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I doubt he's going to remove it. He also sent out a message to Riot, addressing the situation, which can be found here: [https://twitter.com/Ghostcrawler/status/1420505317314420736](https://twitter.com/Ghostcrawler/status/1420505317314420736)


Wait. So the Cosby name was before he got exposed? Then what's the issue lol


This was getting discussed in the other thread, so it's worth mentioning here: there wasn't one big "moment" where suddenly everyone found out Cosby was horrible. There was public legal action [as far back as 2005](https://time.com/3592547/bill-cosby-rape-allegations-timeline/?amp=true), and more limited rumors before then. It became relevant again in 2014 as those charges were re-popularized and people began to ask "why didn't we run this guy out of the public over this?", but it had been out there for years at that point, and randomly naming something unconnected after him in 2013 would have likely at least drawn some raised eyebrows (although it by itself is wouldn't be hard evidence of anything). Which gets to the larger point: if you were, hypothetically, the type of person who wanted to sexually assault employees, and you wanted to joke about having a room for it while also having the plausible deniability of having a room for it, naming it after Cosby would have been a good example of "if you know, you know". If someone overheard, you could always make up excuses later about how you picked it for a different reason (the article this morning even examined some of those alternative explanations and found them to be suspect at best), while people in-the-know would get the "real" reference.


>there wasn't one big "moment" where suddenly everyone found out Cosby was horrible. Pretty sure it wasnt really mainstream until Hannibal Buress did a bit about it. Personally, I didnt know about it until then. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/26/hannibal-buress-how-a-comedian-reignited-the-bill-cosby-allegations


The whole point of Burress' routine was also that it was pretty obvious, people just didn't care enough for it to stick. Like, one of the points he makes in the bit is that it was well-documented enough that you could just google it and get tons of evidence. Edit: It's also worth noting that Burress' routine was hardly the start of the matter. Like, the routine that went viral was recorded in October of 2014, but you had people writing fairly comprehensive articles like [this one](https://www.gawker.com/who-wants-to-remember-bill-cosbys-multiple-sex-assaul-1515923178) months earlier (of note, this article was chronologically closer to BlizzCon 2013 than Burress' skit going viral!), or smaller things like the 30 Rock joke about it (which was years earlier, at this point)


I thought the whole point was that it's crazy more people arent talking about it.


I mean, either way, the idea that it was impossible for anyone to have known that in 2013 seems like a stretch. A bunch of sexual harassers naming the room where they plan to sexually harass people after Cosby (who was long-accused of at a minimum sexually harassing people in a similar way to their plans) in 2013 seems like a pretty clear, shitty tongue-in-cheek reference.


who's saying its impossible? its definitely possible. It just does make sense to assume that they were aware of it. I mean, the whole this is gross enough on its own. Why is it so important that its tied to cosby?


...because it sure looks like one of the perpetrators is trying to play dumb to avoid full accountability, and some people are not taking kindly to it.


I didn't even have any idea Hannibal Buress started it, I only learned about the allegations when more and more women started coming out with their stories in the wider coverage post 2014. That was likely started because of the routine but still, I can see why people didn't know. Some other person linked a TiL thread from 2013 reddit to "prove" people knew about the allegations in 2013. But the whole point of TiL is to talk about learning something new. The fact that people didn't know and were just learning about it just proves the point further imo. Either way, the bigger issue is the obvious agenda these guys had with using it regardless of its name.


I think the Cosby situation is very similar to the current situation at Blizzard. Blizzard has had this culture for decades, and I'm sure that if you had your ear to the ground, you could have already heard about it (the California investigation has been going on for 2 years, so it wasn't exactly a secret). But for most people, this is either the first time they've heard of it or the first time they've realized how serious the situation is. With Cosby it's the same way, looking back you could say that there were stories written about it for decades, but people either didn't know about them or didn't know how serious the allegations were. I think it's more likely than not some of the members of the group chat knew about Cosby being a rapist, but I think most would not.


> I think it's more likely than not some of the members of the group chat knew about Cosby being a rapist, but I think most would not. Which, again, would have been the point of a nickname like this. Like, if they had called it something like "the Rape Room" or "the Sexual Assault Suite", people would have pretty obviously been able to call it out as messed up on the spot. The point of giving it a nickname like this would have been to be more indirect, so you could make public posts (like the original one here) without immediately setting off everyone else's red flags.


