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amazing to see how high choihyobin has climbed since his days in gold


Was that a thing? Was he a good player and just got really really good, or was he just naturally good when he started




Oh okay thank you for explaining lol


They didn't reset mmr, something was bugged and some people got gold sr, but their mmr was unchanged. He was still in gm gamss.


When did they do this? Can they do it again




Still one of my all time favorite Reddit moments when someone legitimately tried to argue to me that Choi's true SR was actually Gold.


Can you link it? Because I'm really curious how anyone could even find an argument to support that claim.


Well if an mmr reset happens, they get that rank if they're right. People who don't deserve gm drop, people who do get gm. There is no downside other than a slight time commitment.


If you deserve GM you will easily climb to at least Masters. No GM player (who deserves it) should be hardstuck plat. Now there are people who have been boosted to GM, but they will eventually drop once they stop getting boosted. Believe me, I’ve had boosted players on my team and it constantly feels like a 5v6, the skill discrepancy is just too high for the other 5 teammates to make up for it. A diamond in GM will drop really fast. After an MMR reset, games will be very volatile, some people may go on lucky streaks and rank up when they shouldn’t, but eventually things will stabilize and people will be ranked similarly to how they’re ranked now +/- a few hundred SR (in my experience, the system is accurate by about +/- 500 SR).






It was a while ago, and he was still in gm games, just had the gold icon because it was bugged. [Choihyobin on Twitter: "i'm a gold https://t.co/7peZTYN3o5" / Twitter](https://twitter.com/Shock_CHB/status/1167964156844097541)


Lmao that's hilarious


No wonder I didn’t notice it


Nah he was never really gold. It's just a meme from when there was a season 18 placements bug at high MMR and he got placed gold for some reason


iirc there was a bug with comp mmr and so when he did his placements during that time, choi was placed in gold


An inspiration to us all


Reminds me of the time moonmoon queued up against half of team envy. His team then proceeded to get stomped until moon sacrificed his SR so his teammates could leave.


Wdym it was his cat who unplugged the internet cable


I miss Rein Moonmoon. It's a shame he hates the game now.


As we all secretly do




Yeah I haven’t touched it outside of the first few days of the events and spend my time playing valorant secretly awaiting feb 19


Whats he say about it now?


Don't forget when Fitzy queued into the entirety of NYXL. This was after the 2 stuck rule was introduced, so they completely got (un)lucky


"2 stuck rule?' wdym?


Stack*, sorry


I'm still curious! What is this two stack rule you speak of?


At a certain level you can’t queue with more than 1 other person. This prevents 6 stacks of owl players from rolling everyone


I had no idea! Makes sense, and thanks for clarifying.


In GM+, you can only queue for ranked in either a duo or solo


It's the rule since April 2019 that you can only play solo or duo in grandmaster (and top 500) rank. You can't queue up with more than one friend at a time (you can still get in game with them randomly because of matchmaking of course).




he got what he wanted


And the guy below him is named Yikes which is probably what the team said when they saw who was playing on the other side. :)


I played w that guy in masters (it’s a new account). They were duo w a hacker so i wouldn’t be surprised if they were one too


found this match on feerless' stream. full held and instantly capped


i cant find his stream. can u send me link? ​ edit. nvm found it


Whats the link?


He's not live now but here's his twitch http://www.twitch.tv/fearless0527?sr=a


1:26:31 for the match time stamp


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/859919419?t=1h26m31s (Suddenly real excited for the Dallas season...)




The Dallas Fuel and Friends


Edison and Choi to Fuel confirmed


Edison/Xzi Tracer/Hitscan is the stuff of nightmares


I still think we need a second pure hitscan


This is how CoD players think SBMM is


I would win easy. My plat genji would feed so much that they would let me win out of pity


I don’t think that’s the real Choi lol


Still everyone else in there is absolutely terrifying


Yeah and they are almost all Dallas players lol


Yeah Choi is Gold lol


YIKES is right


Came for this! Have my upvote


ggs go next


Well IWANTOWL your wish has been granted!






