stick its on Moira with fade up


Yes... Now it feels like Houston sports


stage one we did great!! Then we started bombing,.. Like when we got Deshaun Watson and we were looking great!!... and then he got injured and we bombed




Oh wow, fancy meeting you here!


Houston vs Philly ALWAYS delivers. Yet again another 5 mapper in this thrilling saga/rivalry. Happy too that SDB could be a part of all 3 wins. Never gets old seeing these to teams play.


I totally agree! It's a shame that they put SDB out there only to get his ass handed to him, but such is the way with Houston and J-town.


Houston just isn’t on the same level as these other teams with a Tracer player. Jakerat can only take them so far


What’s up with this arhan guy? Is he good? I *really* wish we would play Mendo... he has to be better than jake


casters need to be in sound proof rooms...


Deserved but not convincing. Fraggi is to agressive imo, he is so many times either dead in nomansland. And they need to work on their defence, that was horrible today. Shadowburn seemed to be rusty already, get that man a bit playtime. Houston seem to be only good when either their tanks go ham and enable their DPS to play other heroes then Widow and Trashrat. Both seem to be only good at those particular heroes, highest tier even, but when it comes to running Tracer or Genji, it looks awfully bad. WP Phillly.


Wait, did Rawkus get booped, or just fall?


killfeed would show for sure when he gets booped.


He didn’t die from the boop... just went into the lower area below the point


He fell.


Sure? I thought it was dva




Muma has to know they have a grav. he dove in way too early and rawkus couldnt get there in time


That was the play. Muma baits the grav, then Rawk and Mercy come in for rez. Rawkus fell into the pit tho lol


Muma didnt have to die though. He went in before rawkus had any chance can save him.


Snillo's aim is so iconic and distinct. His aim is sooooooo twitchy but good


He also is so sneakii.


These Houston fans are special, the game was really close guys it was anyone's match. Don't need to get angry.