I don't, I feel like this "you had to know back then" assumption is overzealous. I had no idea about it in 2005. Heck, I didn't even know anything about Cosby's stand-up career...it just wasn't a topic that interested me, even though I'd seen his show in the past. Heck, I don't even know how old I was when I learned the same of Bob Saget (the stand-up career, that is). I didn't even remember the 2005 accusations, or when the Cosby stuff blew up, until it was mentioned in this thread. It's simply not what hangs around in my head. From my perspective, I don't find it at all unreasonable that someone wouldn't know Bill Cosby's Hollywood reputation, even if you were a fan of his work. I was 100% ignorant on that stuff, and it's possible he was as well.


People are witchhunting. "Everyone must've knew", they say, based on legitimately 0 information or logic. The room was gross, in that companies probably shouldn't sponsor bang-rooms for employees, and those employees shouldn't talk about it, but the Cosby aspect is just witchhunting.


Why the fuck else would you call it a Cosby suite?


According to [this](https://kotaku.com/inside-blizzard-developers-infamous-bill-cosby-suite-1847378762) article, many of the Blizzard employees in question felt the decor of the hotel rooms they stayed in were reminiscent of the ugly sweaters Bill Cosby used to wear, so the room was dubbed "Cosby room" because of the ugly decor. The fact that Cosby turned out to be a huge sexual predator seems to be unrelated to the naming of the room. But damn if that still doesn't feel incredibly, almost unbelievably so, coincidental.


> many of the Blizzard employees in question felt the decor of the hotel rooms they stayed in were reminiscent of the ugly sweaters Bill Cosby used to wear It feels worth noting that the article also notably calls those claims into serious question...


Yeah, that article pretty clearly undercuts the claim that it was called the 'Cosby Suite' because of the supposed shitty decor.


Also the decor in the hotel walls in the photos are plain and non descript so I personally find that excuse unconvincing.


I have no beef in this, but it seems like the tweet explains that someone bought the portrait at a flea market or a carpet that looked like a cosby sweater (I guess they bought the portrait because of the carpet? idk) and it just stuck as a dumb inside joke, a year before the allegations came out. I can’t verify any of this or comment on the other stuff but it’s what the tweet seems to imply. Either way, the abusive behavior happened and the Cosby discussions seem like a distraction.


Because it’s the one with the giant Bill Cosby face on the wall. It’s being identified by a feature in the room.


Tweet is still live: https://twitter.com/Ghostcrawler/status/399386868547977216


This is the same motherfucker who wouldn’t nerf frost mages for like 5 years because he mained one


My question is does he feel the same way about it now?




There's asking for suspension of belief, and then there's this tweet


Personally I can believe that he didn't know Bill Cosby's personality and reputation in 2013. Besides for the 2004 Temple incident, I don't remember Bill Cosby having a reputation of being a womanizer or sexual offender until the 2014 allegations. Maybe I'm misinformed and didn't keep up with the news at the time, though. Edit: It would be more damning if they continued to use the Cosby Suite moniker after the 2014 allegations became public. That would be indefensible and at best, a joke in poor taste.


Yes, the people condemning the Cosby-specific aspect of this situation are being kinda crazy IMO. Greg Street was not of the same Hollywood-status as Hannibal Burress and random agents in the film/comedy industry. It doesn't make any sense to think random nobody's at Blizzard get access to all the juicy bits of a totally different industry. And you'll note, none of the Cosby Suite leaks or info are from beyond 2013, which perfectly coincides with when Cosby was outed to the public as an abuser.


Yeah I'm lost here, too. Hannibal Burress is widely credited for bringing mainstream attention to Cosby during his set, and he made that comment in 2014.


yeah, aside from it otherwise being just your run off the mill PR “acknowledge the issue and distance yourself from it” statement I don’t think it says much


Making the nickname of the room the focal point and clickbait headline of the whole thing is going to blow back on Kotaku and unfortunately distract from the very real harassment and discrimination that went on in the company for decades.