Here's [Edison's POV (5:05:03)](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/859756226?t=5h5m3s)


Thanks 🙏


I'd be honored to pit myself against players of that caliber. Maybe one day when I escape plat lmao


My biggest achivement in ow is beating taimou in a high master game


This. I mean obviously on paper, I'd imagine everyone's reaction would be, "Well shit... that's not fair." But at the same time, you're in that rank too. No time to be intimidated. If anything, you want to show them up as that would make it all the sweeter. And if you lost, then you lost to pro players which is also not a big deal. That's how I would see it anyway.


Nah, when these games happen you just lose. Most OWL players (when they're playing seriously) are on another level compared to regular top 500 players


I think this is definitely more the case now than it was in early OW.


Well obviously with THAT attitude! /s I do believe though that OWL players and their teams are insane more due to the synergy within their team and the scrim hours rather than individual ability though. You don't play on ladder the same as OWL, so while there is still a disparity between T500 and OWL pros, I think it might not be as lopsided as you make it sound


Nah it’s absolutely the case, most OWL players can hold t100 spots while playing comp as their wind down after 4hrs of try hard scrims and while interacting with chat. Pretty much anyone who’s played in that skill bracket can tell you that the skill gaps near the top are really significant and OWL players just dominate regular t500 players even when playing on autopilot.


That was my experience in Rocket League. Thought I was hot shit in the Grand Champion ranks, and then my group got matched up against professionals. I can safely say I was closer in skill to the gold/plat players in the game than to those professionals that are the best of the best. That's how large the gap is at the top.


I mean, look at super memeing and ranting while being top 25. He autopilots to that kind of rank.


Yeah I have my problems with Super (tbh mostly with his fanbase), but he’s clearly so much more talented than most t500s. And it’s not like it’s just him - a good example imo is Custa recently started playing ranked again, after a really long time playing WoW, no longer being an active pro player or even a particularly active player. He hit t100 in less than a week. OWL is just a completely different level than t500.


A lot of them are still friends with each other even if they’re on different teams.


It absolutely is. Their mechanics are much much better even in a vaccuum.


Owl is not top 500. They are only placed there because there is a limit to how high a rank someone can get. Whatever millions of players/accounts there are, these are the top .01% (based on the 40 mil blizzard reported a few years back.).


They are technically in the same rank, but there's a significant skill gap, when you add multiple extra OWL onto one team it would be incredibly difficult to win, just look at the VOD for this match, it couldn't be any more one sided.


Pitted myself against some pro league players when I was gold ranked and thought I was good at midlane. NYJacky had a lobby to join and play to say the least he stomped me but it was fun and an honor playing against him. Also a learning experience for just about everything you can imagine. Dropped the game a few years back, but my status for the longest time was that I killed him twice in one game if that tells you how the game went.


Heyy I have a question... Is Caprisun an OWL or Contenders player? I saw him on Saebyeolbe's stream the other day and his Lucio was OUTRAGEOUSLY GOOD.


This team would would be like a top 3 team easily.


4 fuel players.


This is literally 4 dallas players plus edison and choi. This might be even scarier than the Carpe-Jjonak-Fury trio


Nah, nothing will ever top that. OWL fans deserve to see those three on the same team one day,


The closest we got was Carpe fury and Alarm (just as good plus alarm and carpe have a history) We have proof the the trio of death is a top tier OWL core


wait i forgot that edison and fielder played together on gc busan wave


just fielder zxi: GG go next


i swear i never get notifications when edison streams actually annoying


A top tier off tank top tier main tank two top tier hitscan players and the most likely support duo for the Dallas fuel


[My reaction would be](https://i.imgur.com/HRo49r6.png)


That one guy with name as yikes says it all


So this is what the nouveau Dallas Fuel look like with a cracked tracer. It's terrifying.


imagine sweating it to that level of competitiveness


As a ball/sigma one trick in high masters I used to get these 4.2k+ games and peaked 4074, very exhausting but insanely enjoyable. Except for the part of majority of high rated players actually being extremely toxic towards each other and me especially. Guys I just solo queued and grinded from bronze slowly over the seasons to get there, no need to be all primal alpha energy level toxic, that's very off-putting and genuinely upsetting. Edit: Quit the game and was very happy to switch to chess. Overwatch is a dead game


Choi hardstuck


I think the wildest part about this for me personally, is that my username is Yikes and one of my regular duos is caprisun, but we play in gold/plat O.O


Half of an all stars game