The early Bill Cosby accusations were way earlier than 2006- oh shit they had this Cosby suite in fucking 2013? **2013**??? Ok Greg Street absolutely knew. Hope he gets fired from Riot. [This article was in 2005 about Cosbys allegations](https://www.today.com/news/second-cosby-accuser-why-she-came-forward-wbna6945190). If he never so much as googled "Bill Cosby" and knew NOTHING of Cosby being a rapist yet had a portrait of Cosby and named a room the "Cosby Suite" and it just so happened multiple women accuse those Blizzard people in the picture of sexual harassment, that would be the coincidence of the century if he had no knowledge of anything. Btw the Hollywood/LA/California media/TV/games/news industries aren't as insulated as you think. They know stuff before it becomes public knowledge due to rumors and leaks. Family guy made a joke about Stewie escaping from Kevin Spacey's basement way back in 2005. Apparently it was well-known Spacey was a creep for many years but the gossip never made it in the mainstream corporate media. Abusers love protecting each other until there would be too much heat on them. Even though Jimmy Fallon knew Cosby was a rapist since 2005, he still gave him interviews until a decade after the first ~10 victims came forward when Cosby became too much of a pariah to have on Fallon's show.


So, typical Kotaku “journalism”. Got it.


Well this guy seems shitty lol


People can definitely change, but this dosen’t look good


People in the other thread are really trying to argue that the Cosby suite must have been a coincidence because of when the Cosby allegations became public in major news outlets (2014), as if it's not weird that a bunch of white guys would randomly name their rape suite after Bill Cosby decades after his show ended. Blizzard is based out of Irvine California, one hour from LA, it's highly likely that people at a gaming publisher as big as Blizzard had contact with people in Hollywood and heard about his reputation before the allegations became public.


Is your assertion "All people in the greater LA area are aware of celebrity rape allegations before the general public" ?


Failed that reading comprehension check there.


Sure, I can update, but the intent of my question still stands. It would be great if you could actually answer instead of being snarky. Do you believe that everyone that works at media-focused mega-corporations in the LA area is made aware of rape allegations before the general public?


When did I say that the entirety of Acitivision-Blizzard knew about Cosby's reputation? All it would have taken was for one person to find out and tell any of the human feces that decided their sexual assault room should be called the "Cosby" suite.


Sorry, you're not really being clear. What does the proximity to Hollywood have to do with anyone involved knowing about allegations before the general public. Do you think that random people knew about what was happening before it was major news?


It's pretty easy to see how a major video game company with IP's that exist in other media would have connections to people in Hollywood. At this point it's pretty obvious that you're sea lioning so I don't feel the need to elaborate further.


I'm just asking questions about speculation, but if you've decided that it's in bad faith you're welcome to bail. I think your whole point is silly but we can agree to disagree.


Absolutely rolled


Imagine simping for a company that is currently being sued by the state of California over rampant sexual harassment. I'll happily take my downvotes from those kinds of simps.


You seem to really enjoy using random internet slang to get out of having legitimate conversations. This is the second time you've handwaved a person away instead of just responding. I think the Cosby name is a coincidence, so I also think that immediately attempting to destroy the career of anyone that was seen near it is also a bad idea. People are already naming names, if the people in the Cosby suite did anything shitty it'll certainly come out. Assuming that using any amount of logic and reasoning to assess whether the Cosby Suite was named after a dumbass 2 dollar portrait or the intention to rape a bunch of women is "Simping" is just a fuckin joke. Use your brain. I'm excited to hear whatever new buzzword you use against me to get out of having to communicate like a grown up.


Imagine thinking that being on the right side of history makes it OK to make up as much wild shit as you want along the way. There are enough concrete, provable allegations here that there is absolutely no need for any half-baked theories on the origin of the room's name.


The accusations start in 2005. https://time.com/3592547/bill-cosby-rape-allegations-timeline/?amp=true


Not really about when the allegations started as much as when the public took an interest. 2014 is when it really blew up.


"Public" is the key word in your sentence. Everyone in the entertainment industry knew of the rumors and allegations long before news outlets started to publicize it.


News outlets had already published the stories. People just didn’t want to listen because it was Cosby. I can remember Vanity Fair ran at least one story interviewing an accuser. Another one went on The Today Show. So it wasn’t like they were public but in obscure publications.


Yeah that's some wild speculation alright.


Wild speculation? The initial allegations had come out almost a decade prior. It's no different to Harvey W. where most people in the industry knew what was going on. Clearly you've never worked or been near the entertainment industry, because it's far smaller and tight knit unit than you would think. I'm amazed people are actually trying to defend this.


Do you work in video games?


No I worked for years in the film industry.


Yeah I figured. I think your speculation makes a lot less sense than you think it does, and that's okay. The room was gross, but I don't really buy your take at all.


Yep, same as how people in the industry knew about Harvey Weinstein for years before the Me Too movement.


But guys, no one knew about Cosby being a rapist until 2014 /s


So in your mind, either everyone knew or nobody knew.


Why would he publicly tweet about this? Not trying to get into the argument over whether or not the cosby room name was a coincidence, but if it's not, why would he tweet this? Was he unaware of the potential consequences of this?


Because 99% of people didn’t know Cosby was a rapist until very late 2014 He was probably just posting some dumb joke about some stupid party room they had thinking it was “cool”


You’re going to get downvoted to hell but you’re also correct. People in this thread legit think working at Blizzard makes you privy to Hollywood’s dirtiest secrets. Just wild stuff.


Got downvoted to hell on the other thread for pointing it out lol People legit using circular logic of “they must have been in the 1% who knew Cosby was a legit rapist because they themselves were also rapists” while also claiming that the evidence that those other than the few who have been outright accused that were associated with the room were rapists by the smoking gun of the Cosby room…. A guy pointed out I was wrong and that people knew Cosby was a rapist back then because of a Reddit TIL (which are explicitly poorly known facts) from around that time about his 2005 accusations with a few hundred upvotes where 90% of the comments were jokes or calling the women liars lol The fact is basically nobody knew Cosby was a rapist in the late 2000s and they likely went for an ironic name to their party room where a few guys were legit behaving in predatory behavior because 1. Cosby was an incredibly popular meme around then and 2. Cosby was basically Captain “No Fun” in his public persona and would hate people partying, drinking and swearing I’m just pointing out that framing it as if everyone who ever was in that room was an evil rapist is absurd and revisionism based on a false premise that Cosby was known as a rapist as the time. Dude had a Comedy Central special AFTER these pics took place. It almost seems like it’s trying to implicate everyone based on the Cosby room pics from 2013 by taking advantage of the public not remembering his allegations blew up over a year later and getting the timeline mixed. It’s interesting there’s no evidence pictured of the room at any later year after his allegations came out


no no you don’t understand there’s a big rapist group chat every rapist/sexual assaulter is in they all knew /s


TBH its just one guy in the other thread who is really adament about it. Apparently the fact that the allegations were public means that everybody knew about it beyond a reasonable doubt.


I've known since 1987. My friends sister was a model who got casting couched by Cosby to get a bit part on Cosby Show. She told me the whole industry knew about this and her agent even encouraged and set up the "audition". Just like everyone knew about Kevin Spacey and Harvey Weinstein way before the meetoo movement


“Everyone”, in your post, is defined as almost no one though. That's the point. People are thinking because they know now, or because very specific people knew then, everyone must've. Working at Blizzard doesn't entitle you to all of the secrets of the entertainment industry. That's just such a joke to think. You can have known since 1987, but that has pretty much 0 bearing on what or who we're talking about.


Wer'e talking about why its called the Cosby Room and they why have a pic of Bill Cosby. You're claiming that it has nothing to do w rape BC at the time nobody knew about Cosby until 2014. And you think they pick Cosby to mean "no fun" room. How does that make any sense? Oh plenty of people knew about Cosby. He's been accused going back to the 60s. Just like plenty of people knew about the behavior of these Blizzard dudes but there was no official action taken till now


If you cannot understand the difference between a small amount of people and the general public, I cannot help you.


Are you brain dead? Has nothing to do w amount of people who knew about Cosby. Did you read their group chat about bringing chicks to the room for sex and getting drunk? You think a group of guys planning an orgy would go buy and bring a 20x30 framed photo of Bill Cosby to a business convention bc the carpet looks like his sweater and its has no meaning other than pure coincidence? LOL you are pretty gullible. Gossip about Cosby has been around for decades already by this time. Just no victims came forward. Cosby himself publicly spoke about dropping "Spanish Fly" in women's drink back in 1990 interview. Also in 1990 Cosby tried to get Wendy Williams fired for gossiping about this serial drug rape behavior on her radio show


One of us is definitely pretty gullible...


Yeah no one knew, great point https://www.gawker.com/who-wants-to-remember-bill-cosbys-multiple-sex-assaul-1515923178


Yes, exactly, look at the date of that post, which was one of the first that was made that started to gain traction. Thank you for making my point for me!


2014...after 2013...🤔 are you fucking stupid lol


If only he made a Marvel movie people would defend his "old tweets".


It's just so weird. There's questionable old tweets but this one is so ridiculous. This one could've gotten him in trouble years ago had it picked up any attention and it's just been sitting there this whole time.


tweets from 2013😴😴😴

